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The motion of a fluid in an open channel


Academic year: 2022

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The motion of a fluid in an open channel


Abstract. We consider a free boundary value problem for a viscous, incom- pressible fluid contained in an uncovered three-dimensional rectangular channel, with gravity and surface tension, governed by the Navier-Stokes equations. We obtain existence results for the linear and nonlinear time-dependent problem. We analyse the qualitative behavior of the flow using tools of bifurcation theory. The main result is a Hopf bifurcation theorem withZk-symmetry.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000):35Q30 (primary); 35P99 (secondary).



In this work we investigate the motion of a viscous, incompressible fluid contained in an uncovered three-dimensional rectangular channel. The upper surface changes with the motion of the fluid, so we deal with a free boundary problem. We consider small perturbations of a uniform flow with a flat free surface. We include the effect of surface tension; the external forces are gravity, and the wind force which acts on the free boundary (in Section 5).

The motion of the fluid in the channel is governed by the Navier-Stokes equa- tions. The variables are, as usual, the velocity and the pressure of the fluid in the in- terior of the domain and a function parameterizing the free boundary. The pressure can be expressed in terms of the other two variables, which are coupled as follows:

the fluid velocity at the free boundary prescribes the speed of the boundary, and the mean curvature of the free surface creates a pressure jump via the surface tension.

We consider the system to be periodic in the direction of the length of the channel. Technically, we identify the inflow boundary with the outflow boundary of the channel and then we consider the second spatial variable belonging to the circle S1. In order to obtain a well-posed model, we have to prescribe the value of the dynamic contact angle between the walls and the free boundary (see [11, 9]) and we choose it to be π2. As boundary conditions, we consider that the walls are impenetrable together with a perfect slip condition, and a no slip condition for the bottom.

Received April 26, 2005; accepted in revised form March 3, 2006.


The main aim of this paper is to analyse the qualitative behavior of the flow (oscillations of periodic solutions) using tools of bifurcation theory. In order to do this we need fundamental facts of existence and regularity of solutions, spec- tral analysis of the linear system connected with the free boundary value problem taking into account the underlying symmetries, and techniques of equivariant Hopf bifurcation theorem.

J. T. Beale studied the problem of the motion of a viscous incompressible fluid in a semi-infinite domain, bounded below by a solid floor and above by an atmo- sphere of constant pressure, either with ([2]) or without ([3]) surface tension. In [2] he used the Fourier transformation to prove resolvent estimates. These esti- mates combined with the Laplace transformation in time were used to prove the solvability of the time-dependent problem. He transformed the free boundary value problem to an initial boundary value problem on a fixed domain in a special way.

This method is crucial in his existence proof and was also adapted and used by [9, 10, 11]. We will apply it also in this paper.

B. Schweizer treated in [10] the case of a liquid drop (with viscosity and sur- face tension) in a free space, so a full free boundary problem. With the help of semigroup methods, he studied linearized equations and get also existence results for the nonlinear problem. He computed the spectrum of the generator of the semi- group. Nonreal eigenvalues appeared for large values of the surface tension. An additional exterior linear force proportional to the normal velocity and acting on the free surface leaded to a Hopf bifurcation withO(2)-symmetry.

As soon as contact between a fixed boundary and a free boundary arises, the analytic investigations are getting more complicated. Already in case of a flow in a domain with non smooth fixed boundary, the regularity of the solutions is restricted (see e.g. [5]). The problem how to prescribe conditions for the contact is still in discussion. There exists a huge number of publications dealing with the solvability of free boundary problems with contact points and lines and therefore only some of the works and authors can be mentioned.

V. A. Solonnikov proved existence results for free boundary problems for the Navier-Stokes equations for both static or dynamic contact points and lines. He proved estimates for stationary problem for limiting values of contact angle 0 orπ, in weighted H¨older spaces (see [13, 14] and the references presented there). For the solvability of stationary free boundary problems with a Navier type slip condition on the rigid walls see [8] and [12]. This condition can be applied in the case of a domain with rough boundaries by replacing the rough boundary with a smooth one where the Navier condition is fulfilled.

M. Renardy ([9]) proved existence and uniqueness results for a two dimen- sional free surface flow problem with open boundaries. Both steady and initial value problems are investigated. He considered the case where velocity bound- ary conditions are prescribed on both the inflow and the outflow boundary. The smoothness of the solution is limited by the singularity at the corner between the free surface and the inflow (or outflow) boundary.

In [11], B. Schweizer discussed conditions for the dynamic contact angle and well-posedness of the equations for a flow in a two dimensional domain. For the


case of π2 contact angle and slip boundary conditions he proved resolvent estimates which, using techniques developed in [9], yielded an existence result for the non- linear initial boundary value problem.

The studies of the oscillatory behavior of a fluid in a channel is continuing the research of B. Schweizer who analyzed the oscillation of a liquid drop [10].

Due to the solid boundary in our problem, the techniques in this paper have to be changed due to difficulties arising from the additional boundary conditions. We are able to obtain results for the channel similar to those B. Schweizer obtained for the oscillating drop.


Formulation of the problem

We first collect the nonlinear equations describing the nonstationary motion of a viscous, incompressible fluid contained in an uncovered rectangular channel. The unknown functions are not only the velocity field u and the pressure p, but also¯ the domain. We consider the channel of widthband lengthl = 2π to be deep enough such that the fluid will never overflow it. We impose a periodicity condition in the direction of the length of the channel (for all unknown functions).

Let(0,b)×(0,2π)×(−h,+∞),b,h >0 be the channel andthe domain occupied by the fluid with the free boundary denoted byand fixed boundary composed from the walls 1, 2 and the bottom h. Let C1,C2 be the inter- section curves between the free boundary and the walls. The periodicity in x2 is technically incorporated by considering the independent variable x2 belonging to the circle S1. So, we have identified (and actually eliminated as boundaries) the surfaces (0,b)× {0} ×(−h,+∞)and(0,b)× {2π} ×(−h,+∞). The channel (0,b)×S1×(−h,+∞)is now considered “without curvature in thex2-direction”, i.e. the equations will not be transformed (this is not a domain transformation, it is only an identification).

We take the domain of the fluid at equilibrium to be 0=



3: 0<x1<b, x2 S1,h<x3<0, with the upper boundary0

0=(0,b)×S1× {0},

and the fixed boundary composed from the walls1,0,2,0and the bottom h. The contact curves between the free boundary and the walls are denoted by C1,0,C2,0. Where no confusion can appear, we will omit the index 0 from the notation for the walls and contact lines of the equilibrium domain. When we want to refer to the walls together, we will denote them by1,2and the same for contact linesC1,2.

To describe the free surface of the fluid, we assume small perturbations of the equilibrium surface0 and parametrize the free boundary of the liquid with a


function η(t,·) : 0 −→


. Thus the height of the free surface is a function of horizontal coordinates: x3 = η(t,x1,x2), (x1,x2)0and the graph of ηgives the shape of. The domain occupied by the fluid is




3: 0<x1<b,x2S1,h<x3< η(t,x1,x2). The velocity field is a functionu(t,·):(t)−→



As usual, we introduce the deformation tensorSu with the components (Su)i j = 1

2(∂iuj+jui) and the stress tensorσ with the components

σi j = − ¯i j+2ν(Su)i j.

The motion of the fluid in the interior is governed by the Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid with viscosityν:

tu+(u· ∇)uνu+ ∇ ¯p+gx3 = 0 (1.1)

∇ ·u = 0 (1.2)

where g is the acceleration of gravity. It is natural to substract the hydrostatic presure from p, so we se¯

p:= ¯pP0+gx3

where P0is the atmospheric pressure above the liquid. The density does not appear because of the nondimensionalization. After substitution, the gravity term in (1.1) is eliminated.

On the free surface we have the kinematic boundary condition which states that the fluid particles do not cross the free surface (which is equivalent with the geometric condition thatηalways parametrizes the free surface):

tη=u3(∂1η)u1(∂2η)u2 on. (1.3) If we neglected the surface tension, the remaining boundary condition onwould be the continuity of the stress across the free surface, so−3

j=1σi jnj = P0ni + fini fori = 1,2,3, wheren = (n1,n2,n3)is the outward normal to and f = (f1, f2, f3)is the exterior force (for example the wind force). The effect of surface tension is to introduce a discontinuity in the normal stress, proportional to the mean curvature H(η)of the free surface . Our boundary condition on is therefore (using p:= ¯pP0+gx3andx3=ηon)

p niν 3


(∂iuj+jui)nj =(gη+βH(η)+ fi)ni i =1,2,3 (1.4)


where β > 0 is the nondimensionalized coefficient of the surface tension and the mean curvature of the surfaceis given by

H(η)= −∇ · ∇η

1+ |∇η|2. (1.5) We have denoted here by∇the gradient with respect to the first two variablesx1,x2; then let:= ∇ · ∇.

If nothing else is specified, in the following, we denote bynthe outward nor- mal and byτi,i =1,2, the two tangential directions to the surface.

From a physical point of view, the usual boundary conditionu = 0 on can not be considered here because of the unknown contact between the free surface and the walls (we can not assume that it is not moving at all on the walls, so we can not ”stick” the free surface on the fixed boundary); but it is natural to consider the no-slip condition on the bottom:


−h =0 (1.6)

and the velocity vanishing in the normal direction of the walls u·n

12 :=un

1,2 =u1

1,2=0 (1.7)

together with a perfect slip condition n·Su·τi

1,2 =0. (1.8)

We need also to prescribe the contact angle between the free surface and the fixed boundary. We shall choose it to be π2. So, the free surface is moving on the walls, but the value of the contact angle should remain constant. This condition can be written as:

∇η·n1= ∇η·n2 =1η=0 onC1C2. (1.9) For similar problems with contact angle 0 or π see [13, 14] and the references presented there.

The unknown functions u,p, η are periodic in the x2 direction of the chan- nel, so

(u,p, η)(t,x1,x2,x3)=(u,p, η)(t,x1,x2+2π,x3). (1.10) The initial condition is

(u, η)

t=0=(u0, η0). (1.11) The Equations (1.1)−(1.11) are the evolutionary nonlinear equations describing the oscillations of a fluid in an uncovered channel.



The existence theory

The linear problem for which we derive estimates is the one obtained by linearizing Equations (1.1)−(1.11) about equilibrium, replacing the initial data by zero and introducing a right hand side. We note that the linearization of the mean curvature in0is−η, whereis the Laplacian with respect to the “horizontal” variables x1,x2. Because0= {x3=0}, we haveni =δi3,i =1,2,3, in the equation (1.4).

For the beginning we consider the exterior force to be zero. The influence of a nonzero exterior force (for example the wind force) will be considered for the study of the Hopf bifurcation in Section 5.

We observe that the equation (2.5) is equivalent to the condition on the vanish- ing of the tangential stress on0, so it can be written also in the formn·Su·τi

0 =0 We also use the notations Su : Sv :=3

i,j=1(Su)i j(Sv)i j,Sun :=n·Su·n,Suτi := n·Su·τi.Our linear problem becomes:u(t,·): 0 −→


3, p(t,·): 0 −→


, η(t,·):0−→



tuνu+ ∇p = 0 (2.1)

∇ ·u = 0 (2.2)

tη = u3


0 (2.3)


0 =(p−2νSun)

0 = βη (2.4)

(∂3ui +iu3)



0 = 0 (i =1,2) (2.5)

u−h = 0 (2.6)


1,2 =un

1,2 = 0 (2.7)




1,2 = 0 (i =2,3) (2.8)


x1∈{0,b} = 0 (2.9)

(u,p, η)(t,x1,x2,x3) = (u,p, η)(t,x1,x2+2π,x3) (2.10) (u, η)

t=0 = (0,0) . (2.11)

We want to write the linear equations in the form tx +


x = 0 and to satisfy the boundary conditions by the choice of appropriate function spaces. To estimate solutions of this equation, we use the Laplace transform in time.


Following [2] and [10], we use a harmonic extension operator and replace the pressure term from the equation (2.1) by a gradient term which is determined by the other unknowns (uandη). The harmonic extension function is defined as the unique solution of the problem

p = 0 in0 (a)


0 = 2νSun

0+βη (b) (2.12)


1,2 = 0 (c)


−h = ν(∂nSun)

−h. (d)

So, define the linear operator


˜ : Hr1/2(0)×Hr3/2(h)−→Hr(0)3

which essentially maps a function defined on0 to its harmonic extension in0. The orderr of the Sobolev space will be established later. We can consider pas a harmonic function defined on the whole domain,

p = ˜



0+βη, ν(∂nSun)


= ˜



0, ν∂nSun

−h)+ ˜


(gηβη,0) :=





(gηβη). (2.13)

In the last equality of (2.13), we have only simplified the notation for the operator


˜ (i.e.we have not included the condition on the bottomh), because generally we are more interested to solve the problem near the free surface. Anytime when we refer to



0)we have to understand the condition (2.12)(d)to be satisfied too, and when we refer to


(gη βη) we have to understand the condition (2.12)(d)with zero right hand side,i.e.∂np

−h =0.

In the following we will consider complex valued functions and denote withu¯ the complex conjugate ofu. We use the following notations for the norms:r


(r =0 denotes theL2-norm)uHr(0)3:= ur,0Hr(0):= ηr,0. Definition 2.1. Define the Hilbert spaces (over



Xr := {(u, η)Hr(0)3×Hr+1/2(0) ∇ ·u=0,un

1,2,−h =0} X˜r := {(u, η)Xr n·Su·τi

01,2 =0, uτi

−h =0, ∂1η

x1∈{0,b} =0} with the natural norm inherited from the product space, and the operator


: X˜r+2−→ Xr,







−νu+ ∇



0)+ ∇






The next lemma can be proved by simple calculations. We will use it especially in the particular case whenuandvsatisfy the same conditions.

Lemma 2.2. For smooth functions u, v :0


3with∇ ·u=0there holds 2


Su: Sv¯ = −


u· ¯v+2


n·Su· ¯v.

In the case∇ ·v =0,v

−h =0,vn

1,2 = 0, and n·Su ·τi

01,2 = 0 (where τi is any tangent vector and n the normal vector corresponding to 0, 1 or2

respectively), we obtain the identity 2


Su :Sv¯=


[−u+ ∇



0)]· ¯v .

Definition 2.3 (Energy-norms). For functionsu, v : 0


3,η, σ : 0


we define the scalar products:

u, v E,0 :=


u· ¯v η, σ E,0 :=


η·(gσ¯ −βσ)¯ u


, u



:= u, v E,0+ η, σ E,0. The corresponding norms are denoted by · E,0, · E,0and · E.

The next two theorems prove properties of the spectrum of


in the complex plane.

The proofs follow by simple calculations using partial integration; the first is similar with that of [10, Lemma 2.4]; see also [4, Theorem 1.2.5, Theorem 1.2.9].

Theorem 2.4 (Position of eigenvalues of


with respect to·E). Let(u,η)∈ ˜Xr be an eigenfunction(considered complex)of


with eigenvalueλ. Then


u η



= 2ν


|Su|2 (2.14)


u η



= 2Im



0)(gη¯−βη).¯ (2.15)


In the case ofImλ=0, the energy equality holds:

u2E,0 = η2E,0 = 1 2

u η



. (2.16)

Theorem 2.5. The spectrum of


consists only of eigenvalues and is contained in a sector

SC = {λ∈


|Imλ| ≤CReλ}.

Using the properties of the Stokes operator, we can easily prove the following proposition; see [4, Proposition 1.2.6]:

Proposition 2.6.

(a) The operator


1: Xr → ˜Xr+1, r ≥1, is bounded.

(b) The operator


1: X0→ ˜X2is not bounded.

In order to prove the existence of a solution of the linear problem, for instance with the help of the Laplace transformation in time, we prove an estimate for the resolvent of −


, first only on a subspace of the form{(f,0)fL2(0)3}. We denote the transformed functions also by(u, η)and investigate the solutions of the equation



) u








(gηβη) ληun


= f


. (2.17) We can prove the next two results:

Theorem 2.7 (The resolvent+


)1in the case(f,0)Xr). There exist con- stants CR and c such that solutions(u, η)of(2.17)withλ


\(−SC)satisfy for (f,0)Xr, with r≥0, the regularity

(u, η)Xr+2c(f,0)Xr (2.18) and for|λ|large enough, the resolvent estimate

(u, η)XrCR

|λ|(f,0)Xr. (2.19)

Corollary 2.8 (The resolvent(λ+


)1for(f,h)∈Xr withh=0). Let (u, η) be a solution of the equation



) u


= f


, (2.20)

with(f,h)Xr+2, r ≥ 0. Then there exists a constant M > 0such that for all λ


\(−SC),|λ|large enough, there holds:

(u, η)Xr+2M

|λ|(f,h)Xr+2. (2.21)


The proofs of these results forr = 0 are very similar with those of [10, The- orem 3.1, Corollary 3.2] and they will not be presented here. In order to increase the regularity orderr and to avoid the difficulties with the corners of the domain, we can perform a reflection across the walls. Our boundary conditions on the walls allow us to define symmetric extensions of(u, η,p)across e.g.1, as follows: u1 will be extended to be odd and u2,u3,η and pwill be extended to be even with respect tox1. The right hand sides can be extended consistently, such that the new functions satisfy the a problem similar to the old ones, but now in the extended do- main(−b,b)×S1×(−h,0)and they will be periodic with respect tox1. In a similar way like the caser = 0, we can prove now estimates for the symmetric extended function, using well-known techniques: we differentiate the equations with respect to the variablesx1andx2, then the corresponding derivatives ofusatisfy the same equations with the differentiated right hand side. The estimates of the derivatives with respect tox3can be obtained directly from the Navier-Stokes equation in the extended domain. We can now restrict ourselves to the initial domain and obtain the desired estimates for the solution(u, η)of the initial problem (2.17). For more details see [4, Theorem 1.2.10, Corollary 1.2.14].

We can now apply the inverse of the Laplace transformation and formulate our existence result for the linear problem.

Theorem 2.9 (Linear existence result for(f,0)). We consider


: X˜r+2Xr, r ≥1and(f,0)L2([0,T],Xr), T >0. Then the problem

(∂t +


) u


= f


with initial conditions(u, η)

t=0 =(u0, η0)∈ ˜Xr+2has a unique solution (u, η)H1([0,T],X˜r)L2([0,T],X˜r+2).

The particular linear existence result obtained for the special form of the right hand side(f,0)Xr will be not enough for the proof of the Hopf bifurcation theorem.

We can formulate a result stronger then Theorem 2.7, i.e. for a nonzero second component of the right hand side, if this is more regular than the space Xrrequires.

This means we have to introduce a new space

Xr3/2:= {(f,h)Hr(0)3×Hr+3/2(0)∇ · f =0, fn

1,2,−h =0} (2.22) with the natural norm inherited from the product space. Using this notation, ourXr spaces coincide with theXr1/2spaces, but we will keep the old notation forXr. The properties of


: X˜r+2Xr3/2 are stated in the next theorem and follow in the same way like those one for the special right hand side.


Theorem 2.10 (Properties of


: X˜r+2X3r/2). The operator


: X˜r+2Xr3/2, r ≥0, is invertible, the inverse is bounded and we have the regularity estimate

(u, η)Xr+2c(f,h)Xr3/2. (2.23) The same result holds for the operator λ+


, too, whenλis not an eigenvalue of



We can immediately formulate the analog of the linear existence Theorem 2.9:

Theorem 2.11 (Linear existence result for(f,h)withh=0). We consider


: X˜r+2X3r/2, r ≥ 1, and (f,h)L2([0,T],Xr3/2), T > 0. Then the prob- lem

(∂t +


) u


= f


with initial conditions(u, η)

t=0 =(u0, η0)∈ ˜Xr+2has a unique solution (u, η)H1([0,T],X˜r3/2)L2([0,T],X˜r+2).

Following [2, 9] and [10], we convert our (initial) nonlinear problem (1.1) - (1.11) defined on the unknown domainto one on the equilibrium domain0by stretch- ing or compressing on the vertical line segments. We state here only the main existence results. For more details, see [4, Section 1.3].

Theorem 2.12 (Nonlinear existence result forX˜-spaces). For r≥1, small enough (f,0)L2([0,T],Xr)and small enough initial values (u0, η0) ∈ ˜Xr+2, there exists a unique solution(u, η)H1([0,T],X˜r)∩L2([0,T],X˜r+2)of the nonlinear problem.(f is a right hand side introduced in the Equation(1.1)).

Theorem 2.13 (Nonlinear existence result forX˜3/2-spaces). For r ≥ 1, small enough (f,h)L2([0,T],X3r/2)and small enough initial values(u0, η−0)X˜r+2, there exists a unique solution(u, η)H1([0,T],X˜r3/2)L2([0,T],X˜r+2) of the nonlinear problem.(f and h are right hand sides introduced in the Equations (1.1)and(1.3), respectively).


The L -invariant decomposition

We want to split Xr and X˜r into a direct sum of


-invariant subspaces (Xri)iI. The normed eigenvectors of−on0, with Neumann boundary conditions in the x1-direction of the channel, form an orthonormal basis forL2(0). In order to find this basis explicitly, we solve the eigenvalue problem

−η(x1,x2)= λη(x1,x2)


x1∈{0,b} = 0


using the method of separation of variables. It is well-known (see e.g. [6], Chapter VIII, Theorem 8 and the applications presented here) that this problem has a count- able number of eigenvaluesλn,k,n




which are real, positive and simple.

The eigenfunctions are

ηn,k(x1,x2)=cn,kcos π


ei kx2, the constantscn,k being chosen in such a way that


n,k|2d x1d x2=1. So, L2(0)can be decomposed into a direct Hilbert sum


n∈N k∈Z




Using the basis we found for L2(0), we will construct a basis forL2(0)3in the next proposition. The proof is elementary and uses a special Helmholz decomposi- tion (see [15]). For more details, see [4]. Lete3 = (0,0,1)be the normal vector on0, ∇ = e1x

1 + e2x

2 and∇ = e1x


1, wheree1 = (1,0,0)and

e2=(0,1,0)are two tangent vectors to0. Proposition 3.1. The set


= {ηn,k(x1,x2)e3, ∇ηn,k(x1,x2) ,ηn,k(x1,x2)}

is a basis for L2(0)3.

Using the basis


for L2(0)3, we can decompose a functionu(x1,x2,x3)L2(0)3:

u(x1,x2,x3) =

n∈N k∈Z

U1n,k(x3)∇ηn,k(x1,x2)+U2n,k(x3)∇ηn,k(x1,x2) +U3n,k(x3n,k(x1,x2)e3


n∈N k∈Z


where U1n,,2k,3 are arbitrary real functions depending only on x3, not all of them identically zero. Then,


n∈N k∈Z



where L2n,k is the corresponding space in the decomposition ofL2(0)3, forn,k fixed.

In order to find a


-invariant decomposition for Xr, we have to see how the divergence free condition and the boundary conditions are carried over. We fix n




and find after simple calculations:

Proposition 3.2. The


-invariant decompositions of the spaces Xr andX˜rare:

Xr =

n∈N k∈Z

Xrn,k X˜r =

n∈N k∈Z



Xnr,k = {(un,k, ηn,k)Hr(0)3×Hr+1/2(0) ηn,k(x1,x2) = cn,kcosπ

bnx1 ei kx2,

un,k(x1,x2,x3) = U1n,k(x3)∇ηn,k(x1,x2)+U3n,k(x3n,k(x1,x2)e3, (U3n,k)(x3) = λn,kU1n,k(x3), x3(−h,0),

U3n,k(−h) = 0} X˜nr,k =

(un,k, ηn,k)Xrn,k U1n,k(−h)=0

U3n,k(0)+(U1n,k)(0)=0 .

Since we study the eigenvalue problem for


, we can restrict ourselves to such a spaceXrn,k and make all considerations there. This is stated in the next proposition.

For the proof, see [4].

Proposition 3.3. Letλbe an arbitrary eigenvalue of


. Then there exist n


and k


such thatλis an eigenvalue for





A bifurcation picture with respect to


Since the Navier-Stokes equations are invariant under the Euclidean group E3 of all translations, rotations and reflections of space, the group of symmetries of a given model is a subgroup of E3 determined by the shape of the domain and the boundary conditions. In our problem, we consider the symmetries obtained by translations along x2 and reflections through a plane perpendicular to thex2-axis.

The assumption on periodic boundary conditions in the x2-direction allows us to identify these translations with the action of a circle group. These lead to anO(2) symmetry, so our problem provides anO(2)-equivariance.


Remark 4.1. A reflection through the plane{x1 = b2}is also a symmetry for our model. We did not consider it because it does not increase the dimension of the kernel spaces in the bifurcation theorem. This will become clear from the form of the functionηn,k.

O(2) is generated by S O(2) together with the flip



1 0 0 −1

, where S O(2)consists of planar rotations Rθ =

cosθ sinθ

−sinθ cosθ

. We refer to elements of O(2)as 3×3 matrices, adding the third line and the third column(0,0,1). We define the action of an elementγO(2)onXr by

γu := uγ1 γη := ηγ1 γ

u η


γu γη






S O(2)may be identified with the circle groupS1, the identification beingRθθ. Using this identification, we describe the action of O(2) = {seiθ : θ


,s {i d,


}}onXras follows: ifu=u1e1+u2e2+u3e3is the velocity field,

θu(x1,x2,x3):= u1(x1,x2θ,x3)e1+u2(x1,x2θ,x3)e2 +u3(x1,x2θ,x3)e3


u(x1,x2,x3):= u1(x1,x2,x3)e1u2(x1,x2,x3)e2 +u3(x1,x2,x3)e3

θη(x1,x2):= η(x1,x2θ)


η(x1,x2):= η(x1,x2) .














It is easy to see that


isO(2)-equivariant with respect to this action,i.e.










Lemma 4.2. The functionηn,khas an isotropy subgroupηn,kof O(2)isomorphic to



The proof follows by simple calculations.

We are now able to study the position of the eigenvalues of


depending on the gravitygand on the surface tensionβ. The position can be calculated explicitly for g=β=0 and forg, β→ +∞. It is not of interest to study the problem forgand β separately. Anyway, these parameters are physical measures and they are fixed for a given liquid, but the ”formal” analysis we are presenting here gives us useful ideas for the study of Hopf bifurcation in the next section. Then

(gβ)ηn,k =(g+βλn,kn,k =:α ηn,k, withα:=g+βλn,k ∈[0,∞).


Remark 4.3. In this section,nandk are fixed, soλn,k is fixed, and varyingαin the Theorem 4.8 means actually to varygandβ. This is also the reason for which we do not introducenandkin the notationαforg+βλn,k.

Let A:(u,p)→ −νu+ ∇ptogether with the following conditions:

in0: ∇ ·u = 0 n·Su·τi

01,2 = 0 un

1,2 = 0 u−h = 0






be the Stokes operator. In order to study eigenvalue problems for A, we have to impose one boundary condition more,i.e. one for the normal velocity on the free boundary 0. We have two possibilities, to prescribe the normal velocity on 0

(and obtain than a “Dirichlet” problem for the Stokes operator) or to prescribe the normal stress on the free boundary (and obtain than a “Neumann” problem for the Stokes operator). As soon as we have imposed a condition for un

0 or for(p− 2νSun)

0, we can calculate the value of the other one. Because we are inXrn,k, both of them should be multiple ofηn,k. Also, for fixedηn,k, the pressure pis known as a function ofuandηn,k (see (2.13)). Therefore, when we don’t need to write the pressure explicitly, we will simplify the notation:

A(u,p)= −νu+ ∇p=: Au.

Definition 4.4 (The Stokes operators ADand AN). Denote byADthe Stokes op- erator Aon X˜r together with the boundary condition of a vanishing normal com- ponent of the velocity at the free boundary. It is known that its eigenvalues are countable, real, positive and simple; we denote them by{κj}j∈N. The correspond- ing eigenfunctions with symmetry


k are unique up to a multiplicative constant.

Let{uj}j∈N be the normed eigenfunctions with symmetry


k and{pj}j∈N be the pressure functions such that(pj −2νSnuj)

0 =ηn,k.

Denote byAN the Stokes operatorAonX˜rtogether with the boundary condi- tion of a vanishing normal stress on the free boundary. It is known that its eigenval- ues are countable, real, positive and simple; we denote them by{ρj}j∈N.

The Stokes operators ADand AN are elliptic in the sense of Agmon, Douglis and Nirenberg (see [1], and also [2, 10]).

Following [10], we define for everyµ


\ {κj| j


},(u˜(µ),p˜(µ))to be the unique solution of the problem (p˜(µ)is here unique up to an additive constant):

A)u˜(µ) = 0 (4.4)

˜ un(µ)

0 = −µηn,k. (4.5) We know from the perturbation theory for linear operators (see [7], and also [10]) that(u˜(µ),p˜(µ))is an analytic family of functions forµ


\ {κj| j




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