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CRESC- University of Paris 13 Laboratoire Institutions et dynamiques historiques de l’économie – IDHE - UMR 8533 du CNRS LARHA – laboratoire de recherche historique en Rhône-Alpes UMR 5190


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral



CALL FOR PAPERS To be held June, Friday 11th 2010

In French, the word “patron” is generic and has diverse meanings which would correspond in English to a number of social positions, such as for example: boss, manager, businessman, entrepreneur. Similar ambiguities are encountered in other languages, hence major semantic difficulties arise during communication between actors such as businessmen, scholars, and when translations of specific documents are needed. It is the same problem for the words business organization. We expect to clarify the significations and the ways these terms are used.

A data basis of known - whether available or not - archives of Business Organizations in Europe will be established ; a review of the pertinent literature will be also envisioned.

Overall, this workshop will lay the ground for future work and collaborations between Europeans historians and social scientists.

With support from:

CRESC- University of Paris 13

Laboratoire Institutions et dynamiques historiques de l’économie – IDHE - UMR 8533 du CNRS

LARHA – laboratoire de recherche historique en Rhône-Alpes UMR 5190

Organizing Committee:

Elodie Béthoux, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan Clotilde Druelle-Korn, Université de Limoges

Danièle Fraboulet, Université de Paris 13 Annette Jobert, CNRS

Michel Margairaz, Université de Paris I Béatrice Touchelay, Université de Paris XII





Conference Details

The conference will take place over one day (Friday morning). There will be three plenary lectures. Conference papers for regular sessions will be limited to 20 mins and will be followed by a discussion.

The languages of the conference are French and English.

Université Paris 13 (99 avenue J.-B. Clément, 93430 VILLETANEUSE) is located North of Paris, and can be reached by train (10-15 mins from Gare du Nord).



Proposals, in French or in English, up to 500 words (bibliographical references, not to exceed 5, included; do not include any footnotes) should be sent as attachments in .rtf format to the following address no later than November 15th, 2009.

Please use the name(s) of the proposal’s author(s) as the file’s name. The message itself should include the following information: first and last names, professional affiliation, country, discipline/area of specialization and e-mail address.

Please submit a one-page CV.

Notification of acceptance or rejection of proposals will be sent by March 1st, 2010.

For further information about funding and the general organization of the meeting, please contact:

Clotilde Druelle-Korn : clotilde.druelle-korn@orange.fr Danièle Fraboulet : danielefraboulet@wanadoo.fr


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