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Reusing Legacy Software in a Self-adaptive Middleware Framework


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Submitted on 2 Dec 2011

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Reusing Legacy Software in a Self-adaptive Middleware Framework

Santiago Hurtado, Sagar Sen, Rubby Casallas

To cite this version:

Santiago Hurtado, Sagar Sen, Rubby Casallas. Reusing Legacy Software in a Self-adaptive Middleware Framework. Adaptive and Relfective Middleware Workshop, Middleware 2011, Dec 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. �hal-00643088�


Reusing Legacy Software in a Self-adaptive Middleware Framework

Santiago Hurtado

Universidad de los Andes Bogota, Colombia


Sagar Sen

ATLANMOD, Ecole des Mines Nantes, France

sagar.sen@mines- nantes.fr

Rubby Casallas

Universidad de los Andes Bogota, Colombia



Software that adapts its behavior to an operational context and/or feedback from within is self-adaptive. For instance, a computer vision system to detect people may change its behavior due to change in context such as nightfall. This may entail automatic change in architecture, software com- ponents and their parameters at runtime. Legacy software components do not possess this ability. Therefore we ask, can legacy software be successfully cast into a self-adaptive middleware framework ? We present Tekio, a self-adaptive middleware platform to dynamically compose legacy soft- ware behavior. Tekio is based ondynamic component load- ingavailable in a Java implementation of Open Service Gate- way Interface (OSGi). Tekio contains generic components to capture context/feedback, plan an adaptation strategy, and reconfigure domain-specific components. The domain- specific components encapsulate legacy behavior implemented possibly in native languages such as C/C++. We implement a self-adaptive vision system in Tekio as a case study. We perform experiments to validate that the self-adaptive layer based on OSGi has negligible effects on the performance of the legacy library namely OpenCV. We also demonstrate that the self-adaptive middleware can handle about 30 adap- tations in a span of 2 seconds while producing meaningful output.

Categories and Subject Descriptors

D.2.8 [Software Engineering]: Metrics—complexity mea- sures, performance measures

General Terms

Experimentation, Performance, Measurement


Self-adaptive software, OSGi, legacy software, software reuse, middleware, framwework

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.

ARM 2011, December 12, 2011 Lisbon, Portugal Copyright 2011 ACM 0-12345-67-8/90/01 ...$10.00.


Self-adaptive systems dynamically modify themselves due to contextual changes and feedback from within their own components [11]. Contextual changes may emanate from monitoring events from the physical environment, running software/hardware components, and detectors of social and lingual boundaries to name a few. Moreover, these software systems continue running despite user interventions and fail- ures in the underlying software and hardware [3]. Well known examples of such systems are sites such as Google [7]. Contrary to these modern systems legacy software sys- tems/libraries were not built with continual execution, adap- tation to context and fault tolerance in mind. Therefore, a natural question arises: Can we reuse existing legacy li- braries as components in a self-adaptive framework where they can be loaded/unloaded/replaced at runtime?

Reusing legacy libraries in a self-adaptive middleware frame- work is the subject of this paper. Usually the legacy libraries are black-boxes with callable functions. For instance, the computer vision library OpenCV [18] contains functions to segment images and detect different types of objects. Differ- ent legacy libraries may be available in many different pro- gramming languages. In a typical native implementation, these legacy functions are sequentially called in a static pro- gram, that is first compiled and then executed with core behavior that is practically immutable at runtime. Our tar- get self-adaptive middleware framework aims to create self- adaptive systems using legacy libraries whose behavior can change at runtime. We aim to (a) separate legacy library functionality into components (b) achieve interoperability between components in different languages (c) automatically (re)configure a set of components in a processing chain based on contextual events and feedback events from the system itself (d) monitor Quality of Service (QoS) and evaluate sys- tem performance.

In this paper, we present the self-adaptive middleware framework, Tekio. Tekio adheres to the requirements in [6] for component frameworks to implement dynamic self- adaptive systems. It has the following functionality:(1) Com- ponent management that helps define components and the interactions amongst them called a system configuration, (2) Instance management that permits the component life- cycle to be administered and (3)Self-adaptation manage- ment for context understanding and mapping context to a system configuration. Tekio is a implemented in Java and provides access to legacy libraries in different languages via Java Native Access (JNA). Self-adaptation in Tekio is


achieved usingdynamic component loading provided by the OSGi framework specification (formerly known as the Open Services Gateway Initiative). OSGi provides an universal publish-subscribe based protocol for components with dif- ferent underlying implementation languages to communi- cate with each other. The OSGi framework has applica- tions ranging from mobile applications, IDE, applications servers to software in automobile industries. The OSGi has 136 official members plus several research projects. It has seven implementations such as Eclipse Equinox, Apache fe- lix, Knopflerfish and projects such as JBoss, Glasfish Fuse EXB Eclipse platform and WebSphere. The widely used OSGi provides the basic functionality to create self-adaptive systems. This paper serves as an evaluation of OSGi to re- alize self-adaptive middleware and systems.

We use Tekio to build a self-adaptive vision system. This system serves as a case study to evaluate Tekio and OSGi as the middleware framework to reuse legacy open-source libraries. We reuse the OpenCV libraries [18] in software components dynamically managed by Tekio. Tekio com- ponents call native code in C/C++ using Java Native Ac- cess. We provide number of configurations of these com- ponents for adaptation. These configurations achieve tasks such as intrusion detection, face detection, and segmenta- tion. During adaptations we measure frames per second indicating throughput. We also measure the settling time between adaptations. Settling time indicates the time re- quired by Tekio to produce meaningful outputs after adapta- tion. We perform experiments to demonstrate that Tekio’s throughput for a configuration is very close to an identi- cal native implementation despite the layer of software for self-adaptation. The self-adaptive system can demonstrate very low settling times for low and medium resolution input video. For instance, it can provide about 30 adaptations in a span of 2 seconds without significant loss in throughput.

However, for high resolution input videos the system fails to provide meaningful outputs when the adaptation frequency goes beyond a certain level. From these results we infer that managing self-adaptation requires rigorous empirical analy- sis and may entail trade-offs. Empirical analysis is possibly the most practical approach to validate and reuse complex legacy libraries where complete visibility/understanding is impossible.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present Tekio’s architecture based on OSGi. In Section 3, we val- idate Tekio. In Section 4, we present the comparison of Tekio with other self-adaptive middleware frameworks. We conclude in Section 5.


In this Section, we present theSelf-Adaptive Middleware called Tekio. The middleware framework allows arrange- ment of legacy modules in a processing chain that is self- adaptive. Tekio is a component centric architecture that provides possibility to replace any of its components at run- time and maintain a clear separation of concerns that is between self-adaptation and behavioral components. Tekio is built in layers as shown in Figure 1 (a). The lowest soft- ware layer is that of OSGi including the Java Virtual Ma- chine. The OSGi layer is primarily responsible for execution of the system using the publish-subscribe paradigm for ser- vice oriented architecture. The legacy libraries are called from within domain-specific OSGi components in the sec-

Figure 1: Tekio (a) Software Layers (b) Generic Ar- chitecture (b) Domain-specific Architecture

ond layer. The Java Native Access library is used to access the native library. Finally, Tekio’s self-adaptation compo- nents (see Section 2.1) manage these domain-specific OSGi components (see 2.2).

2.1 Tekio Self-adaptation Components

Tekio’s self-adaptation is provided by three components as shown in Figure 1. These components realize behavior prescribed by the Monitor, Analyze, Plan, Execute, Knowl- edge (MAPE-K) loop conceived by IBM in [8]: 1) TheCon- text Manager monitors and analyzes the symptoms to know when to request a change in system configuration, the symp- toms are represented as Context Events that are events pro- duced by the user, system itself (self) or the environment.

The environmental events can be from the video or other hardware sensors, such as movement and weight sensors.

2) The Adaptation Planner computes a change plan. This component uses Acher et. al. [1] proposal to specify rules as constraints between two feature models. One feature model captures the variability in context configurations while the other captures variation in system configurations. The adap- tation planner generates the system configuration and order in which components must be unloaded/loaded. 3) TheEx- ecutor Component(re)configures the processing chain by the execute the load/unload steps presented by the adaptation planner. The new running configuration may produce new symptoms. This component administers the life cycle of the components in the processing chain. At this moment the system is capable of self-configuring and self-optimizing based on QoS feedback and context awareness.

Tekio is able to provide four different adaptations types:

(a)Parameter Adaptation of any of the running components, (b) Component Adaptation to replace a component at run- time for another that provides a similar task, (c) Context Event Adaptation, depending on events from the processing chain the system analyzes how to adapt and request a new adaptation, and (d) QoS Adaptation on which the system is able to maintain a minimum level of quality of service.

2.2 Processing Chain

A processing chain as shown in Figure 1 (c) is the cur- rent configuration of domains-specific components managed by Tekio. We implement a self-adaptive vision system using Tekio. The domain-specific/vision OSGi components in the


processing chain call algorithms implemented in the open- source computer vision library OpenCV(Open Source Com- puter Vision) 2.1. This library is written in C and C++, as many other computer vision libraries for performance benefits. In this paper we focus on processing chains of components but our approach is fully applicable to complex orchestrations where components call other components in both serial and parallel. However, we assume that the or- chestration is a fixed entity and only the components are replaced by various alternatives.

We achieve the link between OSGi and legacy libraries us- ing the Java library, Java Native Access (JNA), that seam- lessly calls C/C++ functions with negligible performance loss. A similar implementation JavaCV [2] uses the native access functionality. Technically, we pass the memory ad- dress of an image to the OpenCV C++ functions. This allows the OSGi framework to manage the native imple- mentation and its process without compromising its perfor- mance and original OpenCV library functionalities. The in- terfaces of the different algorithms are defined in Java while the implementations of the component is in C++. This im- proves portability and usability of the vision components with all other components written in the OSGi framework.

Any other OSGi component can execute the functionality of these vision components without worrying about low- level and native implementation detail in C/C++. We did explore alternative frameworks to OSGi including Tuscany [15] and Frascati [14]. These prototypical frameworks were heavyweight and did not have the maturity of OSGi hence Equinox OSGi was our final choice. OSGi also has the ad- vantage of being a standard allowing interoperability with OSGi components written by other authors.

The vision system’s processing chain consists on four types of algorithms: 1) Image acquisition that provides images from different possible sources such as, cameras, streams or files, 2)Image Segmentation that divides images and extracts important objects, 3) Blob Construction and Object Detec- tion that merges the separate objects into a group called a blob and then into an object such as a face 4) Event Con- struction that converts information at different stages of the vision system to produce either events that are fed back to Tekio or events to final users. Each type of algorithm has several possible implementations that are different manners or configurations to provide specific tasks. For instance, if we use the Smooth Segmentation and the Find Contours blob construction algorithms the system can detect motion.

If the Pyramid Segmentation and the HAAR blob construc- tion algorithms are used the system can detect faces. How- ever, if the last configuration uses FGD Segmentation algo- rithm instead of the pyramid the system can perform faster FPS but lower result quality.

2.3 Example Execution in Tekio

We demonstrate dynamic adaptation in Tekio using Fig- ure 2.3. Tekio starts in intrusion detection mode which is the initial and current configuration. An intrusion event is detected as shown in Figure 2(a) by the context manager.

The adaptation planner then decides the new configuration for face detection. The component executor loads the face detection component. The face detection configuration en- sues as shown in Figure 2(b).


(a) Intrusion Detection

(b) Face Detection

Figure 2: Dynamic Reconfiguration from Intrusion to Face Detection. Figure (a) is before and Figure (b) is after

Our objective is to validate the self-adaptive middleware Tekio built using an OSGi component framework. The val- idation aims to encourage the reuse of legacy components in modern self-adaptive frameworks. Our case study is a self-adaptive computer vision system built using Tekio. We choose the representative computer vision domain for a num- ber of reasons: (a) they process large amounts of input data with variations in resolution and content of images, (b) they often require high-throughput and low latency and can run on various operating platforms, (c) they solicit the use of hardware resources such as cameras, high-end servers, and actuators, and (d) computer vision applications require com- plex software components involving large databases, file sys- tems, and image processing algorithms.

We are intrigued by two principal questions that we ad- dress experimentally: Q1:How much performance is com- promised due to the use of self-adaptive middleware on a native implementation?Q2:How often the system can adapt while maintaining a minimal QoS?

The experimental setup to answer these questions is pre- sented in Section 3.1. Finally, we present results of our ex- periments and discuss them in Section 3.2.

3.1 Experimental Setup

Dynamic adaptation is between different system configu- rations of video processing components handled by Tekio. A configuration is a specific set of components and its param- eters. The components in the configuration are composed in a video processing chain/pipeline. In our experiments we implement a total of six configurations in Figure 3.


Configurations Number Name







Configurations Details

Component C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6

OpenCV AVI Reader 1 1 1 1 1 1

Image Smoothing 2 × × 2 × ×

FGD Background Subtraction × 2 × × × 2

Pyramid Segmentation × × 3 × 2 ×

HAAR Detection × × × 3 3 3

Image Window 3 3 4 4 4 4

Figure 3: Experimental Configurations

We present the content of these configurations in Figure 3.

For example, the configuration for motion detection contains three different components (a) image acquisition that reads a video from a file, (b) image segmentation that reduces or smoothens the edges of the images, (c) blob construction that finds the contours of objects and translates them into detected movement.

Another dimension of variability in our experiments is the image resolution. The input to the video processing chain is 1020 frames of video in an office space available in three different resolutions:1) High, 1024x720 pixels with a bit rate of 3,582 2) Medium, 720x400 pixels with a bit rate of 1,325 and, 3) Low, 480x272 pixels with a bit rate 681. Each ex- periment measures percentage of CPU usage, percentage of memory usage and FPS monitored every 5 frames.

We evaluate the configurations based on the following metrics:

Throughput We measure throughput using the rate at which the video processing chain processes frames per second (FPS).

Settling Time The time the system takes to switch from the current configuration to the next. This measure- ment takes into account the time needed to load the new components

CPU Usage What percentage of the processor Tekio is us- ing at a given instant. This includes the percentage of processor used by the loaded vision components.

Memory Usage What quantity of memory Tekio is using at any given instant. This measurement also includes includes memory used by vision components in Tekio.

We design two experiments to address questionsQ1and Q2:

Experiment E1 ForQ1, we run a single configuration with three resolutions. Each system configuration is first run with legacy static C components. Second, we run the configuration using Tekio that handles the C com- ponents in its self-adaptive framework. The goal is to understand how much performance is lost by adding the self-adaptive layer, and whether this performance loss out costs the benefits of self-adaptation.

Experiment E2 For Q2, we run 38 pairs (without repe- tition) of the 6 configurations in a fixed time. First, we reconfigure 38 times in two minutes. Secondly, we decrease the time limit to 90 seconds and continue re- ducing to 60, 45, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 second(s). The purpose here is to figure how the system is affected by

the stress to adapt quickly in fixed time. Can we de- termine when the system stops functioning properly due to a very high frequency of adaptation?

All experiments to answer our empirical questions are executed on an iMac with the Intel Core i3 Processor of 3.06GHz and 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3.

3.2 Results and Discussion

We summarize the results of executing experimentE1in Figure 4 andE2in Figure 5.

In this section, we summarize and present the results of the experimental executions. Measurements are performed at runtime during the execute phase of the MAPE-K loop.

We executeExperiment E1 to addressQuestion Q1.

In Figure 4, we compare a legacy implementation of motion detection in C with motion detection within the self-adaptive framework Tekio. As expected, in Figure 4 (a) we observe that the frame rate isslightly higher for a native/legacy im- plementation of motion detection compared to Tekio for all three resolutions low, medium, and high. The CPU usage for both native and Tekio is similar as shown in Figure 4 (b). However, we observe large difference in memory usage in Tekio compared to a native implementation as seen in Figure 4 (c). The OSGi framework used to develop Tekio uses up considerable amount of memory compared to the native implementation. However, the upper limit is around 2.25% of main memory (4Gb) which is largely acceptable.

We executeExperiment E2 to addressQuestion Q2.

We switch between pairs of configuration using Tekio. In all possible 38 pairs of configurations we choose to show 6 pairs where we switch to motion detection from any given configu- ration with varying time limits and resolutions. The results for low, medium, and high resolution input videos are are shown in Figure 5. In Figure 5 (a), we observe that frame rate starts dropping at 90 seconds time bound for high reso- lution while 5 seconds time bound for low and medium reso- lution videos. This implies that a high frequency of adapta- tion is not suitable for high resolution images while we may expect to adapt several times for lower resolution videos.

The CPU usage drops for high resolution after its break point as seen in Figure 4 (b). However, as the frequency of adaptation increases for low and medium the CPU usage increases beyond using a single CPU (upto 170%). Finally, in Figure 4 (c), we notice that memory usage for high res- olution is initially very high but gradually drops after the break point. The memory usage remains relatively static for low and medium resolution but drops after the break point.

We define the time required for the system to settle down into a state which produces meaningful results as settling time. In conclusion, we observe that most of the settling times are very low. However, if the system adapts very fast


Figure 4: Performance Comparison of Legacy and Self-adaptive for Motion Detection (a) Frame Rate (b) CPU Usage (c) Memory Usage

Figure 5: Stress Testing All Switches to Motion Detection (a) Frame Rate (b) CPU Usage (c) Memory Usage

(about 0.25 milliseconds per adaptation) the system can be- gin to fail depending on the load and video resolution. How- ever, most importantly Tekio does not crash, it simply does not produce results and continues running, this is possible because the algorithms do not produce any exceptions. In future work, we would like to see if Tekio can recover from bursts of high loads automatically without crashing.


Self-adaptive middleware frameworks are an emerging area in software engineering. There are a number of contributions in the domain self-adaptive middleware. Most self-adaptive middleware are based on the MAPE-K loop proposed by IBM [8]. An ampl survey is provided in [16]. We discuss middleware frameworks that are closely related to Tekio.

We place our contribution with respect to established frame- works such as WildCAT [5], Rainbow [17], DIVA [12] and MUSIC [13].

WildCAT [5] is an easy to use Java based framework to build context-aware adaptive systems. Reusing legacy li- braries may be achieved in WildCAT by extending classes provided in WildCAT. It does not directly support a stan- dard component framework such as OSGi. In Tekio, we support the OSGi standard for components allowing a large number of components in possibly different implementation languages to interoperate. WildCAT lacks empirical evalua- tions of its QoS especially with the concern of reusing legacy libraries.

The Rainbow [17] framework provides a reusable archi-

tecture to build self-adaptive software systems. The compo- nents in rainbow facilities for remote procedure call to ac- cess legacy libraries. The authors evaluate the system using a video conferencing case study to show how self-adaptation can help keep latency below a threshold. In [4], the authors evaluate the effectiveness of Rainbow to a realistic rise in demand in a website Znn.com. This rise in demand neces- sitates quick adaptations which Rainbow seems to handle well. However, the authors do not address the impact of these adaptations on resource usage such as memory and CPU which are often limited. From an interoperability point of view all components in Rainbow are specific to the frame- work and must be rewritten as Rainbow components much like WildCAT.

DIVA (Dynamic Variability in complex, Adaptive sys- tems) is a European project that provide tools and method- ologies to manage dynamic variability in adaptive systems.

The approach proposes the use of model-driven and aspect- oriented techniques [12]. DIVA addresses the problem of ex- plosion of possible system configurations and the migration from the current configuration to a valid target configura- tion [10] in an adaptive system. The framework has been develop using the OSGi specification on the Helios Eclipse Equinox implementation. However, DIVA is a heavy-weight framework and performs adaptations in the order of sec- onds and not milliseconds such as in Tekio. DIVA also does not address more intricate issues such as its functionality due high frequency of adaptation. DIVA has been applied to a home automation system called Entimid [9]. Entimid


contains a number of OSGi components for sensors, behav- ior and actuators situated in an apartment for handicapped and elderly people. Entimid tends to behave very errati- cally when contextual events that trigger adaptations arrive in unpredictable ways. In our opinion, this is primarily due to lack of empirical analysis of the middleware framework.

MUSIC (Self-Adapting Applications for Mobile Users in Ubiquitous Computing Environments) [13] is an European project that provides an open source framework for devel- opment and execution of self-adaptive systems using OSGi components. MUSIC provides self-adaptive mobile applica- tions for different devices and operating systems. It also provides developer tools that simplify its use. The platform bases its decisions on monitoring and sensing QoS charac- teristics of the components that compose the running sys- tem. With the help of utility or weight functions the system measures how the system can adapt to a specific context.

The adaptation framework has a model of the system struc- tured with several components that can be modified at run time. It also uses the event-driven architecture to manage context events; this allows the system to provide loosely coupled software components. The project goal is to main- tain self-adaptation separated from the business logic. Tekio has been inspired by the architecture of MUSIC. However, MUSIC does not validate its infrastructure using empirical studies as we have done for Tekio.


In this paper, we demonstrate that legacy software li- braries can be cast into a self-adaptive middleware frame- work: Tekio. Tekio is based on the lightweight OSGi stan- dard for dynamic component loading that facilitates self- adaptation of functions in legacy libraries. Using the com- puter vision library OpenCV we demonstrate that Tekio can be used to build a self-adaptive vision system. We evalu- ate Tekio for a number of configurations of a vision system.

First, we demonstrate that Tekio’s performance is negligibly slower for a fixed configuration compared to an identical im- plementation in native C. The OSGi layer and Tekio’s mid- dleware do not incur a large performance overhead. Second, we demonstrate that Tekio can handle about 30 adaptations in a span of 2 seconds. This result however, is dependent on the input video resolution. Only low/medium resolution videos can be dealt with despite high rates of adaptation.

When high resolution videos are treated the 30 adaptations may occur in the span of at least 90 seconds. If the adapta- tion rate is too high Tekio simply stops producing output.

It does not crash which open doors to techniques for self- healing.

There are a number of lessons learned in our experiment of reusing legacy libraries in a self-adaptive middleware frame- work. We enlist some of the important lessons:

1. Self-adaptive frameworks can be superimposed on legacy libraries if the language used to build the framework provides optimized native access to the libraries. In our case, Tekio, Java Native Access used within an OSGi component is an optimized framework with min- imum performance overhead.

2. Self-adaptive frameworks have limited control over the resources used by legacy libraries. For instance, inter- nal memory management in the legacy library must

be handled well by routines in the library. This is true unless the legacy library provides functions to manage memory or do garbage collection.

3. We have reasonable idea about the range of applica- tion domains where our approach would be applicable.

For instance, legacy libraries that collect real-time sen- sor data can be placed in a self-adaptive framework.

However, the final output of the application must not be sensitive to loss of some real-time data that may be incurred due to change in configurations. Video, in most cases, is an example of sensor data that re- mains usable despite loss of some frames. In other cases where application output is sensitive to sensor data such as in safety critical systems the adaptation must be performed only when the system is sure that no critical data is received by the sensors.

4. In our experiments, we also demonstrate that compu- tation intensive behavior such as face detection can be reused in a self-adaptive framework. Tekio quickly loads/unloads heavy components without inflicting a domino effect that can bring the system down. In case of very high-frequency of adaptation Tekio stops pro- ducing results. As the frequency reduces, Tekio, re- sume normal functionality without system crash.

As future work we would like Tekio to provide self-healing and self-protection to the running system. For example, Tekio must be provide the possibility of cleaning up unused memory. Resource management including memory manage- ment and debugging of legacy components from Tekio is an important goal of our future work. We would also like Tekio to perform selection from two or more candidates configu- rations for an adaptation. Tekio also needs to maintain a model@runtime to simplify the interface to reconfiguration in Tekio. In an experiment, it is intriguing to see how Tekio works as a function of component granularity. Should I self- adaptive with many small and lightweight components or with few heavy components?


We would like to thank Team PULSAR at INRIA Sophia- Antipolis that provided us with the necessary financial sup- port and resources to apply new ideas in self-adaptive soft- ware architectures to the domain of computer vision. In particular, we are grateful to Prof. Jean-Paul Rigault and Dr. Sabine Moisan.


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Unit´e de recherche INRIA Rennes, Irisa, Campus universitaire de Beaulieu, 35042 RENNES Cedex Unit´e de recherche INRIA Rhˆone-Alpes, 655, avenue de l’Europe, 38330 MONTBONNOT ST

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