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The optical properties of evaporated gold in the vacuum ultraviolet from 300 Å to 2 000 Å


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HAL Id: jpa-00205721


Submitted on 1 Jan 1964

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The optical properties of evaporated gold in the vacuum ultraviolet from 300 Å to 2 000 Å

L.R. Canfield, G. Hass, W.R. Hunter

To cite this version:

L.R. Canfield, G. Hass, W.R. Hunter. The optical properties of evaporated gold in the vac- uum ultraviolet from 300 Å to 2 000 Å. Journal de Physique, 1964, 25 (1-2), pp.124-129.

�10.1051/jphys:01964002501-2012401�. �jpa-00205721�


a la transition de la bande « d ) au niveau de Fermi.

Du reste des r6sultats r6cents de Ehrenreich et

Philipp [4] ont montre que des bandes d’absorption

par effet photoélectrique interne sont les memes

pour le nickel et le cuivre qui occupent des positions

similaires compar6es a celles occupees par I’argent- palladium dans le tableau p6riodique.

11 semble que ce soit donc aussi le cas pour la

sequence palladium-argent.

Nous allons poursuivre cette 6tude en examinant

les propri6t6s du palladium et de 1’argent puis en

observant ce qui se produit lorsque nous etudierons

les propri6t6s de l’alliage argent-palladium.




1o Were these measurements of reflectance and transmittance taken in air or vacuum.

20 If in vacuum, do the values change upon admission of air ?

M. LosTIs. - Values were taken in air.

M. BLANC. -- Distance approximative support

creuset ?

M. LOSTIS. - 35 cm.

BIBLIOGRAPHIE [1] LOSTIS (P.), Thèse Ing.-Docteur, juin 1958 (Rev. Opt.,

1959, 38, 1).

[2] ABELÉS (F.), J. O. S. A., 1957, 47, 473.

[3] MARÉCHAL (A.), DUPUY (O.) et RENAULT (M.), Opt.

Acta, 1962, 9, 47.

[4] EHRENREICH et PHILIPP, à paraître dans Physical




U. S. Army Engineer Research and Development Laboratories, Fort Belvoir, Virginia.



E. O. Hulburt Center for Space Research, U. S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D. C.



On a mesuré les facteurs de réflexion de couches d’or, obtenues par évaporation,

dans l’ultraviolet de 300 à 2 000 Å. On a déduit les constantes optiques des mesures de facteur

de réflexion effectuées pour différents angles d’incidence. Contrairement à ce qui se passe pour

l’aluminium, le facteur de réflexion de couches d’or préparées sous vide varie peu au cours de leur exposition à l’air. Des couches semi transparentes, d’une épaisseur voisine de 150 Å, présentent

des maximums de réflexion, dus à des phénomènes d’interférence, pour de nombreuses longueurs

d’onde de l’ultraviolet lointain.



The reflectance and optical constants of evaporated gold films were measured in

the vacuum ultraviolet from 300 Å to 2 000 Å. The optical constants were determined from reflectance measurements made at various angles of incidence. In contrast to aluminium, gold

shows little change in reflectance after deposition in vacuum and during exposure to air. Due to interference, semitransparent films of about 150 Å on glass show the highest reflectance at most

wavelengths in the vacuum ultraviolet.




A study of the optical prop- erties of gold in the vacuum ultraviolet is of interest for practical and theoretical reasons. The reflectance of gold is higher than that of many (1) This work was supported in part by the Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, Greenbelt, Maryland.

other film materials for wavelengths shorter than 900 A and exhibits almost no change during

extended use and storage in air. In addition, gold

films are easy to deposit in any desired thickness and have proven to be an excellent medium in which tojrule diffraction gratings for use in the

extreme ultraviolet.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01964002501-2012401


125 From the theoretical point of view, measure-

ments of the reflectance and the optical constants

of gold in the vacuum ultraviolet are of interest to the solid state physicist since they furnish infor- mation on the absorption spectrum and energy band structure of the metal.

It is the purpose of this paper to present the

results of recent measurements of the reflectance and optical constants of gold in the wavelength region from 300 A to 2 000 A, and to discuss the

effect of film thickness on the optical properties in

this region.

Experimental techniques.


All evaporations

were performed in an evaporator-reflectometer

combination in which the reflectance of the films could be measured within seconds of the comple-

tion of their deposition. The instrument, shown

in figure 1, is attached to a one-meter normal incidence monochromator. A detailed description

FIG. 1.


Section of evaporator-reflectometer combination

of the system has been published elsewhere [1],

therefore only the salient features of this instru- ment will be mentioned here. Basically the evapo- rator-reflectometer consists of two vacuum cham-

bers separated by a barrier with a hole in it. The vapor source, in this case a tungsten boat con- taining gold, is located in the lower chamber, while

the upper chamber contains the reflectometer.

The substrate holder may be disengaged from the

reflectometer mechanism and placed over the hole

in the barrier between the two chambers. Thus, during an evaporation, the substrate faces the boat which is approximately 40 cm away from it. The

substrate and an additional shutter serve to shield the upper chamber and its contents from the metal vapor. Immediately after the completion

of an evaporation the substrate may be swung up into position for measurement.

The polished glass plates used as substrates were

. given a preliminary cleaning with a detergent and, just prior to the evaporation, a final cleaning with

a high-voltage dc glow discharge.

The evaporation rates of gold were varied so

that the deposition rates ranged from 2 to

1 600 Å/sec; the thickness was monitored by measuring the light transmittance at À


5 000 A.

During the evaporations the pressure was approxi- mately 10-6 torr, except when it was deliberately

increased to study the effect of pressure on the

optical properties.

Two types of light sources were used to cover the

spectral range from 300 A to 2 000 A. One was a dc glow discharge (1) and the other a pulsed discharge source (2). Figure 2 shows the spectra

of the radiation available for measurement. with the two light sources. The radiation emitted from

the glow discharge is shown at the top of ( fig. 2).

The many-line hydrogen molecular spectrum,

which within the limits of resolution of the mono-

chromator is a quasi-continuum, and two atomic

lines at 1216 A and 1 026 A, cover the spectral region from approximately 900 A to beyond the

upper wavelength limit used in this investigation.

The neutral resonance lines of He and Ne produced

isolated lines at 584 A and 736 Å, respectively,

when those gases were introduced into the light

source. More complete coverage of the region

below 900 A is afforded by using the pulsed dis- charge source. The remainder of figure 2 shows

the radiation available using the pulsed discharge

with different gases. The spectral range down to

300 A is. covered rather fully using the four gases shown. With oxygen, wavelengths as short as

246 A may be obtained.

The reflectance of the films could be measured at any angle of incidence between 60 and 860 using

a 1P21 photomultiplier sensitized with sodium sali-

cylate as a detector. For the determination of

optical constants by the reflectance method des- cribed by Tousey [3] and Simon [4], reflectance measurements were made at several angles of inci-

dence at each wavelength. The resulting values

of reflectance were then used to determine the

possible values of the index of refraction n and of the extinction coefficient k (the complex index

of refraction, N = n


ik) for each angle of inci-

dence by means of previously computed curves.

The values of n and k common to each determi- nation for several angles of incidence then gave the optical constants at the wavelength under study. These initial values were then fed into a

digital computer which was programmed to cal-


FIG. 2.


Spectra produced by the two light sources.

culate the reflectance for each angle at which

measurements were made and to evaluate the de- viation between the measured and calculated values.. The constants were then varied by small

amounts and the calculation repeated until the

deviation was minimized. The program also com-

puted the reflectance at normal incidence which,

in all cases, agreed within experimental error with

the measured values.



Evaporated gold shows little change

in vacuum ultraviolet reflectance after its depo-

sition in vacuum, and during exposure to and pro-

longed storage in air. The marked contrast in behavior to that of a reactive metal such as alumi-

num may be seen in figure 3. In separate exper- iments, the reflectance of freshly deposited alumi-

num and gold were studied as a function of time

at 1216 A, before and after exposure to air. The reflectance of aluminum drops rapidly, particu- larly upon exposure to air, due to the formation

FIG. 3.


Comparison of the effect of aging on the reflec-

tance of evaporated films of gold and of aluminium at 1 216 A.

of a strongly absorbing oxide layer [5]. The reflec-

tance of gold, however, decreases only about one

percent while in vacuum and stays essentially


constant after exposure to air. At other wave-

lengths the degree of change was about the. same,

but at some wavelengths a slight increase could be observed.. Contamination resulting from storage

in air sometimes caused a slight change in reflec-

tance at all wavelengths, however, a simple rinse

with ethyl alcohol restored the reflectance prac-

tically to its original value. Thus the conclusion

was reached that measurements in situ were unnec-

essary, and that the true optical properties of gold

could be studied using films that had been exposed

to air.

The effect of deposition parameters on the reflec- tance of gold films was investigated, and it was

found that neither the pressure during deposition

nor the rate of deposition were critical until extremes were reached. Deposition rates of from

50 to 1 600 A per second with pressures of from less than 10-6 to above 10-5 torr were employed

with practically no effect on the reflectance of the

resulting film. Only when a rather thick film was made under poor conditions did the reflectance

drop, undoubtedly due to increased surface rough-

ness. Ip figure 4 the upper solid curve represents

the reflectance of a film made in a more or less

typical evaporation ; the lower is the reflectance of a film made under the relatively poor conditions

given. The reflectance values of Robin [6], obtain-

ed from visibly opaque films and shown as the dashed curve of figure 4, are considerably lower

than those measured here.

FIG. 4.


Effect of evaporation conditions on the reflec- tance of evaporated gold as a function of wavelength

from 1 000 A to 2 000 A.

If the surface of the evaporated gold film is rough, it will scatter the incident radiation and

cause erroneous reflectance measurements which will result in inaccurate determinations of n and k.

Since roughness increases with increasing film thickness, the films should be kept thin to avoid roughness but, at the same time, thick enough to

be opaque. Interference effects and transmission losses will be negligible if less than 0.1 % of the

energy incident of the vacuum-film interface is transmitted through the film to the glass substrate.

Calculations of the film thickness required to satisfy

this condition were made using preliminary values

for n and k obtained from a film 1600 A thick.

A plot the of thickness necessary to reduce trans- mission to 0.1 % as a function of wavelength from

300 Å to 2 000 A is shown in figure 5. The optical

constants given by Schulz [7] and Schulz and Tangherlini [8] were used to calculate the trans- mittance of gold at 5 000 A as a function of thick- ness, and the right-hand scale of figure 5 gives the

transmittance at 5 000 A corresponding to the

FIG. 5.


Calculated thickness of gold films required to

decrease transmittance to 0.1 % as a function of wave-

length from 300 A to 2 000 A. Transmittance data at 5 000 A are included for comparison.

thickness given in the left-hand scale..It is seen

that films that are opaque in the vacuum ultra- violet are semitransparent at 5 000 A. Thus

monochromatic light of that ’wavelength may be used to monitor the thickness of gold films that

will be opaque in the vacuum ultraviolet.

Once the desirable thickness for gold films was

determined for the various wavelengths, meas-

urements of n and k were made using films of the appropriate thicknesses. The results are shown

FIG. 6.


Optical constants and normal incidence reflec-

tance of gold in the vacuum ultraviolet.


in figure 6, where n, k, and the measured normal incidence reflectance are plotted as a function of

wavelength from 300 A to 2 000 Å. Cole and Oppenheimer [9] have measured the optical cons-

tants of gold at the wavelengths 1216, 1048, 920,

584 and 304 A. Their values of n and k are, with the exception of the indices at 584 A and 304 A, lower than the ones reported here.

Reflectance measurements from 1770 A to 450 A

have been reported by Walker, Rustgi and

Weissler [9a] who obtained the same reflectance

versus wavelength characteristic as shown in

figure 6. Their reflectances were equal to those

shown in the figure for wavelengths greater than

700 A, but somewhat lower for wavelengths shorter

than 700 A.

The extinction coefficient, k, cannot be corre-

lated directly with- absorption processes occurring

in the metal, however, Frohlich and Pelzer [10]

have shown that a phenomenological relation exists between absorption processes and the bulk optical

constants. According to them, the quantity,

when plotted against wavelength, should have

maxima corresponding to absorption processes.

This expression was calculated using the n and k

values of figure 6 and the results are shown in

figure 7. There are distinct maxima ; at 32.6 eV,

25.8 eV, 16.3 eV, and 6.7 eV, corresponding to wavelengths 380, 480, 760 and 1 880 A.

FiG. 7.


2nk/(n2 + k2)2 as a function of wavelength

for gold in the vacuum ultraviolet.

Robins [11] used a reflection technique to study monoenergetic electrons elastically and inelas-

tically scattered by an evaporated gold surface

and observed four characteristic losses of about the same energy ; 32.6 eV, 25.8 eV, 16.0 eV and 6.3 eV.

Interference effects may be observed when very thin gold films are deposited on glass. Figure 8

shows the calculated and measured normal inci-

FIG. 8.


Calculated and measured reflectance of opaque and semi-transparent (t


150 A) gold films on glass as

a function of wavelength from 1 000 A to 2 000 A.

dence reflectances of opaque and 150 Å thick films from 1000 A to 2 000 A. The agreement between calculated and measured values for the 150 A thick film indicates that n and k of the bulk material

are still correct for films this thin. The curve also shows that highest reflectance is obtained with films that are not opaque in the extreme ultra- violet. The same situation applies to films of platinum [12].

The calculated reflectance of evaporated gold on glass as a function of film thickness at several

wavelengths is shown in figure 9. At all wave-

Fic. 9.


Calculated reflectance of gold on glass as a func-

tion of film thickness for various wavelengths in the

vacuum ultraviolet.

lengths shown except 700 Å there is an increase in reflectance at a gold thickness less than about 250 Å. It can be concluded that for use as a

reflector throughout the vacuum ultraviolet a gold

thickness of about 150 A on glass represents a good




REFERENCES [1] MADDEN (R. P.) and CANFIELD (L. R.), J. Opt. Soc.

Am., 1961, 51, 838.

[2] HUNTER (W. R.), Proc. Xth Colloquium Spectrosco- picum Internationale, Spartan Books, Washington,

D. C., 1963, p. 247.

[3] TOUSEY (R.), J. Opt. Soc. Am., 1939, 29, 235.

[4] SIMON (I.), J. Opt. Soc. Am., 1951, 41, 336.

[5] MADDEN (R. P.), CANFIELD (L. R.) and HASS (G.),

J. Opt. Soc. Am., 1953, 53, 620.

[6] ROBIN (S.), C. R. Acad. Sc.,1953, 236, 674.

[7] SCHULZ (L. G.), J. Opt. Soc. Am., 1954, 44, 357.

[8] SCHULZ (L. G.) and TANGHERLINI (F. R.), J. Opt. Soc.

Am., 1954, 44, 362.

[9] COLE (T. T.) and OPPENHEIMER (F.), Applied Optics, 1962,1, 709.

[9a] WALKER (W. C.), RUSTGI (O. P.) and WEISSLER (G. L.), J. Opt. Soc. Am., 1959, 49, 471.

[10] FROHLICH (H.) and PELZER (H.), Proc. Phys. Soc., 1955, A 68, 525.

[11] ROBINS (J. L.), Proc. Phys. Soc., 1961, 78, 1177.

[12] JACOBUS (G. F.), MADDEN (R. P.) and CANFIELD (L. R.), J. Opt. Soc. Am., 1963, 53, 1084.



Health Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1), Oak Ridge, Tennessee.



On a déterminé expérimentalement les distributions angulaire et spectrale, dans le

domaine de longueurs d’onde de 2 500 Å à 5 600 Å, de photons émis par des feuilles d’argent de

660 Å et 1 980 A d’épaisseur lorsqu’on les bombarde avec des électrons de 40 keV. La distribution

spectrale de la lumière polarisée dans le plan d’incidence a montré un maximum aigu à

3 300 Å ± 12 Å. Cette valeur est une moyenne évaluée sur 1’ensemble des directions faisant avec

la normale à la feuille des angles allant de 10° à 50°. En plus de ce maximum, le spectre présentait

un fond continu dont l’intensité décroissait lentement lorsque la longueur d’onde augmentait,et

un faible minimum à 3 200 A, suivi, pour les longueurs d’onde plus courtes, d’une augmentation

d’intensité. La distribution angulaire des photons émis, pour la longueur d’onde correspondant

au maximum, présente un maximum à 30° de la normale à la feuille. Aucun photon n’est émis perpendiculairement ou tangentiellement à la feuille. En revanche, la lumière émise pour d’autres

longueurs d’onde du fond continu, par exemple 2 700 Å et 4 500 A, était surtout intense à 50°

de la normale. On a déterminé le rendement lumineux absolu après avoir étalonné le spectro- mètre, l’analyseur et Ie photomultiplicateur avec une lampe à filament de tungstène provenant

du U. S. National Bureau of Standards. En ce qui concerne les directions faisant un angle de 10°.

à 40° avec la normale, le rendement lumineux était en tout point en accord avec les prévisions théoriques pour toutes les longueurs d’onde sauf pour celle correspondant au maximum aigu

pour laquelle la valeur expérimentale est inférieure de 30 % environ.



The angular and spectral distributions of photons emitted by Ag foils 660 Å and

1 980 Å in thickness when bombarded by 40 keV electrons have been determined experimentally

in the wavelength region from 2 500 A to 5 600 Å. The spectral distribution of light polarized

in the plane of incidence showed a sharp peak at 3 300 Å ± 12 Å, this value being an average

over photon directions from 10° to 50° from the foil normal. In addition to the peak, the spectrum

showed a continuum which decreased slowly with increasing wavelength and a deep minimum

at 3 200 Å with a rise in the shorter wavelengths. The angular distribution of photons emitted

at the peak wavelength showed a maximum at 30° from the foil normal with zero intensity at

and near 90°, whereas the photons emitted at other wavelengths in the continuum, e.g., 2 700 A

and 4 500 Å, were most intense at 50° from the foil normal. The absolute photon yield was deter-

mined by calibrating the spectrometer, analyzer, and photomultiplier with a tungsten filament lamp obtained from the U. S. National Bureau of Standards. For photon directions from 10°

to 40° the photon yield was found to agree with the theoretical predictions in all respects at all wavelengths except at that of the sharp peak where the experimental values were about 30 %





In 1945 Frank and Ginsburg [1]

predicted that radiation would be emitted when a

uniformly moving electron passed from one

medium into another. To explain the pheno-

(1j Operated by Union Carbide Corporation for the

U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.

menon of this " transition radiation ", they consi-

dered an electron passing from a vaccum into a perfect conductor. While approaching the con-

ductor the electromagnetic field in the vacuum is

equal to the field of the electron and of its image

moving towards it. From the point of view of


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