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How urban was fifth-century BC Bourges?


Academic year: 2022

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How urban was fifth-century BC Bourges?

KAENEL, Gilbert


These two simultaneously published works mark an important stage in French Iron Age research, for the end of the early (or first) Iron Age and beginning of the later (or second) Iron Age, i.e. the Hallstatt D and La Tene A phases. The discoveries made since the nineteenth century in Bourges in central France carried out as a prerequisite of urban and suburban redevelopment since the 1980s, have radically altered our understanding of the sixth and fifth centuries BC.

KAENEL, Gilbert. How urban was fifth-century BC Bourges? Antiquity , 2010, vol. 84, no. 324, p. 568-570

DOI : 10.1017/s0003598x00066813

Available at:


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