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A silvopastoral model for the EU Bergez J.E., Msika B. Systèmes sylvopastoraux. Pour un environnement, une agriculture et une économie durables Zaragoza : CIHEAM Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 12 1995


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


Systèmes sylvopastoraux. Pour un environnement, une agriculture et une économie durables

Zaragoza : CIHEAM

Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 12 1995

pages 231-234

Article available on lin e / Article dispon ible en lign e à l’adresse :

--- http://om.ciheam.org/article.php?ID PD F=96605526

--- To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article

--- Bergez J.E., Msika B. A silvopastoral model for th e EU . Systèmes sylvopastoraux. Pour un environnement, une agriculture et une économie durables . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1995. p. 231-234 (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 12)





A silvopastoral model for the EU

Bergez Jacques-Eric’ and Bruno2 1 :

2 : I N R A , 9,

: une de des et

le de CT92 0134)

fonde ses objectifs : de les la du paysage

; une de bois de qualité dans les a f n de

activités et de les ; le multiusage les

possibilité de changement d’affectation de

le de ce les ont bâti un modde biophysique de de

système et de l’évolution ; ce est développé en langage

C++ et basé 5 le mésoclimat, l’animal et le sol) et

dynamiques. Le modèle est alimenté des du

ou à défaut, la existante.

Ce modèle biophysique est de façon à la liaison avec un modèle bioéconomique développé

au Uni. simulations à l’échelle de la une

validation de l’outil, un d’échelle de en

compte, au niveau d’un massif, les le système d’élevage et le paysage.

: système


modèle biophysique



in is to

it maintain m a l


Well established in developing counties in




the length of time to of

to et al,

1985 ; ; ; to


to at

of to that the at

The aim of to

AZternative Agriculture C792 0134).



to the model is based


an on

23 1

CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes


Outputs: The model is designed to be linked to (Thomas, 1991). Outputs of the model a)

weight) and b) by

of General information:

location and soil type), the species to

Tree submodel: on the


the et al, 1985 ; et al, 1986) uI(

data 1979). The of


of the canopy, leaf of the bole (and consequently

the is

of of

assumed that the canopy fits in width of the canopy is limited by the

submodel: is site

file the total

A 40


the state of at is



1. A

leaf A

to 2. The mean


to 4.



Sward submudel:


the outputs of this module.

Animal submodel:

an animal depends on the quantity and quality of of

N content, C/N As an outpufof


Quantity of of lambs, and quantity of meat,

of this module.

Suì2 submudel: Two components in the soil: N and

to fit the in the animal,

The soil is divided in 30cm.

of the of

is used by both components.

of the is it

to by to in



be chosen by the

CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes





5 . 6 .

is a competition the establishment phase of the

The consumption of by the The

may then be used by the

is no effect of animals on the taken into account at this stage.

the mainly modifies the is no spatial effect taken into account.

the animal the the the quality of


on the quality and quantity of the the animal will be

animals and modi5 the the cycle in the soil and have


on this model should be completed

by the end of 1995. obstacles to the validation of such a

model as is a lack of data in

data fiom the be used to validate at least the establishment

phase. The link with the be made in 1995. At a

stage, the plot-scale model will be into a field management scheme at the level.

Aston, 1979. by eight small trees. Journal Hydrology, 42: 383-396.

Anderson, 1991. Computer modelling of agroforestry systems. Thesis, of

Anonymous,-1992. tree. Simulation model for economic evaluation agroforestry and trees on farms.

J. J., 1986. an economic of the benefits of

P.J., 1985. edition, National

Forestry Commission, 1980. Yield models for forest management. Alice Lodge,

Green, 1990. AirJlow through and above a forest widely spaced trees. of

N.J., A model of in sheep

1990. environment physics. 263 p -t

B., des relations herbe-arbre sous peuplements de Quercus pubescens Willd. et

1990. A of the Agroforestry

1985. planting on upland sheep Thomas, T., 1991. A to the economic modelling of

1989. A model of flows and


by the of Food and of

with in lowland Agricultural Systems, 21: 1-32.

of National 96p.

3 13p.


Höss. dans les of 11 lp.

abstracts 3:149-164.


study team 2 7p.

ecology ciñd management, 45: 207-235.

12: 863-886.


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