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A characterization of harmonic measures on laminations by hyperbolic Riemann surfaces


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www.imstat.org/aihp 2008, Vol. 44, No. 6, 1078–1089

DOI: 10.1214/07-AIHP147

© Association des Publications de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, 2008

A characterization of harmonic measures on laminations by hyperbolic Riemann surfaces

Yuri Bakhtin


and Matilde Martínez


aSchool of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0160, USA. E-mail: bakhtin@math.gatech.edu bCentro de Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias, Iguá 4225 esq. Mataojo, Montevideo, Uruguay. E-mail: matilde@cmat.edu.uy

Received 26 June 2006; revised 16 May 2007; accepted 9 September 2007

Abstract. Ldenotes a (compact, nonsingular) lamination by hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. We prove that a probability measure onLis harmonic if and only if it is the projection of a measure on the unit tangent bundleT1LofLwhich is invariant under both the geodesic and the horocycle flows.

Résumé. Ldenote une lamination (compacte, nonsingulière) par surfaces de Riemann hyperboliques. On montre qu’ une mesure surLest harmonique si et seulement si elle est la projection d’une mesure sur le fibré tangent unitaireT1Lqui est invariante sous les flots géodesique et horocyclique.

MSC:37C12; 58J65; 37D40

Keywords:Foliated spaces; harmonic measures; Brownian Motion on the hyperbolic plane; geodesic flow; horocycle flow


This note studies measures associated to compact nonsingular laminations by hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. It builds on a previous article by the second author, entitled Measures on Hyperbolic Surface Laminations (see [14]), and improves on the main results found therein.

In this work,Ldenotes a lamination (or foliated space), which is compact and whose leaves are hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. Each leaf has its Poincaré metric – the metric of constant curvature −1 compatible with the conformal structure. We consider two different kinds of measures associated toL: measures invariant under the heat diffusion along the leaves ofLwhich are calledharmonicand measures on the unit tangent bundleT1LofLthat are invariant under the laminated geodesic and horocycle flows. Our main result reads as follows:

Main Theorem. Letμbe a probability measure onL.Thenμis harmonic if and only if there is a measureνonT1L which is invariant under both the geodesic and stable horocycle flow and that projects ontoμ(under the canonical projectionT1LL).Furthermore,such aνis unique.

This had been conjectured by Christian Bonatti.

Of course, in the statement of this theorem we can change thestablehorocycle flow for theunstablehorocycle flow, but asking that the measureμbe invariant under the three flows we are considering might be too much: In fact, there is a canonical bijection between measures invariant under the three flows and the simplest kind of harmonic measures;

namely, those coming from measures on transversals which are invariant under the holonomy pseudogroup. This is easy to prove and can be found in [14].


Our Main Theorem represents an improvement on the main results found in [14] (labeled Theorem 2.6 and Theo- rem 2.8), which state the following:

Theorem. 1.Any harmonic probability measure onLis the projection of a measure invariant under the stable horo- cycle flow onT1L.

2. Any probability measure onT1Linvariant under both the geodesic and the stable horocycle flow projects onto a harmonic measure onL.

Remark that the first statement is a partial converse of the second one; what we do in this note is to prove the converse of 2. The techniques we use are completely different from those used in [14].

In Section 1 we review and slightly modify the construction of a measure onT1Linvariant under the horocycle flow that projects onto a given harmonic measure onL. We wish to prove that the measure thus constructed is also invariant under the geodesic flow. This can be reduced to a probabilistic statement on the regularity of the distribution of the radial component of the Brownian motion on the hyperbolic plane.

The key regularity statement is provided by Theorem 2 which is proved in Section 2. The main idea of the proof is to show that for large times the radial component of the hyperbolic planar Brownian motion behaves as one-dimensional Brownian motion with constant positive drift. The closeness estimates are based on Girsanov’s theorem.

The uniqueness of the measureνis proved in Section 3. We consider a flow box in which we disintegrate a harmonic measureμusing Rokhlin’s theorem, and prove that there is at most one way to lift the harmonic measure in this flow box to a measure invariant under the affine group. Only local considerations are involved.

In Section 4 we state some simple applications of our Main Theorem. We state previous results regarding the uniqueness of harmonic measures which can now be translated to unique ergodicity for the action of the affine group in some examples.

1. Harmonic measures as projections of measures invariant under the affine group 1.1. Hyperbolic surface laminations

L is alaminationif it is a separable, locally compact metrizable space that has an open covering{Ei}and an atlas {(Ei, ϕi)}satisfying:

1. ϕi:EiDi×Tiis a homeomorphism, for some open diskDi inRdand topological spaceTi, and

2. the coordinate changesϕjϕi1are of the form(z, t )(ζ (z, t ), τ (t )), where eachζ is smooth in thezvariable.

This last condition says that the sets of the formϕi1(Di×{t}), calledplaques, glue together to formd-dimensional manifolds that we callleaves.

L is a Riemann surface laminationif the disksDi are open subsets of the complex plane and the mapsζ are holomorphic in thezvariable. We say thatLis ahyperbolic surface laminationif its leaves are hyperbolic Riemann surfaces.

Each leaf on a hyperbolic surface laminationL has a Poincaré metric, which is the only Riemannian metric of constant curvature−1 compatible with the conformal structure. According to a theorem due to Candel (see [3]), these metrics on the leaves, as well as all their derivatives, have continuous variation in the transverse direction.

In this paper,Lwill always denote a compact hyperbolic surface lamination.

1.2. Harmonic measures

Each leafLofL, being a Riemannian manifold, has a Laplace–Beltrami operatorL. Iff:L→Ris a function of classC2in the leaf direction andxL, we definef (x)=Lf|L(x),whereLis the leaf passing throughx and f|Lis the restriction off toL. A probability measureμonLisharmonicifμ=0; i.e. if

fdμ=0∀f. The operator /2 is the infinitesimal generator of thelaminated heat semigroup {Dt}t0. (This choice of the generator corresponds to the standard hyperbolic planar Brownian motion with unit diffusion.) The heat diffusion along the leaves can be described in terms of thelaminated heat kernel,p:L×L×(0,+∞)→Rgiven by

p(x, y, t )=

pL(x, y, t ) ifx, ybelong to the same leafL,

0 otherwise,


wherepLis the heat kernel onL. The laminated heat semigroup can be expressed as Dtf (x)=


p(x, y, t )f (y)dy, whereLxis the leaf throughx.

Lucy Garnett proved an Ergodic Theorem for harmonic measures, which can be found in [4] or [7].

A harmonic measuremisergodicifL cannot be partitioned into two measurable leaf-saturated subsets having positivemmeasure.

The ergodic harmonic measures can be briefly described as follows: we take a pointxinLand consider the Dirac delta atx, which we callδx. We can diffuse this measure, obtaining for each positive timet a probability measure Dtδx, whose integral on any continuous functionf on Lis Dtf (x). For almost allx according to any harmonic measure, the sequence of Krylov–Bogolyubov means

1 n




has a limit which we callδ˜x.Ergodic measures are of the formδ˜x. 1.3. TheP SL(2,R)-action on the unit tangent bundle

IfLis a hyperbolic surface lamination, we callT1Lthe lamination whose three dimensional leaves are the unit tangent bundles of the leaves ofLand that has “the same” charts asL.

Thelaminated geodesic flowis the flowgt that, restricted to the unit tangent bundle of a leafLof L, coincides with the geodesic flow inT1L. Thelaminated stable and unstable horocycle flowsh+ andh are the flows that, when restricted to the unit tangent bundle of a leafL, coincide with the stable and unstable horocycle flows onT1L, respectively. For the definition and basic properties of the geodesic, stable horocycle and unstable horocycle flows on hyperbolic surfaces, see [12]. All these flows are continuous onT1L, as a consequence of Candel’s theorem (see [3]).

In the laminationT1Lthere is a rightP SL(2,R)-action whose orbits are the leaves. As in the case of surfaces, the geodesic and the horocycle flows correspond to the action onT1Lof the one-parameter subgroupsDt,H+andH, respectively, where


et /2 0 0 et /2

, H+=

1 t 0 1

and H=

1 0 t 1


Consequently, the joint action ofDandH+corresponds to the action of the affine group B=

a b 0 a1

; a, b∈R, a >0


1.4. A measure invariant under the action of the affine group

Letπ:T1LLbe the canonical projection, and consider a harmonic probability measureμonL. In [14], there is a construction that produces a measureν onT1L which is invariant under the stable (or the unstable) horocycle flow and such thatπν=μ. It will be more convenient for us to consider the measureνwhich is invariant under the unstablehorocycle flow and which projects ontoμ.

Theorem 1. The measureνis invariant under the geodesic flowg.

This theorem says thatνis, in fact, invariant under both the geodesic and horocycle flows. Therefore, any harmonic measure is the projection of a measure invariant under both flows. This statement and its converse which is quoted in the Introduction constitute our Main Theorem.

Proof of Theorem 1. As in [14], two simplifying assumptions shall be made, that imply no loss of generality:


1. Thatμis ergodic; that is, there is anxLsuch thatμ= ˜δx; and

2. that the pointxbelongs to a leaf which is simply connected. (If it does not, we consider the universal cover of the leaf throughx, as explained in [14], p. 857.)

The construction ofνgoes as follows:

For any natural numbern≥1, letδ(n)x be the Krylov–Bogolyubov sum 1n nt=01Dtδx. Namely,δx(n)is the probabil- ity measure such that, for every continuous functionf inL,

fx(n)=1 n



Dtf (x)=1 n



Lp(x, y, t )f (y)dy.

With this notation,μ=limnδ(n)x .

LetLxbe the leaf of the laminationLpassing throughx. It is a hyperbolic plane. LetR:Lx\{x} →T1Lbe the unit radial vector field pointing outwards; i.e.R(y)=(γ (s),γ (s))˙ ifγ is the geodesic of unit speed such thatγ (0)=x andγ (s)=y. (Heresis, of course, the distance fromxtoy measured onLx.)

Defineμn=Rδ(n)x . This gives a sequence of probability measures on the compact spaceT1L. Letνbe any limit point of the sequence n)in the sense of the weak-* topology. (It is not difficult to see that in factν is the limit of theμn, but this is unessential for our argument.) Then, as was proved in [14],ν is invariant under the unstable horocycle flow. Andπν=μsinceπis a continuous map from the space of finite measures onT1Lto that of finite measures onL.

To finish the proof of Theorem 1 we shall show that(gs)ν=νfor alls∈ [0,1]. It is clearly enough to prove the following:

(*) For every continuous real-valued functionf onT1Land everys∈ [0,1],



T1Lfgsd(RDtδx) =0.

LetSr=Sr(x)= {yLx:d(x, y)=r}, wheredis the hyperbolic distance measured on the leafLx. Its normalized Lebesgue measure can be pushed forward byRto get a measure, that we callλr, supported on the curveR(Sr)T1L.

We can write the integral off with respect toRDtδxas




wherept(r)=p(x, y, t )×(length(Sr))for any pointy inLx such thatd(x, y)=r. Ifs >0, the geodesic flow at timestakesR(Sr)toR(Sr+s), and(gs)λr =λr+s. Writingu(r)=

fr, the statement labeled (*) follows from:

(**) For every continuous bounded functionu:R+→Rand everys∈ [0,1],



R+pt(r+s)u(r)dr =0.

Claim (**) is implied by Theorem 2. For anys∈ [0,1],



pt(r)pt(r+s)dr=0. (1)

Section 2 is devoted to the proof of this theorem.

Remark 1. Theorem1 says that any harmonic measure on L is the projection of a measure invariant under the action of the lower triangular group inT1L.Of course we could do the same thing for the upper triangular group, considering the unit inward radial vector field onLx\{x},and then takingsin[−1,0].


2. The regularity of the heat kernel

Though an explicit expression forpt(r)is well-known, see e.g. [5], p. 246, it is not easy to use that formula directly.

We use a stochastic calculus approach instead. This method can be generalized to higher dimensions.

We start with the following rotationally invariant Riemannian metric on the planeR2in polar coordinates:


which turns it into a hyperbolic plane (see [5], Chapter X).

In our study of the Brownian motion on the hyperbolic plane we shall refer to [11] and [15] for basic facts on Brownian motion and stochastic calculus.

LetBt be the standard Brownian motion on this hyperbolic plane (a stochastic process with generator given by /2 whereis the Laplace–Beltrami operator associated with ds2). Its radial componentXt=d(0, Bt)satisfies the following stochastic differential equation:


2coth(Xt)dt, (2)

whereWt is a standard Wiener process. This can be easily derived using the explicit expression for the Laplace–

Beltrami operator in polar coordinates(r, θ ), see e.g. [13]. Equation (2) should be understood in the integral sense:

XtX0=Wt+1 2



coth(Xs)ds. (3)

This equation defines a family of transition probability kernels:

Pt(x,dy)=P{Xt∈dy|X0=x}, t >0, x∈R+. (4)

Ifx∈R+, thenPt(x,·)=1 is concentrated onR+due to a singularity of the drift term at 0. (This singularity point is of “entrance and non-exit” type according to the classification in [9].)

These kernels are, in fact, absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure dy onR+, and the associ- ated densitypt(x, y), x, y∈R+satisfies the following forward Kolmogorov (or Fokker–Planck) equation (see [11], Eqs (1.6) and (1.8) on p. 282):

∂pt(x, y)

∂t =1 2

2pt(x, y)


∂y 1

2coth(y)pt(x, y)

, x, y∈R+. (5)

Fory∈R+we shall denotept(y)=pt(0, y)which is consistent with the definition ofpt(·)given in Section 1.4, since the heat kernelp(0,·, t ) is rotationally invariant and coincides with the transition density of the hyperbolic Brownian motion.

Remark 2. In probabilistic terms,Eq. (1)from the statement of Theorem2is equivalent to

tlim→∞Pt(·)Pt(· +s)


wherePt(·)=Pt(0,·),Pt(· +s)meansPt(·)translated bys,andμ1μ2TVdenotes the total variation distance between measuresμ1andμ2,see[16],Section5.3.

Proof of Theorem 2. Our strategy will be to comparept(y, z)to the transition density of the Brownian motion with constant drift 1/2. This will be possible due to Girsanov’s theorem and closeness of the drift term coth(x)/2 in Eq. (2) to 1/2 for large values ofx.

We shall need the following Kolmogorov–Chapman equation (see [15], Chapter III):

Pt(x, A)=


Pt(x,dy)Ptt(y, A), t(0, t ), (6)


or, equivalently, pt(x, z)=


Pt(x,dy)ptt(y, z), t(0, t ). (7)

Let us fixs∈ [0,1]and denote the integral under limit on the l.h.s. of (1) byIt. Equation (7) implies It




ptt(y, z)ptt(y, z+s)dz, t(0, t ). (8) Next,


pt−t(y, z)pt−t(y, z+s)dz≤


pt−t(y, z)ptt(y, z)dz (9) +


ptt(y, z+s)ptt(y, z+s)dz +


ptt(y, z)ptt(y, z+s)dz


y, tt +I2

y, tt +I3

y, tt ,


pt(y, z)= 1

√2πte(zyt /2)2/(2t ) (10)

is the density of Yt =y+Wt+t /2 which is a Wiener process with constant drift 1/2 started aty. In fact,Yt is a solution of the following SDE:


2dt. (11)

Sinces∈ [0,1], a straightforward estimate based on (10) implies that for some constantKand ally, I3

y, tt


tt. (12)

Let us estimateI1(y, t )for large values ofy. Namely, let us fix a numberR >0 to be specified later and assume thaty > R.

Girsanov’s theorem (see [15], Chapter VIII) implies that the measures on paths generated by solutions of (2) and (11) emitted from the same initial pointyare absolutely continuous with respect to the Wiener measure on paths W with



coth2(y+Wr)dr <∞

(i.e. on paths not crossing 0), and the densities are given by Zt(y+W )=exp

t 0


2 dWr−1

2 t


coth(y+Wr) 2




Zt(y+W )=exp t



2dWr−1 2



1 2



=exp 1

2Wtt 8




Itô’s formula (see [11], p. 149) gives ln sinh(y+Wt)−ln sinh(y)=

t 0

coth(y+Wr)dWr+1 2

t 0

1−coth2(y+Wr) dr which implies

Zt(y+W )=

sinh(y+Wt) sinh(y)



t 4 +1

8 t




Therefore Zt(y+W ) Zt(y+W ) =

sinh(y+Wt) sinh(y)eWt


exp 1

8 t


coth2(y+Wr)dr− t 8


1−e2(y+Wt) 1−e2y


exp 1

8 t


coth2(y+Wr)−1 dr

for all pathsy+Wnot crossing 0.

So, ify∈ [R,), and the entire pathy+W lies in[R/2,), then 1−eR1/2

Zt(y+W )

Zt(y+W )≤exp{t /(8 sinh2(R/2))}

(1−e2R)1/2 . (13)

Let us now split the densitiespt(y, z)andpt(y, z)as follows:

pt(y, z)=qt(y, z)+ψt(y, z), pt(y, z)=qt(y, z)+ψt(y, z).

Hereqt(y, z)(respectively,qt(y, z)) denotes the contribution topt(y, z)(respectively,pt(y, z)) from pathsy+W connectingyandzand staying within[R/2,).

From (13) we obtain 1

C(R, t )qt(y, z)

qt(y, z)C(R, t ), where

C=C(R, t )=exp{t /(8 sinh2(R/2))} (1−eR)1/2 . Then,

I1(y, t )


qt(y, z)qt(y, z)dz+


ψt(y, z)dz+


ψt(y, z)dz. (14)

The first term is bounded by

zR, qt(y,z)>qt(y,z)

Cqt(y, z)qt(y, z) dz+


Cqt(y, z)qt(y, z) dz



qt(y, z)dz≤C−1.


The last term in (14) is bounded by P


y+Wr+r 2

<R 2





<R 2


and decays to 0 asR→ ∞. Since coth(x) >1 for allx >0, the second term in (14) is less than the third one and decays to 0 as well. Therefore, inequality (14) implies

I1(y, t )C(R, t )−1+Q(R), (15)

whereQ(R)is a function satisfying limR→∞Q(R)=0.

Notice thatI2(y, t ) < I1(y, t ). Therefore, Eqs (8), (12), (15) imply that It≤2


R, tt

−1+Q(R) + K


(0, R)

. (16)

Notice that for anyR >0 and anyε >0 one can chooset0such thatPt((−∞, R)) < εfor allt> t0. In fact, this is obviously true withPt replaced byPt. Our claim follows since

Xt=Wt+1 2



coth(Xr)dr > Wt+t 2, andPt is dominated byPt.

Let us now take an arbitraryε >0. First, we chooseτ >0 so thatK/

τ < ε/3. After that, we chooseR to be large enough to ensure that 2(C(R, τ )−1+Q(R)) < ε/3. Finally, we chooset0such thatPt((−∞, R)) < ε/3 for allt> t0. This choice of parameters and (16) allow us to conclude thatIt< εfor anyt > t0+τ, and the proof of the

theorem is complete.

3. Uniqueness of the measure invariant under the affine group that projects onto a given harmonic measure

In this sectionDwill denote the unit disk inC, with its Poincaré metric.

Proposition 1. LetUbe an open disk contained inD,andT1UU×S1its unit tangent bundle.Callp:T1UU the canonical projection.Letμbe a probability measure inU,and assume that there is a measureνinT1Uwhich is invariant under the action of(small elements of)the affine group and such thatpν=μ.Then there is only one such measure;i.e.νis uniquely determined byμ.

By invariance ofνunder small elements of the affine group we mean the following: Consider a test functionf that is continuous and has compact support inT1U. IfAis a sufficiently small element of the affine group, the composition fAwill still have its support inT1U. Under these conditions, the measureνverifies that



Remark 3. Clearly not any measureμis the projection of a measure invariant under the affine group.In particular, it has to be of the form “harmonic function×area”(see[14],Section2.3).

We will start the proof of this proposition by giving two simple lemmas. One of them relies on the following theorem, which can be found in [8], Ch. 4, p. 67, Theorem 4.1:

Letk:D×S1→Rbe the Poisson kernel ofD.

Theorem (Herglotz). LetΛbe the set of all positive measures onS1.The correspondence ηh(z)=


k(z, θ )dη(θ )


is a one-to-one map fromΛto the set of nonnegative harmonic functions on the unit diskD.

Lemma 1. {θk(z, θ )}zU generates a dense linear subspace ofC(S1).

Proof. If this were not the case, there would be a non-zero measureξinS1in the annulator of all the functionsk(z,·);

namely, such that

k(z, θ )dξ(θ )≡0 (17)

inU, and therefore inD. Letξ+andξbe the positive and negative parts ofξ, respectively. Define h(z)=

k(z, θ )dξ+(θ )=

k(z, θ )dξ(θ ).

The fact that the positive harmonic functionhhas these two different expressions contradicts Herglotz’s theorem.

Lemma 2. Assume thatϕ is an unknown measure onS1such that,for every continuous real-valued functionf with compact support inU,



f (z)k(z, θ )dzdϕ(θ ) (18)

is known.Then,for allz0U,the integral


k(z0, θ )dϕ(θ ) (19)

is also known.

The proof is obtained by considering a sequence of continuous functions(fn)nsuch thatfn(z)dz→δz0dzweakly.

Proof of Proposition 1. The diskDis a model for the hyperbolic plane, and therefore its unit tangent bundleT1Dcan be identified withP SL(2,R). Consider the action of the affine groupBby right translation onP SL(2,R). Its orbits, under the identificationP SL(2,R)T1D, are hyperbolic surfaces that foliateT1D. This foliation is the weakly stable foliation for the geodesic flow onT1D, and its space of leaves can be identified with the set of points at infinity inD, which can in turn be identified with the unit tangent space to any point inD. Namely, when considering the (trivial) bundleT1D, we can identifyT1DD×S1in such a way that the orbits of the affine group are simply the sets of the formD× {θ}.

Let us consider an open diskU⊂D, and the restriction of the aforementioned foliation toT1UT1D. Under the identification mentioned above,T1UU×S1, and the restriction toU of the foliation induced by the affine group action is{U× {θ}, θS1}. We will use Rokhlin’s decomposition theorem to disintegrate the measureνon the partition given by this foliation, obtaining the following:



U×{θ}f (z, θ )dνθ(z)dϕ(θ ).

Here each probability measureνθis the conditional measure on the setU× {θ}, andϕis the projection ofνontoS1. Eachνθ is invariant under the action of small elements of the affine group. This determines it completely:U× {θ}, being an open subset of an orbit and the action being free, can be thought of an open subset of the affine group itself, andνθ must be the restriction to it of the right Haar measure, suitably normalized so that it is a probability measure.

This amounts to saying that theνθ are independent ofν, soνis completely determined byϕ. Proving the uniqueness ofνis proving the uniqueness ofϕ, given the fact thatνprojects onto the measureμ, which is fixed.


The measuresνθare computed in [14], in Lemma 2.7 and the remark preceding it, using the upper-half plane model of the hyperbolic plane. In the Poincaré disk model, which is more convenient for our purposes, and takingU to be a small disk around 0, the measureνθ is

νθ=k(z, θ )dθ,

wherekis, up to a multiplicative constant and a rotation inθ, the Poisson kernel of the unit disk.

So we have the following expression for the measureν:




f (z, θ )k(z, θ )dzdϕ(θ ).

The fact that it projects onto a measure that we know means that we can compute

fdνwhenf =f (z), which gives (18). Lemma 2 says that this determines (19), and Lemma 1 says that this uniquely determinesϕ, and thereforeν.

Theorem 3. As before,letLbe a compact lamination by hyperbolic Riemann surfaces.Consider a harmonic measure μonL.There is a unique way to liftμto a measure inT1Lwhich is invariant under the action of the affine group.

Proof. Consider a flow boxEU×T of the lamination L, where U is an open disk in the hyperbolic disk (or upper-half plane) andT is some topological space. The measureμcan be disintegrated inEusing Rokhlin’s theorem;

namely, for every continuous functionf with compact support inE,



U×{t}f (z, t )t(z)dμ(t ),ˆ (20)

whereμtis a probability measure on the plaqueU× {t}andμˆ=(p2)μ. Herep2:U×TT is the projection onto the second coordinate. Furthermore, this decomposition is unique, in the sense that theconditional measuresμt are


μ-almost everywhere determined. The measureμbeing harmonic is equivalent to the statement that the conditional measuresμt are absolutely continuous with respect to the hyperbolic area inU, and that their densities are harmonic measures. (The same is true for the Euclidean area.)

As before, letπ:T1LLbe the canonical projection. Suppose thatν is a measure onT1Lwhich is invariant under the action of the affine group and that projects ontoμ. Disintegration ofνinπ1(E)T1U×T yields, for every continuousf with compact support inπ1E,



T1U×{t}f (ζ, t )t(ζ )dμ(t ),ˆ (21)

sinceμˆ = ˆν. The uniqueness of the disintegration implies that eachνt projects onto eachμt. Furthermore, eachνt is invariant under the action of the affine group onT1U. Proposition 1 implies that eachνtis unique, and thereforeνis

uniquely determined byμ.

4. Some final remarks

A simple application of our Main Theorem consists in proving unique ergodicity for the action of the affine group on the unit tangent bundle of some foliations by hyperbolic Riemann surfaces, simply by quoting some recent results on unique ergodicity for harmonic measures. We obtain the corollaries stated below.

4.1. Transversely conformal foliations by hyperbolic Riemann surfaces In [6], Deroin and Kleptsyn prove the following theorem.


Theorem. Let(M,F, g)be a compact manifold together with a transversally conformal foliation and a Riemannian metric on the leaves that varies continuously inM.LetMbe a minimal set forF (that is,a closed saturated subset ofMwhere all leaves are dense.)IfMhas no transverse holonomy-invariant measure,then it has a unique harmonic measure.

Combining this with our result immediately yields:

Corollary 1. Let (M,F) be a compact manifold together with a transversally conformal foliation by hyperbolic Riemann surfaces.LetMbe a minimal set forF.IfMhas no holonomy-invariant measures,then the action of the affine group on the unit tangent bundleT1Mof the laminationMis uniquely ergodic.

4.2. Riccati foliations

Notice that although our Main Theorem is stated for compact laminations, its proof does not require compactness. Of course, in the non-compact case the measures involved may fail to exist, but in any case the following holds:

Remark 4. LetLbe a lamination by hyperbolic Riemann surfaces.The projectionπ:T1LLinduces a bijection between harmonic probability measures onLand probability measures invariant under the affine group onT1L.

LetSbe a hyperbolic Riemann surface of finite area. A group homomorphismρ:π1SP SL(2,C)can be sus- pended to construct a foliation on a bundle by complex projective lines over S. Such a foliation is calledRiccati foliation. In [2] and [1] physical measures invariant under the geodesic and horocycle foliated flows on Riccati folia- tions are described, under assumptions which are generic (see [10]) on the representationρ. One of these assumptions is that the image ofρleaves no invariant measure onCP1; that is, that the foliation has no holonomy-invariant mea- sures. Building on [1], Corollary 3.6 in [14] states that there is a unique harmonic measure for the generic Riccati foliation. We therefore have:

Corollary 2. LetS be a hyperbolic Riemann surface of finite volume,which is not necessarily compact. For any representationρ:π1SP SL(2,C)let(Mρ,Fρ)be the Riccati foliation associated toρ.For a genericρ,the action of the affine group on the unit tangent bundleT1Fof the foliation is uniquely ergodic.

Here “generic” means, as in [10], a real Zariski open subset of the representation variety.

4.3. Hilbert modular foliations

Letd >0 be a square-free integer. Consider the fieldQ(

d)and letOdbe its ring of algebraic integers.

Then the image of the homomorphism

P SL(2,Od)P SL(2,R)×P SL(2,R), a b

c d

a b c d


a¯ b¯

¯ c d¯


wherex¯ is the Galois conjugate ofx∈Q(

d), is an irreducible latticeΓ inP SL(2,R)×P SL(2,R). Notice that, ifhdenotes the hyperbolic plane,P SL(2,R)×P SL(2,R)acts by orientation-preserving isometries onh×h.


M=Md=h×h Γ .

This is a complex normal space having a finite number of cusps and singular points. Compactification of the cusps and desingularization give a complex surface known asHilbert modular surface.Mis endowed with a foliationFcoming


from the “horizontal” foliation inh×h(i.e. the foliation whose leaves are of the formh× {x}, for somex∈h). This foliation is known asHilbert modular foliation.

In [14], Proposition 3.2, the following is proved:

Proposition. The volume inMis the unique harmonic measure for the Hilbert Modular foliation.

The unit tangent bundle of the foliation is(T1h×h)/Γ. Its volume is invariant under theP SL(2,R)-action, and in particular under the action of the affine group. Furthermore, it is ergodic for the geodesic flow and both horocycle flows as a consequence of Moore’s Ergodicity Theorem. (See [14], p. 863. Moore’s Ergodicity Theorem can be found in [17], Ch. II.)

Together with our Main Theorem, the previous proposition implies:

Corollary 3. The volume in(T1h×h)/Γ is the unique invariant measure for the action of the affine group on the unit tangent bundle of the Hilbert modular foliation.

Notice that the horocycle flow alone is not uniquely ergodic; see [14], p. 864.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the hospitality of the Fields Institute in Toronto where this work has been done.

The second author is grateful for partial support from NSERC, via the research grant of M. Lyubich. We would also like to thank M. Lyubich personally for his input and comments. We are deeply grateful to both referees for their corrections, comments, and a very careful reading of the manuscript.


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