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Global weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations with nonhomogeneous boundary data and divergence


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Global weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations with nonhomogeneous boundary data and divergence"


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Global Weak Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations with Nonhomogeneous Boundary Data and Divergence

R. FARWIG(*) - H. KOZONO(**) - H. SOHR(***)

ABSTRACT- Consider a smooth bounded domainVR3with boundary@V, a time interval [0;T),05T 1, and the Navier-Stokes system in [0;T)V, with in- itial valueu02L2s(V) and external forcef ˆdivF,F2L2(0;T;L2(V)). Our aim is to extend the well-known class of Leray-Hopf weak solutions usatisfying uj@Vˆ0, divuˆ0to the more general class of Leray-Hopf type weak solutions uwith general datauj@Vˆg, divuˆksatisfying a certain energy inequality.

Our method rests on a perturbation argument writinguin the formuˆv‡E with some vector fieldEin [0;T)Vsatisfying the (linear) Stokes system with f ˆ0 and nonhomogeneous data. This reduces the general system to a per- turbed Navier-Stokes system with homogeneous data, containing an additional perturbation term. Using arguments as for the usual Navier-Stokes system we get the existence of global weak solutions for the more general system.

1.Introduction and main results.

LetVR3be a bounded domain with boundary@Vof classC2;1, and let [0;T), 05T 1, be a time interval. We consider in [0;T)V, together with an associated pressurep, the following general Navier-Stokes system

ut Du‡u ru‡ rp ˆ f; divuˆk uj@V ˆ g; ujtˆ0ˆu0 (1:1)

with given dataf,k,g,u0.

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: Department of Mathematics, Darmstadt University of Technology, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany,andCenter of Smart Interfaces (CSI), 64287 Darmstadt, Germany.

E-mail: farwig@mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de

(**) Indirizzo dell'A.: Mathematical Institute, ToÃhoku University, Sendai, 980-8578 Japan.

E-mail: kozono@math.tohoku.ac.jp

(***) Indirizzo dell'A.: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Informatics and Mathematics, University of Paderborn, 33098 Paderborn, Germany.

E-mail: hsohr@math.uni-paderborn.de


First we have to give a precise characterization of this general system.

To this aim, we shortly discuss our arguments to solve this system in the weak sense (without any smallness assumption on the data). Using a perturbation argument we writeuin the form



and the initial valueu0 at timetˆ0 in the form u0ˆv0‡E0: (1:3)

HereEis the solution of the (linear) Stokes system Et DE‡ rhˆ0; divEˆk

Ej@Vˆg; Ejtˆ0ˆE0 (1:4)

with some associated pressureh, andvhas the properties v2L1loc [0;T);L2s(V)

\L2loc [0;T);W01;2(V)

; v:[0;T)7!L2s(V) is weakly continuous; vjtˆ0ˆv0: (1:5)

Inserting (1.2), (1.3) into the system (1.1) we obtain the modified system vt Dv‡(v‡E) r(v‡E)‡ rpˆf; divvˆ0

vj@V ˆ0; vjtˆ0ˆv0


with associated pressure p ˆp h and homogeneous conditions for v.

Thus (1.6) can be called aperturbed Navier-Stokes system in [0;T)V.

This system reduces the general system (1.1) to a certain homogeneous system which contains an additional perturbation term in the form

(v‡E) r(v‡E)ˆv rv‡v rE‡E r(v‡E):

Therefore, the perturbed system (1.6) can be treated similarly as the usual Navier-Stokes system obtained from (1.6) withE0.

In order to give a precise definition of the general system (1.1) we need the following steps:

First we develop the theory for the perturbed system (1.6) for dataf,v0

and a given vector fieldE, as general as possible. In the second step we consider the system (1.4) for general given datak,g,E0to obtain a vector fieldEin such a way thatuˆv‡Ewithvfrom (1.6) yields a well-defined solution of the general system (1.1) in the (Leray-Hopf type) weak sense.

Thus we start with the definition of a weak solution v of (1.6) under rather weak assumptions onEneeded for the existence of such solutions.


DEFINITION1.1. (Perturbed system). Suppose

f ˆdivF with Fˆ(Fi;j)3i;jˆ12L2 0;T;L2(V)

; v02L2s(V);

E2Ls 0;T;Lq(V)

; divEˆk2L4 0;T;L2(V)

; (1:7)

with4s51,4q51,2 s‡3


Then a vector field v is called a weak solution of the perturbed system (1.6)in[0;T)V with data f , v0 if the following conditions are satisfied:

a) For each finite T;05TT, v2L1 0;T;L2s(V)

\L2 0;T;W01;2(V)

; (1:8)

b) for each test function w2C10 ([0;T);C10;s(V));

hv;wtiV;T‡ hrv;rwiV;T

(v‡E)(v‡E);rw V;T


V;T ˆ


V hF;rwiV;T; (1:9)

c) for0t5T, 1

2kv(t)k22‡ Zt


krvk22dt 1 2kv0k22




‡ Zt



V dt‡1 2




V dt;


d) and

v:[0;T)!L2s(V)is weakly continuous and v(0)ˆv0: (1:11)

In the classical caseE0 we obtain with (1.8)-(1.11) the usual (Leray- Hopf) weak solutionv. As in this case the condition (1.11) already follows from the other conditions (1.8)-(1.10), after possibly a modification on a null set of [0;T), see, e.g., [16, V, 1.6]. Here (1.11) is included for simplicity. The relation (1.9) and the energy inequality (1.10) are based on formal calcu- lations as forE0. The existence of an associated pressurepsuch that

vt Dv‡(v‡E) r(v‡E)‡ rpˆf (1:12)

in the sense of distributions in (0;T)V follows in the same way as for E0.

In the next step we consider the linear system (1.4). A very general solution class for this system, sufficient for our purpose, has been devel-


oped by the theory of so-called very weak solutions, see [1], [3, Sect. 4]. In particular, the boundary values g are given in a general sense of dis- tributions on@V.

LEMMA1.2(Linear system forE, [3]). Suppose k2Ls 0;T;Lq(V)

; g2Ls 0;T;W 1q;q(@V)

; E02Lq(V);

4s51; 4q51; 2 s‡3

qˆ1; 1 qˆ 1

q 1 3; (1:13)

satisfying the compatibility condition Z


k(t)dxˆ Z


Ng(t)dS for almost all t2[0;T);


where NˆN(x)means the exterior normal vector at x2@V, and R

@V. . .dS the surface integral (in a generalized sense of distributions on@V).

Then there exists a uniquely determined (very) weak solution E2Ls 0;T;Lq(V)


of the system(1.4)in[0;T)Vwith data k, g, E0defined by the conditions:

a) For each w2C10([0;T);C0;s2 (V)),

hE;wtiV;T hE;DwiV;T‡ hg;N rwiV;Tˆ


V; (1:16)

b) for almost all t2[0;T),

divEˆk; NEj@V ˆNg:


Moreover, E satisfies the estimate

kAq1PqEtkq;s;V;T‡kEkq;s;V;TC kE0kq‡kkkq;s;V;T‡kgk 1



with constant CˆC(V;T;q)>0.

The trace Ej@V ˆg is well-defined at@V for almost all t2[0;T), and the initial value condition Ejtˆ0ˆE0is well-defined (modulo gradients) in the sense that PqE:[0;T)!Lqs(V)is weakly continuous satisfying

PqEjtˆ0ˆPqE0: (1:19)

Finally, there exists an associated pressure h such that Et DE‡ rhˆ0


holds in the sense of distributions in(0;T)V.


To obtain a precise definition for the general system (1.1) we have to combine Definition 1.1 and Lemma 1.2 as follows:

DEFINITION1.3. (General system). Let k2Ls 0;T;Lq(V)

\L4 0;T;L2(V) with s;qas in(1.13)and suppose that

E is a very weak solution of the linear system…1:4†in [0;T)Vwith data k;g;E0in the sense of Lemma1:2;

(1:21) and

v is a weak solution of the perturbed system1:6in [0;T)Vin the sense of Definition1:1with data f;v0

as in1:7:


Then the vector field uˆv‡E is called a weak solution of the general system(1.1)in[0;T)V with data f , k, g and initial value u0ˆv0‡E0. Thus it holds

ut Du‡u ru‡ rpˆf; divuˆk (1:23)

in the sense of distributions in (0;T)V with associated pressure pˆp‡h, pas in(1.12),h as in(1.20).Further,

uj@V ˆvj@V‡Ej@Vˆg (1:24)

is well-defined by Ej@V ˆg, and the condition

ujtˆ0ˆvjtˆ0‡Ejtˆ0ˆv0‡E0ˆu0 (1:25)

is well-defined in the generalized sense modulo gradients by(1.19).

Therefore the general system (1.1) has a well-defined meaning for weak solutionsuin a generalized sense.

However, if we suppose in Definition 1.3 additionally the regularity properties

k2Ls 0;T;W1;q(V)

; kt2Ls 0;T;L2(V)

; g2Ls 0;T;W2 1=q;q(@V)

; gt2Ls 0;T;W 1q;q(@V)

; E02W2;q(V);


and the compatibility conditions u0j@Vˆgjtˆ0, divu0ˆkjtˆ0, then the so- lutionEin Lemma 1.2 satisfies the regularity properties

E2Ls 0;T;W2;q(V)

; Et 2Ls 0;T;Lq(V)

; E2C [0;T);Lq(V)



and Ej@Vˆg; Ejtˆ0ˆE0 are well-defined in the usual sense, see [3, Corollary 5]. Further it holds rh2Ls(0;T;Lq(V)) for the associated pressure h in (1.20). Therefore, uˆv‡E satisfies in this case the boundary conditionuj@V ˆgand the initial conditionujtˆ0ˆv0‡E0in the usual (strong) sense.

The most difficult problem is the existence of a weak solutionv of the perturbed system (1.6). For this purpose we have to introduce, see (2.12) in Sect. 2, an approximate system of (1.6) for eachm2Nwhich yields such a weak solution when passing to the limitm! 1. Then the existence of a weak solutionuˆv‡Eof the general system (1.6) is an easy consequence.

This yields the following main result.

THEOREM1.4 (Existence of general weak solutions).

a) Suppose

f ˆdivF; F2L2 0;T;L2(V)

; v02L2s(V);

E2Ls 0;T;Lq(V)

; divEˆk2L4 0;T;L2(V)

; 4s51; 4q51; 2

s‡3 qˆ1: (1:27)

Then there exists at least one weak solution v of the perturbed system(1.6) in[0;T)Vwith data f , v0in the sense of Definition1.1.The solution v satisfies with some constant CˆC(V)>0the energy estimate

kv(t)k22‡ Zt



kv0k22‡ Zt


kFk22dt‡ Zt



‡ Zt



exp Ckkk42;4;t‡CkEksq;s;t (1:28)

for each0t5T.

b) Suppose additionally k2Ls 0;T;Lq(V)

; g2Ls 0;T;W 1q;q(@V)

; E02Lq(V);



k dxˆ Z


Ng dS for a:a:t2[0;T);


and let E be the very weak solution of the linear system(1.4)in[0;T)V with data k, g, E0as in Lemma1.2.Then uˆv‡E is a weak solution of


the general system(1.1)with data f , k, g and initial value u0ˆv0‡E0in the sense of Definition1.3.

There are some partial results with nonhomogeneous smooth boundary conditions uj@V ˆg6ˆ0 based on an independent approach by Raymond [15]. For the case of weak solutions with constant in time nonzero boundary conditions g see [4]. Further there are several independent results for smooth boundary valuesuj@V ˆg6ˆ0 in the context of strong solutionsuif g or (equivalently) the time interval [0;T) satisfy certain smallness con- ditions, see [1], [3], [6], [10]. Our existence result for weak solutions in Theorem 1.4 does not need any smallness condition, like for usual Leray- Hopf weak solutions. But, on the other hand, there is no uniqueness result as for local strong solutions.

A first result on global weak solutions with time-dependent boundary data (and kˆdivuˆ0) can be found in [5]. In that paper, the authors consider generals>2,q>3 with2


qˆ1; however, in that case,Ehas to satisfy the assumptions

E2Ls 0;T;Lq(V)

\L4 0;T;L4(V)


which is automatically fulfilled in the present article, see Theorem 1.4.

Moreover, in simply connected domains or under a further assumption on the boundary data g, the energy estimate (1.28) can be improved con- siderably.


First we recall some standard notations. Let C0;s1(V)ˆ fw2C01(V);

divwˆ0g be the space of smooth, solenoidal and compactly supported vector fields. Then letLqs(V)ˆC0;s1(V)kkq, 15q51, where in generalk kq denotes the norm of the Lebesgue spaceLq(V), 1q 1. Sobolev spaces are denoted byWm;q(V) with normk kWm;q ˆ k km;q,m2N, 1q 1, and W0m;q(V)ˆC10 (V)kkm;q, 1q51. The trace space to W1;q(V) is W1 1=q;q(@V), 15q51, with norm k k1 1=q;q. Then the dual space to W1 1=q0;q0(@V), where 1


qˆ1, isW 1=q;q(@V); the corresponding pairing is denoted byh;i@V.

As spaces of test functions we need in the context of very weak solutions the space C20;s(V)ˆ fw2C2(V); wj@V ˆ0; divwˆ0g; for weak insta- tionary solutions let the space C01([0;T);C10;s(V)) denote vector fields


w2C01([0;T)V) such that divxwˆ0 for allt2[0;T) taking the diver- gence divxwith respect toxˆ(x1;x2;x3)2V. The pairing of functions on V and (0;T)Vis denoted byh;iV andh;iV;T, respectively.

For 1q, s 1 the usual Bochner space Ls(0;T;Lq(V)) is equip- ped with the norm k kq;s;Tˆ(RT

0 k ksqdt)1=s whens51and k kq;1;Tˆ ess sup(0;T)k kq when sˆ 1.

LetPq:Lq(V)!Lqs(V), 15q51, be the Helmholtz projection, and let Aqˆ PqD with domain D(Aq)ˆW2;q(V)\W01;q(V)\Lqs(V) and range R(Aq)ˆLqs(V) denote the Stokes operator. We writePˆPqandAˆAqif there is no misunderstanding. For 1a1 the fractional powers Aaq:D(Aaq)!Lqs(V) are well-defined closed operators with (Aaq) 1ˆAqa. For 0a1 we haveD(Aq)D(Aaq)Lqs(V) andR(Aaq)ˆLqs(V). Then there holds the embedding estimate

kvkqCkAaqvkg; 0a1; 2a‡3 qˆ3

g; 15gq;


for allv2D(Aaq). Further, we need the Stokes semigroupe tAq:Lqs(V)! Lqs(V),t0, satisfying the estimate

kAaqe tAqvkqCt ae btkvkq; 0a1; t>0;


forv2Lqs(V) with constantsCˆC(V;q;a)>0,bˆb(V;q)>0; for details see [2, 7, 8, 9, 11].

In order to solve the perturbed system (1.6) we use an approximation procedure based on Yosida's smoothing operators

Jm ˆ I‡ 1

mA1=2 1

and Jmˆ I‡1

m( D)1=2


; m2N;


where I denotes the identity and D the Dirichlet Laplacian on V. In particular, we need the properties

kJmvkq Ckvkq; kA1=2JmvkqmCkvkq; m2N;

m!1lim Jmvˆv for allv2Lqs(V);


and analogous results forJmv,v2Lq(V); see [8, 9, 16].

To solve the instationary Stokes system in [0;T)V, cf. [1, 13, 16, 17, 18], let us recall some properties for the special system


Vt DV‡ rH ˆ f0‡divF0; divV ˆ 0 V ˆ 0 on@V; V(0) ˆ V0

(2:5) with data

f02L1 0;T;L2(V)

; F02L2 0;T;L2(V)

; V02L2s(V);

hereF0 ˆ(F0;ij)3i;jˆ1and divF0ˆ P3




jˆ1. The linear system (2.5) admits a unique weak solution

V2L1 0;T;L2s(V)

\L2 0;T;W01;2(V)

; (2:6)

satisfying the variational formulation

hV;wtiV;T‡hrV;rwiV;Tˆ hV0;w(0)iV‡hf0;wiV;T hF0;rwiV;T (2:7)

for allw2C01([0;T);C10;s(V)), and the energy equality 1

2kV(t)k22‡ Zt



2kV0k22‡ Zt


hf0;ViVdt Zt


hF0;rViVdt (2:8)

for 0t5T. As a consequence of (2.8) we get the energy estimate 1

2kVk22;1;T‡ krVk22;2;T8 kV0k22‡ kf0k22;1;T‡ kF0k22;2;T

; (2:9)

and see thatV:[0;T)!L2s(V) is continuous withV(0)ˆV0:Moreover, it holds the well-defined representation formula

V(t)ˆe tAV0‡ Zt


e (t t)APf0dt‡ Zt


A1=2e (t t)AA 1=2PdivF0dt;


0t5T; see [16, Theorems IV.2.3.1 and 2.4.1, Lemma IV.2.4.2], and, concerning the operatorA 1=2Pdiv , [16, Ch. III.2.6].

Consider the perturbed system (1.6) withf ˆdivF,v0,kandEas in Definition 1.1, here written in the form

vt Dv‡div (v‡E)(v‡E) k(v‡E)‡ rpˆf; divvˆ0 (2:11)

together with the initial-boundary conditionsvˆ0 on@Vandv(0)ˆv0. In order to obtain the following approximate system, see [16, V, 2.2] for the known caseE0, we insert the Yosida operators (2.3) into (2.11) as follows:


vt Dv‡div (Jmv‡E)(v‡E) (Jmk)(v‡E)‡rpˆf; divvˆ0 vj@Vˆ0; vjtˆ0ˆv0


withvˆvm,m2N. Setting

Fm(v)ˆ(Jmv‡E)(v‡E); fm(v)ˆ(Jmk)(v‡E) (2:13)

we write the approximate system (2.12) in the form vt Dv‡ rp ˆfm(v)‡div F Fm(v)

; divvˆ0;

vj@V ˆ0; vjtˆ0ˆv0; (2:14)

as a linear system, see (2.5), with right-hand side depending onv. In this form we use the properties (2.6)-(2.10) of the linear system (2.5).

The following definition for (2.12) is obtained similarly as Definition 1.1.

DEFINITION2.1. (Approximate system). Suppose f ˆdivF; F2L2 0;T;L2(V)

; v02L2s(V);

E2Ls 0;T;Lq(V)

; divEˆk2L4 0;T;L2(V)

; 4s51; 4q51; 2

s‡3 qˆ1:


Then a vector field vˆvm, m2N, is called a weak solution of the approximate system (2.12) in [0;T)V with data f , v0 if the following conditions are satisfied:


v2L1loc [0;T);L2s(V)

\L2loc [0;T);W01;2(V)

; (2:16)

b) for each w2C10 ([0;T);C0;s1(V)), hv;wtiV;T‡ hrv;rwiV;T

(Jmv‡E)(v‡E);rw V;T




V hF;rwiV;T; (2:17)

c) for0t5T;


2kv(t)k22‡ Zt


krvk22dt1 2kv0k22



F (Jmv‡E)E;rv

V dt

‡ Zt


(Jmk 1 2k)v;v

V dt‡ Zt



V dt; (2:18)

d) v:[0;T)!L2s(V)is continuous satisfying v(0)ˆv0:


3.The approximate system.

The following existence result yields a weak solutionvˆvmof (2.12) first of all only in an interval [0;T0) whereT0ˆT0(m)>0 is sufficiently small.

LEMMA3.1. Let f , k, E, v0be as in Definition2.1and let m2N. Then there exists some T0ˆT0(f;k;E;v0;m), 05T0min (1;T), such that the approximate system(2.12)has a unique weak solution vˆvmin[0;T0)V with data f , v0in the sense of Definition2.1with T replaced by T0.

PROOF. First we consider a given weak solution vˆvm of (2.12) in [0;T0)Vwith any 05T01. Hence it holds

v2XT0 :ˆL1 0;T0;L2s(V)

\L2 0;T0;W01;2(V) with

kvkXT0 :ˆ kvk2;1;T0‡ kA12vk2;2;T051:


Using HoÈlder's inequality and several embedding estimates, see [16, Ch. V.1.2], we obtain with some constantCˆC(V)>0 the estimates

k(Jmv)vk2;2;T0 CkJmvk6;4;T0 kvk3;4;T0


Cmkvk2;4;T0Cm(T0)1=4kvk2XT0; (3:2)


k(Jmv)Ek2;2;T0 CkJmvk4;4;T0kEk4;4;T0 CkJmvk6;4;T0kEk4;4;T0


Cm(T0)1=4kvkXT0 kEk4;4;T0; kEvk2;2;T0 CkEkq;s;T0kvk(1

2 1

q) 1;(12 1s) 1;T0 CkEkq;s;T0kvkXT0; (3:4)

of course,kEEk2;2;T0CkEk24;4;T0. Moreover,

k(Jmk)vk2;1;T0 CkJmkk3;2;T0kvk6;2;T0 Ck( D)12Jmkk2;2;T0kvkXT0 (3:5)

Cmkkk2;2;T0kvkXT0 Cm(T0)14kkk2;4;T0kvkXT0;

k(Jmk)Ek2;1;T0 CkJmkk4;2;T0kEk4;2;T0 Ck( D)12Jmkk2;2;T0kEk4;4;T0


Cmkkk2;2;T0kEk4;4;T0 Cm(T0)14kkk2;4;T0kEk4;4;T0:


Using (2.14) and the energy estimate (2.9) withf0,F0replaced byfm(v), F Fm(v) we get from (3.2)-(3.5) the estimate

kvkXT0 C kv0k2‡ kFk2;2;T0‡ kEk24;4;T0‡m(T0)14kvk2XT0‡

‡m(T0)14kvkXT0kEk4;4;T0‡ kvkXT0kEkq;s;T0‡

‡m(T0)14kkk2;4;T0(kEk4;4;T0‡ kvkXT0) (3:7)


Applying (2.10) to (2.14) we obtain the equation vˆ FT0(v)

(3:8) where


(t)ˆ e tAv0‡ Zt


e (t t)APfm(v)dt

‡ Zt


A12e (t t)AA 12Pdiv F Fm(v) dt:


aˆCm(T0)14; bˆCkEkq;s;T0‡Cm(T0)14kEk4;4;T0‡Cm(T0)14kkk2;4;T0; dˆC(kv0k2‡ kEk24;4;T0‡ kFk2;2;T0‡m(T0)14kkk2;4;T0kEk4;4;T0) (3:9)

withCas in (3.7). Then (3.7) may be rewritten in the form kFT0(v)kXT0 akvk2XT0‡bkvkXT0 ‡d:


Up to nowvˆvmwas a given solution as desired in Lemma 3.1. In the next step we treat (3.8) as a fixed point equation in XT0 and show with Banach's fixed point principle that (3.8) has a solutionvˆvmifT0>0 is sufficiently small.

Thus letv2XT0 and choose 05T0min (1;T) such that the smallness condition

4ad‡2b51 (3:11)

is satisfied. Then the quadratic equationyˆay2‡by‡d has a minimal positive root given by


1 b‡ 

b2‡1 (4ad‡2b)

p 1



and, since y1ˆay21‡by1‡d>d, we conclude thatFT0 maps the closed ballBT0 ˆ fv2XT0 :kvkXT0 y1ginto itself.

Further letv1,v22BT0. Then we obtain similarly as in (3.10) the esti- mate

kFT0(v1) FT0(v2)kXT0 Cm(T0)14kv1 v2kXT0 kv1kXT0‡ kv2kXT0

‡Ckv1 v2kXT0 kEkq;s;T0‡m(T0)14kkk2;4;T0‡m(T0)14kEk4;4;T0

kv1 v2kXT0 a(kv1kXT0‡ kv2kXT0)‡b



a kv1kXT0‡ kv2kXT0



This means thatFT0is a strict contraction onBT0. Now Banach's fixed point principle yields a solutionvˆvm2BT0of (3.8) which is unique inBT0.

Using (2.6)-(2.10) with f0‡divF0 replaced by fm(v)‡div (F Fm(v)) we conclude from (3.8) thatvˆvmis a solution of the approximate system (2.12) in the sense of Definition 2.1.

Finally we show thatvis unique not only inBT0, but even in the whole spaceXT0. Indeed, consider any solution~v2XT0of (2.12). Then there exists some 05Tmin (1;T0) such that k~vkXT y1, and using (3.12), (3.13) withv1,v2replaced byv,~vwe conclude thatvˆ~von [0;T]. WhenT5T0 we repeat this step finitely many times and obtain thatvˆ~von [0;T0). This

completes the proof of Lemma 3.1. p

The next preliminary result yields an energy estimate for the approx- imate solutionvˆvm of (2.12). It is important that the right-hand side of this estimate does not depend onm2N. This will enable us to treat the limitm! 1and to get the desired solution in Theorem 1.4, a).

LEMMA 3.2. Consider any weak solution vˆvm, m2N, of the ap- proximate system (2.12) in the sense of Definition 2.1. Then there is a constant CˆC(V)>0such that the energy estimate

kv(t)k22‡ Zt



C kv0k22‡kFk22;2;t‡kkk42;4;t‡kEk44;4;t

exp Ckkk42;4;t‡CkEksq;s;t (3:14)

holds for0t5T.


PROOF. The proof of (3.14) is based on the energy inequality (2.18).

Using similar arguments as in (3.2)-(3.6) we obtain the following estimates of the right-hand side terms in (2.18); here e>0 means an absolute con- stant, C0ˆC0(V)>0 and CˆC(e;V)>0 do not depend on m, and aˆ2

sˆ1 3

q. First of all






kJmvk(1 2 1

q) 1kEkqkrvk2dt




kvk(1 2 1

q) 1kEkqkrvk2dt

C0 Zt


kvka2kEkqkrvk22 adt

ekrvk22;2;t‡C Zt







hEE;rviV dtC0 Zt





hF;rviV dtekrvk22;2;t‡CkFk22;2;t:

Moreover, sincekvk4C0krvk1=42 krvk3=42 ,



hJmkv;viV dtekrvk22;2;t‡C Zt





h(Jmk)E;viV dtC0



k(Jmk)Ek65kvk6 dt





ekrvk22;2;t‡C kkk42;4;t‡ kEk44;4;t :


A similar estimate as forRt

0hJmkv;viVdtalso holds forRt


Choosinge>0 sufficiently small we apply these inequalities to (2.18) and obtain that

kv(t)k22‡ krvk22;2;tC kv0k22‡ kFk22;2;t‡ kEk44;4;t‡ kkk42;4;t

‡C Zt


kkk42‡ kEksq kvk22 dt

for 0t5T. Then Gronwall's lemma implies that

kv(t)k22‡ Zt


krvk22dtC kv0k22‡ kFk22;2;t‡ kEk44;4;t‡ kkk42;4;t

exp Ckkk42;4;t‡CkEksq;s;t (3:16)

for 0t5T. This yields the estimate (3.14). p

The next result proves the existence of a unique approximate solution vˆvmfor the given interval [0;T).

LEMMA3.3. Let f , k, E, v0be given as in Definition2.1and let m2N.

Then there exists a unique weak solution vˆvmof the approximate system (2.12)in[0;T)Vwith data f , v0.

PROOF. Lemma 3.1 yields such a solution if 05T1 is sufficiently small. Let [0;T)[0;T),T>0, be the largest interval of existence of such a solutionvˆvmin [0;T)V, and assume thatT5T. Further we choose some finite T>T with TT, and some T0 satisfying 05T05T. Then we apply Lemma 3.1 with [0;T0) replaced by [T0;T0‡d) whered>0,T0‡dT, and find a unique weak solutionvˆvmof the system (2.12) in [T0;T0‡d)V with initial value vjtˆT0ˆv(T0). The lengthdof the existence interval [T0;T0‡d), see the proof of Lemma 3.1, only depends on kv(T0)k2 kvk2;1;T51 and on kFk2;2;T, kEkq;s;T, kkk2;4;T, and can be chosen independently ofT0. Therefore, we can choose T0close toTin such a way thatT5T0‡dT. Thenvyields a unique extension ofvfrom [0;T) to [0;T0‡d) which is a contradiction. This proves

the lemma. p


In the next step, see §4 below, we are able to letm! 1similarly as in the classical caseE0. This will yield a solution of the perturbed system (1.6).

4.Proof of Theorem 1.4.

It is sufficient to prove Theorem 1.4, a). For this purpose we start with the sequence (vm) of solutions of the approximate system (2.12) constructed in Lemma 3.3. Then, using Lemma 3.2, we find for each finite T, 05TT, some constant CT >0 not depending on m such that

kvmk22;1;T‡ krvmk22;2;TCT : (4:1)

Hence there exists a vector field v2L1 0;T;L2s(V)

\L2 0;T;W01;2(V)

; (4:2)

and a subsequence of (vm), for simplicity again denoted by (vm), with the following properties, see, e.g. [16, Ch. V.3.3]:

vm * vinL2 0;T;W01;2(V)

(weakly) vm!vin L2 0;T;L2(V)

(strongly) vm(t)!v(t) in L2(V) for a:a:t2[0;T):


Moreover, for allt2[0;T) we obtain that krvk22;2;t lim inf

m!1 krvmk22;2;t; kv(t)k22 lim inf

m!1 kvm(t)k22: (4:4)

Further, using HoÈlder's inequality and (4.2)-(4.4) we get with some further subsequence, again denoted by (vm), that

vm*v in Ls1 0;T;Lq1(V)

; 2 s1‡ 3


2; 2s1;q151;

vmvm*vv in Ls2 0;T;Lq2(V)

; 2 s2‡ 3

q2ˆ3; 1s2;q251;

vm rvm*v rv in Ls3 0;T;Lq3(V)

; 2 s3‡ 3

q3ˆ4; 1s3;q351; (4:5)


and that with some constantCˆCT>0:

k(Jmvm)vmkq2;s2;T Ckvmk2q1;s1;T



q‡q11) 1;(1s‡s11) 1;T Ckvmkq1;s1;TkEkq;s;T



q‡q11) 1;(1s‡s11) 1;T Ckvmkq1;s1;TkEkq;s;T




(4:9) as well as





V;TCkkk2;4;TkEkq;s;Tkvmkq1;s1;T: (4:10)

The theorem is proved when we show that (2.16)-(2.18) imply letting m! 1the properties (1.8)-(1.10) and the estimate (1.28). This proof rests on the above arguments (4.1)-(4.10).

Obviously, (1.8) follows from (4.1), lettingm! 1. Further, the relation (1.9) follows from (2.17) and (2.4) using that

hvm;wtiV;T ! hv;wtiV;T

hrvm;rwiV;T ! hrv;rwiV;T


V;T !




V;T !


V;T: (4:11)

To prove the energy inequality (1.10) we need in (2.18), lettingm! 1, the following arguments.

The left-hand side of (1.10) follows obviously from (4.4). To prove the right-hand side limitm! 1in (2.18) we first show that


V;T ! hvE;rviV;T: (4:12)

It is sufficient to prove (4.12) withEreplaced by some smooth vector fieldE~ such thatkE Ek~ q;s;Tis sufficiently small. This follows using (4.9) withEreplaced byE E. Thus we may assume in the following that~ Ein (4.12) is a smooth function E2C10 ([0;T);C01(V)). Using (4.1)-(4.4) and (2.4), we conclude that


(Jmvm)E vE;rvm


k(Jmvm)E vEk2;2;T krvmk2;2;T

C(E)kJmvm vk2;2;T

C(E) kJm(vm v)k2;2;T‡ k(Jm I)vk2;2;T

C(E) kvm vk2;2;T‡ k(Jm I)vk2;2;T

!0 asm! 1whereC(E)>0 is a constant. This yields (4.12).

Similarly, approximatingkby a smooth functionk2C01([0;T);C10 (V)), we obtain the convergence properties

hkvm;vmiV;T ! hkv;viV;T; (Jmk)vm;vm

V;T ! hkv;viV;T; (Jmk)E;vm

V;T ! hkE;viV;T:

SinceE2L4(0;T;L4(V)), the convergencehEE;rvmiV;T! hEE;rviV;T

is obvious.

This proves thatvis a weak solution in the sense of Definition 1.1.

To prove the energy estimate (1.28) we apply (4.4) to (3.14). This com-

pletes the proof. p

5.More general weak solutions.

The existence of a weak solutionvfor the perturbed system (1.6) under the general assumption onEin Theorem 1.4 a) enables us to extend the solution class of the Navier-Stokes system (1.1) using certain generalized data. For simplicity we only consider the casekˆ0.

THEOREM5.1 (More general weak solutions). Consider f ˆdivF; F2L2 0;T;L2(V)

; v02L2s(V);


E2Ls 0;T;Lq(V)

; 4s51; 4q51; 2

s‡3 qˆ1;

(5:2) satisfying

Et DE‡ rhˆ0; divEˆ0 (5:3)

in(0;T)Vin the sense of distributions with an associated pressure h.


Let v be a weak solution of the perturbed system(1.6)in[0;T)V in the sense of Definition1.1with E;f;v0from(5.1)-(5.3).

Then the vector field uˆv‡E is a solution of the Navier-Stokes system

ut Du‡u ru‡ rpˆf; divuˆ0 (5:4)

uj@V ˆg; ujtˆ0ˆu0 (5:5)

in[0;T)Vwith external force f and (formally) given data g:ˆEj@V ; u0:ˆv0‡Ejtˆ0 ;


in the generalized (well-defined) sense that

(u E)j@V ˆ0; (u E)jtˆ0ˆv0;

and (5.4) is satisfied in the sense of distributions with an associated pressure p.

REMARK5.2. (Regularity properties)

a) Let E in(5.2)be regular in the sense that g and E0ˆEjtˆ0in(5.6) have the properties in Lemma 1.2.Then the solution uˆv‡E has the properties in Theorem1.4, b).

b) Let E in(5.2)be regular in the sense that g and E0ˆEjtˆ0in(5.6) have the properties in(1.26).Then the solution uˆv‡E is correspond- ingly regular and(5.5)is well-defined in the usual strong sense.


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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione l'8 luglio 2010.


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