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Quantum isometry group of dual of finitely generated discrete groups - II


Academic year: 2022

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Arnab Mandal

Quantum isometry group of dual of finitely generated discrete groups - II

Volume 23, no2 (2016), p. 219-247.


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Quantum isometry group of dual of finitely generated discrete groups - II

Arnab Mandal


As a continuation of the programme of [13], we carry out explicit computations ofQ(Γ, S), the quantum isometry group of the canonical spectral triple onCr(Γ) coming from the word length function corresponding to a finite generating set S, for several interesting examples of Γ not covered by the previous work [13]. These include the braid group of 3 generators,Z∗n4 etc. Moreover, we give an alternative description of the quantum groupsHs+(n,0) andKn+ (studied in [3], [4]) in terms of free wreath product. In the last section we give several new examples of groups for whichQ(Γ) turns out to be a doubling ofC(Γ).

1. Introduction

It is a very important and interesting problem in the theory of quantum groups and noncommutative geometry to study ‘quantum symmetries’ of various classical and quantum structures. S.Wang pioneered this by defin- ing quantum permutation groups of finite sets and quantum automor- phism groups of finite dimensional matrix algebras. Later on, a number of mathematicians including Wang, Banica, Bichon and others ([1], [8], [20]) developed a theory of quantum automorphism groups of finite dimensional C-algebras as well as quantum isometry groups of finite metric spaces and finite graphs. In [11] Goswami extended such constructions to the set-up of possibly infinite dimensional C-algebras, and more interestingly, that of spectral triples a la Connes [10], by defining and studying quantum isometry groups of spectral triples. This led to the study of such quan- tum isometry groups by many authors including Goswami, Bhowmick, Skalski, Banica, Bichon, Soltan, Das, Joardar and others. In the present paper, we are focusing on a particular class of spectral triples, namely those coming from the word-length metric of finitely generated discrete

Keywords:Compact quantum group, Quantum isometry group, Spectral triple.

Math. classification:58B34, 46L87, 46L89.


groups with respect to some given symmetric generating set. There have been several articles already on computations and study of the quantum isometry groups of such spectral triples, e.g. [3], [4], [7], [14], [18] and refer- ences therein. In [13] together with Goswami we also studied the quantum isometry groups of such spectral triples in a systematic and unified way.

Here we compute Q(Γ, S) for more examples of groups including braid groups, Z4∗Z4· · · ∗Z4

| {z }

n copies


The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we recall some defini- tions and facts related to compact quantum groups, free wreath product by quantum permutation group and quantum isometry group of spectral triples defined by Bhowmick and Goswami in [6]. This section also con- tains the doubling procedure of a compact quantum group, say Q, with respect to an order 2 CQG automorphism θ. The doubling is denoted by Dθ(Q). In Section 3 we compute Q(Γ, S) for braid group with 3 gen- erators. Its underlying C-algebra turns out to be four direct copies of the group C-algebra. In fact, it is precisely a doubling of doubling of the group C-algebra. Section 4 contains an interesting description of the quantum groups Hs+(n,0) and Kn+ (studied in [3], [4]) in terms of free wreath product. Moreover, Q(Γ, S) is computed for Γ =Z4∗Z4· · · ∗Z4

| {z }

n copies

. In the last section we present more examples of groups as in [14], [18], Section 5 of [13] where Q(Γ, S) turns out to be a doubling ofC(Γ).

2. Preliminaries

First of all, we fix some notational conventions which will be useful for the rest of the paper. Throughout the paper, the algebraic tensor product and the spatial (minimal) C-tensor product will be denoted by ⊗ and

⊗ˆ respectively. We’ll use the leg-numbering notation. Let Q be a unital C-algebra. Consider the multiplier algebra M(K(H) ˆ⊗Q) which has two natural embeddings into M(K(H) ˆ⊗Q⊗Q). The first one is obtained byˆ extending the mapx7→x⊗1 and the second one is obtained by composing this map with the flip on the last two factors. We will write ω12 and ω13 for the images of an element ω ∈ M(K(H) ˆ⊗Q) under these two maps respectively. We’ll denote the HilbertC-module byH⊗Q¯ obtained by the


completion of H ⊗ Q with respect to the norm induced by the Q valued inner product ξ⊗q, ξ0q0 :=<ξ, ξ0>qq0, whereξ, ξ0 ∈ H, q, q0 ∈ Q.

2.1. Compact quantum groups and free wreath product Let us recall the basic notions of compact quantum groups, then actions on C-algebra and free wreath product by quantum permutation groups.

Definition 2.1. A compact quantum group (CQG for short) is a pair (Q,∆), where Q is a unital C-algebra and ∆ : Q → Q⊗Qˆ is a unital C-homomorphism satisfying two conditions:

(1) (∆⊗id)∆ = (id⊗∆)∆ (co-associativity ).

(2) Each of the linear spans of ∆(Q)(1⊗ Q) and that of ∆(Q)(Q ⊗1) is norm dense in Q⊗Q.ˆ

A CQG morphism from (Q1,1) to another (Q2,2) is a unital C- homomorphism π :Q1 7→ Q2 such that (π⊗π)∆1 = ∆2π.

Definition 2.2. (Q1,1) is called a quantum subgroup of (Q2,2) if there exists a surjective C-morphism η from Q2 to Q1 such that (η ⊗ η)∆2 = ∆1η holds.

Sometimes we may denote the CQG (Q,∆) simply asQ, if ∆ is under- stood from the context.

Definition 2.3. A unitary (co) representation of a CQG (Q,∆) on a Hilbert space H is a C-linear map from H to the Hilbert module H⊗Q¯ such that

(1) U(ξ), U(η)=<ξ, η>1Q whereξ, η ∈ H.

(2) (U ⊗id)U = (id⊗∆)U.

(3) Span{U(ξ)b:ξ ∈ H, b∈ Q} is dense inH⊗Q.¯

Given such a unitary representation we have a unitary element ˜U be- longing to M(K(H) ˆ⊗Q) given by ˜U(ξ ⊗b) = U(ξ)b,(ξ ∈ H, b ∈ Q) satisfying (id⊗∆)( ˜U) = ˜U12U˜13.

Here we state Proposition 6.2 of [15] which will be useful for us.

Proposition 2.4. If a unitary representation of a CQG leaves a finite dimensional subspace of H, then it’ll also leave its orthogonal complement invariant.


Remark 2.5. It is known from [21] that the linear span of matrix elements of a finite dimensional unitary representation form a dense Hopf *-algebra Q0 of (Q,∆), on which an antipodeκ and co-unitare defined.

Definition 2.6. We say that a CQG (Q,∆) acts on a unital C-algebra B if there is a unital C-homomorphism (called action) α : BB⊗Qˆ satisfying the following :

(1) (α⊗id)α= (id⊗∆)α.

(2) Linear span ofα(B)(1⊗ Q) is norm dense in B⊗Q.ˆ

Definition 2.7. The action is said to be faithful if the∗-algebra generated by the set {(f ⊗id)α(b)fB,bB} is norm dense in Q, where B is the Banach space dual of B.

Remark 2.8. Given an action α of a CQG Q on a unital C-algebra B, we can always find a norm-dense, unital ∗-subalgebra B0B such that α|B0 :B0 7→B0⊗ Q0 is a Hopf-algebraic co-action. Moreover,α is faithful if and only if the∗-algebra generated by{(f⊗id)α(b)∀f ∈B0,bB0} is the whole of Q0.

Given two CQG’s Q1,Q2 the free productQ1?Q2 admits the natural CQG structure equipped with the following universal property (for more details see [19]):

Proposition 2.9.

(i) The canonical injections, say i1, i2, from Q1 and Q2 to Q1?Q2 are CQG morphisms.

(ii) Given any CQG C and morphisms π1 :Q1 7→ C and π2 :Q2 7→ C there always exists a unique morphism denoted by π := π1π2 from Q1?Q2 to C satisfying πik=πk for k= 1,2.

Definition 2.10. The C-algebra underlying the quantum permutation group, denoted by C(SN+) is the universal C-algebra generated by N2 elements tij such that the matrix ((tij)) is unitary with

tij =tij =t2iji, j , X


tij = 1 ∀j, X


tij = 1 ∀i , tijtik = 0, tjitki= 0 ∀ i, j, k with j6=k .

It has a coproduct ∆ is given by ∆(tij) = ΣNk=1tiktkj, such that (C(SN+),∆) becomes a CQG.


For further details see [20]. We also recall from [9] the following:

Definition 2.11. Let Q be a compact quantum group and N >1. The free wreath product of Q by the quantum permutation group C(SN+), is the quotient of Q?N ? C(SN+) by the two sided ideal generated by the elements

νk(a)tkitkiνk(a), 1≤i, kN, a∈ Q,

where ((tij)) is the matrix coefficients of the quantum permutation group C(SN+) andνk(a) denotes the natural image ofa∈ Qin the k-th factor of Q?N. This is denoted by Q ∗wC(SN+).

Furthermore, it admits a CQG structure, where the comultiplication satisfies

∆(νi(a)) =





Here we have used the Sweedler convention of writing ∆(a) =a(1)a(2). 2.2. Some facts about quantum isometry groups

First of all, we are defining the quantum isometry group of spectral triples defined by Bhowmick and Goswami in [6].

Definition 2.12. Let (A,H,D) be a spectral triple of compact type (a la Connes). Consider the category Q(D)Q(A,H,D) whose objects are (Q, U) where (Q,∆) is a CQG having a unitary representation U on the Hilbert space Hsatisfying the following:

(1) ˜U commutes with (D ⊗1Q).

(2) (id⊗φ)adU˜(a)∈(A)00for alla∈ Aand φis any state on Q, whereadU˜(x) := ˜U(x⊗1) ˜U forx∈ B(H).

A morphism between two such objects (Q, U) and (Q0, U0) is a CQG mor- phism ψ :Q → Q0 such that U0 = (id⊗ψ)U. If a universal object exists in Q(D) then we denote it by QISO+^(A,H,D) and the corresponding largest Woronowicz subalgebra for which adU˜

0 is faithful, whereU0 is the unitary representation ofQISO+^(A,H,D), is called the quantum group of orientation preserving isometries and denoted by QISO+(A,H,D).

Let us state Theorem 2.23 of [6] which gives a sufficient condition for the existence of QISO+(A,H,D).


Theorem 2.13. Let (A,H,D) be a spectral triple of compact type. As- sume that D has one dimensional kernel spanned by a vectorξ ∈ Hwhich is cyclic and separating forA and each eigenvector ofDbelongs toAξ.

Then QISO+(A,H,D) exists.

Let (A,H,D) be a spectral triple satisfying the condition of Theo- rem 2.13 and A00 =Lin{a∈ A: is an eigenvector of D}. Moreover, assume that A00 is norm-dense in A. Let ˆD:A00 7→ A00 be defined by D(a)ξˆ =D(aξ) (a∈ A00). This is well defined asξis cyclic and separating vector for A. Let τ be the vector state corresponding to the vectorξ.

Definition 2.14. LetAbe aC-algebra andAbe a dense *-subalgebra such that (A,H,D) is a spectral triple as above. Let ˆC(A,H,D) be the category with objects (Q, α) such that Q is a CQG with aC-action α on A such that

(1) α isτ preserving, i.e. (τ ⊗id)α(a) =τ(a).1 for all a∈ A.

(2) α maps A00 intoA00⊗ Q.

(3) αDˆ = ( ˆD ⊗I)α.

The morphisms in ˆC(A,H,D) are CQG morphisms intertwining the respective actions.

Proposition 2.15. It is shown in Corollary 2.27 of[6]thatQISO+(A, H,D) is the universal object in C(Aˆ ,H,D).

2.3. QISO for a spectral triple on Cr(Γ)

Now we discuss the special case of our interest. Let Γ be a finitely gener- ated discrete group with generating set S={a1, a−11 , a2, a−12 ,· · ·ak, a−1k }.

We make the convention of choosing the generating set to be symmet- ric, i.e. aiS implies a−1iSi. In case some ai has order 2, we include only ai, i.e. not count it twice. The corresponding word length function on the group defined by l(g) = min {r ∈ N, g = h1h2· · ·hr} where hiS i.e. for each i, hi = aj or a−1j for some j. Notice that S = {g ∈ Γ, l(g) = 1}, using this length function we can define a met- ric on Γ by d(a, b) = l(a−1b)a, b ∈ Γ. This is called the word metric corresponding to the generating set S. Now consider the algebra Cr(Γ), which is the C-completion of the group ring CΓ viewed as a subalgebra of B(l2(Γ)) in the natural way via the left regular representation. We de- fine a Dirac operator DΓg) = l(g)δg. In general, DΓ is an unbounded



Dom(DΓ) ={ξ∈l2(Γ) : X


l(g)2|ξ(g)|2 <∞}.

Here, δg is the vector inl2(Γ) which takes value 1 at the pointg and 0 at all other points. Natural generators of the algebra CΓ (images in the left regular representation ) will be denoted by λg, i.e. λgh) = δgh. Let us define

Γr ={δg |l(g) =r}, Γ≤r ={δg |l(g)r}.

Moreover,prandqrbe the orthogonal projections ontoSp(Γr) andSp(Γ≤r) respectively. Clearly




wherepr=qr−qr−1andp0 =q0. The canonical trace onCr(Γ) is given by τ(Pcgλg) =ce. It is easy to check that (CΓ,l2(Γ), DΓ) is a spectral triple.

Now takeA=Cr(Γ), A=CΓ, H=l2(Γ) andD=DΓ as before. Then QISO+(CΓ, l2(Γ), DΓ) exists by Theorem 2.13, taking δe as the cyclic separating vector for CΓ. As the object depends on the generating set of Γ it is denoted by Q(Γ, S). Most of the times we denote it by Q(Γ) if S is understood from the context. As in [7] its action α (say) on Cr(Γ) is determined by

α(λγ) = X



where the matrix [qγ,γ0]γ,γ0∈S is called the fundamental representation in Mcard(S)(Q(Γ, S)). Note that we have ∆(qγ,γ0) =Pβqβ,γ0qγ,β.

Q(Γ, S) is also the universal object in the category ˆC(CΓ,l2(Γ), DΓ) by Proposition 2.15 and observe that all the eigenspaces of ˆDΓ, where ˆDΓ as in Definition 2.14, are invariant under the action. The eigenspaces of ˆDΓ are precisely the setSpan{λg |l(g) =r}with r≥0.

It can also be identified with the universal object of some other cate- gories naturally arising in the context. Consider the categoryCτ of CQG’s consisting of the objects (Q, α) such that α is an action of Q on Cr(Γ) satisfying the following two properties:

(1) α leaves Sp(Γ1) invariant.

(2) It preserves the canonical traceτ of Cr(Γ).


Morphisms inCτ are CQG morphisms intertwining the respective actions.

Lemma 2.16. The two categories Cτ andC(ˆ CΓ, l2(Γ), DΓ) are isomor- phic.

Proof. Let (Q, α)∈C(ˆ CΓ, l2(Γ), DΓ) then clearly (Q, α)∈Cτ. Consider any (Q, α)∈Cτ. Then the actionα leavesSp(Γ≤r) invariant ∀r≥2 as it is an algebra homomorphism and it leavesSp(Γ1) invariant. Consider the linear mapU(x) :=α(x) fromCr(Γ)⊂ H=l2(Γ) to H⊗Q¯ is an isometry by the invariance of τ. Thus it extends to H and in fact it becomes a unitary representation. Now, observe that Sp(Γr) is the orthogonal com- plement of Sp(Γ≤r−1) inside Sp(Γ≤r). By the Proposition 2.4, Sp(Γr) is invariant under U too, i.e. α leaves Span{λg |l(g) =r} invariant for all r. Thus (Q, α)∈C(ˆ CΓ,l2(Γ), DΓ). Clearly any morphism in the category Cτ is in the category ˆC(CΓ,l2(Γ), DΓ) and vice-versa. This completes the


Corollary 2.17. It follows from Lemma 2.16 that there is a universal object, say (Qτ, ατ) in Cτ and (Qτ, ατ)∼=Q(Γ, S).

We now identify Q(Γ, S) as a universal object in yet another category.

Let us recall the quantum free unitary group Au(n) introduced in [19].

It is the universal unital C-algebra generated by ((aij)) subject to the conditions that ((aij)) and ((aji)) are unitaries. Moreover, it admits a co-product structure with comultiplication ∆(aij) = Σnl=1aljail. Con- sider the category C with objects (C,{xij, i, j = 1,· · · ,2k}) where C is a unital C-algebra generated by ((xij)) such that ((xij)) as well as ((xji)) are unitaries and there is a unital C- homomorphism αC from Cr(Γ) to Cr(Γ) ˆ⊗C sending ei to P2kj=1ejxij, where e2i−1 = λai and e2i =λ−1aii= 1,· · · , k. The morphisms from (C,{xij, i, j = 1,· · ·,2k}) to (P,{pij, i, j= 1,· · ·,2k}) are unital∗-homomorphismsβ:C 7→ P such that β(xij) =pij.

Moreover, by definition of each object (C,{xij, i, j = 1,· · · ,2k}) we get a unital ∗-morphism ρC from Au(2k) to C sendingaij toxij. Let the kernel of this map be IC and I be intersection of all such ideals. Then CU := Au(2k)/I is the universal object generated by xUij in the category C. Furthermore, we can show, following a line of arguments similar to those in Theorem 4.8 of [12], that it has a CQG structure with the co- product ∆(xUij) =PlxUljxUil.


Proposition 2.18. (Qτ, ατ) andCU are isomorphic as CQG.

For the proof of the above proposition, the reader is referred to Propo- sition 2.15 of [13]. Now we fix some notational conventions which will be useful in later sections. Note that the action α is of the form

α(λa1) =λa1A11+λa−1




A14 +· · ·+λakA1(2k−1)+λa−1


A1(2k), α(λa−1


) =λa1A12+λa−1




A13 +· · ·+λakA1(2k)+λa−1


A1(2k−1), α(λa2) =λa1A21+λa−1




A24 +· · ·+λakA2(2k−1)+λa−1


A2(2k), α(λa−1


) =λa1A22+λa−1




A23 +· · ·+λakA2(2k)+λa−1


A2(2k−1) ... ...

α(λak) =λa1Ak1+λa−1




Ak4 +· · ·+λakAk(2k−1)+λa−1


Ak(2k), α(λa−1


) =λakAk2+λa−1




Ak3 +· · ·+λakAk(2k)+λa−1


Ak(2k−1). From this we get the unitary representation

U ≡((uij)) =

A11 A12 A13 A14 · · · A1(2k−1) A1(2k) A12 A11 A14 A13 · · · A1(2k) A1(2k−1) A21 A22 A23 A24 · · · A2(2k−1) A2(2k) A22 A21 A24 A23 · · · A2(2k) A2(2k−1)

... ...

Ak1 Ak2 Ak3 Ak4 · · · Ak(2k−1) Ak(2k) Ak2 Ak1 Ak4 Ak3 · · · Ak(2k) Ak(2k−1)


From now on, we call it as fundamental unitary. The coefficients Aij and Aij’s generate a norm dense subalgebra ofQ(Γ, S). We also note that the antipode of Q(Γ, S) maps uij touji.


Remark 2.19. Using Corollary 2.17 and Proposition 2.18, Q(Γ, S) is the universal unital C-algebra generated by Aij as above subject to the re- lations that U is a unitary as well as Ut and α given above is a C- homomorphism on Cr(Γ).

2.4. Q(Γ) as a doubling of certain quantum groups

In this subsection we briefly recall from [14], [17] the doubling proce- dure of a compact quantum group which is just a particular case of a smash co-product, a well-known construction of Hopf-algebra theory in- troduced in [16]. Let (Q,∆) be a CQG with a CQG-automorphism θ such that θ2 = id. The doubling of this CQG, say (Dθ(Q),∆) is given˜ by Dθ(Q) := Q ⊕ Q (direct sum as a C-algebra), and the coproduct is defined by the following, where we have denoted the injections of Q onto the first and second coordinate in Dθ(Q) byξ andη respectively, i.e.

ξ(a) = (a,0), η(a) = (0, a), (a∈ Q).

∆˜ ◦ξ= (ξ⊗ξ+η⊗[η◦θ])◦∆,

∆˜ ◦η= (ξ⊗η+η⊗[ξ◦θ])◦∆.

It is known from [17] that, if there exists a non trivial automorphism of order 2 which preserves the generating set, then Dθ(C(Γ)) ([14], [17]) will be always a quantum subgroup of Q(Γ). Below we give some suf- ficient conditions for the quantum isometry group to be a doubling of some CQG. For this, it is convenient to use a slightly different nota- tional convention: let U2i−1,j = Aij for i = 1, . . . , k, j = 1, . . . ,2k and U2i,2l=Ai(2l−1), U2i,2l−1 =Ai(2l) fori= 1, . . . , k, l= 1, . . . , k.

Proposition 2.20. Let Γ be a group with k generators {a1, a2,· · ·ak} and define γ2l−1 :=al, γ2l :=a−1ll= 1,2,· · · , k. Now σ be an order 2 automorphism on the set {1,2,· · · ,2k−1,2k} andθbe an automorphism of the group given by θ(γi) = γσ(i)i = 1,2,· · ·,2k. We assume the following:

(1) Bi :=Ui,σ(i)6= 0 ∀ i, and Ui,j = 0 ∀ j 6∈ {σ(i), i},

(2) AiBj=BjAi= 0∀i, jsuch thatσ(i)6=i, σ(j)6=j,whereAi=Ui,i, (3) All Ui,jUi,j are central projections,

(4) There are well defined C-isomorphisms π1, π2 from C(Γ) to C{Ai, i = 1,2,· · ·,2k} and C{Bi, i = 1,2,· · ·,2k} respectively


such that

π1ai) =Ai, π2ai) =Bii.

ThenQ(Γ)is doubling of the group algebra (i.e.Q(Γ)∼=Dθ(C(Γ))) corre- sponding to the given automorphismθ. Moreover, the fundamental unitary takes the following form

A1 0 0 0 · · · 0 B1

0 A2 0 0 · · · B2 0

0 0 A3 0 · · · 0 0

0 0 0 A4 · · · 0 0

... ...

0 B2k−1 0 0 · · · A2k−1 0

B2k 0 0 0 · · · 0 A2k


The proof is presented in Lemma 2.26 of [13], the caseσ(i) =ifor some i, is also taken care in the proof. Now we give a sufficient condition for Q(Γ) to beDθ0(Dθ(C(Γ))), whereθ0 is an order 2 CQG automorphism of Dθ(C(Γ)).

Proposition 2.21. Let Γbe a group withkgenerators{a1, a2,· · ·ak} and define γ2l−1 := al, γ2l := a−1ll = 1,2,· · ·, k. Now σ1, σ2, σ3 are three distinct automorphisms of order 2 on the set {1,2,· · ·,2k−1,2k} and θ1, θ2, θ3 are automorphisms of the group given by θji) = γσj(i) for all j = 1,2,3 and i= 1,2,· · ·,2k. We assume the following:

(1) Bi(s):=Ui,σs(i)6= 0∀ i, ands= 1,2,3alsoUi,j= 0∀j6∈ {σs(i), i}, (2) AiBj(s) = B(s)j Ai = 0 ∀ i, j, s such that σt(i) 6= i, σt(j) 6= jt

where Ai =Ui,i,

(3) Bi(s)Bj(k) = Bj(k)Bi(s) = 0 ∀ i, j, s, k with s 6= k and σt(i) 6= i, σt(j)6=jt,

(4) All Ui,jUi,j are central projections,

(5) There are well defined C-isomorphisms π1, π2(s) from C(Γ) to C{Ai, i = 1,2,· · ·,2k} and C{Bi(s), i= 1,2,· · ·,2k} respectively where s= 1,2,3 such that

π1ai) =Ai, π2(s)ai) =Bi(s)i.


Furthermore, assume that using the group automorphisms we have two CQG automorphisms θ and θ0 of order 2 from C(Γ) and Dθ(C(Γ)) re- spectively defined by

θ(λx) =λθ1(x),

θ0x, λθ1(y)) = (λθ2(x), λθ3(y)) ∀ x, y∈Γ.

Then Q(Γ) will be Dθ0(Dθ(C(Γ))) corresponding to the given automor- phisms. Moreover, the fundamental unitary takes the following form

A1 B1(1) 0 0 · · · B1(2) B1(3) B2(1) A2 0 0 · · · B2(3) B2(2) 0 0 A3 B3(1) · · · 0 0 0 0 B4(1) A4 · · · 0 0

... ...

B2k−1(2) B2k−1(3) 0 0 · · · A2k−1 B(1)2k−1 B2k(3) B2k(2) 0 0 · · · B2k(1) A2k


The proof is very similar to the Proposition 2.20, thus omitted. We end the discussion of Section 2 with the following easy observation which will be useful later.

Proposition 2.22. If U V = 0 for two normal elements in a C-algebra then

UV =V U= 0, VU =U V=V U = 0.

Its proof is straightforward, hence omitted.

3. QISO computation of the braid group

In this section we will compute the quantum isometry group of the braid group with 3 generators. The group has a presentation

Γ =<a, b, c|ac=ca, aba=bab, cbc=bcb>.

Here S ={a, b, c, a−1, b−1, c−1}.


Theorem 3.1. Let Γ be the braid group with above presentation. Then Q(Γ, S)∼=Dθ0(Dθ(C(Γ)))with the choices of automorphisms as in Propo- sition 2.21 given by:

θ1(a) =a−1, θ1(b) =b−1, θ1(c) =c−1, θ2(a) =c, θ2(b) =b, θ2(c) =a, θ3(a) =c−1, θ3(b) =b−1, θ3(c) =a−1. Proof. Let the action α ofQ(Γ, S) be given by

α(λa) =λa⊗A+λa−1⊗B+λb⊗C+λb−1⊗D+λc⊗E+λc−1⊗F, α(λa−1) =λa⊗B+λa−1⊗A+λb⊗D+λb−1⊗C+λc⊗F+λc−1⊗E,

α(λb) =λa⊗G+λa−1⊗H+λb⊗I+λb−1⊗J+λc⊗K+λc−1⊗L, α(λb−1) =λa⊗H+λa−1⊗G+λb⊗J+λb−1⊗I+λc⊗L+λc−1⊗K,

α(λc) =λa⊗M+λa−1⊗N+λb⊗O+λb−1⊗P+λc⊗Q+λc−1⊗R, α(λc−1) =λa⊗N+λa−1⊗M+λb⊗P+λb−1⊗O+λc⊗R+λc−1⊗Q. Then, the fundamental unitary is of the form








We need a few lemmas to prove the theorem.

Lemma 3.2. All the entries of the above matrix are normal.

Proof. First, using the condition α(λac) = α(λca) comparing the coeffi- cients of λa2, λa−2, λb2, λb−2, λc2, λc−2 on both sides we have

AM =M A, BN =N B, CO=OC, DP =P D, EQ=QE, F R=RF.

(3.1) Applying the antipode we get




Similarly, from the relation α(λac−1) =α(λc−1a) following the same argu- ment as above, one can deduce the following


(3.3) We observe AE+F B = 0 by comparing the coefficient ofλac−1 in the expression of α(λa)α(λa−1). This shows that AEA = 0 as BA = 0.

Thus, (AE)(AE) =AEEA =E(AEA) = 0. Similarly, all the terms of the equations (3.1), (3.2) and (3.3) are zero.

Further, using the condition α(λa)α(λa−1) = α(λa−1)α(λa) = λe⊗1Q one can deduce

AC =AD =CA =CA=DA =DA= 0, AC=AD=BD=DB =BC =BC =CB = 0.

Applying the antipode we have


Similarly from α(λb)α(λb−1) =α(λb−1)α(λb) =λe⊗1Q one obtains CJ =J C =CI =IC=CI =IC =JC=CJ = 0,

DI =ID=DJ =JD= 0.

Again using α(λc)α(λc−1) =α(λc−1)α(λc) =λe⊗1Q we have, EL=LE=EK=KE= 0,

F K =KF =F L =LF = 0.

Moreover, using the relation α(λaba) = α(λbab) we obtain α(λab) = α(λbaba−1). From α(λab) = α(λbaba−1) comparing the coefficients of λb2

and λb−2 on both sides we obtain CI = DJ = 0. Now applying the an- tipode we get IG = J H = 0. This implies GI =J H = 0. Again from α(λab−1) =α(λb−1a−1ba) and applying previous arguments we can deduce CJ =DI = 0. Applying antipode we getGJ =IH = 0. Now from the unitarity condition we know GG+HH+II+J J+KK+LL= 1.

This shows that G2G = G as we have already got GH = GI = GJ = GK = GL = 0. In a similar way, it follows that GG2 = G. Thus we can conclude that G is normal. Using the same argument as before we can show that H, I, J, K, Lare normal, i.e. all the elements of 3rd row are normal. Using the antipode the normality of C, D, O, P follows.


Now we are going to show that A, B, E, F, M, N, Q, Rare normal too.

UsingAA+BB+CC+DD+EE+F F = 1 we can write A=A(AA+BB+CC+DD+EE+F F)

=A2A+ACC+ADD (asAB=AE =AF = 0)

=A2A+ (AC)C+ (AD)D (as C, Dare normal)

=A2A (as AC=AD = 0).

Similarly AA2 =A, henceA is normal. Following exactly a similar line of arguments one can show the normality of the remaining elements.

Lemma 3.3. C=D=G=H =K =L=O=P = 0.

Proof. From the relation α(λac) = α(λca) equating the coefficients of λba, λab, λab−1, λb−1a on both sides we get AO = M C, CM = OA, AP = M D, CN = OB. This implies that CM M = OAM = 0, CN N = OBN = 0 as AM = BN = 0. Similarly one can obtain CQQ = CRR = 0. Now using (AA+BB+GG+HH+M M+N N) = 1 we have


=C(AA+BB+GG+HH) (asCM M =CN N = 0)

=C(GG+HH) (as CAA =CAA= 0, CBB=CBB = 0).

Moreover, we have


=C(KK+LL+QQ+RR) (asCE =CF = 0)

=C(KK+LL) (asCQQ =CRR = 0).

Using the above equations we get that C(KK+LL)(GG+HH) = C(GG +HH) = C = 0 (as KG = KH = LG = LH = 0). Simi- larly, we can find D = 0. Then we have G = H = 0 by using the an- tipode. Moreover, AO = M C = 0, AP = OB = BO = 0. This gives us O = (AA+BB+MM +NN)O = 0. Similarly, we get P = 0, K =

L= 0.


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