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We give a description of quadratic pseudo-harmonic morphisms from the Eu- clidean spacesRmto complex spacesCn.

AMS 2000 Subject Classification: 53C43, 58E20.

Key words: harmonic map, harmonic morphism, pseudo-harmonic morphism, pseudo-horizontally (weakly) conformal map, pseudo-horizontally ho- mothetic map, quadratic pseudo-harmonic morphism.


Polynomial mappings play a central role in the study of harmonic mor- phisms. For example, at a critical point x0 of finite order of a horizontally conformal map ϕ:Mm →Nn between arbitrary Riemannian manifolds, the symbolδxo(ϕ) :RmRnis a horizontally conformal map between Euclidean spaces defined by homogeneous polynomials (see [4]). Quadratic harmonic morphisms were classified by Ou and Wood (see [4]).

In this paper we give a description of quadratic pseudo-harmonic mor- phisms from the Euclidean spaces Rn to complex spaces Cn. In Section 2 we present definitions and properties of harmonic morphisms and pseudo- harmonic morphisms. In Section 3 we study quadratic pseudo-harmonic mor- phisms and PHH maps. In Section 4 we give a complete description of these morphisms in a particular case.



Let ϕ : (Mm, gM) (Nn, gN) be a smooth map between Riemannian manifolds andM, N their Levi-Civita connections. The connection on N induces a connection ˜on the pull back bundle ϕ−1T N.

A map ϕ is called harmonic (cf. [7], [16], [5], [4], [3], [10]) if and only if, for any compact set Ω M, its restriction to Ω is a critical point of the

REV. ROUMAINE MATH. PURES APPL.,52(2007),3, 329–339


2-energy functional

E2(ϕ,Ω) = 1 2


A standard fact states that this property can be expressed by the van- ishing of thetension field ofϕdefined by

T(ϕ) = m k=1

1 gM(ek, ek)


Mekek ,

where (ek)k=1,...,m is an orthogonal frame field defined locally on M. In local coordinates (xk)k=1,...,m and (yγ)γ=1,...,n on M and N, respectively, denoting ϕα =yα◦ϕ, the harmonicity of the mapϕ amounts to the equations


m k,l=1



∂xk∂xl m



∂xt + n α,β=1


∂xk ·∂ϕβ


= 0 for any γ= 1, . . . , n.

An important class of harmonic maps is the class of harmonic morphisms.

A map ϕ is called a harmonic morphism if and only if it pulls back local harmonic functions onN to local harmonic functions on M. Let us mention (cf. [8], [11]) that ifm < n, then the only harmonic morphisms fromM to N are the constant maps, thus the significant cases only occur when m n.

Fuglede [8] and Ishihara [11] (see, also [2], [4], [9]) proved that harmonic morphisms are precisely the harmonic mapsϕwhich arehorizontally (weakly) conformali.e.

(1)x = 0 for any critical pointx ofϕ, and

(2) there exists a non-vanishing smooth functionλdefined on the set of smooth points ofϕsuch that at any such pointx we have

λ2(x)gM(X, Y) =gN(dϕ(X), dϕ(Y))

for any horizontal vector fields X and Y on M. The function λ is called the dilation function ofϕ.

Ifϕhas no critical points, then we shall give up using the word “weakly”.

In local coordinates, horizontal weakly conformality can be expressed as (2)

m k,l=1


∂xk ·∂ϕβ

∂xl =λ2gNαβ for allα, β = 1, . . . , n.

A particular class of horizontally weakly conformal maps is that of hor- izontally homothetic maps, which are given by the extra-condition X(λ) = 0 for any horizontal vector fieldX on M.

One can generalize the notion of harmonic morphism as follows (cf.

Loubeau [13] and Chen [6]). A smooth mapϕ: (Mm, gM)(N2n, J, gN) from


a Riemannian manifold to a K¨ahler manifold is said to be apseudo-harmonic morphism (shortening PHM) if and only if it pulls back local holomorphic functions onN to local harmonic maps fromM to C.

For any x M let us denote by x : Tϕ(x)N TxM the adjoint map of a tangent linear map x : TxM Tϕ(x)N. We say that ϕ is pseudo-horizontally(weakly) conformalatx∈M if and only ifx◦dϕx com- mutes withJϕ(x). It is calledpseudo-horizontally (weakly) conformal(PHWC) (cf. [13]) if it is pseudo-horizontally (weakly) conformal at every point ofM. One can prove (cf [6], [13]) that pseudo-harmonic morphisms are precisely the harmonic maps which are pseudo-horizontally (weakly) conformal.

In local coordinates, i.e., (xk)k=1,...,m real local coordinates on M and (zA)A=1,...,n complex local coordinates on N, denoting ϕA = zA◦ϕ for any A= 1, . . . , n, the PHWC condition forϕis equivalent to


m k,l=1


∂xk ·∂ϕB

∂xl = 0 for allA, B = 1, . . . , n.

The notion of pseudo-horizontally homothetic map was introduced by Aprodu, Aprodu and Brˆınz˘anescu [1].

A mapϕ: (Mm, gM)(N2n, J, gN) which is PHWC at a point x∈M is calledpseudo-horizontally homothetic at x if and only if


Mv (J Y)



Mv (Y)


for any horizontal tangent vector v TxM and any vector field Y locally defined on a neighborhood ofϕ(x).

A mapϕthat is PHWC, is calledpseudo-horizontally homothetic (PHH) if and only if it is pseudo-horizontally homothetic at any point of M, i.e., if and only if



=J dϕ


for any horizontal vector fieldX on M and any vector fieldY on N.

If condition (4) is satisfied for every vector fieldsX on M and Y on N, we shall say that the mapϕis strongly pseudo-horizontally homothetic.

The local description of the pseudo-horizontally homothetic condition at a given pointu0 ∈M can be expressed by using local normal coordinates on M andN, respectively, as follows (see [1], Lemma 3.2).

Lemma 2.1. With the notation above, suppose ϕ is submersive. Let u0 M be a given point, (uk)k=1,...,m local normal coordinates at u0 such that the vectors ∂u

2n+1(u0), . . . ,∂um(u0) are tangent to the fibre through u0, (zA)A=1,...,n local normal complex coordinates at ϕ(u0)∈N, and ϕA=zA◦ϕ.


Thenϕ is pseudo-horizontally homothetic atu0 if and only if m




∂uk(u0) = 0

and m




∂uj (u0) = 0 for allA, B= 1, . . . , n, k= 1, . . . ,2n.

From the proof of Lemma 2.1 (cf. [1]) one can see that ϕ is strongly pseudo-horizontally homothetic atu0 if and only if


m j=1



∂uj (u0) = 0 for allA, B = 1, . . . , n,k= 1, . . . ,2n.

3. QUADRATIC PSEUDO-HARMONIC MORPHISMS Polynomial mappings play a central role in the study of harmonic mor- phisms. For example, at a critical point x0 of finite order of a horizontally conformal map ϕ : Mm Nn between arbitrary Riemannian manifolds, σx0(ϕ) :Rm Rn is a horizontally conformal map between Euclidean spaces defined by homogeneous polynomials (see [4],§5.7). Quadratic harmonic mor- phisms were classified be Ou and Wood (see [14], [15]; for a general presenta- tion see Chapter 5 of [4]).

Now, we shall study quadratic pseudo-harmonic morphisms. By a qua- dratic map we mean one which is defined by homogeneous polynomials of degree 2. A quadratic mapϕ:RmCn can always be written in the form (6) ϕ(x) = (xtA1x, . . . , xtAnx),

wherexdenotes a column vector inRm,xtits transpose, and theAk ∈ Mm(C) are complex symmetric m×m matrices, which are called thecomponent ma- trices of ϕ.

OnRm we shall take the standard Euclidean metric and on Cnwe shall take the standard Hermitian metric. We shall also consider the inner product onCn given by

(7) z, w=

n k=1


wherez= (z1, . . . , zn) andw= (w1, . . . , wn) are elements ofCn.


We have the following first result.

Proposition 3.1 (Criterion for a quadratic PHWC map). A quadratic map ϕ:Rm Cn given by (6) is a PHWC map if and only if its component matrices satisfy the conditions

(8) Ak·Al+Al·Ak= 0

for allk, l= 1, . . . , n.

Proof. We can writeϕ(x) = (ϕ1(x), . . . , ϕn(x)). By using conditions (3) we get thatϕis a PHWC map if and only if

(9) gradϕk,gradϕl= 0, k, l= 1, . . . , n at all points x∈Rm. But

gradϕk= 2·Ak·x and equations (9) are equivalent to

(10) xt·Ak·Al·x= 0

for all points x∈ Rm and all k, l = 1, . . . , n (since the matrices Ak are sym- metric). Taking the transpose of (10) we get

(xt·Ak·Al·x)t = 0 and soxt·Al·Ak·x= 0.

It follows that equations (9) are equivalent to the equations (11) xt·(Ak·Al+Al·Ak)·x= 0 for allx∈Rm and allk, l = 1, . . . , n.

Let us denoteMkl =Ak·Al+Al·Ak. SinceMklt =Mkl, the matrixMklis symmetric. LetMkl=Ukl+ iVkl where Ukl, Vkl ∈ Mm(R) are real symmetric matrices. Then equations (11) are equivalent to

(12) xt·Ukl·x= 0 and xt·Vkl·x= 0.

SinceUkl, Vkl are real symmetric matrices we get the equivalent equations

(13) Ukl= 0 and Vkl = 0,

which are equivalent toMkl= 0 for allk, l= 1, . . . , n, i.e., conditions (8) from the statement.

Theorem3.1 (Automatic harmonicity). Letϕ:RmCnbe a quadratic PHWC map. The ϕis harmonic, and so is a pseudo-harmonic morphism.

Proof. Write ϕ(x) = (ϕ1(x), . . . , ϕn(x)). It suffices to prove that every component ϕk : Rm C is a harmonic function. For l = k, by (8) we get


A2k= 0 for all k= 1, . . . , n, and so the matrixAk is nilpotent. It follows that the trace ofAk is zero. But

TrAk =a(k)11 +· · ·+a(k)mm = 2ϕk

∂x21 +· · ·+2ϕk

∂x2m = 0 and, by (1), ϕk is a harmonic function for all k= 1, . . . , n.

Corollary3.1. A quadratic mapϕ:RmCngiven by(6)is a pseudo- harmonic morphism if and only if its component matrices satisfy the condi- tions(8).

Proposition 3.2. Let ϕ:Rm Cn be a quadratic map given by(6). If we writeAk =Bk+ iCk, where Bk, Ck are real symmetric matrices, then ϕ is a pseudo-harmonic morphism if and only if for all k, l= 1, . . . , n we have (14) Bk·Bl+Bl·Bk=Ck·Cl+Cl·Ck


(15) (Bk·Cl+Bl·Ck) + (Ck·Bl+Cl·Bk) = 0.

Proof. Direct computation in (8).

Remark. If ϕk : Rm C is a component of a quadratic PHWC map ϕ : Rm Cn with ϕ(x) = (xtA1x, . . . , xtAnx) and Ak = Bk+iCk, with Bk, Ck real symmetric matrices, then by (14) and (15) we get the equations Bk2=Ck2 and Bk·Ck+Ck·Bk= 0.

By Proposition 5.5.1 in [4], ϕk : Rm C is a horizontally (weakly) conformal map for all k = 1, . . . , n, and so, by Theorem 5.2.3 in [4], ϕk is harmonic. This gives another proof of Theorem 3.1 above.

Remark. One can try to classify the quadratic pseudo-harmonic mor- phisms from the Euclidean spaces Rm to complex spaces Cn by using condi- tions (14) and (15), which only contain real symmetric matrices, in a similar way as for quadratic harmonic morphism in [4]. But the computation is too complicate and we shall use conditions (8).

Remark. Let nowϕ:Rm Cnbe a quadratic strongly pseudo-horizontally homothetic morphism. Since gradϕk= 2·Ak·x, hence

∂xj(gradϕk) = 2Ak,j

when Ak,j is the j-column of the matrix Ak. By computation, from (5) in Lemma 2.1, we obtain the conditions

(16) Ak·Al= 0, k, l= 1, . . . , n for a quadratic strongly PHH morphism.


Definition 3.1. An n-tuple (P1, . . . , Pn) of symmetric endomorphisms Pk:Cm Cm ofCm is called a complex Clifford system onCm, if

(17) Pk◦Pl+Pl◦Pk= 0, k, l= 1, . . . , n.

We have

Proposition3.3. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of quadratic pseudo-harmonic morphismsϕ:RmCn and the set of complex Clifford system (P1, . . . , Pn) on Cm.

Proof. In the canonical basis on Cm, the endomorphismsP1, . . . , Pn are represented by symmetric matrices A1, . . . , An. From (17) we get conditions (8), thus we have a quadratic pseudo-harmonic morphismϕ:Rm Cn.

Conversely, any matrixAkdefines a symmetric endomorphismPk:Cm Cm and from conditions (8) we get (17), hence a complex Clifford system.

Denote V =Cn and consider a quadratic formq :V Con V (associ- ated with aC-bilinear form not with a Hermitian form). The Clifford algebra of the pair (V, q), denoted by Cl (V, q), is generated by the elements ofV and the unit element 1C=0V modulo the relations

(18) v·v=−q(v)·1, ∀v∈V.

There exists a natural isomorphism ofC-vector spaces

(19) ΛV ˜ Cl (V, q)

where ΛV is the exterior Grassmann algebra of V. This isomorphism of C- vector spaces is an isomorphism of algebras if and only if the quadratic form q= 0 (see [12]). A representation of the Grassmann algebraGn= ΛV on the vector spaceCm is a homomorphism ofC-algebrasρ:GnEnd (Cm).

We have the following interpretation of a quadratic pseudo-harmonic morphism.

Theorem 3.2. Every quadratic pseudo-harmonic morphism ϕ : Rm Cn defines a representation ρϕ of the Grassmann algebra Gn= ΛV.

Proof. Letϕ:RmCn be given by

ϕ(x) = (xtA1x, . . . , xtAnx), x∈Rm.

By Proposition 3.3 any matrix Ak, k = 1, . . . , n defines a symmetric endomorphismPk:Cm Cm, hence a complex Clifford system (P1, . . . , Pn).

If{e1, . . . , en}is the canonical basis ofCm, the Grassmann algebraGn = ΛV, V = Cm, is generated as C-algebra by e1, . . . , en and 1 C with the relations

ek∧el+el∧ek= 0, k, l= 1, . . . , n.


Define the representationρϕ on the generators by

ρϕ(ek) =Pk, k= 1, . . . , n, ρϕ(1) =Im. Since (P1, . . . , Pn) is a complex Clifford system, we have

Pk◦Pl+Pl◦Pk= 0, k, l= 1, . . . , n, hence

ρϕ(ek∧el+el∧ek) =Pk◦Pl+Pl◦Pk= 0 and the applicationρϕ is well-defined.

Remark. In the real case, i.e., for quadratic harmonic morphisms, there is a complete classification (see [14], [15]) because we know all the representa- tions of a Clifford algebra. In our (complex) case, i.e., for quadratic pseudo- harmonic morphisms, the description of all representations of a Grassmann algebra is lacking (see [17], for the case G2). Thus the converse of Theo- rem 3.2 is a difficult problem that is equivalent to the problem of canonical form ofnmatrices Ak,k= 1, . . . , n, satisfying conditions (8).


Letϕ:Rm Cnbe a quadratic pseudo-harmonic morphism ϕ(x) = (xtA1x, . . . , xtAnx), x∈Rm,

where the symmetric matricesAk ∈ Mm(C) satisfy conditions (8).

Let us suppose that all matrices Ak, k = 1, . . . , n, have rank one (rank (Ak) = 1, k= 1, . . . , n). Then the matrixA=Ak has the form

(20) A=


α21 α1α2 . . . α1αm α1α2 α22 . . . α2αm . . . . . . . . . . . . α1αm α2αm . . . α2m



whereαt0 = 0 for at least one t0= 1, . . . , n. We have A2 =α·A,


α=α21+α22+· · ·+α2m. SinceA2 = 0 we get

(21) α21+α22+· · ·+α2m = 0.


The form (20) is not unique. Indeed, if




α21 α˜1α˜2 . . . α˜1α˜m


α1α˜2 α˜22 . . . α˜2α˜m . . . . . . . . . . . .


α1α˜m α˜2α˜m . . . α˜2m


, then we have

α2k = ˜α2k and αkαl= ˜αkα˜l, k, l= 1, . . . , m, hence we get

( ˜α1, . . . ,α˜m) = (α1, . . . , αm) or

( ˜α1, . . . ,α˜m) = (−α1, . . . ,−αm).

It follows that the matrices of the form (20) are in one-to-one correspondence with the points of the set

Qˆ =Q\ {0}/{±Id},

whereQ⊂Cm is the hyperquadric given by the equation (22) z12+z22+· · ·+zm2 = 0.

LetB =Al,l=k; the matrix B has the same form

B =


β12 β1β2 . . . β1βm β1β2 β22 . . . β2βm . . . . . . . . . . . . β1βm β2βm . . . βm2


. Since

A·B+B·A= 0,

if we denoteC =A·B = (ctl),D=B·A= (dtl), we get ctl =αtβl·

m k=1

αkβk, dtl =βtαl· m k=1

αkβk, ctl+dtl= 0, hence

(23) (αtβl+βtαl)·m


αkβk= 0, t, l= 1, . . . , n.

Since rank (A) = rank (B) = 1, there exist t0, l0 such that αt0 = 0 and βl0 = 0. Let us suppose that m

k=1αkβk= 0. From (23) we obtain (24) αtβt= 0 and αtβl+βtαl= 0, t=l.


Ifl0 =t0 thenαt0 ·βt0 = 0, which contradicts with (24). If l0=t0 then from αt0 ·βt0 = 0 we getβt0 = 0 and from αl0 ·βl0 = 0 we get αl0 = 0. But

αt0βl0 +βt0αl0 = 0

and we obtainαt0βl0 = 0, again a contradiction. It follows that (25)

m k=1

αk·βk= 0.

In this particular case, we obtain the complete classification of quadratic pseudo-harmonic morphisms.

Theorem 4.1. Let ϕ:Rm Cn be a quadratic pseudo-harmonic mor- phism given by

ϕ(x) = (xtA1x, . . . , xtAnx), x∈Rm.

Suppose that rank (Ak) = 1, k = 1, . . . , n. Then ϕ is completely determined by n points in the set Qˆ = Q\ {0}/{±Id}, such that the coordinates of any representative satisfy condition (25); Q Cm is the hyperquadric given by equation (22).

Remark. From the computation above we get by (25) the conditions Ak·Al= 0, k, l= 1, . . . , n,

hence any quadratic pseudo-harmonic morphismϕ:Rm Cnwith rank (Ak) = 1,k= 1, . . . , n, is in fact a strongly PHH morphism.

Acknowledgements.We want to express our thanks to Professor Vasile Brˆınz˘anescu for his constant help and moral support.


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Received September 28, 2006 University of Pite¸sti Faculty of Educational Sciences

Doag˘a Street 110440 Pite¸sti, Romania

rxn dnt@yahoo.com


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