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Journal Pre-proof Sea urchin recruitment: Effect of diatom based biofilms on Paracentrotus lividus competent larvae


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Journal Pre-proof Sea urchin recruitment: Effect of diatom based biofilms on Paracentrotus lividus

competent larvae

Marta Castilla-Gavilán, Meshi Reznicov, Vincent Turpin, Priscilla Decottignies, Bruno Cognie

To cite this version:

Marta Castilla-Gavilán, Meshi Reznicov, Vincent Turpin, Priscilla Decottignies, Bruno Cognie. Jour- nal Pre-proof Sea urchin recruitment: Effect of diatom based biofilms on Paracentrotus lividus com- petent larvae. Aquaculture, Elsevier, 2020, 515, pp.734559. �10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.734559�.



Journal Pre-proof

Sea urchin recruitment: Effect of diatom based biofilms on Paracentrotus lividus competent larvae

Marta Castilla-Gavilán, Meshi Reznicov, Vincent Turpin, Priscilla Decottignies, Bruno Cognie

PII: S0044-8486(19)31658-8



Reference: AQUA 734559

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Received Date: 5 July 2019

Revised Date: 13 September 2019 Accepted Date: 1 October 2019

Please cite this article as: Castilla-Gavilán, M., Reznicov, M., Turpin, V., Decottignies, P., Cognie, B., Sea urchin recruitment: Effect of diatom based biofilms on Paracentrotus lividus competent larvae,

Aquaculture (2019), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.734559.

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Sea urchin recruitment: effect of diatom based biofilms on Paracentrotus lividus 1

competent larvae 2

Marta Castilla-Gavilán*

, Meshi Reznicov

, Vincent Turpin, Priscilla Decottignies, 3

Bruno Cognie 4

Université de Nantes, Institut Universitaire Mer et Littoral, EA 2160 Mer Molécules 5

Santé, 2 rue de la Houssinière BP 92208, 44322 Nantes cedex 3 (France) 6

These authors contributed equally 7

*Corresponding author: mcasgavilan@gmail.com 8

Abstract 9

Eight different experimental substrates were tested on Paracentrotus lividus competent 10

larvae in order to evaluate their potential for inducing metamorphosis and enhance 11

survival after recruitment. Two benthic diatoms species, Nitzschia laevis (NL) and 12

Halamphora coffeaeformis (HC), were selected according to their capacity to adhere 13

and to form strong biofilms. They were tested in monocultures and in a mixed biofilm 14

(MIX) that was also tried in combination with Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid, involved in 15

triggering some invertebrate metamorphosis (MIX+GABA). Histamine (HIS) was also 16

used as a treatment according to the high metamorphosis rates that have been recorded 17

for this compound on other sea urchin species. Finally, a natural microphytobenthic 18

biofilm (NATURAL) and oyster shells particles colonized by epiphytic diatoms 19

(SHELL) were sampled from the mud of a refining oyster pond. Batches of 21 days-old 20

larvae were placed on each experimental substrate and their effect was compared to a 21

negative control of filtered sea water (without any treatment; FSW). Metamorphosis rate 22

was daily recorded in each treatment. The sea urchin larvae on substrates NL, 23

NATURAL, GABA+MIX and SHELL showed significantly higher metamorphosis 24

rates than larvae on the other treatments (P < 0.001), reaching more than 90% in 72h.




Survival rate was assessed at 10 days post-metamorphosis in these four treatments. No 26

difference was observed between them in terms of metamorphosis rate or survival rate 27

(more than 60% for the four experimental substrates). Results demonstrate that the 28

transition from planktonic larvae to benthic juvenile could be promoted through diatom- 29

based biofilms. These substrates represent efficient metamorphosis inducers for P.


lividus larviculture but we suggest to use preferably N. laevis biofilms in order to 31

promote practical and safe solutions for farmers.


Keywords: aquaculture diversification; echinoculture; Nitzschia laevis; metamorphosis 33

rate; post-settlement survival rate 34

Introduction 35

Sea urchin roes are considered as a delicacy and they are among the most valued sea 36

food products. Sea urchin become highly trendy due to their unique taste and the spread 37

of Japanese food around the globe. The leading country in consumption of sea urchins is 38

Japan followed by France, the first market in Europe (Stefánsson et al., 2017). To fulfil 39

this demand, wild populations have been overexploited worldwide leading to a decline 40

since the 90’s (Ceccherelli et al., 2011; Couvray et al., 2015; McBride, 2005). Beyond 41

the economic impact, this depletion has ecological implications as sea urchins have a 42

key role in the infra-littoral rocky shore areas (Giakoumi et al., 2012; Kitching and 43

Thain, 1983; Privitera et al., 2011; Scheibling, 1986).


To deal with overexploitation, echinoculture of several species has been developed 45

worldwide (Andrew et al., 2002): for exemple Paracentrotus lividus in Europe, 46

Loxechinus albus in Chile, Strongylocentrotus spp. in China or S. depressus, S.


intermedius and S. nudus in Japan. In Europe, certain constraints remain to be solved for




a sustainable and cost-effective industry, notably in the phase of transition between 49

planktonic larvae to a benthic juvenile (Grosjean et al., 1998). Settlement, 50

metamorphosis and post-metamorphosis survival rates are still not high enough to 51

produce juveniles in hatcheries at an industrial-scale (Carbonara et al., 2018; Hannon et 52

al., 2017; Zupo et al., 2018). Researches have been conducted on several sea urchin 53

species to find reliable metamorphosis-inducing-factors for this crucial development 54

stage. Various levels of success have been shown with different species of algae 55

(Carbonara et al., 2018; Castilla-Gavilán et al., 2018b; De la Uz et al., 2013), diatoms 56

and bacterial biofilms (Ab Rahim et al., 2004; Brundu et al., 2016; Dworjanyn and 57

Pirozzi, 2008; Rial et al., 2018; Xing et al., 2007; Zupo et al., 2018), conspecifics 58

(Dworjanyn and Pirozzi, 2008; Gosselin and Jangoux, 1996), and chemical compounds 59

(Carbonara et al., 2018; Pearce and Scheibling, 1990; Swanson et al., 2012). It seems 60

that the most successful metamorphosis-inducing signals are microbial biofilms, 61

whether or not they are linked to the surface of seaweed thalli or inorganic surfaces such 62

as rocks or shells (Hadfield and Paul, 2001). Recent studies have shown the 63

metamorphosis induction effect of benthic diatoms on the culture of P. lividus, 64

obtaining high settlement and survival rates (Rial et al., 2018; Zupo et al., 2018). This 65

zootechnics are also largely used in Japan, China and Chile for sea urchin production in 66

plates covered by natural benthic diatoms biofilms (Ab Rahim et al., 2004; Hagen, 67

1996; McBride, 2005; Rahman et al., 2014; Takahashi et al., 2002; Xing et al., 2007).


Moreover, neurotransmitters have been shown to regulate developmental transition in 69

sea urchins, as histamine (Sutherby et al., 2012; Swanson et al., 2012, 2004) and 70

Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) (Pearce and Scheibling, 1990; Rahman and 71

Uehara, 2001).




The main objective of the present study was to compare the effect of different inducing 73

cues on the metamorphosis of Paracentrotus lividus and to identify those that could be 74

of easy and cheap application. We tested histamine and GABA, two benthic diatoms 75

(Halamphora coffeaeformis and Nitzschia laevis), a natural benthic biofilm and oyster 76

shells colonized by epiphytic diatoms.


Materials and Methods 78

Hatchery of sea urchin larvae 79

Larvae of P. lividus were raised in the Benth’Ostrea Prod aquaculture farm (Bouin, 80

Vendée, France). They were fed on a combined diet consisting of three microalgae 81

species: Isochrysis aff. galbana (clone T-ISO), Rhodomonas sp. and Dunaliella 82

tertiolecta (Castilla-Gavilán et al., 2018a). Larvae were reared in continuous dark at a 83

density of 1 per ml, in 2-m


conical PVC tanks filled with aerated seawater. A complete 84

water exchange and a thorough cleaning of the tanks were carried out every day. Prior 85

to the experiment, pre-competent larvae were transferred to the laboratory and kept at 86

the same density in an aerated 5 L glass reactor balloon, until competence was achieved.


Competence was considered when 75% of larvae had a developed rudiment that was 88

equal or larger than the stomach, as proposed by Kelly et al. (2000).


Experimental treatments 90

The chosen treatments for P. lividus competent larvae recruitment assay (see next 91

section) were:


- Nitzschia laevis biofilm (NL) 93

- Halamphora coffeaeformis biofilm (HC) 94

- Mix biofilm of both N. laevis and H. coffeaeformis (MIX)




- Natural biofilm sampled from refining oyster ponds (NATURAL) 96

- Broken oyster shells 10 g (SHELL) 97

- Histamine 10


M (HIS) 98

- GABA 10


M (GABA) 99

- GABA 10


M + Mix biofilm of both N. laevis and H. coffeaeformis 100

(GABA+MIX) 101

- Control of filtered seawater (FSW) 102

The diatoms N. laevis and H. coffeaeformis were obtained from the Nantes Culture 103

Collection (UTCC58 and NCC39 from the Mer-Molécules-Santé Laboratory, Nantes, 104

France). These species were chosen for their ability to adhere and to form strong 105

biofilms. Prior to experimental assays, growth kinetics of the two diatoms species 106

selected were assessed (lag time, maximal biomass and maximal specific growth rate).


They were grown in 80 mm diameter Pyrex


Crystallizing Dishes filled with 100 ml of 108

F/2 media. Each dish was inoculated with 50 000 cells/ml. The diatom biofilms were 109

grown in triplicates under conditions of 15°C, 14h:10h L/D cycle at 120 µmol. photons 110





. Growth curves were assessed by daily cell counting using a haemocytometer.


All experimental treatments were carried out in four replicates in filtered seawater (5 112

µm filtered and UV treated). For NL and HC treatments, biofilms were cultured as 113

explained above. For the MIX treatment, biofilms were cultured by inoculating 25 000 114

cells/ml of each species. Seven days old biofilms were used. One day prior to the 115

recruitment assay, the F/2 media was gently removed and replaced with 100 ml of 116

filtered seawater. For the NATURAL treatment, 3 kg of sediment from an oyster pond 117

of the Benth’Ostrea Prod farm was collected two days prior to the recruitment assay.


The natural biofilm was sampled following the protocol described by Eaton and Moss




(1966) and homogenized in 400 ml of filtered seawater. Finally, 100 ml were inoculated 120

in four Crystallizing Dishes for 24 h under natural photoperiod at 20 °C. Oyster shells 121

(SHELL treatment) were collected in an oyster pond from the Benth’Ostrea Prod farm.


They were broken into small pieces (1.5-5 cm) placed in four Crystallizing Dishes (10 g 123

in each dish) filled with 100 ml filtered seawater. Prior to the recruitment assay, the 124

presence of an active photosynthetic biofilm on the broken shells was checked using a 125

chlorophyll fluorescence imaging system (Imaging-PAM M-Series, Maxi version, 126

Waltz GmbH; Fig.1). HIS and GABA treatments were prepared in 100 ml of filtered 127

seawater at a concentration of 10


M and 10


M respectively. Concentrations were 128

chosen according to previous works that have been done with other sea urchins species 129

(Rahman and Uehara, 2001; Swanson et al., 2012). For GABA+MIX treatment, a single 130

MIX treatment was reproduced and 10


M of GABA was added. A negative control of 131

100 ml filtered seawater (FSW treatment) was realised in order to estimate the 132

percentage of larvae undergoing spontaneous metamorphosis.


Recruitment assay 134

Twenty-one days after fertilisation, when most larvae were competent, 30 larvae were 135

transferred into each experimental treatments. They were kept in the dark at 20°C 136

(Carbonara et al., 2018). Every 24h the metamorphosis was recorded under a 137

stereoscope for all treatments and assessed as follows:


metamorphosis % = metamorphosed juveniles

larvae initially dispensed into the dishes x 100

The first four treatments providing a metamorphosis rate of more than 90% were 139

transferred into little tanks (25 x 15 x 10 cm). Each dish was placed on the bottom of a 140

tank filled with aerated filtered seawater changed every 2 days in a 50%. They were




kept at 20°C under a natural photoperiod in order to assess survival of early juveniles.


At 10 days post-metamorphosis (DPM), survival was assessed by counting living 143

juveniles on each treatment under a stereoscope as:


post − settlement survival % = living juveniles in the dishes

post − larvae initially dispensed into the dishes x 100 Data analysis


Growth curves for the diatoms species were established. The collected data from the cell 146

counting was analysed in MATLAB


R2018a software for fitting to the Gompertz 147

model. This model is known to fit well to diatoms growth kinetic analysis (Lépinay et 148

al., 2018; Zwietering et al., 1990):



where f(x) is expressed in ln (cell ml


); t is time in days to attain maximum biomass of 151

the culture; µ max stands for maximum specific growth rate per day (ln cell ml




); A 152

(ln cell ml


) represents maximum biomass and λ is the lag time in days. For both 153

diatom species, these three parameters were compared using a t-test.


For metamorphosis and survival data, statistical analyses were performed using the 155



9.0 software. Differences were tested using a one-way ANOVA test. When 156

normality test failed, a Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance on ranks was used.


Student-Newman-Keuls a posteriori multiple comparisons tests were carried out when 158

significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed.


( ) = exp −exp μ max " #(1) (λ − t) + 1&'


-8- Results


For diatom biofilms, A and µ max were significantly higher for N. laevis than H.


coffeaeformis (P < 0.01; Table 1). Similar λ were obtained for both species.


Growth curves represented by the Gompertz model indicated that both species were in 163

the exponential phase when the experiment was carried out (i.e. 7 days old biofilms).


Nevertheless, at this moment of the cultures, biomass was significantly higher in N.


laevis biofilms than in H. coffeaeformis (P < 0.001; Fig. 2).


After 72h of the experiment, larvae on treatments NL and HC reached more than 91%


and 33% of metamorphosis rate respectively (Fig. 3). Both species, on treatment MIX, 168

reached a lower rate (19%). However, when the MIX treatment was associated to the 169

GABA, more than 92% of metamorphosis was observed.


The separate treatment of GABA showed a low metamorphosis rate (21%) and no 171

metamorphosed larvae were observed with the HIS treatment. Metamorphosis in the 172

FSW control was less than 1%.


With the SHELL and the NATURAL treatment, which were originated from the same 174

environment, metamorphosis reached more than 97%. It is important to note that with 175

the SHELL treatment, larvae did not settled on the shells themselves but on the plates.


For easier comparison, we can divide treatments in three groups by their metamorphosis 177

rate results (Fig. 3): group A - NL, NATURAL, GABA+MIX and SHELL, group B - 178

HC, GABA and MIX, and group C - HIS and FSW. Treatments in group A showed 179

significantly higher metamorphosis rates than the treatments in group B and C (P <


0.001). Significant differences were also found between treatments in groups B and C 181

(P < 0.05). Between treatments in the same group there was no statistical difference.




Larvae with the treatments of the group A were those transferred to the tanks for 183

survival assessment.


Survival 10 DPM was higher than 60% for the four treatments. No difference was found 185

between them (Fig. 4).


Discussion 187

In this study we demonstrated that the transition from planktonic larvae to benthic 188

juvenile could be promoted through diatom-based biofilms.


The higher metamorphosis rate observed in larvae on N. laevis biofilm compared with 190

larvae on H. coffeaeformis biofilm are in agreement with the results obtained by Xing et 191

al. (2007). This study on Strongylocentrotus intermedius showed that, from a variety of 192

eight species of benthic diatoms, Nitzschia sp. induced the highest metamorphosis rate 193

compare to H. coffeaeformis that induced the lowest. Xing et al. (2007) suggested that 194

the observed differences could be explained by the variability in some characteristics of 195

the biofilms, notably the amount of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Nitzschia 196

laevis secrets relatively high amount of EPS that allow it to attach strongly to the 197

substrate and create a robust film. On the opposite, H. coffeaeformis secrets moderate 198

amount of EPS making the adhesive strength of the biofilm poorer. Another 199

characteristic that may vary between diatoms species is their ability to produce toxins 200

and repellent metabolites, sometimes as a protection measurement from grazers 201

(Maibam et al., 2014). Therefore, we can also hypothesize that H. coffeaeformis could 202

produce a repellent substance perturbing the cascade of events that induce settlement 203

and metamorphosis.


These substances could also explain the significantly lower metamorphosis rate 205

obtained with both N. laevis and H. coffeaeformis (MIX treatment). As in our




experiment, Xing et al. (2007) obtained higher metamorphosis rates using monospecific 207

diatom biofilms compare to multispecific ones. Further investigation could be done in 208

order to check if H. coffeaeformis produce antifouling compounds or if a significant 209

chemical compound modification appear when co-cultivated with N. laevis (Paul et al., 210



Encrusting algae extracts are known to have an inducing metamorphosis effect on 212

invertebrate larvae. This inducer is an oligopeptide that mimics the action of GABA, an 213

inhibitory neurotransmitter (Morse and Morse, 1984; Rowley, 1989). The 214

metamorphosis effect of GABA has been demonstrated on the sea urchin 215

Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Pearce and Scheibling, 1990). In the present study 216

this molecule induced a low metamorphosis rate on P. lividus. However, a different 217

behaviour was observed in the larvae exposed to our GABA treatment: they were all 218

found on the bottom of the plate. In the other treatments the metamorphosed larvae were 219

spread in the water column, which is the normal behaviour in P. lividus, metamorphosis 220

occurring before settlement (Fenaux and Pedrotti, 1988). The behaviour pattern 221

observed with GABA could indicate that this neurotransmitter may function in P.


lividus as a separate settlement cue and not as a metamorphosis one. Moreover, as we 223

found similar result in the GABA+MIX and NL treatments, we can hypothesize that 224

GABA could also counteract the negative effect that we observed for H. coffeaeformis 225

on N. laevis.


Histamine (HIS treatment) did not induced settlement or metamorphosis in any case.


This result agree with the study of Carbonara et al. (2018) that tested five different 228

concentrations of histamine on metamorphosis induction of P. lividus and obtained no 229

metamorphosed larvae.




A similarity was found on the influence of the SHELL treatment and the sediment from 231

the oyster pond (NATURAL treatment) on the larvae. It can be hypothesized that 232

epibionts population on the oyster shell is similar or very close to the one that colonizes 233

the sediment. The metamorphosis rates obtained with these two treatments were similar 234

to the one obtained with NL treatment. This can be explained by the high relative 235

abundance of Nitzschia spp. on oyster shells and mudflats of this region (Barillé et al., 236

2017; Méléder et al., 2007).


The four treatments (1) N. laevis biofilms, (2) natural biofilms, (3) oyster shells and (4) 238

a combination of GABA+N. laevis+H. coffeaeformis displayed no statistically different 239

survival rates. They represent metamorphosis inducers of high and similar efficiency for 240

P. lividus larviculture. Biofilms coming from oyster ponds (i.e. natural biofilms and 241

oyster shells) could represent a low cost and sustainable source of metamorphosis 242

inducing cue for oyster farmers. However, these substrates can be a contamination 243

vector and their success could be limited by the spatiotemporal variations in the benthic 244

diatoms communities. To overcome these risks and to promote practical and safe 245

solutions for farmers, this study suggests using preferably N. laevis. Its culture can be 246

conducted by farmers all around the year controlling the quality in terms of growth rates 247

and nutritional profile in an industrial production cycle. This can, on the long term, help 248

oyster farmers to diversify through “echinoculture”.


Acknowledgements 250

This study was supported by the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree program ACES 251

(Aquaculture, Environment and Society) and by two European projects: TAPAS “Tools 252

for Assessment and Planning of Aquaculture Sustainability” (Horizon 2020 Grant 253

Agreement No 678396) and BIO-Tide “The role of microbial biodiversity in the




functioning of marine tidal flat sediments” (H 2020 ERA-NET Biodiversia, ANR-16- 255

EBI13-0008-02). The authors wish to thank Benth’Ostrea Prod for providing the living 256

resources. They are also grateful to V. Méléder and E. Cointet for their assistance 257

during diatom-based biofilms culture.


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-16- List of figures


Fig. 1 Imaging of variable chlorophyll fluorescence on oyster shells. Scale bar 403

represents intensity in false colour. Outlines of the oyster shells are indicated as a white 404



Fig. 2 Growth curves of (A) N. laevis and (B) H. coffeaeformis (mean ± sd).


Fig. 3 Metamorphosis rate (%) of P. lividus larvae after 72h exposure to the different 407

treatments. NL = N. laevis, NATURAL = natural biofilm, GABA+MIX = GABA+N.


laevis+H. coffeaeformis, SHELL = broken oyster shells, HC = H. coffeaeformis, MIX = 409

N. laevis+H. coffeaeformis, HIS = histamine, FSW = filtered seawater. Data are 410

expressed as mean ± confidence interval 95% (n=4).


Fig. 4 Survival rate (%) of P. lividus 10 days post-metamorphosis (DPM). NL = N.


laevis, NATURAL = natural biofilm, SHELL = broken oyster shells, GABA+MIX = 413

GABA+N. laevis+H. coffeaeformis. Data are expressed as mean ± confidence interval 414

95% (n=4).





Table 1 Maximum biomass (A in ln cell ml-1), maximum specific growth rate per day (µMax in ln cell ml-1 d-1) and


lag time (λ in days) of the two diatoms based biofilms. Data are expressed as mean ± confidence interval.


N. laevis H. coffeaeformis A 1.3 x 10


± 0.3 x 10


0.9 x 10


± 0.09 x 10


µMax 0.71 ± 0.14 0.39 ± 0.14

λ 0.04 ± 0.19 0.4 ± 1.69



Fig. 1


Fig. 2


Fig. 3

Fig. 4



Eight different substrates have been tested on Paracentrotus lividus larvae in order to study their metamorphosis and post-settlement survival and to choose those substrates of easy and cheap application for echinoculture

Organic substrates as Nitzschia laevis biofilm and natural biofilms sampled from oyster ponds are appropriate substrates for recruitment, enhancing metamorphosis and survival rate

We preferably suggest the use of N. laevis as its culture allow farmers to implement

quality controls


Dear editors,

This work is original and is not under consideration by any other journal. All individuals listed as authors are qualified as author, have approved the submitted version and have permission to reproduce any previously published material.

This study was supported by the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree program ACES (Aquaculture, Environment and Society) and by two European projects: TAPAS “Tools for Assessment and Planning of Aquaculture Sustainability” (Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement No 678396) and BIO-Tide “The role of microbial biodiversity in the functioning of marine tidal flat sediments” (H 2020 ERA-NET Biodiversia, ANR-16-EBI13-0008-02).

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

This article does not contain any studies with human participants performed by any of the

authors. All applicable international, and/or institutional guidelines for the care and use of

animals were followed.


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