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On the influence of 3d4 ions on the magnetic and crystallographic properties of magnetic oxides


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1959

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On the influence of 3d4 ions on the magnetic and crystallographic properties of magnetic oxides

John B. Goodenough

To cite this version:

John B. Goodenough. On the influence of 3d4 ions on the magnetic and crystallographic properties

of magnetic oxides. J. Phys. Radium, 1959, 20 (2-3), pp.155-159. �10.1051/jphysrad:01959002002-

3015500�. �jpa-00236008�







Un interstice octaédrique dans un réseau des anions devient tétragonal s’il est occupé par un cation ayant la configuration électronique externe 3d4. Après une courte référence à

l’origine physique de cet effet, on l’illustre par les propriétés cristallographiques de plusieurs oxydes

contenant les ions Mn3+. Une structure pour la phase orthorhombique de LiMnO2 est suggérée en

accord avec les diagrammes de rayon-x donnés dans la littérature. On démontre également que les cations 3d4 peuvent former simultanément des couples ferromagnétiques et antiferromagnétiques

avec des cations similaires si l’interstice local est tétragonal. Cet effet est illustré à la fois dans le réseau cubique simple des cations 3d4 et dans deux réseaux spinelles contenant dans les interstices

octaédriques des cations Mn3+. Trois couplages magnétiques différents entre deux ions Mn3+ sont

également mis en évidence. Cette propriété spéciale des ions 3d4 peut donner lieu au ferromagné-

tisme ou au ferrimagnétisme dans les réseaux perovskites contenant des cations Mn3+,



After a brief reference to the physical basis for a tetragonal distortion (c/a > 1)

of an octahedral anion interstice which is occupied by a cation with outer-electron configuration 3d4, the crystallographic properties of several Mn3+-containing oxides are given to illustrate the signifi-

cance of this effect for determining the crystalline symmetry. A structure for the orthorhombic

LiMnO2 phase is proposed which is consistent with the powder-pattern data reported in the lit- erature. It is also pointed out that 3d4 cations may simultaneously couple ferromagnetically and antiferromagnetically with similar cations if the local octahedron is distorted to tetragonal sym-

metry. This effect is illustrated in both the perovskite-type and the spinel-type lattice. Also

three different types of Mn3+ 2014 Mn3+ interaction are illustrated. It is pointed out that the magnetic properties of several Mn3+-containing, perovskite-type oxides can be interpreted as due

to this peculiar property of the Mn3+ ion.


I. Crystallography.


Until quite recently there

was considerable chemical opinion that the exis-

tence of cations with outer-electron config-

uration 3d4 is extremely rare. However, in 1955

it was pointed out [1, 2], that the interesting lattice

distorsions from cubic symmetry in certain man-

ganese-containing oxides can be understood if

Mn3+ (3d4) is present. It was shown that for a 3d4 cation in an octahedral anion interstice, the rela-

tive symmetries of the d wave functions and the near-neighbor anions stabilize a distortion of the local octahedron to tetragonal (c/a > 1) sym-

metry. In the first discussion of this effect, the

covalent-bond description was used. Recently

Dunitz and Orgel [3, 4], and McClure [5] have used ligand-field theory to supplement and strengthen

the theoretical argument. Meanwhile several wor-

kers have investigated this effect experimentally.

Although recent measurements [6] of the low- temperature lattice parameters in the system Fe3-xCrxO4 can be interpreted [7] by this model if

some Cr2+(3d4) ions are present, illustrations of this effect will be confined to a variety of Mn3+ -con- taining materials. The crystallographic data for

several spinel-type compounds and systems are (1) The research in this document was supported by the

U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force under contract with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

(2) Staff Member, Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

tabulated in Table I. In every instance of tetra-

gonal (c/a > 1) symmetry, the tetragonal dis-

tortion can be attributed to the presence of Mn3+(3d4) ions on octahedral sites iri excess of a

certain critical fraction, this fraction varying slightly with the type of other cation present.

This fraction also varies from one 3d4 cation to

another. It appears to decrease with increasing

ratio of 3d4-cation size to anion-interstice size.

Since the macroscopic distortion of the lattice

depends upon an ordering of the c axes of the individually distorted Mn3+-occupied octahedra, a martensitic, hysteretic phase change from tetrag-

onal to cubic symmetry can be expected at higher temperatures. In the high-temperature, cubic phase the Mn3+-occupied octahedra are cubic.

The Mn3+-occupied octahedra are assumed to

remain cubic even at low temperatures unless the

concentration of Mn3+ is sufficiently large that

there can be a cooperative distortion of octahedral sites to reduce the change in elastic energy relative

to the change in electronic energy associated with

an octahedral-site distortion. In compositions containing nearly a sufficient number of Mn3+

cations for a cooperative distortion, there is evi-

dence [8] that the room-temperature cubic phase

contains regions of local distortion, but no long-

range order of the c axes. In Mn3O4 the transition temperature is as high as 1 173 °C [9]. As the

fraction of octahedral sites occupied by Mn3+ ions

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphysrad:01959002002-3015500





is decreased, the magnitude of the lattice distortion and the transition temperature decrease. As illus-

trated in Fig. 1, the transition temperature drops

off sharply at the critical Mn3+ concentration for a

cooperative distortion.

In a recent study of the systems ZnxGe 1-xMn 2O 4,

Zn.,Ge 1,CO 2- 21IMn 2110 4, and Li 1,Zn,,Mn 20 4,

Wickham and Croft [8] have shown that the

tetragonal distortions in these systems cannot be due to Mn2+ or Man4+ ions individually, or to an ordering of Mn2+ and lVIn4+ ions ; the distortions

can only be attributed . to the presence of Mn3+


ions. Further, they find that the critical fraction

of octahedral sites which must be occupied by Mn3+ ions for a cooperative distortion of the

Fie. 1.


Transition temperature Tt for martensitic tetra-

gonal-to-cubic phase change in the system

Zna:Ge -x[ CO20153Mn::]0 4.

(Af ter preliminary measurements by D. G. Wickham, and R. J. Arnott, Lincoln Laboratory, M. I. T.)

FIG. 2.


Saturation magnetization expressed as the

number of Bohr magnetons per molecule, nB, Curie

temperature, Tc, and lattice parameter for the sys- tem Co3-xMnxO4.

(After D. G. Wickham and W. J. Croft, Lincoln Laboratory Solid State Q. P. R., 1 May 1958.)

lattice is ~ 0.6 in these systems. Typical of the room-temperature crystallographic data is that of the system Co3-xMnxO4 shown in Fig. 2.

If tbe lVIn3+ ions form a simple-cubic array with

anions on the cube edges, the elastic energy is minimized by a différent type of ordering of the elementary, tetragonal octahedra [2]. This order- ing is shown schematically in Fig. 3 for the

FIG. 3.


Ordering of dx2 orbitals for the compounds LaMn03, MnF3 and ordered CUC0304, In MnF3 the

Mn-F distance is 1. 9 A along a3 axis, 2.1 A and 1.8 A within the a,-a2 plane, the anion shifting in directions

of arrows (but also out of a,-a2) plane [14].

Elementary octahedra are not tetragonal, but ratio of

long to average of short axes is



perovskite-type compound LaMn03, the com- pound MnF3, and the ordered rocksalt-type com- pound Co3Cu04. Other factors, such as ionic size, also6contribute to the final lattice symmetry, but

this-ordering of the elementary octahedra produces

an axial ratio of the pseudocubic-cell edges of a3/aI = a3 ja2 1. Hepworth and Jack [10]

have recently measured the anion positions

in MnF3. Since the bonds in, the a1-a2 plane

can be coordinate covalent whereas those along

the a3 axis can only be semicovalent, three cation-

anion distances would be expected instead of a

simple tetragonal distortion of the octahedra.

The three distances reported for IVInF3 give octa-

hedral axial ratios of 1.11 and 1.17, or an averaged value of ~ 1.14, in good agreement with the dis-

tortions found in the spinels.

Several compounds of the type AM3+02 and AM3+S2, where A =Li, Na, or K, and M3+ is a

trivalent transition metal, have been studied, and

in many of these there is an ordering of the cations

into alternate (111) planes which distorts the l attice

to rhombohedral, or hexagonal, symmetry. The

crystal structure of NaNi02 ,is interesting in that



although this layer structure occurs above about 220 OC, at lower temperatures the lattice has mono-

clinic symmetry due to the formation of tetragonal

octahedra about the low-spin-state Ni3+ ions, thèse

distortions being quite analogous to those of Mn 3+-

occupied octahedral interstices [11, 12]. It might

be anticipated, therefore, that LiMn02 should form

a similar monoclinic structure. However, LiMn02

forms an orthorhombic unit cell containing two

formula weights of LiMnO2 [12, 13]. With the aid

of the powder-pattern data of Johnston and Heikes [13], a proposed structure for this as-yet-"

unidentified phase is given in Fig. 4. In the pro-

FIG. 4.


Proposed unit cell for LiMn02. Arrows indi- cate direction of shift (magnitude d) of oxygen ions from their ideal rocksalt positions. Coordinates through

manganese atoms indicate the coplanar directions of shorter Mn-0 bonding. The half-filled de orbitals

are oriented along the


axis. Tetragonal octahedra

about the Mn3+ ions have an axial ratio of 1.15. Mn3+

and Li+ order in alternate pairs of (110) planes.

(Dimensions taken from powder data of Johnston and Heikes, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1956, 78, 3255.)

posed model, the distorted octahedra about a Mn3+

ion have an axial ratio ~ 1.15, which is similar to that exhibited in the spinels. Since the phase diagram [14] indicates that the distortion of the

elementaryoctahedral interstices occurs at temper-

atures which are high enough for considerable ion

mobility (> 800 OC), the LiMn02 phase is one in

which the Li ordering minimizes the elastic energy associated with the interstice distortions. In the

case of NaNi02, the transition temperature is too

low to permit an ionic rearrangement to a similar symmetry. This interpretation also accounts for

the sluggishness reported for the transition of

the LiMn02 phase in the compositional ranges of Liùmni_O in which the transition temperature

is 700 OC.

II. Magnetism.


In magnetic oxides the pre- dominant magnetic interactions are indirect, an

anion playing the role of intermediary [14].

Although the exact nature of this interaction is not yet fully understood, simple symmetry consid-

erations plus the fact that the oxygen p orbital

responsible for the indirect interactions contains two electrons of opposite spin suggest the following generalization :

Indirect magnetic interactions between cations

on opposite sides of an anion are, if they involve

excited configurations in which one of the anion

electrons is preferentially stabilized in a cation- anion bond because of exchange effects, (1) anti- ferromagnetic if the anion p orbital predominantly overlaps on each side either an empty or a half filled cation orbital, (2) ferromagnetic if the over- lapped cation orbital is half filled on one side, completely empty on the other.

FIG. 5.


Schematic diagram for three different types of

indirect Mng+-Mn3+ magnetic interaction.

The 3d4 ions in octahedral interstices make a

particularly interesting study since the anions along

the c axis of a tetragonally distorted interstice overlap a half-filled dz2 orbital, those along the a

axes overlap a completely empty dZ2-11’l. orbital.

The consequences of this for three différent types

of Mn3+-Mn3+ interaction are shown schemat-

ically in Fig. 5. Illustrations of these three inter- actions can be found. In LaMn03, the inter-

actions within an al-a2 plane (see Fig. 3) are ferromagnetic, along the a3 axis they are anti- ferromagnetic [15]. A similar magnetic ordering

has recently been found in MnF3 [16]. The ortho-

rhombic compound LilVInfJ2 has a paramagnetic



susceptïbility corresponding to a high-spin-state, spin-only value, and it has an antiferromagnetic

transition at


300 OK [12]. If the structure pos- tulated in Fig. 4 is correct, the predominant magnetic interaction is along a chain of Mn3+ ions coupled according to the third scheme of Fig. 5.

This peculiar characteristic of the Mn3+ ion to

simultaneously couple differently in différent direc-

tions has several interesting consequences. In a

preliminary discussion of Mn3+-containing, perov- skite type compounds [2, 17], it was sbown that

this effect can be at least partly responsible for the particular variation of magnetization with compo- sition which is observed in these compounds. The

influence of this eflect on the magnetization of the tetragonal spinels is of equal significance.

The saturation magnetizations at 4.2 OK for the system Co3-xMnxO4 shown in Fig. 2 give a striking

illustration. In this system the octahedral-site cobalt ions’are diamagnetic Corn ions [18]. Ideally

the compositional formulae are

C02+[Co ’II Mns+] O4 for 0 x 2

and Mn*2 C02+ [Mn’,’+] 04 for x > 2. As is to be expected, the data suggest that the A-B coupl- ing is not completely ordered for compositions

with x 0.5. With higher concentrations of manganese, however, Néel-type [19] coupling is expected so long as the lattice remains cubic. In

FIG. 6.


Schematic coupling scheme for two différent spinels : (a) is the Néel coupling commonly found in

cubic crystals ; (b) is a compromise ordering scheme for

a tetragonal spinel with magnetic unit cell along c axis

twice the crystalline unit cell. The A-B coupling is

assumed stable if antiferromagnetic along the c axis, ferromagnetic along the a axis.

the tetragonal lattice, however, the magnetic coupl- ing between an A-site cation and B-site Mn3+

cation should, by symmetry considerations, be dif-

ferent along the c axis than along the a axes.

Since it is not possible to obtain a cooperative arrangement in the tetragonal spinel lattice such that all A-B coupling along the c axis is of one

type, along the a axes another, some compromise

state must exist. In Fig. 6(b) the ferromag-

netic A-B interactions are .optimized at the

expense of only a small percentage of " mis- matches " in the antiferromagnetic, c-axis inter- actions. Since both sublattice A and sublattice B

are antiferromagnetic in this arrangement, the net magnetization is zero. According to Fig. 1, the

critical value of x for low-temperature, tetragonal symmetry is only a little smaller than the room- temperature value so that the sudden decrease

with x in the magnetization at x ~ 1. 2, the Curie temperature varying relatively slowly with x, is

reasonably accounted for by the occurrence of such

an antiferromagnetic coupling scheme in the tetrag-

onal phase. The reappearance of ferrimagnetism

with the replacement of A-site Co2+ ions by

Mn2+ ions suggests that the covalent bonding

induced by the large Mn2+ ion causes some new,

compromise magnetic order to be achieved.

Recent measurements [20] of the magnetizations

of samples over the entire range of composition in

the system MnxFe3-xO4 show a similar behavior.

For the range of compositions 0 x 2, the magnetic data can be interpreted by Néel coupling

and spin-only cation moments given the compo- sitional formula

Mni±vFE00FF+[Fcv+FEs-+-2vMn+Wl 0 (1 - y) x. However, compositions with x > 2

are tetragonal, and the magnetization drops off sharply to nearly zero at x = 2.5.

I am grateful to K. Dwight and N. Menyuk for making the liquid-helium magnetization measure-

ments reported in Fig. 2, and to R. J. Arnott for a

helpful discussion of the powder-pattern data for

the compound LiMn02..


[1] GOODENOUGH (J. B.) and LOEB (A. L.), Phys. Rev., 1955, 98, 391.

[2] GOODENOUGH (J. B.), Phys. Rev., 1955, 100, 564.

[3] DUNITZ (J. D.) and ORGEL (L. E.), J. Phys. Chem.

Solids, 1957, 3, 20.

[4] DUNITZ (J. D.) and ORGEL (L. E.), J. Phys. Chem.

Solids, 1957, 3, 318.

[5] MCCLURE (D. S.), J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 1957, 3, 311.

[6] FRANCOMBE (M. H.), J. Phys. Chem. Solids,1957, 3, 37.

[7] GOODENOUGH (J. B.) (to be published).

[8] WICKHAM (D. G.) and CROFT (W. J.) J. Phys. Chem.

Solids, 1959, 4, 351.

[9] MCMURDIE (H. F.), SULLIVAN (B. M.) and MAUER (F. A.), J. Research Nat. Bur. St., 1950, 45, 35.

[10] HEPWORTH (M. A.) and JACK (K. H.), Acta Cryst., 1957,10, 345.

[11] DYER (L. D.), BORIE (B. S., Jr.) and SMITH (G. P.),

J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1954, 76, 1499.

[12] BONGERS (P. F.), Thesis, Univ. of Leiden, July 4, 1957.

[13] JOHNSTON (W. D.) and HEIKES (R. R.), J. Amer.

Chem. Soc., 1956, 78, 3255.

[14] KRAMERS (H. A.), Physica, 1934, 1, 182.

[15] WOLLAN (E. O.) and KOEHLER (W. C.), Phys. Rev., 1955, 100, 545.

[16] WOLLAN (E. O.) (private communication).

[17] WOLD (A.), ARNOTT (R. J.) and GOODENOUGH (J. B.),

J. Appl. Phys., 1958, 29, 387.

[18] CossEE (P.), Rec. trav. chim., 1956, 75,1089.

[19] NÉEL (L.), Ann. Physique, Paris, 1948, 3,137.

[20] ESCHENFELDER (A.), J. Appl. Physics, 1958, 29, 378.


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