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Impact of agricultural policy on food security : an agricultural sector modelling approach for Benin


Academic year: 2021

Partager "Impact of agricultural policy on food security : an agricultural sector modelling approach for Benin"


Texte intégral


Paper No . £S 201'.1•;.

Impact of Agricultural Policy on Food Security : A n Agricultural Sector Modelling Approach for Beni n




, Fr~ Tleidlsues*

rand Dade!L'+tyi.~e'*





Development Theory and Policy and :


Unïversitãt l]ohcnheim


fir Agrar- lurid Sozial0kc1norni e

in den Tropen



University ofHohenheim

Institute of Agricultural Economics and Social Science s

in the Tropics and Subtropics


>-3iwtassion Papes 1,11 )

l mphelIJÌ~i;rlfiursIPOIi IT ün Food SeCuri4y ; A n

Agriculrur~r]Sector MrFdelliu% Approachfor

i n

3ean - nabourl*, Franz ]ieid]iue ' and Dacie]E, eytlc.' * *I?varürmnL C?t'AgriculturiIE J )U'',: ]opmirL1

'J' hu>ry and Policytuia] * *C[R .\T)-Rcopd.

Fc,rsehung zur Eniwicklungs6konornie und -rüliii k

Research irk

Developirticnl. Econoirtiïc.s

and Polic y

1_tni~rersil ~[f]t71Lenhcr m

]u~l iLIIL f`~rrti~tlr undtiofial-akCwn ;i :_.


Itdon T2-open I :nt1 Subllox n

E3Il]veIsity ofl-I,al7fir Iyc



Fri (LIale u fIkurIGU-Lura[] :a:c~I~omLCS and S ;,çIaL Sclcnc~es



und5mia3llk0t5omïein denTrcrmr and Sub-twat

F..FIiIVGSiLtI Flr}lu•r lician(41::,})• 'J41193 4SUL1g,u1• S'rCiI,Ian }• ~-ti18iF .dIr4S+~?~uni-huLenir_ir7 .~

All 41-:.s rescrorn:1

Vl :l{J.Mi[JrRrCFIE .CiRh JFR

!{~7[tnbachwe~ I ., , 7099 S Iulrn,in, Cì~rnan ;• Tel .

(r~j';I L 4574355, t'sk, i'49 (1)):71


457%5' 5 Inter net . ñitp ; ruwys .~ ucr r~, L' inail' grAiCr&iauer .de ;


Center for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropic s TnsLi tuLc .uFAricu]tti ral p:t•cireu,n ics and Sot-iAI Sciences

itl the7 ' ru1Fi1:5 andS1iLatriF1liC s

. Department of ,*viculiuralLMC+'CIopmeni'F'ItCor±'and Piilii}•( 4 `-)Oa ) ■ XMCIVartniL'n taf Avrr ;culturalMsrlc,eLLng(*Oh )


Department ofFarming andRural Syrtern s

▪ Josef G .


n uIL-ViailingProfr-5scir furL)errtlcp Hnr.nt Stullic 5

Discussion papers in this scrim are intended !4xEimulate distussinnamong

resrarrher4, practitioners And policy euuk~+r~ . Thc papers mostly 3%eflec t

wort.; in progress, \1'e . are 2ratcful to Prof_ Dr_ Malthias vor~ (?ppcn vFh u

re•vieriCaI this rapt r.

We gratefully al•l:n uwledf;e coal ri buiiaris af thr. ]?L+crtilc~~ and S o a


Thc it~ru ll8 s`h ;rwIhnl wttilc ii--r:iVlUrrns Ifvla'+rd nonuual income: fur a3mco.1 all


làrrners. ç~~ccial]y cxri;ou prar41i•iixand aus[ingthan :paIIL•:z.Ilarly [Ilinxwith animal mai m

thess-!ci :3l(*ski inc .r.ru_ of urbanwelrarc ~71~line ~~ y~ Lcen high,r'rcXaL :yfir;ti,tian d Irttilium-inGurne grpr.14^3 . Sirnl_Iazt•J li7rxl pri a•s undrf rdL}Cms ,arehighcr Iha.n'lose without, which (laxILMIIn aiicr:.ata .icinuban a,7rr3umer 5 '


intake(asapercerY>+¡;CufFA O

acinmtr_ .uJLUIcaloricrcqui :enlt. ;ds), r.gpoi.;,slls th:.l tjLlow andreqlxlwrn Ir7 ?iilGIILY.I .Gt.hQkl$., Thr. ~ exllts hik1I•chighviilue ; abiJiry

p ; :or r.ÿ ; .surner.s• .sieiot I¡Lreir¡nukewas 'yen,. ol.ci a

La Ihc 7-A+..? ninirnuu : Iap:irr..r.li :u's, an!! i•7c.iel rnI shockaIUchr•.. rp,rruufFivhcr iüLd p:ir.i•ã _nd~x~~ ;trs Crl .^.ir¡bedxectlriry .

•I•lit.sc resx.Ill .a have.bxn wnJ :rrnM Iryuus findings from IFR:pJlvcycHiI Iç~aulin 194' in I ht

HoJty:.Lïn pic?Y•II :LS, Ihr mast imporlaril agrir,u : ;wal pri :lUi:[iiru area of Ihe r.7,Inlry, s••h_elhe

IdamS hRV(; cwr.'riti7umd ta adi`i'It;r&c én f~J prodl:cricsIand rr.arkcliugin favciul ufcrxlrol L l :raliur.lioa .

Tri millIj;aLe the rIN812vc c :T^cls L+f5~11~ pn pnar u•l .~i~ txlrc:Irncls, wha nro.[lit :Main IuAr sF vilall} intpnrrftnL w'Iit'n el-Alb! Lerecii : ;,Itr.d!2‘1 i ncludt enp'.wvun•ut pmlhpllu:i i n LTa~I a ltas, bvch [luuugh p,ilr :it ernplp}•rlcnc or'rove'. Ibrwork F^rugramwg, anti pnrlnluhar L of ;rl i ;rte .sec ;fi r



in the lam Iwo

!WUtl[Lllt .Al i ic.an. 1 .i1 :n An'<:'iCar. and An cuu :r7ri^_s hav e

signi f~cinrlr ;.h:arit eçIIlt•iras' itullural and ínrxi p.il :k:it's undt'1 ti•,L.cusStructural :kdjuSrirleH t

Pmrr,ammr.g .1t~yr 1-t:0i u sItsp ; :nded '.ry furdarnvnlã.I 1 ;18e1L•cuZ111u11L'can.d financia l

dis,hirl9libria following 1rw:lt+{uala aconnmi .; pOlis';ics tun! an unfavourabl e

x i~ tnu uutbylircasinsofttwopf'oup5Ufpolltccx [i]h'ñubr~rsazrrJlr, nl~ c~]ICd1r13 .a ~ rnic a,djl :str:a.^,.IIC,\4hik.hncfClSW immediate changer, r.j kf:y r118e1 {J-cLuIIuIILL' p`smC.llí$

(c .g dca•zluatiun o rrxr.luar;. n ralt. IisFtcr =near/ pnlic.:r.. s, rCdttclion (.1[LuJgct dc :icil } nnir .g at ach:r.wing :nagr¿J- s~ir•.tJU .;c xtahilityir_1 :7r. 5.1-1OíS-Lári7 and [ ;1) Srrtrc ~r:r'tY~fBLSrJJM1frJ r

proper, rererring'nrlhd :jt}III : '.a l changestathe way in Yti'h :cll thccvJllulry L1pL'raLcS I t

inv,l_ves nuskr.I • rradfi, i113liluliul:aE and specific Jje[IQral itfi}1r.1nrssunes aimednt irnpk3v¡ts

a]ILycs-i;'^ efficiCnC•}' and tttnlom : gr owi h

18eninã1.81lC+1ils fustof e seriesnfiwrt:e strtiClui al a,iijusLlr,cnl ¡:mgrnnan :to in L99 .'fh, mai n

C+]ruFyancul softhe pr :sran_me; 'rrrC : rCxlladliun ifthe Fx.Idgr•.I drfiçiS, IibCrtlix8Llun ofth e bCC+r rny,endl }1}r_r i7srir :uit~~Hl rd,i+lms aimed at crcalinp I`~.c.,t1•o.litit7ux fur suslainai:'.e

p1 wnLh AI]15'I5ç. ar.-i.iuri.:i had a. signi fir.tnrimprloit117 ag1 itL.ILural sailor 1"nr instance, ã reduction in il :,iu budget deficit was. tC+brBCII ;cvtd IhrLxig h a rer-ur7inn of 1{0vCa7antc11 L expandi ;t:r~; . AL the btsisan :ng nfiht f rst 1.^sugf inune, al}iu14lf•SrsfGvvdixur.i<uL clnplafaes

ir. ILK:çI{ri~illu_al seclar (mainly r x1tr19iU1s wu1 kurs) were aid ef.

u n

11e711111, 1GStal uh f educ .lli{7flar :~iEtii:aslalalswere cut Yr'IIIiV thesis- crams affecus.l the laim :ng stttar indirectly . ;he musti1 rI :V1IiYlchange: w8s l'~Ÿ II? :ó Jcts ualinn ci f Ih^CF A

Franc (F{'FIL . 1hr. r.nn : mollti~J11tucyof 15'skle*1~I itia_1countries) . in Jan .larp I ')4 Thi s

Thispaparis4iexl5id.rl vciwiMicÌj'çrgtUlYç [{à~~a~iiilT..I-cylx41999b) . li




41tvalunli2sl1 yCArX8 fatdic.al CLa:wc i11'he Iiii(1' oOOI!ormicCntir_rrnmcnt !t led La a decrease in ft+l :•d prtlwtl-A :n in rusal altasand1nL-m LbüJp1iu•s 7a•I11~•'1

lu' u vri+.CrIy

*ff .

iCd urbñ~F anr.s.lrners z•1 :1 n1rnL netbur_-'s of ::oil I 1•.erI iI :u5h 1•t1LxJ pcüJLL~1LY.1 1OC3 001 OCCCã38ril }

menn awni Inhi1ily of:rxv. . 1 :~ese -•xxl aspLuls zre L•h}sL'Iy L•:IrJIeI :IL'J uL Af1iU8{vou ]3]4ALIN Cl

a1 . 19]4)and especially ir_I]en : n (M9TIS :1Ef.. L793),whin') seul L•'t•11n ~Jti`{CI i0ra1 4~


íOC O secur_ly may alsxl Le Id to a h)ng -ern Jed in,e

Fr wpila !budp1üdu~iw~ 83'+1 oii!pluyinCii l „y r The CovernrnerN's Ia;••a Tof thrx:IS11Js L:d {LV1 1 SL'rVar'.YM1 wi•ss;h IIIL'1 L•{574 :{a lbt• olInIt.-tr


~- iry} h

aabless people ~pfic5ali y a rnng}ar-ná graah :a-c4 and .scha :!I leavers, JLUSU.LnxhCd iro0nr .GrIpogüniliCb in r-rhnr- irrac . where Lnnernpkn}'nsr.nL is p .7nvral .lr:y seven t ?ML••NSAIi, 3398) . ~ a+eac

~ rn'•~

Is =m :uL rao1 Llu:ic s La +ü ~ 1alYswlLC in~~,ofCCCr+7C1riiC A17d apf ir..d'1_ra1 reforms o n

fz1 u1c=s and1 t1sl avJU1Lan wnwlnra s• ~üat : 5tL•4:1 d}• . üJ_••A 7rJN(1 :,M) . fGT.M I]~191~In d

EIARPL?Tandi}URL}51 (i996) uscciIn711-paraallL•LIIS' IL'4rL'x514}IIIIICIÌI~[151{7 r-sr.icnnlo the ir.sl3 .nlA.-lenus. d : .s11iF.L,1nra1 in7p :icntil}Tls af aford p~~occnzLgt w'L'Ix11a 1J, C~îSC ~7•Ui1C nnd F`izdngLiC:nr . respectively Tney exauyired LIIL rea-ionAip LL•LWL•L•IL I1tru9t.3101 d

in:~rWexperkl :-l,r ^ . ard thevilr_^of ncl snles as. x pro¡xx-iün ül• uxünnr, füd Ekul CI18xs r.u J

il!,crAlin. T F.i~n!rhppglogy ,c~xrtiv~ , igrx7rex 7h,e parliaLNuIl lhtmm cxlnst+{utuus u ~

fwd ~1it+x cal goB~~iSic~ CCrIIB n :iC,j Ai1ii „ppl¡eXi , a5 wellna1he general equi'libriu m

L•t7;1SC{`uC1i~_°•011o01E}I6kIriCu pallCfu . %%BIM Sh0 hriCaofrnhrr

nrd praGllLy .S , n :t tLx lnlulügtic8[ I 11r50Y1LlL,}1L andC+IhràJLlCirilirill~l[547 %vClt#ro Finwcwer, 1he arvznta ge xa f •~>~

xILïJItS using £{YJrrtlllly-'•5'14GI?'..mjClBI~IL t:r111$ ,ryr~8rif117r~i[$I QQCi7l} . .^.Itr~rss andinLc.sndoral

ti - {7 ;, '• :: .•

CIILf.age £ 13tc#s11•AJx'br'7`C',thrtx.l against Ulu Iüsx :?j 43VI~J11I"I IC',t•AI ii!~ : ñ1 .^.r- ñndIrylr.l

-~: :+o-'•~f• t~ t ' •


'L~'- • M1 '

CiaüSL'1-and rL'I :LtI{II : :LII_I ;Y, CI ~rlÓutl01 :71 : L'L1.rQx mid slat: :


he.:rliYiollr Aka ,

eOr1C1uÕc L11R1 1hC in1w,ofad jU81 r+1~71 on11!c itual ,pc7rxi11depend t}11!he ISade1~1L1Ly ül 1hALr LuIguL, •NhiLG I he 11 ~aCL 4r. L11C ebail

RvOCfP1 :S• fol1nd la hene}>~ive . AIL a?pro .ch

Ilr_s'd rIL'LWL'L'I_ 1he Lw ;:. IIJC111~nLX1~ 1 :}`Y isL11L'n1ui1-~I18rkãSpali}I-r f~tIIJIF}rlLlr.7 r77 :! 1

MLNOiin :1.GQ1 .CTT 1(I 9•)8jla examine Can L'LLLLySi_`L'Lp1 A1l I_LCa 8ti15á1tor7OhfCpf100$ l

pric{•$and fixCrgeç hr;lÿCholdf{rl,p£'wclfarY' in Vial nail : Tht II ttsu :ls xup.,.vesl LAI

whi1C 11Gcxa1 in1ion 177e.a51rw. 50ch n£ riceexpor;liberal i7~lti1} .l 7-\711 '.J =a1xc IcUJ i.11 iusan d


~"~•iA•~-h4 •-r

.--~~~~l• f:~''' :

itLeurctrtairwics c.vrourrJi~ u r1~c1 p,ia:utLrisas v~ :1as Ih0 ~C~ASipIçdiprprrinns rs•.1scli h y

hy'~ `''• '• ,

]mpos : ng s1:as1arr11 .I n1LxJL1]Ing I mid' L•I11:IILs 5111 il ;t : ~I .A.L•iCfll '':d}'' ISC

,n7porlJ.rn1 ISALI C

f ~

~li ' R R I : l' nnr_ I N}FfOS=f . : 9:e'i] S1lwiiea Ting the iz'Ler zpprLach, xa tL ss!host:d € .

KL•'A.F;f}LI\•(1447,1'*LIH.l-J'1jfO~0N cl i[19)i7 .caF.i1 7 I .Q z7J Ik+JL3LN5VN (1!62), o1lC L

a•a• . . . : .


~~ir aes~~r~ ineuutli' ;•, they %% xlul l! also :nu uese a•-era,veIC31

1+5d Wilco rll c inciduucc and54~VL ay Of ¡:o~L'rt y

Sincc Llu I. :Ru1ning 0 t' t h g r•eononkig 8~4 Aga

llrpl reforms in ] ,1$ :) in 11 .1in. !idle al-eurion

hss born LçiUCli lo 'heir in7pnr.l on ir}rxi ocurilyArmicro level Th e

£oucenl ruainl)•L!IVt~ l ip170n UP u'x ~r~+]IIou4C pAr{IiIYCIICr$ (ft}r r.x.zn :plr ]Ps~l p Jr.-I

13i.N6V'S {X]VTR.NME=NT, L943). In Llus articlelhefu ;.,is is

the meso-economi c inL,ryznI .nnlhesgricr_ICiI a1 .sLxLtlr u1• Ihc rcfolIrs ünJerl,L.eu sins L969. 'Uhl: cd30usPo r timrltrtnking

1 ;pe of znalvsis ïe as fx : :ILxws First, ]3£r.iu is alu~ huwr.ie cuulill, whin t• 71{ price of giaryIc fools is. in impnriznt rIeL_rml mint of-1.e wel2•hci ng DI•urlxiu anJ:uiz I

pu~ulatiUUS Soool'4, ,he-c is J. nec.t1 or a bCltCr I11te-e-NIa1 .1di ná ~ nce Linltihrior.s of hoihlhe I u sL'. ;LL£7WI:IbI e oak's gbtITL18ti0ii arid I Ilg j,4iCr3 0p4 ilibL•iUm n'OGe1Iing Third , Ih!L-e is. J. 'loudtuamlysc Llu• 4 YI~~Jrllii:It•eursiY•c CtIaiaClcl UP Pa, I~Cr3• dC~iBio~~rn :~k i u .y a JwellJ-5 impact IY.I urban cLnsuubos' iiaLxJ SaGJI Y•, this al ILx.vs us 'u scparatcLhedifeel. dims o f ~nli£ : as rrixrrl thosecifulhe7

events .

2_!raiparr ii ' eonmomie 9nd ogricull urairrf. rms no food prod uc1 io ii inliltEkurgou rtiorr

11'içhin -he frar_7rs4r1rk a r11e stijustutienr rcrorms I7r. falyd sxinr has 'Ileum Largely I3ltrallst3 . I~ aJ my,


lmriong •PhC cored) sNror , in rhg other hind , pec7u.se t5f ir s C.c.imOrriiO ;n,yotroncc for rho r,ali 7i+al eeonoiny , u•a ; tihrta :isnrl only pin ialiy A .s}rslcn o f

FIxLxJ, plc-aIIIICMI .OW CC+It0I5 I :I:JE9 83 the. t}}rI :U 310CrE Of SriILAi'rC ~~i[~ golir.}' =C rIhiZ er*9

hs.tsF.ten I~ ;uLzilxd . fhw£x.IL'uu puce was ir_alt'.LSed LIu cL:Lunesaltcl S I I:• dCv8 .u8tiUu . frt71 n 31E1 Ff ] ; A in 15931o Li C. 'FC7 ; A in 3591 .. L75 H: 3 ; .+s in 1595 znLL?U7FCFAi l l :195'. L~Itu o

afsohene=lts from wcil urg~niso .l v~kcLi~a-rdcreJ :i sysltnls [ :uuxqutnCy, L{IuLC s

finCLed F}}jti•.eI}•, Ì .7Cr^Z n¡; Ihg ahnfc of COIçory in;hefjrmi n il, 5srsçÿm-s.iryi r~.il :c.ing fpnrl

viLxJuL• L-JC As zIL•su1L u~ IhcsC J•aL•Lue s, J•trMs pikes lllCl eaS~.] C0113id{XB .bI ;+ ACrUi3 IfrE cuurylry. Figure 1 shows LhaL ihe kiaLL ¡.^.Hoe is-Klux dL: uL1ed Lxrlwrorn 3993 and 1597 ir. Cotonou, the caF :Ia_ u1 J]£nin [] :<S!'.E : . ] 597 }

'TbirrSULiLt da-tsl v f~nixi~ rcñiuLLir_isirlgt..-Ends Ille ; rti+mi uoroI rr.uket Lht.e.kyernrnent fixed We

Oellorlr~iss•fil :


hip.IJre I tl'ŸISII ilsnor die.fnn :l plici;


:n CulOnclu0541 - 110.) . 9 :2 1.13 94 9 i


ir_1patLVibeaJ;rJSlcllcnl relálu5don theaget41Jeu ;aLxtS.ec is ;IiulSí :nccted arld Cpmple x

'I?IC F4zekqcll< province,aiStkicdinLi1C j+lllr.hatL11C courtly, 1Sih.c n~uti ~a~ículLw ál811f1p .yarel mehe ! O111e;r}' SL Ilax IrcLn chr,srll88V.reprtx. :Salive .e.gi4,i1:nrLht•FI :Ifp{15gul' nrl p lvs ':ngLII C

impactuf11'r reltll nl$onthea._'.11C.uIlt.rxl9Gc~C{ F4esides~ICin_tll~ f1 :3 ;n coLturl pf4~il ilu¡r,


is a;so krxorning 1hC major fcxld ñllpplie; to rhe SL•uli'IC:rn pall of 'he ceunLlv . The mai : I :JCxi crops arc;IIA:F.e[LI1c•vtC1ã;irr-TIL:d2sitt).


In d

uC ap~oea1loF,xsl coI.d1S101sSinside.llt4: T30rçLrJ iIft}i'Irr { cl4'-whyrJ_'1L'IItiIIIi! :t♦=i1{,14i1CGii n

I~r :nirlr syxCln~ variation*inyield L~tCls, Inc I :rnr'aperncnidIti<ip7tcnlipl res.er.clatiorlorsoi l L'rlli''ilyti,wt11AArl:c nuü_lnr1a1pallt„1ofthe pav1ll :ltinn (BIi4INTRUL', 1<)97) .'rhoBorsnu .

duc SŸ i-rk_L',I :I3.IIS11SZ1weighS, ifir_:i11t181 :1y intluel .C+.-s natiuu,ll 9rprly ]71C pcclvinr :ci s st:bJiL'id•ed in llrer. awra-tt{doo~oll 7JirrI:.Y(Ine Rio') <745j5L'{111111'd ~d xi:,-if111Inc Si11Yli

(0-7-:,)., lnç

mi-dOnlinzl?'] àf;r~ Lxo1L~iCãl zone in!I1C.1.:•:Irlll 1 .4r7. 3) and 1hr. mixucl ¿Orxir.ihA:.

unli t. (


\FJ_T 2)) .

A .Sun.'''.1• .15Cal 1140 Oui iu ¡his o,r :~ in 139'i' Soas111}-soGrnpl :cu(ç pSttr:nLI~~Ir~;rsít]ILuw•11t ~

dj,`t'iIL•1:Iul11 Results;I!O5vthatu'1fill :hrce At7á cnltals afea expa;IJ4ajnt ihe c,'pcrlscorLútfi

eivç1 area. 1.:.:.ti.e3ntheJxttlliutgSfsta;usiu AU, 1 . t:ul '1relY spCwinl¡Nedsuf1w1d p;ulJth:Jirln uuU l

]1!x4,rexjns:lJC.i jxlsil i~elp Lc; tllc ctstluuP riceinel C,L,e (LzJle 1 )

} JlnptF ,r1e:ii'an19rçIIq1miupIt11sart••1 ua .Ilrt a5',7iI311iliIY al ae..ktse cll5Cn11¿.LhepcnodAlxil7941 to

Aug.'s ; 1W2 arLlytr'ra1 111c :ì11!•Cl'jtv if 1i :il :llh: imand{ol;ck•1 :1I iudie 11 ;11e11u

1.111isLl5.j}_ 1 951 1 )

l}tk11~IiLis{11a5.11cr:nusedf!11L[IL~f.,x19¿iI1 .11I!1ti1G:n .rv111xMiCC


e f.Evu+`~rIion ofihdCioppipg p8tla71inIhr.ÑUr ru rtpi4n (%al' ioinfwoppedãYaa ) -- 41 I I A _ ~LUI} 97 _ 1 69a -f44 ~42 3 ~ 13 2 bs _ I fi~ áp i ~~ . S 3 ~ :3? - fd .5 4 5 3 8 67 ~ 52 155 S5 .

These iesull3are cory5i steal withil-x:Ilcnds r r.l wi ler3 by [(il :E ( .IRS"'))avid NIP.N .SA.El (159B) ,

a»ui dingrowhich $I!1:ro:Stnp[efoodsexpoie :acrti8prrnt'a.lilbed


ilyG:t I 5 9 i,IvreFrgt Uf 12iv t 3[Ion bx~rn Tpbic 25110wx iFá1[Iic tradable s.rrplus considerabl y

¡iont;asrd in tiltfC~ ar_hulwcen 1 ')92 an : 19S î

-'able 2 Marka


aifukir9CiápsEn % ofgrossprodimian, I'i!J2f tfJ96

_ Yar~ - rMiizC• ~ á0c~hugl ~ [îrprmdnu :~ ~C'~sv r~s Cassava.

IFd (AE7; 1 on writ [ 1 36 - - 173 ['attazr-haatrf znae(AM 3 )


I'7!J? 2


I L ~5 54 17 _ ,J94i

I ;

I[3 -13.15 . 1£7 II9 I S Stwret-5 : I994 Aulr:nrs ' yu:wx ;19•?$ :C31LUlareY] from 13rÌrulr.ry~Ì19r17)

1992 3i1 14á<5




53 1 :l a vrIr9J ypnc (,l?{. 2) I. 1 J!`9t, .~~-. 1 ~ [9 ~ _ _ 1592 11993 I'9941 199i





FaaA crup~hsrEiyf zone AIFl ~ ] Cano n E'~ctidc-np8 1100 Cello* Collùll 23 Fcrad rrops I^ .'. Com.n-hsrxtd xoEc AFJ 3 }

Suurcçs 1 99.1 - 9:~ . ,1,uiht,.s'survCy, 1992 . Lalci : I p lud Frrk75 Brunr.rup {I 997) . CuxlLin

3 6

f~rhiCruq~z I{+4

These [rentszhowthat 11•.crt,G-irrns haves : :nlrbUiC'tlin* decrcnacin (NAurusdUt;iunarta ar3d

mar5"1 n.4ir.'hae

ruplxcnn[ agr-alLlural ryrlAuctiCn area orlherounuy Tttic:qur_Srivtrl a

be li,Ir IJrer 7n81sstrJ i~ [law ihrse ch .) rrL'.cs hay': alTCr..lcxJ£armers' rewur :e and wha n

er~rt,u :uerz ' Ibud sri~uily . A 9errndal :ün r:rr..slti•I Iraz btrU :wilt l; :,.i111tssrF.~ ii3ue Th e slev ;;u :rot l'_r e r.>oi:tl csc :i l'orrhç an_l :p%5ii.ufrhr.. ditrcrr•.nsialuel inrpact.s u•il I be RurSrrnari : y

rlQ'-Jher; in


uta ; SeLlii~n .

A .


3 . The MALTA MrulçLoiI hrayçriçullarn] scclorin rLrn ;~ s

'rllehfill'i :evcl Annlysi .aTool CIAtheAtt:ILCu1L :IraIsectorrM .1TJt]{130.RAR) CL t. ., 14r45 ,

D]--Y13G an :IT#O13rL .] .T,+sRf3,i{J!7"i]IsLhe:nudefirgn r,nrnac:n chow' here LO sjrnui!alcI :n c inspaa orfundamcnral :r:rrirns>J;~~IIIu~ ~IicLlLural scclor . ]Lis a rccsu3iw,p3iCad ~luslr4csurn

ricullurel Nectar mndclds.vcIarXx1lucssaluzte response rrerlds. inwiçullu r# I plixluctiun ar : d

ralxi cnasumpli ..n nsArç3vlt

yulity clla ;LBCS Th_¡:r nr.ippl hypgghesit or IN: Ir►c .Jel ar e

. Fermcrs' dcci .sinrrnLa-4ilrp pimass} is 'based oh

Eij :ii a

sur.:c}'sandthe Iircrarure showOatIhr+eisoftenndifference hr:IU•ecu SIIC ucp0<Icdpl14'C5 (u n

whic~ rrttidtX4011 dtei .s j urs are b_scd ;nd which dçlCsrtlirle lhr"anual " Icrel a :fpnxiuaian j

ar,rl rhç tiçIURI priC+.:s11.L'l:iti'1sJ alterF.ar~u sl, sehieh depend a}li ütcuaraJ (dCttlnunCC by

cnnwmcrs' irw.~, .)IC•3 uJ}1udl ;ttalycansyninl .a, prcfefr ;.~~, Qv3,Ij tp,elu. }.



f47r 3►;iiCUIlan al nun -L, allnb]^_s are c:nf1iDpty.Ou ;3Iy :dU.L lmined intheeconr..nry as a r~SU h õ~1u!al sul.-ply(met cif n :ra1sfiJf-ocñSOul¡ILiLUI ) and urban Eerr.an d

- Paces Iari1griG1II ;IrnI irndinlC~areCxugrnuuslydc .eruvned byrh.tinrcrnrl ;prrã]rn3lkip)

•n•?nlcihtu slrg5l .f~'demand is nr}I I i nsi ;eil F.{AT,tis a c. Yll~ir_ziion pfihiee


prrdurlion, nucroxannmic. comes' ( 6 13 mt 2) .

The nr~~iK t;rr nrpd~lt.tepr'C.sGlls ag` ~ulu1-l] pmdur.ainn : I ; r;{7ntAirtiil aW ail ed ddstr .plru:ruf

Ihr rycha i yufofa~l, typeud'J~rmenllcrdcriirllc regionalJcWd .Land a1luc :a1iul, LoLaI piC,dulLrrrn ~ u.^crsurnllliun 1evc :s (by,ryrl)du(crs) all4 n;;aricrtcfJ xurplusrs are c g:imnrud I'hysi{ p l, 3gr4rlc:ilús:, swxu-etunumic ■nd insril~rtjt~ rhl aspects L~taigr.:ulturaL praducti,orase

ntC.qialC+i lore'L'ICI tplrstutlrlicmclf each rcp}3I5 A :C:8iunisdefined asahurn : .•zenu:lsTIne with rtsprc-4La i!ru .e+caln} :31 cond :l,ciwì, puHtlal ;,ur.aud inlcgl zl .tlriinLl}ih~cnlnricr.j And i s rerrtsente4i throughrhCModelling


rt¡:ccicnrat.vr.:nrrr-IypeS, reprCCSlcj ihgLiicmai n

c% .LacL{Yislir.c (ç;rf.orl•,uijljasandoon g:rninls)nfihepln,lucriCm Uci1a3 .Thrlx

withi n ,hc year arc cnuiru:rrdR3C111 :t:u t Sllesea.sDnzlc :7z :.1crerisiitis and .sor_sIlAiwlsp[ L'OcIIIli::sups ,

:iue~la7Ci 3rdeun9.n-lHtiuu sawing season .hia_-,rmicw2rtà80paril dryxrasl)n .

Abasa[evelofnral can5umpl+o7isxt+~it+J through rninirnrnz householdca]Crhil1ralc.Ÿ

cansrrzinLa ; eons!' m2l i~ prefLrtnc cs are bzs.cr- on cr_7pi ricnl .ansrlir4- in-m.21124124by typeiar

:ar1n *ñd fe7,ien. lkisl.s 'elated tolheIr:'rtJ of I'rud!+t ;lcnh and p i ¡c .c.s alL' cLC'15idL'rLXI using t1 e talgel. hi{.iTA]]Ii Irethxlr- de•;tlcnpd by 'L :kLJL :IL (143+} sews. ' al eq:laLilxrs are intrG;iur~ç 10


!el;re :nt s+r:(':ral 3 ..;çnx!ias,withh ruinimal re'Atn1 :<: Ÿunsl :arnt f-nonv. 11c :11rUyY'IIp~S 2rC allnwtrl t~ dCvìase al:m.-din17 tC1(alIrgrs ' nllivyJe. tüIisk .

l'hGulud.vrc nf1h~!!1o;IL'I

A1scrn-etI.InUmic coin tP.z ! + ; nrprrs{{r1y-Y{ I ~ f9fucr x it1i%-:1ricr¡Gil FFR{? p L1{:71f11 ( ofIxrmtts' MOTH IIK s :uilt:hoF ~

#- .



Nis.lc!sl: k } c:c.r.1c, l minas

( : { }Mti773.1-Pi'r[0N M4D[II .F.

R :111 :1xrta caux.3=i x kIf}.tirunic!

M ;lrra-ecouunic contex t

7T1ç I.^bjeeLiv.:sI :axtsisigl rclnrratru4 leyclara : in.ngnlC. 311aainis71liCr5andfix-id co.rosinpEio n mdT-iCfrGx, tlrlt It1~1%I :n ;snti[m &Ircon jüirk u ::-1I1_1.{3MieWefarmers' Surplux, whic:hi s


Incy.iby Enaduclion kg r.çrLsunpUttn) al Or.. reqE,:na1 Lcvc4, 5ilbjecl10thc t+'+nstraint o f

60uòch4klself.sull'Ient14o}' . ci :hrr .s :ILisIkxJL*} hAv~r.hnhi proxuChcvl [xpltrdissex Lonl~ra .sntã =linked to fit nui ' and overall endowment ofpradustiou ÍBrrnr .s• land,lalro^Ji8rd cash

ailabil ity .

By8pgr(_v,!.rtingregionallprpluse s, nirian3l supply isc_11rvLLicd alui i.g cOnFrrmtcdwithe}inI rL#3n r'r_rnand in slx Ir1~rkCI ; r.~,nsl5mailx1'nodule .

Thrl nra•kr[.1CY4R51rrNi,'irXr771117.1'b ;erLeWW1bcsCOC}áilfn!!x `ht_~LVh?Ur .ICfr.cu5es{n1 I ;I C

suUslil_uignprocessL•ctwvC,ti1o-salnr.d impucl[d ; rodiItl .sinulOan i:QiiGlLntil7.ndui;W L:IIanpmin revenues and pliCt_: 14 represents thy iffrferri carnnu~]ily4-~ins, esl :ccialL}'th e pru'•ÑSs of tvppl1• aggregation 8M price formatiou r51CChanisms . C~clw+ruer hehax'iour i s repnt-llãi hy'the Linear !ao_u of IhcAlmost]dra.1 L]czmnrxlS}•stein LAWS). which is come. ' 8iuM 1:)3`diefaux eti.peluliLurts of ¡huh household

and MIAconsiderspricearai incuuw clBSliCiti e

Fo111nviny_ 511pT:1•'(1493),the ICIiA$r.I1oui.surnp' :ur_ n'Adlxe has úcul calibrrited usingIke. Cowan' Di IltirexlCC ofF.Iasticities (CL1 h ) fLlnuinrrnl 161 nidCutlopadby 1LANa]CF1(1975) . the I"i}l? :s agIo48' Iy well-bchavcxl li,nCaianalform thatporrr.il8us ti)clLKain LIICrnpIrixof pornpen .iated pcrac da-5rici :ica~xilslonly





Thesuppl±`fdcmanrlequilibriumprie= rsnnoi rn4+t•.pigside arxnapIi~•braids,as n-uggests.ki

by SADi}1 .:I .P.T an:IdeAAi'';w'RY ( lW5 ) (figvrv5) . When Illequau[iti~ nrri•;i% on 1ltc-laarktis erC 1~..3 large tu kc~}5pd:z.tswilhinthe band, eitherthe pr c+clvcr i8 n-1--m1by11a :itrs o r fame:N .4iboy'í nd i' 1IxnI e tai Ivtu~Cm ltin expart t}ICCxcCã,,gamily so lor-mions

Inui t attcar.liveprices Enany. C.I.sç,the price ci-iRob ,r5beyond Lk minimumandnlaxini rnKlee

ICYrIsgives} byLht•baud . ThemoJtL spor.,lü-5 inibe supplvJd.cmand n{uihlxly=~~ erpl .uirklhDl h efiC n~ .i+cirnunl{4)L.Uti}arxithe minimum 1,12 Min :l quarCl ;ia: yt'hi ;.hare nLade dw,yr.nr'_enio n

[Ilt I` :3rir,nnl demand inrachyr:rr Torse 'maximum rind rniniuLurtl 541pplies mrwl~ lllpt prirç5


F i gure.

Influence ofp1ico G611d5 on price detalrmslatioi l

~• ' . î____ .t :


'-,,.,.--'N., ' i ~ . --► Q Mc' Q?dax I 4--- - Wm,' SY..1u tW.Pt

'ñr rrxlfK rfrnridl"'r!ii drscribea 1he rnscruc::.T.)lIpnk and institutional Conftcl affecting Ihc

& :6u :uc~ulxn-7y . I I ç:lnl,ii naih`purarxtels : CIdC 1 .7,^.clIil5d tü51711UI~tC4k111fICS :e'.Kl•htltkCIatC ,

ç.a~rllaliuo}r~~wt11, çrc .lis c .ondilims, sonicillkua awl oit-p+.al prices, WW1 hrmschtrld reyeuut , etc .

Themodel .A-as cUnsl .ui:Idj to analyse End higldil;hllhc r.hanges cleriti'iny:,frometnnorr_cand ,fiCuhl,ril rcfrx'InS uudeslaks;u 8i1sC.C 1984 Two sicl ;àYiùB u= {ñ.nsLTucttxl . Gril,the: WMirlvhlionar ;h,eWenduL•scr4Cil ill I!?t;~;,withnr_y thc ~~in¢u1#1 ipn gnkl•mhas major &Arse in Olt lCCrk7r ; and second, LIIe~1Tai~cawhich tYCL7U1 red nrlbc ,f.rki1l:I :TaISIY .Y41a x

conxqutnCGS of the adjusr.nent refuxrns iirilllrlinq inpl_1 a-J üttwut price

al. well as C1 ;8rYRCS in pEaries• trar,spul ;al ;u1F C46[F, rireNacJclLllx ìn 8 f :Cr..ii ti 2) .

31x 1114}JL'Iwpsrur5 for six years, I :o1 ; . 1!95 9o I r,' jg la tal ;lul SIk• n :nz.r i m,o1'.ant nIC.39JCCs

in_luáing LIIC,ftee1tli11 ion of I 9rd . The occultly was ri?uidcll ir.'o slx hurIlogtricous. regions (53[At7i : . L9ÇS, AUA; .W ; I Wi ; Sf.N .rti[ 1{}UN ã dl ,]?`1

ir,eachofLIIC,n aiti•,r,lr,gy ..;..Ls dr•..fincr' :IS,ngdinerenl c131 ;i1L3:a?`5(.ver. EppKnJix l}, tllrccurbanhouseholdtype*9.'Csr. disl : np,iuis.òrki accnrJ :ug Lcl tltcir i :Y.•.11`•1C Ic.v-] 1EL4L••]LI r.iE}4 Cl a] , 1991j .

Sc r•.ra1 vzs'IEMcs canL..aC.d 10 C.lir.•a-e the of tl1C 1nv7siires TnusC C1CC1d1 io he th e IY15L r'levin1 ones for the analysis Of fowl rea:nly are fwd. p?tQdUrlion and its cx.lli'Srtiluc- 'nJG3 in Iuir,l i11COnte unrsgrs. r:haagts in 1 ::)U-1 œflip Sil ¡cc. al I :me 1 uval LCL•CI and the caloric ialak c Qt.- urban clmu Illy: Ÿ .

J~I~xi-•n1~ i

Mcmo m ?ir:e


•l•hCmnlr`. wvs s•Til!Crir. (i,l}rí4 (C;tl :ia81 Algelxa'.c I~iLx1C11 ins System) and pa lved usi h.4l11 t

LrAvl .l'x.ffVUS sial•rty

4 .Siu .1AI :1Iion result s

Th.c sinlu Ia1y~1 fhodpruduClio14 54cnarksr:erlfn rlII~r trendabscl vt~;fixth.eFSU r.yuv YCf,i¿7 n wh11rt It~ucl8 :*i._cdsrx-i prudu, li .}r. r .^.n_7'_n aluxaxisl8l~lcin the "nuIdote scenar io,c~0[1C~

p.L-crduL'ailjr:increases 'uy ;sitY.lt 3 .6'4 Over chi:sllilukillr,dperiodir.I :IC'rr:fi-rrn " .iecrl.vi!r(CÕS1nn *ran

easul bypknol :l51 `larnrt L~C ssirnr : time pct ¡c.d .

u.deell:11S.InS yield in ibis 9CCn7ria) l~t,c:dFrtorlllrliar, -withuulreform"'xY :LId11a•.C br,r.n -niglAt 'tan ShL: Csr,tnñscY~e d with

relfll nx (fip,t,rC 4 )

Figue 4 : Sin•ndalirun1CS+J11 S : Crrfp produ:-'.icnl (in metric lulls)••ntha nn•rel'un1and ref:srrn

x-enntlt~9 ('tuli.insl :rrt•l:1) -I . ry1ts um rlG


MY r.rts .

Thesi :uul8[innsahowthat LhC rCtCm1Ain'g:cuacd uor•inllinteulfi• tbr .il marl. a1I L}pCS of at1i10r:5, fspxc:ally Cú1 ;on p,rnri`.1 :e1s end~t~1~ngiti_n :pallicul ~r1'rI_o ;:sc wil h ani :nnl I ra,ctlar,


(I'Morr. 5) 7bt r1:5p•-'-rTSC uf f;.~rl cuplimnersis alsu p7si :ivc,bigslnwcr aud wil :i slrOrrpe r

var. rRbilicy TheonlyfaiutMwhoare shownrai tuIlavcbenefitedfn:m1I a15trendaie.11 .4

srwBll Furrs iii the, Soutlrcrrr rr.F,ix-ia. due10their ex'iene-lyptxrr'fCSnurcr end7wurlel L (t•.tpesciallq Iarrd .inri czsh}and lheeT;tr?tigical unl ;uix:ipilitycrfi;rOwin4c.JltixT



Sinu•.RIiClnresults. Incnrne irx.7Cil-Se dueLuL'~Ÿreforms anions

u r

I~IU4~3-$(inF[ ;FA ]

In :he sir,iu ',h1iCn. the CaortSurn¡: :ion paCCrr_;chargedwith the -.r.fñrrns . ' fhCrL':u :15dd`Cr

avnccgdu:.rC.ginns a:carl:lirtStadid


; in3tirt prtxJuci.ion charaetetit.lics .

smal l

far.rcrs ouuid~nc mor etubersnnt maize.. They dcCaeASc:hen t ,~n iJmptiúu of rice(uxi551ti'of

irupkirle5d rittkt•11o5cprice-nrereASrxi slruu{;Ipafter LiedL'•4'a111SkIV14~A


irsuul.Ccxscs alsúo f

pr.-sn .lts, :ras r oll.:c'_ng Gieirairil '.~n_Ik•aIr;Cof:heirdiet . Onlyin the cJr.nl :r rC.0On is ri u

€aIwurnlr.iun increasiqz, ihi5 is due La the.¡n ;luenuurine hLr;hta' Írti,r..ne gcn .r•.rnle,dbycfiiItwT n

and pear.uL, which is used:errpurchasingrice 13txu•(rL•Cr• in nruet rnsestheCrm .armplia n

palterns in ;hrlast}' t:5.rc•f,hr simulation x•.e;x to that at the 1.4sc r cn . This inr_rcata ;Fat farmersinitiallyr&-spLnrúCd;othe Ir~ch dar•,resnl :al iiiprices by,03p.i :ng ihtÍr pracJCirtk r

I}o-lte_--15ar~] B :Ierwards,YS'bcn1heIx : l ddffG~crrlal 1.14:6rnIXl .theyfe~ItilL'~I1IYirI}Te•Yr47n 3

¡On~.rnl :trürr


dpiçxarrt:LU5ti7fnz: cx :cr.'their ola

paretl!S .

Simulated 50.76p s in the" re`orin"Sl;'Cna.-TUVe

'higher dull 1



1onesvl 1hr.3

c121=0 -


re;•farrns ' " ,which is :o Lc•e'A'pcele•d gr•L .-.r'he: towel }rr04JCtirXrranti nparlia.ll}'ÍoclasttG dtzn8r~ .

Whop thesimulatedpnt:csa:0oornpared wilh1`'e r:bser ved ones, L;rC Ialier a.rc à,bpçrt 3U:•~ higher . ThisLz~tc d.iffr.rcrr,x, whiel: irnpli5:s a hig':rc : then 8~sr.rrJcd ',eve'ofdeir.sild. ma y


rteii.:hhr.uriax tx:t .urri(:5 {fr. r which _►u date 15 #vai! sile~ ax sF t~~tptive hchaviuur UnIke pnri i f

L i ~Jer5 If Ihese 1 .sw Iirel2\-8 ';A'ce included ill t ft inodc l - Ihe rnakrJludC Of thn im~acls titi'ai.:l d

hx Iac mt.

5irrwla't4r Cnlt+ric irxake crf uiLau r.tn-9linrers (in p4,■Ler',1ofFAOrecann:cud+i ca!ar : c

rxlu irern,eutsl deçre.tis.exl :uc all cwn3ufuerP.Pxipxs in lhe ••wilhOtri rçinrm" scfii8rio, which i s luyi4~! given ti. ; ir'rc:ft'l)5e inchepc:.au!slrur. wi ;hnut n resprnsc uiNoraof food ploduaiO n Brit ihn decline~t even mare pr:naurrt:tixlnill :e : .scennrio "with ref0eins''" . specially


rtlCd :tiirn-inc~+n :s húv ~Cholds which. even it: tlieir demand isF11•1Iti inelastic, wtrt .fUf<:t.i

deaca.sr lhgir level ofcuns.rotlff.ion clueina real incOm.t d ecli ne41: .1.;uit 6) . The rcr''Irl :11 " :4 )'

Almhave t5u iCdhglmngervarialiunIllc{7n5nmp1icrn õelwtCn r-lr.s .

h•ip,srre 6 : 5.unu,altd cAk.ici,= inlake ufdif!•er Cltr r,rhnn hoxrxhu!d8 by income Ievcl 09 A pm'Oernge rfV AOiCC[+nimend minimum. ] =• WA) .

The results 5 .‘ow the high 3v!.nelsI}ilii y of pocr cur3urncrs s;ncc their intake was very cluv::

toihc FAO Il}ir.irnurn rt~çuita;nenl8, Ar:y eh.err.a : 5':tcrfik:

lhe rCrnl u p16.0wfrod priit s

endang ers Lhei=fx~dsecisrily . L ht ; rtÌorns5 may huvc irh.YCèór.i thei= vullwSbilily- in n ;xc l yt~r5 . they cccnsuicSC le-i8 14tan 85 `.à r + p lhcir c-ltlnric requ i rru :ciit8 . ?[L7~~~, uiGBn c+]nç.irner s nr8} hA4•e 2 :I .lpled LIIL'L Corl51 :m, lion h.eia•,&iur towards !c r i.ct quality [SraGJL•Li(ic . l.+iOktry

iier i ,I5tC7d ' : -7igLt ; au5litp tir.c7 u•hic :7 crap li8tiç n :ili p t gJ 11x 114P,AiiveimpaeLune~lorir.

ir.:akebu : wl . ; ;.h is r.nl eapLured bYlhrv n•„ir.,cl . !viol í~titr, rh n s-edy rnaJclhe hpCr.ihxsisuf

91rrr`F sepacabilily irt COnSterrer ' s Ixr4tel &ll4e40Frn, arid only f244 o<-rrnrrxrd rl rC5 &i't

cuusidefed in the ASU.5 d[xn p ndsaem .This r,rcp'.iCS I :ti2.1 th~s spefiiffiaiinnducsn 2 t ãllpw1i 8

IncapVai C• 81ri1}s he;ween ulhe•' 1y ; C of r.xpr.ndiIw cl

fr}r,d exp g nd_Iuf<9 rhat prolssbly luc k

plue in ~ealilv, And which cell bc CxEti4; e~! to have C,::OarrCd mast prrtiar.'d ;•Ar lh^ high


ise{smc tt,nsum+sx ' ir:vtl . ,\ev_rthelr~t~ these figures ir.jicaLe the negilivo trend in cansilrm

Parochangez Eves'il'espendilurç gJbslilulinn #m4ngC,sGegaricsv didtakeplace.theeve!al l levcl Irf income: w{r,rltl -r}' c'ranpe, vlllch irnpliez3 lower level of Cans,Jnl :<ion olliel pods

with a conr,crc,ICIIR negativeimpgcl on vxlívç.

L'oarJll.coalk 5

;Japerdisci :sacstheUrrlconiC<oftheeconomic anti r.sriculnlml &dlilS:nlent r~vln~ lial

3Lpieu]II_ral prtldiu ;:ldirnandI_ripls Lirodcans,.na7l :titxlinBeninAndcialnpares lhc res.1.11tswit h

thcxiluatianc411111Lily toactualfact,Le .,wh.vmighthavebeen KW themreform. notIalen

place T•xo rnpiit issr_es ri*~ ilt anaiysir.g the. impact at the-5c 1I . fins npliuuai GD P

incrcar.~7 :' . WhoF~ICflrcdand who 1cx5rcut in thispnltstãS? Inthis paper14:53allulCar.hn s bccngiven14 1•' n: Lirxltiglx.-Stit}I, allñauóh Ilre ìawlcazeinrt.tlen p luductirn rindca.poil s

probablyil,'ply a pl :sirivc In ;iacL T -rlr: rwair3 !Mention of ;Itis paper :s foraiwl on the sex.an d

qurslx;n Therrsl]Is chow Ihi' whiJr:theaglicadhd,ralAtt :.td.`coverallrnny haveLrcaefi ;ed fcel n

-eforn :, inparticclar farnlcrs withthegpgcahi litgof ..rowingcaL'.on ,the g{+CzfJc.os's in r=n s

of urW :l v.ellirrc dr:r.lino may hare hoc !'lusF. nol .ibJp fos low arxi rncr)iuril~u~arne gro t dp g

This fAnItl In .saurnbscl vaLiuns dl :rid.r;tin:sunr-y in i`J 5 3 as we! : nsstlldicx by rxth•r.r nutlet+is

in otllcl e{unlrie.5 (13 :tifr R GTT and1_]UR{}SH . ] :J96, :41IN{?T, I!ry8 }. This is nal lo &sy Lha I

fi ;slin wtuldi hnv'eIta{:cn L•etter off npt to reform¡IstXclrolr_ic anti

Rural policies . A no .

neroran x:xntrin+rrCluld'nave beensdfitcnsble and liuálxaa ll} :n :-ensit.11c .However, it

Alcrt F alic,•m .ikct.5to thetadih:v.,tit* burdenofrC[úlan is unevenly dl sL ibuted . Thoseat th e

ri ;dtglr. cfsJrvivpl arc least nblc to Guri z.1ailipnal beJrdcra, and rtl4rn•irkdlx,aj cJlaltges mny tf►Jangertheirfoodsecurity TOInliiga'ctherdt:; ;aL•ve c .lF°r.18ofSAPonpr}ar vlta n

consi:lr-e:5. ?.Sc. •arc Ihe main tl :,c

il ::sl:ulucr-' available 1 0 the Goveynil}vi a laismg thr•.ir inc~uxx . H is more difficult ri nd

i, ioffiL i cnLID

l ac Ix

diiTcrci;i8tt: pric~ ar.rOr :Lugla slr.rsn :c.aaLY.rp.s Employment I :rnrr-ol idyllinLibannti'-R5, boll;

1F_alli7ld MlleCI :Spv}YII,VIISorfrai Pul work pmgraiisdllL x, anc prglr•rjti {vn of p_ivatt ~rx:lü l âr:vClopnrnl arr. vi ;al ly irnplxVari rnCaSul es wh : ..ld c~rld lie recommended to

the suila l r.p,51or adJ :JStn :enl rot the poor L'aflicular en :pha3ix shroud bep~.ro::eyJtall ]ahou r-inlcuxi•:e ill IêasI :v ..-311rG pr41gJaZ11rrlCá . IIIC{11 :IL'-4CrY`,ló.~Ì :lk; nn .r :lprkljf•,r,l$, al ult :.sìana' dCvClUpnienl,Clc .

¡l'AI~, I!+'~i vl:rd FIR ALTN et

19,) ::r',l Also . supportlier L'r :lk.•aI1Qr}r111dI :IIpI1Wlri ,7 74{',{ú3ala

M14X4i :ItXlit,pa•tlcrrlallV fnr '..,QlllCll . have pr4lL` lo Ix

14e IIlStrulrJ'nls co s1;pFVJrL Inw -iilOorne o-klu~t5 ('LL?f .1 .f :R ;:l 31 ., I p?_y


The &imulatiuu appru a r, h provedLulat uiefi ;l in analti•xulir.; rhe 2ifÌcrruL i, ;7Lr :rr.rs ort vantv3


identifying those thnt need luLe prCtcr.tedfoinadverse'.,mpacts


zdjostnlCrlS rr=rarn .s .

kercrenrc x

AI MEP, L . (1'Nw ) . Prise cn s;Orrrp'; des eiFeLS á 1~,1J; cr•rme de la d,6,Al u-ariondu Flame- CT A

surlesci.-feul agriCol.r. etI 'tnwI ;eIUtaYltr; . Lecas duBenin . Mtrnlnlr J' AP.mnrmie GI:711LaI C

Appr4,t"nndia, EsNSAR, Rcr-aecs. E'InuCfi .

IiAk I=TF, CB ., LiO ROSE L.P .A (1 1~~) Farmers' wtllko and cha,Iku ;S f[~7r_prizes: rx]n

-P_anruli:r:evidenceLI Du•,rice inNiadasaaar American Juurnelor-,3griuillurñl rcrrnnmiz s 78 , 556-b69.

1i1,~{JIJ, ti . ( LM .5)• 1mps;;t do !á dd'.'a.lrutiou dufr8nc.CFAsu ; 16prOr'.IClxm eg, i00]r et l e

fcnai'talur~Cntaire el prup0ai[ií7nsd'action.

°5finsr-sde Pi ualu~.[inn 1]n ceultnl d~ rrn4nil .

FAO r['P.■131:rJ ; i4':'. :? (A)

]34J IiÌ ]• J .W. (. L993J Chnngá np{Null pricesandIu -;dl wG!fare•an=parornelricexamination of

ihtCk''rlc a ' Ivonc .EconomicDevclupc,riCr.:andCatkin al L::hnnge, 41, 5 37-6'7 3

Fli)4L~Ci1 :l( ;~{JN, P . 3e T.iLI_ü, J ., SCPI.VA . A . 1 l'79 L~ : f)is ribatiuulcl effecrs of adJuslrrrus: Pp1i~ ;~ç :sin_vlsii0r5!forarr.hc:k7e et+]nomsr-sin

ic-a.and Latin AlnCrirp . TheV.'uiIL Hrn r

Lcul :uu :.iC Rc4iew' 5 .339-'366

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LiF°:OIr• D . : Lt{JEij[,I .EARL7, AS .(I cr:;7) :L7cvasl~ àtli~n eL curs :nutrrii,on alimt;rl8 IrCcfr x7nr

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IrdCtr. ;itil .xlal lgr :cullurc , }8, 245-26 2 5L••NAEIOLJN .J ;

LUES,F . ; L7E :YI3F. D {l'i•} :b) : & 'uttwal atijustInerdprogram s sni[ errvcinn• A. ~¡~, ~~:~crc+uric n•:nlicll:np, ap,ryro~hLrNorthern 1]enirt Rr•-st.v1:n i n _7r:r.<~~y nlcal Economics, and

Lìisc{uxl:.•a Paper 05 :69 Sump 'l:Gyaui:r Verla g S UR1iY, Y . (3 ;93)- " The [On5'aut ddTerencear613 gIi6liCb ~i~utla+_I ~_ih appl icarioncto1h C

EC aryirr3l 'Iced .5CCt4j . J 0 u : 7rz1 of :1r, rir.1_Ir,Ira1 L••eo.I ;.Enics •t4, I :0 .1.2 5


Th.[i]: R, 1-.V` (I921)rT'.irgr! •-1•#}TAG .AnitiicanJOllo'•1]nFAyl'-c.llü :rnl ]'- :x+v4miìç5,

6C<i-6I Lt

ZF .I .1 .1:.11., M . S {'[iR3i?•L1LR,

u5ju ;IiftA[ ! ; 1 MIDI ]UliS, F. (15''17)• L~tLril tinarco I~a r foW5tcurilyI'ar the

for r•~r.arcF end pali .sy .Food~}li :.y review 1 . Inla'IlãliOnal Food Pa]ie;• R.ex,utih JnStitule, Was hing- on D C.

Appendix J . Data

'M_ sru4 u•:ntrrues au an•.pirir.nl h`-srrsrieal analysis uf Lvud%'A-Opprt~duclinm in thc ]3Orp,0 u

rcginn n : E#cnin with a n'.cniel yirnl,la,iar- Sun+cy's forlhecitii{:i-içal analysis were cazncd ou t

ihç Fsr,rgae region foi ShCf}I ILwi np•

rrasnns-- It is thr: rrn7~ impny art agrieuItul al ri.•r;•+:kYl of Tirrin,cnnlpris-ing 50%ofthe ngli;rna l

:eniLOl p, I'M rxfth,c populaLitxl, 641P~:ufC+}1WILpr pi:hicünn and n mo than riO'lo nfch,r natirx~al.

supply ofgi,aplc fond s

it ls aìsiw IrrC po}ti•irk.r with the rrnsl td+ana~1 dC•rEIOpR}r•,.nc of xni_n :i taac iois .

-' 1 'n4 rr,3ian• as die rrroitirr1LY r8rrtOre ir- lerescrF Evil!a*rd c+}ISçr} pmduaian•oftlitlr e

opp o rtrsnitV loabsorveal-.d to7luirl ;~thephr:normeran of substitution wiEhi n sy'Stçns and the inpacl üI' pLdrti .rL•YOnfood$br.urrl y

iii4;rlrup (!977) carried out a household 8,rr4'Cy from April F49] toAugu,1 1792 in lh^_ ]3or8ou rC1}jOn with 75 households. 3audoridy ót1õ01cd in ihracvillagCSMrCSrnt inE chc chree ;i.,ÿr {}Cf.r~l•,i(1~rC11 ganes The authors1;4es'trrhehin et al 1999a7 c,uciuJ out AIM

Alir.iey :fro m `da}' Lo 1).dcCn•1hcr !947 witlc ihw save ktirtlplç sxcr.ndxi to 9Q luxrsL#xHdB .

Besides thc .c dala ¶I fc;!Inwing d "..lhaiL'SIlatieblttrL1Sr'!']fur the c111br abort Of Lkrert1C41t:1 : -a prin•:L-v data

*011Eti:7ed in 1974 byiw_

ar5 L1lç M1rLi :7is-r}' r>~ h„~culWr c ul li[:uii 5

xrlhir ; lh~ framework rrI's study 0r1 file liuin? cnrrdicion.i


uÌ' rural populations in Beml n

1'..L•'C•4'li}andcx?4rring aIS Baran , a primary data.5r!1r•tslleetxl

1991 L•k• L7[CIWfor 17,5f} and covering 11rC •n'hOlç r,~lrr.'rp•.

- a pcimarf data Setç4lltxtr•..d by I lac :iger (!99S)wi115if1 ShcfraTnexx:rk ul a hUVYçlrol~: buúnAl andcxinsurnpLiuu s•nY•Cycai:i0d 0+.r1 in ihe main chars Cif Bel '

-a sL•a0tldadti'darasacalled. in r5i'[ 'ct cfrl 8lãttuiçnl a5cr_i in f3cn; n


SCiu8m :s :


1i ;i


-tIiIbO4wi1hbu[ refarms"

~ QILúII vI IL'L' IIJ41 7C:k' kt, } FerfiliAcr price (]CF)


81m Ialiour ]r.ice , A hlrnpar:edí8 .7dprick,* B (CT . Trar4püRI;~3J C [I .-:f••'.~ Urban. incnn• r Rurii ¡r,p+.dAlK; n grnwqfs(°r',) -L•'iÙAIIp:ipulaLin,11 ~ d, $ ¡ Itr¿•.•tll04) _ . . SCtlliri,}. 1~tfürlns" CLdtiLY1Floe, (RT .-Mt g,) Fertiliser flriCC (TC'=A,1p) F81n la b:lllr Price iL Imported fnndpript! ;i,'

C'F A 'I i Tr~tig¡~17110)sl C . f C I•'A 1 Urban im.xim e ir_ctcase Rvral Fir"; i Li graw1h UI Lan pl~luluipn 4 , $ I}15~h ~p


]?;çcnçI Ii•{f•iixt .nn l'9flux

Nu . (JIM

Hci ihues,F .aziJf ; . 5 Iu ic5]Ct,Aura . f+Jllwlr.m ' !!JrrkrdfatI~~Ofrr{ ~


[Iti :rIhJ.Jt F ., KaiC1$C .C .Schacr .E . anJ { ; . 4t InL~4~,~' .srrcJa~a';JJ~'RSIU'I

rfft' . r^'S

V r. (3 ;799

[tidh•jcs. F ., C_ :7a1Jt, W ., iil -)514

Cr' Schriedtr,iFi4 s17~~~rJhrr.v JL~7r7





Ãrnr.s 1-19ri Gf'ur.'{l',Yf? rk tor, : sr .r~ x

He. 1''.4.''99

E"vllarLit, W ., Crt•{d_f ¡4».; orr arad .c w 2I7Lrx'III!crirr¡Jn'r,~~r~:Ir u7l'h-r.K'and rum'

`irxYhr.'Ir 7J~uikaxl'.

No 05J'9i :

StrB!11,11, j . 3[^il}r Ie s , F aeti


roe,,}?ru¿r.ariI34. I,ifRRClIiF. r u~rrrms {rr d

y{iif.lrr7rJfk'I : .] F,JO{t~Pf'J_~7PIrR.t!?f~CfirJ~{rf7,rtW:0, faJ•~'ar;1 .Y'FJr JµilrJ k

No .I~Cb4

Thar1daKyi hidM . vun Vky~n, ~r_ 17corJ :7Rrlt AJoi{7rY9' rJf ltrcc , orlsrf.•r40F}cirtl rrgkr.1 MyI`,Iim+ r


o O7 .19 4cku (.r ., ) . rkd R ]ch3r . .4JLrrtf FL~;{ r7QÌ6l' 'rr .r{rxJJClei ~R friliP.SIiJü J

CtYJJrfA71f{'s':C'overlyLWSK , yC.rrrl,rc_T N

g OR,59 I9aILwiL•FI, }''.,8rti T .Kyi,1'rCrcararrrrlg1'F11k•il.'o.f.yirr •{~r Irsd:LrraFR~'sra^rh:

1Yrrv. fil'i ~Nyr~,iM,iurJinr.aofikrra ~'JllitirJ~rrat7lr ~r4dy:t~ S

?+!u.59 .'} r1

kl$fT ~ir}~ , T . 4kiJg:rlrJeguff~.r.r it Trf,I+rr,l'


tIr.YÁ ~.ir~t.5'illf}JLtre- Ali,iJxJi}Yrc' J'l' rCF{II'tC•fii }~r{,.~: . :t,

ND C. ] ..DD

~tubt1l, D .,J'owr0'a .ili•rsat_u'I 1-es

1 :1).uITAIxold fly 'mac J' c .rir

Nr} fx?s17y?

A .,SaI_v6api[ux,C ., Arid K E{ir~hrnal_I, !h~rtl :rn~t.rJl,rc .~~c~rrt w cRFI :RIL'L' xNrkrrk.~i~c +Gro-,d'JIII7.9 :7gcJ11clPe? i':17':fiJTCY~r•ORJ 17nOn'.1 IlaVJmlrsr-~+IfJJIJ'{:f

}~rrfrRlrF{rlxl' i'irrr..p T

NU .03 .k}p firf~i~r.hop :. TJ and G . :5'.lIILJa . 7ry ' dl :w'fr,yalncr.'iofikcrn•r{,jry~y'tlr:,l .W.-7t'

Jr rrar:.il_IQ7 [SCr.r.rarJCf 1PI¡'f. YlfrJf{+J~r ç{ :;i;~ IrJt, Irsiiy rA'I .arFxx Fx'fxilrt7iyrr}

r~r,r~ Úm~I .~I~7ff. :rlt. Mi .04!C+7 [=rhu-dL_W . . [F.'bclfr,YM ;s rrr Pfmn Prih.v7 1mf{~flJrrrf~u+S~ M! .!rJ ~regieC;Cda}' !'~hf }' .V!7kerr{irxf .Ijr,r,S .!r .;,n 77I :721'13) I'd!

}iI} {000

St•n81i0uri,1 .,ficidóucs .F znJ D . L]LpbL;~rr;Fl~rfa 1',5f rlgrrt11ifaz rcll' 1 70i.x.I+ {rcxt

~5'ctT;rrP{:rirr,gg r.'r.I .irsJn1'.Cr=tu~~xatifrryk¡1 reedI_G•x• FicJIrJ I


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