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Soft X-ray irradiation effects in polymer films


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1987

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Soft X-ray irradiation effects in polymer films

M. Przybylski, M. Stamm, R. Zietz

To cite this version:

M. Przybylski, M. Stamm, R. Zietz. Soft X-ray irradiation effects in polymer films. Journal de

Physique, 1987, 48 (8), pp.1351-1355. �10.1051/jphys:019870048080135100�. �jpa-00210561�


Soft X-ray irradiation effects in polymer films

M. Przybylski, M. Stamm and R. Zietz

Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung-6500 Mainz, F.R.G.

(Requ le 24 février 1987, accepté le 7 avril 1987)



Le rayonnement monochromatique (250 eV hv 350 eV) du synchrotron BESSY a été utilisé pour étudier les excitations des niveaux fondamentaux dans une série de films de polymères. Le rendement

électronique est lié au spectre d’absorption des surfaces de polymères et révèle les caractéristiques des

transitions : niveau fondamental, niveau de valence ou niveau de Rydberg. Ce type d’excitation ne produit pas de rupture de liaison chimique et de désorption des ions, contrairement à ce qui se passe lorsque les excitations sont provoquées par des photons d’énergie supérieure à 290 eV. A ces énergies on obtient un rendement en

ions non négligeable. Des mécanismes d’excitation sont ensuite suggérés et discutés.



Monochromatic synchrotron radiation (250 eV hv 350 eV) has been used to study the core

level electronic excitation processes in solid polymer films of PE, PB, PS and PMMA. The electron yield spectra are closely related to the absorption spectra of the polymer surface and reveal characteristic core to valence (Cls ~ 03C0*) and core to Rydberg (Cls ~ R ) transitions. These excitations, however, do not produce significant bond rupture and ion desorption contrary to excitations induced by photons of energy ~ 290 eV.

For those energies a significant ion yield is obtained. Possible excitation mechanisms are discussed in detail.


Physics Abstracts







Exposure of polymers to high energy irradiation results in both temporary and permanent changes in

their physical and chemical properties. It is well

known that fast charged particles like electrons lose their energy in two different ways : firstly by elec-

tronic excitation and secondly by collisions with nuclei [1, 2]. There is no evidence of permanent

damage due to low energy electronic excitation or ionisation in metals, semimetals or even some

semiconductors [2] because the conduction electrons

(usually of high mobility) restore quickly the elec-

tronic holes produced along the trajectories of charged particles. On the other hand the creation of permanent damage in insulating molecular crystal,

ionic crystals and polymers is due to low energy electronic excitations and ionizations [1, 2]. For example, an 8 keV Cu Ka photon is able to produce approximately 8 keV photoelectrons. These elec-

trons will, in turn lose their energy in the form of electronic excitations or ionizations. In the long-

chain polymers these processes lead to crosslinking, degradation (chain scission) changes in unsaturation.

However, little is known in organic materials (like polymers) about radiolysis i.e. the main formation

process of stable defects. One can consider the

radiolysis as a local chemistry of excited states. Only

in a few cases the experimental data give insight into primary processes leading to bond rupture, molecu- lar fragmentation following excitations of core elec- trons.

Recently the development in synchrotron radi-

ation facilities, especially for the vacuum ultraviolet made possible to investigate excitations of deep

valence and core levels in simple molecules. The

binding energies of deep valence and core electrons of light elements like C, N and 0, the basic

« components » of organic molecules in particular polymers, are located in the range of about 600 eV.

At present the synchrotron radiation can be used for

selective excitation of the atoms of different elements

composing the molecule. It is also possible even to

excite the different atoms of the same element when

they are in different chemical surroundings (nearest- neighbours effect) [5].

Polymers like PE (polyethylene), PB (poly- butadiene), PS (polystyrene) and PMMA (poly-

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019870048080135100



(methyl methacrylate)) are very simple from the viewpoint of their chemical structure. Namely the long chain molecules (typical several thousand A)

sometimes with side groups, consist mostly of carbon

atoms connected by single or double bonds. It is

obviously very tempting and interesting to irradiate

these materials by photons of energy in the range of the carbon Cls edge (h v


284 eV ). Eberhardt

et al. [6] have shown that in the region of the Cls absorption threshold, some organic molecules like CO and acetone (CH3)2CO decompose into frag-

ments not only after direct core ionization but also

following core to 7T * or Rydberg (bond state)

transitions. The core hole created in the initial photo absorption decays preferentially via an Auger KLL

transition rather than by X-ray emission, resulting in highly charged molecules that is unstable and falls apart in a Coulombic explosion [7]. The stimulated desorption in ionic solids (like Ti02, V20,, W03) by low-energy ionizing radiation is accounted for by Auger decay of a core hole state resulting in multiple

localized valence holes. The bonds around this excitation can vanish because the valence holes (due

to localization) are constrained to one pair of atoms (see e.g. Knotek [8]).

In this paper we present studies of the synchrotron

soft X-ray excitation processes involving carbon Cls

electrons in some polymers. We have measured

electron and ion yields in the range of 250 eV , h v , 350 eV for solid polymer films of PS (H ) (polystyrene), PS(D3) (polystyrene deuterated in the alkyl position), PS (D8 ) (polystyrene totaly deuterated), PE (polyethylene), PB (polybutadiene)

and PMMA (poly(methyl methacrylate)). The elec-

tron kinetic energy distributions (photo electron spectra) for some photon energies have been

measured as well.

Experimental techniques.

The measurements were performed at the storage ring BESSY in Berlin, using the HE-PGM-2 plane grating monochromator providing an energy resol- ution of about 1 eV. The monochromator was cali- brated with LaAl2-plates revealing characteristic

resonances in the electron yield spectrum (due to

La 3d-4f transition). The electron yield of gold was

measured to characterize the monochromator trans- mission (the spectral dependence of the photon flux)

and used to normalize the electron yield spectra of studied samples. It turned out to be an important point in our studies since two intense minima in the transmission curve connected with the carbon K-

edge absorption of PGM-2 at 284.7 eV and 291.0 eV

were found. The total electron yield spectra were obtained from the total current of all electrons emitted from the sample. Ion yield spectra were obtained by detection of ions at several kinetic

energies in the range 0-300 eV (the upper value is limited by the photon energy). The same set-up was used to measure the electron kinetic energy distri- bution monitoring the photoelectron energy spectra

at constant incident photon energy h v (in the region

of carbon K-edge).

The solution casting method on chemically cleaned

aluminium plates was used to obtain polymer films

of different thicknesses 1-5 pm. The polymer films

were kept in ultrahigh-vacuum for about 7 days to degas the remaining solvent and to eleminate con-

taminations at the film surface. Vacuum better than 1 x 10- 9 torr necessary for our measurements, was reached after annealing the vacuum chamber to

200 °C for a few hours. The samples were kept always at temperatures below 80 °C. The thickness of polymer films appeared to be an important factor

in the photoemission measurements since the poly-

mers studied are electrical insulators. Namely, large charging effects were observed in the photoelectron spectra of polymers when the film thickness was

thicker than 4 [Lm. The photoemitted electrons are

shifted to lower kinetic energies as the surface begins

to charge. This effect is already visible after 5-10 s of irradiation (especially at h v > 290 eV) and increases within 40-50 min reaching saturation were some

details of photoelectron spectra are shifted about 40 eV. This phenomenon causes difficulties in the determination of ion kinetic energies but does not

influence the total electron and ion yields.

Results and discussion.

Figure 1 shows the electron yield spectra (TEY) of polymer films of PE, PS(H), PS(D3), PS (D8 ),

PMMA and PB. The spectra obtained for the

photon energies 270-330 eV seem to display some

similarities in spite of differences in their chemical structure. However, there are also details in the TEY-spectra allowing to distinguish between particu-

lar polymers or group of polymers (see discussion below).

Firstly let us discuss some general physical aspects of TEY in the soft X-ray range. The TEY from our

samples is dominated by inelastically scattered elec- trons [9, 10] since most of elastic Auger electrons

and photoelectrons lose their energy on their way out of the solids in the inelastic scattering events (electron-electron, electron-plasmon or electron- phonon scattering). The total number of electrons y

created in a depth L of a sample with absorption coefficient u is proportional to the number of absorbed photons IL - 1- exp (- ILL) [11]. For 1/ IL > L this relation reduces to y - ILL. Thus, the total electron yield is directly proportional to the absorption coefficient. The effective electron escape

depth L in the soft X-ray region is about 50 A.

Electrons generated deeper inside the sample lose


Fig. 1.


Total electron yield (absorption spectra) near

the carbon K edge in some polymer films (normalized to

incident photon flux).

their energy before reaching the surface (the photon

mean free path 1/u is always larger than L and is about 1 000 A in the discussed region). For PMMA

the calculated absorption coefficient is about 1 p,m-1 1 (for photon energy 200-300 eV) confirming the valid- ity of the relation y -,4 in the TEY-experiment.

Thus only electrons originating from the surface

layer (of depth L) contribute to the total electron

yield signal of the studied materials (the TEY can

also be used as a direct measure of extended X-ray absorption fine structure EXAFS [12], above the absorption edge). There is an intense sharp peak (A)

in the electron yield spectra of polymers (see Fig. 1) ; its position and shape is characteristic for excitation of the Cls electrons to an antibonding it

orbital in those hydrocarbon-molecules containing

1T-electrons [5]. For PS and its deuterated derivatives

(PS(D3), PS (D8 )) this peak is situated at about 285.2 eV which is identical to the experimental value

for the 1T * transition in gaseous benzene [5] (consist-

ent with spectra of Hansen et al. [13] as well).

The second group of polymers i. e. PB, PMMA, PE does not contain aromatic (benzene) groups in their structures. The peaks shift to somewhat lower energy, 284.8 eV. This value is in good agreement with the peak found in gaseous ethylene C2H4,

where the Cls 1T * transition was assigned to a peak at 284.4 eV (or 284.8 sh) in the electron yield

spectra. In that group of polymers the intensity of peak A is appreciably lower (especially for PE and PB) than for PS-samples. Generally the binding

energy of Cls electrons for aromatic molecules (like benzene) is smaller than that for alkyl molecules (chain). The strong 1T *-resonance was also detected

by Crecelius et al. [14] in energy-loss-experiments on

other polymers containing aromatic groups

(benzene). In the polymer films of PPP (poly(p- phenylene), PPS (poly(p-phenylene sulfide) and

PPO (poly(p-phenylene oxide) the Cls 1T * transi-

tion energies are consistent with the present results.

The second peak (B) is very apparent mainly for

PE but is not so intense and sharp as A. It can be assigned to Rydberg transitions (by comparison to hydrocarbon TEY-spectra) [5]. It occurs between

287.7 eV (for PS) and 288.2 eV (for PE) comparable

with an energy of 288.0 eV found for the excitation Cls 3p in methane CH4 and ethane CZH6 [5]. The

broad maximum in the electron yield spectra (C) at

about 291.0 eV is probably due to shape resonances (or * resonances) which can be observed just above

the ionization threshold [15, 16]. For simple hyd-

rocarbons the ionization potential of the carbon Is shell (I.P.) changes from 290.3eV (benzene) to

291.2 eV (acetylene) [5]. The other features labelled

as D and E at 297.8 eV and 301 eV, respectively, can probably be assigned to shake-up and shake-off effects (double (multiple) ionization (excitations))

or other a resonances occurring at energies higher

than 290 eV (like o- resonance in C2H4 and CZHb at

302 eV and 301 eV respectively [16].

The main question which arises from the electron

yield studies is why s 1T *-resonance is observed for

polyethylene which only contains saturated hyd-

rocarbon-bonds. For saturated hydrocarbons only

excitations to Rydberg orbitals can be expected in

this photon energy range (i.e. Cls absorption).

Consequently one can ask further whether the presence of only one double bond in the monomer

unit of PB and PMMA (i.e. C


0) can be respon-

sible for the relative intense peak (A) in TEY

spectra. In order to answer this question we have to

refer to the consideration at the beginning of the chapter. The electon yield spectra in the photon

energy range 200-300 eV confine us to surface



properties i.e. to a surface layer not deeper than

approx. 50 A. The chemical structure in that layer might be different to that in the bulk polymer. One might expect that in the surface layer end-groups of polymer chains are enriched which can have different bonds compared to the repeating unit in the polymer

chains. This the observed 7r * resonance in the TEY- spectra of PE can be accounted for by existence of unsaturated hydrocarbon groups (double bonds) in

the surface layer of the polymer.

Figure 2 shows the total ion yield of studied

polymers as a function of photon energy (260-

380 eV). There is a photon energy threshold in the ion desorption as the photon energy is scanned above the excitation of Cls-electron. The position of

Fig. 2.


Total ion yield spectra of PE, PS, PS (D3 ), PS (Dg ), PMMA and PB around the Cls absorption


this threshold does not correspond to the energy of

peak A in the TEY-spectra. For PB, PMMA, PS (H ), PS (D3 ) and P (Dg ) the rise of the ion yield signal versus the photon energy commences at about 290 eV and for PE even about 295 eV. It means that the excitation of carbon atoms in the benzene ring or

in the main chain, via 7T * resonance (that is a core

hole and electron in the 7r * orbital) does not lead to significant bond rupture ion desorption. The electron kinetic energy distribution changes drastically as the photon energy exceeds 285 eV by the appearance of

Auger electrons characterized by hv-independent

kinetic energy (due to Auger KLL transition of about 270 eV). Thus, the core hole produced by photon of energy > 285 eV in the polymer molecule decays predominantly (similary to small

molecules [7]) via Auger processes which can result in final states with two or multiple holes in bonding

orbitals and electrons in antibonding orbitals [8].

The typical single-hole lifetimes in covalent system

are of order of the inverse bandwidth (W), which is typically about 10-15 s what is small compared with

time needed for desorption (10-14 s ). In cases where

the hole-hole repulsion energy U is greater than the value bandwidth W, holes cannot move by resonant

processes and they will be localized on the same site

for time much longer than 11W [17], facilitating the

ion desorption. The Auger decay of the Cls 7r *

bond state excitation (in aromatic rings or main

chains of polymer) result probably in delocalized

multiple-hole final states. The substantial delocaliza- tion of the 7T-system and strong nearest neighbour

interaction between atoms in covalent polymer chain (or side groups) cause holes not be bound with one

pair of atoms (not favourable for bond damage).

Eberhardt et al. [6] have shown that in the region of

the Cls absorption threshold organic molecules de-

compose following core to 7T * or Rydberg trans-

itions. The Cls to 7T* excitation observed at

288.5 eV (in the CO-group) in acetone results selec-

tively in C+ and 0+ ions whereas the excitation of C atoms in CH3 groups (alkyl groups) at higher ener- gies (Rydberg transition) produces other ionic frag-

ments. However, in the studied polymers the excita-

tion of core electron to Rydberg orbitals does not result in a significant ion desorption as well. Namely

the peak B at about 288 eV in TEY spectra (PE, for example) does not have its analog in the total ion

yield-spectra of polymers.

A beginning of strong ion desorption has been

detected at photon energies of about 290 eV (see Fig. 2), very close to ionization potentials values



a * transition, just above I.P.) for simple

hydrocarbon molecules. In this case, the Auger decay of core holes at C atoms probably leads to

two- or multiple-hole final states. Anyway, the

energy of 290 eV deposited in polymer molecules is

sufficient to produce the bond rupture between


carbon atoms and consequently the strong ion de- sorption. On the other hand the strong excitation of

core electrons to 7T * or Rydberg orbitals by photons

of energies 2-5 eV only lower decay to states which

do not enable to brake effectively the bonds between C-atoms (or involving C-atoms).


We have demonstrated that electron yield spectra

near the carbon K edge of some polymer films display a characteristic absorption structure similar

to that observed in saturated or unsaturated hyd-

rocarbons like methane, ethane or benzene [5]. We

have interpreted the observed structure in terms of

core to antibonding 7T *, core to a a* (shape

resonances above the ionization threshold) and core

to Rydberg transitions. The presence of the Cls 7T* transition in TEY of polyethylene (saturated

bons in monomer unit) suggests that the surface

layer of polymers may have a different chemical structure than bulk material. It can be accounted

for, e.g. by end-groups of polymer chains or small

amounts of added stabilizer, which are favourably

concentrated in the surface area. These groups seem to have unsaturated bonds giving the strong 7T *

resonance signal in absorption spectra. It turns out from our studies that absorption spectroscopy includ- ing more advanced techniques like SEXFAS can be

a very useful method for the investigation of polymer

surfaces. It was found also that replacing hydrogen (H) atoms by deuterium (D) (isotopic labelling) only

in the benzene ring or even in all molecules of PS does not affect essentially the absorption spectrum

(differences smaller than 0.5 eV). The ion yield spectra have proved that excitations from core to

7r * and Rydberg orbitals do not lead to a significant

creation of damaged bonds and ion desorption. On

the other hand the excitation of polymers by photons

of energy higher than 290 eV results in a significant

rise of the ion yield of polymers. The threshold energy for the strong ion desorption can be related

to the ionization potential of the carbon Is shell (or

Is - a * transition, above I.P.). The Cls core holes

created by this excitation predominantly decay via Auger processes probably leading to two or multiple

hole final states which cause favourably bond rupture and ion desorption. In the present state, however, it

is difficult to indicate unequivocally the site of the excitation where the bond can break. The under-

standing of these processes is believed to answer the main questions connected with the permanent radi- ation damage in polymers. The bond rapture and ion desorption are primary steps in radiolysis of stable

defects in polymers like : crosslinking and degra-

dation. This can also be important for X-ray lithogra- phy (based on synchrotron radiation) since polymers proved to be good candidates for resist materials.

Another application in technical processes are cross-

linking reactions, which are used to improve e.g.

mechanical properties of polymeric materials.

We believe that mass spectroscopy detection of ions would give more insight to stimulated desorp-

tion of ions and photochemistry of processes leading

to permanent damage in polymer molecules. Investi-

gations in this direction are planned for future



We would like to thank Prof. Dr. K. Baberschke and D. Arvanitis for experimental help and valuable discussions. We acknowledge the support of Prof.

Dr. E. W. Fischer and the help during the operation

of the HE-PGM-2 monochromator by Dr.

H. Petersen.

This work was supported by BMFT under grant- No. 03-FIMPG 7.


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