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E.P.R. study of electron irradiation defects in the red molybdenum bronze of potassium K0.33MoO3


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E.P.R. study of electron irradiation defects in the red molybdenum bronze of potassium K0.33MoO3

H. Vichery, F. Rullier-Albenque, S. Bouffard

To cite this version:

H. Vichery, F. Rullier-Albenque, S. Bouffard. E.P.R. study of electron irradiation defects in the red molybdenum bronze of potassium K0.33MoO3. Journal de Physique, 1989, 50 (6), pp.685-696.

�10.1051/jphys:01989005006068500�. �jpa-00210946�


E.P.R. study of electron irradiation defects in the red

molybdenum bronze of potassium K0.33MoO3

H. Vichery, F. Rullier-Albenque and S. Bouffard (*)

Laboratoire des Solides Irradiés, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France (Reçu le 27 avril 1988, révisé le 19 septembre 1988, accepté le 14 novembre 1988)



Nous avons étudié par R.P.E. les défauts créés dans K0,33MoO3 par irradiation aux électrons. Nous avons ainsi mis en évidence l’existence de deux types de défauts (A et B) présentant de nombreux points communs : tous deux sont constitués d’un électron 4d non apparié

localisé préférentiellement sur un atome de molybdène et couplé beaucoup plus faiblement avec

deux autres atomes de molybdène. Nous proposons un modèle très simple pour la structure

électronique de ces centres paramagnétiques. Les mesures du temps de relaxation spin-réseau ont

montré une dépendance en température très inhabituelle (lois en T3 et T5) qui peut être expliquée

en considérant un modèle de phonons localisés au voisinage du défaut.



Defects induced by electron irradiation in the red molybdenum bronze of potassium K0.33MoO3 have been studied by E.P.R. spectroscopy. Two main types of centers (A and B) have

been observed. They both have been identified as unpaired 4d electrons localized on one

molybdenum atom with a weak interaction with two other ones. A very simple electronic model is

proposed to explain qualitatively the main features of these two paramagnetic centers.

Measurements of the spin-lattice relaxation time of defect A show a temperature variation much slower than expected from the standard theory. This unusual dependence (laws in T3 or T5) can be explained by an extended theory which takes into account the contributions of lattice vibrations at the defect sites.


Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction. -

Among the series of the potassium molybdenum bronzes of general formula KRMo03, the

blue bronze Ko.3MO03 has been intensively studied in relation with the non-linear transport

properties attributed to the sliding of the charge density wave (C.D.W.) [1]. In particular,

irradiation experiments have emphasized the role of lattice defects in the pinning of the

C.D.W. [2] and other associated phenomena such as metastability or hysteresis [3]. However,

the nature of irradiation defects is totally unknown in this complicated structure. The interaction between C.D.W. and defects and also the presence of free carriers avoid an

accurate knowledge of the defect structure in such materials. In this paper, we present E.P.R.

(*) Present address : C.I.R.I.L., Bd H. Becquerel, B.P. 5133, 14040 Caen Cedex.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01989005006068500


study of the defects produced by electron irradiation in a very neighbour compound of the

blue bronze : the red potassium molybdenum bronze Ko.33MOO3.

2. Crystal structure and properties of Ko.33Mo03.

The red bronze Ko33Mo03 crystallizes, as well as the blue bronze, in the monoclinic space group C2/m [4]. The structures of these two compounds consist of distorted Mo06 octahedra

which are arranged to form clusters of 10 (KO.3MO03) or 6 (KO.33MO03) octahedra. In the red

bronze, identical clusters form bidimensional infinite layers in the directions (010) and (001) by sharing corners (see Fig. 1). Adjacent layers are joined together by potassium ions incorporated in between. If all available potassium sites are occupied the ideal formula is




The electronic structure of molybdenum bronzes can be interpreted as follows [5] : in the binary oxide M06018, 5s, 5p, 4d Mo orbitals combine with 2s and 2p O orbitals to form an occupied valence band. The empty antibonding 4d orbitals are lying far above the valence band. As, in first approximation, Mo is placed in a cubic symmetry, 4d (eg) orbitals are shifted

above 4d (t2 g) orbitals. Actually, the octahedron is distorted and the triplet is probably splitted.

In the bronzes, K yields its outer electron so that two electrons per cluster occupy the

4d(t2g) levels (for the stoechiometric compound).

Electrical [6] and optical [7] measurements have shown the semiconducting character and the strong anisotropy of the red bronze. These properties are bound to the fact that the

4d (t2 g ) orbitals are only delocalized over the cluster and that there is no overlap between two

Fig. 1.


Crystal structure of the red potassium molybdenum bronze Ko.33MOO3 [4]. (a) Arrangement

of six Mo-O octahedra forming a cluster. (b) Projection parallel to the monoclinic b-axis. (e) K at



1/2 ; (0) K at y


0. Mo(l) at y


0 and Mo(2) at y




neighbouring clusters. The two electrons are necessarily paired because magnetic suscepti- bility [6] does not show strong temperature dependent paramagnetism and paramagnetic

centers [8] only represent 10 ppm of the 4d (t2 g ) electrons.

E.P.R. spectra of the non irradiated material [8] show the existence of several E.P.R.

centers attributed to M05 + (4d’): g tensors have nearly tetragonal symmetry with gb (1.89-1.90) : g1. (1.92-1.93 ). These centers are related to deviation from potassium stoechiometry. The analysis of the hyperfine structure indicates that the unpaired d electrons

are delocalized within a domain of 6 Mo06 octahedra (namely in one cluster).

3. Experiments.

The single crystals used in this study are grown by electrolysis ; they are platelets parallel to

the monoclinic b and c axes and easily cleave parallel to this plane. The samples were

irradiated at 20 K by electrons of energies ranging from 0.6 to 2.5 MeV. The energy loss by

nuclear collision or electronic excitation is high enough to induce atomic displacement. The

irradiations were performed in the VINKAC’low temperature facility installed on the Van der Graaff accelerator in Fontenay-aux-Roses [9].

E.P.R. spectra were recorded with a Bruker E.P.R. 200 D spectrometer operating at a frequency of 9.3 GHz (X-band). Using a helium continuous-flow cryostat fitted on the spectrometer, we could obtain, at the sample position, temperatures varying from 4 to 300 K.

Available incident micro-wave power was ranging from 0.5 uW to 245 mW. Samples were

rotated in the magnetic field with a one-axis goniometer.

Results reported here refer to two types of experiments carried out differently.


In the first one, samples were irradiated by electrons of energies ranging from 0.6 to 2.5

MeV and at doses between 0.2 to 1 C/cmz. After irradiation at 20 K, these samples were kept

in liquid nitrogen, apart from a rapid warming up to room temperature (R.T.) for a few

seconds to transfer the samples in the E.P.R. spectrometer. Unfortunately, further R.T.

annealing experiments show that some defect recovery occurs in this transfer operation, so

the evolution of the defect concentration versus irradiation conditions such as electron energy

or dose could not be followed. One of these samples (Sl) has been especially studied (irradiation energy : 800 keV, dose : 0.7 ± 0.1 C/CM2).


The second series of experiments concerns samples irradiated at 20 K by 2.5 MeV

electrons at relatively high doses ( > 2 C/cm2) and kept at R.T. for several weeks before measurement. Results displayed by sample S2 (dose 2.4 C/cm2) are representative of this


4. Results.

First of all, E.P.R. spectra are very different in the pure and electron irradiated samples.

Whatever the irradiation conditions, E.P.R. spectra present the same general features : four different types of signals are observed. They all are strongly anisotropic with factor g varying between 1.85 and 1.96 for two of them (spectra A and B), 1.35 to 1.64 for spectrum C and 1.74 to 1.83 for spectrum D. We have especially studied spectra A and B which are the most intense and are strongly related together.



Spectrum A.


The spectrum A consists in a

central line surrounded by three different series of six identical lines (see Fig. 2) and by a

group of much weaker satellites. Each series (denoted I, II, III) corresponds to a hyperfine


Fig. 2.


E.P.R. spectrum of electron irradiated Ko,33MOO3: schematic structure of spectrum A.

interaction with a nucleus spin 5/2. This spectrum can be explained with the following


in which g and Ai are symetric tensors and S = 1/2 ; I



In order to explain precisely the positions of the hyperfine lines 1 which correspond to a

constant AI much larger than the two other ones, second order corrections for hyperfine

Hamiltonian have to be taken into account [10].

In figure 2, one can see that each line of hyperfine structure (HFS) I splits into two parts (I’, I") whose hyperfine constants differ by 2 % and intensities by - 60 %. This hyperfine structure

is consistent with the natural abundance and nuclear moments of 95Mo and 97MO (see Tab. 1).

So the HFS I, and consequently the HFS’ II and III, are due to the interaction of an electron

spin 1/2 with the nucleus spin I


5/2 of the two isotopes 95Mo and 97Mo.

Table I.


Natural isotopes of molybdenum with 1 :¡l: 0.

In the case of the HFS’s II and III, the differences induced by the presence of the two Mo

isotopes with I = 5/2 are too small for the two distinct lines to be separated.

Moreover, numerical simulations (Fig. 3) show that the lines of the three hyperfine

structures have nearly the same intensity and the intensity ratio of the central line to the

hyperfine lines (HFS I, II, III) is about 18/1. Taking into account the natural abundance of the

isotopes gSMo, 97Mo, the case (3 Mo with I = 0) is eighteen times as probable as the case


Fig. 3. Comparison of the model with measured spectrum near the central line : numerical simulation

assuming one central line surrounded with two lines from HFS II and from HFS III, each line having the

same width.

(2 Mo with I


0 and 1 Mo with I


5/2). From this, we can conclude that the spectrum A is due to unpaired electrons delocalised over three different molybdenum sites.

In order to determine the g and Ai tensors, the crystals have been rotated in relation to the external magnetic field H around the perpendicular directions a*, b and c. When H is not parallel to the mirror plane of the structure (a-c plane), the spectrum A does not split into two

identical spectra corresponding to the occurrence of two equivalent crystallographic sites,

which indicates that the b axis constitutes a principal axis for the g and Ai tensors. The eigenvalues of the g and Ai tensors are respectively equal to :


The directions of the principal axes are represented in respect to the crystallographic

directions in figure 4a for the g and AI tensors. Given the measurement precision, it is difficult

to say if the difference of 5° in the a-c plane between the principal axis of g and AI is significant.

As the AIl and AIII tensors are concemed, it is difficult to détermine precise values because

the HFS’s are not well resolved. Nevertheless one can roughly say that the distances between

two successive lines vary between 6 and 7.5 G for HFS II and between 4 and 5 G for HFS III


Fig. 4.


Principal axis of tensors in the a-c plane. The third axis is along b. (a) g and A tensors of spectrum A. (b) g tensor of spectrum B.

whatever orientation of the sample in the extemal magnetic field. These variations are much

weaker than for HFS 1 (39 G-96 G). Then it is likely that the AIl and AIII tensors have not the

same symmetry as AI.

As the magnitude of Ai tensor is a measurement of electron density at the given i site, one

can conclude from the precedent analysis that the spectrum A is mainly due to the resonance

of an unpaired electron localized (electron density is around 80 %) at a Mo atom (which is

denoted site I). Nevertheless the extent of the atomic orbital is such as the electron can also

weakly interact with two other Mo atoms located in the neighbourhood.

Spectrum B. - Spectrum B presents the same main features as spectrum A. It consists in a

central line surrounded by three HFS denoted I, II, III. One of them (HFS I) has a hyperfine

constant much more important than the two others. The line width is too large to separate lines from 95Mo and 97Mo but lines of HFS 1 appear wider than the central line because of this

non resolved structure. Figure 5 shows the result of numerical simulation of the spectrum

center. As for spectrum A, the best fit is achieved with the assumption of a unpaired electron

delocalised over three different molybdenum sites. However hyperfine interactions (II and III) are less intense than for spectrum A and are difficult to resolve near the central line.

Like spectrum A, spectrum B does not split into two identical spectra by rotating crystal in

the extemal magnetic field. The measured g values are gx


1.881, gy


1.934, gz



Figure 4b shows the direction of principal axes of g tensor. The distance between two successive hyperfine lines varies approximatively from 16 G to 42 G for HFS I. They are respectively around 3 G and 4 G for HFS II and HFS III.



The line width of spectra A and B do not depend on temperature for T 150 K. This allows to determine the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility X by measuring only the intensities of the central lines. Figure 6 shows that y verifies a Curie law (X oc 1/T) for both types of defects. The number of defects N is deduced by comparison with a calibrated copper sulfate sample. For experiments, both samples are at the same time in the spectrometer, as close as possible. Non saturated spectra

are recorded at the same temperature. Values of N are obtained with a precision around 30 %

for N around 1019 spin/cm3 and between 40 and 50 % for N around 1018 spins/cm3.

Depending on the experimental conditions, different results were obtained :


In the samples of the first series (kept at 77 K after irradiation), the numbers of defects

A and B are located in the same range of magnitude (1018 to 1019 spins/cm3). For the less


Fig. 5.


Numerical simulation of the center of the spectrum B with the same assumptions as for spectrum A.

Fig. 6.


Inverse of the amplitude (10) of the central line of spectra A and B as a function of T.

Arbitrary units on y-axis.

irradiated samples, spectrum B is more intense than spectrum A ; opposite result is observed

for the most irradiated ones. After a few hours of R.T. annealing, defects B have nearly completely disappeared in the background of the spectrum. On the contrary, within the measurement accuracy, we cannot see any variation in the concentration of defects A. For the

sample S 1, the concentration is equal to 2.7-4.2 x 1018 spins/cm3.



In the samples of the second series, which were studied after a R.T. annealing of several weeks, the spectrum B does not appear. In sample S2, the concentration of defects A is equal

to 1.5-2 x 102° spins/cm3 which represents two percents of damaged cluster. A second R.T.

annealing of several months decreases this value down to less than 1018 spins/cm3.

4.3 RELAXATION TIMES. - To determine the spin-spin (T2) and spin-lattice (ri) relaxation times, steady state saturation method has been used. By using Castner’s method [11], we have

calculated the a parameter which measures the degree of inhomogeneous broadening (a = nH G ~HI which AHG the inhomogeneous absorption line width and OHL the « spin packet »


width). Results reported below are limited to the spectrum A after annealing. For all samples

we have studied, a is found to be superior to one which allows the assumption of homogeneous broadening for the lines of interest here.

4.3.1 Spin-spin relaxation time T2. T2 is deduced directly from the measurement of the line width OH PP pp by T2 = 3- -y 2 AH 3 ’)’ I1H with y 9 1£ B À T2 2 is found to vary between 5 and

15 x 10- g s for spectrum A after annealing.

For samples of the first series, the line width seems to be independent of the concentration of defects A and we note a decrease of I1Hpp after R.T. annealing although the concentration of defects A remains approximately constant : for instance, the line width of sample SI

decreases from 1.1 G to 0.6 G.

However, for sample S2, the same value of I1Hpp (1.1-1.4 G) is found for concentrations of 1.5-2 x 1020 spins/cm3 and less than 1018 spins/cm3.

4.3.2 Spin-lattice relaxation time Tl.


Values of Tl are issued from the product Tl T2 given by the saturation curves [12], T2 being determined independently as previously reported. The temperature dependence of Tl was studied between 10 and 200 K. Below 10 K, Tl is too long and the lines are satured even at the weakest available power. For both samples

SI and S2, Tl is found to depend on the field direction, whatever the temperature. This is displayed in figure 7 for the sample S2. Moreover, a very unusual temperature dependence of Tl is observed : experimental data cannot be fitted by any common model [13, 14]. Best fits of

our results are obtained with a phenomenological law (over the range of six orders of

Fig. 7.


Dependence of spin lattice relaxation mechanism of defect A with the magnetic field :

evolution of Ti when the sample S2 is rotating around b-axis ( T = 30 K ). One can note that the largest

variation of Tl with the magnetic field is of the order of 6.


magnitude) such as 1/T1 proportional to Txwith x between 3 and 5, which is much slower than

expected by standard theory.

5. Discussion.

Results presented in the previous section show that E.P.R. spectra of irradiated red bronzes of potassium are quite complex. Moreover, quantitative analysis of the results is hindered by

the not well-controlled recovery of the defects during the measurements. In particular,

relations between the two series of experiments performed are actually difficult. Nevertheless,

some general conclusions come out from these results.

First of all, although the paramagnetic centers are very different in irradiated and non

irradiated samples [8], they present some common features : the nearly tetragonal symmetry of g tensors, the range of magnitude (1.85-1.95) of g factor and the property : 91 - 9 1 These results seem to be characteristic of an ion Mo5 + (4d’) in a distorted octahedral

configuration (see M05+ in Ti02 by Kyi [15], Chang [16]). However, according [13, 15], the property gil g.l. should be expected.

In non irradiated red bronzes, unpaired electrons are delocalized over five or six Mo atoms

(approximately over one cluster) [8]. On the contrary, irradiation induced centers (A and B)

are mainly localized (at 80 %) around one Mo atom with a weak interaction with two other


The tetragonal axis of the g tensors for both A and B centers is parallel to the (a-c) mirror plane of the non disturbed structure. So it is reasonable to think that the Mo atom mainly

concerned is a molybdenum Mo(l) (see Fig. 1) located in that plane. To distinguish two other

distinct Mo atoms among the four equivalent Mo(2) atoms of the original structure, structural modification within the cluster must be assumed.

As the A and B centers are created with nearly the same concentration by 2 MeV and

600 keV electrons, their threshold energies must be very weak. Displacement thresholds are

unknown in red bronze but, given the open structure of this material they are probably weak

even for molybdenum. However, as A and B defects have the same symmetry as the non disturbed structure, molybdenum vacancy/interstitial within the cluster can be excluded.

Then, we can conclude that A and B centers are induced by point defects in the sublattices of oxygen or potassium. This point defect must involve a little structural modification in the group of six Mo atoms and create an unpaired electron.

In order to understand qualitatively the main features (symmetry, hyperfine coupling) of A

and B centers, we use a very simple model with the following assumptions :


We consider the non disturbed structure where octahedra are supposed to be regular (Fig. 8a). We neglect effects of irradiation on the position of Mo atoms but we consider them

as a perturbation potential applied on electronic states.


Electronic structure has not been radically changed and we assume that the unpaired

electron occupies a 4d (t2 g) antibonding orbital (as the two electrons yielded by potassium in

non irradiated bronze).


As the unpaired electrons are strongly localized, their ground state can be well

described with atomic orbitals of Mo(l) atoms. By assuming small departures from octahedral crystal field, pure (xy ), (xz ), (yz ) orbitals can be used (see Fig. 8a, b).

Electron densities of (yz ) and (xy ) orbitals both have tetragonal symmetry and the two

axes (x and z) are parallel to the (a-c) plane. Moreover for each orbital, hyperfine interactions with only two Mo(2) are possible (Fig. 8b). We suggest that A centers (B centers) are created

when the perturbation potential induced by point defects lowers (xy ) orbitals ( (zy ) orbitals)

(see Fig. 8c).


Fig. 8.


(a) Projection parallel to the b axis of the structure : oxygen atoms occupy octahedra vertices.

(b) (xy ) orbital and position of Mo and 0 atoms in (x, y) plane. (c) Electronic model for A center : cubic symmetry has been assumed for the Mo crystal field so that 4d (t2 g) orbitals are degenerate (before irradiation). Actually these orbitals are splitted but the result is the same if the perturbation potential is higher than the splitting.

In this simple model, we have totally ignored the local deformation of the cluster, so it is

not surprising that the experimental directions of the symmetry axes of g tensors and the different magnitudes of hyperfine coupling can not be found out.

Results obtained in the first series of experiments show that spectrum A is strongly

correlated with spectrum B. Annealing experiments indicate that spectrum B is less stable than spectrum A : a few hours R.T. annealing is sufficient to suppress spectrum B almost completely whereas only the line width of spectrum A changes. On the other hand, an important recovery of defects A is also observed in sample S2 annealed at room temperature for several months. A parallel can be drawn between these two observations and the evolutions of concentrations of defects A and B - decrease of spectrum B and increase of spectrum A - as the irradiation dose increases. These results could be the sign that defects B

are progressively transformed into defects A during annealing and during irradiation.

Spin lattice relaxation mechanism observed for spectrum A sets many problems. The main

features of the phenomena have been described by Stevens [14]. Quantitative predictions for

the direct process and the Raman processes lead to temperature variations of 11 Tl as follows :

with hw


9 IL B H and Rd, Rr dependent and Rt non dependent on the orientation of the

magnetic field.

Above 10 K, the direct process is negligible. As it has been reported in paragraph 4.3.2,

laws in T 7and 71 can absolutely not fit the experimental data. These theoretical temperature dependences essentially result from the assumption of the Debye model for lattice vibrations.

Phonon spectrum of the non irradiated red bronze is totally unknown but it is likely that at

low temperatures (T 100 K) deviation to the Debye model is not important enough to explain the experimental results. As seen before, paramagnetic centers (A and B) are

associated with structural modification within the cluster and large lattice deformation can

induce local strains significantly different from those in a non disturbed lattice. An extended


theory of spin-lattice relaxation which takes into account the vibration modes localized at a

structural defect has been proposed by Castle et al. [17]. Instead of the power laws in

T 7and T9, they obtained laws in T3 and T 5 for the Raman process.

With this model, they explain the temperature dependence (laws in T3 observed from 13 to 250 K) for the relaxation time of the Ei center in irradiated quartz. It should be noted that the

Ei center is associated to a structural defect and that quartz (as molybdenum bronzes) has an

open structure : according to [17], in an open structure one can expect the mechanical properties of defect sites to differ strongly from these of perfect sites.

It is shown in figure 9 that our experimental data can be rather well fitted by a’ linear

combination of terms in T3 and T5. Different results are reported on this figure but it is

difficult to link them together because of the ànisotropy of Tl :


For sample S2, temperature dependences of 11T, were studied for two different concentrations of defects A but in two different orientations of the magnetic field. For

1.7 x 1020 spins/cm3 and in the position H//ZG (see Fig. 7), we found : 1 /Ti


2.02 T3. For a

concentration lower than 1018 spins/cm3 and in the position H//xG :

In this case, the term in T5 does not appear or is very small. Moreover, ratio of the two factors of T3 can not be fully explained by anisotropy of the relaxation time (Fig. 7).


For samples SI (2.7-4.2 x 1018 spins/cm3), the term in T5 is more important. One finds

for H in the (a-c) plane : 1/Fi


0.024 T3+ 2.14 x 10-5 T5. Variations of the different coefficients are not well understood but the spin lattice relaxation mechanisms must be

strongly dependent on the particular structure of irradiation defects and then sensibly

Fig. 9.


Evolution of 1 / Tl (defect A) with température. Experimental data are fitted by :


different in samples SI and S2. Anyway these results show that localized phonons take an important place in the spin lattice relaxation mechanism.

7. Conclusion.

In this paper, we have reported an E.P.R. study of defects in electron irradiated samples of

red potassium bronze Ko.33MO03. Two different defects have been especially studied. Their main features (composition, symmetry, hyperfine coupling, ...) were well characterized. A

rough model has been suggested for these two paramagnetic centers. We have shown that the standard theory is not able to explain the spin-lattice relaxation rates measured for defects. In this case, it is necessary to take into account characteristic vibrational frequencies associated

with the defects as proposed by Castle et al. [17].

Further experiments are clearly necessary to connect the results obtained in the two series of experiments performed in the present study ; in particular, it would be interesting to follow

the relative evolution of the two types of defects with the irradiation dose. Moreover, a more precise knowledge of the structure of irradiation defects should allow a better understanding

of the features of spin-lattice relaxation in this damaged compound.


The authors thank J. Marcus for providing the samples and F. Beuneu, J. M. Flesselles for

helpful discussions.


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