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Formal Frame for Data Mining with Association Rules - a Tool for Workflow Planning


Academic year: 2022

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Formal Frame for Data Mining with Association Rules – a Tool for Workflow Planning

Jan Rauch and Milan ˇSim ˚unek



The goal of this extended abstract is to contribute to the forum for research on construction of data mining workflows. We briefly intro- duce a formal framework calledFOFRADAR(FOrmal FRAmework for Data mining with Association Rules) and then we outline how it can be used to control a workflow of data mining with associa- tion rules. We consider this relevant to associative classifiers that use association rule mining in the training phase [3].

We deal with association rulesϕ≈ψwhereϕandψare general Boolean attributes derived from columns of analyzed data matrices.

Symbol≈is called 4ft-quantifier and it stands for a condition con- cerning a contingency table ofϕandψ[6]. Such rules are more gen- eral than rules introduced in [1]. We consider data mining process as described by the well known CRISP-DM methodology.

The FOFRADAR is introduced in [5]. Its goal is to formally de- scribe a data mining process such that domain knowledge can be used both in formulation of reasonable analytical questions and in inter- pretation of resulting set of association rules. No similar approach to dealing with domain knowledge in data mining is known to the au- thors. An application of the FOFRADAR in data mining workflows is outlined here for the first time.


FOFRADAR is based on alogical calculusLCof association rules.

Formulas ofLCcorrespond to the association rulesϕ≈φ[4]. Such rules are evaluated in data matrices rows of which correspond to ob- served objectso1, . . . , on and columns correspond to observed at- tributesA1, . . . , AK. We assume thatAihas a finite numberti≥2 of possible values1, . . . , ti(i.e.categories) andAi(oj)is a value of Aiin rowojfori= 1, . . . , Kandj= 1, . . . , n.

Boolean attributesϕ,φare derived from basic Boolean attributes i.e expressions Ai(α) where α ⊂ {1, . . . , ti}. A basic Boolean attributeAi(α) is true in a rowoj of a given data matrixM if Ai(oj) ∈ α, otherwise it is false. Thus, we do not deal only with Boolean attributes - conjunctions of attribute-value pairsAi(a) wherea∈ {1, . . . , ti}but we use general Boolean attributes derived by connectives∧,∨,¬from columns of a given data matrix.

The4ft-table4f t(ϕ,ψ,M)ofϕandψin a data matrixMis a quadrupleha, b, c, diwhereais the number of rows ofMsatisfying bothϕandψ,bis the number of rows satisfyingϕand not satisfying ψ,cis the number of rows not satisfyingϕand satisfyingψandd is the number of rows satisfying neitherϕnorψ. A{0,1}-valued associated functionF(a, b, c, d) is defined for each 4ft-quantifier

1 University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic, email: rauch@vse.cz and simunek@vse.cz

≈. The ruleϕ≈ψis true in a data matrixMifF(a, b, c, d) = 1 whereha, b, c, di= 4f t(ϕ,ψ,M), otherwise it is false inM.

ExpressionA1(1,2,3)∨A2(4,6)⇒p,B A3(8,9)∧A4(1)is an example of association rule,⇒p,Bis a 4ft-quantifier of founded im- plication. It isFp,B(a, b, c, d) = 1if and only ifa+ba ≥p∧a≥B [2]. There are various additional 4ft-quantifiers defined in [2, 4].

A deduction ruleϕϕ≈ψ0≈ψ0 is correct if the following is true for each data matrixM:ifϕ≈ψis true inMthen alsoϕ0 ≈ψ0is true in M. There are reasonable criteria making possible to decide ifϕϕ≈ψ0≈ψ0

is a correct deduction rule [4].

FOFRADAR consists of a logical calculusLCof association rules and of several mutually related languages and procedures used to formalize both items of domain knowledge and important steps in the data mining process. They are shortly introduced below, relations of some of them to the CRISP-DM are sketched in Fig. 1.

Figure 1. FOFRADAR framework and CRISP-DM methodology

LanguageLDKof domain knowledge– formulas ofLDKcorre- spond to items of domain knowledge. A formulaA1 ↑↑A11mean- ing that ifA1 increases thenA11increases too is an example. We consider formulas ofLDKas results of business understanding.

LanguageLDtof data knowledge– its formulas can be consid- ered as results of data understanding. An example is information that 90 per cent of observed patients are men.

Language LAQ of analytical questions – the expression


[M:A1, . . . , A10?A11, . . . , A20;6→A1↑↑A11]is an example of a formula of LAQ. It corresponds to a question Q1:In data matrixM, are there any relations between combinations of values of attributesA1, . . . , A10and combinations of values of attributes A11, . . . , A20which are not consequences ofA1↑↑A11?

LanguageLRARof sets of relevant association rules– each for- mulaΦ ofLRAR defines a setS(Φ)of rules relevant to a given analytical question. The setS(Φ)relevant toQ1can consist of rules ϕ ⇒0.9,100 ψwhereϕis a conjunction of some of basic Boolean attributesA11), . . . , A1010), similarly forψandA11, . . . , A20. Hereα1can be e.g. any interval of maximal 3 consecutive categories, similarly for additional basic Boolean attributes.

Procedure ASSOC– its input consists of a formulaΦofLRAR

and of an analyzed data matrixM. Output of the ASSOC procedure is a setT rue(S(Φ),M)of all rulesϕ≈ψbelonging toS(Φ)which are true inM. The procedure 4ft-Miner [6] is an implementation of ASSOC. It deals with a very sophisticated languageLRAR.

Procedure Cons– this procedure maps a formulaΩofLDK to a setCons(Ω,≈)of association rulesϕ≈ψwhich can be considered as consequences ofΩ. The setCons(A1 ↑↑A11,⇒p,B)is a set of all rulesϕ⇒p,Bφfor whichω⇒ϕ⇒p,Bτ

p,Bφis a correct deduction rule and ω ⇒p,B τ is an atomic consequence ofCons(A1 ↑↑A11). Rules A1(low)⇒p,B A11(low))andA1(high) ⇒p,B A11(high)are ex- amples of atomic consequences ofA1 ↑↑ A11, low andhighare suitable subsets of categories ofA1andA11. Some additional rules can also be considered as belonging toCons(A1 ↑↑A11,⇒p,B), see [5] for details.

LanguageLConcl– formulas of this language correspond to con- clusions which can be made on the basis of the setT rue(S(Φ),M) produced by the ASSOC procedure. Two examples of such conclu- sions follow. (1): All rules inT rue(S(Φ),M)can be considered as consequences of known items of domain knowledgeA1 ↑↑ A11

orA2 ↑↑A19.(2):Lot of rules fromT rue(S(Φ),M)can be con- sidered as consequences of yet unknown item of domain knowledge A9↑↑A17.

There are additional procedures belonging to FOFRADAR, they transform formulas of a particular language to formulas of another language of FOFRADAR [5].

3 FOFRADAR and Workflow of Data Mining

To keep things simple and the explanation concise we assume that the analyzed data matrixMis given as a result of necessary trans- formations. In addition, we assume that a setDKof formulas of the languageLDKand a setDtKof formulas of the languageLDtare given. A workflow of data mining with association rules can be then described according to Fig. 2.

The first row in Fig. 2 means that an analytical questionQwhich can be solved by the procedure ASSOC is formulated using setDK of formulas of the languageLDK. The setDtKof formulas of the languageLDK can also be used to formulate reasonable analytical questions.

A solution ofQstarts with a definition of a setS(Φ)of relevant association rules which have to be verified inM, see row 2 in Fig.

2. The setS(Φ)is given by a formula Φof languageLRAR. The formulaΦis a result of application of a procedure transforming for- mulas ofLAQto formulas ofLRAR.

Then, the procedure ASSOC is applied, see row 3 in Fig. 2. Ex- perience with the procedure 4ft-Miner, which is an enhanced imple- mentation of the ASSOC procedure, are given in [6, 7]. The applica- tion of ASSOC results into a setT rue(S(Φ),M)of all association

1 1 Formulate_Analytical_Question 2 Define_Set_of_Relevant_Rules 3 2 Apply ASSOC

4 Apply CONCL

5 IF Continue_ASSOC THEN


7 Modify Set_of_Relevant_Rules

8 GOTO 2


10 IF Continue_Analysis THEN GOTO 1 11 STOP

Figure 2. Association rule data mining workflow based on FOFRADAR

rulesϕ≈ψwhich belong toS(Φ)and which are true inM.

A next step is interpretation of the setT rue(S(Φ),M). This is re- alized by the procedureCON CL, see row 4 in Fig. 2. Consequences of particular items of domain knowledge are used which means that the procedureConsis applied and several formulas of the language LConclare produced by the procedureCON CL.

One of formulas produced byCON CLis a simple Boolean vari- ableContinue ASSOC. If its value is setup astrue, then the set S(Φ)of relevant association rules which have to be verified is mod- ified and the process of solution of the analytical questionQcon- tinues, ses rows 5 – 9 in Fig. 2. The modification of the setS(Φ) is done by the procedureM odif ySet of Relevant Ruleswhich uses experience from applications of the 4ft-Miner procedure.

If the value ofContinue ASSOC is setup tof alse, then the process of solution of the particular analytical question is terminated.

Then a procedureContinue Analysisis used to decide if an addi- tional analytical question will be generated and solved.

There are first experiences with ”manually driven” processes cor- responding to procedures used in Fig. 2. The most important is ex- perience with process corresponding to theCON CLprocedure, see [7]. We believe to get enough experience to run the whole data work- flow process automatically as outlined in Fig. 2.


The work described here has been supported by Grant No.

201/08/0802 of the Czech Science Foundation.


[1] R. Aggraval et al.,Fast Discovery of Association Rules, 307–328, Ad- vances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, 1996.

[2] P. H´ajek and T. Havr´anek,Mechanising Hypothesis Formation - Mathe- matical Foundations for a General Theory, Springer, Berlin, 1978 [3] M. Jalali-Heravi and R. Zaiane,A study on interestingness measures for

associative classifiers, 1039–1046, Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Sym- posium on Applied Computing, ACM New York, 2010

[4] J. Rauch: Logic of association rules,Applied Intelligence,22, 9–28, 2005 [5] J. Rauch,Consideration on a Formal Frame for Data Mining, 562–569, Proceedings of Granular Computing 2011, IEEE Computer Society, Pis- cataway, 2011.

[6] J. Rauch and M. ˇSim˚unek,An Alternative Approach to Mining Associa- tion Rules, 219–238, Data Mining: Foundations, Methods, and Applica- tions, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005.

[7] J. Rauch and M. ˇSim˚unek,Applying Domain Knowledge in Association- Rules Mining Process - First Experience, 113–122, Foundations of In- telligent Systems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2011.


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