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Two Dimensional Incompressible Ideal Flow Around a Thin Obstacle Tending to a Curve


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Two dimensional incompressible ideal flow around a thin obstacle tending to a curve

Christophe Lacave

Université de Lyon, Université Lyon 1, INSA de Lyon, F-69621, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5208, Institut Camille Jordan, Batiment du Doyen Jean Braconnier, 43, blvd du 11 novembre 1918, F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France

Received 18 November 2007; received in revised form 7 May 2008; accepted 30 June 2008 Available online 30 July 2008


In this work we study the asymptotic behavior of solutions of the incompressible two dimensional Euler equations in the exterior of a single smooth obstacle when the obstacle becomes very thin tending to a curve. We extend results by Iftimie, Lopes Filho and Nussenzveig Lopes, obtained in the context of an obstacle tending to a point, see [D. Iftimie, M.C. Lopes Filho, H.J. Nussenzveig Lopes, Two dimensional incompressible ideal flow around a small obstacle, Comm. Partial Differential Equations 28 (1–2) (2003) 349–379].

©2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Incompressible flow; Ideal flow; Exterior flow

1. Introduction

The purpose of this work is to study the influence of a thin material obstacle on the behavior of two dimensional incompressible ideal flows. More precisely, we consider a family of obstaclesΩε which are smooth, bounded, open, connected, simply connected subsets of the plane, contracting to a smooth curveΓ asε→0. Given the geometry of the exterior domainR2\Ωε, a velocity field (divergence free and tangent to the boundary) on this domain is uniquely determined by the two following (independent) quantities: vorticity and circulation of velocity on the boundary of the obstacle. Throughout this paper we assume that initial vorticityω0is independent ofε, smooth, compactly supported outside the obstaclesΩεand thatγ, the circulation of the initial velocity on the boundary, is independent ofε. From the work of K. Kikuchi [4], we know that there existsuε=uε(x, t )a unique global solution to the Euler equation in the exterior domainR2\Ωε associated to the initial data described above. Our aim is to determine the limit ofuε asε→0. As a consequence, we also obtain the existence of a solution of the Euler equations in the exterior of the curveΓ.

The study of incompressible fluid flows in presence of small obstacles was initiated by Iftimie, Lopes Filho and Nussenzveig Lopes [2,3]. The paper [2] treats the same problem as above but with obstacles that shrink homothetically to a pointP, instead of a curve. The case of Navier–Stokes is considered in [3]. In the inviscid case, these authors prove that if the circulationγvanishes, then the limit velocity verifies the Euler equation inR2(with the same initial

E-mail address:lacave@math.univ-lyon1.fr.

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



vorticity). If the circulation is non-zero, then the limit equation involves a new term that looks that a fixed Dirac mass in the pointPof strengthγ; the initial vorticity also acquires a Dirac mass inP. In the case of Navier–Stokes, the limit equation is always Navier–Stokes but the initial vorticity of the limit equation still has an additional Dirac mass inP. Here we will show that, in the inviscid case, the limit equation is the Euler equation inR2\Γ. The initial velocity for the limit equation is a velocity field which is divergence free inR2, tangent toΓ such that the curl computed in R2\Γ isω0and the curl computed inR2isω0+gω0δΓ wheregω0 is a density given explicitly in terms ofω0andγ. Alternatively,gω0is the jump of the tangential velocity acrossΓ.

More precisely, letΦε be a cut-off function in a smallε-neighborhood of the boundary (the precise definition of Φεis given in Section 4.2) and setωε=curluε. Our main theorem may be stated as follows:

Theorem 1.1.There exists a subsequenceε=εk→0such that (a) Φεuεustrongly inL2loc(R+×R2);

(b) Φεωεωweak-∗inL(R+;L4loc(R2));

(c) uis related toωby means of relation(5.2);

(d) uandωare weak solutions ofωt+u· ∇ω=0inR2×(0,).

The limit velocityuis explicitly given in terms ofωandγ(see Theorem 5.6) and can be viewed as the divergence free vector field which is tangent toΓ, vanishing at infinity, with curl inR2\Γ equal toωand with circulation around the curveΓ equal toγ. This velocity is blowing up at the endpoints of the curveΓ as the inverse of the square root of the distance and has a jump acrossΓ. Moreover, we have curlu=ω+gω(s)δΓ inR2× [0,∞), whereδΓ is the Dirac function of the curveΓ, and thegω which is defined in Lemma 5.8 depends onωand the circulationγ. The functiongω is continuous onΓ and blows up at the endpoints of the curveΓ as the inverse of the square root of the distance. One can also characterizegω as the jump of the tangential velocity acrossΓ. The presence of the additional termgωin the expression of curlu, compared of the Euler equation in the full plane, is compulsory to obtain a vector field tangent to the curve, with a circulationγ around the curve.

There is a sharp contrast between the behavior of ideal flows around a small and thin obstacle. In [2], the authors studied the vanishing obstacle problem when the obstacle tends homothetically to a pointP. Their main result is that the limit vorticity satisfies a modified vorticity equation of the form ωt+u· ∇ω=0, with divu=0 and curlu= ω+γ δ(xP ). In other words, for small obstacles the correction due to the vanishing obstacle appears as time- independent additional convection centered atP, whereas in the thin obstacle case, the correction term depends on the time. Although treating a related problem, the present work requires a different approach. Indeed, in [2], the proofs are simplified by the fact that the obstacles are homothetic to a fixed domain. Indeed, an easy change of variablesy=x/ε allows in that case to return to a fixed obstacle and to deduce the required estimates. This argument clearly does not work here and a considerable amount of work is needed to characterize the conformal mapping that sends the exterior of a small obstacle into the exterior of the unit disk. Moreover, in [2] the authors use the div–curl Lemma to obtain strong convergence for velocity. This is made possible by the validity of some bounds on the divergence and the curl of the velocity. A consequence of our work is that these estimates are no longer valid in our case, so this approach cannot work. We will be able to prove directly strong convergence for the velocity through several applications of the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem. We finally observe that, in contrast to the case of [2], the vanishing of the circulationγ plays no role in our result. The limit velocity will always verify the same type of equation.

We also mention that Lopes Filho treated in [5] the case of several obstacles with one of the obstacles tending to a point, but the author had to work on a bounded domain. In this case, we do not have explicit formulas anymore, and the conformal mapping technique is replaced by qualitative analysis using elliptic techniques, including variational methods and the maximum principle.

The remainder of this work is organized in five sections. We introduce in Section 2 a family of conformal mappings between the exterior ofΩεand the exterior of the unit disk, allowing the use of explicit formulas for basic harmonic fields and the Biot–Savart law, which will be really helpful to obtain sharp estimations. In the third part, we precisely formulate the flow problem in the exterior of a vanishing obstacle. In Section 4, we collect a priori estimates in order to find the equation limit in Section 5 of this article. The last subsection concerns an existence result of the Euler equations on the exterior of a curve.

For the sake of clarity, the main notations are listed in an appendix at the end of the paper.


2. The Laplacian in an exterior domain 2.1. Conformal maps

LetD=B(0,1)andS=∂D. In what follows we identifyR2with the complex planeC.

We begin this section by recalling some basic definitions on the curve.

Definition 2.1.We call aJordan arca curveC given by a parametric representationC: ϕ(t ), 0t1, withϕ an injective (=one-to-one) function, continuous on[0,1]. Anopen Jordan archas a parametrizationC: ϕ(t ), 0< t <1, withϕ continuous and injective on(0,1).

We call aJordan curvea curve C given by a parametric representationC: ψ (t ),t∈R, 1-periodic, with ψ an injective function on[0,1), continuous onR.

Thus a Jordan curve is closed (ϕ(0)=ϕ(1)) whereas a Jordan arc has distinct endpoints. IfJ is a Jordan curve inC, then the Jordan Curve Theorem states thatC\J has exactly two componentsG0 andG1, and these satisfy


The Jordan arc (or curve) is of classCn,α (n∈N,0< α1) if its parametrization ϕ isn times continuously differentiable, satisfyingϕ(t )=0 for allt, and if|ϕ(n)(t1)ϕ(n)(t2)|C|t1t2|αfor allt1andt2.

LetΓ: Γ (t ), 0t1, be a Jordan arc. Then the subsetR2\Γ is connected and we will denote it byΠ. The purpose of this part is to obtain some properties of a biholomorphismT:Π→int Dc. After applying a homothetic transformation, a rotation and a translation, we can suppose that the endpoints of the curve are−1=Γ (0) and 1=Γ (1).

Proposition 2.2. If Γ is a C2 Jordan arc, such that the intersection with the segment [−1,1] is a finite union of segments and points, then there exists a biholomorphismT:Π→intDcwhich verifies the following properties:

T1andDT1extend continuously up to the boundary, andT1mapsStoΓ,

DT1is bounded,

T and DT extend continuously up toΓ with different values on each side of Γ, except at the endpoints of the curve whereT behaves like the square root of the distance andDT behaves like the inverse of the square root of the distance,

DT is bounded in the exterior of the diskB(0, R), withΓB(0, R),

DT is bounded inLpB(0, R))for allp <4andR >0.

Proof. We first study the case where the arc is the segment[−1,1]. We can have here an explicit formula for T. Indeed, the Joukowski function

G(z)=1 2

z+1 z

is a biholomorphism between the exterior of the disk and the exterior of the segment. It maps the circleC(0, R)on the ellipse parametrized by 12(R+1/R)cosθ+12(R−1/R)isinθwithθ∈ [0,2π ), and it maps the unit circle on the segment.

Remarking thatG(z)=G(1/z)we can conclude thatGis also a biholomorphism between the interior of the disk minus 0 and the exterior of the segment.

Therefore, anyz /∈ [−1,1]has one antecedent ofGinDand another one in intDc. Forz∈ [−1,1]the antecedents are exp(±iarccosz)=z±i

1−z2. Therefore, there are exactly two antecedents except for−1 and 1. In fact, we have considered the double coveringGfromCtoC, which is precisely ramified over−1 and 1.

LetT˜be the biholomorphism between the exterior of the segment and intDc, such thatT˜1=G, and letT˜int=1/T˜ be the biholomorphism between the exterior of the segment andD\ {0}, such thatT˜int1=G.

To find an explicit formula ofT˜, we have to solve an equation of degree two. We find two solutions:


z2−1 and T˜=z

z2−1. (2.1)


We consider that the function square-root is defined by √ z=√

|z|eiθ/2 with θ, the argument of z, verifying

π < θ π. It is easy to observe that T˜ = ˜T+ on {z| (z) >0} ∪iR+ andT˜ = ˜T on {z| (z) <0} ∪iR. Despite this,T˜ isC(C\ [−1,1],intDc)becauseT˜=G1.

Therefore in the segment case,T = ˜T and the first two points are straightforward. An obvious calculation allows us to find an explicit formula forT˜:

T˜(z)=1± z

z2−1, (2.2)

with the choice of sign as above. This form shows us thatDT˜ blows up at the endpoints of the segment as the inverse of the square root of the distance, which is bounded inLplocforp <4. Moreover, a mere verification can be done to find that for everyx(−1,1), we have

zx,lim(z)>0T (z)=x+i

1−x2= ˜T+(x) even if(z) <0, and

zx,lim(z)<0T (z)=xi

1−x2= ˜T(x).

In the same way,DT extends continuously up to each side ofΓ, which concludes the proposition in the segment case.

Now, we come back to our problem, with any curve Γ. We consider the curveΓ˜ ≡ ˜T (Γ )∪ ˜Tint(Γ )= ˜T+(Γ )T˜(Γ ). We now show thatΓ˜ is aC1,1Jordan curve.

We consider first the case where Γ does not intersect the segment (−1,1). Then γ1≡ ˜T (Γ )Dc andγ2T˜int(Γ )DareC2open Jordan arcs, with the endpoints on−1 and 1 (see Fig. 1). SoT (˜ −1)= −1= ˜Tint(−1)and we can observe thatΓ˜ is a Jordan curve.

We wroteopenJordan curve because the problem with−1 and 1 is thatT˜(±1)is not defined. However, if we use the arclength coordinates

s(t )= t 0

γ1(τ )dτ= t 0

T˜Γ (τ )Γ(τ )dτ, (2.3)

which are well-defined and bounded becauseT˜is bounded inL1loc, then we haveds1 =|γγ1

1|. So to prove the derivative continuity, we should show that limt0


|γ1| and limt0 γ2

|γ2| exist and are opposite. For that, we will use the following lemma:

Lemma 2.3.If there exists a neighborhood of0whereΓ (t )does not intersect the segment(−1,1), then T˜(Γ )

| ˜T(Γ )|(t )has a limit ast→0.

Proof. First, sinceT˜(z)=1−z/

z2−1 in a neighborhood of−1, we compute T˜(Γ )

| ˜T(Γ )|(t )=|√ Γ2−1|

Γ2−1 (t )



Γ2−1−Γ|(t ).

The second fraction tends to 1 ast→0. We haveΓ(0)=0, so we can writeΓ2(t )=1+at+o(t )for a∈C. If a /∈Rthen fort small enough{Γ2(t )−1} ⊂C\Rand


T˜(Γ )

| ˜T(Γ )|(t )=


a =eiθ/2 withθ≡arga(π, π ).

Fora∈R, asa=2)(0)=2Γ (0)Γ(0), then we haveΓ(0)∈R+and the curve is tangent to the segment [−1,1]. We have here two cases:


• ifΓ is over the segment on the neighborhood, then2(t )−1) <0 and


T˜(Γ )

| ˜T(Γ )|(t )=i,

• ifΓ is below the segment on the neighborhood, then2(t )−1) >0 and


T˜(Γ )

| ˜T(Γ )|(t )= −i. 2

Fig. 1.Γ does not intersect[−1,1].

Let us continue the proof of Proposition 2.2. Lemma 2.3 allows us to observe thatΓ˜ isC1in−1, because



|γ1|(t )=lim


T˜(Γ )

| ˜T(Γ )|(t )Γ

|Γ|(t )= −lim

t0−| ˜T2(Γ )|

T˜2(Γ ) (t )T˜(Γ )

| ˜T(Γ )|(t )Γ

|Γ|(t )= −lim



|γ2|(t ), becauseT˜int=1/T˜.


To prove thatΓ˜ is Lipschitz, we will show thatγ1andγ2 areC1with the arclength parametrization denoted by sand defined in (2.3) (t denotes the variable of the original parametrization). Letf1(s)=ds1(s)=|γγ1(t )

1(t )|, where the primes denote derivatives with respect tot, then we need to prove that dfds1 has a limit whens→0. We have


ds (s)= γ1


|γ1|4 γ1, γ1

= 1



|γ1| γ1

|γ1|, γ1

≡ 1


We compute γ1= ˜T(Γ )Γ,

γ1= ˜T(Γ )(Γ)2+ ˜T(Γ )Γ, with

T (z)˜ =zz2−1, T˜(z)=1−z/

z2−1, T˜(z)= −1/

z2−1+z2/ z2−13.

We do some Taylor expansions in a neighborhood of zero:

Γ (t )= −1+at+bt2+O t3

, Γ2(t )=1−2at+

a2−2b t2+O

t3 , 1/

Γ2−1(t )= 1


√1 t



/(−4a) +O

t3/2 .

The last expansion holds in any case, except whenΓ is tangent to the segment (a∈R+) and over the segment on a neighborhood of−1. In this last case, we should replace 1/√

−2abyiinstead of−i.


T˜(Γ )= 1



t +1+O t1/2

, T˜(Γ )= 1


√1 t3+C1

t +O t1/2

. and

γ1= a



t +a+O t1/2

, γ1

|γ1| = a




√−2a +C2

t+O(t ), γ1= a2


√1 t3+C3


t +O(1).

Now, we can evaluateA:


|γ1| γ1

|γ1|, γ1

= 1

t3 a2





√−2a a




√−2a , a2


+C41 t +O

t1/2 . We can easily see that arg(a2/

−2a3)= ±π+arg(a/√

−2a), so a2





√−2a a




√−2a , a2




anddf1/ds=C5+O(t1/2), which means thatdf1/ds has a limit ass→0. This argument holds forγ2, doing the calculations with T˜int(z)=z+√

z2−1. So 1/ds and2/ds are C1 on[0,1] and we see thatΓ˜ is Lipschitz becauseΓ˜ =γ1γ2.

Finally, ifΓ intersects[−1,1]at one pointx=Γ (t0), thenT (Γ )˜ is the union of two Jordan curves with a jump:


T (Γ (t0))=1/T (Γ (t˜ 0+))(see Fig. 2). In this case,T˜int(Γ )is also the union of two Jordan arcs which extendT (Γ ),˜ indeed

˜ Tint

Γ (t0+)

=1/T˜ Γ (t0+)

= ˜T Γ (t0)


Fig. 2.Γ intersects[−1,1]at one point.

To show the continuity ofΓ˜ onT (Γ (t˜ 0)), we consider for example thatx(0,1)and that(Γ (t0)) >0 and (Γ (t0+)) <0. We can compute

T˜ Γ (t0)

=x+i 1−x2, T˜

Γ (t0+)


1−x2, becauseT˜=T+in a neighborhood ofx T˜

Γ (t0)




to check that− ˜T (Γ (t0))2T˜(Γ (t0+))= ˜T(Γ (t0)), which allows us to conclude that T˜int

Γ t0+

= −1/T˜ Γ

t0+2T˜ Γ


= ˜T Γ

t0 .

We leave to the reader the other cases. Let us do just another case:x=0 then T˜

Γ (t0)

= ±i, T˜

Γ (t0+)

=1, T˜

Γ (t0)


and as−(±i)2=1 we have the continuity ofΓ˜. AsΓ˜is bounded,Γ˜is Lipschitz, so the curveΓ˜ isC1,1and closed.

We have just studied the case of one or zero intersection ofΓ with the segment(−1,1)but this argument works in the general case because we have a finite number of intersection. For example, ifΓ ⊂ [−1,1]in a neighborhood of−1, thenG˜ ⊂S, soG˜ is obviouslyC1,1in this neighborhood.

We denote byΠ˜ the unbounded connected component ofR2\ ˜Γ. We claim that we can constructT2, a biholo- morphism betweenΠ andΠ˜, such thatT21=G. Indeed, if we introduceA= ˜Π∩ ¯DandB=(intΠ˜c)Dc (see Fig. 1), we observe thatB=1/A, becauseγ2=1/γ1and 1/S=S. AsG(1/z)=G(z),Gis bijective on intDcand 1/(∂D∩ ˜Π )⊂ ˜Πc thenGis bijective onΠ˜ andG(Π )˜ =R2\Γ. Therefore, we have an functionT2 mapping the exterior of the Jordan arc to the exterior of the inner domain of aC1,1Jordan curve, such thatT21(z)=1/2(z+1/z).

Next, we just have to use the Riemann mapping Theorem and we find a conformal mappingF betweenΠ˜ andDc, such thatTFT2mapsΠtoDcandF ()= ∞. To finish the proof, we use the Kellogg–Warschawski Theorem (see Theorem 3.6 of [6], which can be applied for the exterior problems), to observe thatF andFhave a continuous extension up to the boundary. Therefore, adding the fact thatDFandDF1are bounded at infinity (see Remark 2.5), we find the same properties as in the segment case, in particular thatDT blows up at the endpoints of the curve like the inverse of the square root of the distance (see (2.2)). 2

Remark 2.4.IfΓ intersects the segment[−1,1]infinitely many times, the curveΓ˜ may not be even C1. For ex- ample a curve which starts ast(t−1;e1/t2sin(1/t )), t∈ [0,1/4], has two sequencestn→0 and t˜n→0 such T˜(Γ )/| ˜T(Γ )|tends toiand−i.

Remark 2.5. If we have a biholomorphism H between the exterior of an open connected and simply connected domainAandDc, such thatH ()= ∞, then there exists a non-zero real numberβ and a holomorphic function h:Π→Csuch that:

H (z)=βz+h(z) with

h(z)=O 1


, as|z| → ∞.

This property can be applied for theF above to see thatDF andDF1are bounded.

Proof. Indeed, after a translation we can suppose that 0∈intA, and we considerW (z)=1/H (1/z). The function W is holomorphic in a neighborhood of 0 and can be written asW (z)=a0+a1z+a2z2+ · · ·.We haveW (0)=0 soa0=0. Now we want to prove thata1=0 thanks to the univalence. Indeed, ifa1=0, we consider the first non- zeroak, and we observe that there existsR >0 such that|W (z)akzk||ak||zk|inB(0, R). Next, we denote by g(z)=akzk. On∂B(0, R),|W (z)g(z)||ak|Rk|g(z)|. Then we can apply the Rouché Theorem to conclude that W andghave the same number of zeros inB(0, R), which is a contradiction with the fact thatWis a biholomorphism andgnot. Thereforea1=0 andH (z)=z/a1+b0+b1/z+ · · ·,which ends the proof. MultiplyingH by|a1|/a¯1, we can assume thatβ=1/a1is real number. 2


2.2. The Biot–Savart law

LetΩ0be a bounded, open, connected, simply connected subset of the plane, the boundary of which, denoted byΓ0, is aCJordan curve. We will denote byΠ0the unbounded connected component ofR2\Γ0, so thatΩ0c=Π0.

We denote byGΠ0=GΠ0(x, y)the Green’s function, whose the value is:

GΠ0(x, y)= 1

2π log |T0(x)T0(y)|

|T0(x)T0(y)||T0(y)| (2.4)

writingx=x/|x|2. The Green’s function is the unique function which verifies:


yGΠ0(x, y)=δ(yx) forx, yΠ0, GΠ0(x, y)=0 foryΓ0,

GΠ0(x, y)=GΠ0(y, x).


Then the kernel of the Biot–Savart law isKΠ0=KΠ0(x, y)≡ ∇xGΠ0(x, y). With(x1, x2)=x2


, the explicit formula ofKΠ0 is given by

KΠ0(x, y)=((T0(x)T0(y))DT0(x))


2π|T0(x)T0(y)|2 . (2.6)

We require information on far-field behavior ofKΠ0. We will use several times the following general relation:





|a||b| , (2.7)

which can be easily checked by squaring both sides.

We now find the following inequality:

KΠ0(x, y)C |T0(y)T0(y)|

|T0(x)T0(y)||T0(x)T0(y)|. ForfCc0), we introduce the notation

KΠ0[f] =KΠ0[f](x)


KΠ0(x, y)f (y) dy.

It is easy to see, for large|x|, that|KΠ0[f]|(x)C1/|x|2whereC1depends on the size of the support off. We used here the explicit formulas for the biholomorphismT0(Remark 2.5).

Lemma 2.6.The vector fieldu=KΠ0[f]is a solution of the elliptic system:



divu=0 inΠ0, curlu=f inΠ0, u· ˆn=0 onΓ0, lim|x|→∞|u| =0.

The proof of this lemma is straightforward.

2.3. Harmonic vector fields

We will denote bynˆ the unit normal exterior toΠ0 atΓ0. In what follows all contour integrals are taken in the counter-clockwise sense, so that

Γ0F ·ds= −

Γ0F · ˆnds.


Proposition 2.7.There exists a unique classical solutionH=HΠ0 of the problem:








divH=0 inΠ0,

curlH=0 inΠ0, H· ˆn=0 onΓ0, lim|x|→∞|H| =0,



Moreover,HΠ0=O(1/|x|)as|x| → ∞.

To prove this, one can check thatHΠ0(x)=1log|T0(x)|is the unique solution. The details can be found in [2].

3. Flow in an exterior domain

Let us formulate precisely here the small obstacle limit.

3.1. The initial-boundary value problem

Letu=u(x, t )=(u1(x1, x2, t ), u2(x1, x2, t ))be the velocity of an incompressible, ideal flow inΩ0c. We assume thatuis tangent toΓ0andu→0 as|x| → ∞. The evolution of such a flow is governed by the Euler equations:







tu+u· ∇u= −∇p inΠ0×(0,), divu=0 inΠ0× [0,∞), u· ˆn=0 inΓ0× [0,∞), lim|x|→∞|u| =0 fort∈ [0,∞), u(x,0)=u0(x) inΩc,


wherep=p(x, t )is the pressure. An important quantity for the study of this problem is the vorticity:


The velocity and the vorticity are coupled by the elliptic system:





divu=0 inΠ0× [0,∞) curlu=ω inΠ0× [0,∞), u· ˆn=0 inΓ0× [0,∞), lim|x|→∞|u| =0 fort∈ [0,∞).

Lemma 2.6 and Proposition 2.7 assure us that the general solution of this system is given by u=u(x, t )= KΠ0[ω(·, t )](x)+αHΠ0(x)for a functionα=α(t ). However, using the fact that the circulationγ of uaroundΓ is conserved, we prove thatαdoes not depend on the time, andα(t )=γ+

Π0curlu0(x)(see [2]). Therefore, if we give the circulation, then we have the uniqueness of the solution of the previous system.

Finally, we can now write the vorticity formulation of this problem as:


tω+u· ∇ω=0 inΠ0×(0,), u=KΠ0[ω] +αHΠ0 inΠ0× [0,∞), ω(x,0)=curlu0(x) inΠ0.


3.2. The evanescent obstacle

We will formulate in this subsection a family of problems, parametrized by the size of the obstacle. Therefore, we fixω0such that its support is compact and does not intersectΓ.

We will consider a family of domain Ωε, containingΓ, withε small enough, such that the support ofω0does not intersectΩε. If we denote byTε the biholomorphism betweenΠεΩεcandDc, then we suppose the following properties:


Assumption 3.1.The biholomorphism family{Tε}verifies (i) TεTL(B(0,R)Πε)→0 for anyR >0,

(ii) det(DTε1)is bounded inΠεindependently ofε, (iii) DTεDTL3(B(0,R)Πε)→0 for anyR >0,

(iv) there existR >0 andC >0 such that|DTε(x)|C|x|onB(0, R)c.

Remark 3.2.We can observe that point (iii) implies that for anyR,DTε is bounded inLp(B(0, R)Πε)indepen- dently ofε, forp3.

Just before going on, we give here one example of an obstacle family.

Example 3.3.We considerΩεT1(B(0,1+ε)\D). In this case,Tε=1+1εT verifies the previous assumption. If Γ is a segment, thenΩεis the interior of an ellipse around the segment.

The problem of this example is that the shape of the obstacle is the same ofΓ.

We naturally denote byΓε=∂Ωε andΠε=intΩεc. We denote also byGε,Kε andHε the previous functions corresponding atΠε.

Consider also the following problem:

tωε+uε· ∇ωε=0 inΠε×(0,), uε=Kε[ωε] +αHε inΠε× [0,∞), ωε(x,0)=ω0(x) inΠε.

It follows from the work of Kikuchi [4] that, for any ε >0, ifω0is sufficiently smooth then this system has a unique solution.

We now write the explicit formulas forKεandHε: Kε= 1





(3.3) and

Hε= 1




. (3.4)

We introduce in the same way,KandH, replacingTεbyT.

The regularity ofT implies thatHεis bounded inL2loc, which is really better than the punctual limit for the obstacle (see [2]) whereHεis justL1loc. In our case, the limit is easier to see whenTεT, and this extra regularity will allow us the passing to the limit.

4. A priori estimates

These estimates are important to conclude on the asymptotic behavior of the sequences(uε)andε). The transport nature of (3.3) gives us the classical estimates for the vorticity:ωε(·, t )Lpε)= ω0Lp(R2)and forp∈ [1,+∞].

In this article, we suppose thatω0isLand compactly supported. Moreover we chooseεsmall enough, so that the support ofω0does not intersectΠε.

4.1. Velocity estimate

We begin by recalling a result found in [1].

Lemma 4.1.Leta(0,2),S⊂R2andh:S→R+be a function inL1(S)L(S). Then





The goal of this subsection is to find a velocity estimate thanks to the explicit formula ofuεin function ofωεandγ (Section 3.2):

uε(x, t )= 1

DTεt(x)(I1+I2)+αHε(x) (4.1)

with I1=



|Tε(x)Tε(y)|2ωε(y, t ) dy, (4.2)


I2= −



|Tε(x)Tε(y)|2ωε(y, t ) dy. (4.3)

We begin by estimatingI1andI2.

Lemma 4.2.Leta(0,2)andh:Πε→R+be a function inL1ε)Lε). We introduce I1,a=



|Tε(x)Tε(y)|ady, (4.4)




|Tε(x)Tε(y)|dy. (4.5)

There exists a constantC >0depending only on the shape ofΓ, such that

|I1,a|Ch1L1a/2ha/2L and | ˜I2|C

h1/2L1h1/2L+ hL1


Remark 4.3.It will be clear from the proof that similar estimates hold true withTεreplaced byT.

Proof. We start with theI1,a estimate. LetJ=J (ξ )≡ |det(DTε1)(ξ )|andz=Tε(x). Making also the change of variablesη=Tε(y), we find





Tε1(η)J (η) dη. (4.6)

Next, we introducefε(η)= |h(Tε1(η))|J (η)χ{|η|1}, withχE the characteristic function of the setE. Changing variables back, we get


L1(R2)= hL1.

The second point of Assumption 3.1 allows us to write fε


So we apply the previous lemma forf and we finally find




|zη|afε(η) dηC1fε1a/2

L1 fεa/2

L. (4.7)

This concludes the estimate forI1,a. Let us estimateI˜2:

| ˜I2|





We use, as before, the notationsJ,zand the change of variablesη

| ˜I2|




Tε1(η)J (η) dη. (4.8)

Next, we again change variables writingθ=η, to obtain:

| ˜I2|




Tε1)J (θ)dθ







First we estimateI21. Asz=Tε(x), one has that|z|1, and if|θ|1/2 then|zθ|1/2. Hence




Tε1)J (θ)dθ

|θ|4 (4.9)




Tε1(η)J (η) dη2hL1. (4.10)

Finally, we estimateI22. Letgε(θ )= |h(Tε1))|J (θ)/|θ|4. We have I22=



|zθ|gε(θ ) dθ.

As above, we deduce by changing variables back that gε

L1(1/2|θ|1)hL1. It is also trivial to see that


L(1/2|θ|1)ChL. By Lemma 4.1

|I22| =



|zθ|gε(θ ) dθ (4.11)



L(1/2|θ|1)Ch1/2L1h1/2L. 2 (4.12) Since|Tε(x)|1, one can easily see from (3.4) that|Hε(x)||DTε(x)|. Moreover, applying the previous lemma witha=1 andh=ωεL1L, we get that


L1 ωε1/2

L and |I2|ε1/2

L1 ωε1/2



. Thanks to the explicit formula (4.1), we can deduce directly the following theorem:

Theorem 4.4.uε is bounded inL(R+, L2locε))independently ofε. More precisely, there exists a constantC >0 depending only on the shape ofΓ and the initial conditionsω0L10L, such that

uε(·, t )

Lp(S)CDTεLp(S), for allp∈ [1,∞]and for any subsetSofΠε.

The difference with [2] is that we have an estimateLplocinstead ofL, but in our case, this estimate concerns all the velocityuε. It is one of the reason of the use of a different method to the velocity convergence.


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