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Mean curvature flow with obstacles


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Ann. I. H. Poincaré – AN 29 (2012) 667–681


Mean curvature flow with obstacles

L. Almeida


, A. Chambolle


, M. Novaga


aCNRS, UMR 7598, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, France bUPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 7598, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, France

cCMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, France

dDip. di Matematica, Università di Padova, via Trieste 63, 35121 Padova, Italy Received 20 November 2011; accepted 11 March 2012

Available online 29 March 2012


We consider the evolution of fronts by mean curvature in the presence of obstacles. We construct a weak solution to the flow by means of a variational method, corresponding to an implicit time-discretization scheme. Assuming the regularity of the obstacles, in the two-dimensional case we show existence and uniqueness of a regular solution before the onset of singularities. Finally, we discuss an application of this result to the positive mean curvature flow.

©2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

MSC:35R37; 35R45; 49J40; 49Q20; 53A10

Keywords:Obstacle problem; Mean curvature flow; Minimizing movements

1. Introduction

Motivated by several models in physics, biology and material science, there has been a growing interest in recent years towards the rigorous analysis of front propagation in heterogeneous media, see[27,8,18,21,13]and references therein. In this paper, we analyze the evolution by mean curvature of an interface in presence of hard obstacles which can stop the motion. Even if this is a prototypical model of energy driven front propagation in a medium with obstacles, to our knowledge there are no rigorous results concerning existence, uniqueness and regularity of the flow.

On the other hand, we mention that the corresponding stationary problem, the so-calledobstacle problem, has been studied in great detail, see[26,12]and references therein.

To be more precise, given an open setΩ⊂Rn, we consider the evolution of a hypersurface∂E(t ), with the con- straintE(t )Ωfor allt0, whereΩis an open subset ofRnandRn\Ωrepresents the obstacles. The corresponding geometric equation formally reads (we refer to Section4for a precise definition):


κ(x) ifxΩ,

max(κ(x),0) ifx∂Ω (1)

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses:luis@ann.jussieu.fr(L. Almeida),antonin.chambolle@cmap.polytechnique.fr(A. Chambolle),novaga@math.unipd.it (M. Novaga).

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



wherevandκdenote respectively the normal inward velocity and the mean curvature of∂E(t ). Notice that the right- hand side of (1) is discontinuous on∂Ω, so that the classical viscosity theory[19]does not apply to this case (see however[20,9]for a possible approach in this direction).

We are particularly interested in existence and uniqueness of smooth (that isC1,1) solutions to (1). We tackle this problem by means of a variational method first introduced in[5,24](see also[6]for a simpler description of the same approach), which is based on an implicit time-discretization scheme for (1).

After showing the consistency of the scheme with regular solutions (Theorem4.8), we obtain a comparison prin- ciple and uniqueness of smooth solutions in any dimensions (Corollary4.9). Moreover, in the two-dimensional case we are also able to prove local in time existence of solutions (Theorem5.3). Notice that in general one cannot expect existence of regular solutions for all time, due to the presence of singularities of the flow (even in dimension 2). On the other hand, due to the presence of the obstacles, regular solutions do not necessarily vanish in finite time and may exist for all times. Eventually, we apply our result to the positive curvature flow in two dimensions, obtaining a short time existence and uniqueness result (Corollary6.5) forC1,1-regular flows. Indeed, such evolution can be seen as a curvature flow where the obstacle is given by the complementary of the initial set.

We point out that the study of the positive curvature flow in Section6is related to some biological models which originally motivated our work: in several recent studies of actomyosin cable contraction in morphogenesis and tis- sue repair there is increasing evidence that the contractile structure forms only in the positive curvature part of the boundary curve (see[4,3]and references therein). Since the contraction of such actomyosin structures can be associated with curvature terms (see[22,1,2]), this leads very naturally to consider the positive curvature flow prob- lem.

Notice that a set evolving according to this law is always nonincreasing with respect to inclusion, which is a feature not satisfied by the usual curvature flow. This shows why assembling the contractile structure only in the positive curvature portion of the boundary (instead of all around) and thus doing positive curvature flow (instead of usual curvature flow) is an interesting way to evolve from the biological point of view: it corresponds to making our wound (or hole) close in a manner where we never abandon any portion of the surface we have already managed to cover since we started closing.

We also remark that the positive curvature flow is useful in the context of image analysis[28, p. 204], and appears naturally in some differential games[23].

2. Notation

Given an open setA⊆Rn, a functionuL1(A)whose distributional gradientDuis a Radon measure with finite total variation inAis called a function of bounded variation, and the space of such functions will be denoted by BV(A). The total variation ofDuonAturns out to be



udivz dx: zC0 A;Rn

, z(x)1, ∀xA

, (2)

and will be denoted by|Du|(A)or by

A|Du|. The mapu→ |Du|(A)isL1(A)-lower semicontinuous, andBV(A) is a Banach space when endowed with the norm u :=

A|u|dx+ |Du|(A). We refer to[7]for a comprehensive treatment of the subject.

We say that a set E satisfies the exterior (resp. interior)R-ball condition, for some R >0, if for anyx∂E there exists a ball BR(x), with x∂BR(x)and BR(x)E= ∅ (resp. BR(x)E). Notice that a set E with compact boundary satisfies both the interior and the exteriorR-ball condition, for someR >0, if and only if∂Eis of classC1,1.

3. The implicit scheme

Following the celebrated papers[5,24], we shall define an implicit time discrete scheme for (1). As a preliminary step, we consider solutions of the Total Variation minimization problem with obstacles; the scheme is then defined in Definition4.2below.


LetB⊂Rn be an open set and letv:B → [−∞,)be a measurable function, withv+L2(B). Following [5,15,24], givenh >0 andfL2(B), we letSh,v(f, B)L2(B)BV(B)be the unique minimizer of the problem



|Du| + 1 2h


(uf )2dx. (3)

We have the following comparison result (see[15, Lemma 2.1]).

Proposition 3.1.The operatorSh,·(·, B)is monotone, in the sense thatu1=Sh,v1(f1, B)u2=Sh,v2(f2, B)when- everf1f2andv1v2a.e.

Proof. The idea is simply to compare the sum of the energies ofu1andu2, with the sum of the energy ofu1u2 (which is admissible in the problem definingu2) and ofu1u2(which is admissible in the problem definingu1).

The conclusion follows from the uniqueness of the solution to (3). 2 Proposition 3.2.Assumef, v+L(B):thenu=Sh,v(f, B)L(B)and

Sh,v(f, B)


f L(B), v+



Proof. Again, the proof is trivial. It is enough check that the energy ofuM=(u∨ −M)Mis less than the energy ofu, whileuMis admissible as soon asMmax( f L(B), v+ L(B)). 2

Theorem 3.3.Let v:Rn→ [−∞,+∞)be a measurable function with v+Lloc(Rn),fLloc(Rn), andh >0.

There exists a unique functionuLloc(Rn)BVloc(Rn), which we shall denote bySh,v(f ), such that for allR >0 andp(n,+∞)there holds

Mlim→∞ uSh,v(f, BM)


This function is characterized by the fact thatuva.e., and for anyR and anyϕBV(Rn)with support inBR



|Du| + 1 2h



D(u+ϕ)+ 1 2h


Proof. We shall show a bit more: for anyM >0, let us denote byuM an arbitrary local minimizer of (3), in the sense that


|DuM| + 1 2h



D(uM+ϕ)+ 1 2h

|uM+ϕf|2dx (4)

for anyϕBV(BM)with compact support. We will show that(uM)M2Ris a Cauchy sequence inLp(BR), provided p > n. The proof follows closely[14, Appendix C] but important changes are necessary to take into account the obstacle.

To start, let us considerψ:R→R+ a smooth, nondecreasing and bounded function with 0ψ (s)Cs+ for anys. LetM> M >0, and letϕCc(BM;R+), which we extend by zero toBM. We denoteu=uM,u=uM. Lett >0: observe that

u(x)+t ψ


ϕ(x)u(x)v(x), u(x)t ψ


ϕ(x)u(x)t Csupϕ





u(x), u(x)


for almost everyx∈Rn, as soon ast(Csupϕ)1.


Hence, we deduce from (4) that fortsmall enough,


D ut ψ

uuϕ+ 1 2h


u−t ψ uu



|Du| + 1 2h






u+t ψ

uuϕ+ 1 2h


u+t ψ uu



Du+ 1 2h



which we sum to obtain t



uu ψ

uu ϕ dx

t2 h


ψ uu




Du−t ψ uu

DuDu ϕt ψ


ϕ +Du+t ψ


DuDu ϕ+t ψ


ϕ− |Du| −Du.

Forρt ϕ ψ 1 andt small enough, the integrand in the right-hand side has the form pρ


t q+p+ρ pp

+t q− |p| − |q|

2t|q| +(1ρ)|p| +ρp+(1ρ)p+ρ|p| − |p| − |q| =2t|q| and we obtain

t h


uu ψ


ϕ dxt2 h


ψ uu




ψ uu


Dividing bytand lettingt→0, we deduce


uu ψ


ϕ dx2h


ψ uu

|∇ϕ|dx. (5)

Consider now, forp >2, the functionψ (s)=(s+)p1: we want to show that (5) still holds. We approximateψwith ψk(s)=ktanh(ψ (s)/k), fork1. The functionsψk satisfy the assumptions which allowed us to establish (5), so that it holds withψreplaced withψk. Moreover, limk→∞ψk(uu)=supk1ψk(uu)=ψ (uu), and in the same way supk1(uuk(uu)=(uu)ψ (uu). Hence, the monotone convergence theorem shows that (5) also holds, in the limit, forψ, as claimed.

We can take ϕ(x)=ϕ0(|x|/M)p, for someϕ0Cc([0,1);R+)which is 1 on[0,1/2]. It follows from (5) and Hölder’s inequality that


uu+ ϕ0




uu+ ϕ0

|x|/Mp1p Mϕ0




uu+ ϕ0



p M







uu+ ϕ0

| · | M



M1n/p ϕ0


withωnthe volume of the unit ball. Exchanging the roles ofuanduin the previous proof, we find that uMuM Lp(BM/2)2hpω1/pn

M1n/p ϕ0

. (6)

As in particularuM (or uM) could, in this calculation, have been chosen to be the minimizer Sh,v(f, BM), which is bounded by Proposition3.2, we obtain thatuMLp(BM/2)(as well as uM). Hence, choosing R >0, we see that (uM)M2R defines a Cauchy sequence in Lp(BR), providedp > n. It follows that it converges to some limit uLp(BR). AsRis arbitrary, we build in this way a functionuwhich clearly satisfies the thesis of the theorem. 2 Corollary 3.4.Assumef f,vv,h >0, thenSh,v(f )Sh,v(f).

Proof. It follows from Proposition3.1and the definition ofSh,v(f ). 2

Corollary 3.5.Iff, vare uniformly continuous onRn, with a modulus of continuityω(·), thenSh,v(f )is also uni- formly continuous with the same modulus of continuity.

Proof. It follows from the previous corollary. For z∈Rn, let v(x):=v(xz)ω(|z|)v(x) and f(x):=

f (xz)ω(|z|)f (x). Then,Sh,v(f)=Sh,v(f )(· −z)ω(|z|)Sh,v(f ), which shows the corollary. 2 Observe that, iff, vare uniformly continuous, thenSh,v(f, B)satisfies the elliptic equation


h =0 on

xB: u(x) > v(x)

, (7)

where the vector fieldzsatisfies|z| =1 andz=Du/|Du|whenever|Du| =0.

Proposition 3.6. Assume that f (x)→ ∞as |x| → ∞, and let s∈R. Then the set {Sh,v(f ) < s}is the minimal solution of the problem

E⊂{minv<s}P (E)+



h dx. (8)

Similarly, the set{Sh,v(f )s}is the maximal solution of

E⊂{minvs}P (E)+



h dx. (9)

Proof. LetM >0 and consider the setEMs = {Sh,v(f, BM) < s}. Reasoning as in[11](see also[16, Section 2.2.2]) one can show thatEMs is the minimal solution of

EBminM∩{v<s}P (E, BM)+


fs h dx.

Sincef is coercive, the setsEMs do not depend onMforMbig enough, and coincide with the set{Sh,v(f ) < s}, so that the result follows lettingM→ +∞.

The second assertion regarding the set{Sh,v(f )s}can be proved analogously. 2 4. Mean curvature flow with obstacles

Let us give a precise definition of the flow (1). Given a setE⊂Rnwe denote by dE(x):=dist(x, E)−dist


, x∈Rn

the signed distance function fromE, which is negative insideEand positive outside.


Definition 4.1.Given a family of setsE(t ),t∈ [0, T], we set d(x, t ):=dE(t)(x).

We say thatE(t )is aC1,1supersolution of (1) if there exists a bounded open setU⊂Rn such thatE(t )Ω and

∂E(t )Ufor allt∈ [0, T], d∈Lip

U× [0, T] ∇2dL ,

U× [0, T]

(10) and


∂t d+O(d) a.e. inU× [0, T]. (11)

We say thatE(t )is aC1,1subsolution of (1) if (11) is replaced by


∂t d+O(d) a.e. in

U× [0, T]

∩ {d > dΩ}, (12)

and we say thatE(t )is aC1,1solution of (1) if it is both a supersolution and a subsolution.

We now fix an open setΩ⊂Rn(representing the complement of the obstacle) and a compact setEΩ. The case whenEcis compact can be treated with minor modifications.

SinceEis compact, without loss of generality we can assume thatΩ is bounded. Indeed, as it will be clear from the sequel, replacingΩwithΩBM will not affect our construction, providedBME.

Definition 4.2.Leth >0 and set ThE:=

Sh,dΩ(dE) <0

. (13)

Givent >0, we let Eh(t):=Th[t / h]E

be the discretized evolution ofEdefined by the schemeTh.

Notice that ThE is an open subset ofΩ and, by Proposition 3.6,ThE is the minimal solution of the geometric problem

FminΩP (F )+1 h


dEdx (14)

or equivalently

FminΩP (F )+1 h



WhenΩ=Rnthis corresponds to the implicit scheme introduced in[5,24]for the mean curvature flow. Here, from (7) it also follows thatThEsatisfies


h =0 on∂ThE\∂Ω. (15)

Remark 4.3.Observe that from Proposition3.1it follows E1E2ThE1ThE2.

Moreover, by Corollary3.4we haveSh,dΩ(dE)Sh,−∞(dE)which impliesThEThE:= {Sh,−∞(dE) <0}. Notice thatThEis the scheme introduced in[5,24]for the (unconstrained) mean curvature flow.


From the general regularity theory for minimizers of the perimeter with a smooth obstacle[26,12]we have the following result.

Proposition 4.4.Let∂Ωbe of classC1,1,EΩ andh >0. Then there exists a closed setΣ∂ThEΩsuch that Hs(Σ )=0for alls > n−8,∂ThE\Σis of classC1,1, and(∂ThEΩ)\ΣisC2,α for anyα <1.

Proposition 4.5.Let∂Ωbe of classC1,1. Then there existsC(Ω) >0such that ThE=




for allCC(Ω). In particularThEis a minimizer of the prescribed curvature problem minF P (F )+C|F\Ω| +1



dEdx. (16)

Proof. We recall thatSh,−∞(dE+ChχΩc)is the limit, asM→ ∞, of the minimizeruM of the variational problem



|Du| + 1 2h




dx. (17)

From Proposition3.6it follows thatThEis the minimal solution to (14), while

¯ F =




is the minimal solution to (16). IfF¯ ⊂Ω, then| ¯F \Ω| =0 and bothF¯ andThEsolve the same problem, and they must therefore coincide.

In order to show thatF¯⊂Ω, it is enough to find a positive constantCsuch that for allx /Ω,uMC > 0 forM large enough.

By assumption,Ω satisfies an exteriorR-ball condition, for someR >0, that is, for anyx /Ω, there is a ball BR(x)withxBR(x)andBR(x)Ω = ∅. IfM is large enough, we also haveBR(x)BM/2. SinceEΩ, dE+hCχΩchCχBR(x), so thatuM is larger than the minimizeruof



|Du| + 1 2h



IfC > n/R, then it is well known that forM large enough,u(Cn/R)ha.e. inχBR(x) [25]. The thesis then follows. 2

4.1. Existence of weak solutions

As a consequence of Proposition 4.5, when ∂Ω is of class C1,1 the scheme enters the framework considered in[17]. In that case, we can also show existence of weak solutions in the sense of[5,24]. We observe that the results in[6, p. 226]still apply and we can deduce the (approximate) 1/(n+1)-Hölder-continuity in time of the discrete flow starting from an initial setE0. As a consequence, following[6, Theorem 3.3], we can pass to the limit, up to a subsequence, and deduce the existence of a flowE(t ), which is Hölder-continuous in time inL1(Ω).

Theorem 4.6(Existence of Hölder-continuous weak solutions). Let∂Ω be of classC1,1, letEΩ be a compact set of finite perimeter and such that|∂E| =0. LetEh(t)be the discretized evolutions starting from E, defined in Definition4.2. Then there exist a constantC=C(n, E, Ω) >0, a sequencehi→0and a mapE(t )P(Ω)such that


E(t )is a compact set of finite perimeter for allt0;

• limi|Ehi(t ) E(t )| =0for allt0;

• |E(t ) E(s)|C|st|n+11 for alls, t0, with|st|1.


4.2. Consistency of the scheme

The main result of this section (Theorem4.8) is showing that the implicit scheme is consistent with regular evolu- tions, according to the following definition.

Definition 4.7.The schemeThis consistent if and only if:

1. IfE(·)is a supersolution (see Definition4.1) in an interval[t1, t2], then for anyt∈ [t1, t2], any Hausdorff limit of ThnE(t1),n→ ∞,h→0,nhtt1, containsE(t ).

2. IfE(·)is a subsolution, this inclusion is reversed.

Theorem 4.8.The schemeThis consistent.

Proof. The proof consists in building, arbitrarily close to∂E(t ), strict super and subsolutions of classC2, of the curvature flow with forcing termΩc, forClarge enough. Then, the consistency result in[17, Theorem 3.3]applies.

Step1. LetEbe a subsolution on[t1, t2]in the sense of Definition4.1, letU⊂Rnbe the neighborhood associated to

∂E(t )(given by Definition4.1). Without loss of generality we can assumet1=0.

Observe that there exists ρ >0 such that{|d(·, t )|ρ} ⊂U for all t∈ [0, t2], and the sets ∂Ω,∂{d(·, t )s},

|s|ρ, satisfy the interior and exteriorρ-ball condition for all times (in particular∂E(t )satisfies the condition with radius 2ρ).

Letcρ(n−1)/ρ2, and forε >0 small, let dε(x, t)=d(x, t )ε−4cρεt, t∈ [0, t2].

Observe that forεsmall enough,{|dε(·, t )|ρ/2} ⊂ {|d(·, t )|ρ}for allt. The constantcρ is precisely chosen so that in this set, the curvature of two level surfaces {d(·, t )=s}and{d(·, t )=s}at points along the same normal vector∇d(·, t )differ by at mostcρ|ss|.

We have, for a.e.t(0, t2)andx∈ {|d(·, t )|ρ} ⊂U,


∂t (x, t)=∂d


Π∂E(t )(x), t

−4cρε, thus:

• IfΠ∂E(t )(x)Ω, then (by Definition4.1)


∂t (x, t) dε(x, t)−4cρε+cρ|d| dε(x, t)+cρ|dε| +cρ

−4ε+ε(1+4cρt ) so that iftt¯=min(t2,1/(2cρ))and|dε|ε/2,


∂t (x, t) dε(x, t)cρε

2. (18)

• While ifΠ∂E(t )(x)∂Ω, thend=dΩ and almost surely∂d/∂t=0, so that∂dε/∂t= −4cρε. On the other hand, there is a constantC¯ large enough (of order 1/ρ, and admissible for Proposition4.5) such that| dε|C¯ a.e. in {|d(·, t )|< ρ}, and we deduce


∂t (x, t) dε(x, t)+ ¯C−4cρε. (19)

Moreover, ifdεε/2, we have thatdΩ=d4cρεt+ε/2.

Consider a functiongε which isC¯ in{dΩε/2}, 0 inΩ, and smoothly decreasing fromC¯ to 0 asdΩ decreases fromε/2 to 0: we deduce from (18) and (19) that


∂t dε+gεcρε 2


a.e. in {(x, t): |dε(x, t)|ε/2, t(0,t )¯ }. We have built a strict subflow, as close as we want from ∂E(t ), for t∈ [0,t¯]. The fact thatt¯could be less thant2is not an issue, as we will see in the end of the next step. On the other hand, the consistency result in[17]requires thatd is at leastC2in space, which is not the case here (and the proof does not extend toC1,1regularity). For this, we need an additional smoothing of the surface, which we perform in a second step.

Step2. Now consider a spatial mollifierϕη(x)=ηnϕ(x/η), withηε. For all time letdεη=ϕηdε, which is still Lipschitz intand now, smooth inx. Ifηis small enough, and sincegε is continuous, we have


∂t dεη+gεcρε 4

for a.e.x, t with|dε(x, t)|ε/2η. We can rewrite this equation as a curvature motion equation with some error term, as follows



div ∇dεη



ε 4+gε

1−∇dεη+(D2dεηdεη)· ∇dεη

|∇dεη|2 . (20)

Now, we have that

1∇dεη1− (21)

almost everywhere, for some constantc >0, of order 1/ρ. Hence, ifηis small enough, we have gε

1−∇dεηcρε/16. (22)

We claim that the following estimate holds: there exists a constantc >0 (of order 1/ρ2) such that

D2dεηdεηcη. (23) This will be shown later on (seeStep3). Using (21) and (23), we find that

(D2dεηdεη)· ∇dεη

|∇dεη|2 cρε/16

ifηis small enough. Thus (20) becomes, using (22),



div ∇dεη



8. (24)

Since|D2dε|1/ρ for a.e.t andx with|dε(x, t)|ε/2, this is also true for|D2dεη|(for|dε(x, t)|ε/2η), and using (21) we can easily deduce that the boundaries of the level setsEε(t)= {dεη(·, t )0}have an interior and an exterior ball condition with radiusρ/2. Together with (24), and usinggε¯ Ωc, we find thatEε(t), 0tt¯, is a strict subflow for the motion with normal speedV = −κ− ¯Ωc, and[17, Theorem 3.3]holds. We deduce that there existsh0>0 such that ifh < h0,Th(Eε(t))Eε(t+h)for anyt ∈ [0,t¯−h], whereTh is the evolution scheme defined by


Sh,−∞(dE+ ¯ChχΩc) <0

for any bounded setE. (It corresponds to the time-discretization of the mean curvature flow with discontinuous forcing term−Ωc.) Recall that ifEΩ, Proposition4.5shows thatThE=ThEΩ. In particular, for the subflowE(·) considered here, we haveThn(E(0))=TnhE(0), for allnandh >0. By induction, it follows that as long asnht,¯


henceTht / hE(0)is in a 3ε-neighborhood ofE(t ). Sincet¯only depends onρ >0 (the regularity of the subflowE(·)), we can split[0, t2]into a finite number of intervals of size at mostt¯and reproduce this construction on each interval, making sure that theεparameter of each interval is less than one third of theεof the next interval.

We deduce that for anyδ >0, ifh >0 is small enough, thenThnE(0)⊂ {dE(nh)δ}, for 0nht2. This shows the consistency ofThwith subflows, assuming (23) holds.


Step3:Proof of estimate(23). Recall that sincedε is a distance function,|∇dε| =1 almost everywhere. Now, let us compute, forη >0 small andx, y∈ {d(·, t )ε/2η}:

dεη(x, t)2−∇dεη(y, t)2=

dεη(x, t)− ∇dεη(y, t)


dεη(x, t)+ ∇dεη(y, t)




dε(xz, t )− ∇dε(yz, t )



xz, t + ∇dε

yz, t

ϕη(z)ϕη z

dz dz. (25)

As|D2dε|1/ρ,∇dε(·, t )is 1/ρ-Lipschitz, using|∇dε(xz, t )|2− |∇dε(yz, t )|2=0 it follows ∇dε(xz, t )− ∇dε(yz, t )



xz, t + ∇dε

yz, tdε(xz, t )− ∇dε(yz, t )2

ρzz 2

ρ2|xy|zz and it follows from (25) that

dεη(x, t)2−∇dεη(y, t)2 4


We deduce (lettingyx) that 2D2dεη(x, t)dεη(x, t) 4

ρ2η, which is estimate (23).

Step4. Consistency with superflows: the proof is almost identical (reversing the signs and inequalities), but simpler for superflows. Indeed, all the sets we now consider stay inΩ and we do not need to take into account the constraint or the forcing term¯ Ωc. 2

We can define a generalized flow as limit of the schemeThash→0. Given an initial setEΩ, for allt0 we let

Eh(t)=Th[t / h]E and Eh=


Eh(t)× {t} ⊂Rn× [0,+∞). (26)

Then there exists a sequence(hk)k1such that bothEhk andRn× [0,+∞)\Ehk=cEhk converge in the Hausdorff distance (locally in time) toEandcErespectively.

From Corollary3.4and Theorem4.8we obtain a comparison and uniqueness result for solutions of (1).

Corollary 4.9.LetE1(t)and E2(t)be respectively a sub- and a supersolution of (1)fort∈ [0, T], in the sense of Definition4.1. Then, ifE1(0)E2(0), it follows thatE1(t)E2(t)for allt∈ [0, T]. In particular, if∂Eis compact and of classC1,1, there exists at most one solutionE(t )starting fromE. Moreover, by Remark4.3,E(t )is contained in the solution to the(unconstrained)mean curvature flow starting fromE.

5. Short time existence and uniqueness in dimension two

In this section we assumen=2 and∂Ω of classC1,1. In the bidimensional case, the mean curvature is the same as the total curvature of the boundary∂E. Hence, any estimate on the mean curvature yields a global estimate on the regularity ofE. This will be the key of our construction, for showing the existence of regular (C1,1) solutions to the mean curvature flow with obstacles. In higher dimension, this is not true anymore, and showing the existence of such solutions remains an open problem.

The following result follows as in[11, Lemma 7].

Lemma 5.1.Leth >0and letEΩ with∂Eof classC1,1. LetδE be the maximumδ >0such that both∂Eand

∂Ωsatisfy theδ-ball condition, and letu=Sh,dΩ(dE). Then, for allδ(0, δE)we have


|udE| h

δEδ in


(27) for allh < (δEδ)2/3.

Lemma 5.2.LetEΩ with∂Eof classC1,1. Then, there existδ >0andT >0such that

∂Eh(t)satisfies theδ-ball condition for allt∈ [0, T]. (28)

Proof. LetδEbe as in Lemma5.1, and letK=2/δE. By Lemma5.1, applied withδ=Kh, we get dH(∂ThE, ∂E) h

δEKh h δE

1+ K

δEh+CK2 δE2 h2

for allhh0:=δE2/12, where the constantC > 0 is independent ofE. Recalling (15) and Proposition4.4, we get κ L(∂ThE) 1


1+ K

δEh+CK2 δ2Eh2

which implies δThEmin

1 κ L(∂ThE)

, δE−dH(∂ThE, ∂E)


1− h δE2

1+ K


h+CK2 δ2Eh2


1+ K


h+CK2 δE2 h2


(29) for allhh0. By iterating (29) we obtain (28). 2

We now prove a short time existence and uniqueness result for solutions to (1).

Theorem 5.3.Let∂Ω be of classC1,1and letEΩ with∂Eof classC1,1. Then there existsT >0such that(1) admits a uniqueC1,1solutionE(t )on[0, T]withE(0)=E.

Proof. LetEhbe as in (26) and let dh(t)=


t h

t h


t h

t h


By Lemmas5.1and5.2there exist an open setU⊂RnandT >0 such that∂Eh(t)Ufor allt∈ [0, T]and|∇2dh| ∈ L(U× [0, T]); moreover, recalling (27) we also havedh∈Lip(U× [0, T]). By the Arzelà–Ascoli Theorem the functionsdhconverge uniformly inU× [0, T], up to a subsequence ash→0, to a limit functiond∈Lip(U× [0, T]) such that|∇2d| ∈L(U× [0, T])and|∇d| =1 inU× [0, T]. LettingE(t )= {x: d(x, t ) <0}, for allt∈ [0, T]we then haveE(0)=E,E(t )Ω and∂E(t )is of classC1,1.

It remains to show that (11) and (12) hold inU× [0, T]. From Theorem4.8it follows that, given a supersolution E(t ) on[t1, t2] ⊂ [0, T]withE(t 1)E(t1), we haveE(t )E(t )for allt∈ [t1, t2], and the same holds with reversed inclusions ifE(t ) is a subsolution. This implies that (see[10]for details)


∂t = d a.e. in

U× [0, T]

∩ {d > dΩ} ∩ {d=0},

which proves (12). Observe that, by parabolic regularity, ∂E(t )Ω is an analytic curve and the equality holds everywhere.


As we have


∂t =0 a.e. in

U× [0, T]

∩ {d=dΩ}, the proof of (11) amounts to show

d0 a.e. in

U× [0, T]

∩ {d=dΩ}. (30)

Assume by contradiction that there exist(x,¯ t )¯ ∈(U×(0, T ))∩ {d=dΩ}such that


∂t(x,¯ t )¯ =0< d(x,¯ t )¯ = dΩ(x).¯ (31)

Without loss of generality we can assumed(x,¯ t )¯ =dΩ(x)¯ =0, anddΩ is twice differentiable (in the classical sense) atx¯.

Let us take an open setΩΩ with (compact) boundary of classCand such that


x∂Ω and dΩ(x)¯ dΩ(x) >¯ 0.

We letΩ(t ), for t ∈ [0, τ]andτ >0, be the evolution by curvature of Ω[5], and observe that E(t ) =Ω(t − ¯t ), t∈ [¯t ,t¯+τ], is a subsolution in the sense of Definition4.1. In particular, by Theorem4.8

E(t )E(t ) for allt∈ [¯t ,t¯+τ],

but this implies, lettingd(x, t )ˆ =dE(t ) (x)and recalling (31), 0=∂d

∂t(x,¯ t )¯ ∂dˆ

∂t(x,¯ t )¯ = dΩ(x)¯ dΩ(x) >¯ 0, leading to a contradiction. This proves (30) and thus (11).

Finally, the uniqueness ofE(t )follows from Corollary4.9. 2

Remark 5.4.Notice that in Theorem5.3it is enough to assume thatΩsatisfies the exteriorR-ball condition for some R >0, which is a weaker assumption than requiring∂Ω to be of classC1,1. Indeed, we can approximateΩwith the sets



Bρ(x), ρ >0.

Notice that ΩρΩ and∂Ωρ is of classC1,1, for allρ >0. If we takeρ small enough so thatEΩρ then, by Theorem5.3applied withΩreplaced byΩρ, we obtain a solutionEρ(t)on[0, Tρ]. However,Eρ(t)is also a solution of the original problem, with constraintΩinstead ofΩρ, sinceΩρis a subsolution to (1) in the sense of Definition4.1.

6. Positive mean curvature flow

In this section we consider the geometric equation

v=max(κ,0). (32)

Notice that, by passing to the complementary set, (32) includes the evolution by negative mean curvature v= min(κ,0).

Definition 6.1.Given a family of setsE(t ),t∈ [0, T], we set d(x, t ):=dE(t)(x).

We say that E(t )is aC1,1solution of (32) if there exists a bounded open setU⊂Rn such that∂E(t )U for all t∈ [0, T],


U× [0, T]


U× [0, T]


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