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Academic year: 2022



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on the occasion of his 70th birthday



We present an example of a subordination operator (in the sense of G. Moko- bodzki) which occurs in a potential theoretical view on the discrete branching processes, introduced by N. Ikeda, S. Watanabe, and M. Nagasawa. It turns out that it is an operator which is neither of potential type nor of hitting distribution type. Notice that the state space of the branching processes is the set of all finite sums of Dirac measures on a given spaceE, identified with the direct sum of the symmetricn-powers ofE.

AMS 2000 Subject Classification: 60J45, 60J57, 60J40, 60J80, 31D05.

Key words: subordinate resolvent, subordination operator, right process, branch- ing process.


The subordination operators have been considered in potential theory by G. Mokobodzki as an analytic tool in the study of the perturbations of a Markov process by a right continuous multiplicative functional; see (3.1) below for the precise relations between the analytic and the probabilistic notions, more details may be found in [2] and [5]; see also [6] for further results on the uniqueness problem for the subordination operators.

There are two basic examples of subordination operators. The first one is the hitting distribution kernel and corresponds to the killing of the process at the first entry time in the complement of an open set. The second one is the so called “potential type” subordination operator and corresponds to the zero order perturbation of the infinitesimal generator of the process, or equiva- lently to the perturbation given by a Feynman-Kac formula with a continuous additive functional of the process; see Example 3.2 for a complete presentation.

In this paper we derive an example of subordination operator useful in a potential theoretical view on the discrete branching processes as introduced by N. Ikeda, S. Watanabe, and M. Nagasawa in the pioneering paper [7].

We work in a general frame given by a Borel right (Markov) process on a

MATH. REPORTS12(62),2 (2010), 119–126


Lusin topological space; several preliminary results are given in Section 2.

Theorem 4.1 and Remark 4.2 ii) below present this example (which is neither of potential type nor of hitting distribution type) in its natural frame given by a direct sum of measurable spaces; for the motivation see assertion iii) of the Remark 4.2. In fact, we prove in Proposition 3.3 a more general result on the summation of a sequence of subordination operators.

Our approach was inspired by an analytic method proposed by K. Janssen (cf. [8]) in the frame of the balayage spaces (on metrizable locally compact spaces).


Let U = (Uα)α>0 be a proper sub-Markovian resolvent of kernels on a Lusin measurable space (E,B). We assume further that:

(2.1) There exists a Lusin topologyT on E such that B is precisely the Borelσ-algebra onEand there exists a Borel right processXwith state space E having U as associated resolvent, i.e.,

Uαf(x) =Ex Z


e−αtf◦Xtdt for all f ∈pB and x∈E.

We recall now some basic notions and results on the excessive functions associated with U; see, e.g., [2] for details.

An universally B-measurable function u : E → R+ is called U-super- median if αUαu ≤ u for all α > 0. If in addition sup


αUαu(x) = u(x) for all x ∈E, then u is named U-excessive. If u is U-supermedian then one can consider the U-excessive regularizationbuofu, defined asu(x) = supb


αUαu(x), x ∈ E.We denote by E(U) the set of all B-measurableU-excessive functions on E.

Aσ-finite measureξon (E,B) is calledU-excessiveif for allα >0 we have ξ(αUαf)≤ξ(f) and sup


ξ(αUαf) =ξ(f), f ∈pB;pB (resp.bpB) denotes the set of all numerical positive (resp. bounded positive) B-measurable functions on E. We denote by Exc(U) the set of all U-excessive measures.

If µis a positive measure on (E,B) thenµ◦U is U-excessive, provided it is σ-finite; such an U-excessive measure is calledpotential.

Thefine topologyis the topology onE generated by allU-excessive func- tions.

A Luzin topology on E having B as Borel σ-algebra is called natural (with respect to U) provided that it is smaller than the fine topology.

(2.2) Assertion (2.1) is equivalent to each of the following ones:


(2.3) For all u, v ∈ E(U) we have inf(u, v) ∈ E(U), 1 ∈ E(U), B is generated by E(U), and every U-excessive measure dominated by a potential is also a potential.

(2.4) For every natural topology on E there exists a Borel right process with state space E, havingU as associated resolvent.


A kernel P on (E,Bu) is called subordination operator with respect to U provided that P u ≤ u and the function inf(u, P u+v−P v+P f) is U- excessive for all u, v∈ E(U) withv <∞ and f ∈pB; we have denoted by Bu the universal completion of B.

Remark 3.1. The subordination operators considered here correspond to the exact subordination operators from [2] and notice that for the applica- tion we intend to give, we need to consider only B-measurable subordination operators (compare with [2]).

Recall that a second sub-Markovian resolvent of kernels W = (Wα)α>0

on (E,B) is called subordinate toU provided thatWα ≤Uα for allα > 0. If in addition U f−W f isU-excessive for everyf ∈bpB withU f <∞, then we say that W is exactly subordinate toU.

(3.1) We collect some results on subordination operators and subordinate resolvents (see [2, Section 5.1]).

i) LetP be a subordination operator with respect toU. Then there exists a sub-Markovian resolvent W = (Wα)α>0 on (E,Bu) such that W is exactly subordinate to U and W f =U f −P U f for all f ∈ pBu with U f <∞. The sub-Markovian resolvent W is called generatedbyP.

ii) Let W = (Wα)α>0 be a sub-Markovian resolvent on (E,Bu) which is exactly subordinate to U. Then there exists a uniquely determined sub- ordination operator P with respect to U such that W is generated by P; in particular, we have P U f =U f−W f for all f ∈pB withU f <∞.

iii) If P is a subordination operator with respect toU we put EP ={x∈E : there existsu∈ E(U) withP u(x)< u(x)}.

We assume for simplicity that P is a kernel on (E,B); see Remark 3.1.

By [2, Theorem 5.1.6] it follows that the restriction toEP of the subor- dinate resolvent generated by P (resolvent also denoted byW) satisfies (2.3) and therefore (2.4). We get also that the trace of the topology T on EP is natural for the resolvent W on EP and we conclude by (2.4) that W is the resolvent of a Borel right process Y with state space EP. Notice thatP f is a W-excessive function (onEP) for all f ∈pB.


iv) The probabilistic interpretation is as follows (for details see [5], [10]

and [2, Section 5.3]). For every exact subordination operatorP there exists an exact (right continuous) multiplicative functionalM = (Mt)t≥0ofX such that

P f(x) =−Ex Z


f(Xt)dMt, f ∈pB.

The set EP becomes the set of all permanent points with respect to M and the process Y on EP is obtained from X by killing withM.

Example 3.2. i) For each u ∈ E(U) and A ⊂E we consider the reduced functionof u on A,

RAu= inf{v∈ E(U) : v≥u onA}.

If A ∈ B and u ∈ E(U) then RAu, the reduced function of u on A, is a B- universally measurable U-supermedian function. Assume that RAu ∈ pB for all u ∈ E(U). Then RcA (called the balayage of u on A) is a subordination operator with respect to U. The maps u 7→ RAu and u 7→ RcAu extend to kernels on E. Note that by Hunt’s Theorem we haveRAf(x) =Ex(f◦XDA) and RcAf(x) =Ex(f ◦XTA), where DA is the entry time of A,DA= inf{t≥ 0 : Xt∈A}, and TA is thehitting time of A,TA= inf{t >0 : Xt∈A}.

ii) Let v < ∞ be a regular U-excessive function. Then there exists a regular U-excessive kernel V0 on (E,B) such that v = V01 and let V be the kernel on E defined by V f = V0(gf) for all f ∈ pB, where g ∈pB is a fixed real valued function. Notice thatV possesses the complete maximum principle.

Assume that there exists a sub-Markovian resolvent of kernels V = (Vα)α>0

having V as initial kernel (V = V0). We recall that, by [2, Theorem 1.1.12 (Kondo-Taylor-Hirsch)], this is the case whenevergis bounded sinceV1<∞.

Then V1 is a subordination operator with respect to U and EV1 = E. In particular, for all α > 0 the kernel αUα is a subordination operator with respect to U. These subordination operators are called of potential type.

LetW = (Wα)α>0 be the subordinate resolvent generated by the subor- dination operatorV1. HenceW =U−V1U and recall that we have in addition U =




The probabilistic counterpart is as follows; cf. [5] and [2]. There exists a continuous additive functional (At)t≥0 of X such that for all α≥0 we have Vαf(x) = ExR

0 e−αAtf◦XtdAt. The subordinate resolvent W = (Wα)α>0

is given by the Feynman-Kac formula Wαf(x) =Ex



e−At−αtf ◦Xtdt.

For further analytic and probabilistic developments on the potential type sub- ordination operators see [3] and [4].


Proposition 3.3. Let (Pn)n≥1 be a family of subordination operators with respect to a sub-Markovian resolvent of kernels U on a Lusin measurable space (E,B). In addition, we suppose that EPn∩EPm =∅ for all n, m∈N, n6=m, and S

n≥1EPn =E. Then the kernel P on (E,B) defined as P f :=X


1EPnPnf , f ∈pB,

is a subordination operator with respect to the resolventU and we haveEP =E.

Proof. Clearly,P is a kernel on (E,B) and P u≤ufor all u∈ E(U). We show that for all u∈ E(U) we have

(3.2) P u= inf


Indeed, if m ≥ 1, n 6= m, and x ∈ EPm then Pnu(x) = u(x). Therefore, P u(x) =Pmu(x)≤u(x) =Pnu(x) and thus

P u(x) = inf


We consider u, v∈ E(U), v <∞ and f ∈pBand define the functions h := inf (u, P u+v−P v+P f),

hn:= inf (u, Pnu+v−Pnv+Pnf) for all n≥1.

We haveh=hnon EPn for alln≥1, henceh=P

n≥11EPnhn. We show that

(3.3) h= inf


Indeed, let m∈N and x∈EPm. Since Png(x) =g(x) for all g∈pB,n6=m, we get

n6=minf hn(x) = inf

n6=minf(u(x), Pnu(x) +v(x)−Pnv(x) +Pnf(x)) =

= inf(u(x), u(x) +f(x)) =u(x)≥hm(x).


n≥1inf hn=hm=h on EPm.

BecausePn is a subordination operator with respect toU we have hn∈ E(U) for alln≥1, and therefore by (3.3) we deduce thath isU-supermedian.

But h = hn on EPn and hn ∈ E(U), therefore h is finely continuous on each finely open set EPn and thush∈ E(U).

BecauseP u≤Pnu(cf. (3.2)), we getEPn ⊂EP for alln∈N, therefore EP =E.


Remark.The hypothesisS

n1EPn=Eis not necessary in Proposition 3.3.

However, without this hypothesis we have to define the kernelP on (E,B) as P f =X


1EPnPnf+ 1E\S


and we can deduce that h is a strongly supermedian function, hence P is a subordination operator in the general sense considered in [2] and one can show that EP =S



In this section we consider the resolvent U = (Uα)α>0 on the Lusin topological space E as in Section 2. Let I be a countable set, card(I) ≥ 2, and assume that (E,B) is a countable sum



Ei, Ei∩Ej =∅for all i, j∈I, i6=j, (Ei)i∈I ⊂ B.

Hence (Ei)i∈I is a countable family of Lusin measurable spaces, every Ei is endowed with the trace topology of E and Bi is the σ-algebra on Ei. We suppose thatEi is a finely open subset of E, for alli∈I.

A function f : E → R is uniquely identified by its restrictions to every set Ei,i∈I. We write f = (fi)i∈I, wherefi:=f|Ei.

A kernelN :pB →pB on the measurable space (E,B) can be identified through a matrix of kernels (Nij)i,j∈I, where Nij : pBi → pBj is a kernel from (Ei,Bi) to (Ej,Bj), defined as Nijfi := (Nfei)j, fi ∈ pB, fei being the extension of fi from Ei to E with 0 on E\Ei. Conversely, given a family of kernels (Nij)i,j∈I, Nij : pBi → pBj, we define a kernel N on (E,B) as N f := P


i∈I, f ∈pB.

A kernelN on (E,B) is calleddiagonal ifNij = 0 for alli, j∈I,i6=j.A resolvent of kernelsV = (Vα)α>0on (E,B) is calleddiagonalifVαis a diagonal kernel for every α >0.

Let M and N be two kernels on the measurable space (E,B). If in addition N is diagonal andM ≤N (i.e.,M f ≤N f for allf ∈pB) thenM is also diagonal.

We define the kernel P on (E,B) as

(P f)i := (RE\Eif)i, i∈I.

From the above considerations we can identify the kernel P with the family of kernels (Pij)i,j∈I,Pij :pBi →pBj, by

Pijfi := (Pfei)j = (RE\Ejfei)j.


Theorem 4.1. The following assertions hold for W =U−P U.

a)W is the initial kernel of a proper sub-Markovian resolvent of kernels W = (Wα)α>0 on (E,B) exactly subordinate to U. In addition W is diagonal and P f ∈ E(W) for all f ∈pB.

b) There exists a right Markov process with state space E having W as associated resolvent.

Proof. For every f ∈pBwith u=U f <∞ we have (P u)i = (RE\Eiu)i≤ui for all i∈I.

Consequently, P U f ≤ U f for all f ∈ pB and therefore the map f 7→ U f − P U f =:W f extends to a kernel on E.

We prove that P is a subordination operator with respect to U. Since the sets Ei and E\Ei are finely open, the kernel Pi = RE\Ei on (E,B) is a subordination operator for alliandEPi =Ei. By Proposition 3.3 we get that P is a subordination operator such thatEP =E. Hence by (3.1) i) there exists a sub-Markovian resolvent W = (Wα)α>0 on (E,B) such that W is exactly subordinate toU and havingW as initial kernel. By the last assertion of (3.1) iii) we deduce that P f ∈ E(W) for all f ∈pB. Assertion b) follows now by (3.1) iii) sinceEP =E.

We show thatW is diagonal. Considerf ∈pBandF = [f >0]. Because U satisfies the complete maximum principle (see, e.g., [2, Section 1.1]) we have

(4.1) RFU f =U f on E.

SinceE\Ej ⊃Ei we getRE\EjUfei ≥RE\EiUfeiand by (4.1) we getRE\EjUfei

= Ufei, henceWijfi = 0 on Ej fori6= j. Because Wαf ≤W f for all α >0, f ∈pB and using the fact that W is diagonal, we deduce thatWα is diagonal for all α >0, i.e.,W is diagonal.

Remark 4.2. i) Theorem 4.1 was inspired by an analytic result of K. Jans- sen ([8, Theorem 1.1]), presented in terms of perturbations of balayage spaces.

In particular, E is there a locally compact space with countable base and the setsEi,i∈I, are open.

ii) By Theorem 4.1 it follows that the kernelP, P f =X


1Ei RE\Eif,

is a subordination operator with respect to U. It is a concrete example which belongs to the class of subordination operators treated in Proposition 3.3.

iii) In a forthcoming work we shall apply the above results to a class of discrete branching processes, in the sense of N. Ikeda, M. Nagasawa and S. Watanabe (cf. [7] and [9]). We close this section by summarizing the ap- propriate frame for this application; see the survey article [1] for more details:


U = (Uα)α>0 will be the resolvent of a Borel right Markov process with state space D; Ei will be the symmetric ith power of D. Notice that the direct sum E is identified with the space of all positive measures µ on D which are finite sums of Dirac measures: µ= Pn

k=1δxk, where x1, . . . , xn ∈ D. By Theorem 4.1 the resolvent W on E will be a diagonal one.

Acknowledgement. Support from the Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation (PN II Program of CNCSIS) is gratefully acknowledged.


[1] L. Beznea,Perturbation of sub-Markovian resolvents – a tribute to Gabriel Mokobodzki (1939-2007). In: D. Cior˘anescu, H. Ene and C. Udrea (Eds.),Proceedings of the Second Workshop Series on Applied Mathematics, pp. 53–62. Ed. Univ. Pite¸sti, Pite¸sti, 2008.

[2] L. Beznea and N. Boboc,Potential Theory and Right Processes.Springer Series, Mathe- matics and its Applications, Vol.572. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2004.

[3] L. Beznea and N. Boboc,Feynman-Kac formula for left continuous additive functionals and extended Kato class measures.Potential Anal.30(2009), 139–164.

[4] L. Beznea and N. Boboc, Measures not charging polar sets and Schr¨odinger equations inLp.Acta Math. Sinica (English Ser.)26(2010), 249–264.

[5] R.M. Blumenthal and R.K. Getoor,Markov Processes and Potential Theory.Academic Press, New York, 1968.

[6] N. Boboc and Gh. Bucur, The uniqueness problem for subordinate resolvents with po- tential theoretical methods.Potential Anal.30(2009), 101–113.

[7] N. Ikeda, M. Nagasawa and S. Watanabe,Branching Markov processesI. J. Math. Kyoto Univ.8(1968), 233–278.

[8] K. Janssen,On the Martin boundary of weakly coupled balayage spaces.Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl.51(2006), 655–664.

[9] M. Nagasawa, A probabilistic approach to non-linear Dirichlet problem.eminaire de probabilit´es (Strasbourg)10(1976), 184–193.

[10] M. Sharpe,General Theory of Markov Processes.Academic Press, Boston, 1988.

Received 15 October 2009 Romanian Academy

“Simion Stoilow” Institute of Mathematics P.O. Box 1-167, 014700 Bucharest, Romania

lucian.beznea@imar.ro and



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