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Let (V,Φ) be a root system


Academic year: 2022

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1. Day 7

• (a) Weyl group

• (b) Properties of root systems

• (c) Simple roots and Weyl chambers

1.1. Weyl group. Let (V,Φ) be a root system. The subgroupW ⊂GL(V) generated by the reflections sα, for α ∈ Φ, permutes Φ, by definition. It follows thatW is finite (a subgroup of the symmetric group).

Lemma 1.1. Let Φbe a finite set spanning a Eucldean spaceV. SupposeΦ is invariant under the reflection sα for all α ∈Φ. Let g ∈GL(V) stabilize Φ; assume g fixes some hyperplane P ⊂V and takes some α in Φ to −α.

Then g=sα and P =Pα is the hyperplane orthogonal to α.

Proof. Note that s2α = 1. Letτ =gsα =gs−1α . Thus τ(Φ) = Φ, τ(α) = α, and τ acts as the identity on Rα as well as on the quotient V /Rα, since P ∩Rα = 0. Thus all the eigenvalues of τ equal 1, and so its minimal polynomial divides (X −1)`. On the other hand, τ fixes the finite set Φ, so for β ∈Φ, some power τN(β) =β. We may assume N sufficiently large that τN(β) = β for all β ∈ Φ. Since Φ spans V, τN = 1; so its minimal

polynomial is in factX−1, i.e. τ = 1.

Lemma 1.2. Any element g ∈ GL(V) that leaves Φ invariant is an auto- morphism of the root system: in other words, for all β, α,

2hg(β), g(α)i

hg(α), g(α)i = 2hβ, αi hα, αi.

In particular, W is a group of automorphisms of the root system.

Proof. Letα, β ∈Φ. Then gsαg−1(g(β)) =gsα(β) ∈Φ becausesα(β) ∈Φ.

We rewrite the right-hand expression gsαg−1(g(β)) =g(β)−2hβ, αi

hα, αiα=g(β)−2hβ, αi hα, αig(α).

Thus gsαg−1 takes every element of Φ (sinceg(β) runs over all elements of Φ) to an element of Φ; i.e. gsαg−1 leaves Φ invariant. Moreover, it fixes the hyperplane orthogonal to g(α) pointwise and takes g(α) to −g(α); it



thus follows from the above lemma that it is the reflection in the hyperplane orthogonal to g(α) i.e.

gsαg−1(g(β)) =g(β)−2hg(β), g(α)i hg(α), g(α)ig(α).

Comparing the two expressions, we find the equality 2hg(β), g(α)i

hg(α), g(α)i = 2hβ, αi hα, αi.

1.2. Properties of root systems. Let α, β ∈ Φ and suppose they are neither proportional nor orthogonal. By Cauchy-Schwartz, we know that

0< hα, βi2

hα, αihβ, βi <1;α(β) := 2hα, βi hα, αi ∈Z and similarly β(α)∈Z. Thus Cauchy-Schwartz gives


Up to replacing α by −α, we may assume hα, βi < 0, and without loss of generality we may assume hα, αi ≤ hβ, βi. Thus the term in the middle is a product of negative integers. So there are three possibilities.

(i) α(β) =β(α) =−1;hα, αi=hβ, βi.

(ii) α(β) =−2, β(α) =−1; 2hα, αi=hβ, βi.

(iii) α(β) =−3, β(α) =−1; ; 3hα, αi=hβ, βi.

In other words, in the plane spanned by α andβ, using the formula for the cosine, we see the angle between them is either 3 , 4 , or 6 .

In particular, in any irreducible root system of rank 2, there are roots α, β such that β(α) = +1 (replaceβ by −β. Now

sα(β) =β−β(α)α =β−α soα−β and β−α are roots. It follows that

Lemma 1.3. Let α and β be nonproportional roots in Φ. If hα, βi < 0 (resp. hα, βi>0) thenα+β ∈Φ (resp. α−β ∈Φ).

Moreover, theα-string through β, defined to be the set of all roots of the form β+iα∈Φ, with i∈Z, is unbroken – if β+iα∈Φ and β+jα ∈Φ then β+kα∈Φ for allk between i and j. The set of such i has at most 4 elements.

Proof. The first step follows as before: ifhα, βi>0 we may assumehα, βi= 1 and then α−β is a root; but then so is β−α. Replacing β by −β gives the result if hα, βi<0.

Now letr, q∈Nbe the smallest integers such that theα-string throughβ is contained in [β−rα, β+qα]. Suppose k∈[−r, q] and β+kα /∈Φ. Then we can find p < sin the interval such that

β+pα∈Φ, β+ (p+ 1)α /∈Φ, β+sα∈Φ, β+ (s−1)α /∈Φ.


Apply the lemma: since (β+pα) +α /∈Φ (resp. (β+sα)−α /∈Φ ) it follows that

hα, β+pαi ≥0;hα, β+sαi ≤0.

Thus 0≤ hα,(p−s)αi= (p−s)hα, αi<0 which is absurd. So the string is unbroken.

Nowsαeither adds or subtracts a multiple ofαto any root, and therefore fixes every α-string. Because it is a reflection that reverses the α-axis, it reverses the string. So

sα(β+qα) =β−rα.

But the left hand side is


sor−q=β(α)≤3. Thus the string has at most 4 elements.

We now classify the four possible root systems of rank 2. For this purpose, we chooseα, β above, with||α|| ≤ ||β||,hα, βi<0, and such that the angle betweenαandβis the largest possible between π2 andπbutβ 6=−α. Orient the ambient space so that α is the coordinate vector on the x axis. In all cases, the smallest angle between any pair of roots is π6. In particular, one cannot have both π3 and π4.

1.1. Root system A1×A1. Ifα and β are orthogonal, this means by max- imality that there is no root in the second quadrant (with angle strictly between π2 and π). Then the only roots possible are on the axes, with β a multiple of the coordinate vector on the y axis. Up to scaling the inner product, we may assume ||β|| = ||α|| = 1; the four roots are ±α,±β, and this is clearly the product of two copies of the same rank 1 root system, which we call A1.


1.2. Root systemA2.

α(β) =β(α) =−1;hα, αi=hβ, βi

Now the angle is 3 , which implies by the above computation that||β||=

||α|| = 1. Again, there is no angle between 3 and π, which means the smallest angle between any two roots is π3; otherwise, by applying simple reflections. On the other hand, we can add−αand −β, andsα(β) =α+β, which adds −α−β. These are the six vertices of a regular hexagon. We obtain the root system ofsl(3). Indeed, dimsl(3) = 8, with diagonal Cartan subgroup of rank 2, which leaves 6 root spaces.


1.3. Root systemB2.

α(β) =−2, β(α) =−1; 2hα, αi=hβ, βi

The angle is now 4 , and ||β||2 = 2||α||2. The α-string through β has length 3, and one gets a total of eight roots. This is the Lie algebra ofso(5), which is isomorphic to the Lie algebra of sp(4).

1.4. Root systemG2.

α(β) =−3, β(α) =−1; ; 3hα, αi=hβ, βi.


Finally, the largest possible angle, namely 6 , and ||β||2 = 3||α||2. Then theα-string throughβhas length 4. All vertices of a dodecagon are occupied, but the roots are of two lengths. In other words, there are two hexagons, of different diameters, at an angle of π6 relative to one another. This is the non-classical Lie algebra G2.

1.3. Simple roots and Weyl chambers. Let (Φ, V) be a root system.

Choose a linear formf ∈V=Hom(V,Q) that is orthogonal to none of the roots. Then f partitions Φ into Φ+`

Φ where Φ+ ={α ∈Φ |f(α)>0}, Φ = −Φ+. Say α ∈ Φ+ is simple (relative to f) if it is not of the form β12 withβi∈Φ+.

Proposition 1.4. Let∆be the set of simple roots relative tof. Then every α ∈ Φ+ is a sum of elements of ∆ with non-negative integer coefficients.

Moreover, ∆is a basis of V.

Proof. First, suppose there is α ∈ Φ+ that is not a positive linear combi- nation of elements of ∆. We may assume f(α) is minimal for α with this property. By hypothesis, α is not simple, henceα =β12 withβi ∈Φ+. So f(α) =f(β1) +f(β2) and each of the summands is positive. This con- tradicts minimality.

Now the first property implies that ∆ contains a basis. We show linear independence. Note that, forα6=β ∈∆ we havehα, βi ≤0. If not, we have α−β ∈Φ. If α−β ∈Φ+ thenα =α−β+β is not simple; ifβ−α∈Φ+ thenβ is not simple.



α∈∆λαα= 0. Let ∆+={α |λα≥0, ∆ = ∆\∆+. We may write the relation



λαα= X


λββ =v, say. Then

||v||2 =hv, vi= X


λαλα0hα, α0i ≤0

because each λα ≥0 and each hα, α0i ≤0. But thenv = 0. So 0 =f(v) = P

α∈∆+λαf(α) is a sum of non-negative terms; thus eachλα = 0. Similarly,

each λβ = for β∈∆.

Definition 1.5. A basis of Φ is a set of simple roots relative to some f ∈ V\ ∪αVα where Vα is the hyperplane vanishing on α.

InVR, the complement of a finite set of hyperplanes through the origin is a finite union of open polyhedral cones. In this case, each set of simple roots determines a collection of dimV hyperplanesVα, each of which dividesV\ Vα into theVα+ ={f |f(α)>0} and Vα. So the set of f corresponding to the basis ∆ is precisely the intersection∩α∈∆Vα+. This is theWeyl chamber corresponding to ∆.

Given a basis ∆ of Φ, the set of simple reflexions (relative to ∆) is the set ofsα, α∈∆.

Proposition 1.6. Every root is the image of a simple root by a product of simple reflexions. The Weyl group is generated by the set of simple reflex- ions.

The proof is based on the following basic lemma.

Lemma 1.7. Let α∈∆. Then sα+\ {α}) = Φ+\ {α}.

Proof. Letγ ∈Φ+,γ 6=α. Writeγ =P

β∈∆nββ with each nβ ≥0, and at least onenβ >0 for β 6=α

σα(γ) =X


nβσα(β) = X



where u = P

β∈∆2nβhβ,αihα,αi = 2hα,αihγ,αi. In particular, the coefficient of β doesn’t change for anyβ 6=α. Soσα(γ) has at least one positive coefficient, and is therefore not in Φ; hence it must be in Φ+. Finally, σα(γ) 6= α

because γ6=−α.

Proof of Proposition. Writeγ >0 ifγ ∈Φ+,si =sαi,i= 1. . . , `for a basis α. Suppose we know the proposition for γ >0, say γ =Q

isi(β) for some simpleβ. Then −γ =Q

isi(−β) =Q


Thus we may assume γ > 0, say γ = P

niαi. Let h(γ) = P

ni > 0 and induct onh(γ). Ifh(γ) = 1 thenγ ∈∆ and there is nothing to prove.


Suppose h(γ) > 1. Note that 0 < ||γ||2 = P

inihγ, αii, so hγ, αii > 0 for somei. Thensi(γ)>0 by the previous lemma, but

si(γ) =X


njαj+ (ni−2hγ, αii hαi, αii

and h(si(γ))< h(γ). Thus we conclude by induction.

By definition, W is generated by the sγ for γ ∈ Φ. By the first part of the proposition, we may supposeγ =w(α) withα∈∆ andw a product of simple reflections. Thensγ =wsαw−1is also a product of simple reflections.

We draw a corollary from the Lemma. Letδ = 12P

α∈Φ+α. This depends on the choice of basis.

Corollary 1.8. For any simple α∈∆, sα(δ) =δ−α.

Theorem 1.9. The Weyl group acts simply transitively on the Weyl cham- bers, or equivalently on the bases of Φ.

Proof. Clearly the Weyl group permutes bases of Φ. We show the action is transitive and then simply transitive.

Fix a basis ∆. For transitivity, it suffices to show that, for any element f ∈V\ ∪αVα, there is aσ∈W such that hσ(f), αi>0 for allα∈∆. This implies thatW acts transitively on the Weyl chambers. Chooseσ ∈W such thathσ(f), δi>0is as big as possible. Ifα∈∆, then by hypothesis

hσ(f), δi ≥ hσασ(f), δi=hσ(f), σα(δ)i=hσ(f), δi − hσ(f), αi.

Thus hσ(f), αi ≥0 for all α ∈ ∆. Since f is not orthogonal to anyα, and sinceW permutes theα-hyperplanes, we must in fact havehσ(f), αi>0 for all α. Thus σ(f) is in the Weyl chamber corresponding to ∆.

Now to prove that the action is simply transitive, we supposew∈W,w6=

1, withw=s1· · · · ·sN, a product of simple reflections withN minimal. We show thatw(αN)∈Φ, which implies thatwdoes not fix ∆. Suppose not, so w(αN)>0. Letjbe the smallest integerisuch thatβi =si·· · ··sNN)>0.

SincesNN)<0, we havej < N; thusβj+1 is well-defined and an element of Φ. Moreover, sjj) = βj+1 < 0, and since βj > 0 the lemma implies thatβjj. Hence

sj =sβj = (sj· · · · ·sN)sN(sj· · · · ·sN)−1; in other words

sj(sj · · · · ·sN) = (sj· · · · ·sN)sN;sj+1· · · · ·sN =sj· · · · ·sN−1

after cancellation. This means

w=s1· · · · ·sjsj· · · · ·sN−1=s1· · · · ·sj−1sj+1· · · · ·sN−1

has a factorization of length N −2, which contradicts the minimality of



2. Day 8

• (a) Cartan matrices

• (b) Dynkin diagrams

• (c) The Lie algebra of a root system

• (d) Proof of Serre’s theorem (sketch)

2.1. Cartan matrices. The classification of semisimple Lie algebras is based on the following proposition:

Proposition 2.1. Letg⊃hand g0 ⊃h0 be pairs consisting of a semisimple Lie algebra and a Cartan subalgebra. LetΦandΦ0 be the corresponding root systems, ∆ ⊂ Φ, ∆0 ⊂ Φ0 sets of simple roots, and for each α ∈ ∆ (resp.

α0 ∈ ∆0) choose a generator Eα ∈ gα (resp. Eα0 ∈ g0,α0. Suppose there is an isomorphism of root systems f : Φ → Φ0 such that f(∆) = ∆0. Then there is a unique isomorphism of Lie algebrasr:g → g0 takinghtoh0, with r(Eα) =Eα0, r(Hα) =Hα0.

We return to the proof if we have time. For the moment, we see that the classification of semisimple Lie algebras is reduced to two steps: (a) classification of irreducible root systems; and (b) determination of those irreducible root systems that correspond to Lie algebras. The answer to (b) is simple (though not simple to prove): all irreducible root systems come from Lie algebras.

Step (a) is carried out by rewriting the axioms of root systems in combi- natorial form.

Definition 2.2. Let ∆ be a finite set. A Cartan matrix for ∆ is a map c: ∆×∆→ Z such that

(C1) For all α, β∈∆,c(α, α) = 2;c(α, β)∈ {0,−1,−2,−3} ifα6=β;

(C2) c(α, β) = 0⇔c(β, α) = 0.

(C3) The quadratic form Q(x) = X




pc(α, β)·c(β, α)xαxβ

on the spaceR is positive-definite.

The Cartan matrices c and c0 for ∆ and ∆0 are equivalent if there is a bijection ∆ → ∆0 compatible with the constants cand c0.

Lemma 2.3. Let Φbe a root system.

(a) For any choice ∆ of simple roots of Φ, the function c(α, β) =α(β) is a Cartan matrix C(Φ,∆).

(b) If ∆0 is another choice, then C(Φ,∆) and C(Φ,∆0) are equivalent.

(c) The matrix C(Φ,∆) determinesΦ up to isomorphism.

(d) Finally, Φ is reducible if and only if C(Φ,∆) is a sum of (at least) two diagonal blocks.


Proof. (a) Property (C1) was shown in the previous lecture (Day 7). Since α(β) = 2hα,αihα,βi, property (C2) is clear. (C3) is equivalent to the positive- definiteness of h•,•i. More precisely, if we writey=P


α α∈R, then one computes that

pc(α, β)p

c(β, α) =−2 hα, βi phα, αihβ, βi which easily implies that

Q(x) =hy, yi.

(b) There is a unique w ∈ W such that w(∆) = ∆0, and because the Killing form is invariant, it associates the Cartan integers:

c(w(α), w(β)) = 2hw(α), w(β)i

hw(α), w(α)i = 2hα, βi

hα, αi =c(α, β).

(c) We know that the set of Weyl group translates of ∆ equals Φ, and for each α ∈ ∆, sα(β) = β−c(α, β)α is determined by C(Φ,∆). So Φ is recovered from ∆ and c.

(d) One direction is clear. SupposeC is the sum of two diagonal blocks.

Thus ∆ = ∆1`

2 withc(α, β) = 0 ifα∈∆1,β∈∆2. Note that ifα∈∆1 then sα acts trivially on the span of ∆2. Thus W =W1×W2 where Wi is generated by thesαwithα∈∆i,i= 1,2. It follows that Φ = Φ1`

Φ2 with Φi=Wi(∆i), and from there the result is easy.

Example 2.4. If g = sl(n), we can take ∆ = {α1, . . . , αn−1 with αi = ei−ei+1 and the Euclidean norm. Then hαi, αji = 2 if i = j and = −1 otherwise.

2.2. Dynkin diagrams.

Lemma 2.5. Let C= (c(α, β))be a Cartan matrix on the finite set ∆. Let

0 ⊂ ∆ and let C0 be the corresponding submatrix. Then C0 is a Cartan matrix.

If c(α, β)6= 0, then either c(α, β) =−1 or c(β, α) =−1.

If C0 is any matrix on ∆ such that c0(α, β) ≥c(α, β), and satisfies (C1) and (C2), thenC0 is again a Cartan matrix.

Proof. The first condition is clear (a positive definite quadratic form re- stricted to a subspace remains positive-definite.). We apply this to the subset ∆0 = {α, β}: we see that Q0(x, y) = x2−p

c(α, β)·c(β, α)xy+y2 has discriminant c(α, β)c(β, α)−4. In order for Q0 to be positive definite, we need c(α, β)c(β, α)−4 < 0, which in view of (C2), implies the second condition.

Finally, for x =P

xαα ∈ R, let |x| =P

|xα|α. Then Q0(x) ≥ Q0(|x|) because this is true for each term in the sum−P


pc(α, β)·c(β, α)xαxβ. Similarly, Q0(|x|)≥Q(|x|) becausec0(α, β)≥c(α, β) implies


c0(α, β)·c0(β, α)≤ −p

c(α, β)·c(β, α)


(pay attention to signs!) SoC0 again satisfies (C3).

To each Cartan matrixC we associate the Dynkin diagram: it is a (par- tially) oriented graph whose vertices are ∆ and such that the numbern(α, β) of edges betweenαand β is given byc(α, β)c(β, α), with an arrow pointing from the shorter to the longer root if the number of edges is >1. In other words, α→ β ifn(α, β)>1 and c(α, β) =−1.

Conversely, suppose Γ is a finite graph, withn(α, β) edges betweenα and β, and an orientation if n(α, β) > 1. Say it is a Dynkin diagram if the quadratic form

Q(x) =X



pn(α, β)xαxβ

is positive-definite. We associate to Γ its set ∆ of vertices and a matrix C=c(α, β) by writingc(α, β) =−n(α, β) ifn(α, β)<2 orβ → α; otherwise c(α, β) = −1. Then C is a Cartan matrix (and indeed n(α, β) < 4 for all α, β, by definiteness).

It is easy to see that we have a bijection between Cartan matrices and Dynkin diagrams. Under this bijection, irreducible Cartan matrices cor- respond to connected Dynkin diagrams. The properties of the preceding lemma will be used to eliminate candidate diagrams.

Theorem 2.6. Every irreducible Dynkin diagram belongs to the following list:

Here n≥1 for An,n≥2 for Bn and Cn, and n≥3 for Dn.

Proof. The idea of the proof is that the positivity of the Cartan matrix excludes certain configurations. Let ∆ = {αi, i = 1, . . . , `} and let ei =


αi/||αi|| be the corresponding unit vector. Recall that the ratio of lengths (||αi||/||αj||)2 is always 1, 2, or 3 (or the reciprocal). Moreover, ifi6=jthen hei, eji ≤0 and

4hei, eji2= 4 hαi, αji

i, αiihαj, αji =αijji) = 0,1,2,3 is the number of edges connectingei toej.

We start with the following observation.

(1) The number of pairs of vertices in Γ connected by at least one edge is strictly less than `. Indeed, let a=a(Γ) be this number, and lete=P

ei. Since they are linearly independent, e6= 0, so

0<he, ei=`+ 2X


hei, eji

Ifhei, eji 6= 0 thenhei, eji2 = 14,12,34 which together with negativity implies 2hei, eji ≤ −1. Thus

0< `+ 2X


hei, eji ≤`−a(Γ)

which implies` > a(Γ).

In particular, Γ contains no cycles; otherwise, we could replace Γ by the subgraph Γ0 of `0 vertices of the cycle, for which a(Γ0)≥`0.

(2) No vertex lies on more than three edges. Fix e= ei and assumevi, i = 1, . . . k, are the vertices attached to e; in particular he, vji < 0. Since there are no cycles, thevi are not linked, sohvi, vji= 0 ifi6=j. LetV be the space spanned by e and the vi, and letv0 ∈V be a unit vector orthogonal to all thevi; thushe, vi 6= 0, and{v0, v1, . . . , vk} is an orthonormal basis for V. It follows that

1 =he, ei=he,




he, viivii=




(he, vii)2. Thus Pk

i(he, vii)2 < 1 (strict inequality), or again Pk

i 4(he, vii)2 <4. But 4(he, vii)2 is the number of edges connecting etovi.

In particular, G2 is the only connected graph with a triple edge, and no graph has two double edges coming from a single vertex.

(3) Let Γ⊃Γwhere Γis the graph on a chain of verticesu1, . . . , uk, with each ui connected to ui+1 by a single edge. Let Γ0 be the graph obtained from Γ by shrinking Γ to a point and replacing{u1, . . . , uk} by u=P

ui. Then Γ0 is again a Dynkin diagram.

Let the vertices of Γ be e1, . . . , eb;u1, . . . , uk, ` = b+k; so the vertices of Γ0 are e1, . . . , eb, u, which are vectors in the subspace they span in R`. Obviously they are linearly independent. Moreover, 2hui, ui+ii = −1 for i= 1, . . . , k−1; so

hu, ui=k+ 2X


hui, uji=k−(k−1) = 1.


Thusuis again a unit vector. Since there are no cycles, any ej is connected to at most oneui, and for thisiwe have 4(hu, eji)2= 4(hui, ej)2i= 0,1,2,3.

Combining (2) and (3), we can eliminate the following diagrams:

In particular, no connected diagram has more than one double edge.

It remains to show that the only diagrams containing a double edge are of the typeBn=CnorF4, and that the only diagrams with a branch point are of the type Dn or En with n = 6,7,8 (E5 = D5). In other words, we need to eliminate the four following diagrams:

For each of these we can exhibit a nonzero vector v0 of length zero, which shows that the quadratic form is not positive-definite. For ˜F5 v0 = (1,2,3,2√


2) (in the order of the vertices from left to right). For the ˜En

we can use the following vectors (with the graphs labelled):

but it is more traditional to argue as follows. Let the branch node be labelled x and let the three chains leaving x be labelled u1, . . . , up−1, v1, . . . , vq−1, w1, . . . , wr−1. We need to bound the lengths p, q, r relative to each other. Let u =P

iui, v =P

jvj,w =P

kwk. They are mutually orthogonal and linearly independent andxis not in their span. We compute

(hu, u/i) =








i(i+ 1) =p(p−1)/2

because all the edges are single. Similarly (hv, v/i) =q(q−1)/2, (hw, w/i) = r(r−1)/2.

Let θ1 be the angle between x and u, θ2 between x and v,θ3 between x and w. Since hx, xi= 1 it follows, as in the verification of (2), that

1>(hx, u/||u||i)2+ (hx, v/||v||i)2+ (hx, w/||w||i)2 =





We compute

cos(θ1)2= hx, u/i2

hu, u/ihx, x/i = (p−1)2hx, up−1i2 hu, u/i


because all the other hx, uii = 0. Since x is connected to up−1 by a single edge, we have hx, up−1i=−12 and so

cos(θ1)2= (p−1)2 1/4

p(p−1)/2 = p−1 2p = 1

2(1−1 p) Similarly

cos(θ2)2 = 1 2(1−1

q); cos(θ3)2 = 1 2(1−1


Thus we have 1 2(3−1

p −1 q −1

r)<1⇒ 1 p+1

q +1 r >1.

We may assumep≥q ≥r≥2; if any of them equals 1, then the diagram is an An. Then 323r1p + 1q +1r >1, hencer = 2. Thus 1p +1q > 12, hence


q > 12, so 2≤q <4. If q = 3 then 1p > 16 and sop= 3,4,5. So the possible triples (p, q, r) are of the form

(p,2,2) =Dp+2; (3,3,2) =E6; (4,3,2) =E7; (5,3,2) =E8.


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Any non-trivial subrepresentation would contain an eigenvector for h, and since none of the relevant coefficients of e and f vanish, we see that even one h-eigenvector is enough

1 We set G := GL(n, F ) and C =Mod G (we do not fix the central character). The blocks are classified by the semi-simple types of Bushnell-Kutzko [BK2, BK3], and also by the

In this paper, we give a general formula for the number of standard subalgebras not necessarly nilpotent of a semisimple Lie algebra of type A p and the exceptional semisimple

It is known in general (and clear in our case) that i\0y has as its unique simple quotient the socle of i^Oy. Passing to global sections we see that r(%»0y) is generated by