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D. Liu, W. Miller, K. Aust

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MIGRATION IN Ni-Cu DIFFUSION COUPLES. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1988, 49 (C5),

pp.C5-635-C5-640. �10.1051/jphyscol:1988581�. �jpa-00228078�




D e p a r t m e n t of M e t a l l u r g y a n d M a t e r i a l s S c i e n c e , U n i v e r s i t y o f T o r o n t o , T o r o n t o M5S 1A4, C a n a d a


A study was conducted on defect s t r u c t u r e s , o r i e n t a t i o n r e l a t i o n s h i p s , and composi- tional p r o f i l e s a t DIGMboundaries i n NiXu d i f f u s i o n couples. TEM revealed d i s l o - cations a t the i n i t i a l g r a i n boundary positions of the DIGM zones i n the N i substrate.

The misorientation between t h e DIGM zones and the m t r i x (across the dislocation w a l l ) was determined by electron d i f f r a c t i o n and found t o be l e s s than 0.5'. Cu p r o f i l e s across the DIGM zones were obtained by TEMIEDS analysis. The f o m t i o n of t h e dislocation wall i s discussed i n terms of the misorientation and l a t t i c e misfit between the DIGM zones end the m t r i x .


Dif fusion-Induced Grain Boundary Migration (DIGM) i s a well recognized phenomenon i n vhich s o l u t e diffusion along grain boundaries gives r i s e t o motion of the boundaries (1). Two d i f f e r e n t mechanisms have been proposed t o explain DIGM. One of these,the coherency s t r a i n model ( 2 ) , s t a t e s that s t r e s s e s due t o compositional inhomogeneity i n the v i c i n i t y of a boundary during diffusion provide adriving force f o r DIGM. The other ( 3 ) ( 4 ) i s based upon grain boundary dislocation climb caused by unequal boun- dary dif f u s i v i t i e s of solute and solvent a t m s . However, n e i t h e r model can explain a l l of the DIGM-related observations recorded i n the l i t e r a t u r e . Although mny

theoretical and experimental papers on DIGM have been published, only a few have involved TEM studies such a s the work on bulk sarrples of Fe-Zn(2), Cu-Zn(5) ( 6 ) , Al-Zn(7) and A1-4.7% Cu a l l o y ( 8 ) . The s c a r c i t y of TEM data i n the l i t e r a t u r e i s probably due t o d i f f i c u l t i e s i n preparing TEM f o i l s , since the DIGM zone occurs within a few microns of the o r i g i n a l i n t e r f a c e between the two phases ( 9 ) . The purpose of t h i s paper i s t o report our i n i t i a l TEM studies of DIGM i n the N i

substrate of Cu-Ni diffusion couples a f t e r annealing.


High p u r i t y N i b a r s (99.99%) were reduced t o a thickness of 250 m by rmltiple-pass cold r o l l i n g . The N i s t r i p s were annealed a t 9 0 0 ~ ~ f o r 24h i n A r . The recrysta- l l i z e d N i s t r i p s were then electropolished i n an e l e c t r o l y t e containing 90% methanol and 1% perchloric acid a t -20°c t o reduce the thickness t o approximtely 150um. The electropolished N i s t r i p s were then electrodeposited with Cu i n a solution consisting of copper sulphate and sulphuric acid. A Cu l a y e r , 15 urn t h i c k , was coated on each s i d e of the N i s u b s t r a t e t o form a Cu-Ni-Cu sandwich. The d i f f u s i o n couples so pro- duced were sealed i n pyrex capsules f i l l e d with p u r i f i e d A r and annealed a t 6 1 5 ' ~ for 26h. Disks of 3 mn i n diameter were then spark-cut from the annealed Ni<u s t r i p s . In order t o study the DIGM region adjacent t o the original Ni/Cu i n t e r f a c e , the following perforation method was used. F i r s t , the d i s k s were protected on one sur- face by a t h i n PTFE f o i l and jet electropolished i n an e l e c t r o l y t e consisting of 400 m l a c e t i c a c i d , 300 m l phosphoric a c i d , 200 m l n i t r i c acid and 100 m l d i s t i l l e d water a t -15O~ f o r 2 min. A s a r e s u l t , one l a y e r of Cu was dissolved and the N i substrate was thinned t o about 20 urn. The d i s k s were cleaned i n d i s t i l l e d water and methanol and then j e t polished on both sides using the conditions described previously, u n t i l perforation occurred. The second stage of jet polishing requires about 5 t o 10 sec.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1988581




The TEM microstmcture was studied with a HITACHI H-800, 200 k v 'TEM which was

equipped f o r EDS microanalysis. X-ray microanalysis of Cu p r o f i l e s across DIGM zones was performed using a probe s i z e of 50 nm. The take-of f angle f o r the X-rays was 69.5O. The EDS processing was carried out using a Apple


conputer and Dapple soft- ware. Convergent beam d i f f r a c t i o n p a t t e r n s with a spot s i z e of 0.1 urn were recorded i n the a r e a where EDS a n a l y s i s was t o be performed in order t o measure the f o i l thickness. The f o i l thickness was found t o be l e s s than the mximun a l l m b l e l i m i t using the C l i f f-Lorimer approach without an absorption correction. The mximm allowable limit f o r N i was calculated t o be2

l f i ~ J (

according t o Tixier and Philibert



In the present study, TEM observations were m d e i n the N i substrate i n which f i f t e e n boundaries were observed t o migrate e i t h e r i n a single d i r e c t i o n o r i n opposinq d i r e c t i o n s by DIGM. Fig.1 shows a representative boundary which has moved by DIGM i n one d i r e c t i o n . The i n i t i a l g r a i n boundary position i s mrked by a dislocation wall.

The Cu concentrations along AB,CD and EF in Fig.1 were obtained using EDS. These composition p r o f i l e s gave similar p a t t e r n s i l l u s t r a t e d i n Fig.2, i n which the zone swept by DIGM i s seen t o be Cu-rich.

Fig.1 ( l e f t ) : A segment of grain boundary showing the i n i t i a l position XY and the f i n a l position PQ a f t e r migration by DIGM. Note the dislocation wall a t XY.


% Cu"' 22 20

I 8 16 14 12 l o


4 2 0

Fig.2 ( r i g h t ) : Cu concentration p r o f i l e s along AB in Fig.1 showing a Cu rich region i n the DIGM zone. Cu p r o f i l e s along


and EF i n Figl. shoved a similar p a t t e r n .


- - - - - -



-4-C. A -.---

- -

0 I 2 3 0 6

D6TAMCE I x m l


t r a l area of the DIGM band shown in Fig.1. The dislocations a t the original grain boundary position were tangled, and some of them extended i n t o e i t h e r the DIGM zone o r the m t r i x . The i m g e was checked in different g vectors; the m j o r i t y of the dislocations s t i l l remained v i s i b l e , indicating that the Burger's vector of the dis- locations i s not unique. Misorientations between the DIGM zones and the m t r i x across the dislocation w l l s were measured using Kikuchi l i n e analysis a s shown i n Fig.b(a) and ( b ) . Three different beam directions were chosen a t positions DP1 and DP2 a s shown i n Fig.3.- The measured misorientations were 0. lb: O.lloand 0.18~corres- ponding t o the [002], [I141 and ~ 2 2 3 1 beam directions respectively. The misorienta-

tion measurements were a l s o carried out a t three different positions ( AB,CD and EF ) a s indicated in Fig.1, using a [I141 beam direction. The r e s u l t s showed misorienta- tions of 0.32: 0.28'and 0.46'at AB,CD and EF, respectively.

Fig.3 ( l e f t ) : Dark f i e l d i m g e of the central part of the DIGM band in Fig. 1, showing the dislocation wall a t the original boundary position, grain boundary dislocations and ledges a t the migrated grain boundary.

Fig.h(a) and ( b ) (right 1: A p a i r of Kikuchi/spot patterns taken a t DP1 ( m t r i x ) and DP2 (DIGM zone) i n Fig.3 using a [I141 beam direction. Fig.b(a) was recorded by overlapping the Kikuchi and spot centres. Fig.4(b) shows a s m l l deviation between the two centres, corresponding t o a 0.11 misorientation between the DIGM zone and the the m t r i x .

A typical bi-directional migration of DIGM i s shown i n Fig


I n i t i a l l y , the boun- dary migrated from position A X t o position EFC, leaving behind a dislocation wall a t the original boundary position. Then, the part


together with boundary


moved backwards t o form an S-shaped DIGM zone.

:ig.5: The original boundary position i s shown a s AECD. I n i t i a l l y , a boun- dary segment A X moved by DIGM and

stopped a t position


Then, segment FC migrated backwards, c d i n i n g with the unrnigrat ed seg- ment CD and leaving a dislocation wll a t FCD.



Cu concentration p r o f i l e s along FQ and XY in Fig.5 a r e plotted in Fig.6(a) and (b) respectively. A peak concentration (22 wt% Cu) occurred just behind the dislocation wall i n the second DIGM zone ( l i n e XY ) which i s higher than the value of 15.5wt% Cu

in the f i r s t DIGM zone ( l i n e


The measured misorientations across the disloca- tion wall i n the f i r s t DIGM zone


a r e 0.21' and 0.18' using beam directions of

[ i l 4 ] and 10021 respectively


Fig. 7 shows relatively unif o m arrays of dislocations a t an original boundary position i n another DIGM region. Cu concentrations across the wall were found t o be 4.5wt% i n the m t r i x and 19.5wt% i n the DIGM zone. The misfit parameter was-estimted t o be 0.4%, and the misorientation across the wall was found t o 0.2' i n a [I141 beamdirection.

O 1 2 1 1 5 6 7 1 0 ~ m

DISTANCE ( ~ m )




2 2 L-

20 -




Fig.G(a) ( l e f t 1: Cu concentration p r o f i l e measured by EDS along the l i n e FQ i n the f i r s t DIGM zone show in Fig.5. Note the peak ( 15.5wt% Cu ) a t the dislocation wall i n the DlGM zone.

Fig.6(b) ( r i g h t ) : Cu concentration p r o f i l e measured by EDS along the l i n e XY in the second DIGM zone i n Fig 5, showing a higher peak ( 22.5wt% Cu ) a t the dislocation wall i n c c q a r i s o n with that ( 15.5wt% Cu ) i n Fig.6(a).

Fig.7:A dislocation u a l l a t the original boundary position in a DIGhl zone.

The dislocation arrays have a misfit of 0.4% and a misorientation of 0 . 2 ~ between the DIG.4 zone and the m t r i x .


Dislocation w a l k a t the original grain boundary position have been observed i n several DIGM systems (21, ( 5 ) , ( 9 ) . H i l l e r t and Purdy ( 2 ) reported that the disloca- w a l l contained a misfit array i n the Fe-Zn system. However. Grovenor (11) argued that the dislocations constituted a low angle boundary in the Au-Cu thin film sanples, Recently, Hackney et a1 (5) pointed out that there was a smll misorientation across the dislocation -11 i n the Cu-Zn system, although no experimental measurements were reported. In the present study, the steep Cu concentration gradient a t the original grain boundary positions and the s m l l misorientations ( l e s s than 0.5O ) across the dislocation walls indicate that these d i s l o u t i o n arrays appear t o have both l a t t i c e misfit and m i s o r i e n t a t i a characteristics.

The presence of the dislocation wall a t the original boundary position m y be rationalized i n terms of H i l l e r t ' s coherency s t r a i n model on the basis of s t r e s s relaxation leading t o the i n i t i a t i o n of boundary migration. According t o H i l l e r t


the coherency s t r a i n energy can be e s t i m t e d a s follows (8) :


the bulk concentration of the solute, and


i s the concentration a t the grain boun- dary. For Ni,


= 2.07~11)~hpa(12) and


= 0.3 (13), with the measured corrpositions

X2=0.184 ( 19.5wt% )

, XI=

0.042 ( 4.5wt% Cu )


and the calculated value of


= 0.4%

i n Fig.7, Eq( 1 ) y i e l d s a coherency energy of about 1 x lo5 j /m3. The curvature of the DIGM zone shown i n Fig.7 i s 5 x107m-I. I t has been reported that the required driving force f o r DIGM i s


t o 107 j/m3 with boundary energies of the order of 1 j /m2 and observed curvatures of


t o 107 ni1(14), about an order of mgnitude larger than the value indicated by the present r e s u l t s . Hackney e t a1 ( 5 ) e s t i m t e d the coherency

s t r a i n energy i n the Cu-Zn system using a different equation:Eq2>6uhere


a n d q a r e a s defined previously,


i s the boundary energy, and /( i s the boundary curvature.

They a l s o found a value of coherency s t r a i n energy of one order of magnitude too l w f o r t h e observed curvature. However, they pointed out that the coherency s t r a i n energy calculation result does not invalidate the coherency s t r a i n theory, and suggested that an additional driving force may be present.

Cu concentration steps across the original grain boundary positions shown i n Fig.6(a) and ( b ) resulted i n a 0.287 coherency s t r a i n a t the i n i t i a l l y migrated DIGM segment of the boundary and a 0.46% coherency s t r a i n a t the second. The l a r g e r coherency s t r a i n ( 0.46% ) m y not be necessary t o provide a larger coherency s t r a i n energy, since the driving force would a l s o depend on the orientation dependence of the e l a s t i c modulus (15). The DIGM d i r e c t ions i n the neighbouring grain were not deter- mined, so that the exact e l a s t i c moduli i n the two directions a r e unknown. However, i t i s clearly shown that the direction of i n i t i a l movement ( from P t o Q i n Fig.5 ) corresponds t o the s m l l e r coherency s t r a i n ( 0.287 )


The phenanenon of the same boundary moving i n both the forward and backward direc- tions i s d i f f i c u l t t o explain by the dislocation c l i h model. This model predicts that t h e structure of the boundary determines the direction of migration. A reversal i n the direction of migration would require change in the dominant set of grain boun- dary dislocations a t various positions of the same boundary.

This paper reports on the f i r s t TEM study of DIGM in a Cu-Ni bulk system. The grain boundaries i n the N i substrate were observed t o move e i t h e r i n a single direc- tion o r in opposing directions by DIGM. The i n i t i a l boundary positions a r e outlined by dislocation u a l l s which have both misfit ( 0.2 t o 0.4& ) and misorientation



O.SO ) characteristics. The coherency s t r a i n energy ( driving force ) was estimated a s 1 x l o 5 j/m3, *ich i s one order of mgnitude s m l l e r than that required f o r the DIGM process. I t is suggested that an additional driving force f o r the i n i t i a t i o n of the DIGM process m y be required.

This work uas supported by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. One of the authors wishes t o acknowledge several useful discussions with Professor G.C. Weatherly during the course of t h i s work.


(1) P.G. S h m and G. Meyrick " Diffusion i n So1ids:Recent Developments" Edited by M.A. Dayananda and G.E. k r c h , A I E , ( 1985 ) p. 261

(2) M. H i l l e r t and G.R. Purdy, Acta Met. 26, (19781, 333 ( 3 ) R.W. Balluffi and J .W. Cahn, Acta Met. 29, (19811, 493 ( 4 ) D.A. Smith and A.H. King, Phil. k g . A44, (19811, 333


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( 6 ) S.A. Hackney, Scripta Met. 20. (1986). 1385 . -

( 7 ) K. Tashiro %d G.R-. Purdy, Scripta ~ e t


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(8) J .R. Michael and D.B. Williams, " Interface Migration and Control of Microstruc- ture" ( Proc. Conf .), D e t r o i t , Michigan, USA, 17-21 Sept. 1984, American Society f o r Metals, Metals Park, Ohio 44073, USA, 1986. p . 12





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.A. den Broeder and S. Nakahara, Scripta Met.

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