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Trace Semantics via Determinization


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Trace Semantics via Determinization

Bart Jacobs, Alexandra Silva, Ana Sokolova

To cite this version:

Bart Jacobs, Alexandra Silva, Ana Sokolova. Trace Semantics via Determinization. 11th International

Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS), Mar 2012, Tallinn, Estonia. pp.109-

129, �10.1007/978-3-642-32784-1_7�. �hal-01539887�


Trace Semantics via Determinization

Bart Jacobs1, Alexandra Silva1?, and Ana Sokolova2

1 Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen

2 Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg {bart,alexandra}@cs.ru.nl,anas@cs.uni-salzburg.at

Abstract. This paper takes a fresh look at the topic of trace semantics in the theory of coalgebras. The first development of coalgebraic trace semantics used final coalgebras in Kleisli categories, stemming from an initial algebra in the underlying category. This approach requires some non-trivial assumptions, like dcpo enrichment, which do not always hold, even in cases where one can rea- sonably speak of traces (like for weighted automata). More recently, it has been noticed that trace semantics can also arise by first performing a determinization construction. In this paper, we develop a systematic approach, in which the two approaches correspond to different orders of composing a functor and a monad, and accordingly, to different distributive laws. The relevant final coalgebra that gives rise to trace semantics does not live in a Kleisli category, but more gener- ally, in a category of Eilenberg-Moore algebras. In order to exploit its finality, we identify an extension operation, that changes the state space of a coalgebra into a free algebra, which abstractly captures determinization of automata. Notably, we show that the two different views on trace semantics are equivalent, in the examples where both approaches are applicable.

1 Introduction

Coalgebras provide an abstract framework for state-based computation. In general, a coalgebra is a map of the formX →H(X), whereXis a state space andHis a functor that captures the kind of computation involved. Often, thisH is, or contains, a monad T, providing certain computational effects, such as whenT is lift1 + (−), powersetP or distributionD, giving partial, non-deterministic and probabilistic computation.

In the case such anHcontains a monadT, it turns out that there are two archetypical forms in whichT plays a role, namely in:

X //G(T X) or X //T(F X) (1)

In the first case, the monad T occurs inside a functorGthat typically handles input and output. In the second case the monadT is on the outside, encapsulating a form of computation over a functorF, that typically describes the transitions involved. In some cases these two forms are equivalent, for instance for non-deterministic automata with

?Also affiliated to Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and HASLab / INESC TEC, Univer- sidade do Minho (Braga, Portugal).


labels—given by a set A—and termination. They involve the powerset monadPand can be described equivalently as:

X //2×(PX)A or X //P(1 +A×X)

where on the left-hand-side we have the functorG= 2×(−)Aand on the right-hand- sideF = 1 +A×(−). These descriptions are equivalent because the powerset monad Pis special (it is “additive”, see [8], mapping coproducts to products). In fact, there are isomorphisms:

P(1 +A×X) ∼= P(1)×P(A×X) ∼= 2×(PX)A. (2) Classically, to study language or trace equivalence for non-deterministic automata there is a standard construction called determinization [14]. It involves changing the state spaceXinto a state spacePX. In doing so, the transition structure becomes much simpler (in particular, deterministic).

In this paper, we are interested in a similar determinization construction, but on a more abstract level. It involves changing the state space fromXintoT(X), for a monad T. It turns out that this can be done relatively easily for coalgebras of the formX → G(T X), on the left in (1), as illustrated in [25]: it involves a distributive law betweenG andT, and such law corresponds to a liftingGbof the functorGto the categoryEM(T) of Eilenberg-Moore algebras ofT. Moreover, the finalG-coalgebra lifts to a finalG-b coalgebra inEM(T). In this way, one obtains final coalgebra semantics in a category of algebras. It yields a first form of “EM” extension semantics, see Definition 5.

Categorically, this extensionX 7→T(X)is given by the free algebra functorC→ EM(T). Extension for coalgebras of the formX →T(F X)on the right in (1) is more complicated; it involves a comparison functorK`(T) →EM(T). We proceed by first translating them to coalgebras of the lifted functorGbvia a suitable lawe:T F ⇒GT, see Section 6 (and [1]). It will be shown that the resulting trace semantics, in categories of algebras, as sketched above,

– not only includes the trace semantics in Kleisli categories developed in [12];

– but also covers more examples; in particular, it covers trace semantics for weighted automataX → M(1 +A×X), involving the multiset monadM. This monad does not fit in the trace framework of [12] because its Kleisli category is not dcpo- enriched.

The technical (categorical) core of the paper concentrates on lifting the comparison functor K`(T) → EM(T) to categories of coalgebrasCoAlg(F)b → CoAlg(G),b of lifted functorsF ,b G. We specialize this framework by takingb G to be the functor B×(−)Afor deterministic automata. Its final coalgebraBA?gives trace semantics. In principle, our framework is general enough to allow a different semantics, like “tree”

semantics, by using a different functorG.

The paper is organized as follows. The first section below recalls the basics about monads and the associated Kleisli category and category of (Eilenberg-Moore) alge- bras. Section 3 gives a systematic account of liftings of functors to such (Kleisli and


algebra) categories, and of distributive laws; it includes a lifting result for final coalge- bras to categories of Eilenberg-Moore algebras. Subsequently, Section 4 briefly recalls the coalgebraic description of deterministic automata, their final coalgebras, and the lifting of these final coalgebras to categories of Eilenberg-Moore algebras. Section 5 contains two examples of the application ofEM-extension semantics: for classical non- deterministic automata and, more interestingly, a new example mixing probability and non-determinism, for simple Segala systems. In Section 6, we develop an extension se- mantics for coalgebras of typeT F (Definition 14, via Theorem 13) and show that the Kleisli trace semantics from [12] fits in the current setting (Proposition 15). Section 7 presents examples of theK`-extension semantics, including examples already treated in [12] and, more notably, examples that cannot be studied in the framework of [12].

Section 8 contains concluding remarks and pointers for future work.

2 Monads and their Kleisli and Eilenberg-Moore categories

This section recalls the basics of the theory of monads, as needed here. For more infor- mation, seee.g.[19,2,18,4]. A monad is a functorT:C→Ctogether with two natural transformations: a unitη:idC⇒Tand multiplicationµ:T2⇒T. These are required to make the following diagrams commute, forX∈C.

T(X) ηT(X) //T2(X)




oo T3(X) µT(X) //




T(X) T2 µ



We briefly describe the examples of monads onSetsthat we use in this paper.

– The powerset monadPmaps a setXto the setPXof subsets ofX, and a function f:X →Y toP(f) :PX →PY given by direct image. Its unit is given by single- tonη(x) ={x}and multiplication by unionµ({Xi∈PX |i∈I}) =S

i∈IXi. – The subprobability distribution monadD is defined, for a setX and a function

f:X →Y, as

DX = {ϕ: X→[0,1]| P

x∈Xϕ(x)≤1}ascoa Df(ϕ)(y) = P



The support set of a distributionϕ∈DXis defined as supp(ϕ) ={x∈X |ϕ(x)6= 0}.

Note that we do not restrict distributions to finitely supported ones in the definition ofD. The unit of Dis given by a Dirac distributionη(x) = δx = (x 7→ 1)for x∈Xand the multiplication byµ(Φ)(x) = P



– For a semiringS, the multiset monadMSis defined on a setXas:

MSX = {ϕ:X→S| supp(ϕ)is finite}.


This monad captures multisetsϕ ∈ MSX, where the valueϕ(x) ∈ S gives the multiplicity of the elementx∈X. WhenS =N, this is sometimes called the bag monad.

On functions,MS is defined like the subdistribution monadD. Again, the support set of a multisetϕ ∈ MSX is defined as supp(ϕ) = {x ∈ X | ϕ(x) 6= 0}.

The finite support requirement is necessary forMto be a monad. The unitηand multiplicationµofMSare defined in the same way as forD.


E //EM(T)


With a monadT on a categoryCone associates two categories and a comparison functorE between them, as on the right. The “Kleisli” categoryK`(T)is used to cap- ture computations of type T, in the paradigm that uses monads for effects in a functional world [20]. The objects

of the “Eilenberg-Moore” categoryEM(T)are algebraic structures, in abstract form.

Objects ofEM(T)are called ‘algebras’, or sometimes ‘Eilenberg-Moore algebras’ to avoid possible confusion with algebras of a functorF. The latter also form a category written asAlg(F). The comparison functorE:K`(T)→EM(T)plays here the role of pure determinization operation. The categoriesK`(T)andEM(T)are initial and fi- nal in a suitable sense, see [19] for details. This determines the determinization functor.

We now describe the above points in more detail.

The Kleisli categoryK`(T)has the same objects as the underlying categoryC, but morphisms X → Y inK`(T)are mapsX → T(Y)inC. The identity map X → X inK`(T)isT’s unit ηX: X → T(X); and compositiong f inK`(T)usesT multiplication in:gf =µ◦T(g)◦ f. There is a forgetful functorU:K`(T)→C, sending X toT(X)andf toµ ◦ T(f). This functor has a left adjointF, given by F(X) =X andF(f) =η ◦f. Such a Kleisli categoryK`(T)inherits colimits from the underlying categoryC.

The categoryEM(T)of Eilenberg-Moore algebras has as objects maps of the form a:T(X)→X, making the first two diagrams below commute.

X η //T X




T(a) //T X




T(f)//T Y


X T X a //X X

f //Y A homomorphism of algebras T X →a X

→ T Y →b Y

is a mapf: X → Y in C between the underlying objects making the diagram above on the right commute.

The diagram in the middle thus says that the mapais a homomorphismµ →a. The forgetful functorU:EM(T) →Chas a left adjointF, mapping an objectX ∈ Xto the (free) algebraµX:T2(X)→T(X)with carrierT(X).

Each categoryEM(T)inherits limits from the categoryC. In the special case where C = Sets, the category of sets and functions (our standard universe), the category EM(T)is not only complete but also cocomplete (see [2,§9.3, Prop. 4]).

The extension functorE:K`(T)→EM(T)sends an objectX ∈K`(T)to the free algebraE(X) = (µ:T2(X)→T(X)). For a morphismf:X →Y inK`(T), that is, f:X →T(Y)inC, we haveE(f) =µ◦ T(f) :T(X)→T(Y). It forms a map of algebras. Sometimes thisE(f)is called the “Kleisli extension” off.


3 Liftings to Kleisli and Eilenberg-Moore categories

In this section we consider the situation where we have a monadT:C→C, with unit ηand multiplicationµ, and endofunctorsF, G:C →Con the same categoryC. We will be interested in distributive laws betweenT, andForG. This can be of two forms, namely:

F T =⇒T F “F distributes overT” “K`-law”

T G=⇒GT “T distributes overG” “EM-law”

It is rather difficult to remember who distributes over who and so we prefer to use the terminology “K`-law” and “EM-law”. This is justified by Proposition 1 below.

But first we have to be more precise about what a distributive law is. It is a natural transformation, of the formλ:F T ⇒T F orρ:T G⇒GT, that commutes appropri- ately with the unit and multiplication of the monad. For aK`-lawλ: F T ⇒T F this means:




ηF X



λT X //T F T X TX)//T2F X

µF X


λX //T F X F T X

λX //T F X


And for anEM-lawρ: T G⇒GT it means:







TX)//T GT X ρT X //GT2X


T GX ρ


//GT X T GX ρ


//GT X


The following “folklore” result gives an alternative description of distributive laws in terms of liftings to Kleisli and Eilenberg-Moore categories, see also [16] or [1].

Proposition 1 (“laws and liftings”).Assume a monadTand endofunctorsF, Gon the same categoryC, as above. There are bijective correspondences betweenK`/EM-laws and liftings ofFtoK`/EM-categories, in:

K`-lawλ:F T ⇒T F



L //K`(T)

C F //C

EM-lawρ:T G⇒GT



R //EM(T)

C G //C

Proof. Assuming aK`-lawλ:F T ⇒T F we can defineL:K`(T)→K`(T)as:

L(X) = F(X) L X −→f Y

= F(X)−−−→F(f) F(T Y)−−→λX T(F Y) . The above two requirements (3) forλprecisely say thatLis a functor.


Conversely, assume there is a functorL: K`(T)→K`(T)in a commuting square as described in the proposition. Then, on objects,L(X) = F(X). Further, for a map f:X → T Y inCwe getL(f) :F X → T F Y inC. This suggests how to define a distributive law: the identity map idT X:T X →T X inCforms a mapT X →X in K`(T), so that we can defineλX =L(idT X) :F T X→T F XinC. It satisfies (3).

For the second correspondence assume we have anEM-lawρ: T G⇒GT. It gives rise to a functorR:EM(T)→EM(T)by:



! 7−→




and f 7−→ G(f).

The equations (4) guarantee that this yields a newT-algebra.

In the reverse direction, assume a liftingR: EM(T) → EM(T). Applying it to the multiplicationµX yields an algebraR(µX) :T(GT X) →GT X. We then define ρX=R(µX)◦T G(ηX) :T GX→GT X. Remaining details are left to the reader.

In what follows we shall simply writeFb/Gb for the lifting ofF /G, both when it comes from aK`-lawλor from anEM-lawρ. Usually these laws are fixed, so confusion is unlikely, and a light, overloaded notation is preferred.

The next result (see also [1]) is not really used in this paper, but it is a natural sequel to the previous proposition since it relates the liftingsF ,b Gbto the standard adjunctions.

Recall that we writeAlg(−)andCoAlg(−)for categories of algebras and coalgebras of afunctor, not of a (co)monad.

Proposition 2. In presence of aK`-law and anEM-law, the adjunctionsCK`(T) andCEM(T)lift to adjunctions between categories of, respectively, algebras and coalgebras, as described below.


Fb ,,

⊥ Alg(Fb)


ll CoAlg(G)

Fb --

⊥ CoAlg(G)b






F ,,

⊥ K`(T)



jj C



F ,,

⊥ EM(T)




There is another lifting result, for free functors only, that is relevant in this setting.

Lemma 3. In presence of aK`-law the free functorF:C→K`(T)can be lifted, and similarly, given anEM-law the free algebra functorF: C→EM(T)can be lifted:

CoAlg(T F)

FK` //CoAlg(Fb)


FEM //CoAlg(G)b


F &&


ZZ F //K`(T)


ee CG &&


ZZ F //EM(T)





The functorCoAlg(GT)→CoAlg(G)b on the right gives an abstract description of what is called the generalized powerset construction in [25].

Proof. The first part is easy, since the functorFK`:CoAlg(T F)→CoAlg(Fb)is the identity on objects; it sends a mapf ofT F-coalgebras toF(f) =η◦f.

Next, assuming anEM-law ρ: T G ⇒ GT one defines FEM: CoAlg(GT) → CoAlg(G)b by


X c //GT X


T X T(c)//T GT X ρT X//GT2X G(µ)//GT X

. (6) It is not hard to see thatFEM(c)is a coalgebraµX →G(µb X)on the free algebraµX.

On morphisms one simply hasFEM(f) =T(f).

K`-laws are used to obtain final coalgebras in Kleisli categories ([12]) but require non-trivial side-conditions, like enrichement in dcpo’s. For EM-laws the situation is much easier, see below; instances of this result have been studied in [25], see also [1].

Proposition 4. Assume a monadT and endofunctorGon a categoryC, with anEM- lawρ:T G⇒GT between them. IfGhas a final coalgebraζ: Z−→= GZinC, then Z carries aT-algebra structure obtained by finality, as on the left below. The mapζ then forms a map of algebras as on the right, which is the final coalgebra for the lifted functorG:b EM(T)→EM(T).

GT Z G(α) //GZ




α //Z

= ζ






= //Gb T Z








Proof. We leave it to the reader to verify thatαis aT-algebra. By construction ofα,ζ is a map of algebrasα→G(α). Suppose for an arbitrary algebrab b: T Y →Y we have aG-coalgebrab c:b→G(b). Thenb c:Y →GY satisfiesG(b)◦ρ◦T(c) =c◦b. By finality inCthere is a unique mapf: Y →Z withζ◦ f =G(f)◦ c. Thisf is then

the unique mapb→αinEM(T).

At this stage we can describe the first form of extension semantics, which we will callEM-extension semantics, since it depends on anEM-law.

Definition 5 (EM-extension). Assume an EM-lawρ: T G ⇒ GT and suppose that the final G-coalgebra Z−→= GZ exists. It can be lifted to a final G-coalgebra byb Proposition 4. Hence one obtains “extension” semantics X → Z for a coalgebra c:X →GT Xvia the following three steps.

1. Transformcinto aG-coalgebrab FEM(c), via Lemma 3;

2. Get the resultingG-coalgebra mapb T X →Zby finality;

3. Precompose this map with the unit, yieldingX →T X →Z.

The next two sections will introduce examples ofEM-laws. Here, we briefly look atK`-laws. The following result, from [12], shows that theseK`-laws are quite com- mon, namely forcommutativemonads andsimple polynomial functors—defined with identity, constants, products×, and coproducts`only.


Lemma 6. LetT:Sets→ Setsbe a commutative monad, andF:Sets →Setsa simple polynomial functor. Then there is a (canonical)K`-lawλ:F T ⇒T F.

4 Deterministic automata

This section briefly describes deterministic automata as coalgebras, recalls the final coalgebra, and introduces an associatedEM-law.

For arbitrary setsA, Bthere is an endofunctorB×(−)A: Sets→Sets. Its coal- gebrasφ = hφo, φii:X → B×XA are deterministic (Moore) automata. The map φo: X →B describes the immediate output. The mapφi: X →XAis the transition function, mapping a statex∈Xand an inputa∈Ato a successor stateφi(x)(a)∈X.

For the special caseB = 2 = {0,1}it tells of a state whether it is final or not. The following result is so standard that we omit the proof.

Lemma 7. The final coalgebra of the functorB×(−)AonSetsis given by the set of functionsBA?, with structure:

BA? ζ=hζoii //B× BA?A

defined via the empty sequencehi ∈A?and via prefixinga·σofa∈Atoσ∈A?: ζo(t) = t(hi) and ζi(t)(a) = λσ∈A?. t(a·σ).

This result captures the paradigm of trace semantics: a statex∈X of an arbitrary coalgebraX →B×XAhas a behaviour inBA?that maps a trace-as-word of inputs inA? to an output inB. In the sequel we consider the special case where the output set is the free algebraT(B), for a monadT. In the next result we show that we then get a distributive law. We apply this result only for the categorySets. But it will be formulated more generally, using a strong monad on a Cartesian closed category. This strength is automatic for any monad onSets.

Lemma 8. LetT be a strong monad on a Cartesian closed categoryCand letA, B∈ Cbe arbitrary objects. Consider the associated “machine” endofunctorM =T(B)× (−)AonC. Then there is anEM-lawρ: T M ⇒M Tgiven by:

ρX =

T T(B)×XA hT1),T(π2)i//T2(B)×T(XA) µ×st//T(B)×T(X)A . ThisEM-law can be defined slightly more generally, not with a free algebraT(B)as output, but with an arbitrary algebra. But in fact, all our examples involve free algebras.

Proof. This follows directly from the properties of strengthst.

The resulting liftingMc: EM(T)→EM(T)sends an algebraa:T X →X to the algebraT M X →M Xgiven by:

T T(B)×XA hT(π1),T(π2)i//T2(B)×T(XA) µ×(a

A◦st) //T(B)×XA


Proposition 4, in combination with Lemma 7, says that the finalM-coalgebraT(B)A? carries aT-algebra structure that forms the finalMc-coalgebra inEM(T). With a bit of effort one shows that this algebra onT(B)A?is given by:


T T(B)A? st // T2(B)A? µ

A? //T(B)A?

Thenζ:α−→= Mc(α)is the finalMc-coalgebra, by Proposition 4.

5 Examples of EM -extension semantics

This section describes two examples ofEM-laws, one familiar one in the context of non-deterministic automata, and one new one for simple Segala systems.

5.1 Non-deterministic automata, inEM-style

We briefly restate the non-deterministic automaton example from [25], but this time using the general constructions developed so far. A non-deterministic automaton is un- derstood here as a coalgebrac: X→2×(PX)A, which is of the formX→G(T X), whereGis the functor2×(−)AandT is the powerset monadPonSets.

Since2 = {0,1}is the (carrier of the) free algebraP(1)on the singleton set1 = {∗}, Lemma 8 applies. It yields anEM-law with components ρ = hρ1, ρ2i:P(2× XA)→2×(PX)A, given by:

( ρ1(U) = 1 ⇐⇒ ∃h∈XA.h1, hi ∈U x∈ρ2(U)(a) ⇐⇒ ∃hb, hi ∈U. h(a) =x.

Lemma 3 yields a coalgebraFEM(c) =hφo, φii:P(X)→2×(PX)Ain the category EM(P), where:

( φo(U) = 1 ⇐⇒ ∃x∈U. π1c(x) = 1 y∈φi(U)(a) ⇐⇒ ∃x∈U. y∈π2c(x)(a).

By Proposition 4 the finalG-coalgebra2A? =P(A?)of languages is also final for the functorGbonEM(P). Hence we get a mapP(X)→ P(A?)by finality. Applying this map to the singleton set{x} ∈ P(X)yields the set of words that are accepted in the statex∈X. Thus, theEM-semantics from Definition 5 yields the trace semantics for a non-deterministic automatonc:X →2×(PX)A, via the language accepted in a state.

5.2 Simple Segala systems, inEM-style

Next, we consider simple Segala systems as a non-trivial example ofEM-extension semantics, which was not considered in [25]. These systems are also called simple probabilistic automata [23], Markov decision processes, or probabilistic labeled transi- tion systems (LTSs). They are coalgebras of the formc: X → P(A×DX), mixing


probability and non-determinism. In a recent paper [9], with ideas appearing already in [21,10,6,13], it has been recognized that it might be useful for verification purposes to transform them into so-called distribution LTSs,i.e.into LTSs with state spaceDX of so-called uncertain or belief states.

Given a simple Segala systemc: X → P(A×DX), we denote byc]: DX → P(A×DX)its distribution LTS from [9]. It is defined by

c](ϕ) = {ha, ψi | ∃x∈supp(ϕ).ha, ψi ∈c(x)}

= µP ◦P(c)◦supp

(ϕ). (7)

wheresupp(ϕ) = {x ∈ X | ϕ(x) 6= 0}. In the usual notation for transitions, this means that forϕ, ψ∈DX,

ϕ−→a c] ψ if and only if ∃x∈supp(ϕ). x−→a cψ.

Here, we capture this situation via a distributive lawρ:DP(A×(−)) =⇒P(A× D). It is anEM-lawρ: T G⇒GT forT =DandG=P(A× −)with the property that theEM-extension from Lemma 3 turns a simple Segala system into its distribution LTS, see Proposition 11 below. Explicitly, for a distributionΦ∈DP(A×X), we define

ρ(Φ) = {ha, δxi | ∃U ∈supp(Φ).ha, xi ∈U}

= S

U∈supp(Φ){ha, δxi | ha, xi ∈U}

= µP◦P2(id×ηD)◦supp (Φ).


whereδxis the Dirac distribution assigning probability1tox,i.e.δx=η(x). The fact thatρis anEM-law is an instance of the following result—using that the support forms a map of monadssupp :D⇒P.

Lemma 9. Each map of monadsσ:T ⇒Sinduces anEM-law T S(A× −) ρ +3S(A×T(−))

of themonadTover thefunctorS(A× −). The components ofρare given by:

ρX =

T S(A×X) σ //S2(A×X)S


//S2(A×T X) µ

S//S(A×T X) . Remark 10. As emphasized,ρin (8) is a distributive law between the monadDand the functorP(A× −). In particular forA = 1it is a distributive law between the monad Dand thefunctor P. An important but subtle point is thatρis not a distributive law between theDand themonadP. There is no such distributive law as shown in [27].

The unit law for the powerset monad, required for a monad distributive law, does not hold forρwithA= 1:ρ◦D(ηP)6=ηPD. Nevertheless, one can distribute probability over non-determinism, viaρ. The construction provides a non-standard LTS semantics to simple Segala systems, by first lifting these systems to distributions.

The distribution LTS in (7) from [9] is an instance of our general framework.


Proposition 11. Given a simple Segala systemc:X →P(A×DX), itsEM-extension FEM(c)from Lemma 3, obtained via theEM-lawρfrom(8), is the same as the coalge- brac#:DX→P(A×DX)described in Equation(7).

Proof. By a straightforward calculation:

FEM(c) (6)= P(id×µD)◦ρ◦D(c)

(8)= P(id×µD)◦µP◦P2(id×ηD)◦supp◦D(c)

= P(id×µD)◦P(id×ηD)◦µP ◦supp◦D(c)

= µP◦P(c)◦supp

(7)= c].

The following is a simple example of a non-determinization.

x1 a

|| a""


1 2||

1 3""

1 2""

1 2||

x2 a

33 x3 x4



x1 b

wwa a''


2x2+13x3 a




x2 a

33 x4



simple Segala systemc part of its non-determinizationc# Remark 12. Definition 5 describes howEM-extension semantics arises in presence of a final coalgebra. This does not directly apply in this situation because the (ordinary) powerset functor does not have a final coalgebra, for cardinality reasons. But if we restrict ourselves to finite subsets and distributions with finite support, there is still a map of monadsDfin⇒Pfin, so that we get anEM-lawDfinPfin(A×−)⇒Pfin(A×Dfin) by Lemma 9. For a “finitely branching” Segala systemc:X →Pfin(A×DfinX)one obtains semanticsX→Z, whereZ−→= Pfin(A×Z)is the final coalgebra.

6 K `-Extension semantics

In a next step we wish to develop extension semantics not only for coalgebras of the form X → G(T X), on the left in (1), but also for coalgebras X → T(F X), on the right in (1). This turns out to be more complicated. First of all, the lifting FK`: CoAlg(T F) → CoAlg(Fb)in Lemma 3 is not interesting in the current set- ting because it does not involve a state space extensionX 7→T(X).

The next thought might be to translate coalgebrasX → T(F X)into coalgebras X →G(T X), via a distributive lawT F ⇒GT. This results in functors

CoAlg(T F) //CoAlg(GT) Lemma 3 //CoAlg(G)b


However, coalgebrasX → T(F X)are usually considered as coalgebrasX → F Xb of the lifted functorFbon the Kleisli categoryK`(T). Therefore, our aim is to obtain a functorCoAlg(Fb)→CoAlg(G). This will be described below.b

Recall from Section 2 that there is a comparison functorE: K`(T) → EM(T).

In this section we show how it can be lifted to coalgebras. We consider the following situation.

1. A monadT:C→Con a categoryC.

2. An endofunctor F: C → C with aK`-lawλ:F T ⇒ T F, leading to a lifting Fb:K`(T)→K`(T)toT’s Kleisli category, via Proposition 1.

3. Another endofunctorG:C →C, but this time with anEM-lawρ:T G ⇒ GT, yielding a liftingG:b EM(T)→EM(T)to the category ofT-algebras.

4. An “extension” natural transformatione: T F ⇒ GT that connects the K`- and EM-laws via the following two commuting diagrams.




//T2F µF //T F




µF //T F


GT2 //GT T GT ρT //GT2 //GT (9)

When sucheis an isomorphism, it forms a “commuting pair of endofunctors” from [1].

Theorem 13. Assuming the above points 1–4, there is a liftingEbof the extension func- torEin:


Eb //CoAlg(G)b


Fb 99 E //EM(T)



This functorEbis automatically faithful; and it is also full if the extension natural trans- formatione: T F ⇒GT consists of monomorphisms.

Proof. We define the functorEb: CoAlg(Fb)→CoAlg(G)b by:

X −→c F Xb

7−→ T X −−−→T(c) T2F X−→µ T F X −→e GT X f 7−→ E(f) =µ◦T(f).

We need to show thatE(c)b is a map of algebrasE(X) =µX →G(µb X) =G(EXb )in:




E(c)b // T GT X GT X



=Gb T2X




But this is simply the above requirement 4.

Assumef is a map ofF-coalgebras, fromb c:X → F Xb tod:Y → F Yb . That is, f:X →T Y,c:X →T F Xandd:Y →T F Y satisfy:

µ◦T(d)◦f = µ◦T(λ◦F(f))◦c. (10)


ThenE(f) =µ◦T(f)is a map of coalgebrasE(c)b →E(d), again by requirement 4:b E(d)b ◦E(f) = eY ◦µ◦T(d)◦µ◦T(f)

= eY ◦µ◦µ◦T(T(d)◦f)

= eY ◦µ◦T(µ◦T(d)◦f)

(10)= eY ◦µ◦T(µ◦T(λ◦F(f))◦c)

= eY ◦µ◦µ◦T2(λ◦F(f))◦T(c)

= eY ◦µ◦T(λ◦F(f))◦µ◦T(c)

(9)= G(µ)◦eT Y ◦T F(f)◦µ◦T(c)

= G(µ◦T(f))◦eX ◦µ◦T(c)

= G(Efb )◦E(c).b

Clearly, the functorEbis faithful: iff, g:X →T Y satisfyE(fb ) =E(f) =E(g) = E(g), thenb f =E(f)◦η=E(g)◦η=g.

Now assume the componentseX: T F X → GT Xare monomorphisms inC. To- wards fulness ofE, letb h: E(c)b → E(d)b be a morphism inCoAlg(G). It is a mapb h: T X→T Y that is both a map of algebras and of coalgebras, so:



T(h) //T2Y


GT X G(h) //GT Y

T X h //T Y T X

h //







We now takef =h◦ η:X →T(Y)and need to show thatE(f) =b E(f) =hand that it is a map ofFb-coalgebrasc→d. The first is easy since:

E(f) = µ◦T(h◦η) = h◦µ◦T(η) = h.

In order to show thatf is a map of coalgebras we use thateconsists of monos, in:

e◦ df

= e◦µ◦T(d)◦f

= e◦µ◦T(d)◦h◦η

(11)= G(h)◦e◦µ◦T(c)◦η

= G(h)◦e◦µ◦η◦c

= G(h)◦e◦c

= G(h)◦G(µ◦T(η))◦e◦c

(11)= G(µ)◦GT(h◦η)◦e◦c

= G(µ)◦e◦T F(f)◦c

(9)= e◦µ◦T(λ◦F(f))◦c

= e◦ Fb(f)c



On a more abstract level, what the previous result does is lifte: T F ⇒ GT to a natural transformationbe: EFb ⇒ GE. In this way we can also define the functorb Eb:CoAlg(Fb)→CoAlg(G)b by:

X −→c F Xb

7−→ EX −−−−→be◦E(c) G(EXb )

and f 7−→ E(f) =µ◦T(f).

We can now define extension semantics for coalgebrasX →T(F X), analogously to Definition 5.

Definition 14 (K`-extension).Assume, in addition to the points 1–4 from the beginning of this section, that the functorGhas a final coalgebraZ −→= G(Z). By Proposition 4 it lifts to a finalG-coalgebra. Thus, for a coalgebrab c:X → T(F X)one obtains its K`-extension semantics in three steps, like in Definition 5:

1. Transformcinto aG-coalgebrab E(c), by Theorem 13;b 2. Obtain a mapT X →ZinEM(T)by finality;

3. GetX →Zby precomposition with the unitX →T X.

We conclude this section by showing how the “Kleisli” trace semantics from [12]

fits in the current setting. Thus, we assume in the situation of Definition 14 that the functorFhas an initial algebraι:F(W)−→= W.

Proposition 15. Assume the map F(ι−1) :W →Fb(W) is final Fb-coalgebra. Each coalgebra c: X → T F(X)then gives rise to a “Kleisli” trace map in the Kleisli category (as in [12]), namely:

F Xb //F(Wb )




trK`(c) //W

= F−1)


When we apply the functorEbfrom Theorem 13 to this diagram we get the rectangle on the left in:

G(T Xb ) //G(T Wb ) //G(Z)b

X η //






E(trb K`(c)) //T W

= E(bF−1))

OO //Z

= ζ



The resultingK`-extension semantics mapX →Z is then theK`-extension semantics of the final Fb-coalgebraF(ι−1) :W → F(Wb ), precomposed with the Kleisli trace


7 Determinization and trace semantics

In this section we specialize theK`-extension framework developed so far to determin- istic automata, leading to a novel definition of trace semantics, namely viaK`-extension semantics. Several illustrations will be given, including the standards ones from the trace semantics of [12].


Definition 16. Assume a monadTand an endofunctorFon the categorySets, with a K`-lawλ:F T ⇒T Fbetween them. Assume further setsA, B, leading to endofunctor M =T(B)×(−)A, which comes with anEM-lawρ: T M ⇒M T like in Lemma 8.

Finally, we assume an extension law e: T F ⇒ M T = T(B)×T(−)A like in the previous section. In this situation,

– the determinization of a coalgebrac:X →T F Xis theMc-coalgebraE(c)b in the category of algebrasEM(T)given by:

T(X) T(c) //T2F X µ //T F X e //T(B)×T(X)A

Thus, determinization turns the coalgebraconX into a deterministic automaton onT X.

– the trace maptr(c) :X →T(B)A?of such a coalgebracis obtained via the unique coalgebra mapT(X)→T(B)A?that arises by finality inEM(T)in:

T(B)×T(X)A=Mc(T X) //M Tc (B)A?

=T(B)× T(B)A?A

X η //





OO //T(B)A?

= ζ


7.1 Non-deterministic automata, inK`-style

In Subsection 5.1 we have seen how to obtain traces for non-deterministic automata via determinization (like in [25]). Now we re-describe the same example inK`-style, via the isomorphisms (2). In essence we translate the “Kleisli” trace semantics approach of [12]

into the current setting, like in Proposition 15. Thus we start with a non-deterministic automata as coalgebras of the formc: X → P(1 +A×X), for a fixed set of labels Aand1 = {∗}modeling termination. A statex ∈ X of such a coalgebra is final if and only if∗ ∈c(x). In this case the monad is the powerset monadPand the functor is F = 1+A×(−)with finite listsA?as initial algebra. We recall that the Kleisli category K`(P)is the categoryRelof sets and relations between them, and the categoryEM(P) is the categoryCLof complete lattices with join-preserving maps.

The functorF lifts toFb: Rel→Relby Lemma 6. We instantiateM for the set B= 1and the powerset monad, and getM = 2×(−)AsinceP(1)∼= 2. Then there is an extension lawe:P(1 +A×(−))⇒2×PAwith

e(U) = ho(U), λa.{x| ha, xi ∈U}i where o(U) =

(1 if∗ ∈U 0 if∗ 6∈U.

One can easily check thateis injective (it is actually an isomorphism) and that it satisfies the requirements (9) for an extension law.

Given a coalgebrac:X →P(1 +A×X)its determinization is the deterministic automatonE(c) :b P(X)→2×P(X)Awith subsetsV ⊆Xas states, given byE(c) =b e◦µ◦P(c)or, more concretely,

E(c)(Vb ) =





, λa. S


{y| ha, yi ∈c(x)}



This determinization coincides with the well-known subset construction [14]. The trace maptr(c)associates with each state of the original non-deterministic automaton the language it recognizes.

The dashed mapT W 99K Zin (12) in Proposition 15 is the obvious isomorphism P(A?)−→= 2A?for non-deterministic automata. Therefore, Proposition 15 yields that

“Kleisli” trace and trace viaK`-extension semantics coincide,i.e.tr(c) = trK`(c)for any non-deterministic automatonc:X →P(1 +A×X).

7.2 Generative probabilistic systems

Next, we consider generative probabilistic systems with explicit termination. They also fit in the “Kleisli” trace approach of [12]. Their determinization was introduced by the last two authors in [26] and motivated us to look at the framework of the present paper.

Generative systems are coalgebras for the functorD(1 +A×(−))whereDis the subprobability distribution monad. The functorF= 1 +A×(−)lifts toFb: K`(D)→ K`(D)by Lemma 6. The categoryEM(D)is the categoryPCAof positive convex algebras and convex maps [11]. We instantiate the functorM toB = 1and the sub- probability distribution monad D, and getM = [0,1]×(−)A sinceD(1) ∼= [0,1].

Definee: D(1 +A×(−))⇒[0,1]×DAby

e(ξ) = hξ(∗), λa. λy. ξ(a, y)i.

It is not difficult to check thateis an extension law and that it is injective.

Given a coalgebrac: X →D(1 +A×X)its determinization is the deterministic automatonE(c) :b D(X)→ [0,1]×D(X)A with statesD(X), given byE(c) =b e◦ µ◦D(c)or, more concretely,

E(c)(ξ) =b P

x∈Xξ(x)·c(x)(∗), λa. λy.P

x∈Xξ(x)·c(x)(a, y) . We show an example of such determinization: the automaton on the right is part of the determinization of the one on the left. The full determinization is an infinite automaton. We show the accessible part when starting from the stateη(x1), the Dirac distribution ofx1, and we denote the distributions by formal sums. We omit zero output probabilities.

x1 a,12




x2 b,14

x3 c,12



1 1




2x2+13x3 b



''1 8x4

1 6x5



1 6

generative systemc part of its determinizationE(c)b

The trace maptr(c)associates with each state of the original generative system a subprobability distribution on words, giving the probability to terminate with a given


word starting from the given state. For instance, for statex1above, we havetr(c)(x1) =



The dashed map in (12) in Proposition 15 is in this case the inclusion mapD(A)→ [0,1]A. Therefore, again, Proposition 15 yields that “Kleisli” trace and trace via exten- sion semantics “coincide”,i.e.tr(c)(x)(w) = trK`(c)(x)(w)for any generative system c: X →D(1 +A×X), any of its statesx∈X, and any wordw∈A. Moreover, it shows that the trace maptr(c)is not just any map fromAto[0,1], but a subprobability distribution on words. This coincidence was shown in [26] in concrete terms.

7.3 Weighted automata

The restrictions imposed on the monad in order for the trace semantics of [12] to work rule out several interesting monads, such as the multiset monads MS (including the free vector space monad whenSis a field), used for coalgebraic modeling of weighted systems. In this example, we show how the new framework allows us to deal with trace semantics for weighted systems using extension semantics. We consider the same func- torF = 1 +A×(−)as before, with the multiset monadMS over a semiringS. Recall that it maps a setXto the set of all finitely supported maps fromXtoS. Having finite support is crucial forMSto be a monad, and one of the reasons why this monad does not fit in the “Kleisli” traces framework of [12]. Similar to probability distributions, we denote multisets by formal sums, now with coefficients in the semiringS. The Kleisli category K`(MS)is, for instance, the category of free commutative monoids when S=N, and the categoryEM(MS)is the category of modules overS.

Coalgebras of the functorMS(1 +A×(−))are precisely weighted automata with weights over the setS. Given a coalgebrac:X →MS(1 +A×X), each statex∈X has an output weightc(x)(∗)∈Sand ana-labelled transition into stateywith weight c(x)(ha, yi)∈S.

We instantiate the deterministic automaton functorM withB= 1and the multiset monadMS, and get M = S×(−)A sinceMS(1) ∼= S. Then there is an extension natural transformatione:MS(1+A×(−))⇒S×MASgiven, as for the subdistribution monad, by

e(ξ) = hξ(∗), λa. λx. ξ(ha, xi)i.

Again,esatisfies all the conditions and it is injective.

For weighted automata, just like for generative systems, the determinization con- struction gives rise to a deterministic automaton with an infinite state-space even if the original automaton is finite. For a weighted automatonc: X →MS(1 +A×X), the determinizationE(c) :b MS(X)→S×MS(X)Ais given by

E(c)(ξ) =b hP

x∈Xξ(x)·c(x)(∗), λa. λy.P

x∈Xξ(x)·c(x)(a, y)i for a multisetξ: X→Swith finite support{x∈X|ξ(x)6= 0}.

The following is a very simple example of determinization, forS=N.


x1 a,1







XX //1 x3


XX //1

x1 a //1 x2+ 2x3


XX //3

weighted automatonc part of its determinizationE(c)b

In general, the transitions of the determinization of the example weighted automaton care given byk1x1+k2x2+k3x3−→a (k1+k2)x2+ (2k1+k3)x3and the termination weight of a statek1x1+k2x2+k3x3equalsk1+k2+k3.

The trace maptr(c) :X→NA

?associates with each statexof the original weighted automaton the weighted language that it accepts. For instance, in the example above, we havetr(c)(x1)(hi) = 1andtr(c)(x1)(an) = 3forn≥1.

Remark 17. More specifically, we can consider weighted automata with weights over a field F, which are coalgebras for the functorMF(1 +A×(−)), whereMF is the free vector space monad. This monad is special: the Kleisli categoryK`(MF)and the categoryEM(MF)coincide, since each vector space has a basis. They are the category Vecof vector spaces and linear maps overF. The determinization automatonE(c)b for a weighted automatonccoincides then with thelinear weighted automatonof [5].

In the remainder of this section we consider the quantum walks example from [15], which can be described as a coalgebrac:Z+Z→MC(Z+Z), where the state space Z+Zrepresents positions on a lineZ, with a direction (namely↑for the left component inZ+Zand↓ for the other, downwards direction). This description only involves the (unitary) transition function given by a superposition of left and right steps. Here we adapt this example a little bit so that we can compute the resulting probabilities via traces. We take the functorF(X) = (Z+Z) +X, and coalgebrac: Z+Z → MC((Z+Z) + (Z+Z)) =MC(F(Z+Z))given by:

c(↑k) = 1`(k) +1

2 ↑(k−1) + 1

2 ↓(k+ 1) c(↓k) = 1r(k) +1

2 ↑(k−1)−1

2 ↓(k+ 1).

The right-hand-side of these equations is a formal sum over elements of the setF(Z+ Z) = (Z+Z) + (Z+Z). What is possibly confusing is that in this quadruple coproduct of integers the left partZ+Zis used for output, and the right partZ+Zas state, for further computation. In these definitions the first parts`(k)andr(k)are the left and right part of this output. The second part involves multiplication with scalars±1

2 ∈C and elements↑(k±1),↓(k±1)in the right (state) component of(Z+Z) + (Z+Z).

As machine functor we takeM(X) =MC(Z+Z)×X, with label setA= 1, and with final coalgebraZ=MC(Z+Z)Nof streams. The extension natural tranformation follows from additivity of the multiset monadMC(like in (2), see [8]), in:

MC((Z+Z) +X) e=λϕ.hϕ◦κ 1,ϕ◦κ2i

= //MC(Z+Z)×MC(X) MC(F(X)) M(MC(Z))


The coalgebraE(c) :b MC(Z+Z)→MC(Z+Z)×MC(Z+Z)in the category of vector spaces overC, resulting from Theorem 13, gives rise to a trace maptr(c) :Z+Z → MC(Z+Z)N. Thus, for the initial (upwards) state↑0∈Z+Zwe get the probability P(n, k)of ending up afternsteps at positionk∈Zon the line via the Born rule:

P(n, k) =






. These probabilities are computed in anad hocmanner in [15].

8 Discussion

In this paper, we have systematically studied trace semantics, bringing together two per- spectives: the coalgebraic trace semantics of [12] and the coalgebraic language equiva- lence via a determinization construction of [25]. Having the two perspectives together enables us to extend the class of systems that fits the framework of [12], while guaran- teeing that the coalgebraic trace semantics from [12] fits in the current setting (Proposi- tion 15). We illustrated the whole approach with several non-trivial examples, including quantum walks and simple Segala systems.

Our set-up has a certain overlap with [1], but the focus there is on getting coinci- dence of initial algebras and final coalgebras in categoriesEM(T), using stronger as- sumptions than here, namely commutativity of endofunctorsT F ∼=GT, see Section 6, where we only have a lawT F ⇒GT.

In certain cases one can also use duality results to obtain trace semantics, see [22,17].

How this relates to the current setting is unclear at this stage.

We see several (other) directions for future work. We have studied most of our exam- ples using the deterministic automata functor. By varying this functor, as in the example of Segala systems, one moves from a traces-as-words semantics to a more elaborate one, e.gwith traces-as-trees. We would like to further explore this and to study whether we can use our framework to give a coalgebraic account of temporal logics such as LTL and CTL, for which some work has appeared in [7]. The systematic development of sound and complete calculi for coalgebras is studied in [24,26,3]. In [26], the axiomatization is provided for a system modeled as aT F coalgebra, but for the completeness proof there is a somewhat unexplained move to coalgebras of typeGT. A general question is whether we can use our framework to justify this step and whether we can exploit it for a more general transfer result of soundness and completeness.

Acknowledgments. We are grateful to the anonymous referees for valuable comments.

The work of Alexandra Silva is partially funded by the ERDF through the Programme COMPETE and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, project ref.PTDC/EIA-CCO/122240/2010andSFRH/BPD/71956/2010. The work of Ana Sokolova is partially supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) grant V00125.


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