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Multi-objective Optimization Problem with Bounded Parameters


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Multi-objective Optimization Problem with Bounded Parameters"


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DOI:10.1051/ro/2014023 www.rairo-ro.org


Ajay Kumar Bhurjee


and Geetanjali Panda


Abstract. In this paper, we propose a nonlinear multi-objective op- timization problem whose parameters in the objective functions and constraints vary in between some lower and upper bounds. Existence of the efficient solution of this model is studied and gradient based as well as gradient free optimality conditions are derived. The theoretical developments are illustrated through numerical examples.

Keywords. Multi-objective optimization problem, efficient solution, optimality condition, interval valued convex function.

Mathematics Subject Classification. 90C25, 90C29, 90C30.

1. Introduction

In most of the real-life optimization models, the parameters in the objective function and constraints are not known exactly due to the presence of improper information in the data set. The lower and upper bounds of the parameters can be estimated from the historical data. In other words, the parameters are not fixed and assumed to lie in closed intervals. In that case, the objective and constraint functions map from real space to the set of intervals. So these functions are interval valued functions. In this paper, we address these type optimization models with several conflicting objective functions and call these optimization models as multi- objective interval optimization problem, in short (M IOP). Such type situation appears in production planning, portfolio selection, transportation models etc.

Example 1 explains such a model related to portfolio optimization.

Received September 5, 2013. Accepted April 11, 2014.

1 Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, 721302, India.


Article published by EDP Sciences c EDP Sciences, ROADEF, SMAI 2014



Example 1. Consider a portfolio management problem which hasn number of risky assets. Due to uncertainty in the market, the returns of the assets cannot be predicted exactly. From the historical data one can estimate the upper and lower bound of the parameters of the return in a fixed time period. Hence the expected return can be described in terms of interval parameters for a fixed time period. Let xj be the proportion of the total fund invested onjth asset. Return of jth asset lies betweenrLj and rjR, (rLj < rRj), which is found from previous data. Since the return of all assets are lying in intervals, so the standard deviation and correlation between any two of them will also lie in intervals. SupposeQM = (Qij)n×ndenotes then×nsymmetric covariance interval matrix (Qij= [qLij, qRij]) corresponding to ith andjth asset. In this circumstance, the expected return and the variance of the resulting portfoliox = (x1, x2, . . . , xn)T, are

i[rLi, riR]xi and

i,j[qijL, qijR]xixj, respectively.

In order to maximize the expected return and minimize the risk factor of the portfolio simultaneously, it is necessary to solve the interval multi-objective opti- mization problem,




[rLi, riR]xi,


[qijL, qijR]xixj



subject to


xi= 1, xi0, i= 1,2, . . . , n.

This is a nonlinear multi-objective interval optimization model.

Multi-objective optimization problems with interval parameters are studied by many researchers during last two decades (see [1,3,4,8,9,11]). The optimiza- tion models of all these papers have linear interval valued functions. Some re- cent developments in the area of nonlinear multi-objective interval optimization problem(M IOP) are due to Dunwei Gonget al.[2], Soareset al.[10] and Wu [13].

Dunwei Gong et al. [2] have suggested an interactive evolutionary algorithm for (M IOP). This algorithm periodically provides a set of non-dominated solutions.

GL Soareset al.[10] have considered a robust multi-objective optimization prob- lem with interval valued function as an inclusion of real valued function. In both the papers conditions for the existence of solution of (M IOP) has not been stud- ied. Wu [13] has studied the conditions for the existence of solution of a (M IOP) whose objective functions are interval valued functions and all constraints are real valued functions. This paper discusses the conditions for the existence of solution of (M IOP) model whose objective functions as well as constraints are nonlinear interval valued functions. For this purpose approach of this paper is different from above approaches. The existence results use the concept of convexity and differen- tiability of a general interval valued function and derives the sufficient optimality conditions for the existence ofI-Efficient solution of (M IOP).

Development of the paper is explained in several sections. Section2 discusses some prerequisites on interval analysis. In Section3, sufficient optimality condition


for (M IOP) and the existence of solution is studied. The theoretical developments are illustrated in several numerical examples.

The following notations are used throughout the paper.

Bold capital letters denote closed intervals; I(R)= The set of all closed intervals in R; (I(R))k= The product space I(R)×I(R)×. . .×I(R)


. Ckv= k-dimensional column vector, whose elements are intervals; Ckv (I(R))k, Ckv = (C1,C2, . . . ,Ck)T, Cj = [cLj, cRj]; cLj, cRj R, j Λk, Λk = {1,2, . . . , k}; The degenerate interval ˆη is denoted by ˆη= [η, η], whereη is a real number.

2. Preliminaries

For two real vectorsa= (a1, a2, . . . , an)T, b= (b1, b2, . . . , bn)T inRn, we denote avb⇔ai≥bi; avb⇔ai≤bi; a >vb⇔ai > bi; a <vb⇔ai< bi, i∈Λn. Let∗ ∈ {+,−,·, /}be a binary operation on the set of real numbers. The binary operationbetween two intervalsA= [aL, aR] andB= [bL, bR] inI(R), denoted by AB is the set {a∗b : a A, b B}. In case of division (AB), it is assumed that 0∈/ B. These interval operations can also be expressed in terms of parameters. Any point inAmay be expressed asa(t) =aL+t(aR−aL), t[0,1].

An intervalAis said to be positive interval ifa(t) is positive for everyt. Algebraic operations of intervals may be explained in parametric form as follows.

AB={a(t1)∗b(t2)|t1, t2[0,1]} (2.1) An interval vectorCkv(I(R))k may be expressed in terms of parameters as

Ckv =

c(t)|c(t) = (c1(t1), c2(t2), . . . , ck(tk))T, where t= (t1, t2, . . . , tk)T, cj(tj)Cj,

cj(tj) =cLj +tj(cRj −cLj), tj [0,1], j∈Λk

The set of intervalsI(R) is not a totally order set. Partial ordering between two intervals can be represented in parametric form. ForA,B∈I(R),

ABifa(t)≤b(t), t∈[0,1] andAB ifa(t)< b(t), ∀t∈[0,1] (2.2) A=B if a(t) =b(t), ∀t∈[0,1]. (2.3) Note that A B is not same as BA 0. For example [2,5] [3,7], but [3,7][2,5] = [−2,5]0.

Next we summarize interval valued function and some of its properties below which are due to [1].



Forc(t)∈ Ckv,let fc(t) :Rn R. For a given interval vectorCkv, an interval valued functionFCkv :Rn→I(R) can be expressed in the parametric form as

FCkv(x) =

fc(t)(x)fc(t):Rn →R, c(t)∈Ckv

. (2.4)

For every fixed x, if fc(t)(x) is continuous in t then mint∈[0,1]kfc(t)(x) and maxt∈[0,1]kfc(t)(x) exist. In that case

FCkv(x) =

t∈[0,1]minkfc(t)(x), max



Iffc(t)(x) is linear intthen mint∈[0,1]kfc(t)(x) and maxt∈[0,1]kfc(t)(x) exist in the set of vertices of Ckv. Iffc(t)(x) is monotonically increasing in t, then FCkv(x) = [fc(0)(x), fc(1)(x)]. The partial derivatives ofFCkv :Rn→I(R) atx is calculated as follows.


∂xi =



for everyt∈[0,1]k, c(t)∈Ckv


If ∂fc(t)∂x(x)

i is continuous in tthen


∂xi =



∂xi , max





The gradient of an interval valued function, FCkv : Rn I(R) at x= x is an interval vector,

∇FCkv(x) =


∂x1 ,∂FCkv(x)

∂x2 , . . . ,∂FCkv(x)

∂xn T


Using the representation of the partial ordering and interval valued function we can define interval valued convex function as follows.

Definition 2.1. Interval valued convex function.

SupposeD ⊆Rn is a convex set. For givenCkv (I(R))k, the interval valued function FCkv : D I(R) is said to be convex with respect to if for every x1, x2∈D and 0≤λ≤1,

FCkv(λx1+ (1−λ)x2)λFCkv(x1)(1−λ)FCkv(x2).

Remark 2.2. From (2.2) and definition of interval valued convex function, one may observe thatFCkv is convex with respect tomeansfc(t)(λx1+ (1−λ)x2) λfc(t)(x1) + (1−λ)fc(t)(x2), for all t [0,1]k. So we can conclude that FCkv is convex with respect toif and only iffc(t)(x) is a convex function onD for every t∈[0,1]k.


The following separation theorem is needed to prove the existence of the solution of (M IOP).

Proposition 2.3 [6]. Let f be a m-dimensional convex vector function on the convex set Γ ⊂Rn. Then either

(I) f(x) <v 0 has a solution x∈Γ or (II) pTf(x) 0 for all x∈ Γ for some pv 0, p∈Rm but never both.

3. Methodology

We propose a general multi-objective interval optimization problem as, (M IOP) min F(x)

subject to GpDmp

v (x)(or)Bp, p∈Λq, (3.5) where F(x) =

F1Ckv1(x),F2Ckv2(x), . . . ,FmCkm v (x)


, FiCki v ,GpDmp

v : Rn I(R), i∈Λm, partial orderings in the constraints (3.5) are as defined in (2.2).

Using expression (2.4), the interval valued functions FiCki

v can be represented in the parametric form as

FiCkiv (x) =

fcii(ti)(x)|fcii(ti):Rn→R, ci(ti)Ckvi


Using Expression (2.4) and Inequality (2.2) the constraints of (M IOP) can be expressed as


v (x)Bp




, (3.6)


p(tp):Rn→R, dp(tp)Dmvp, b(tp)Bp.

Throughout this section, we considert= (t1, t2, . . . , tm)T,ti = (t1i, t2i. . . , tkii)T, tji [0,1],j∈Λki,i∈Λm,tp[0,1].

The feasible set for (M IOP) can be expressed as the set, S=


v (x)(or)Bp, p∈Λq




p)(x)(or≥)bp(tp), tp[0,1]


Using expression (2.4), (M IOP) can be rewritten as minx∈S

(fc11(t1)(x), fc22(t2)(x), . . . , fcmm(tm)(x))|ci(ti)Ckvi, i∈Λm


Since (M IOP) has several interval valued conflicting objective functions, so ex- act solution of (M IOP) may not exist which minimizes all objective functions



simultaneously. Like general multi-objective problem, solution of (M IOP) is a compromise/ Pareto optimal/ efficient solution. For everyx, the objective value of (M IOP) is an interval vector. So, for any two different feasible points xand y, the objective values F(x) andF(y) can be compared componentwise like real vectors. We denote this by

F(x)vF(y)FiCkiv (x)FiCkiv (y)∀i∈Λm.

A partial ordering can not compare all intervals. Due to the complexities associ- ated with partial orderings, involved at different stages of (M IOP), it is difficult to derive the efficient solution of (M IOP) directly like general vector optimiza- tion problem. To avoid these complications, (M IOP) is transformed to a general optimization problem in the subsequent sections. Some gradient free and gradient based results are established to study the existence of efficient solution of (M IOP) through the solution of the transformed problem. We accept the partial ordering as defined in (2.2) to prove these results and call an efficient solution of (M IOP) with respect toas I-Efficient solution. (Several partial orderings inI(R) exist in literature (see [5,7]). The results of this paper are based on the partial ordering in the parametric form. However, similar theory may be developed with respect to any other partial ordering.) Like vector optimization problem,I-Efficient solution and properlyIEfficient solution of (M IOP) may be defined as follows.

Definition 3.1. x S is called an I-Efficient solution of (M IOP) if there is nox∈Swith


v (x)FiCki

v (x), i∈Λm and for at least onej=i, Fj




(x) (3.7) Definition 3.2. x ∈S is called a properly I-Efficient solution of (M IOP) if x ∈S is anI-Efficient solution and there is a positive degenerate interval ˆη so that for somei∈Λmand for everyx∈S withFiCki

v (x)FiCki

v (x), at least one j=iexists withFj




(x) and FiCki

v (x)FiCki

v (x) Fj




(x) η.ˆ (3.8)

Example 2. Consider the problem min(x1,x2)∈S{F1(x1, x2), F2(x1, x2)}, where F1(x1, x2) = [1,2]x1 [1,3], F2(x1, x2) = [1,3]x2[1,2] and S = {(x1, x2) Rn| x21+x221}.

(x1, x2) = (−23,−12) is properlyI-Efficient solution of (M IOP).

F1(x1, x2) = [1−√

3,3 23], F2(x1, x2) = [−12,32]. Any point of the set S is (xn1, xn2) = (−2n−1n ,−1 + n1), n N. Substituting (xn1, xn2) in place of x, the


interval inequalities (3.7) becomes F1(xn1, xn2)



3 2

andF2(xn1, xn2)

1 2,3


· (3.9)

Using the partial orderingandstated in (2.2) and interval operations stated in (2.1), (3.9) reduces to the following system of real inequalities.




2 and n >2, n∈N (3.10)

The system (3.10) has no solution. Consequently (3.7) has no solution. Hence by Definition 3.1, (−23,−12) is anI-Efficient solution of (M IOP).


F1(x1, x2)F1(xn1, xn2) F2(xn1, xn2)F2(x1, x2) =

−2−√ 3 + n1


32 +n3 ,223+n2 2n1

1 n72

· For a sequence of intervals{[aLn, aRn]}, limn→∞[aLn, aRn] = [limn→∞aLn,limn→∞aRn] (see [12]). Hence


F1(x1, x2)F1(xn1, xn2) F2(xn1, xn2)F2(x1, x2)=

−4−2 3

3 ,

34 7

· Consider ˆη =


3 3,4−233

. Then we can write FF1(x1,x2) F1(xn1,xn2)

2(xn1,xn2) F2(x1,x2) η. Fromˆ Definition 3.2,x= (−23,−12) is a properlyI-Efficient solution of (M IOP).

Optimality conditions for the existence ofI-Efficient solution of (M IOP) are established in the following subsections.

3.1. Optimality condition without using derivative

As discussed earlier, it is difficult to find the efficient solution of (M IOP) di- rectly due to the complexities arising in the partial ordering in the set of intervals.

To address this difficulty, we construct a deterministic form of (M IOP) using some transformations as follows and prove that an optimal solution of the transformed problem is anI-Efficient solution of (M IOP) in the subsequent theorems.

Consider a vector valued weight function w (or w(t)) = (w1(t1), w2(t2). . . , wm(tm))T,wi(ti) >0, andμi >0,i Λm, and construct an optimization problem

(M IOPwμ) : min

x∈SΨ(x), (3.11)

where Ψ(x) =

i∈Λmμiψi(x), and ψi(x) =


i(ti)(x) dti, dti = dt1idt2i. . .dtkii and

ki = 1



0 . . . 1 0

(ki times)




Note. wi(ti) may be treated as a preference weight function, which has to be provided by the decision maker. Different preference functions can be provided to estimate the Pareto optimal value of the model. For everyi,wi(ti) = 1 indicates that the investor’s natural attitude is to estimate the mean. If1

0 wi(ti)dti= 1 for everyithen the investor’s inclination is to estimate in between the optimistic and pessimistic optimal value. In the subsequent results we will see that any selection ofwi with positive value can provide anI-Efficient solution.

Theorem 3.3. If x ∈S is an optimal solution of (M IOPwμ) for some w >v 0 andμ >v0, thenx is an I-Efficient solution of (M IOP).

Proof.Letx∈Sbe an optimal solution of (M IOPwμ),w >v0 andμ >v 0. Assume thatxis not anI-Efficient solution of (M IOP). Then by Definition3.1, there is somex∈S satisfying (3.7). Using (2.2), the inequalities in (3.7) can be rewritten as follows.

For somexinS and eachti[0,1]ki, fcii(ti)(x)≤fcii(ti)(x), i∈Λmand fcj

j(tj)(x)< fcj

j(tj)(x) for at least onej=i.

Since wi(ti) > 0 and μi > 0, the above relations imply that

i∈Λmμiψi(x) <

i∈Λmμiψi(x). This is equivalent to Ψ(x) < Ψ(x), which is impossible since x is the optimal solution of (M IOPwμ). Hence x is an I-Efficient solution of (M IOP).

Theorem 3.4. Ifx is anI-Efficient solution of(M IOP)with GpDmp

v (x)Bp


v ,GpDmp

v , p∈Λq, i∈Λmare interval valued convex functions with respect tothen there exists a weight functionwv0such thatxis an optimal solution of(M IOPwμ)for anyμ >v0.

Proof.Here S={x∈Rn|GpDmp

v (x)Bp, p∈Λq}= p∈Λq{x∈Rn|gdpp(t p)(x) bp(tp), tp [0,1]}. Since GpDmp

v is an interval valued convex function, so by Re- mark2.2,gdpp(t

p)(x) is a convex function. HenceSis a convex set. Supposex∈S is anI-Efficient solution of (M IOP). Then there exists nox∈S satisfying (3.7).

From Remark 2.2, we can conclude that fci

i(ti) is convex on a convex set S for eachti. Since (3.7) has no solution, so using the concept of partial ordering and interval valued function in Section2, we can conclude that, for everyti in [0,1]ki, the following system has no solution onS.

fcii(ti)(x)−fcii(ti)(x)0∀i∈Λm andfcj


j(tj)(x)<0 for at least onej =i

If we denoteF(x, t) = (fc11(t1)(x)−fc11(t1)(x), . . . , fcmm(tm)(x)−fcmm(tm)(x))T then above system implies that F(x, t) v 0 has no solution for everyt. This implies that F(x, t) <v 0 has no solution for every t. Hence from Proposition 2.3, there


exists a real vector u = (u1, u2, . . . , um)T, u v 0 such that uTF(x, t) 0 is true for allx∈ S. Define wi : [0,1]ki →R+∪ {0} by wi(ti) =ui, i ∈Λm. Then uTF(x, t)0 is same as

w(t)TF(x)≥0,∀x∈S This implies that




i(ti)(x)∀x∈S.Hence forμi>0,


i∈Λmμiψi(x)∀x∈S.This is equivalent toΨ(x) Ψ(x)∀x∈S, which implies thatxis an optimal solution of (M IOPwμ) forwv0, μ >v0.

Theorem 3.5. If x S is an optimal solution of (M IOPwμ), w >v 0, wi are continuous functions satisfying

kiwi(ti) dti= 1andμ >v0 thenx is a properly I-Efficient solution of (M IOP).

Proof. Supposex is not a properly I-Efficient solution of (M IOP). So either xis not anI-Efficient solution of (M IOP) orxis anI-Efficient solution but does not satisfy the conditions in (3.8).

(I)Supposexis not anI-Efficient solution of (M IOP). Then by Theorem3.3, x is not an optimal solution of (M IOPwμ) for any choice of w >v 0 and μ >v 0, which contradicts thatxis the optimal solution of (M IOPwμ).

(II)Let x be anI-Efficient solution of (M IOP) but does not satisfy the con- dition for properlyI-Efficient solution (3.8). One can choose

η= (m1) max

i,j max


μjwj(tj)wjtj) μiwi(ti)witi)

form≥2, i=j, ti,t¯i[0,1]ki Sincewi is continuous soη exists. Then from Definition3.2, for some i∈Λmand somex∈S withFiCki

v (x)FiCki v (x), FiCki

v (x)FiCki

v (x) Fj




(x) η,ˆ ∀j∈Λm, i=j, (3.12) withFj




(x) holds for ˆη= [η, η].

(3.12) means for everyti,t¯i, fci


iti)(x) fcj


jtj)(x)> η≥(m1)

μjwj(tj)wjtj) μiwi(ti)witi)


which is







So μi









jtj)(x))dtidtj Since

kiwi(ti) dti= 1, after integrating the above inequality becomes μii(x)−ψi(x))>(m1)μjj(x)−ψj(x)) Hence




μjj(x)−ψj(x)) This implies μii(x) ψi(x)) >

j∈Λm,j=iμjj(x) ψj(x)). Hence



That is,Ψ(x)> Ψ(x). This contradicts the assumption thatx is the optimal solution of (M IOPwμ).

3.2. Optimality condition using derivative

For a feasible pointx∈S,denoteJ(x) ={p:GpDmp

v (x) =Bp, p∈Λq}. That is,J(x) ={p:gdpp(t

p)(x) =bp(tp),∀tp[0,1], p∈Λq}.

Theorem 3.6. SupposeFiCki

v andGpDmp

v are differentiable functions and convex with respect toatx ∈S of (M IOP), satisfying



v (x)



v (x) =0, (3.13) whereμi >0, i∈Λm and for every p∈Λqp 0 if GpDmp

v (x)Bpp 0 if GpDmp

v (x)Bp; and νp is unrestricted if p∈ J(x). Then x is an I-Efficient solution for(M IOP).

Proof. SupposeFiCki

v and GpDmp

v are convex at x with respect to . From Re- mark 2.2 it is true that fci

i(ti) and gdp

p(tp) are convex functions at x for every ti, tp. So for allx∈S and allti, tp,

fcii(ti)(x)−fcii(ti)(x)(x−x)T∇fcii(ti)(x),∀i∈Λm (3.14) gdp



p)(x),∀p∈Λq (3.15) From (2.3), Equation (3.13) becomes


μi∇fcii(ti)(x) +



p)(x) = 0, ∀ti, tp (3.16)


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