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تمارين انقليزية : السنة الخامسة


Academic year: 2022

Partager "تمارين انقليزية : السنة الخامسة"


Texte intégral


Sondos Madhbouh

Year 5



Unit 1 Activities

1\ Introducing others :

My family

Hi ! My name is George and this is my family. This is my mother, her name is Sophie. This is my father, his name is Alice.

This is my brother Harry, He is kind and helpful. He is (10) ten.



George Harry


A Match

My mother name’s Harry My brother name’s Alice My Father name’s Sophie

B Reorder the words and write correct sentences :

a- brother \ your \ how \ is \ old \ ?


b- is \ small \ my\ this \ family .


c- name\ my \ is \ George.


d- and \ are \ Sophie \ Alice \ parents \ are .



Unit 1

2\ School subjects :

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

8 10 Math Music History Frensh Art Geography

10 12 Arabic Science Math Arabic P.E English

A- Look at the table and complete :

On Thursday, i have ……… and ……… .

My favorite subject is ………. .

I like ……….

On Saturday, when i go to school, i study ………. and ………..

B- Match

read Art draw Arabic play P.E whrite Music practise English


C- Reorder the lettres :



M t


i s M U C

R B A i C A


Unit 1

2\ Clothes :

a- Color :

 Sarra is wearing a pink t-shirt and a black trousers.

The pupil is wearing a green pullover, a jeans and a yellow shoes.


b- Describe what the boy and the girl are wearing in the picture

a- ………


b- ………


And you ? what are you wearing today ?

Today, I’m wearing ……….



Unit 1

4- Pets

1- Match :








2- Complete the answer

Do you have a pet at home ?

No , i don’t have Yes , i have ……….

Draw it

3- Guess my pet :

 My pet eats fish : a ………..

 It can fly : a ……….

 It can’t walk or fly but it can swim : a ………….

4- Draw and color :

 My ancle have five birds

 Dad have two cats

 Grand-father have three fishs


Unit 1

5- describe my classmate

Read the text :

This is my classemate . he is friendly and clever.he has blue eyes and brown hair. We are collaborative classemates .we play and study together.

Write a short text as the exemple :

Shopie , tall and slim, kind and helpful Eyes : brown

Hair : red

We : students of the same class

this is Sophie.She ………..




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