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Mixed Hodge complexes and higher extensions of mixed Hodge modules on algebraic varieties


Academic year: 2022

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Mixed Hodge complexes and higher extensions of mixed Hodge modules on algebraic varieties


ABSTRACT- In [1, 2] A. BeõÆlinson provides a description of the bounded derived category of polarizable mixed Hodge structures in terms of the more flexible triangulated category of polarizable mixed Hodge complexes. In this work we provide a partial generalization of this result to higher dimension.


KEYWORDS. Mixed Hodge modules, mixed Hodge complexes.

1. Introduction

1.1 ± Some background

1.1.1 ± In P. Deligne's Hodge theory [5, 8.1], mixed Hodge complexes were introduced as an auxiliary tool to construct mixed Hodge structures on cohomology groups of algebraic complex varieties. This tool was refined by A. BeõÆlinson in [1, 2] where it plays a crucial role in the definition of absolute Hodge cohomology, a Hodge theoretic precursor of motivic cohomology.

More precisely, A. BeõÆlinson introduces a triangulated category of (polariz- able) mixed Hodge complexes DHb pand shows that the triangulated functor

Db(MHSpQ)!DHb p (1:1:1 1)

is an equivalence of categories. Then he explains [1, § 4] that Deligne's con- struction provides a mixed Hodge complex RG(X;Q) which lifts the direct imageRpQXin Betti cohomology, and, using the equivalence (1.1.1 1), he defines the absolute (polarizable) Hodge cohomology as the bigraded groups:

HHp p(X;Q(q)):ˆHomDb(MHSp


(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: Institut de Recherche MatheÂmatique de Rennes, UMR 6625 duCNRS,UniversiteÂdeRennes1,CampusdeBeaulieu,35042RennesCedex(France)

E-mail: florian.ivorra@univ-rennes1.fr


At the time, RG(X;Q) was a substitute for the direct imagepQHX that a not yet defined theory of Hodge coefficients with a formalism of the six op- erations would have provided.

1.1.2 ± Even with the advent of M. Saito's theory of mixed Hodge modules [17, 19], which allows in particular the definition of absolute Hodge cohomology without mentioning the category of mixed Hodge com- plexes (1), BeõÆlinson's equivalence still remains a useful description of the bounded derived category of polarizable mixed Hodge structures. Indeed in comparison with complexes of polarizable mixed Hodge structures, mixed Hodge complexes are far more flexible objects and much easier to construct, and the equivalence (1.1.1 1) turns out to be a key ingredient for constructing realization functors from triangulated categories of motives to the bounded derived category of polarizable mixedQ-Hodge structures MHSpQ: in both the construction given by A. Huber in [7, 8] for V. Voevodsky's geometrical motives or by M. Levine [14, Part I,V.2.3.10]

for his own triangulated category of motives the target category of the realization is rather the bounded triangulated category of polarizable mixed Hodge complexes DbHp.

1.1.3 ± For higher dimensional complex algebraic varieties, categories of mixed Q-Hodge complexes were introduced by M. Saito in [20].

More precisely, for every algebraic variety X, he constructs two triangulated categories DHb(X;Q)D and DHb(X;Q) together with trian- gulated functors:

where MHM(X;Q) is the abelian category of algebraic mixedQ-Hodge modules overX. ForXˆSpec(C) the categories MHM(SpecC;Q) and MHSpQ are equivalent, M. Saito shows [20, 2.10] that the functor e in that case


(1) M. Saito's theory provides a definition ofpQHX as an object in Db(MHSpQ) and one can shows at least forXsmooth that its image by the equivalence (1.1.1 1) is isomorphic to BeõÆlinson's RG(X;Q).


is an equivalence and in particular Saito's category of mixed Hodge complexes is equivalent to DHb p. Though their definitions are very sim- ilar, Saito's construction is slightly more complicated than BeõÆlinson's construction and it is not clear a priori that they yield equivalent results.

1.1.4 ± The motivation behind these constructions is the comparison between Hodge structures provided by the theory of mixed Hodge modules and Hodge structures provided by the simplicial methods inherited from Deligne's original approach [5]. As simplicial constructions do not work in the framework of mixed Hodge modules, due to the nonexactness of pullback maps for the perverse t-structure, mixed Hodge complexes appears to provide a bridge between the theory elaborated by Saito and other constructions with a simplicial flavor.

1.2 ± Statement of the main result

1.2.1 ± In this paper, for technical reasons, we will have to work with the version of the functoreconstructed in [9]:

Db(MHM(X;Q))ƒƒƒ!realX DHb(X;Q)D: (1:2:1 1)

Though the definition of the category of mixed Hodge complexes DHb(X;Q)D is too crude for (1.2.1 1) to be essentially surjective for an arbitrary algebraic variety, if one is interested in a higher dimensional generalization of BeõÆlinson's equivalence, the following question arises:

1.2.2 ± QUESTION.Let X be a smooth projective algebraic variety. Is the realization functor(1.2.1 1)fully faithful ? In other words is the morphism (1:2:2 1) HomDb(MHM(X;Q))(M;N )!HomDb

H(X;Q)D(realX(M);realX(N )) an isomorphism for any given complexes of mixed Hodge modulesM;N ? 1.2.3 ± The aim of this work is to provide a partial positive answer to this question for every smooth projective variety. Remark that the realization functor (1.2.1 1) is a Hodge theoretic lifting of the Betti functor realX;Q constructed in [4, 3.1],i.e.one has a commutative square (up to an invertible 2-isomorphism)


(1:2:3 1)

where Dbc(X;Q) is the bounded derived category of sheaves ofQ-vector spaces onXanwith algebraically constructible cohomology and Perv(X;Q) is the abelian category of perverse sheaves inside it. As shown by BeõÆlinson in [3] the functor realX;Qis an equivalence of categories. Therefore a pos- itive answer to 1.2.2 can be seen both as a higher dimensional general- isation of the equivalence in [1] and a Hodge theoretic version of the equivalence in [3].

1.2.4 ± Let us now state our main theorem. For this, recall that ifXis a smooth algebraic variety of pure dimensiondX, an algebraic mixedQ-Hodge moduleMonXis said to be smooth ifrat(M)[ dX] is a local system, where


is the composition of realX;Qand the forgetful functor in (1.2.3 1). The main result of this work is the following theorem:

1.2.5 ± THEOREM. Let X be a smooth projective algebraic variety and M;N be two complexes of mixed Hodge modules on X. IfMhas smooth cohomology i.e. the mixed Hodge moduleHi(M)is smooth for every i2Z, then the morphism(1.2.2 1)is an isomorphism.

1.2.6 ± Let us denote by MHM(X;Q)smthe full subcategory of MHM(X;Q) formed by the smooth mixedQ-Hodge modules and by Dbsm(MHM(X;Q)) the full subcategory of Db(MHM(X;Q)) formed by the complexes with smooth cohomology. Since MHM(X;Q)sm is an abelian subcategory of MHM(X;Q) stable by extensions, the category Dbsm(MHM(X;Q)) is a triangulated subcategory and 1.2.5 ensures it can be seen via (1.2.1 1) as a full triangulated subcategory of DHb (X;Q)D.

1.2.7 ± In the proof of 1.2.5 we use essentially the assumption thatMis smooth. Since the definition of DHb (X;Q)D is really crude in comparison with the definition of the category of mixed Hodge modules, it may be that one has also to refine the construction of mixed Hodge complexes to get a positive answer to 1.2.2 in general.


1.3 ± Sketch of proof and content of the paper

1.3.1 ± The proof of 1.2.5 goes by reduction to the zero dimensional case.

As shown by M. Saito, a smooth mixed Hodge module is nothing but an admissible variation of mixed Hodge structures. Moreover since such a variation may also be seen as a mixed Hodge complex, to prove 1.2.5 we have to check that

HomDb(MHM(X;Q))(VH;N )!HomDb

H(X;Q)D(VH;real(N ))

is an isomorphism for any admissible variation of mixed Hodge structures Vand anyN 2Db(MHM(X;Q)). The idea of the proof is then very simple:

Step 1 We show that one may assume the variationVto be the trivial one QHX. To do this reduction, we exploit the fact that the tensor category VMHS…X;Q†ad of admissible variations of mixed Hodge structures is rigid. Namely we construct both on Db(MHM(X;Q)) and DHb (X;Q) a structure of module over VMHS…X;Q†ad. The rigidity of the tensor cat- egory VMHS…X;Q†adprovides then two isomorphisms



H(X;Q)D(QHX;V_ M) (1:3:1 1)

HomDb(MHM(X;Q))(VH;N )ˆHomDb(MHM(X;Q))(QHX;V_ N ) (1:3:1 2)

whereV_is the dual ofV. We check that the realization functor real is a morphism of modules and the compatibility of the isomorphisms (1.3.1 1) and (1.3.1 2) with real ensures that it is enough to consider the trivial variationQHX . This step does not use the projectivity assumption and relies heavily on the notion of noncharacteristic mixed Hodge modules.

Step 2 Let p:X!Spec(C) be the structural morphism. Since p is as- sumed to be projective, we have a direct image functorp:DHb(X;Q)D ! DHb(Spec(C);Q)D for mixed Hodge complexes and we check that there is an isomorphism



H(SpecC;Q)(Q(0);pM) 8M 2DHb (X;Q)D which is compatible via real with the adjunction isomorphism in the derived categories of mixed Hodge modules provided by the adjoint functors p`p. We are then reduced to the case Spec(C) which was done in [20, 2.10] or in [1].


1.3.2 ± Let us now briefly run through the content of the paper. In the second and third sections we provide some complements onD-modules and mixed Hodge modules which are needed as preliminaries to the construc- tions involved in the proof. Though some of them may be well known to some reader they either do not appear in the literature or the proofs are too quickly sketched for our need. The proof of the main theorem is done in the fifth section while the fourth section contains recollections on mixed Hodge compleces and the last section the necessary though tedious constructions that are needed in the proof but may be skipped in a first reading.

1.3.3 ± In this paper a complex algebraic variety is a separated quasi- projective reduced scheme of finite type over SpecC. If X is a smooth complex algebraic variety, we denote by Xan the associated complex analytic manifold. Given an increasing filtrationW and an integern2Z, one denotes byWfngthe filtrationWfngkˆWk n.

2. Mixed Hodge modules

2.1 ± Side changing functors for filteredD-modules

2.1.1 ± LetXbe a smooth complex algebraic variety or a complex analytic manifold of pure dimensiondX. We denote byDX the ring of differential operators on X and by F its filtration by the order. Recall that DX ˆ [kFkDX,F0DX ˆOX andFkDX ˆ0 for anyk<0. MoreoverDX is a locally freeOX-module andFkDX is a locally freeOX-module of finite rank for anyk2Z. A filtered rightDX-module is a pair (M;F) whereM is a right DX-module and FkM (k2Z) is an increasing sequence of additive subgroups ofMsuch thatF`MFkDX Fk‡`M. We say that

Fis exhaustive if[kFkMˆM;

F is discrete if there exists locally an integer k02Z such that FkMˆ0 fork<k0.

One defines similarly the notion of filtered left DX-modules. In the sequel all filtrations onDX-modules will be assumed to be exhaustive and discrete. The filtered right DX-modules form a quasi-abelian category MF(DX) and we have a forgetful functorv:MF(DX)!M(DX).

2.1.2 ± REMARK. In [17] M. Saito uses rightD-modules almost exclu- sively, here it will be convenient to use also leftD-modules. Such a use will


be indicated by the symbol L e.g. MF(DX)L will denote the category of filtered leftDX-modules.

2.1.3 ± Let vX :ˆVdXX be the invertible OX-module of top differential forms onX. This is a rightDX-module via the Lie derivative which may also be considered as a filtered rightDX-module (vX;F) for the filtrationF defined by GrFkvX ˆ0 ifk6ˆdX. The category of filtered leftDX-modules and filtered rightDX-modules are equivalent via the side changing functor which associates with a filtered leftDX-module (M;F) the filtered right DX-module

(M;F)r:ˆ(M;F)OX (vX;F):

The underlying rightDX-module isMrˆMOXvXand the filtration is given by FkMrˆFk‡dXMOXvX. Let (vX 1;F) be the inverse of vX with the filtrationFdefined by GrFkvX 1ˆ0 ifk6ˆdX, then given a filtered rightDX-module (M;F)

(M;F)`ˆ(vX 1;F)OX (M;F)

is the associated filtered left DX-module. We have FkM` ˆ vX 1OX Fk dXM.

2.1.4 ± We now add the weight filtration to the picture. Let MF(DX;W) be the following category. An object is a triple (M;F;W) where (M;F) is a filtered right DX-module andW is a finite increasing filtration ofM by sub-DX-modules. A morphism is simply a morphism of filtered DX- modules which is compatible with the additional filtration W. The side changing filtered DX-module (vX;F) is then considered as an object (vX;F;W) in MF(DX;W) where W is the trivial filtration defined by GrWn vX ˆ0 if n6ˆdX. The side changing equivalences 2.1.3 extend im- mediately to equivalences between the categories ofW-filtered filtered left DX-modules andW-filtered filtered rightDX-modules. The extension is given by


for a W-filtered filtered left DX-module (M;F;W). In other words the underlying filtered rightDX-module is (M;F)rand the filtrationW sat- isfiesWkMrˆ(Wk dXM)r. Similarly if (M;F;W) is aW-filtered filtered rightDX-module :

(M;F;W)`ˆ(vX 1;F;W)OX (M;F;W) (2:1:4 1)


is the associated W-filtered filtered left D-module. In (2.1.4 1) the fil- trationWonvX 1is defined by GrWnvX 1ˆ0 ifn6ˆdX, the behaviour of the weight filtration is thus given byWkM`ˆ(Wk‡dXM)`.

2.1.5 ± LetMbe a leftDX-module and DR(M) be its de Rham complex. If (M;F) is a filtered left DX-module, then DR(M) inherits a filtration defined forn50 andk2Zby

FkDR(M)n ˆVnX OXFk‡nM (2:1:5 1)

and the resulting filtered complex DR(M;F) is a complex of filtered differential operators of order 41. One sets pDR(M):ˆDR(M)[dX].

Recall that the shift functor does not affect the Hodge filtration i.e FkpDR(M)nˆFkDR(M)n‡dX.

2.1.6 ± LetMbe a rightDX-module and Sp(M) be its Spencer complex.

If (M;F) is a filtered rightDX-module, then Sp(M) inherits a filtration defined forn40 andk2Zby

FkSp(M)n ˆFk‡nMOX^n UX (2:1:6 1)

and the resulting filtered complex Sp(M;F) is a complex of filtered dif- ferential operators of order41.

2.1.7 ± IfMis a leftD-module then there is a functorial isomorphism cM:Sp(Mr)! pDR(M);

if (M;F) is a filtered leftD-module then this morphism is compatible with the filtrations defined in (2.1.5 1), (2.1.6 1) and is therefore an iso- morphism of complexes of filtered differential operators of order41.

2.1.8 ± Let (M;F;W) be an object in MF(DX;W). We denote by Sp(M;W) the Spencer complex of M endowed with the increasing filtration induced byW, we have then

GrWn Sp(M;W)ˆSp(GrWn M):

Assume that X is a smooth algebraic variety and (M;F)2MF(DX), (N ;F;W)2MF(DX;W), then one defines

Span(M;F)ˆSp(Man) Span(N ;F;W)ˆSp((N ;W)an):

which are (filtered) complexes of sheaves ofC-vector spaces onXan.


2.2 ± MixedQ-Hodge modules

2.2.1 ± Let X be a smooth algebraic variety of pure dimension dX and RˆQ;C. We denote by Db(X;R) the bounded derived category of the abelian category of sheaves ofR-vector spaces onXan. Inside Db(X;R) one may consider the strictly full triangulated subcategory Dbc(X;R) formed by the complexes K such that Hi(K) is algebraically constructible for every i2Z. Let us denote by Perv(X;R) the heart of the perverset-structure on Dbc(X;R) and bypHithe perverse cohomology functors. By the Riemann- Hilbert correspondence, the de Rham and Spencer functors

are triangulated equivalences which are exact for the standardt-structure on the left hand-sides and the perverset-structure on the right hand-side.

In particular, it induces an exact equivalence of abelian categories between Modrh(DX) and Perv(X;C).

2.2.2 ± REMARK. For convenience we will consider the category Perv(X;R)L obtained by a shift in the definition of perversity: namelyK lies in Perv(X;R)L if and only ifK[dX] belongs to Perv(X;R). This is for example the definition of perversity used in [16, 3.3-3]. With this convention aR-local systemVonXlies in Perv(X;R)L, and ifMis in Dbrh(DX)Lthen its de Rham and holomorphic solution complexes

DRan(M) RHomDXan(Man;OXan) lie also in Perv(X;C)L.

2.2.3 ± Let us recall the definition of the basic category at the bottom of the notion of algebraicQ-Hodge modules introduced by M. Saito (see [17, 5.1.1]). Let MFrh(DX) be the category of filtered rightDX-module (M;F) which satisfy the following two conditions:

(M;F) is a coherent filteredDX-module, in other wordsFis a good filtration onM;

M is a regular holonomicDX-module.

Since for an holonomic rightDX-moduleM, the Spencer complex Span(M)


is a perverse sheaf, we have a functor

MFrh(DX)!v Modrh(DX)ƒƒƒ!Span Perv(X;C) and the following definition is meaningful:

2.2.4 ± DEFINITION. The category MFrh(DX;Q) is the fibre 2-product of the categories MFrh(DX) and Perv(X;Q) over Perv(X;C):

MFrh(DX;Q):ˆMFrh(DX)Perv (X;C)Perv(X;Q):

An object in MFrh(DX) is called a regular holonomic filteredDX-module with aQ-structure.

Letn2Zbe an integer. Via induction on dimension of the support, the category MH(X;Q;n) of polarizable Hodge modules of weightnis defined as a strictly full subcategory of MFrh(DX;Q). The precise definition of a Hodge module of weight nis given in [17, 5.1.6] while the polarizability condition is defined in [17, 5.2.10].

2.2.5 ± REMARK. Note that we do require pure Hodge modules to be polarizable, this is essential in many respects, the stability of mixed Hodge complexes by proper direct images being only one example where this condition is needed.

B y definition an object M in MFrh(DX;Q) is a 5-uplet KQ;KC;KD;aMQ;aMD

where KD :ˆ(M;F) is an object in MFrh(DX), forRˆQ;C,KRis an object in Perv(X;R) andaMQ;aMD are isomorphisms



Q KC Span(M)ƒƒ!a


A morphismu:M!M0is a triple (uQ;uC;uD) of morphisms that com- mute with the comparison morphisms.

2.2.6 ± REMARK. The category MFrh(DX;Q) is also equivalent to the category with objects triples M ˆ(KQ;KD;aM) where KD :ˆ(M;F) belongs to MFrh(DX), KQ is an object in Perv(X;Q) and aM : KQQC!Span(M) is an isomorphism in Perv(X;C). The morphisms are simply pairs (uQ;uD) of morphisms such that


2.2.7 ± As in [17, 5.1.14] one defines MFrhW(DX;Q) to be the category of objects in MFrh(DX;Q) endowed with a finite increasing filtrationi.e.

MFrhW(DX;Q):ˆMFrh(DX;Q;W)Perv (X;C;W)Perv(X;Q;W)


where Perv(X;R;W) is the category of R-perverse sheaves with a finite increasing filtration. By definition the abelian category MHW(X;Q) is the strictly full subcategory of MFrhW(D;Q) formed by the objectsM such that

GrWn M2MH(X;Q;n);

and by its inductive construction the abelian category of algebraic mixed Hodge modules MHM(X;Q) is a strictly full subcategory of MHW(X;Q).

Note that the mixed Hodge modules are required to be polarizable.

2.2.8 ± When using leftDX-modules instead of rightDX-modules, it will be convenient to consider the category

MFrh(DX;Q)L:ˆMFrh(DX)LPerv (X;C)LPerv(X;Q)L

where the de Rham complex DRanof a leftDX-module is used instead of the Spencer complex. One defines similarly the category MFrhW(DX;Q)L. The side changing functors 2.1.3 , 2.1.4 and the isomorphisms 2.1.7 provide equivalences

MFrh(DX;Q)L ƒƒ!( )r

( )`MFrh(DX;Q) MFrhW(DX;Q)L ƒƒ!( )r

( )`MFrhW(DX;Q) such that forM 2MFrhW(DX;Q)L

GrWn Mr

ˆ GrWn dXMr :

We therefore define MH(X;Q;n)Lto be the subcategory of MFrh(DX;Q)L formed by the objectsM such thatMrlies in MH(X;Q;n‡dX) and the category of left mixed Hodge modules MHM(X;Q)Las the subcategory of MFrhW(DX;Q)Lformed by theMsuch thatMrlies in MHM(X;Q).

2.3 ± Variations and mixed Hodge modules

2.3.1 ± LetX be a smooth algebraic variety andV a variation of mixed Hodge structures onX. As part of the definition, we have the following data:

a pair (VQ;WQ) whereVQis aQ-local system (2) onXanandWQis a finite increasing filtration ofVQby local subsystems;

(2) IfAis a field aA-local system on a topological space is a locally constant sheaf of finite dimensionalA-vector spaces.


a triple ((V ;r);F ;W) where (V ;r) is a flat connexion on Xwith regular singularities at infinity,F is a finite decreasing filtration of V by locally freeOX-module of finite rank which satisfies Griffiths' tranversality:

r:F kV !V1XOX F k 1V

andWis a finite increasing filtration ofV by locally freeOX-modules of finite rank which are stable underr:

r:WnV !V1XOX WnV ; an isomorphism of filteredC-local systems

(VQ;WQ)QC ƒ!aV (Kerran;W)

where the flat sections Kerranof the analytic connexion associated withrare endowed with the filtration induced byW.

All variations considered in this work are assumed to be polarizable (i.e.for a mixed variationV, all the pure variations GrWn V are polarizable). The condition of admissibility was defined in [21, 10], the polarizability being part of it. The connexionrdefines onV a structure of leftDX-module and setting FkV :ˆF kV , Griffiths' transversality condition ensures that (V ;F) is a filtered leftDX-module.

2.3.2 ± REMARK. For any variationVtheOX-modules GrkFGrWn V are locally free of finite rank and since V is an integrable connexion Char(V )ˆTXX.

2.3.3 ± As shown by M. Saito (see [19, 3.27] and the remark after), the category VMHS…X;Q†ad of admissible variations of Q-mixed Hodge structures is equivalent to the category of smooth mixed Hodge modules, more precisely the equivalence is given by

VMHS…X;Q†ad!MHM(X;Q)sm V 7!VH

where VH :ˆ(HV)r is the mixed Hodge module obtained by the side changing functor 2.1.4 from the left mixed Hodge module

HV:ˆ((VQ;WQ);(V ;F;W);aHV)


whereaVHis the filtered isomorphism in the derived category given by the filtered quasi-isomorphism

aHV:(VQ;WQ)QCƒ!aV Ker(ran;W),!DRan(V ;W):

In particular if V is a pure variation of weight n then HV lies in MH(X;Q;n)L or equivalentlyVH belongs to MH(X;Q;n‡dX).

3. Noncharacteristic mixed Hodge modules

3.1 ± FilteredD-modules and noncharacteristic inverse image

3.1.1 ± Letf :X!Ybe either a morphism of smooth complex algebraic varieties or a morphism of complex analytic manifolds. Let us say that a OY-moduleE isOX-tor independent if

Torif 1OY(f 1E;OX)ˆ0 8i>0:

(3:1:1 1)

3.1.2 ± DEFINITION. A coherent filtered rightDY-module (M;F) is said to be noncharacteristic with respect tof if

M is noncharacteristic with respect tof;

for any k2Z and i>0 the OY-module GrFkM is OX-tor in- dependenti.e.

Torif 1OY(f 1GrFk M;OX)ˆ0:

3.1.3 ± REMARK. This is the condition introduced in [17, 3.5.1]. We may give a similar definition for filtered leftDY-modules. Being non character- istic in the sense of 3.1.2 is then a property stable under the side changing functors 2.1.3 i.e.a filtered rightDY-module (M;F) is noncharacteristic if and only if its associated filtered leftDY-module (M;F)`is.

3.1.4 ± Letf :X!Ybe either a morphism of smooth complex algebraic varieties or a morphism of complex analytic manifolds. LetdˆdX dYbe the relative dimension. As usual, we denote by (DX!Y;F) and (DY X;F) the filtered transfer modules (seee.g.[13, 5.1] for the filtered versions). If (M;F) is a filtered leftDY-module, one sets

fO(M;F):ˆ(DX!Y;F)f 1DYf 1(M;F):

The underlyingOX-module isOXf 1OYf 1Mand the filtration is simply


given by

FkfO M:ˆIm OXf 1OY f 1FkM!fOM :

The definition for filtered right DY-modules goes by the side changing functors, namely if (M;F) be filtered rightDY-module, then one sets (see [17, 3.5.1])

fO(M;F):ˆf 1(M;F)f 1DY (DY X;F):

3.1.5 ± If (M;F;W) is aW-filtered filtered left-DX-module, one sets fO(M;F;W):ˆ(DX!Y;F)f 1DY f 1(M;F;W):

The filtrationWis simply given by

Wk(fOM):ˆImfO(WkM)!fO M :

The definition for rightDY-modules goes by the side changing functors 2.1.4 .

3.2 ± Behaviour of weights in the noncharacteristic case

3.2.1 ± Let X be a smooth algebraic variety. The characteristic variety Char(M) of a mixed Hodge moduleMonXis the characteristic variety of the underlying rightD-module. It is a closed subvariety inTX. Though it is an abuse of notation, we will still denote by Char(M) the associated closed subset inTXan.

3.2.2 ± LEMMA. LetM a mixed Hodge module on X. Then in TXan Char(M)ˆSS(rat(M))

(3:2:2 1)

where SS denotes the microsupport defined by M. Kashiwara and P.

Schapira[12, 5.1.2].

PROOF. Let M be the left DX-module associated with the under- lying rightD-module ofMandD(M) be its dual. SinceMis holonomic by [12, 11.3.3] and e.g.[6, 2.6.12]:




and the last term is isomorphic to rat(M)[ dX] in Dbc(X;Q) (see e.g.

[6, 4.2.1]). Since the microsupport does not change under shift [12, 5.1.3]

we have the equality (3.2.2 1) as desired. p

3.2.3 ± We say that a mixed Hodge moduleM2MHM(Y;Q) is nonchar- acteristic with respect to a morphismf :X!Yif and only if for any integer n2Zthe underlying filtered rightDY-module of GrWn Mis noncharacter- istic with respect tof in the sense of 3.1.2.

3.2.4 ± PROPOSITION.Let f :X!Y be a morphism of smooth algebraic complexvarieties andM 2MHM(Y;Q). Assume thatMis noncharacter- istic with respect to f . Then we have an isomorphism

HdfM '(H df!M)( d) inMHM(X;Q).

PROOF. Let M1 andM2 be two objects in Db(MHM(Y;Q)). The six operations formalism provides a natural morphism in Db(MHM(X;Q))


In particular takingM1ˆQHY andM2ˆM we get a morphism f!QHY fM!f!M

(3:2:4 1)

which gives the classical morphism (e.g. [12, 3.1.11])

f!rat(QHY)frat(M)!f!rat(M) (3:2:4 2)

onceratis applied. By 3.2.2 -rat(M) is noncharacteristic with respect tof in the sense of [12, 5.4.12] and therefore [12, 5.4.13] ensures that (3.2.4 2) is an isomorphism. Since rat is a conservative functor this implies that (3.2.4 1) is also an isomorphism. Since Y are smooth, we have an iso- morphism p!YQH 'QHY(dY)[2dY] and similarly forX, thereforef!QHY is isomorphic to QHX(d)[2d]. Hence (3.2.4 1) provides an isomorphism


and it is enough to apply the cohomological functor Hd to get the

proposition. p

3.2.5 ± COROLLARY. Under the assumption of3.2.4 ,ifM is a pure Hodge module of weight n then HdfM is pure Hodge module of weight n‡d.


PROOF. Indeed ifMany mixed Hodge module in MHM(Y;Q) then we know [19, 2.26] that

GrWi (HjfM)ˆ0 fori j>n (resp:GrWi (Hjf!M)ˆ0 fori j<n) if GrWi Mˆ0 for i>n (resp. i<n). Hence the purity assumption im- plies (3) on the one hand that

GrWi (HdfM)ˆ0 fori>n‡d and on the other hand that

GrWi ((H df!M)( d))ˆ0 fori n‡d:

The corollary follows then from 3.2.4 . p

3.3 ± A remark on Cauchy-Kovalevskaya-Kashiwara theorem

3.3.1 ± Let f :X!Y be a morphism of complex manifolds. We let d:dX dY be the relative dimension. LetM;N in Dbcoh(DY). Consider the canonical morphism in Db(X;C)

can(f;M;N ):f 1RHomDY(M;N )!RHomDX(LfOM;LfO N ) (see e.g. [6, p. 106] for its definition), which provides in particular the fol- lowing morphisms

can(f;M;OY):f 1RHomDY(M;OY)!RHomDX(LfOM;OX) (3:3:1 1)

can(f;OY;M):f 1RHomDY(OY;M)!RHomDX(OX;LfOM):

(3:3:1 2)

Assume thatMis noncharacteristic with respect tof. Then (3.3.1 1) is an isomorphism. This result is the generalization of the Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorem proven by M. Kashiwara in [11] (see also e.g. [6, Theorem 4.3.2]).

Using duality, it follows that (3.3.1 2) is also an isomorphism. However this is a morphism in the derived category. In the sequel, see Section 6, we rather need a genuine morphism of complexes that represents it. We pro- vide now its definition.

3.3.2 ± For this let us remark that, given a leftDY-moduleM, there exists a functorial morphism of complexes ofCX-modules

fM[ :f 1DR(M)!DR(fOM) (3:3:2 1)

(3) The Tate twist is defined in [19, 2.17.7].


which forM ˆOY coincides with the canonical morphism f 1VY!VX. Then-th component of (3.3.2 1) is the morphism of sheaves

(fM[ )n:f 1VnYf 1OY f 1M !VnXOX fOM defined for a local sectionv2VnY and a local sectionm2Mby

(fM[ )n(vm)ˆfv(1m):

3.3.3 ± REMARK. This formula defines a morphism of complexes. Indeed by the Leibniz formula it is enough to consider the case wherevis a function inOY and we may further assumevˆ1. We may further assume that we have a coordinate system (y1;. . .;ys) on Y and a coordinate system (x1;. . .;xr) onX. We have then for a local sectionm2M

fM[ …rM(1m)† ˆfM[ Xs













dxi Xs






dxi Xs







ˆ rfOM(fM[ (1m)):

3.3.4 ± Recall that given a left DX-module M, one has a canonical iso- morphism of complexes DR(M)ˆHomDX(Sp(DX);M). Since Sp(DX) is a resolution of OX by locally freeDX-module, this isomorphism provides a natural isomorphism

co(M):DR(M)!RHomDX(OX;M) in Db(X;C):

3.3.5 ± LEMMA. Let M be a coherent left DY-module. If M is non- characteristic with respect to f , then the morphism(3.3.2 1)represents the morphism(4)

can(f;OY;M):f 1RHomDY(OY;M)!RHomDX(OX;LfOM):

In particular(3.3.2 1)is a quasi-isomorphism.

(4) Recall that ifM is noncharacteristic coherentDY-module, thenLfOM is concentrated in degree 0 and thusLfOMˆfOM.


3.3.6 ± REMARK. The filtered inverse image of a differential complex of order41 is given by the tensor product

fDiff (M;F):ˆ(VX;F)f 1VY f 1(M;F):

In particular the filtration on the inverse image is given by Fk(fDiff M)nˆ X


Im(VpXf 1OY f 1Fk‡pMq)

and the canonical morphism of DG-algebrasf 1VY!VXinduces therefore a morphism

fM[ :f 1(M;F)!fDiff M:

Another way to interpret the morphism (3.3.2 1) is to remark that one has a canonical isomorphism of complexes

fDiff DR(M):ˆVXf 1VY f 1DR(M)! DR(fO M):

With this description of the de Rham complex of the inverse image, (3.3.2 1) is then nothing but the morphism induced by the usual morphism f 1VY !VX.

3.3.7 ± REMARK. The morphism (3.3.2 1) is functorial inM, but it is also compatible with the composition of morphisms. More precisely, if

W!g X!f Y

are morphisms of smooth complex algebraic varieties, then (fg)[Mˆg[f

OMg 1fM[ for any leftDY-moduleM.

IfMis a rightDY-module, using the isomorphism given in 2.1.7 , we get a morphism of complexes ofCX-modules

fM[ :f 1SpX(M)[d]!Sp(fOM) (3:3:7 1)

which is functorial in M. Moreover 3.3.7 translates into the following equality

(fg)[M ˆg[f

OM(g 1fM[ [e]) (3:3:7 2)

for a sequence of morphismsW!g X!f Yof smooth algebraic varieties. In (3.3.7 2) the integer e is the relative dimension eˆdW dX of the morphismg.


3.4 ± Noncharacteristic inverse image

3.4.1 ± Let Mˆ((M;F);KQ;aM) be an object in MFrh(DY;Q) and f :X!Y a morphism of smooth complex algebraic varieties of relative dimensiond. Assume thatMis noncharacteristic with respect tof.

3.4.2 ± REMARK. By 3.2.2 the perverse sheafKQis noncharacteristic with respect tof, in the sense of Kashiwara-Schapira. Hence

f 1KQ[d]ˆf!KQ[ d]

is a perverse sheaf onXan. MoreoverfO(M;F) is a regular holonomic fil- tered rightDX-modulei.e.belongs to MFrh(DX).

The morphism (3.3.7 1) defined at the level of the complexes provides an isomorphismafOMin Perv(X;C):

Therefore, we have a well defined object

fOM:ˆ(fO(M;F);f 1KQ[d];afOM)

in MFrh(DX;Q). The construction is functorial for noncharacteristic ob- jects in MFrh(DY;Q).

3.4.3 ± PROPOSITION. Let M 2MH(Y;Q;n) be a Hodge module of weight n and f :X!Y a morphism of smooth complexalgebraic varieties. Assume that M is noncharacteristic for f . Then, its nonchar- acteristic inverse image fOM is a Hodge module on X of weight n‡d.

3.4.4 ± Let us start now the recollections on vanishing cycles which are necessary to write down the proof of 3.4.3 . In order to rely more easily on [15] we will use the convention inloc.cit., in particular we will use left D-modules and left perverse sheaves as in 2.2.2 . Let X be a smooth algebraic complex variety andHbe asmooth hypersurface inX defined by a global equation g2G(X;OX). Denote by i:H,!X the closed


immersion. Consider the following diagram

where Ce denote the universal cover of the punctured complex plane C:ˆCn f0g. Let RˆQ;CandK2Dbc(X;R), one has a distinguished triangle in Dbc(H;R)

i 1K!Cg(K)!Fg(K)ƒ!‡1

whereCg(K):ˆi 1Rpp 1Kis the nearby cycles complex andFg(K) is the vanishing cycles complex. IfK is aleft perverse sheaf onXan, then both Cg(K) andFg(K) areleft perverse sheavesonHan.

3.4.5 ± LetMbe a left algebraicDX-module. Assume thatM is regular holonomic. Then by [15, 4.4-2]Mis specializable alongHand we denote by Vthe canonicalV-filtration ofMdefined by the relative order with respect toH. The nearby and vanishing cyclesDH-modules ofMare defined as

Cg(M):ˆ M


GrVa(M)jH; Fg(M):ˆ M



They are regular holonomic DH-modules [15, 4.7-5] and one has an iso- morphism (functorial inM) [15, 5.3-2] ofleft perverse sheavesonHan

canCg;M:Cg(DRXan(Man))!DRHan(Cg(M)an) (3:4:5 1)

and a similar isomorphism canFg;Mfor the vanishing cycles. If (M;F) is a regular holonomic filtered leftDX-module which isquasi-unipotent and regular along Hin the sense of [17, 3.2.1], then the filtered nearby and vanishing cycles functors are endowed with the filtration induced (5) byF and belong to MFrh(DH)L.

(5) For filtered rightDX-module, the vanishing cycles are defined similarly in [17,] but endowed by the filtration induced byFf1g. The definition for filtered leftD-modules considered here is compatible with M. Saito's definition via the side-changing functors 2.1.3 .


3.4.6 ± LetM2MFrh(DX;Q)Lsuch that the underlying filtered leftDX- module is quasi-unipotent and regular along H, then the isomorphism (3.4.5 1) provide an object in MFrh(DH;Q)L

Cg(M):ˆ(Cg(M;F);Cg(KQ);aC(M)) aC(M) :ˆC(aM)(canCg;M) 1 and one defines similarly Fg(M). By [15, 5.3-2] we have a commutative diagram in the category Perv(Han;C)L

such that the vertical sequences are short exact sequences. The morphisms iM!LiOM and spg;M are given (functorially in M) in the derived category by the morphisms of complexes [15, 4.4-4,4.6-4]

where the middle term GrV1MjH lies in degree 0. If (M;F) is non- characteristic with respect toi, then (M;F) is quasi-unipotent and regular alongH[17, 3.5.6] and we have GrVa(M;F)ˆ0 as soon asa2f= 1; 2;. . .g.


This implies thatFgMˆ0 and thatNˆ0 onCg(M). We have therefore an isomorphism MFrh(DH;Q)L

iOM 'Cg(M) (3:4:6 1)

and the nilpotent monodromy operatorN onCg(M) vanishes. Using the side changing functors we get a similar result for rightD-modules.

3.4.7 ± Assume now thatMis a pure Hodge module of weightnonX(we use now the convention in [17] and thus in particular rightD-modules).


g:Xƒ!ig XA1ƒ!p A1

be the factorization ofgby its graph. By [17, 3.2.4,3.2.5] we have a canonical isomorphism

cg(M)'iCg(M) (3:4:7 1)

wherecg(M):ˆCp(igM) is the nearby cycles functor as defined by M.

Saito [17,]. SinceNis trivial oncg(M), the associated monodromy filtration M is trivial and therefore the inductive construction of the cate- gory of pure Hodge modules [17,] implies that

GrMfni 1gcg(M)ˆGrMi n‡1cg(M)ˆ cg(M) if iˆn 1

0 otherwise

is a pure Hodge module of weightionX. Then, it follows from (3.4.7 1), (3.4.6 1) and [17, 5.1.9] thatiOMis a pure Hodge module of weightn 1 onHas desired.

PROOF OF3.4.3 . Let

be the factorization of f via its graph. By [17, 3.5.4], it is enough to check the result forpandif. Forpthe result is a consequence of [19, 3.21] (see also [19, 3.28]) since one has an isomorphism


andQHX[dX] is a pure Hodge module of weightdX. Let us now prove the result for any closed immersioni:X,!Yby induction on the codimension


ofXinY. Since locally onXwe may factorias a composition of immersions of codimension one between smooth closed subschemes, by [17, 3.5.4] and the fact that the conditions which define Hodge modules are of local nature [17, 5.1.7], we are reduced to the case of a smooth closed hypersurface which

was considered above. p

3.4.8 ± Let Mˆ((M;F;W);(KQ;WQ);aM) be an object in MFrhW(DY;Q) andf :X!Ya morphism of smooth complex algebraic varieties of relative dimension d. Assume that M is noncharacteristic with respect to f. The morphism (3.3.7 1) defined at the level of the complexes provides an isomorphismafOMin Perv(X;C):

where (K;W)fdg:ˆ(K;Wfdg)[d] and Wfdgk :ˆWk d. Therefore, we have a well defined object

fOM :ˆ(fO(M;F;W);f 1(KQ;WQ)fdg;afOM)

in MFrhW(DX;Q). As before, the construction is functorial for non- characteristic objects in MFrhW(DY;Q). A proof similar to the one of 3.4.3 yields the following:

3.4.9 ± PROPOSITION. LetM 2MHM(Y;Q)be a mixed Hodge module and f :X!Y a morphism of smooth complexalgebraic varieties. Assume that M is noncharacteristic for f . Then, its noncharacteristic inverse image fOMis a mixed Hodge module on X.

3.4.10 ± REMARK. If M is noncharacteristic then we have an iso- morphism in the derived category Db(MHM(X;Q))

fOM 'fM[d]

wherefM is the pullback functor constructed in [19, 4.4].


4. Mixed HodgeD-complexes 4.1 ± Categories of diagrams

4.1.1 ± IfR is one of the symbolsQ;Cor D we letAR be an additive category. We assume to be given on the homotopy category Kb(AR) a null system NR and one denotes by QR the associated multiplicative system.

4.1.2 ± We also assume to be given a full DG-subcategoryCRof (AR). As usual one denotes by


the associated category and the homotopy category, which are respectively full subcategories of Cb(AR) and Kb(AR). We assume that the objects ofCR

enjoy the following stability conditions:

ifa:A!A0is a morphism in Cb(AR) which belongs toQR, thenA belongs toCRif and only ifA0belongs toCR;

ifa:A!A0 is a morphism in CR then its mapping cone is also an object inCR, in particular ifA2CRthenA[1]2CR.

These conditions ensure that KRis a strictly full triangulated subcategory of Kb(AR) and that DR:ˆKR[QR1] is also strictly full triangulated sub- category of Kb(AR)[QR1] We also assume given two DG-functors


such that FR(QR) QC and FR(Mc(a))ˆMc(FR(a)) for a2[A;A0]. In particular we have induced functors


which are triangulated.

4.1.3 ± DEFINITION. A diagram of the form

(4:1:3 1)

consists then of the following data:

forRˆQ;C;D an objectARin CR;


two morphism in CC

aAR:FR(AR)!AC RˆQ;D which belongs toQC.

4.1.4 ± The complex of morphisms between two diagrams A and A0 is defined by

[[A;A0]]nˆ aˆ(aQ;aC;aD;hQ;hD):

aQ 2[[AQ;A0Q]]n aC 2[[AC;A0C]]n aD 2[[AD;A0D]]n hQ 2[[FQ(AQ);A0C]]n 1 hD 2[[FD(AD);A0C]]n 1 8>



















; where the differential is given by

d aQ aC aD hQ



@ 1 CC CC Aˆ




aCaAQ aAQ0FQ(aQ) dhQ aCaAD aAD0FD(aD) dhD



We get a DG-categoryCD;Qand we denote by


the associated categories. A morphismaˆ(aQ;aC;aD;hQ;hC) in CD;Qis thus a 5-uplet such that uR is a morphism of complexes andhQ;hD are graded morphisms of degree 1 whose differentials are equal to the defect in commutativity of the squares

4.1.5 ± By the definition of the mapping cone, the forgetful functors


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