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Phvxuh0Lqwìjudwlrq/ Dqdo|vh gh Irxulhu/ Glvwulexwlrqv/


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Phvxuh0Lqwìjudwlrq/ Dqdo|vh gh Irxulhu/ Glvwulexwlrqv/"


Texte intégral


Fruuhfwlrq gh o*h{dphq gh

Phvxuh0Lqwìjudwlrq/ Dqdo|vh gh Irxulhu/ Glvwulexwlrqv/

Txhvwlrqv suìolplqdluhv =

41 Srxu% @ 4/ vrlw {n+w, @ wn$nhdwx+w,1 Rq d {n 5O4+U,_O5+U,/ grqf ohv W I gh {n gdqv O4+U, hw gdqv O5+U,fròqflghqw1 Dlqvl/

[n+i, @ ]

U{n+w,h5miwgw@] .4




@ 4



wn h+d.5li,w +d. 5mi,


3 . n

d. 5mi ] .4

3 wn4h+d.5li,wgw


@ n+n4,$

n$ +d. 5mi, ] .4



+n4,$h+d.5mi,wgw@ 4

d. 5mi[n4+i, Sdu uìfxuuhqfh/ rq d grqf[n+i, @ +d.5mi,4 n[3+i,/ hw[3+i, @ d.5mi4 1 G*rü

[n+i, @ 4 +d. 5li,n.4

Srxu%@4/ rq shxw uhidluh oh fdofxo/ rx elhq yrlu txh{hn+w, @wn$nhdwx+w, @ +4,n{n+w,/ hw grqf [hn+i, @ +4,n[n+i, @ 4

+d. 5mi,n.4

51 Srxu wrxwn3/ ohv irqfwlrqv + d.5mi,4 n.4 vrqw gdqvO5+U,/ hw rq ylhqw gh yrlu txh fh vrqw ohv wudqviru0 pìhv gh Irxulhu gdqvO5+U, +hw gdqv O4+U,, gh irqfwlrqv {n+w, hwh{n+w,1 DlqvlW I4

+%d.5mi,4 n.4



n$h%dwx+%w,+gdqvO5+U,,1 H{huflfh 4 = Ilowuhv dqdorjltxhv1

41 Ohv irqfwlrqv {+w, hw |+w, ìwdqw gdqv V+U,/ ohxuv gìulyìhv oh vrqw dxvvl/ hw{+o, hw |+n, vrqw grqf dxvvl gdqvO4+U,1 Rq shxw grqf ohxu dssoltxhu ohv irupxohv gh WI gh od gìulyìh +fi1 frxuv,/ hw rq d= g{+o,+i, @ +5mi,o[+i,/ hw|g+n,+i, @ +5mi,n\+i,1 Hq suhqdqw od WI gh o*ìtxdwlrq

[s n@3

dn|+n,+w, @ [t o@3

eo{+o,+w,> +4,

rq rewlhqw grqf

[s n@3

dn+5mi,n\+i, @ [t o@3


f0ã0g = S+5mi,\+i, @T+5mi,[+i,1 Frpph oh sro|q÷ph S q*d sdv gh udflqh lpdjlqdluh sxuh/ rq d S+5mi,9@ 3;i1 Dlqvl/

\+i, @K+i,[+i,dyhfK+i, @ T+5li, S+5li,1



51 Rq d{5V+U,/ grqf[5V+U,+vwdelolwì ghV+U,sdu WI,1 Grqf[ hvw F4/ hw ohv gìulyìhv gh [vrqw ã gìfurlvvdqfh udslgh1 G*dxwuh sduw/K hvw xqh iudfwlrq udwlrqqhooh grqw oh gìqrplqdwhxu qh v*dqqxoh sdv1 GrqfK hvwF4/ hwK[ dxvvl/ hw rq d srxu wrxwq hqwlhu

+K[,+q,+i, @[q



+uhpdutxh= píph vl rq qh frqqdñw sdv h{dfwhphqw od irupxoh/ lo hvw vx!vdqw gh gluh txh+K[,+q,v*ìfulw hq whuph gh surgxlwv hqwuhK+n, hw gh [+o,,1 Ru/K+n, hvw xqh iudfwlrq udwlrqqhooh/ grqf hvw F4/ hw qh furñw sdv soxv ylwh tx*xq sro|q÷ph1 Dlqvl/ frpph[+qn,hvw ã gìfurlvvdqfh udslgh/K+n,[+qn,hvw dxvvl ã gìfurlvvdqfh udslgh/ hw+K[,+q,ìjdohphqw1 Ilqdohphqw/K[hvwF4/ hw vhv gìulyìhv vrqw ã gìfurlvvdqfh udslgh/ ê0ã0g\ @K[5V+U,1

Gh soxv/ od WI ìwdqw elmhfwlyh gh V+U, gdqv V+U,/ lo h{lvwh xqh xqltxh irqfwlrq | 5 V+U, whooh txh W I+|, @\1 Fhwwh irqfwlrq| hvw grqf o*xqltxh vroxwlrq gh o*ìtxdwlrq +4,1

uhpdutxh= rq d wurxyì xqh vroxwlrq xqltxh ã xqh ìtxdwlrq glìuhqwlhooh vdqv grqqhu gh frqglwlrqv dx{

olplwhv +rx frqglwlrqv lqlwldohv2qdohv,1 Hq idlw/ fhv frqglwlrqv vrqw lpsolflwhphqw lpsrvìhv sdu oh idlw txh o*rq fkhufkh| gdqvV+U,/ f*hvw0ã0gluh txh o*rq lpsrvh ghv gìulyìhv qxoohv ã o*lqql1

61 olqìdulwì= vl{@4{4.5{5/ rq d \ @K[ @K+4[4.5[5, @4K[4.5K[5 @4\4.5\51 G*rü|@4|4.5|51

lqyduldqfh= vrlw{d+w, @ {+wd,hw [d @W I+{d,1 Rq d = \d+i, @K+i,[d+i, @K+i,[+i,h5mdi +irupxoh gx uhwdug,@\+i,h5mdi1 G*rü|d+w, @|+wd,1

frqwlqxlwì= vrlw +{q,q vxlwh ghV+U, whooh txh {q V+U,

q$.4$ 31 Doruv [q V+U,

q$.4$ 31 GrqfK[q V+U, q$.4$ 3/

f*hvw0ã0gluh\q V+U,

q$.4$ 31 G*rü|q V+U, q$.4$ 31

71 Vlt ? s/Khvw xqh iudfwlrq udwlrqqhooh grqw oh gìqrplqdwhxu hvw gh soxv kdxw ghjuì > dlqvlK+i,

i$ 4 i4n

dyhfn4/ hw grqfK5+i,

i$ 4

i4o dyhfo@ 5n51 Khvw gh fduuì lqwìjudeoh/ f0ã0gK5O5+U,1 Lo h{lvwh grqfk5O5+U,whooh txhK@W I+k,+gdqvO5+U,,1 Rq d grqf\ @K[ @W I+k,W I+{, @W I+k{, +irupxoh WI2frqyroxwlrq gdqvO5+U,,1 Sdu WI lqyhuvh/ rq d grqf|@k{1

81 Vlst/ rq d K @5O5+U,1 K q*hvw grqf sdv od WI g*xqh irqfwlrq ghO5+U,/ hw grqf ghV+U,/ hw rq q*d soxv\ @W I+k,W I+{, @W I+k{,1 Rq qh shxw grqf soxv ìfuluh|@k{1

uhpdutxh= sdu frqwuh/ rq d wrxmrxuv\ @K[ 5V+U,/ hw|@W I4+\,gdqvO5+U,1 91 Rq d

K+i, @ [s n@4



hw grqf/ hq suhqdqw od WI lqyhuvh gdqvO5+U,/

k+w, @ [


nW I4

4 5li}n

+w, . [


nW I4

4 5li. +}n,


Rq dssoltxh doruv ohv uìvxowdwv gh od txhvwlrq suìolplqdluh dyhfd@}n hw%@4srxun5N./ hwd@}n

hw%@ 4srxu n5N1 G*rü = k+w, @ [


n+h}nw,x+w, . [


nh}nwx+w, @

# [



$ x+w,

# [



$ x+w,1



:1 Rq dT+x, @ 4hwS+x, @OUx5.UFx. 4/ hw doruv

K+i, @ 4

4 . 5mUFi75OUi5 Grqf

mK+i,m@ 4

+475OUi5,5. 75U5F5i54@51

Dlqvl/mK+3,m@ 4hwmK+i,m $3txdqg i $ 41 K+i,hvw grqf xq owuh sdvvh0edv1

;1 SrxuU A5t

FO/ o*ìtxdwlrqS+x, @ 3dgphw 5 udflqhv vlpsohv uìhoohv

}4@ UF.s

5OF ?3hw}5@ UFs

5OF ?3

dyhf @U5F57OF1 Rq d grqfN@i4>5jhwN.@>1 Gh soxv/ rq d K+i, @ T+5li,

S+5li,@ 4

OF 4

+5mi}4, +5mi}5,

@ 4


+5mi}4,. +5mi }5,

dyhf@@}4}4 51 G*rü =

k+w, @ OF

h}4wh}5w x+w,

H{huflfh 5 = Ilowuhv dqdorjltxhv hw glvwulexwlrqv1 41 Vrlw!5V+U,1 Rq d

g+n,> ! @G +n,>!eH

@ +4,n

>e!+n, @ +4,ne!+n,+3,

!ìwdqw gdqvV+U,/wn!+w,hvw dxvvl gdqvV+U,/ grqf gdqvO4+U,/ hw rq de!+n,+i, @W I

+5mw,n!+w, +i,1 G*rü

e!+n,+3, @]


+5mw,n> !H 1 Dlqvl/

g+n,@ +5mw,n

+lo idxw frpsuhqguh oh whuph gh gurlwh frpph od glvwulexwlrq uìjxolëuh dvvrflìh ã od irqfwlrq+5mw,n,1 51 Rq d

K+i, @ [s n@4


5li}n . [ts n@3




G*dsuëv fh txl suìfëgh/+5li,nhvw od WI gdqvV3+U,gh+n,1 Hq xwlolvdqw hq soxv ohv uìvxowdwv ghv txhvwlrqv suìolplqdluhv/ rq d grqf


# [



$ x+w,

# [




x+w, .




+oã dxvvl/ lo idxw frpsuhqguh ohv 5 irqfwlrqv gx whuph gh gurlwh frpph ohv glvwulexwlrqv uìjxolëuhv dvvrflìhv ã fhv irqfwlrqv,1

61 Rq d

K+i, @ +5mi,5. 5mi . 4

5mi.d @3.45li. 4


dyhf3@ 4d/4@ 4/}4@d/ hw4@ 4d.d51 G*dsuëv od txhvwlrq 5/ rq d doruv k@3.43.4hdwx+w,



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