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Partial Regularity Results Up to the Boundary for Harmonic Maps Into a Finsler Manifold


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Partial regularity results up to the boundary for harmonic maps into a Finsler manifold

Atsushi Tachikawa

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Chiba 278-8510, Japan Received 8 July 2008; accepted 11 May 2009

Available online 27 May 2009


We study the energy functional for maps from a Riemannian m-manifoldM into a Finsler spaceN=(Rn, F ). Under the restriction 2m4, we prove the full Hölder regularity of weakly harmonic maps (i.e., weak solutions of its Euler–Lagrange equation) fromMtoNin the case that the Finsler structureF (u, X)depends only on vectorsX, and a partial Hölder regularity of energy minimizing maps in general cases.

©2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


Nous étudions la fonctionnelle d’énergie pour les applications d’une variété riemannienneM dans un espace de FinslerN= (Rn, F ). Sous la restriction 2m4, nous prouvons la régularité de Hölder complète des applications faiblement harmoniques (i.e. solutions faibles de son équation d’Euler–Lagrange) deMàNdans le cas où la structure de FinslerF (u, X)dépend seulement des vecteursX, et nous prouvons une régularité de Hölder partielle des minimiseurs de l’énergie dans le cas général.

©2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

MSC:primary 49N60, 58E20; secondary 35B65, 53C60 Keywords:Harmonic map; Finsler manifold; Partial regularity

1. Introduction

In this paper we study regularity problems of energy minimizing and weakly harmonic maps from a Riemannian manifold into a Finsler manifold.

Since the pioneering work of J. Eells and J.H. Sampson [6] in 1964,harmonic mapsbetween Riemannian mani- folds have attracted great interest of nonlinear analysts as well as geometers.Harmonic mapsbetween Riemannian manifolds are defined as follows. Let(M, g)and(N, h)be Riemannianm- andn-manifolds, respectively. Theenergy densityof a mapu:(M, g)(N, h)is a functione(u):M→Rdefined by


2du(x)2, xM,

E-mail address:tachikawa_atsushi@ma.noda.tus.ac.jp.

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



where |du| denotes the Hilbert–Schmidt norm of du(x)TxMTu(x)N, namely, for an orthonormal basis (e1, . . . , em)ofTxM,e(u)(x)can be written as

e(u)(x)= m α=1

du(x) (eα)2

Tu(x)N. (1.1)

For a bounded domainΩinM,the energyofuonΩ is defined by E(u, Ω):=


e(u) dμ,

wherestands for the volume element onM.Harmonic mapsare defined to be solutions of the Euler–Lagrange equation of the energy functional.

Finsler geometry is a natural generalization of Riemannian geometry, therefore it is very reasonable to expect to extend the notion of harmonic maps to Finsler geometry. Indeed, P. Centore [5] defined the energy and the notion of harmonicity for maps between Finsler manifolds. On the other hand, Y.-B. Shen and Y. Zhang [24] gave another definition of the energy by an integration on the sphere bundle over the source manifold. Both of these definitions of energy are extensions of the one for maps between Riemannian manifolds. We mention that their variational features are very similar at least for the case that the source manifold is Riemannian, and the results of this paper hold for both energies.

Concerning harmonic maps from Finsler manifolds into a Riemannian manifold, see, for example, X. Mo [18], X. Mo and Y. Yang [19] and recent work H. von der Mosel and S. Winklmann [26]. In [26] they obtain a priori estimates for harmonic maps with a Finsler source manifold and with small image in a Riemannian manifold.

In this paper, we discuss only the case where source manifolds are Riemannian. In the sequel, let us write shortly

“Finsler case” when the target manifold is a Finsler manifold, and “Riemannian case” when the target manifold is Riemannian. Analytic features of the energy for the Finsler case are quite different from those for the Riemannian case. Indeed let(M, g)and(P , h)be Riemannianm- andn-manifolds, and let(N, F )be a Finslern-manifold with a Finsler structureF. Using local coordinates, the energy functional for a mapu:(M, g)(P , h)can be written as





On the other hand, for a mapu:(M, g)(N, F ), the energy should be expressed in the following form:

Eijαβ(x, u, Du)∂ui



∂xβ dμ.

(See (2.6) below.) For the Finsler case the coefficients of the integrand depend also on the derivatives ofu, whereas they depend only onxandufor the Riemannian case. Consequently, in the Finsler case, the nonlinearity of the Euler–

Lagrange equation is much more subtle than that in the Riemannian case, and therefore it would be harder to obtain regularity results forharmonic mapsandenergy minimizing maps. One could also mention that with a Riemannian target the underlying pde decomposes into an elliptic system of diagonal form. This is another reason why life is so much harder in the Finsler setting.

For the Riemannian case, many results have been known on regularity of harmonic maps. Some of them are indeed best possible. See, for example, [15,8,11,22,23] and the references therein.

When investigating the regularity of harmonic maps into a Finsler manifold(N, F ), the difficulty arises not only from the nonlinearity but also from the singularity of the Finsler structureF (u, X). This singular character of Finsler metrics is inevitable, since it is known that if the second derivatives ofF (u, X)with respect toXare continuous at X=0, then(N, F )should be nothing but a Riemannian manifold with the metric tensor



In view of this, we cannot assume thatF (u,·)C2, and therefore, many known regularity results for minimizers or critical maps of general variational integrals cannot be applied directly to harmonic maps into a Finsler manifold.


In [25], the author proves interior partial Hölder regularity of energy minimizing maps from the Euclidean spaceRm into a Finsler space (Rn, F ), under the restriction that m4, using Sobolev’s imbedding theorem and thedirect approach. Here, we call an approach getting (partial) regularity by a perturbation argument the direct approach.

(See [7, Chapter VI].)

In the present paper, under the same restriction on the dimensionmof the source manifold, we modify Campanato’s method to prove the Hölder regularity ofweakly harmonic mapsinto a Finsler space(Rn, F )where the given Finsler structureF (u, X)depends only on the vector variableX. Using direct approach, we also obtain partial regularity of energy minimizing maps into a general Finsler space.

Recently, the importance of harmonic maps in Finsler geometry has been recognized and several authors inves- tigated them. For example, in [20,21], S. Nishikawa introduced harmonic maps in complex Finsler geometry and pointed out their importance.

It will be worth to consider Finsler geometric variational problems from the viewpoint of applied mathematics as well. There are many variational and evolution problems which cannot be regarded as problems from Riemannian geometry, and some of them can be considered in the context of Finsler geometry. For example, many physical and biological applications of Finsler geometry are introduced by P.L. Antonelli, R.S. Ingarten and M. Matsumoto in [1].

We mention also that G. Bellettini and M. Paolini [2] studied a problem of anisotropic motion in the context of Finsler geometry.

2. Definitions and main results

LetNbe ann-dimensionalCmanifold. Denote byT Nthe tangent bundle ofN, and byTNits dual. We write each point inT N as(u, X)withuN andXTuN. The natural projectionπ:T NN is given byπ(u, X)=u.

We put T N\0:=

(u, X)T N; X=0 .

T N\0 is called theslit tangent bundleofN. Theprojective sphere bundleSNofNis defined by identifying positive multiples of a vector in each fiber ofT N\0, that is,

SN=(T N\0)/∼,

where(u, X)(v, Y ) if and only if u=v andX=λY for someλ >0. Given (u, X)T N \0, we denote its equivalence class by(u,[X]). The natural projectionp:SNNis given byp(u,[X])=u.

In Finsler geometry, it is often convenient to handle the tensor calculus in bundles over T N,T N \0 or SN. Especially, the pull back bundlespT NSM,πT NT N\0, and their dual bundlespTNSN,πTNT N\0 are used quite frequently.

A Finsler structureofNis a functionF:T N→ [0,∞)satisfying the following properties:

(i) Regularity:FC(T N\0).

(ii) Homogeneity:F (u, λX)=λF (u, X)for allλ0.

(iii) Convexity: The Hessian matrix ofF2with respect toX hij(u, X)

= 1


2F2(u, X)


is positive definite at every point(u, X)T N\0.

We call the pair(N, F )a Finsler manifold, andhij thefundamental tensorof (N, F ). By virtue of positive homo- geneity ofF, we have

hij(x, λX)=hij(u, X), λ >0, (2.1)

and obtain by Euler’s theorem that

F2(u, X)=hij(u, X)XiXj. (2.2)


Identities (2.1) and (2.2) imply that the fundamental tensor hij(u, X)is well defined for (u,[X])SN and that it defines a bundle metric on the pull-back bundlepT N overSN, as well as onπT NoverT N\0.

In [5], P. Centore defined theenergyfunctional for maps between Finsler manifolds. According to his definition we define the energy densityeC(u)of a mapufrom a Riemannian into a Finsler manifold as follows. Let(M, g)be a smooth Riemannianm-manifold and(N, F )a Finslern-manifold. LetIxMbe the indicatrix ofgatxM, namely,


ξTxM; ξ g1 .

For aC1-mapu:MNwe define theenergy densityeC(u)(x)ofuatxMand theenergy functionalEC(u)by eC(u)(x):=

IxM(uF )2(ξ ) dξ

IxM , (2.3)



eC(u)(x) dμ, (2.4)

whereuF denotes the pull-back ofF byu, anddμthe measure deduced fromg.

Moreover, Y.-B. Shen and Y. Zhang [24] gave another definition of the energy of a map between Finsler manifolds by integration on the sphere bundleSM. They consider the differentialduof a mapu:MN as a map fromSMto SN and define the energy density ofuat(x,[ξ])SMby

eSZ(u) x,[ξ]


2gαβ(x)hij u(x),

dux(ξ )∂ui



The energyESZ(u)of a mapu:(M, g)(N, h)is defined to be ESZ(u):= 1



eSZ(u) dμSM,

whereμSM denotes the measure onSM deduced from the Sasaki metric onT M\0. See, for details, [21,24].

As in the Riemannian case, a (weak) solutions of the Euler–Lagrange equation of the energy functionalsEC or ESZis called a (weakly)harmonic map.

As pointed out by S. Nishikawa [21], using an orthonormal frame for the tangent bundleT M, we can writeEC andESZ in similar forms. Let us take an orthonormal frame{eα}for the tangent bundleT M ofM, given in local coordinates by


∂xκ, 1αm.

Using{eα}, we identify each fiberSxM ofSM and the indicatrixIxMatxM with the unit Euclidean(m−1)- sphereSm1and the unit Euclideanm-ballBm, respectively. Then, by virtue of the identity

gκν(x)=ηκα(x)δαβηβν(x), we can writeEC andESZas







u(x), dux(ξ ) ξκξν




1 2|Sm1|




dux(ξ ) δκν


whereDαui=∂ui/∂xα. Although the terms in parentheses are not defined at pointsxwheredux=0, we can define them to be arbitrary numbers without changing the values of the integrands(· · ·ακηνβDαuiDβuj,because the inte- grands are equal to 0, being independent on the values of hij whendux=0. So, here and in the sequel, we regard hij(u, X)andhij(u,[X])as being defined also forX=0.


AlthoughESZis very similar toECin appearance, there is a crucial difference between them. In general, when we consider regularity problems of minimizers for functionals defined as

G(x, u, Du) dx,

Ω⊂Rm, G(x, u, p):Ω×Rn×Rmn→R ,

the ellipticity of the Hessian 2G(x, u, p)/∂piα∂pβj plays a very important role. For Centore’s energyEC we can deduce the ellipticity from the convexity condition (iii) on the Finsler structure. On the other hand, for ESZ the condition (iii) does not imply the corresponding ellipticity. (See Lemma 3.1 and Remark 3.2.) For this technical reason we treat in this paper only Centore’s energy.

For(x, u, p)∈Rm×Rn×Rmn, let us define the quantitiesEαβij (x, u, p)by 1



hij(u, pξ )ξκξν


det gαβ(x)

. (2.5)

Since we are assuming smoothness of the manifolds,Eijαβ(x, u, p)are smooth inRm×Rn×(Rmn\0).

In order to consider boundary value problems on a bounded domainΩM, let us define the energies on Ω, EC(u;Ω)by



x, u(x), Du(x)∂ui



∂xβ dx, (2.6)

whereDu=(Dαui)=(∂ui/∂xα). In the sequel, by a “weakly harmonic map” or an “energy minimizing map” we mean the corresponding notions with respect toEConly.

In this paper we treat only the cases in which the source manifold is a Riemannianm-manifold with 2m4 and the target manifold(N, F )=(Rn, F ). Moreover, we assume that there exist positive constantsλ < Λand a concave increasing functionωwith limt→+0ω(t )=0 such that

λ|ξ|2hij(u, X)ξiξj=1 2

2F2(u, X)

∂Xi∂Xj ξiξjΛ|ξ|2, (2.7)

F2(u, X)F2(v, X)ω


|X|2 (2.8)

hold for anyu, v∈Rnand(X, ξ )(Rn\0)×Rn.

Under these assumptions, the author proved interior partial C0,α-regularity in [25]. Namely, he proved that a minimizer of Centore’s energy EC(u;Ω) is Hölder continuous on an open subset Ω0Ω which satisfies Hm2δ\Ω0)=0 for someδ >0. Here and in the sequelHq denote theq-dimensional Hausdorff measure.

In this paper we prove everywhere Hölder regularity of weakly harmonic maps whenF (u, X)depends only on the vectorX, and partial Hölder regularity of energy minimizing maps up to boundary for general cases. More precisely, we show the following results.

Theorem 2.1.Let (M, g) be a Riemannian m-manifold of classC3 and ΩM a bounded domain with smooth boundary∂Ω and(Rn, F )a Finsler space with the Finsler structureF (u, X)which is independent onu∈Rn and satisfies (2.7). Suppose that2m4 and fH1,s(Ω,Rn)for somes > m. Then every weakly harmonic map vH1,2(Ω,Rn)with boundary valuef is in the classC0,α up to the boundary for someα(0,1).

Theorem 2.2.Let (M, g) be a Riemannian m-manifold of classC3 and ΩM a bounded domain with smooth boundary ∂Ω and (Rn, F ) a Finsler space with the Finsler structure F satisfying (2.7) and (2.8). Suppose that 2m4and thatfH1,s(Ω,Rn)for somes > m. LetuH1,2(Ω,Rn)be an energy minimizing map in the class

Hf1,2 Ω,Rn


vH1,2 Ω,Rn

; vfH01,2

Ω,Rn .

Then, there exists a relatively open subset Ω0Ω such that C0,α0,Rn) for some α(0,1). Moreover, Hm2δ\Ω0)=0for someδ >0.


3. Preliminary results

Ifuis a weakly harmonic map or a minimizer of the energy functional onΩM, thenuhas the same property on every coordinate neighborhood. On the other hand the regularity is a local property. So it suffices to study the problem on a domainΩ⊂Rm.

LetEijαβbe defined by (2.5). ForxΩ,u∈Rnandp∈Rmnput

A(x, u, p)=Eijαβ(x, u, p)piαpjβ. (3.1)

Then, we can regardA(x, u, p)as a function defined onX=Ω×Rn×Rmn. PutX=Ω×Rn×(Rmn\ {0}).

Lemma 3.1.Let(M, g)is a Riemannianm-manifold of classC3,(N, F )be a Finsler space with a Finsler structure which satisfies(i)–(iii)and letA(x, u, p)be as above. ThenA(x, u, p)satisfies

A(x, u, p)C1,1(X)C3(X). (3.2)

Moreover, there exist positive constantsλ0< Λ0such that

λ0|p|2A(x, u, p)Λ0|p|2 for all(x, u, p)X, (3.3) λ0|ξ|2A

piαpjβ(x, u, p)ξαiξβjΛ0|ξ|2 for all(x, u, p, ξ )X×Rmn. (3.4) Here and in the sequel,Axγ, Aui, Api

α, A

pαipjβ, etc., denote partial derivatives.

Proof. Since (M, g)is assumed to be a Riemannian manifold of class C3, by the assumption on F, we see that A(x, u, p) is in the classC3(X). Moreover, by virtue of the 2-homogeneity of F or, equivalently, 0-homogeneity ofhimplies thatAC1,1by direct calculation on its partial derivatives.

The coercivity and the boundedness (3.3) is a direct consequence of (2.7).

In order to prove (3.4) we use the special structure ofeC. Let us choose a normal coordinate system centered atx.

Thengκν(x)=δκνand thereforeηακ=δακ. So, we can see that Eijαβ(x, u, p)=




hij(u, pξ )ξκξν

δκαδνβ, and that

A(x, u, p)= 1



hij(u, pξ )ξαξβ

pαipjβ. (3.5)

Now, mention that the 0-homogeneity ofhij implies the equality Xk∂hij(u, X)

∂Xk =0.

On the other hand, since 2hij(u, X)=2F2(u, X)/∂Xi∂Xj, we see that


∂Xk =∂hik

∂Xj =∂hkj

∂Xi. So, we have

0=∂hij(u, X)

∂Xk Xk=∂hik(u, X)

∂Xj Xk=∂hkj(u, X)

∂Xi Xk. (3.6)

From (3.6), we get the following important relation.


∂Xk(u, pξ )ξαξβpαipβj=0. (3.7)


Similarly, about second derivatives,


∂Xk∂Xl(u, pξ )ξαξβpαipjβ=0 (3.8)

holds. By virtue of (3.7) and (3.8) when one calculatesA

piαpβj(x, u, p) all terms which include derivatives ofEαβij vanish. So, we obtain


αpjβ(x, u, p)=2Eijαβ(x, u, p). (3.9)

Now, (2.7) and (3.9) imply (3.4) immediately. 2

Remark 3.2.For the energyESZ, because of lack ofξκξν(there isδκνinstead of it), (3.7) and (3.8) do not imply the equality corresponding to (3.9). Namely, when we put

ASZ(x, u, p):=

1 2|Sm1|


hij u(x),

p(ξ ) δκν


and calculate(ASZ)

pαipβj using a normal coordinate system centered atxas above, the terms including derivatives of (ESZ)αβij :=

1 2|Sm1|



u(x),[] δαβ

do not vanish. So, without considering further assumptions on the derivatives ofhij, we cannot obtain the ellipticity.

Since we assume thatF satisfies (2.8) andΩ is bounded, there exists a concave, nondecreasing functionωwith limt0ω(t )=0 such that

A(x, u, p)A(y, v, p)ω

|xy|2+ |uv|2

|p|2. (3.10)

WhenAdoes not depend onu, instead of (3.10), (2.8) and homogeneity ofF imply that Api

α(x, p)Api

α(y, p)ω


|p|. (3.11)

UsingA(x, u, p), we can express the energy functional as EC(u;Ω):=


A(x, u, Du) dx. (3.12)

In the sequel, we use the following notation:

Aαβij (x, u, p):=A

pαipβj(x, u, p) forp=0, (3.13)

Aˆαβij (x, u, p):=

Aαβij (x, u, p) forp=0,

δαβδij forp=0, (3.14)

Aˇαβij (x, u, p):=

Aαβij (x, u, p) forp=0,

0 forp=0. (3.15)

For some fixedx0ΩandR >0 we will write Q(x0, R)=

x∈Rm; xαx0α< R, α=1, . . . , m , Ω(x0, R):=Q(x0, R)Ω,

and for a functionwdefined onΩ


wR:= −


w dx= 1

Lm(Ω(x0, R))


w dx,

whereLmis them-dimensional Lebesgue measure.


i(x, u, p)C0,1(X), we have the following lemma.

Lemma 3.3.The following relation holds.


α(x, u, η)Api

α(x, u, ξ )= 1 0


x, u, t η+(1t )ξ


dt. (3.16)

By the chain rule for compositions of Nemitsky operators and Sobolev maps, we have the following.

Lemma 3.4.For some fixed(x0, u0)Ω×Rn, putA0(p)=A(x0, u0, p)and(Aˇ0)αβij (p)=(Aˇ0)αβij (x0, u0, p). Then, forvH2,2(Ω,Rn), the derivatives

DγA0pi α


, γ=1, . . . , m,

are well defined for almost everyxΩand satisfy DγA0pi



=Aˇ0αβ ij



Proof. See Theorem 2.1 of [17]. 2

Roughly speaking, by virtue of the above lemmata, we can proceed as in the standard theory established by S. Cam- panato [3,4], M. Giaquinta and E. Giusti [8–10], etc., and get regularity results.

4. A simple case

In this section we show some fundamental estimates for weak solutions of the Euler–Lagrange equation of the following simple functional defined foru:Ω⊂Rm→Rn.



A0(Du) dx, (4.1)

whereA0is in the classC1,1(Rmn)C3(Rmn\ {0})and satisfies (3.3) and (3.4).

We mention that the assumptionm4 is not used in this section. It will be used only after (5.10).

4.1. Interior estimates

Proposition 4.1.LetvH1,2(Ω,Rn)be a solution of



α(Dv)Dαϕidx=0 for allϕH01,2 Ω,Rn

. (4.2)

Then there exists a positive constantε0such that for anyq(2,2+ε0)we havevHloc2,q(Ω,Rn). Moreover, for any xΩ andr >0withQ(x, r)Ω we have


D2vqdy 1/q



D2v2dy 1/2

. (4.3)


Proof. Let(e1, . . . , em)be the standard basis ofRm. For anyϕH1,2(Ω,Rn)with suppϕΩ, chooseh >0 so that dist(suppϕ, ∂Ω) > h. Then we see that







Dv(x) Dαϕidx=0.


τγhψ (x):=1 h

ψ (x+heγ)ψ (x) , and using Lemma 3.3, we have


1 0

Aˆ0αβ ij

(1t )Dv(x)+t Dv(x+heγ) dt

τγhDβvj(x)Dαϕi(x) dx=0. (4.4) Now, fix a subdomainand a positive constanth0withh0<dist(D, ∂Ω)/2, and put


xΩ; dist(x, D) < h0 .

Take a cut-off functionηC0(D)so thatη≡1 onD, 0η1 and||2/ h0. Forh < h0, putting ϕ(x)=

τγhv(x) η2(x) in (4.4), we get by (3.4)


τγhDv2dx C h0


τγhv2dx C h0








Now, since we have shown thatDvHloc1,2(Ω), by virtue of Lemma 3.4, we can deduce from (4.2) that



ij (Dv)DγDβviDαϕjdx=0 forγ=1, . . . , m,

for anyϕH1,2(Ω)with suppϕΩ. On the other hand,D2v=0 for a.e.x∈ {xΩ; Dv(x)=0}. So we see that

Dv(x)=0 for a.e.x

xΩ; D2v=0 . This implies by definition ofAˇ0in (3.15) and (3.4) that

m γ=1


ij (Dv)DγDβviDγDαvjλ0D2v2 a.e. onΩ.

Thus we can see that a Caccioppoli inequality holds forDv. Namely, we have


D2v2(y) dy C r2


Dv(y)−(Dv)x,r2dy (4.5) for any cubeQ(x, r)Ω. Combining (4.5) with the Sobolev–Poincaré inequality, we get


D2v2dy 1/2



D2v2dy 1/2

, (4.6)


where 2 =2m/(m+2). Now, using the reverse Hölder (or Gehring-type) inequality due to Giaquinta and Modica [13], we see that there exists a constant ε0 >0 such that, for any q(2,2+ε0), D2vLqloc(Ω) and


D2vqdy 1/q



D2v2dy 1/2

holds for anyQ(x, r)Ω. 2

Remark 4.2.In general, it is hard to know the exact value ofε0in Proposition 4.1 and we cannot expect that it is a large number. So, in the following, we proceed assuming that it is very small.

Corollary 4.3.Letv be as in Proposition4.1. Then for anyxΩ andρ, r with0< ρ < r <dist(x, ∂Ω)/√ 2, we have the following estimates for the case thatm3.


|Dv|2dyC ρ




|Dv|2dy. (4.7)

Form=2we have


|Dv|2dyC ρ




|Dv|2dy for anyε >0. (4.8)

Here the constantsCdepend only onA, manddist(x, ∂Ω).

Proof. From (4.3) and Hölder’s inequality, we see that


D2v2dyC ρ




D2v2dy (4.9)

for 0< ρ < r <dist(x, ∂Ω). On the other hand, by Hölder and Poincaré inequalities, we have for 0< σ <dist(x, ∂Ω) and 0< t < τ <1 that

Q(x,t σ )


Q(x,t σ )

Dv−(Dv)x,τ σ2dy+C(t σ )m(Dv)2x,τ σ C(τ σ )2

Q(x,τ σ )

D2v2dy+C t

τ m

Q(x,τ σ )


Combining the above inequality and (4.9), we get

Q(x,t σ )

|Dv|2dyC t

τ m

Q(x,τ σ )


Q(x,σ )


By the above inequality, using (4.5) withr=2σ, we obtain

Q(x,t σ )

|Dv|2dyC t

τ m

Q(x,τ σ )


Q(x,2σ )

|Dv|2dy. (4.10)

Ifm3, then 2+m−2m/q < m. So, using [12, Lemma 5.12], we have


Q(x,t σ )

|Dv|2dyC 1



Q(x,τ σ )


Q(x,2σ )




1 τ



Q(x,2σ )


t2+m2m/q. Taking, for example,τ=1/2 we get

Q(x,t σ )


Q(x,2σ )


fort(0,1/2). Putting 2σ =r, the above estimate implies (4.7) forρ < r/4. On the other hand, forρ∈ [r/4, r), (4.7) holds if we choose the constantCso thatC42+2m2m/q. Thus, takingCsufficiently large, we have (4.7) for anyρ(0, r). Whenm=2, sinceτ <1, (4.10) implies that for anyε >0

Q(x,t σ )

|Dv|2dyC t

τ 2

Q(x,τ σ )


Q(x,2σ )


Now, proceeding as above, we get (4.8). 2 4.2. Boundary estimates

We can always reduce locally to the case of flat boundary, by means of a diffeomorphism which does not change the conditions on growth, convexity, etc., of the functional in question. Namely, for any fixed point p0∂Ω and a sufficiently smallr >0, without loss of generality, we can assume thatp0=(0, . . . ,0),Q(p0, r)Ω ⊂Rm+:=

{x∈Rm;xm>0}andQ(p0, r)∂Ω⊂ {x∈Rm; xm=0}. In the sequel, we use the following notation:

Q+(x, r):=Q(x, r)∩Rm+, Γ (x, r):=Q(x, r)

x∈Rm; xm=0 , Π (x, r):=∂Q+(x, r)\Γ (x, r).

Whenx=0, we write them simply asQ+(r),Γ (r)andΠ (r).

By virtue of the above observation, near the boundary it is enough to consider the following problem.




=0 inQ+(r),

v=f onΓ (r). (4.11)

Let us first investigate the case thatf =0.

Lemma 4.4.LetzH1,2(Q+(r),Rm)be a solution of





piα(Dz)Dαϕidx=0 for allϕH01,2

Q+(r),Rn , z=0 onΓ (r).


Then, for anyr(0, r), we havezH2,2(Q+(r),Rm). Moreover, for anyxQ+(r)Γ (r)andρ, σ with 0< ρ < σ < h0:=rr

2 , we have


D2z2dy C ρ)2

Ω(x,σ ) m1 γ=1

|Dγz|2dy, (4.13)

whereΩ(x, ρ):=Q(x, ρ)Q+(r).


Proof. Forγ =1, . . . , m−1,ηC0(Q(r))andh <dist(suppη, Π (r)), let ϕ=τγh{γhz)η2}in (4.12). (Since z=0 onΓ (r), this choice ofϕis admissible.) Then we see that



piα(Dz)Dα τγhzi

η2 dx=0.

So, putting aijαβ(x):=

1 0

Aˆ0αβ ij

t Dz(x+heγ)+(1t )Dz(x) dt, and using (3.16), we get



τγhDαziη2+2τγhziηDαη dx=0. (4.14)

For any fixedxQ+(r)Γ (r), letsandtbe positive numbers satisfying 0< s < t < r−maxxγ; γ=1, . . . , m .

Choosingηso thatηC0(Q(x, t )),η≡1 onQ(x, s)and that||C/(ts)in (4.14), we see with (3.4) that


τγhDz2dy C (ts)2

Ω(x,t )

τγhz2dy, γ=1, . . . , m−1.

So, we obtain


|DγDz|2dy C (ts)2

Ω(x,t )

|Dγz|2dy, γ=1, . . . , m−1. (4.15)

Moreover, Lemma 3.4 leads to DγA0pi


ij (Dz)DγDβzj a.e. onQ+(r),

forγ=1, . . . , m−1. Now, we can proceed as in the proof of [4, Theorem 4.1] and obtain the assertion. 2

Proposition 4.5. Let zH1,2 be as in Lemma 4.4. Then, there exists a constant ε0>0 such that for every q(2,2+ε0)and for anyr(0, r), we haveaH2,q(Q+(r))and

Ω(x,σ )

D2zqdy 1/q


Ω(x,2σ )

D2z2dy 1/2

, (4.16)

wherexQ+(r)and2σ < r−r.

Proof. Letxandσbe as above. IfQ(x,2σ )∩Γ (r)= ∅, then Proposition 4.1 implies (4.16). Assume thatQ(x,2σ )∩ Γ (r)= ∅. Then


Q(x,2σ )∩Γ (r)

=(4σ )m1.

So, remarking thatz=0 onΓ (r)(and thereforeDγz=0 onΓ (r)forγ=1, . . . , m−1), we can apply the Sobolev–

Poincaré inequality forDγz (γ=1, . . . , m−1)to get

Ω(x,2σ ) m1 γ=1

|Dγz|2dy 1/2


Ω(x,2σ )

D2z2dy 1/2

. (4.17)


Combining (4.13) with (4.17), we get

Ω(x,σ )

D2z2dy 1/2


Ω(x,2σ )

D2z2dy 1/2

. (4.18)

Now, extending D2zas 0 outsideQ+(r), and using the interior estimate (4.6) we see that (4.18) holds for every xQ+(r)andσ < (rr)/2. Thus, we can use the reverse Hölder inequality due to Giaquinta and Modica [13] to obtain (4.16). 2

Now, we can proceed as in the proof of Corollary 4.3 and obtain the following.

Corollary 4.6.Letzandq >2be as in Lemma4.4and Proposition4.5. Then for anyxQ+(r)and0< ρ < σ <

(rr)/2, we have


|Dz|2dyC ρ



Ω(x,σ )

|Dz|2dy (4.19)



|Dz|2dxC ρ



Ω(x,σ )

|Dz|2dx for anyε >0, (4.20)


When the boundary conditions are generalH1,s-functions, using Corollary 4.6, we have the following.

Corollary 4.7.Assume thatvH1,2(Q+(r))satisfies





α(Dv)Dαϕidx=0 ϕH01,2 Q+(r)

, v=f onΓ (r),


wheref is a given map in the classH1,s(Q+(r))for somes > m. Letr< r,xΓ (r)and0< ρ < σ < (rr)/2.

Ifm=3,4, then, for someε0>0for anyq(2,2+ε0), we have


|Dv|2dxC ρ



Q+(x,σ )


Q+(x,σ )

|Df|2dx. (4.22)

Ifm=2, then for everyε >0, we have


|Dv|2dxC ρ



Q+(x,σ )


Q+(x,σ )

|Df|2dx. (4.23)

Proof. Letw=vf. Thenwsatisfies





piα(Dw+Df )Dαϕidx=0 ϕH01,2 Q+(r)

, w=0 onΓ (r).

Letx,σ be as in the statement and letzH1,2(Q+(x, σ ))be a solution of




Q+(x,σ )

A0(Dz) dy→minimum, zwH01,2

Q+(x, σ ) .


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