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Regularity of Hölder continuous solutions of the supercritical quasi-geostrophic equation


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Regularity of Hölder continuous solutions of the supercritical quasi-geostrophic equation

Peter Constantin


, Jiahong Wu


aDepartment of Mathematics, University of Chicago, 5734 S. University Avenue Chicago, IL 60637, USA bDepartment of Mathematics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA Received 8 February 2007; received in revised form 22 October 2007; accepted 22 October 2007

Available online 1 November 2007


We present a regularity result for weak solutions of the 2D quasi-geostrophic equation with supercritical (α <1/2) dissipa- tion(−)α: If a Leray–Hopf weak solution is Hölder continuousθCδ(R2)withδ >1−2αon the time interval[t0, t], then it is actually a classical solution on(t0, t].

©2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

MSC:76D03; 35Q35

Keywords:2D quasi-geostrophic equation; Supercritical dissipation; Regularity; Weak solutions

1. Introduction

We discuss the surface 2D quasi-geostrophic (QG) equation

tθ+u· ∇θ+κ()αθ=0, x∈R2, t >0, (1.1) whereα >0 andκ0 are parameters, and the 2D velocity fieldu=(u1, u2)is determined fromθ by the stream functionψvia the auxiliary relations

(u1, u2)=(x2ψ, ∂x1ψ ), ()1/2ψ= −θ. (1.2)

Using the notationΛ()1/2and∇(∂x2,x1), the relations in (1.2) can be combined into

u= ∇Λ1θ=(−R2θ,R1θ ), (1.3)

whereR1andR2are the usual Riesz transforms inR2. The 2D QG equation withκ >0 andα=12 arises in geo- physical studies of strongly rotating fluids (see [5,16] and references therein) while the inviscid QG equation ((1.1) withκ=0) was derived to model frontogenesis in meteorology, a formation of sharp fronts between masses of hot and cold air (see [7,10,16]).

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses:const@cs.uchicago.edu (P. Constantin), jiahong@math.okstate.edu (J. Wu).

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



The problem at the center of the mathematical theory concerning the 2D QG equation is whether or not it has a global in time smooth solution for any prescribed smooth initial data. In the subcritical caseα > 12, the dissipative QG equation has been shown to possess a unique global smooth solution for every sufficiently smooth initial data (see [8,17]). In contrast, whenα12, the issue of global existence and uniqueness is more difficult and has still unanswered aspects. Recently this problem has attracted a significant amount of research ([1–6,9,11–15,18–24]). In Constantin, Córdoba and Wu [6], we proved in the critical case (α=12) the global existence and uniqueness of classical solutions corresponding to any initial data withL-norm comparable to or less than the diffusion coefficientκ. In a recently posted preprint in arXiv [14], Kiselev, Nazarov and Volberg proved that smooth global solutions exist for anyC periodic initial data, by removing the L-smallness assumption on the initial data of [6]. Caffarelli and Vasseur (arXiv reference [1]) establish the global regularity of the Leray–Hopf type weak solutions (in L((0,);L2)L2((0,);H˚1/2)) of the critical 2D QG equation withα=12in generalRn.

In this paper we present a regularity result of weak solutions of the dissipative QG equation with α < 12 (the supercritical case). The result asserts that if a Leray–Hopf weak solution θ of (1.1) is in the Hölder class Cδ with δ >1−2αon the time interval[t0, t], then it is actually a classical solution on(t0, t]. The proof involves representing the functions in Hölder space in terms of the Littlewood–Paley decomposition and using Besov space techniques.

Whenθis inCδ, it also belongs to the Besov space ˚Bp,δ(12/p)for anyp2. By takingpsufficiently large, we have θCδ1B˚p,δ1forδ1>1−2α. The idea is to show thatθCδ2B˚p,δ2withδ2> δ1. Through iteration, we establish thatθCγ withγ >1. Thenθbecomes a classical solution.

The results of this paper can be easily extended to a more general form of the quasi-geostrophic equation in which x∈Rnanduis a divergence-free vector field determined byθthrough a singular integral operator.

The rest of this paper is divided into two sections. Section 2 provides the definition of Besov spaces and necessary tools. Section 3 states and proves the main result.

2. Besov spaces and related tools

This section provides the definition of Besov spaces and several related tools. We start with a some notation. Denote byS(Rn)the usual Schwarz class andS(Rn)the space of tempered distributions.fˆdenotes the Fourier transform off, namely

f (ξ )ˆ =


eix·ξf (x) dx.

The fractional Laplacian()α can be defined through the Fourier transform ()αf = |ξ|f (ξ ).ˆ

Let S0=



φ(x)xγdx=0, |γ| =0,1,2, . . .


Its dualS0is given by S0=S/S0=S/P,

whereP is the space of polynomials. In other words, two distributions inS are identified as the same inS0if their difference is a polynomial.

It is a classical result that there exists a dyadic decomposition ofRn, namely a sequence{Φj} ∈S(Rn)such that suppΦˆjAj, Φˆj(ξ )= ˆΦ0(2jξ ) or Φj(x)=2j nΦ0(2jx)

and k=−∞

Φˆk(ξ )=

1 ifξ∈Rn\ {0}, 0 ifξ=0,


where Aj=

ξ∈Rn: 2j1<|ξ|<2j+1 . As a consequence, for anyfS0,


Φkf=f. (2.1)

For notational convenience, set

jf=Φjf, j =0,±1,±2, . . . . (2.2) Definition 2.1.Fors∈Rand 1p, q∞, the homogeneous Besov space ˚Bp,qs is defined by

B˚p,qs =

fS0: fB˚p,qs <,


fB˚p,qs =






2j sjfLp


forq <, sup


2j sjfLp forq= ∞. Forj defined in (2.2) andSj


jk=0 if|jk|2 and j(Sk1f kf )=0 if|jk|3.

The following proposition lists a few simple facts that we will use in the subsequent section.

Proposition 2.2.Assume thats∈Randp, q∈ [1,∞].

(1) If1q1q2∞, thenB˚p,qs



(2) (Besov embedding)If1p1p2ands1=s2+n(p1

1p12), thenB˚ps11,q(Rn)B˚ps22,q(Rn).

(3) If1< p <∞, then

B˚p,min(p,2)sW˚s,pB˚p,max(p,2)s ,

whereW˚s,pdenotes a standard homogeneous Sobolev space.

We will need a Bernstein type inequality for fractional derivatives.

Proposition 2.3.Letα0. Let1pq. (1) Iff satisfies


ξ∈Rn: |ξ|K2j , for some integerjand a constantK >0, then


Lq(Rn)C122αj+j n(p11q)fLp(Rn). (2) Iff satisfies


ξ∈Rn: K12j|ξ|K22j

(2.3) for some integerjand constants0< K1K2, then


Lq(Rn)C222αj+j n(1p1q)fLp(Rn), whereC1andC2are constants depending onα, pandq only.


The following proposition provides a lower bound for an integral that originates from the dissipative term in the process ofLpestimates (see [21,4]).

Proposition 2.4.Assume eitherα0andp=2or0α1and2< p <. Letj be an integer andfS. Then


|jf|p2jf Λjf dxC22αjjfpLp

for some constantCdepending onn,αandp.

3. The main theorem and its proof

Theorem 3.1.Letθbe a Leray–Hopf weak solution of (1.1), namely θL




. (3.1)

Letδ >1−2αand let0< t0< t <∞. If θL

[t0, t];Cδ(R2)

, (3.2)



(t0, t] ×R2 .

Proof. First, we notice that (3.1) and (3.2) imply that θL

[t0, t];B˚p,δ1(R2) ,

for anyp2 andδ1=δ(1p2). In fact, for anyτ∈ [t0, t], θ (·, τ )







θ (·, τ )1p2

Cδ θ (·, τ )2p

L2. Sinceδ >1−2α, we haveδ1>1−2αwhen

p > p0≡ 2δ δ(1−2α). Next, we show that


[t0, t];B˚p,δ1Cδ1 implies

θ (·, t )B˚p,δ2Cδ2

for someδ2> δ1to be specified. Letj be an integer. Applyingj to (1.1), we get

tjθ+κΛjθ= −j(u· ∇θ ). (3.3)

By Bony’s notion of paraproduct, j(u· ∇θ )=


j(Sk1u· ∇kθ )+


j(ku· ∇Sk1θ )




j(ku· ∇lθ ). (3.4)


Multiplying (3.3) byp|jθ|p2jθ, integrating with respect tox, and applying the lower bound


|jf|p2jf Λjf dxC22αjjfpLp

of Proposition 2.4, we obtain d

dtjθpLp+Cκ22αjjθpLpI1+I2+I3, (3.5)

whereI1,I2andI3are given by I1= −p


|jθ|p2jθ·j(Sk1u· ∇kθ ) dx,

I2= −p


|jθ|p2jθ·j(ku· ∇Sk1θ ) dx,

I3= −p




j(ku· ∇lθ ) dx.

We first boundI2. By Hölder’s inequality I2CjθpLp1



Applying Bernstein’s inequality, we obtain I2CjθpLp1









2(mk)(1δ1)21mθL. Thus, for 1−δ1>0, we have




We now estimateI1. The standard idea is to decompose it into three terms: one with commutator, one that becomes zero due to the divergence-free condition and the rest. That is, we rewriteI1as

I1= −p


|jθ|p2jθ· [j, Sk1u· ∇]kθ dxp

|jθ|p2jθ·(Sju· ∇jθ ) dx



|jθ|p2jθ·(Sk1uSju)· ∇jkθ dx


where we have used the simple fact that

|kj|2kjθ =jθ, and the brackets []represent the commutator, namely

[j, Sk1u· ∇]kθ=j(Sk1u· ∇kθ )Sk1u· ∇jkθ.

Sinceuis divergence free,I12becomes zero.I12can also be handled without resort to the divergence-free condition.

In fact, integrating by parts inI12yields I12=

|jθ|p∇ ·Sju dxjθpLp∇ ·SjuL. By Bernstein’s inequality,





= jθpLp2(1δ1)j


2(1δ1)(mj )21muL. For 1−δ1>0,

|I12|CjθpLp2(1δ1)juCδ1 CjθpLp12(11)jθB˚δ1

p,∞uCδ1. We now boundI11andI13. By Hölder’s inequality,



[j, Sk1u· ∇]kθ


To bound the commutator, we have by the definition ofj [j, Sk1u· ∇]kθ=



· ∇kθ (y) dy.

Using the fact thatθCδ1 and thus Sk1(u)(x)Sk1(u)(y)

LuCδ1|xy|δ1, we obtain

[j, Sk1u· ∇]kθ

Lp2δ1juCδ12kkθLp. Therefore,



2kkθLp. The estimate forI13is straightforward. By Hölder’s inequality,







We now boundI3. By Hölder’s inequality and Bernstein’s inequality,


j∇ ·



lukθ Lp



2δ1kkθLp. (3.6)

Inserting the estimates forI1,I2andI3in (3.5) and eliminatingpjθpLp1from both sides, we get d












2δ1kkθLp. (3.7)

The terms on the right can be further bounded as follows.






2δ1kkθLp2(kj )(1δ1) C2(11)juCδ1θB˚δ1






2δ1kkuLp2(kj )(11) C2(11)jθCδ1uB˚δ1






2δ1kkuLp2(jk)δ1 C2(11)jθCδ1uB˚δ1







21(kj )2δ1kkθLp

C2(11)juCδ1θB˚δ1 p,. We can write (3.7) in the following integral form

jθ (t )

LpeCκ22αj(tt0)jθ (t0)


+C t t0



p,+ uCδ1θB˚δ1 p,


Multiplying both sides by 2(2α+11)j and taking the supremum with respect toj, we get θ (t )



eCκ22αj(tt0)21+1)jθ (t0)˚





smax∈[t0,t]θ (s)

B˚p,∞δ1 θ (s)


Here we have used the fact that uCδ1 θCδ1 and uB˚δ1

p,∞θB˚δ1 p,∞. Therefore, we conclude that if


[t0, t];B˚p,δ1Cδ1 , then

θ (·, t )B˚p,1+1. (3.8)

Sinceδ1>1−2α, we have 2δ1+2α−1> δ1and thus gain regularity. In addition, according to the Besov embedding of Proposition 2.2,

B˚p,1+1B˚δ2,, where

δ2=2δ1+2α−1−2 p =δ1+


1−2α+2 p


We haveδ2> δ1when p > p1≡ 2



Noting that


we conclude that, forp >max{p0, p1}, θ (·, t )B˚p,δ2Cδ2

for someδ2> δ1. The above process can then be iterated withδ1replaced byδ2. A finite number of iterations allow us to obtain that

θ (·, t )Cγ

for some γ >1. The regularity in the spatial variable can then be converted into regularity in time. We have thus established thatθ is a classical solution to the supercritical QG equation. Higher regularity can be proved by well- known methods. 2


PC was partially supported by NSF-DMS 0504213. JW thanks the Department of Mathematics at the University of Chicago for its support and hospitality.


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