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Profile of bubbling solutions to a Liouville system


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Profile of bubbling solutions to a Liouville system

Chang-Shou Lin


, Lei Zhang


aDepartment of Mathematics, Taida Institute of Mathematical Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan bDepartment of Mathematics, University of Florida, 358 Little Hall, PO Box 118105, Gainesville, FL 32611-8105, United States

Received 4 March 2009; accepted 22 August 2009 Available online 29 September 2009


In several fields of Physics, Chemistry and Ecology, some models are described by Liouville systems. In this article we first prove a uniqueness result for a Liouville system inR2. Then we establish a uniform estimate for bubbling solutions of a locally defined Liouville system near an isolated blowup point. The uniqueness result, as well as the local uniform estimates are crucial ingredients for obtaining a priori estimate, degree counting formulas and existence results for Liouville systems defined on Riemann surfaces.

Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.


En plusieurs champs de Physique, Chimie et Écologie, quelques modèles sont décrits par les systèmes de Liouville. Dans cet article nous prouvons d’abord un résultat de caractère unique pour un système de Liouville dansR2. Alors nous établissons une estimation uniforme pour les solutions d’explosion d’un système de Liouville localement défini prés d’un point d’explosion isolé.

Le résultat d’unicité, aussi bien que les estimations uniformes locales sont les ingrédients cruciaux pour obtenir a priori l’estimation, les formules comptant le degré, et l’existence pour les systèmes de Liouville définis sur des surfaces de Reimann.

Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

MSC:35J60; 35J55

Keywords:Liouville system; Uniqueness results for elliptic systems; A priori estimate

1. Introduction

In this article we are concerned with the following generalized Liouville system:

ui+ n j=1

aijhjeuj=0, iI ≡ {1, . . . , n}, Ω⊂R2, (1.1) whereΩ is a subset ofR2,h1, . . . , hn are positive smooth functions,A=(aij)n×n is an invertible, symmetric and non-negative matrix.

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses:cslin@math.ntu.edu.tw (C.-S. Lin), leizhang@ufl.edu (L. Zhang).

1 The author is supported in part by NSF Grant 0900864.

0294-1449/$ – see front matter Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.



(1.1) is an extension of the well-known classical Liouville equation u+V eu=0, Ω⊂R2,

which finds applications in many fields in Physics and Mathematics. For example the Liouville equation is related to finding a metric whose Gauss curvature is a prescribed function [7]. In Physics, the Liouville equation represents the electric potential induced by the charge carriers in electrolytes theory [25] and the Newtonian potential of a cluster of self-gravitation mass distribution [1,4,26,27]. Moreover, it is closely related to the abelian model in the Chern–Simons theories [16–18].

The Liouville systems are natural extensions of the Liouville equation and they also have applications in different fields of physics, chemistry and ecology. Indeed, various Liouville systems are used to describe models in the theory of chemotaxis [12,19], in the physics of charged particle beams [2,14,20] and in the theory of semi-conductors [24].

For applications of Liouville systems, see [8,13] and the references therein. Here we also note that another important extension of the Liouville equation is the Toda system, which is closely related to the non-abelian Chern–Simons theory [15,28].

Chanillo and Kiessling [8] first studied the type of Liouville systems described by (1.1) with constant coefficients inR2 and they proved that under certain assumptions onA, all the entire solutions (Ω =R2) are symmetric with respect to some point. Their result was improved by Chipot, Shafrir and Wolansky [13], who proved among other things the following symmetry result:

Theorem A (Chipot–Shafrir–Wolansky). LetA=(aij)n×nbe an

invertible, symmetric, non-negative and irreducible matrix, (1.2)

u= {u1, . . . , un}be an entire solution of






⎪⎩ ui+

n j=1

aijeuj=0, R2,


eui<, iI≡ {1, . . . , n}.


Then there existsp∈R2such that allu1, . . . , unare radially symmetric and decreasing aboutp.

Recall that a matrixAis called non-negative ifaij0 (i, j∈I), irreducible if there is no partition ofI =I1I2 (I1I2= ∅) such thataij=0,∀iI1,∀jI2.

It turns out that the following quadratic polynomial is important to the study of (1.3):

ΛJ(σ )=4




aijσiσj, JI ≡ {1, . . . , n}, (1.4)


R2eui,σ= {σ1, . . . , σn}.

It was first proved by Chanillo and Kiessling [8] that entire solutions of (1.3) must satisfy a Rellich–Pohozaev identity:

ΛI(σ )=4




aijσiσj=0. (1.5)

Later Chipot, Shafrir and Wolansky [13] proved the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of entire solutions to (1.3):

Theorem B (Chipot–Shafrir–Wolansky). LetAsatisfies(1.2). Thenσ= {σ1, . . . , σn}satisfies

ΛI(σ )=0 and ΛJ(σ ) >0, ∀∅JI, (1.6)

if and only if there exists a solution{u1, . . . , un}of (1.3)such that 1



From now on we useΠ to represent the hyper-surface that satisfies (1.6). It is immediate to observe that for each σ= {σ1, . . . , σn}onΠ, there is more than one solution corresponding toσ. Indeed, let{u1, . . . , un}be such a solution, then{v1, . . . , vn}defined by

vi(y)=ui(x0+δy)+2 logδ,x0∈R2,δ >0, i∈I, clearly solves (1.3) and satisfies


R2eui (i∈I). A natural question is: are all the solutions corresponding toσ obtained from {u1, . . . , un}by translations and scalings? Our first result in this paper is to give an affirmative answer to this question:

Theorem 1.1.LetAsatisfies(1.2),u=(u1, . . . , un)andv=(v1, . . . , vn)be two radial solutions of (1.3)such that


R2evi,iI, then there existsδ >0such thatvi(y)=ui(δy)+2 logδ,iI.

As is well known, for various equations it is important to have a classification of all the global solutions. The classification theorems of Caffarelli, Gidas and Spruck [6], Chen and Li [11], Jost and Wang [16] and Lin [22] play a central role in the blowup analysis for prescribing scalar curvature equations, prescribing Gauss curvature equations, Toda systems and prescribingQ-curvature equations, respectively. The existence result of Chipot–Shafrir–Wolansky (Theorem B) and the uniqueness result (Theorem 1.1) can be combined to serve as a classification theorem for the study of the blowup phenomena of Liouville systems.

In [13] Chipot, Shafrir and Wolansky also studied the Dirichlet problem for the Liouville system (1.1) on bounded domains. They considered the nonlinear functionalF:

F (u)=1 2








, uH01(Ω),

whereaij (i, j ∈I) are the entries ofA1,ρi (i∈I) are constants, and hi (i∈I) are positive smooth functions.

Suppose the matrixA=(aij)is positive definite, it was shown in [13] thatF is bounded from below inH01(Ω)if and only ifΛI(ρ)0 (ρ=1, . . . , ρn)), and a minimizer ofF (u)exists ifΛI(ρ) >0. Obviously the Euler–Lagrange equation for the functionalF is the following:





n j=1

aijρj hjeuj

Ωhjeuj =0, Ω⊂R2, iI, ui=0 on∂Ω,


so the existence problem for (1.7) is solved ifΛI(ρ) >0.

It is also natural to consider Liouville systems on Riemann surfaces. Let(M, g)be a Riemann surface of volume equal to 1, then the following variational form

Jρ(u)=1 2

n i,j=1


aijguiguj+ n j=1


ρjujn j=1



hjeuj corresponds to the system

gui+ n j=1

ρjaij hjeuj


=0, M, iI. (1.8)

(1.7) and (1.8) are generalizations of the Liouville equation defined locally or on Riemann surfaces, respectively.

For the single Liouville equation, various results on a priori estimate, degree counting formula and the existence of solutions have been obtained by Chen and Lin [9,10]. To study (1.7) and (1.8), it is important to understand the asymptotic behavior of blowup solutions.

In this article, we consider the following local estimate crucial to the study of (1.7) and (1.8): Letuk= {uk1, . . . , ukn} be a sequence of functions which satisfies







⎪⎩ uki +

n j=1

aijhkjeukj =0, B1⊂R2, iI,


hkieuki C, iI, k=1,2, . . . ,


whereBis the unit ball with center 0,{hki}iI are positiveC1functions uniformly bounded away from 0:

c11hki c1, max


hkic1, iI, k=1,2, . . . . (1.10)

Suppose 0 is the only blow-up point forukand each component ofukhas a finite oscillation on∂B1:

maxΩ uki C(Ω),ΩB1\ {0}, iI, k=1,2, . . . , (1.11)

uki(x)uki(y)c0,x, y∂B1, iI. (1.12)

Our main assumption onuk is thatuk converges to a Liouville system ofnequations after scaling: Letuk1(x1k)= maxB1uki (i∈I),k=e12uk1(xk1)and



uk1 x1k

, yΩk, iI, (1.13)

whereΩk:= {y;e12uk1(x1k)y+xk1B1}. Then vk=

vk1, . . . , vkn

converges inC2loc R2

tov=(v1, . . . , vn), (1.14)

which is a solution of the Liouville system vi+

n j=1

aijhjevj =0, R2, hi= lim

k→∞hki x1k

, iI.

Note thatv1, . . . , vn are all radial functions because by Theorem A they are all radially symmetric with respect to a common point and 0 is the maximum ofv1. Our major local uniform estimate is:

Theorem 1.2.LetAsatisfies(1.2),uk=(uk1, . . . , ukn)be a sequence of solutions to(1.9)such that(1.9)–(1.14)hold.


(1) there exists a sequence of radial solutionsVk=(V1k, . . . , Vnk)of Vik+

n j=1

aijhkj(0)eVjk=0, R2,


eVik<, iI, such that along a subsequence


xx1kC(A, c0, c1, σ ), iI, xB1, (1.15)

whereσ=1, . . . , σn),σi=1

R2hievi,Vkis uniquely determined by:

(a) V1k(0)=uk1(x1k);



B1hkjeukj,j=1, . . . , n−1.

(2) There existsδ >0such that






hkjeukj =8π



hkieuki +O

eδuk1(x1k) .


First we note that since every entire solution of the Liouville system satisfies (1.5),

R2hkn(0)eVnk is uniquely determined by (b) and










Second, one is tempted to think that (1.15) is equivalent to|vkivi|C(i∈I) inΩk. In fact, the functionvmay not beVk scaled according to the maximum ofuk and the difference betweenvk andv may not be uniformly bounded inΩk. This is a special feature of Liouville systems which can be observed from the entire solutions of (1.3) as follows: Every point onΠcorresponds to an entire solution. Letσk=1k, . . . , σnk)be a sequence of points onΠthat tends toσ=1, . . . , σn). Let{wk=(wk1, . . . , wnk)}be a sequence of solutions corresponding toσkwhich converges inCloc2 (R2)tow=(w1, . . . , wn), a solution corresponding toσ. By standard potential analysis (see [13])

wki(x)= −



ln|x| +O(1), |x|>1, and

wi(x)= −



ln|x| +O(1), |x|>1, i∈I.

From the above we see that even thoughσkσ, the difference betweenwk andw may not be finite at infinity.

Therefore the choice ofVkin the statement of Theorem 1.2 is necessary.

For Liouville equations without singular data, the type of estimate in Theorem 1.2 was first derived by Li [21].

Later Bartolucci, Chen, Lin and Tarantello [3] and Jost, Lin and Wang [18] established the same type of estimates for Liouville equations with singular data and Toda systems, respectively. The results of Li[21] and Bartolucci, Chen, Lin, Tarantello [3] have been improved by Chen and Lin [9] and Zhang [29,30] to a sharper form.

The estimates in Theorem 1.2 would be very important when a sequence of solutions{uk}of (1.8) has more than one blowup point. Supposeuk=(uk1, . . . , ukn)is a sequence of solutions of (1.8) withρi>0 (i∈I). Assume that p1, p2 are two blowup points, and the assumptions of Theorem 1.2 hold in neighborhoods aroundp1andp2. By Theorem 1.2 there exist two entire solutions obtained from the scaling ofuk atp1andp2. The question is whether these two entire solutions are equal. Indeed, the answer is yes whenAis positive definite, which is a consequence of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 (see Section 5 for a proof of this fact). The conclusion here is crucial to proving a priori estimates for (1.7) and (1.8). In a forthcoming paper [23] we shall discuss the a priori estimates, degree counting formulas and existence results for (1.7) and (1.8).

Our next result concerns the location of blowup points for a sequence of blowup solutions. Let{uk}be a sequence of solutions of (1.9) that satisfies the assumptions in Theorem 1.2. Let{ψik}iI be the harmonic functions defined by the oscillations ofuki on∂B1:




ψik=0, B1, ψik=uki − 1


uki dS, on∂B1.

By the mean value property of harmonic functions we haveψik(0)=0. Also, since{uki}iI have bounded oscillation on∂B1, all the derivatives of{ψik}iI onB1/2are uniformly bounded.

Theorem 1.3.Lethii (i∈I)be limits ofhki andψik, respectively, then under the same assumptions in Theorem1.2



hi(0) + ∇ψi(0)


Theorem 1.3 can be used to determine the locations of blowup points for (1.8) in the following typical situation.

Let{uk}be a sequence of blowup solutions to (1.8) withρi >0 (i∈I),Asatisfies (1.2). In addition we assume


Ato be positive definite for simplicity. We can certainly assume

MhkieukidVg=1 (i∈I) because for any solution u= {u1, . . . , un}to (1.8), adding a constant vector{C1, . . . , Cn}tougives another solution. Supposep1, . . . , pmare disjoint blowup points ofuksuch that around eachpt(t=1, . . . , m),ukconverges inCloc2 (R2)to a Liouville system ofnequations after scaling. LetGbe the Green’s function with respect to−gonM:

gG(x, p)=δp−1,


G(x, p) dVg(x)=0.

Corresponding toGwe define G(x, p)=G(x, p)+ 1

χ (r)logr

wherer=dg(x, p),χ is a cut-off function supported in a small neighborhood ofp. UsingG, the blowup points p1, . . . , pmare related by the following equation:


ghi(ps) hi(ps) + 1



ρjaij m


1G(ps, pt)

=0, s=1, . . . , m, (1.16)

where∇1Gmeans the covariant differentiation with respect to the first component.

Even though the results in this paper (Theorems 1.1–1.3) have their counterparts for the Liouville equation, there are some essential differences between the Liouville equation and the Liouville system that make the analysis for the latter harder. First, the uniqueness theorem (Theorem 1.1) for the system is generally harder to prove than one single equation, because of the lack of the Sturm–Liouville comparison theory for the linearized system. New ideas are needed to handle this difficulty. In this article, we mainly use the method of continuation to prove Theorem 1.1.

Second, for the Liouville equation onR2 u+eu=0, R2,



All the solutions satisfy

R2eu=8π. However, for the Liouville system (1.3), letσ=1, . . . , σn)be the integration of the entire solutions, which is on Π (see (1.6)). From Theorem B we see that under some conditions we have a continuum of solutions, as every point onΠcorresponds to a family of solutions. This difference on the structure of entire solutions exists not only between the Liouville equation and the Liouville system, but also between the Liouville system and Toda systems [18]. Finally, for the Liouville equation, the Pohozaev identity is a very useful tool, which gives a balancing condition between the interior integration and the boundary integration. However, for the Liouville system, the information from the Pohozaev identity is limited, as we have more than one equation. In this article, we use the uniqueness theorem (Theorem 1.1) to remedy what the Pohozaev identity cannot provide.

The organization of the paper is as follows: In Section 2 we prove Theorem 1.1 for two equations. We feel that the case of two equations is more explicit and represents most of the difficulties of the system. Then in Section 3 we prove the general case of Theorem 1.1 by mainly stating the difference with the proof in Section 2. In Section 4 we prove Theorem 1.2 and in Section 5 we prove Theorem 1.3 as well as (1.16). Finally in Appendix A we list a few Pohozaev identities to be used in different contexts.

2. Proof of Theorem 1.1 for two equations

In this section we prove Theorem 1.1 for two equations. So the system is






u1+a11eu1+a12eu2=0, u2+a12eu1+a22eu2=0, R2,







where the assumption onAnow becomesaii0,i=1,2,a12>0 anda212=a11a22. Let σi= 1


eui and mi=


aijσj, iI= {1,2}. By standard potential analysis (see, for example [13]) we have

mi>2, iI= {1,2}, (2.2)


ui(x)= −miln|x| +O(1), |x|>1, i∈I. (2.3)

Letu= {u1, u2}be a radial solution of (2.1) and we consider the linearized equation of (2.1) atu:

i(r) +


aijeujφj(r)r=0, 0< r <, iI. (2.4)

Lemma 2.1.Letφ=1, φ2)be a solution of (2.4), thenφi(r)=O(lnr)at infinity foriI. Proof. Letψ (t )=1(t ), ψ2(t ))be defined as

ψi(t )=φi et

, iI.

Thenψsatisfies ψi(t )+


aijeuj(et)+2tψj(t )=0, −∞< t <, iI.

Letψ3=ψ1,ψ4=ψ2 andF=1, . . . , ψ4)T, thenFsatisfies F=MF

whereM=0 I

B 0

.Bis a 2×2 matrix withBij= −aijeuj(et)+2t. Fort >1, the solution forFis

F(t )= lim

N→∞eM(tN). . . eM(t0)F(0), (2.5)

wheret0, . . . , tNsatisfytj=j,j=0, . . . , N,=t /N. Sinceui(et)+2t∼(mi+2)twhentis large andmi>2 (see (2.2)), we haveB ∼eδtfor someδ >0 andtlarge. With this property we further have

MkCe1t, k=2,3, . . . , t >0, (2.6)

for someδ1>0. Using (2.6) in (2.5) we have F(t )=O(t ), t >1.

Lemma 2.1 is established. 2

Lemma 2.2.Letφ= {φ1, φ2}be a bounded solution of (2.4), thenφ=C(ru1+2, ru2+2)for some constantC.

Proof. Let φ0=

ru1+2, ru2+2 ,

it is easy to verify thatφ0solves (2.4) andφ0is bounded. We prove Lemma 2.2 by contradiction. Supposeφ¯=¯1¯2) is another bounded solution of (2.4) and is not a multiple ofφ0, thenφ0andφ¯form a basis for all the solutions of (2.4).

Sinceφ¯1(0)andφ¯2(0)cannot both be 2, without loss of generality we assumeφ¯1(0)=0 andφ¯2(0)=1. We useEto


denote the set of all solutions. Since every solution is a linear combination ofφ0andφ, all the solutions are bounded.¯ Let


α(φ1, φ2)E, φ1(0)=2, φ2(0)=α2, such that r 0

euiφi(s)s ds >0 for allr >0, i∈I

. We note that ifφ2(0)=2, thenφ(r)=(ru1(r)+2, ru2(r)+2). It is easy to see that 2∈Sbecause

r 0



s ds=r2eui(r)>0, iI.

Next we see thatSis a bounded set. Because ifα <0, letφ= {φ1, φ2}be the bounded solution such thatφ1(0)=2, φ2(0)=α. Thenr

0eu2(s)φ2(s)s ds <0 forrsmall enough. Soα /S.

Setα0=infSα. Then we claim thatα0S. In fact, let{αkS}tend toα0from above ask→ ∞, letφk= {φ1k, φ2k} correspond to αk. SinceαkS, r

0seuiφik(s) ds >0, for all r. Moreover, it is easy to see that φk converge to a solutionφ=1, φ2)inEbecauseφk’s are linear combinations ofφ0andφ. It is also immediate to observe from the¯ convergence that

r 0

euiφi(s)s ds0, for allr >0, i∈I.


i(r)= −


aij r 0

eujφj(s)s ds0, iI.

So bothφ1andφ2are non-increasing functions. Since they are bounded functions, for eachiI there existrl→ ∞ such thatrlφi(rl)→0, which leads to




eujφj(s)s ds=0, iI.

Then we obtain the following from the invertibility ofA:


euiφi(s)s ds=0, iI. (2.7)

Sinceφ1andφ2are non-increasing functions, (2.7) implies that

rlim→∞φi(r) <0, iI.

Indeed, for example for φ1,

0 eu1φ1(s)s ds=0 and the monotonicity orφ1 imply either limr→∞φ1(r) <0 or φ1≡0. Then we see immediately that the latter case does not occur, as φ1(0)=2. Similarly forφ2, the case that φ2≡0 also does not happen becauseφ1≡0. Another immediate observation isφ2(0) >0.

For the above, we have r


euiφis ds >0 ifφi(r)0, and r


euiφis ds >


euiφis ds=0, ifφi(r) <0.



Now we claim that for >0 small enough,α0S. Indeed, considerφφ, obviously this is a solution to (2.4)¯ and satisfiesφ1(0)φ¯1(0)=2,ψ (0)ψ (0)¯ =α0. Since{φ1φ¯1, φ2φ¯2}is a bounded solution of (2.4) we have


euiiφ¯i)s ds=0, iI.

Forr large andsmall, sinceφ1(r)andφ2(r)are smaller than a negative number forr large, it is easy to choose small enough so that


euiiφ¯i)s ds <0, iI, for all largerlarge. Consequently

r 0

euiiφ¯i)s ds >0, iI, (2.8)

for all larger. Then by possibly choosing >0 smaller, we can make (2.8) hold for allr >0.α0S is proved.

This is a contradiction to the definition ofα0. Lemma 2.2 is established. 2

Now we are in the position to complete the proof of Theorem 1.1 for two equations. We consider the following initial-value problem:


⎪⎩ ui +ui

r +


aijeuj =0, i=1,2, u1(0)=α, u2(0)=0.


Case 1.aii>0,i=1,2.

Sinceaii>0, by Lemma 3.2 in Section 3, the solution pairui(r)exists for allr >0 andi=1,2, and satisfies


eui(r)r dr <+∞, i=1,2.

Set σi(α)=


eui(r)r dr, i=1,2.

Thusσ (α)=1, σ2)is a function ofαand lies inΠ (defined by (1.6)), which is a curve:ΛI(σ )=0 (σ1, σ2>0).

We want to prove that σ:R→Π

is a 1–1 and onto map. Since bothRandΠare connected, it suffices to proveσis an open mapping. In the following, we want to show the claim


∂α =0 and ∂σ2

∂α =0 for allα∈R2. (2.10)

Then the openness ofσ follows immediately.

We prove this claim by contradiction. Suppose there existsαsuch that, say,ασ1=0. This implies immediately that



reu1φ1=0, (2.11)

where φ1=αu1. Correspondingly we set φ2 =αu2. Then {φ1, φ2} satisfies the linearized system (2.4). By Lemma 2.1φi(r)=O(lnr)at infinity. The Pohozaev identity for (2.4) is (see Appendix A for the proof)


r2φi(r)eui−2 r 0

seuiφi(s) ds

= −


aij i(r)


. (2.12)

The first term on the left-hand side of (2.11) tends to 0 asr→ ∞. To deal with the terms on the right-hand side, first we use the equation forφi to get



ail r 0

seulφl(s) ds.

The equation forui gives limr→∞rui(r)= −mi. Putting the above information together we obtain the following from (2.12):


(mi−2) 0

seuiφi(s) ds=0.

By (2.11), we have


euiφir dr=0, i=1,2.

Using (2.12) for the equation forφi we have

i(r)= r 0


aijeujφjs ds= − r


aijeujφjs ds=O rδ

for some δ >0. Therefore φi (i∈I) is bounded at infinity. By Lemma 2.2, there is a constant csuch that φ1= c(ru1+2),φ2=c(ru2+2). But one sees immediately that this is impossible becauseφ1(0)=0,φ2(0)=1. The claim is proved.

Theorem 1.1 for this case is implied by the claim. In fact, suppose { ¯u1,u¯2} is another pair of radial solutions of the Liouville system so that

R2eu¯i =

R2eui (i=1,2). By scaling, we may assumeu2(0)= ¯u2(0)=0. Since the mappingσ :Rn1Π is one-to-one and onto, we have u1(0)= ¯u1(0). Consequentlyui ≡ ¯ui (i∈I), hence Theorem 1.1 is proved for the caseaii>0,i=1,2.

Case 2.There existsisuch thataii=0.

Set Π1=

αeujL1 R2

, j=1,2, u=(u1, u2)is a solution of (2.9) .

Similar to the previous step, the mapΠ1Π is an open mapping. Sincea11=0 ora22=0,Π is non-compact and connected. Thusσ is 1–1 and onto from each component ofΠ1ontoΠ.

Now supposeΠ1has two component, sayΠ11andΠ12. Choose anyσofΠ. Then there existα1Π11, andα2Π12 such thatu1=(u11, u21)andu2=(u12, u22)are the corresponding solutions of (2.9) and satisfy


eu1jr dr= 0

eu2jr dr=σj, j=1,2.


Clearly,∃R0such that forrR0and someδ >0, ukj

(r)r(2+2δ), j=1,2, k=1,2.

Now consider the perturbation of (2.9):





2 j=1

(aij+δij)euj =0, R2, i=1,2, u1(0)=α, u2(0)=0.


Here we require(0, δ0)whereδ0is so small that the matrix(aij+δij)n×nis non-singular for all(0, δ0). Let uk, =(uk,1 , uk,2 )be the solution of (2.13) with respect to the initial conditionk,0)(k=1,2). Forδ0 small we have

uk,j (r)

r(2+δ) atr=R0, 0δ0. Then by the super-harmonicity ofuk,j it is easy to show

uk,j (r)

r(2+δ) forrR0. Thus,∃C >0 andR1R0such that



j (r)Cr(2+δ) forrR1. (2.14)

Hence fork=1,2, σjk)=



k, j (r)

r dr= 0

eukj(r)r dr+o(1)=σj+o(1), j=1,2, whereo(1)→0 as→0.

Next we claim that


∂α k)=∂σj

∂α(αk)+o(1). (2.15)



∂α k)= 0


k, j (r)∂uk,j

∂α (r) dr, j=1,2, k=1,2. (2.16)


k, 1

∂α ,∂u

k, 2

∂α )satisfies the following linearized equation:



= 2 j=1

(aij+δij)euk,j ∂uk,j

∂α , i=1,2.

Using the argument of Lemma 2.1 we have ∂uk,i

∂α (r)

Clnr, r2, i=1,2, (2.17)

where the constantC is independent of(0, δ0). Moreover, for any fixedR >0, ∂u

1, i

∂α (r)converges uniformly to


∂α(r)over 0< r < Rwith respect to. Using the decay estimates (2.14) and (2.17) in (2.16) we obtain (2.15) by elementary analysis.

Since lim0


∂α 1)=∂σ∂αj1)=0, there existsα1()=α1+o(1)such that σ1


=σ12). (2.18)


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