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A Liouville theorem for solutions of the Monge-Ampère equation with periodic data


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A Liouville theorem for solutions of the Monge–Ampère equation with periodic data

Un théorème de Liouville pour les solutions de l’équation de Monge–Ampère avec données periodiques

L. Caffarelli


, YanYan Li


aDepartment of Mathematics, The University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA

bDepartment of Mathematics, Rutgers University, 110 Frelinghuysen Rd., Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA

Received 10 December 2002; accepted 8 January 2003


A classical result of Jörgens, Calabi and Pogorelov states that any strictly convex smooth functionuwith det(D2u)=constant inRn must be a quadratic polynomial. We establish the following extension: any strictly convex smooth functionu with det(D2u)being 1-periodic in each variable must be the sum of a quadratic polynomial and a function which is 1-periodic in each variable. Given any positive periodic right-hand side, the existence and uniqueness of such solutions are well known.

2003 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


Selon un théorème classique de Jörgens, Calabi et Pogorelov, toute solution régulière et strictement convexe de l’équation det(D2u)=constante dansRndoit être égale à un polynôme quadratique. On démontre le résultat suivant : siuune fonction régulière et strictement convexe telle que det(D2u)est 1-périodique par rapport à chaque variable, alorsuest la somme d’un polynôme quadratique et d’une fonction 1-périodique par rapport à chaque variable. Étant donnée une fonction périodique et positivef, l’existence et l’unicité des solutions de det(D2u)=f est un problème bien connu.

2003 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author.

E-mail address: yyli@math.rutgers.edu (Y.Y. Li).

1 Partially supported by National Science Foundation Grant DMS-0140388 and G-37-X71-G4.

2 Partially supported by National Science Foundation Grant DMS-0100819 and a Rutgers University Research Council Grant.

0294-1449/$ – see front matter 2003 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.



0. Introduction

Solutions of Monge–Ampère equations with periodic right-hand side appear in several contexts of geometry and applied mathematics: when lifting the equation from a Hessian manifold, in problems of optimal transportation, vorticity arrays, homogenization, etc. One question is the existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions. The basic converse question, from the point of view, for instance, of homogenization, is the classification of entire solutions:

Letf be a positive periodic function and letube an entire solution of det(D2u)=f, isuthe sum of a quadratic polynomial and a periodic function? The answer is “yes” and this is the main purpose of the present work. Note that a particular case is the classical theorem of Jörgens, Calabi and Pogorelov [17,10,21] which asserts that classical convex solutions of

det(D2u)=1, inRn (1)

must be quadratic polynomials. A simpler and more analytical proof, along the lines of affine geometry, of the theorem was later given by Cheng and Yau [12]. The first author extended the result for classical solutions to viscosity solutions [3]. Trudinger and Wang proved [22] that the only open convex subset ofRn which admits a convexC2 solution of det(D2u)=1 in with limx∂Ωu(x)= ∞is =Rn. In an earlier paper [7], we proved that for any convex viscosity solution of det(D2u)=1 outside a bounded subset of Rn, n3, there exist an n×n real symmetric positive definite matrix A, a vector b ∈Rn and a constant c∈ R such that lim sup|x|→∞|x|n2(u− [12xAx+b·x+c]) <∞. Existence of classical solutions to Dirichlet problem for Monge–Ampère equations was studied by Caffarelli, Nirerberg and Spruck in [8].

Description of our results: In the present paper we extend the theorem of Jörgens, Calabi and Pogorelov to

det(D2u)=f, inRn, (2)

wheref is a positive periodic function.


f (x) >0 ∀x∈Rn, (3)

and, for somea1, . . . , an>0,

f (x+aiei)=f (x),x∈Rn, 1in, (4)

wheree1=(1,0, . . . ,0), . . . , en=(0, . . . ,0,1).

We are interested in convex solutions of (2), i.e., solutionsuof (2) satisfying

(D2u) >0, inRn. (5)

We establish

Theorem 0.1. LetfCα(Rn), 0< α <1, satisfy (3) and (4), and letuC2(Rn)be a convex solution of (2).

Then there existb∈Rnand a symmetric positive definiten×nmatrixAwith det(A)=

1in[0,ai]f, such that v:=u− [12xAx+b·x]isai-periodic inith variable, i.e.,

v(x+aiei)=v(x),x∈Rn,1in. (6)

Some remarks:

Remark 0.1. The theorem of Jögens, Calabi, and Pogorelov is an easy consequence of the above theorem.

Remark 0.2. Letf be a bounded positive function inCα(Rn), 0< α <1, and letuC0(Rn)be a convex viscosity of (2). ThenuC2,α(Rn).


Remark 0.3. Because of the affine invariance, Theorem 0.1 still holds when the periodicity assumption is assumed in anynlinearly independent directions, instead of in thee1, . . . , endirections.

Remark 0.4. By the affine invariance of the problem, we only need to establish Theorem 0.1 forai=1∀iand for f satisfying in addition


f =1. (7)

Remark 0.5. We believe that Theorem 0.1 holds for any convex viscosity solutionuunder the weaker hypothesis thatfL(Rn), (4) holds a.e., and 0<infRnf supRnf <∞.

The existence and uniqueness (modulo constants) of solutions to periodic Monge–Ampère equations were studied by the second author.

Theorem 0.2 [20]. LetTn be a flat torus,fC(Tn)be a positive function, and letAbe a symmetric positive definiten×nmatrix satisfying



f. (8)

Then there exists avC(Tn)satisfying

det(A+D2v)=f, onTn, (9)

(A+D2v) >0, onTn. (10)

Moreover, condition (8) is necessary for the solvability of (9), and solutions of (9) and (10) are unique up to addition of constants.

Remark 0.6. If the smoothness assumption off in Theorem 0.2 is weakened tofCk,α(Tn),k0, 0< α <1, there exists a solutionuCk+2,α(Rn). Fork4, the method in [20] is applicable; for 0k3, this can be established by a smooth approximation off based on theC2,αtheory of the first author in [2], together with the C0estimate of solutions in [20]. A different proof of Theorem 0.2 was given by the first author in [4]. Monge–

Ampère equations on Hessian manifolds were studied in Cheng and Yau [11] and Caffarelli and Viaclovsky [9].

We plan to pursue some extensions of Theorem 0.1 in such a more general setting.

An auxiliary result: in our proof of Theorem 0.1, we need a homogenization type estimate. It states that a solutionwof the Monge–Ampère equation with periodic right-hand side differs from the corresponding solutionw, with constant right-hand side, a power of the diameter of the lattice. Let O⊂Rn be a convex open subset satisfying

B1OBn, (11)

and letwC0(O)C(O)denote the convex solution of det(D2w) =1, inO,

w=0, on∂O.

Letε1, . . . , εnbenlinearly independent vectors inRn, and letgC0(Rn)be a positive function satisfying

g(x+εi)=g(x),x∈Rn, 1in, (12)




g=1, (13)

wherei= {x∈Rn|x=

itiεi,0ti1}is the fundamental domain for the periodicity.

We consider

det(D2w)=g, inO,

w=0, on∂O. (14)

We give an estimate to theLnorm of|ww|onO:

Theorem 0.3. Letε1, . . . , εn∈Rn andO⊂Rn be as above,gC0(Rn)be a positive function satisfying (12) and (13), and letwC2(O)C0(O)be the convex viscosity solution of (14). Then for some constantsβ, C >0, depending only onnand the upper bound ofg, we have



εiβ. (15)

Remark 0.7. It is easy to see that we only need to establish Theorem 0.3 with an additional hypothesis that gC(Rn). The reason is that once we have estimate (15) with the constantC independent of the smoothness ofg, we can approximategby smoothgj and obtain estimate (15) forwj, the convex solution with respect togj, and then letj go to infinity. For the same reason, estimate (15) only requires the regularity of gbeL, while solutionwis in the viscosity sense.

Remark 0.8. In view of a lemma of F. John (see, e.g., [14]),B1OBn can be replaced byBr1OBr2, 0< r1r2<∞, and then constantsβandCin Theorem 0.3 depend also onr1andr2.

Our paper is organized as follows. In Section 1, we establish Theorem 0.3. The first ingredient of our proof is the power deterioration of all derivatives of solutions to Monge–Ampère equations with constant right-hand side (Lemma 1.1), which we prove by modifying the Pogorelov estimates together with theC2,α estimates of Evans and Krylov and the Schauder theory. We have found out recently, that step 1 of Lemma 1.1 is a particular case of a theorem of Chou and Wang in [13]. The second ingredient is the use of the periodic corrector (Theorem 0.2). In Section 2 we establish Theorem 0.1. The first step in our proof is to capture the quadratic behavior of the entire solution (Proposition 2.1). This follows from the general iteration scheme of the first author developed in [2], together with Theorem 0.3. Our second step is to establish anLbound for the second derivatives of the entire solution (Proposition 2.2). This is achieved by an application of the theory on the linearized Monge–Ampère operators developed by Caffarelli and Gutiérrez, with the help of the quadratic behavior of the solution obtained in the first step. More specifically, we make use of

Theorem 0.4 [6]. LetO be a convex open subset ofRn satisfyingB1OBn,n2, and letφC2(O)be a convex function satisfying, for some constantsλandΛ,

0< λdet(D2φ)Λ <, inO,

φ=0, on∂O.

Assume thatwC2(O)satisfies aijwij0, w0, inO,


whereaij=det(D2φ)φij is the linearization of the Monge–Ampère operator atu. Then, for anyr > s >0, max




whereCdepends only onn, λ, Λ, rands.

Remark 0.9. This type of inequality is known in the literature as local maximum principle (see, e.g., p. 244 of [16]).

In our case, it follows by noting that Theorems 1 and 4 in [6] are valid for supersolutions, and thus, the measure part of the proof of Lemma 4.1 in [6] applies to subsolutions. The details then follow exactly those of Theorem 4.8 in [5].

The third step in our proof of Theorem 0.1 is to capture supRn(2eu(Proposition 2.3), where(2eudenotes the second incremental quotient ofuandeis any period ofu. By the first two steps, the second incremental quotient (2euis a subsolution for some uniformly elliptic operator. This step is then achieved by an appropriate use of the estimates of Krylov and Safonov on the second incremental quotient ofu. To conclude the proof of Theorem 0.1, we make use of the periodic corrector and the Harnack inequality of Krylov and Safonov.

1. Proof of Theorem 0.3

In this section we prove Theorem 0.3. We first show that solutions with constant right-hand side deteriorate, together with all their derivatives, as a power of the distance to the boundary. This combines a modification of Pogorelov estimates [21] together with the theC2,αinterior estimates of Evans and Krylov [15,18] and Schauder estimates.

Lemma 1.1. LetO⊂Rn be an open convex subset satisfyingB1OBn, and letuC2(O)C0(O)be a convex solution of

det(D2u)=1, inO, u=0, on∂O.

Then, for some positive constantsCkandβk, depending only onnandk, Dku(x)Ckdist(x, ∂O)βk, xO, k=1,2, . . . .

Proof. Step 1. Second derivative estimates. This is a modification of the original proof of Pogorelov [21]. For Reader’s convenience, we include the proof. Using12(|x|2−1)and12(|x|2n2)as comparison functions, we have, by the maximum principle, that−n22 minOu12.

We deduce from the above, using the convexity ofuand the fact thatu=0 on∂O, that u(x)− 1

4ndist(x, ∂O), ∀xO. (16)

By a barrier argument (see, e.g., Lemma 1 in [1] or Lemma 6.1 in [7]), we have, for any 0< α <1, that u(x)

Cdist(x, ∂O)2/n, xO, n3,

Cdist(x, ∂O)α, xO, n=2. (17)

Here and in the following,C denotes various positive constants depending only onnwhenn3, and depends only onαwhenn=2.

Forδ >0, let O=

xO|u(x) <δ ,


and letw=u+δ. By (17), dist(O, ∂O)

δn/2/C, n3, δ1/α/C, n=2.

It follows from the above and the convexity ofuthat

|∇w| = |∇u|

(2n)/2, inO, n3, 1)/α inO, n=2.

Alsowis strictly convex and satisfies det(D2w)=1, inO,

w=0, on∂O.

For simplicity, we will only treat the casen3 since the casen=2 can be handled the same way.

DefineM >0 by eM=max


|w|w11eδn2|w1|2/2 .

By a translation of coordinates, the maximum is achieved at 0∈O. Making the following affine transformation x1 =x1+n

i=2 w1i(0) w11(0)xi, xj =xj, 2jn,

and then rotatingx2, . . . , xn variables, we may assume without loss of generality that(wij(0))diagonal.



2 .

Thenhhas a local maximum at 0 withM=h(0). It follows that hi=wi

w +w11i

w11 +δn2w1w1i=0, at 0, 1in, (18)

and, at 0,


w2 +w11iiw11w211i

w211 +δn2w21i+δn2w1w1ii0, 1in.

So at 0,




wii = n



wi2 w2wii + 1






1 wii


w11 2




wii. It follows that at 0,




|w|wii− |w| w11


w11ii wii + |w|






w1ii wii

. (19)

Applying1to the equation ofw, we have



where(wij)denotes the inverse matrix of(wij). In particular,



wii =0 at 0. (20)


Applying1to (20), we have


w11ii wii +




w1ij=0, at 0. (21)

A calculation shows that at 0, we have



= − w1ij

wiiwjj, 1i, jn. (22)

Putting (22) into (21), we have, at 0, that



wii = −







wiiwjj. (23)

Using (23) and (20), we deduce from (19) that, at 0, δn2|w|w11n+



|w|wii −|w| w11



wiiwjj + |w| w211





w1ii wii




|w|wii −|w| w11

j2, i

w1ij2 wiiwjj

. (24)

By (18), we have, at 0, that wi

w 2

= w11i

w11 +δn2w1w1i 2

, 1in.




|w|wii = w21

|w|w11 + |w|


wj w

2 1

wjj = w12

|w|w11+ |w|


1 wjj

w11j w11


= w21

|w|w11 + |w| w11


w11j2 w11wjj. Putting the above into (24), we have

δn2|w|w11n+ w21

|w|w11 + |w| w11



w11wjj − |w| w11

j2, i

w21ij wiiwjj

=n+ w21

|w|w11 − |w| w11



wiiwjj n+ w12


It follows that

δn2|w|w11eδn2w21/2neδn2w12/2+ w21eδn−2w12

|w|w11eδn2w12/2 .


δn2eMC+ C δn2eM,


which implies eM C

δn2. Thus

|u11| = |w11| C

δn1, inO, where


xO|w(x) <δ


xO|u(x) <−2δ . Sincex1direction is chosen arbitrarily, we have

|D2u| C

δn1, inO.

Now for anyxO, setδ= |u(x)|/2. We deduce from the above and (16) that D2u(x)Cδ1nCdist(x, ∂O)1n.

The second derivative estimate is established forn3. As mentioned earlier, the second derivative estimate for n=2 case can be proved essentially the same way.

Step 2. Now we establish higher order derivative estimates, combining the estimates of Evans and Krylov with a normalization argument. ForxO, letd:=12dist(x, ∂O). Without loss of generality,d <1/2. Set

v(y)=u(x+y)u(x)Du(x)·y, yBd.

By the equation ofuand the second derivative estimates ofu, we have, for some positive constantC depending only onn,



=1, yBd, and

dα1 C I



dα1I, yBd.

So for some positive constantsα2andα3depending only onn, r1andr2, Bdα2

y|v(y) < dα3


By a lemma of F. John, there exists some affine transformationAy=ay+bwith det(a)=1 such that BRA(Ω)BnR,

where= {y|v(y) < dα3}. Since|Bdα2||| = |A(Ω)||Bd/2|, we havedα2/nRd/2.


w(z)= 1 R2




, zO:= 1 RA(Ω).

Thenwis a strict convex solution of det(D2w)=1, inO, satisfying

w=0, on∂O.

We also know that w(z)¯ =min


w, wherez¯=R1A(0).


By the usual comparison argument and some barrier function argument, we know that w(z)¯ −C, and dist(z, ∂O)¯ 1


whereC >0 is some number depending only onn. By the Pogorelov estimates, Evans and Krylov estimates and Schauder estimates, we have

Dkw(z)¯ C(k, n).


D2w(z)¯ = a1t

D2v(0) a1


and since(D2v(0))C1dα1Iand(D2w(z))¯ CI, we have(a1)t(a1)Cdα1I, i.e.,a1Cdα1/2. On the other hand, det(a)=1, so we haveaCd(n1)α1/2. The higher derivative estimates then follow from the above estimates of|Dkw(z)¯ |. Lemma 1.1 is established. ✷

Now we prove the homogenization estimate: The main idea consists in showing that, if large, the maximum of the difference betweenwandwoccurs far from the boundary, in the region wherewis regular, and we may use there the periodic corrector plus a small quadratic polynomial to make out ofwa super (sub) solution of the equation satisfied byw.

Proof of Theorem 0.3. By Remark 0.7, we may assume without loss of generality thatgC(Rn). Our proof makes use of Lemma 1.1 and Theorem 0.2. Throughout the proof, and unless otherwise stated,βi, µi(0,1)and Ci>1 denote various positive constants depending only onnand the upper bound ofg. Let



|ww|. By a barrier function argument,

C1dist(x, ∂O)β1w, w0. (25)

In particularmC1. We will only treat the case



(ww) >0,

since the other case can be handled similarly.

Letx¯∈Obe a maximum point ofww:

m=w(x)¯ − w(x).¯ By (25),

dist(x, ∂O)¯ µ1m1/β1. (26)


u(x)=w(x)+ m

(6n)2|x− ¯x|2. Then

(uw)(x)¯ =m.

On the other hand, since


9, onO, (27)


we have


9, on∂O.

So for some interior pointx˜∈O, (uw)(x)˜ =max


(uw)m. (28)

By (28) and (27),

(ww)(x)˜ (uw)(x)˜ −m

9 8m

9 . It follows, by (25), that

dist(x, ∂O)˜ µ1m1/β1. (29)

Here the values ofµ1andβ1are possibly smaller than previous values.

LetξC(Rn)be the unique solution of det



2xD2w(x)x˜ +ξ(x)

=g(x), x∈Rn, satisfying



2xD2w(x)x˜ +ξ(x)

>0, x∈Rn, ξ(x+εi)=ξ(x), x∈Rn,1in,



ξ =0.

The existence and uniqueness ofξ follows from Theorem 0.2.




εi2. (30)

Proof. Let ϕ(x)=1

2xD2w(x)x˜ +ξ(x), x∈Rn, and for any fixedy∈Rnand 1in, let

h(t)=ξ(y+i), t∈R. Since(D2ϕ) >0 inRn, we have d2

dt2ϕ(y+i) >0 fort∈R. Consequently, h(t)εiD2w(x)ε˜ iεi2D2w(x)˜ −C2εi2mβ3.

Sincehis a periodic function of period 1, we can argue as in [20]: lett¯∈ [−1,0]be a point whereh=0. For all 0< t < s <1, we have, by the above lower bound ofh, that

h(s)h(t)= s


h1)dτ1= s

t τ1

¯ t



The above estimate, together with the fact that his 1-periodic, implies that the oscillation of h is bounded by 4C2εi2mβ3. Since his 1-periodic, the oscillation of his bounded by 4C2εi2mβ3, and the estimate (30) follows easily. ✷

Sincex˜is an interior maximum point ofuw, we have D2(uw)(x)˜


i.e., 0<



− 2m

(6n)2I. (31)


v(x)= w(x)+ξ(x)m

(6n)2|x− ¯x|2+ m

(12n)2|x− ˜x|2. Then


w(x)+ξ(x)+ m

(12n)2|x− ˜x|2

. By (29) we can findβ3andC3such that

Bmβ3/C3(x)˜ ⊂O,

and D3w(x) C3mβ3,xBmβ3/C3(x).˜

Thus, we can find largerβ4andC4such that Bmβ4/C4(x)˜ ⊂Bmβ3/C3(x),˜



D2w(x) +D2ξ(x)− 6m (12n)2I

D2w(x)˜ +n2C3mβ3|x− ˜x|I+D2ξ(x)− 6m (12n)2I

D2w(x)˜ +D2ξ(x)+n3C3

C4 mβ4β3I− 6m (12n)2I


D2w(x)˜ +D2ξ(x)

,xBmβ4/C4(x).˜ It follows that for everyxBmβ4/C4(x)˜ with(D2v(x))0,we have




D2w(x)˜ +D2ξ(x)



. (32)


(wv)(x)˜ =u(x)˜ − w(x)˜ −ξ(x)˜ (uw)(x)˜ −C2mβ2



Since(uw)(x)˜ is the maximum value ofuw, we have, for allx∂Bmβ4/C4(x), that˜



(12n)2|x− ˜x|2 (uw)(x)˜ +C2mβ2


εi2m1+4 (12nC4)2. If



εi2 m1+4 (12nC4)2, we are done. Otherwise,

(wv)(x) < (wv)(x),˜ ∀x∂Bmβ4/C4(x).˜

Let x1Bmβ4/C4(x)˜ be an interior maximum point of wv, then (D2v(x1)) (D2w(x1)) > 0 and det(D2v(x1))det(D2w(x1)). This violates (32). Theorem 0.3 is established.

2. Proof of Theorem 0.1

In this section we prove Theorem 0.1. We follow the three steps sketched in the introduction.

Step 1. Modulo an affine transformation, the behavior ofuat infinity is 12|x|2:

Proposition 2.1. There exist somen×nsymmetric positive definite matrixAwith det(A)=1, and some positive constantsεandC, such that

u(x)−1 2xAx

C|x|2ε, ∀|x|1. (33) We can always normalizeuso that

u(0)=0 and u0 inRn. (34)

By Lemma 2.1 in [7], lim inf



|x|2/n>0. (35)

ForM >0, let M=

x∈Rn; u(x) < M . By Propositions 2.4, 2.5 in [7],

C1Mn/2|M|CMn/2 for allM1 (36)

for some positive constantCdepending only onn, maxRnf and minRnf.

By a normalization lemma of John–Cordoba and Gallegos (see [14]), there exists some affine transformation AM(x)=aMx+bM,

with det(aM)=1 such that

BRAM(ΩM)BnR, (37)

for someR=RM>0. It follows from (36) that C1


M, (38)


whereC1 depends only onn,maxRnf and minRnf. By Proposition 2.6 in [7],


aM(ΩM/2), ∂aM(ΩM)

C1R, (39)

and consequently

BR/CaM(ΩM)B2nR, (40)

whereC1 depends only onn,maxRnf and minRnf. For convenience, we make a normalization to unit size. Let

uM(x)= 1 R2u


, xOM:= 1


By (40),

B1/COMB2n. (41)

It is clear that uM(0)= 1

R2u(0)=0, det




, xOM, (42)

and by (38), uM|∂OM = M


C1, C . Then, by the convexity ofuM,

0uMC inOM. Let


k1e1+ · · · +knen; k1, . . . knare integers, k21+ · · · +kn2>0 , and


eE; e=k1e1+ · · · +knen,|ki|j . ForeE, let

˜ e= 1


be the grids corresponding toe, for functionuM.

Lemma 2.1. For some positive constantsαandC, depending only onn, maxRnf and minRnf,


Proof. For anyx∂OM, we have, by [1], uM

1 2x


CuM(x), from which we deduce

u 1



Cu(y), ∀|y|1.


Consequently, for some positive constantsβ, Cdepending only onn, maxRnf and minRnf,

u(y)C|y|β, ∀|y|1. (43)

Forλe∂ΩM, we have, by (43), M=u(λe)C|λe|β.

On the other hand, sinceR1aM(λe)∂OMB2n, we have

|λe = 1

RaM(λe) 2n.

Lemma 2.1 follows from the above two inequalities. ✷ Letξ¯be the convex solution of

det(D2ξ )¯ =1, OM, ξ¯=RM2, ∂OM.

Proof of Proposition 2.1. Given Theorem 0.3, the proof of Proposition 2.1 follows from the general iteration scheme of the first author in [2]. A proof can also be found in [7], see Propositions 3.1, 3.2 and (41) there; the only difference is thatuM− ¯ξL(OM)CR1is known there instead ofuM− ¯ξL(OM)CRα which we have here. But the modification of the proof is very minor. ✷

One consequence of Proposition 2.1 is that for some positive constantC,

aM,aM1C,M1. (44)


F (D2u)=det


, and

Fij(D2u)= ∂F


A consequence of the concavity ofF is the following

Lemma 2.2. Letf satisfy (4) (withai=1), and letusatisfy (2). Then for everyeE, Fij




0 onRn. (45)

Remark 2.1. For (45) to hold, we only need thatf ise-periodic andusatisfies (2).

Proof of Lemma 2.2. By the concavity ofF, the equation ofu, and the periodicity off, we have F



2 F

D2u(x+e) +F


=1 2

f (x+e)+f (xe)

=f (x), wherew(x):=12[u(x+e)+u(xe)].

On the other hand, by the concavity ofF and the equation ofu,

F (D2w)F (D2u)+Fij(D2u)∂ij(wu)=f+Fij(D2u)∂ij(wu).

The lemma follows immediately from the above two inequalities. ✷


Step 2.Lestimate of the Hessian ofu:

Proposition 2.2. There exists some positive constantCsuch that I



CI,x∈Rn. (46)

For nonzeroe∈Rn, we introduce a notation for the second incremental quotient:


e2 ,

whereedenotes the Euclidean norm ofe.

The following lemma is a consequence of Theorem 0.4, a result of Caffarelli and Gutiérrez on the linearization of the Monge–Ampère operator.

Lemma 2.3. Forr >0 andeE, there existsM0, depending onu, rande, such that for allMM0,


(2e˜uMC, (47)


0< (2e˜uM(x)C,xOM, and dist(x, ∂OM) > r, (48) whereCdepends only onn, r,maxRnf and minRnf.

Remark 2.2. We emphasize that the constantCin Lemma 2.3 does not depend one.

Proof of Lemma 2.3. LeteE,(2e˜uM is positive sinceuis strictly convex follows from the strict convexity ofu.

By Lemma 2.1,|˜e| →0 asM→ ∞. So, there existsM0such that forMM0,|˜e|r/8. LetLbe a line parallel toe, we have, by Lemma A.1 in Appendix A, that˜



whereCdepends onn, r,maxRnf and minRnf. Estimate (47) follows by integrating the above over all such lines.

To prove (48), we observe thatuM satisfies 0<minf det(D2uM)=f


maxf <, By Lemma 2.2,w:=(2e˜uMsatisfies

aij(x)wij(x)0, xOM and dist(x, ∂OM) > r/2,

where aij is the linearization of the Monge–Ampère operator at uM. Estimate (48) follows from (47) and Theorem 0.4, withrreplaced byr/2.

Lemma 2.4.




y∈Rn(2eu(y) <. (49)

Proof. ForeEandy∈Rn, letx=R1aM(y). TakeMlarge so thatyM/2, we have, by (39), dist(x, ∂OM) 1



for some constantCdepending only onn,minRnand maxRnf. Then by (48) and (44), (2eu(y)=aM(e)2

e2 (2e˜uM(x)CaM2C.

The following lemma is a consequence of Lemma 2.1 in [7].

Lemma 2.5. Forλ >0 andr2, letuC2((−3,3)n1×(r, r))satisfy (D2u) >0, det(D2u)λ, in(−3,3)n1×(r, r),


0u1 in(−2,2)n.

Then, for some positive constantC=C(n) >0, max|s|ru(0, s)n

C −1


The next lemma is a consequence of the Pogorelov estimate.

Lemma 2.6. LetgC4(B1)be a positive function, and letvC4(B1)C0(B1)be a convex function satisfying det(D2v)=g, onB1,



We assume that

0< µvµ1, on∂B1.

Then for somer0(0,1)andC >0, depending only onn,µ, minB

1g, andgC4(B1), we have that

|D2v|C, onBr0.

Remark 2.3. In the above lemma,B1can be replaced by any bounded open subset, thenC, r0will depend on dist(0, ∂Ω)and diam(Ω).

Proof of Lemma 2.6. We only need to show that there exists somer >¯ 0, depending only onµ, such that B2r¯

xB1; v(x) < µ/2

. (50)

Indeed letv(x)¯ =µ/2, by the convexity ofv,

v(x)v(x)¯ + ∇v(x)(x¯ − ¯x),xB1. (51)

In particular,

0=v(0)v(x)¯ − ∇v(x)¯ x,¯ i.e.,


2 =v(x)¯ ∇v(x)¯ | ¯x|. (52)


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