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Quasi-continuous atom laser in the presence of gravity


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Fabrice Gerbier, Philippe Bouyer, Alain Aspect

To cite this version:

Fabrice Gerbier, Philippe Bouyer, Alain Aspect. Quasi-continuous atom laser in the presence of gravity. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society, 2001, 86, pp.4729-4732. �10.1103/Phys- RevLett.86.4729�. �hal-00116292�


Quasicontinuous Atom Laser in the Presence of Gravity

F. Gerbier, P. Bouyer, and A. Aspect

Groupe d’Optique Atomique, Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l’Institut d’Optique, UMRA 8501 du CNRS, Bâtiment 503, Campus Universitaire d’Orsay, B.P. 147, F-91403 Orsay Cedex, France

(Received 7 September 2000)

We analyze the extraction from a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate to a nontrapping state of a coherent atomic beam and its subsequent fall, atT

0K. Our treatment fully takes gravity into account but neglects the mean-field potential exerted on the free falling beam by the trapped atoms. We derive analytical expressions for the output rate and the output mode of the quasicontinuous “atom laser.”

Comparison with experimental data of Blochet al.[Phys. Rev. Lett.82, 3008 (1999)] is satisfactory.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.4729 PACS numbers: 03.75.Fi, 39.20. +q

Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) of dilute alkali vapors [1] constitute a potential source of matter waves for atom interferometry, since they are first-order coherent [2]. Vari- ous schemes for “atom lasers” have been used to extract a coherent matter wave out of a trapped BEC. Pulsed devices have been demonstrated by using an intense spin-flip radio frequency (rf ) pulse [3], gravity-induced tunneling from an optically trapped BEC [4] or Raman transitions [5]. Qua- sicontinuous output has been obtained by using a weak rf field that continuously couples atoms into a free falling state [6]. This “quasicontinuous” atom laser promises spectacular improvements in application of atom optics, for example, in the performances of atom-interferometer- based inertial sensors [7].

Gravity plays an important role in outcoupling: in the case of rf outcouplers, it lies at the very heart of the ex- traction process, as will be shown in this Letter. However, most of the theoretical studies do not take gravity into ac- count (for an up-to-date review, see Ref. [8]). Although gravity has been included in numerical treatments [9] rele- vant for the pulsed atom laser of [3], to our knowledge, only the one-dimensional (1D) simulations of Refs. [8,10]

treat the quasicontinuous case in the presence of gravity, and the results of [10] compare only qualitatively to the experimental data of [6].

In this Letter, we present a three-dimensional (3D) analytical treatment taking gravity fully into account. To compare with the experimental results of [6], we specifi- cally focus on rf outcouplers. The extraction of the atoms from the trapped BEC and their subsequent propagation under gravity are analytically treated in the case of quasi- continuous outcoupling with appropriate approximations, discussed in the text. We derive an expression for the atom laser wave function and a generalized rate equation for the trapped atoms that agrees quantitatively with the experimental results of [6].

We consider a87Rb BEC in theF 苷1hyperfine level atT 苷0K. Them苷 21state is confined in a harmonic magnetic potentialVtrap12M共vx2x21 v2y2 1 v2z2兲. A rf magnetic fieldBrfBrfcos共vrftexcan induce tran- sitions to m苷 0 (nontrapping state) and m 苷11 (ex- pelling state). The condensate three-component spinor

wave function C0 苷 关cm0m21,0,11 obeys a set of cou- pled nonlinear Schrödinger equations [11]. We consider the “weak coupling limit” [12] relevant to all experiments done so far with a quasicontinuous atom laser [6]. In this regime to be defined more precisely later, the cou- pling strength is low enough that the populations Nm of the three Zeeman sublevels obey the following inequality:

N11 øN0ø N21. In the rest of this paper, we therefore restrict ourselves tom 苷21andm 苷0, and set the total atomic density nr兲 艐jc21r,t兲j2.

At this stage, the components cm 苷cm0 e2imvrft obey, under the rotating wave approximation, the following two coupled equations:

ih¯ ≠c21

≠t 苷关hd¯ rf1H21兴c211 hV¯ rf

2 c0, (1) ih¯ ≠c0

≠t 苷H0c0 1 hV¯ rf

2 c21, (2)

with H21p2兾2M 1Vtrap 1Ujc21j2 and H0p2兾2M 2Mgz 1 Ujc21j2. The strength of interactions is fixed by U 苷4ph¯2aNM,a艐5nm being the diffu- sion length, and N the initial number of trapped atoms.

The rf outcoupler is described by the detuning from the bottom of the trap hd¯ rfVoff 2 hv¯ rf and the Rabi frequency hV¯ rf 苷mBBrf兾2p

2 (taking the Landé factor gF 苷21兾2). The origin of the z axis is at the center of the condensate, displaced by gravity from the trap center by zsagg兾v2. We have taken the zero of energy at z 苷 0in m 苷0, so that the level splitting at the bottom of the trap is Voff 苷 mBB0兾21 Mg2兾2v2 (B0 is the bias field).

The evolution of the m 苷21 sublevel at T 苷0K is described [13] by a decomposition of the wave function into a condensed part and an orthogonal one that describes elementary excitations (quasiparticles). AsH21 depends on time throughjc21j, both the coefficients and the eigen- modes depend on time. However, we assume an adiabatic evolution of the trapped BEC [14], so that the uncondensed component remains negligible and

c21r,t兲 艐a共t兲f21r,te2i Rt

0mt0兲兾h1d¯ rfdt0

, (3) 0031-9007兾01兾86(21)兾4729(4)$15.00 © 2001 The American Physical Society 4729


wherea共t兲苷关N21t兲兾N12. The time-dependent ground state f21, of energy m is, in the Thomas-Fermi (TF) approximation [13], f21r,t兲苷共m兾U12关12 r˜2 2


z212, where r˜2 苷 共xx021共yy02 and z˜ 苷zz0

are such that r˜2 1z˜2# 1. The BEC dimensions are, respectively, x0 苷共2m兾Mvx212 and y0z0 苷 共2m兾Mv212. The condensate energy is given by m苷 共hv¯ 兾2兲 共15aN21兾s兲25 [we have set v 苷共vxv213 and s 苷共h¯兾Mv12]. The time dependence of f21 is contained in m, x0, y0, and z0, which decrease with N21t兲. In the following, we will take typical val- ues corresponding to the situation of [6] (reported in [10]): N 苷73105 atoms initially, vx 苷 2p 313Hz and v 苷2p 3140Hz, which gives x0 艐55.7 mm, z0 艐5.3mm, andm兾h艐2.2kHz.

For the m苷 0 state, the Hamiltonian of Eq. (2) with Vrf苷 0 becomes in the TF approximation [15]:

H0p2兾2M 2Mgz 1 mmax关0, 12 r˜2 2z˜2兴. There is a clear hierarchy in the energy scales associated with each term inH0. For the atom numbers involved in current experiments,m兾Mgz0is small, and the mean-field term is only a perturbation as compared with gravity. The leading term is therefore the gravitational potential that subsequently converts into kinetic energy along z. By contrast, the transverse kinetic energy (along x and y) remains small. Therefore, we neglect the spa- tial variations of the mean field potential and con- sider in the following the approximated Hamiltonian H0p2兾2M 2 Mgz.

The eigenstates of H0 are factorized products of one- dimensional wave functions along the three axes. In the horizontal plane 共x,y兲, the eigenstates are plane waves with wave vectors kx, ky that we quantize with periodic boundary conditions in a 2D box of size L. Conse- quently, the wave function is f0x,y兲 苷L21eikxx1kyy and the density of states rxyL2兾4p2. Along the vertical direction z, the normalizable solution of the 1D Schrödinger equation in a gravitational field is [16]

f0zEzA ?Ai共2zEz兲, where Ai is the Airy function of the first kind and zEz 苷共z 2zEz兲兾l. The classical turning pointzEz 苷2EzMgassociated with the vertical energy Ez labels the vertical solution; l 苷共h¯2兾2M2g13 is a length scale, such that l øx0,y0,z0 (for87Rb, l 艐 0.28 mm). In order to normalize Ai and to work out the density of states, we restrict the wave function to the domain 兴2`,H兴, where the boundary at zH can be arbitrarily far from the origin. In 兴2`,zEz兴, Ai falls off exponentially over a distance l, while it can be identified with its asymptotic form Ai共2s兲 艐 p12s214cos共2s32兾32 p兾4兲 for s*0. To lead- ing order in H, by averaging the fast oscillating cos2 term to 1兾2, we obtain the normalization factor A苷 共pH212l12. The longitudinal density of states follows from rzEz兲 苷h21dVdEz, where V 苷 Rdz dpzu共Ez 2 pz2兾2M 1Mgz兲 (with u the step function) is the volume in phase space associated with

energies lower than Ez. We restrict the z space to the domain defined above, and the pz space to pz $ 0.

In this way, we do not count the component of Ai that propagates opposite to gravity [17]. We obtain rzzEz兲 苷共1兾2pl兲H12. Finally, the output modes are given by f0nr兲 苷f0x,y兲f0zEzz兲, where n stands for the quantum numbers共kx,ky,zEz兲, and the density of modes isr3Dn 苷共1兾8p3L2H12l.

Thus, the problem is reduced to the coupling of an initially populated bound state m 苷21, of en- ergy E21hd¯ rf1 m to a quasicontinuum of final states m苷 0, with a total energy E0nh¯2kx21ky2兲兾 2M 2MgzEz. A crucial feature in this problem is the resonant bell shape of the coupling matrix element Wfi 苷 共hV¯ rf兾2兲 具f0njf21典. We work out the overlap integral In 苷具f0njf21典 in reduced cylindrical coor- dinates 共r˜,u, ˜z兲 and set k˜2 苷共kxx02 1共kyy02. We integrate over u and r˜, and transform the sum over z with the Parseval relation [18] to obtainIn 苷2pAx0y0L共m兾U12R`

2`g˜共k,˜ y兲eiz0l兲共y332yzEzldy. In this integral, g˜ is the Fourier transform with respect to z of g共k, ˜˜ z兲 苷共pcosp2 sinp兲兾k˜3, with p共k, ˜˜ z兲k˜共12z˜212, and 共2p兲212eiy332yzEzl the Fourier transform of Ai. Sincez0l ¿ 1, the integrand averages to zero out of a small neighborhood of the origin, where the linear term iny is dominant. We obtain in this way

In 苷2p Al L


U x0y0g共k, ˜˜ zEz兲. (4) This overlap integral is nonvanishing only if the ac- cessible final energies E0nE21 are approximately restricted to an interval 关2D兾2,D兾2兴, where D苷 2Mgz0 ⬃22.7 kHz. This gives a resonance condition for the frequencyvrf[6,14]:

jhd¯ rfj& Mgz0. (5) Two different behaviors can be expected in such a situa- tion [14,19]. In the strong coupling regime (hG ¿ D, whereGis the decay rate worked out with the Fermi golden rule), Rabi oscillations occur between the BEC bound state and the narrow-band continuum. This describes the pulsed atom laser experimentally realized by Mewes et al.[3].

Conversely, in the weak coupling limit (hG øD), oscil- lations persist only for t # tch兾D, while for t $ tc, the evolution of the BEC bound state is a monotonic de- cay. We have numerically verified this behavior on a 1D simulation analogous to [10] (see Fig. 1a).

Equation (2) can be formally integrated [14] with the help of the propagator G0 of H0: C0r,t兲苷

Vrf 2i

Rt 0dt0R

d3r0G0r,t;r0,t0兲C21r0,t0兲. Together with Eqs. (1) and (3), we can derive an exact integro- differential equation on a2, the fraction of atoms re- maining in the BEC. In the weak coupling regime, the condition hG ø D expresses the fact that the memory time of the continuumtCis much shorter than the damping time of the condensate level. This allows one to make 4730


FIG. 1. (a) A 1D numerical integration of the time evolution of the laser intensity starting with


atoms forVrf

300Hz shows that, fort ¿tc, a quasisteady state is achieved. (b) The spatial intensity profile of the atom laser according to Eq. (9) is shown fort¿tc.

a Born-Markov approximation [14,20], which yields the rate equation:


dt 苷 2G共N21N21. (6) The output rateG is given by the Fermi golden rule. By neglecting the transverse kinetic energy as compared to E21, we obtain


V2rf 艐 15p 32

¯ h

Dmax关0, 12 h22, (7) with h苷 22E21兾D. The rate equation (6) is nonlin- ear, sinceG depends onN21throughD苷2Mgz0. From Eq. (7) and the condition for weak coupling hG øD, we deduce a critical Rabi frequencyVrfC ⬃0.8D兾h¯ below which a quasicontinuous output is obtained. Moreover, we have assumed from the beginning that the BEC decay was adiabatic. This requires j≠h21兾≠tj⬃Gmø e2ih,¯ whereeiis the energy of theith quasiparticle level in the trap. Takingei* hv¯ , we deduce from Eq. (7) a con- dition on the Rabi frequency: Vrfø 1.6共gz012. This condition turns out to be much more stringent than the con- dition for weak couplingVrf ø VrfC.

To compare our model to the data of Blochet al.[6], we have numerically integrated Eq. (6) with the output rate (7) and their experimental parameters. We show in Fig. 2a (re- spectively, Fig. 2b) the number of atoms remaining in the jF 苷 1;mF 苷21典(respectively,jF 苷2;mF 苷 2典) con- densate after a fixed time as a function of the detuning. In the latter case, the condensate is coupled to the continuum via the intermediate statejF 苷2;mF 苷1典. If we neglect the mutual interaction between these two bound states, the

FIG. 2. The number of trapped atoms after 20 ms of rf out- coupling, starting with


3105 condensed atoms, Vrf

312Hz for thej1;21典sublevel (left), and


3105 atoms, Vrf

700Hz for thej2; 2典sublevel (right) is plotted versus the coupler frequency. Diamonds are the experimental points from [6]; solid line is the prediction based upon our model using the experimental parameters. The experimental curves have been shifted in frequency to match theory, sinceVoff is not experi- mentally known precisely enough (within a kHz uncertainty).

upper level acquires a decay rate G2,2 ⬃G2,1兾2 for near resonant coupling and forVrf¿ G2,1 [19]. HereG2,1 re- sults from Eq. (7) applied to the relay state.

The quantitative agreement between theory and experi- ments underlines the importance of gravity and dimension- ality in this problem. On one hand, the width and depth of the resonance curve depend directly on the strength of gravity g. On the other hand, in a 1D calculation, the output rate is found to be roughly 3 times higher [10].

The discrepancies on the wings might be explained by the presence of uncondensed atoms near the condensate boundaries [14].

Finally, we want to point out that, since hG ø D, the spatial region where outcoupling takes place, of vertical extensiondz ⬃hG兾mg, is very thin compared to the BEC size. Outcoupling can thus be understood semiclassically, in analogy with a Franck-Condon principle [21]: the cou- pling happens at the turning point of the classical trajectory of the free falling atoms. Neglecting the transverse kinetic energy in the calculation ofG amounts to approximating the Franck-Condon surfaces, whose curvature should be small over the size of the BEC, by planes.

We have analyzed so far the extraction of the atoms from the trapped BEC. We address now the question of the propagation of the outcoupled atoms under gravity. For timest ¿ tc, the explicit expression of the propagatorG0

ofH0 is [22]

G0r,r0,t 苷t 2t0兲 苷 µ M



eiSclassr,r0,tt2t0u共t兲. (8) Here, the classical action is given bySclassr,r0,t 苷t 2 t0兲 苷 共M兾2 ¯ht兲 关共r 2 r02 1 gt2z 1z0兲 2g2t4兾12兴 andu is the step function. We compute the output wave function C0 with stationary phase approximations. This amounts to propagating the wave function along the


classical trajectory: in the limit whereSclass ¿ h¯ (this is true as soon as the atom has fallen from a heightl), this is the Feynman path that essentially contributes. We obtain the following expression for the outcoupled atomic wave function i.e., the atom laser mode [23] (see Fig. 1b):

c0r,t兲 艐p

p hV¯ rf 2Mgl

3 C21r,zres,t 2tfallei23jzresj3兾22idrftfall pjzresj12 3Mt,tfall兲. (9) In this expression, zres苷 hz0 is the point of extraction, tfall 苷共2兾g12z 2zres12 is the time of fall from this point, zres 苷共z 2 zres兲兾l, and Mt,tfall兲 is unity if 0# tfall #t and zero elsewhere: it describes the finite ex- tent of the atom laser due to the finite coupling time. We can deduce from Eq. (9) the size of the laser beam in thexdirectionxoutx0关12 共2E21兾D兲212, and a simi- lar formula for yout. Because the semiclassical approxi- mation neglects the quantum velocity spread due to the spatial confinement of the trapped BEC, this wave func- tion has planar wave fronts. This property will not per- sist beyond a distancezRyout4 兾4l3 ⬃a few mm, analog to the Rayleigh length in photonic laser beams, where the transverse diffraction共h¯兾Myout兲 共2zRg12becomes com- parable to the sizeyout. Beyond zR, diffraction has to be taken into account.

In conclusion, we have obtained analytical expressions for the output rate and the output mode of a quasicontinu- ous atom laser based on rf outcoupling from a trapped BEC. Our treatment, which fully takes the gravity and the 3D geometry into account, leads to a quantitative agree- ment with the experimental results of Ref. [6]. This points out the crucial role played by gravity in the atom laser behavior. Generalization to other coupling schemes is straightforward and should allow one to investigate the role of gravity in these cases. In more elaborated treatments, interactions between the trapped and the outcoupled atoms should be taken into account to describe the transverse dy- namics. Finite temperature effects [14] might be relevant as well. Nevertheless, the good agreement with experi- mental data shows that the present zero-temperature theory is a valuable starting point to describe experiments with the atom laser.

We are grateful to Y. Castin for his help in the calcu- lation of the overlap integral. We would like to thank the members of the IOTA Atom Optics group for stimulating discussions, in particular, the BEC team: G. Delannoy, Y. Le Coq, S. A. Rangwala, S. Richard, S. Seidelin, and especially J. H. Thywissen for his careful reading of the manuscript, as well as J. Dalibard for his valuable com- ments. This work is supported by CNRS, DGA (Contract

No. 99 34 050) and EU (Contract No. HPRN-CT-2000- 00125).

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