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Internal correlations of a single polymer chain


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1986

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Internal correlations of a single polymer chain

L. Schäfer, A. Baumgärtner

To cite this version:

L. Schäfer, A. Baumgärtner. Internal correlations of a single polymer chain. Journal de Physique,

1986, 47 (9), pp.1431-1444. �10.1051/jphys:019860047090143100�. �jpa-00210338�


Internal correlations of a single polymer chain

L. Schäfer and A. Baumgärtner (*)

Fachbereich Physik, Universität Essen, D-4300 Essen, F.R.G.

Institut für Festkörperforschung der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, D-5170 Jülich, F.R.G.

(Reçu le 28 fgvrier 1986, accepté le 22 mai 1986)



Nous calculons à l’ordre d’une boucle les correlations de deux segments, désignés par n1 et n1 + n, d’une chaine de polymère en interaction avec elle-même de longueur n1 + n + n3. Nous analysons en détail le

second moment et le premier moment inverse de la fonction de structure. Nous présentons des résultats de calculs de Monte Carlo pour ces quantités sous forme de fonctions d’échelle dépendant des rapports n1/n et n3/n. Ces

fonctions deviennent universelles dans la limite du volume exclu. Nous trouvons un bon accord entre les résultats

numériques et analytiques. Nos résultats permettent une vérification détaillée de l’hypothèse de « blob » utilisée communément pour expliquer la différence entre le gonflement du rayon hydrodynamique RH et celui du rayon de

gyration RG. Nous trouvons que le modèle de « blob » n’est pas valable parce qu’il néglige des effets de bout impor-

tant. Nos calculs de Monte Carlo suggèrent que la rigidité à courte distance pourrait être responsable de la dif

férence observée expérimentalement entre RH et RG.



We calculate to one loop order the correlations of two segments labelled n1 and n1 + n in a self interacting polymer chain of length n1 + n + n3. The second moment and the first inverse moment of the structure function are analysed in detail. Results of extensive Monte Carlo calculations for these quantities are presented

in the form of scaling functions depending on n1/n, n3/n. These functions become universal in the excluded volume limit. Numerical and analytical results are found to agree well. Our results allow for a detailed check of the blob

hypothesis commonly used to explain the difference in the swelling of the hydrodynamic radius RH as compared to

the radius of gyration RG. We find that the blob model is not valid, due to the neglect of important end effects. Our

Monte Carlo calculations point to short range stiffness as source of the experimentally observed difference between

RH and RG.

Classification Physics Abstracts






1. Introduction.

An analysis of the internal structure of a single long

chain molecule in solution is a nontrivial task which has attracted some attention during the last years.

This problem is of interest not only in its own right

but also with respect to the apparent difference in the behaviour of the hydrodynamic radius RH as compa- red to the radius of gyration RG’ Most experiments

find [1] ] that the effective exponent vH governing the

chain length dependence of RH is systematically smaller

than the corresponding exponent VG. This finding -,


being not without contradiction [2] -, can be explai-

ned [3] in an intuitively appealing way by the idea of

« temperature blobs » [4]. The blob concept assumes that internal parts of length n of a chain are less

swollen than the total chain, their swelling factor being given approximately by that of a chain of total

length n. The different weighting of internal parts inherent in RH as compared to RG then explains the

difference in the effective exponents. To check this idea one clearly has to analyse the internal correlations in more detail.

Internal correlations cannot be measured easily.

They have been evaluated numerically by exact

enumeration [5] or Monte-Carlo [6-10] methods.

On the theoretical side normal pertubation expan- sions [11-13] for small excluded volume have been

presented, which via Flory-type [14] or renormaliza- tion [15] arguments have been extended to the region

of large excluded volume. Some proper renorma- lization group [R.G.] results exist for the distribution function of the internal distances [16, 17], and the

2nth moment of this function recently has been dis- cussed in detail [18]. All the different methods agree in their qualitative results. In particular it is now well

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019860047090143100


established that the swelling crucially depends on the position along the chain of the internal part under consideration. A part in the center of the chain shows

considerably larger swelling than a part of the same length but near the end of the chain. Obviously this

effect casts doubt on simple applications of the blob concept [7, 9].

Despite the extensive work published there remain

a number of open questions.

(i) The second moment r;ltnl +n > of the correla- tion function between segments ni, ni + n (compare Fig. 1) has been discussed in detail [ 18]. This moment

can be used to evaluate RJ. For the corresponding

evaluation of RH we need a R.G. calculation of

C I rn l,n 1 + n I - 1 > which has not yet been presented

Instead, the approximation

has been used, the validity of which is doubtful.

Fig. 1.


Notation for internal correlations used in this work.

(ii) No comparison has been made between R.G.

results for r;b"1 +" > or ( r"b"1 +" ,-1 > and Monte

Carlo data. Thus the accuracy of the analytical results

is not known.

(iii) No critical quantitative analysis of the blob-

hypothesis, based on a detailed understanding of the

internal correlations, has been published In parti- cular, the explanation of the discrepancy among vG and vH has not been checked.

It is the aim of this contribution to clarify these

three aspects. Concerning the first point we here strongly rely on work of J. Grigat and one of the pre- sent authors which has been laid down in reference [19].

To treat the second point we carry through additional

extensive Monte Carlo calculations. To clarify the

third point we compare RG, RH as calculated directly

via R.G. methods to results arising from various ver-

sions of the blob hypothesis.

Our analysis, combining the results of R.G. and Monte Carlo calculations, leads to the result that the blob model should not be taken as a valid represen- tation of internal correlations. It misses important

effects and leads to wrong results for RH.

The structure of our paper is as follows. In section 2

we present one-loop results for r;t,n’l +n) and

I rnt,nl +n 1-1 ). Section 3 is devoted to our Monte Carlo calculations. Section 4 contains the comparison

between numerical and analytic results. RG and RH

are calculated in section 5, and section 6 contains the

analysis of the blob model. In section 7 we summarize

our conclusions.

2. Renormalization group results for internal corre-



selfinteracting chain with N Gaussian segments to calculate the correlation function for two segments

n 1, n 1 + n (see Fig. 1). In momentum representation

this function is defined as



In (2.1) 3 denotes the partition function of a single

chain so that S is normalized :

1 is the mean size of a Gaussian segment and P. > 0

denotes the (dimensionless) excluded volume para- meter. To first order in P,, equation (2.1) is easily evaluated, provided we invoke the condition N > 1 to replace summations over segment indices by integrals. We find




The h represent the contributions of the diagrams

of figure 2. The other one loop diagrams drop out. As

usual we have written the spatial dimensionality of the

system as d


4 - E, and we have expanded the diagrammatic contributions in powers of E. In (2.6)

yEu denotes Euler’s constant.

,Due to logarithmic divergencies in the limit9of large

chain length expressions (2.4)-(2.8) are not directly

useful. The R.G. provides .the additional information needed to set up a sensible theory in all the parameter range. It proves and exploits the fact that physical quantities like (T are invariant under a change of the microscopic length scale 1 --+ 11A, provided the other

Fig. 2. -1-loop diagrams contributing to the internal correlation function.

parameters (n, N, n 1, Pe) are changed appropriately.

The method has often been explained in the literature and we thus only present the equations defining our

renormalization scheme. (We use massless renorma-

lization. For more information see [20] and references

given therein.) The unrenormalized parameters are related to renormalized counterparts via equations

where (2 .11 ) stands for the renormalization of any

chain length so that the ratios n-1, n3, N (Eq. (2. 5ii))

are invariant under the R.G. The renormalization factors Z4/ZZ, ZIZ2 are determined as power series in g by imposing normalization conditions on certain renormalized correlation functions. We here need the results


Substituting equations (2.10)-(2.13) into equations (2.4)-(2.9) we find the renormalized probability

distribution (1)

(1) After this work was finished we received a preprint by

B. Duplantier in which he also calculates this function. His

result is given in terms of different variables and in a less

explicit form but is equivalent to ours.



Exploiting the structure of the dilatation group

together with the expansions (2.12) (2.13) carried to higher orders one derives differential equations gover-

ning the A-dependence of the renormalized parame- ters. Integrating these equations one finds within the present renormalization scheme

Here v, OJ denote critical exponents, taking the values

in three dimensions. f is related to g by

where g*


8/4 + 0(82) is the renormalized fixed

point coupling constant. The excluded volume limit is reached for f


1 corresponding to £ - 0. The para-

meter fo, which givesf(A


1), is some unknown, but regular, function of fie and thus of temperature. In the limit fie 8 it is given by equations (2.10), (2.12)

for £ = l,g-+O:

Equations (2.16), (2. 17) are based on a second order calculation of the renormalization factors.

It is useful to define a generalization of the z-para- meter of the well known two-parameter theory as

Near the 0-temperature we can assume fo - T - 0,

in which case the theory reduces to the two-parameter scheme as has been discussed in detail in reference [20].

Equations (2.14), (2.19) present the basic equations

to be evaluated in the following. Some lengthy calcu-

lation [19] shows that the Fourier transform of

s(q, n, nl, n3) to order c is consistent with the result of Oono and Ohta [17] and thus also with the limiting

power laws given by Des Cloizeaux [16].

In the renormalized formalism A is still a free parameter which has to be choosen in a sensible way.

The standard procedure is to identify 11A with some

correlation length of the system. Here we will employ

and compare two different prescriptions.

A. We fix A by the condition

leading to

This corresponds to r,’ , ,,, ,, > - 1’/ A’ and is a

natural condition as long as we concentrate on internal correlations.

B. We fix A by the condition

corresponding to ( r§ ) - [2/;’2, a natural condition if we are concerned with properties of the whole chain.

2.2 CALCULATION OF r; 1, n 1 +n).


The second

moment of S is defined as

A simple calculation yields

Using equations (2.16); (2.17), (2.19) we can write the prefactor as


for T -+ 0 reduces to the internal distance at the 0-

point. We thus find the swelling factor

Of interest to us is also the ratio

giving the excess swelling due to the presence of the

end pieces nl, n3.


Fixing £ by choice A : nR{À)


1, we eliminate nR

from these equations and find f


f(z), a#


«#(z, fii, n2), PE = PE{zn, fii, n2). In the excluded volume limit zn -+ 00, Le. f -+ 1, PE becomes a universal

function of n 1, n2 with limiting « universal ratios »

All these results coincide with those [18] given by Duplantier, who has extensively discussed the depen-

dence of the swelling on nl, n3, N. We here want to

add of only a figure showing the swelling OC2(Z", nii nl)

a piece of length n in the middle of a finite length

chain as function of Zn 1’0; n1/2 [d = 3]. Figure 3 shows clearly that even outside the excluded volume limit the

swelling takes its maximum value for some pair of segments well separated from the ends of the chain.

More numerical results are given in section 4.

2. 3 CALCULATION OF I’n I, n I +n I - 1 >.


To cal-

culate the first inverse moment we use the represen- tation

Fig 3.


Upper curve : swelling of a part of length n in the

centre of an infinite chain. Lower curve : end-end swelling

of a chain of total length n. Curves zN = 10 or z,


20 :

swelling of the central part (length n, n3 == nl) of finite

chains characterized by total length z-parameters zN



or 20, respectively. For zn -+ 0 the curves coincide with

oe’(z., oo, oo). They end for z.


zN (i.e. n 1


0) on the

curve aE(zn, 0, 0).

The evaluation of the integral is straightforward but lengthy. (Compare Ref. [15]). We present the result for the hydrodynamic swelling factor

We find

In evaluating this result we again fix £ by condition A : nR


1, thus writing (XHE as function (XHE(Zn, nt, n3). The integral (2.36) can be evaluated analytically in the limiting cases x


0 or x


oo to yield

(Note that the same notation a


0,1, 3 for the limiting cases has been used in Ref. [18].)


Again we can define the excess swelling which in the excluded volume limit becomes a universal function

of nl, n3 :

The ratio connecting RE and RH also reduces to a universal function in the excluded volume limit

It takes the limiting values

where a is defined as in equation (2.37). With the help

of an elegant analytical continuation these limiting

cases for RH have also been evaluated in reference [18].

For PEIH it is easily checked that the results given there

coincide with those presented here.

The results (2.40) demonstrate that the swelling again depends crucially on the position along the

chain of the piece considered, the swelling being

stronger in the middle of the chain. Comparing equation (2.30) and equation (2.40) one finds that

the effect is even stronger for RH than for RE. To explain this we refer to the small distance behaviour of the spatial distribution function. As des Cloizeaux has shown [16] 5(r) behaves as

where 00 01 03. Thus the probability of a close

encounter of the ends of a subchain decreases if the subchain is shifted from the end to the middle of the chain. This effect qualitatively explains the position dependence of the excess swelling pE, PH, and since RH,

as compared to RE, weights small distances stronger it is clear that PH should exceed pE.

Numerical evaluation of the complicated expres-

sio (2.39) reveals the surprising fact that pH in all

the parameter range is almost proportional to pE : PH I"’tJ 1.55 pE. Plots for PH therefore look similar

to those for pE which have been presented in refe-

rence [18] (1/2 Fi in that reference coincides with pE).

Further numerical evaluation will be found in section 4 where we compare our analytical work to Monte

Carlo results.

3. Monte Carlo simulations.

The polymer is modelled by the « pearl-necklace »

chain consisting of N + 1 hard spheres of diameter h


0.531 freely jointed together by N rigid links of length I. The specific size of the hard spheres has been

chosen in order to avoid as much as possible non- asymptotic contribution to the excluded volume effect arising from microstructural properties inherent

to any polymer model. In fact, it has been shown by

Monte Carlo renormalization methods [8, 23] applied

to the pearl-necklace model, that at the fixed point (hll)* -- 0.53 the r.m.s. end-to-end distance exhibit

asymptotic properties (i.e. R oc NO.59) down to very short chains of N = 20.

Ensembles of configurations have been generated by the conventional kink-jump technique [24] : a

chain configuration is changed locally by trying

rotations of two successive links around the axis

joining their end points, by an angle 0 chosen ran-

domly from the interval (- AO, AO). The parameter

AO is arbitrary. If an end point of the chain is chosen


the terminal link is rotated to a new position by specifying two randomly chosen angles (0, 0) in three dimensions, with cos 0 being equally distributed in the interval - 1 cos 9 1. If the particular sphere

in its new position intersects with any other sphere

of the chain, the trial configuration is discarded and the old configuration is retained and counted as

the « new » one.

Simulations have been performed for 6 N + 1 160. Estimates of internal distances rå > and

1 rij 1- 1 > with 1 i, j N have been obtained from

averaging over 3 x 104 (for N + 1 = 160) to 106 (for N + 1 = 6) uncorrelated configurations. The

correlation time n separating uncorrelated configura-

tions has been taken in the order of n > N 2’2, which

is the well known typical relaxation time of self-

avoiding chains. The statistical error has been esti- mated from the fluctuations of the data; it is in the order of less than 2 %.

4. Comparison of numerical and analytical results.

Figure 4 shows a doubly logarithmic plot of several length scales characteristic of the total chain. Besides

R2(N, 0, 0) and Rii l(N, 0, 0) we also have plotted

the radius of gyration

and the hydrodynamic radius

Over a large range of N all these quantities except for the hydrodynamic radius follow a power law which cannot be distinguished from the theoretical law R ’" NV ’" NO.588. This suggests that our numerical calculations are well within the excluded volume limit.

This interpretation is confirmed by the evaluation of several universal ratios which in table I are com-

pared to the results of the e-expansion.

Not too surprising the N-dependence of the hydro- dynamic radius RH(N) differs markedly from that of

the other length scales. Extracting from RH(N) an

effective exponent we would find a N-dependent vH,

definitely smaller than v. The non-asymptotic beha-

viour is clearly exhibited in figure 5, where RH(N)/

RH(N, 0, 0) is plotted as function of N -’1’. In the excluded volume region this ratio takes a constant value which from figure 5 is estimated to be close to 0.8, but the range of N considered here does not cover the

asymptotic region for that ratio. We will come back to this result below.

Fig 4.


Doubly logarithmic plot of length scales of the total chain as function of N. Squares and circles give the

Monte Carlo data

a) R’ and R’/;. The straight lines give the power law N 1.18.

b) RH ’(N) and RH I(N, 0, 0). The straight lines represent the power law N -0.59

Table I.


Universal ratios.

(1) WITTEN, T. A., SCHAFER, L., J. Phys. A 11 (1978)


(2) Extrapolated from figure 5.

(3) BENHAMOU, M., MAHoux, G., J. Physique Lett. 46

(1985) L-689.


Fig. 5.


Monte Carlo data for the ratio 4/3 RH(N)IRH(N, 0, 0) plotted as function of N-1/2 . The straight line serves to extrapolate to N



All the other quantities, including RH 1(N, 0, 0),

N > 20, are well described by the asymptotic laws.

Therefore it is justified to compare the numerically

determined excess swelling pE, PH to analytical results

evaluated in the excluded volume limit. In figure 6

we have plotted

N-n N-n

forni = 0, n-3 =n z = oo ; or n, =n3 = 2n ’




oo, as function of n/N. Similarily, in figure 7,

Fig. 6. _ p2 00,0, N-n (upper n part) and I p2 3 00, N-n 2n


2 n ) (lower part). Monte Carlo data for different values of N and n are given. The full lines represent the one loop approximation of section 2.2. The estimated error of the data is indicated

Fig 7.


PH oo, 0, ---n- (upper part) and 1 3 PH 00, 2’n ’

2ït (lower part). M onte Carlo data for different values of N and n are given. The full lines represent the one loop approximation of section 2.3. The estimated error of the data is indicated

n - N-N-B ’ven.

n or ( N - n 2 n given

In the excluded volume limit all these functions are

universal. This is verified here by the scaling behaviour.

Within the numerical uncertainty the data for dif- ferent values of n trace out the same curve. Further- more, the numerical data fall close to the theoretical

curves calculated from the results of section 2. This

good agreement suggests that we indeed have found adequate results for the internal correlations.

To exhibit the deviations from the excluded volume limit which occur if we consider very short (n 20) parts of the chains, in figure 8 we have plotted

as function of ni for several values of N


n + 2 iij.

For n large enough the Monte Carlo data for this

quantity scale as expected For n 15 scaling breaks

down and the data drop down to zero in a way depend- ing on N. This was to be expected, since in the limit

n === 1 the ratio (4.4) has to vanish. Much less expected, however, is the fact that this sharp drop cannot be

understood on the basis of the cross-over equation (2.21) for the effective coupling constant Of course,

also the effective coupling constant decreases with

decreasing n, but the well established crossover form

(2.21) leads to a much slower decrease. A typical result,

where the single nonuniversal parameter of the cross-


Fig. 8.


Ri(n, Ei, nt)/Ri(n, 0, 2 Ei) - 1 as function of nt.

Monte Carlo data for three different chain lengths are given. The full curve gives the theoretical excluded volume limit. The broken curve gives typical theoretical cross-over

behaviour. The data shown do not use the full statistics of

our calculations, which explains the larger scatter of the points.

over calculation is fitted close to the plateau value,

is included in figure 8.

We believe that this marked difference between

analytical and numerical results reflects the difference in the microstructure of the chain models used The Gaussian model has a very soft microstructure,

whereas the Monte Carlo chain is fairly stiff. Thus short parts of the Monte Carlo chain can only weakly

react on the presence of other parts of the chain, an

effect which cannot be simulated by the Gaussian model. Similar effects of chain stiffness have also been

reported by Mattice. (See the discussion connected to Fig.1 in the second paper of Ref. [9].)

We then are led to believe that also the non-asymp- totic behaviour of RH(N) shown in figure 5 is a conse-

quence of microstructure rather than indicating cross-

over from excluded volume to 0-conditions. Within the Gaussian model we expect a smooth cross-over of 4/3 RH(N)/RH(N, 0, 0) from - 0.84 in the excluded volume limit to 1 in the 0-limit. Figure 5 shows no sign of such a behaviour. Rather the simple propor-

tionality to N - 1/2 exhibited there points to the importance of nonuniversal microstructure effects.

We note that a quite similar result can be found in reference [25], where RH(N) has been calculated by

Monte Carlo methods using chains on a lattice. Near the 0-point the behaviour Rii 1 N -1/2 (1-Cons>

N - 1/2) is found Clearly this is again a microstructure effect not contained in the Gaussian model (2).

Comparing figure 5a of the first paper of reference [6]

or figure 4 of the first paper of reference [9] to figure 3 given here one finds that the previous Monte Carlo

work qualitatively agrees with our results. For a

quantitative comparison we have extracted from

figure 3 of reference [7] values of p2 , averaged over n 1

(2) We thank B. Duplantier for bringing this reference to our attention.

for fixed n, N. In the excluded volume limit ( cp


0 »)

these data agree well with the e-expansion. Qualita- tively the recent work of reference [10] also agrees with our results, on the quantitative level, however,

there is a marked difference. The data for different chain lengths do not scale, and the maximum value of the excess swelling is about 50 % larger than our


5. Correlation lengths of the total chain.



We calculate the

swelling factor

Replacing summations by integrals and using equa- tions (2 , 28) and (4 .1) we find

The n 1-integral is easily evaluated to yield


Before evaluating the integral (5.5) we need to fix the

scale parameter Ä. To be precise, 0152i(nR, x) is strictly

invariant under a change of Ä, so that the choice of A is

irrelevant provided we know 0152i exactly. Given only an approximate result, however, the choice of A may become an important question. Normally one cal-

culates a’ (N) from the segment-density correlation function which involves only N as chain length

variable. Then condition B : NR(A)


1, is the natural and distinguished choice. With this choice f


f (zN) becomes independent of x, and nR = nR/NR x NR



The integral 5.5 can easily be evaluated analytically

to yield


Choice B



f (zN) is given by equation (2.23). In the 0- or

excluded volume-limits equation (5. 7) yields

These results are also found from a direct calculation

[20] of the segment density correlation function.

(We note that in Ref. [20] A was chosen in a different

but equivalent way. The results are easily shown to be equivalent to 0(s), and numerically they can be brought

into excellent agreement by rescaling zN).

We also can fix A by the choice A : ng(£)



Then the term - In nR in equation (5. 6) vanishes,

but f becomes a function of zn = zN Xe/2. The resulting integral can be evaluated analytically only in limiting

cases. We find Choice A

The excluded volume limit happens to be insensitive to the choice of A, in contrast to the limit zN 1.

Numerical evaluation of aG for all zN shows, however,

that the region where choices A and B differ, is res-

tricted to very small zN where a$ = 1. In figure 9 we

Fig. 9.


aJ(ZN). The upper curve gives the result of the one loop calculation. The curve identified as « Blob(E) » gives

the result of the blob model as explained in section 6.

have plotted aG(zN) calculated according to choice A,

and on the scale of that figure, no difference between choice A and B is found



The derivation of the previous section can be repeated for the hydro- dynamic radius.

We again introduce the swelling factor

where RH,o has been defined in equation (2.33).

Carrying through the n 1-integration we find

With choice B, aH 1 again can be evaluated analytically.

Choice B


limiting behaviour :

With choice A we have to evaluate aH 1 numerically.

Choice A

Limiting behaviour :

The cross-over behaviour is plotted in figure 10.

Fig. 10.


One loop results for aH 1 (zH). Curves indicated A

or B are calculated from the full 0 (E) result for aÐA(nR’ nl, n3) fixing Z, by choice A or B, respectively. The insert gives these

functions for small values of zN. The curves identified as

« Blob » (E) or (G) represent different versions of the blob

model, as explained in section 6.

As shown in this figure, the choice of A definitely influences our result for aH 1, mainly because of the 10 %

difference in the coefficients of the excluded volume behaviour.

To understand this difference we analyse the excluded volume form of the integral (5.11). With choice A

we find

where G(x) stands for the square bracket in equation (5.12) with the term 1/2 ln nR omitted With choice B the

corresponding expression reads

1 03B5

Since v = 1 + T6 + 0 E2 these two expressions coin-

cide in order s. In the numerical evaluation, however,

the replacement x - v ,X- 0.588 -+ x-o.s 1 _ 1 16 In x

makes a big effect in the region of small x, which

yields an important contribution to the integral.

The same analysis can be carried through for R 2

In the resulting integral additional powers of x sup- press the region x 1, and therefore both methods

yield almost the same result.

For (Xu 1 there remains the question which choice

should be preferred We have stressed above that

this question arises only in connection with the


approximation at hand, thus in principle it can be

answered only by calculating higher order corrections.

Inspecting our result, we however find some reason to prefer choice A : as is shown in the insert of figure 10,

aH 1, calculated according to choice B, changes the

curvature for small zN. Since for zH 1 we do not

expect cxii 1 to show much structure, we believe that this is an artifact of the method. This points to choice A

as the better approximation.

Finally we analyse the ratio RG/RH.

Fig. 11.


Effective exponents v G or v, as function of In zN.

VH has been calculated with choosing A according to pres-

cription A.

(From Ref. [15] the somewhat different result RG/RH


4/(3Jn)(1 + 0.07 f) can be extracted We do not understand the source of the difference.) According

to equation (5.20) the cross-over behaviour of RG

or RH is essentially the same. Specifically, we can

calculate the difference in the effective exponents

In the last step we have used equation (2.23). The

result yields the estimate vG - vH 0.001.

Choice A

Equations (5.9),(5.17) yield in the excluded volume limit

In figure 11 we have plotted the cross-over behaviour of vG or VH’ It is seen that vH VG over a large range of zN, the difference being quite small, however : vG - vH 0.007.

6. Critical analysis of the blob hypothesis.

Most experiments yield a difference vG - vH of the effective exponents which considerably exceeds our

result The experiments have been explained with the help of the blob hypothesis [3]. For the sake of our

discussion we decompose this hypothesis into three


(i) The internal correlations T(q, n, n1, n3) are go- verned by the same effective coupling constant as the

end-to-end correlations of a chain of n segments.

(ii) For calculating RG or Rii 1 we can replace (Xi(zn’ nl’ n3) or aH 1(zn, ni, n3) by (Xi(zn’ 0, 0) or ot 2 (Z., 0, 0)) -1/2, respectively.

(iii) The crude model

is sufficient for qualitative understanding as well as semiquantitative calculations.

Step (iii) has been discussed extensively in the literature, and improved models have been suggested [21, 22]. Here we are not concerned with this aspect of the blob model.

The first part of the hypothesis is most delicate.

We have stressed above, that the choice of A-, and

thus of f


f(A)-, is irrelevant provided the exact

form of T(q) is known. As part of the blob hypothesis

statement (i) is used to argue that to a good approxi-

mation ,the nR-dependence of cxE(HE)(nR’ nt, n3) can be represented by cxE(HE)(nR’ 0, 0). Now the relation

with &E(HE)(7il’ n3) independent of nR, indeed holds to first order. (Compare Eqs. (2.29) or (2.34).) Equa-

tion (6.2), however, cannot hold rigorously since it implies that &E(HE) is independent of the coupling

constant f :


Thus the nR-dependence, and therefore the crossover

behaviour, of 0152E(ÐE)(nR, n1’ n3) must di ff er from that

of 0152E(ÐE)(nR’ 0, 0).

Being valid in first order, equation (6. 2) still suggests that the choice nR(A)


1, being the natural condition for 0152E(ÐE)(nR’ 0, 0), is a good choice for 0152E(HE)(nR, ni, n3),

too. This also is supported by our discussion of

aH 1 (ZN) for zN ;$ 1 (see Fig. 10). We therefore favour choice A : nR(A)


1, which takes account of part (i) of

the blob hypothesis.

Part (ii) is discussed more easily. As is obvious from all the present and previous work the approximation 0152E(HE)(Zn, nl, n3) - aE(zn, 0, 0) misses part of the swel-

ling. This excess swelling can be interpreted as an

effect of the correlation hole and thus has a well defined physical origin. To show its effect in figures 9

and 10 we have included the « blob-model » results for ocG(zN) or 0152M 1 (ZN) calculated according to equa- tions (5.5) or (5.11), respectively, with 0152E(HE)(nR


1, x) replaced by the end to end swelling factor aE(nR = 1, x = 1). The results (o Blob(E) ») clearly

demonstrate the great importance of the excess swelling.

One might try to take the excess swelling into

account by replacing [7] in the blob model the swelling

function aE(nR


1, x


1) by aE(nR


1, x) ; i.e. by

the swelling of r;ttnl +n > averaged over the position

of the piece n


xN within the chain (compare Eq. (5.6)). By construction this is rigorous for R/;.

For RH, however, the approximation aH 1(nR


X) 0152F: 1 (nR


1, x) still misses part of the swelling, as is

obvious from figure 10 (curve « Blob(G) »). This was

to be expected, since the excess swelling of 0152HE(Zn, nl, n3) is stronger than that of aE(zn, fill li3).

In summary we here have shown that the blob model misses an important physical effect, viz the

excess swelling due to the correlation hole. This effect to a large extend cancels the influence of the chain length dependence of the effective coupling

constant considered in the blob model. As a result,

0152O(H)(ZN) is found quite close to the values calculated without recourse to internal correlations. Incidentally

we note that this discussion leads us to be quite

sceptical concerning the interpretation of the numeri-

cal data of reference [25] with the help of the blob model.

7. Conclusions.

We have evaluated analytically and numerically the

second moment and the first inverse moment of the internal distance distribution in an isolated polymer

chain. The results agree very well over a wide range of parameters, thus suggesting that our results provide

a valid basis for further quantitative analysis. The only serious difference occurs for very short pieces

of the chain. These deviations might be interpreted

as indicating a failure of our analytical work to describe properly the cross-over behaviour from the Gaussian to the self-avoiding fixed point. We believe that this is not so. On the one hand, no reasonable modification of the flow equations (2.16), (2.17) can describe the

sharp drop apparent in figure 8. On the other hand

our flow equations have been shown to explain almost quantitatively the cross-over behaviour of a large variety of experimental data [20]. Therefore the expla-

nation of the deviations has to be seached outside the

self-interacting Gaussian model. As explained in

section 4, we believe that they reflect the stiffness of the Monte Carlo chain.

Qualitatively the difference in the behaviour of

RH(N) as compared to §(N) shown by the Monte

Carlo data strongly resembles the experimental results.

Our analysis therefore suggests that also the experi-

mental results for vH are disturbed by microstructure effects which are outside the frame of the Gaussian chain model. The blob model cannot consistently explain

the results. It neglects the important excess swelling

of the interior parts, an effect which is of the same order of magnitude as the influence of the chain length dependence of the effective coupling constant. Impro-

ved versions, being based on some averaged value of E ni, n3) still miss about half of the excess swelling

of cxHE(n, nl, n3). Therefore we see no simple substitute

for the full calculation of the internal correlations.


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