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Quantum field theory Exercises 4.


Academic year: 2022

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Quantum field theory Exercises 4.


•Exercise 4.1.

Consider a massive particle moving with velocityv=tanhη.

• Show that, ifE is the energy of the particle and p its momentum along the propogation direction, then

η= 1

2logE+p E−p.

• Verify that under a boost in the direction of motion of the particle with velocityv0 (and corresponding rapidityη0=arctanhv0)ηtransforms additively


•Exercise 4.2.

Prove that, ifψR andξRare right-handed Weyl spinors,ξRσµψR is a four-vector, and simi- larly forξLσ¯µψL, whereξLL are left-handed Weyl spinors.

•Exercise 4.3.

Find the explicit form of the variation of an antisymmetric tensorFµ ν under an infinites- imal Lorentz transformation. Writing F0i =−Ei and Fi j = −εi jkBk, find the infinitesimal transformation ofEiandBi.



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