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Capacitary estimates of solutions of semilinear parabolic equations


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Capacitary estimates of solutions of semilinear parabolic equations

Moshe Marcus, Laurent Veron

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Moshe Marcus, Laurent Veron. Capacitary estimates of solutions of semilinear parabolic equations.

2006. �hal-00282315v5�


Capacitary estimates of solutions of semilinear parabolic equations

Moshe Marcus

Department of Mathematics, Technion, Haifa, ISRAEL

Laurent Veron

Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Tours, FRANCE


We prove that any positive solution oftu∆u+uq = 0 (q >1) inRN ×(0,) with initial trace (F,0), whereF is a closed subset ofRN can be represented, up to two universal multiplicative constants, by a series involving the Bessel capacityC2/q,q. As a consequence we prove that there exists a unique positive solution of the equation with such an initial trace. We also characterize the blow-up set ofu(x, t) whent0 , by using the ”density” of F expressed in terms of theC2/q,q-Bessel capacity.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35K05;35K55; 31C15; 31B10; 31C40.

Key words. Heat equation; singularities; Borel measures; Besov spaces; real interpolation; Bessel capacities; quasi- additivity; capacitary measures; Wiener type test; initial trace.


1 Introduction 2

2 Estimates from above 6

2.1 Capacities and Besov spaces . . . 7

2.1.1 Lp regularity . . . 7

2.1.2 The Aronszajn-Slobodeckij integral . . . 8

2.1.3 Heat potential and Besov space . . . 10

2.2 GlobalLq-estimates . . . 13

2.3 Pointwise estimates . . . 15

2.4 The upper Wiener test . . . 21

3 Estimate from below 27 3.1 Estimate from below of the solution of the heat equation . . . 28

3.2 Estimate from above of the nonlinear term . . . 29

4 Applications 42

A Appendix 44


1 Introduction

Let T ∈(0,∞] and QT = RN ×(0, T] (N ≥1). If q > 1 and u ∈ C2(QT) is nonnegative and verifies

tu−∆u+uq = 0 inQT, (1.1)

it has been proven by Marcus and V´eron [28] that there exists a unique outer-regular positive Borel measure ν inRN such that

limt0u(., t) =ν, (1.2)

in the sense of Borel measures; the set of such measures is denoted by Breg

+ (RN). To each of its element ν is associated a unique couple (Sν, µν) (we writeν ≈(Sν, µν)) where Sν, the singular part of ν, is a closed subset ofRN and µν,the regular part is a nonnegative Radon measure on Rν =RN\ Sν. In this setting, relation (1.2) has the following meaning :

(i) limt→0R

Rνu(., t)ζdx= Z


ζdµν, ∀ζ ∈C0(Rν), (ii) limt0



u(., t)dx=∞, ∀O ⊂RN open, O ∩ Sν 6=∅.


The measure ν is by definition the initial trace of u and denoted byT rRN(u). It is wellknown that equation (1.1) admits a critical exponent

1< q < qc = 1 +N 2.

This is due to the fact, proven by Brezis and Friedman [7], that if q ≥qc, isolated singularities of solutions of (1.1) in RN \ {0} are removable. Conversely, if 1 < q < qc, it is proven by the same authors that for any k >0, equation (1.1) admits a unique solution u0 with initial data kδ0. This existence and uniqueness results extends in a simple way if the initial data kδ0 is replaced by any Radon measure µin RN (see [6]). Furthermore, ifk → ∞,u0 increases and converges to a positive, radial and self-similar solution u of (1.1). Writing it under the form u(x, t) =tq−11 f(|x|/√

t),f is a positive solution of

( ∆f+12y.Df +q−11 f −fq= 0 in RN lim|y|→∞|y|q21 f(y) = 0.

(1.4) The existence, uniqueness and the expression of the asymptotics off has been studied thoroughly by Brezis, Peletier and Terman in [8]. Later on, Marcus and V´eron proved in [28] that in the same range of exponents, for any ν∈Breg

+ (RN), the Cauchy problem ( ∂tu−∆u+uq= 0 inQ,

T rRN(u) =ν, (1.5)

admits a unique positive solution. This result means that the initial trace establishes a one to one correspondence between the set of positive solutions of (1.1) andBreg

+ (RN). A key step for proving the uniqueness is the following inequalities


t)≤u(x, t)≤((q−1)t)q11 ∀(x, t)∈Q, (1.6)


valid for any a ∈ Sν. As a consequence of Brezis and Friedman’s result, if q ≥ qc, i.e. in the supercritical range, Problem (1.5) may admit no solution at all. If ν ∈ Breg

+ (RN), ν ≈ (Sν, µν), the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a maximal solution u =uν to Problem (1.5) are obtained in [28] and expressed in terms of the the Bessel capacity C2/q,q, (with q =q/(q−1)). Furthermore, uniqueness does not hold in general as it was pointed out by Le Gall [23]. In the particular case where Sν =∅and ν is simply the Radon measureµν, the necessary and sufficient condition for solvability is that µν does not charge Borel subsets with C2/q,q-capacity zero. This result was already proven by Baras and Pierre [5] in the particular case of bounded measures and extended by Marcus and V´eron [28] to the general case. We denote by Mq

+(RN) the positive cone of the space Mq(RN) of Radon measures which do not charge Borel subsets with zeroC2/q,q-capacity. Notice thatW2/q,q(RN)∩Mb+(RN) is a subset of Mq

+(RN) where Mb+(RN) is the cone of positive bounded Radon mesures in RN. For such measures, uniqueness always holds and we denoteuµν =uµν.

In view of the already known results concerning the parabolic equation, it is useful to recall the main advanced results previously obtained for the stationary equation

−∆u+uq = 0 in Ω, (1.7)

in a smooth bounded domain Ω of RN. This equation has been intensively studied since 1993, both by probabilists (Le Gall, Dynkin, Kuznetsov) and by analysts (Marcus, V´eron). The existence of a boundary trace for positive solutions, in the class of outer-regular positive Borel measures on∂Ω, is proven by Le Gall [22], [23] in the caseq=N = 2, by probabilistic methods, and by Marcus and V´eron in [26], [27] in the general case q > 1, N > 1. The existence of a critical exponent qe = (N + 1)/(N −1) is due to Gmira and V´eron [14] who shew that, if q ≥qe boundary isolated singularities of solutions of (1.7) are removable, which is not the case if 1< q < qe. In thissubcritical case Le Gall and Marcus and V´eron proved that the boundary trace establishes a one to one correspondence between positive solutions of (1.7) in Ω and outer regular positive Borel measures on∂Ω. This fundamental result does not hold in thesupercritical case q≥qe. In [12] Dynkin and Kuznetsov introduced the notion ofσ-moderate solution which means that u is a positive solution of (1.7) such that there exists an increasing sequence of positive Radon measures on ∂Ω {µn} belonging to W−2/q,q(∂Ω) such that the corresponding solutions v=vµn of

−∆v+vq = 0 in Ω

v=µn in ∂Ω (1.8)

converges to u locally uniformly in Ω. This class of solutions plays a fundamental role since Dynkin and Kuznetsov proved that aσ-moderate solution of (1.7) is uniquely determined by its fine trace, a new notion of trace introduced in order to avoid the non-uniqueness phenomena.

Later on, it is proved by Mselati (if q = 2) [36], then by Dynkin (if qe ≤ q ≤ 2) [10] and finally by Marcus with no restriction on q [25], that all the positive solutions of (1.7) are σ- moderate. One of the key-stones element in their proof (partially probabilistic) is the fact that the maximal solution uK of (1.7) with a boundary trace vanishing outside a compact subset K ⊂∂Ω is indeedσ-moderate. This deep result was obtained by a combination of probabilistic and analytic methods by Mselati [36] in the caseq = 2 and by purely analytic tools by Marcus and V´eron [31], [32] in the case q ≥ qe. Defining uK as the largest σ-moderate solution of


(1.7) with a boundary trace concentrated on K, the crucial step in Marcus-V´eron’s proof (non probabilistic) is the bilateral estimate satisfied by uK and uK

C1ρ(x)WK(x)≤uK(x)≤uK(x)≤Cρ(x)WK(x). (1.9) In this expressionC=C(Ω, q),ρ(x) = dist (x, ∂Ω) andWF(x) is theelliptic capacitary potential of K defined by

WK(x) = X


2m(q+1)q−1 C2/q,q(2mKm(x)), (1.10) where Km(x) = K∩ {z : 2m1 ≤ |z−x| ≤2m}, the Bessel capacity being relative to RN1. Note that, using a technique introduced in [27], inequality uK≤C2uK impliesuK =uK.

The aim of this article is to initiate the fine study of the complete initial trace problem for positive solutions of (1.1) in the supercritical caseq≥qc and to give in particular the parabolic counterparts of the results of [36], [31] and [32]. Extending Dynkin’s ideas to the parabolic case, we introduce the following notion

Definition 1.1 A positive solution u of (1.1) is called σ-moderate if their exists an increasing sequence {µn} ⊂W2/q,q(RN)∩Mb

+(RN) such that the corresponding solution u:=uµn of ( ∂tu−∆u+uq= 0 in Q

u(x,0) =µn in RN, (1.11)

converges to u locally uniformly in Q.

IfF is a closed subset of RN, we denote byuF the maximal solution of (1.1) with an initial trace vanishing on Fc, and byuF the maximalσ-moderate solution of (1.1) with an initial trace vanishing onFc. Thus uF is defined by

uF = sup{uµ:µ∈W2/q,q(RN)∩Mb

+(RN), µ(Fc) = 0}, (1.12) (and clearly W2/q,q(RN)∩Mb+(RN) can be replaced by Mq

+(RN)). One of the main goal of this article is to prove that uF isσ-moderate and more precisely,

Theorem 1.2 For any q >1 and any closed subsetF of RN, uF =uF.

We define below a set function which will play a fundamental role in the sequel.

Definition 1.3 Let F be a closed subset of RN. The Bessel parabolic capacitary potential WF of F is defined by

WF(x, t) = 1 tN2

X n=0




Fn dn+1

∀(x, t)∈Q, (1.13) whereC2/q,q is theN-dimensional Bessel capacity,dn=√

ntandFn={y∈F :dn≤ |x−y| ≤dn+1}.


In our study, it is useful to introduce a variant ofWF with the help of the Besov capacity:

if Ω⊂RN is a bounded domain, we set kφkB2/q,q′ =




|x−y|N+q−12 dxdy


, (1.14)

if 1<2/q <1, and kφkB1,2 =k∇φkL2 if 2/q = 1 (i.e. N = 2 andq = 2). The Besov capacity of a compact set K⊂Ω relative to Ω is expressed by

R2/q,q = infn

kφkqB2/q,q′ :φ∈C0(Ω),0≤φ≤1, η = 1 on Ko

. (1.15)

The Besov-parabolic capacitary potential ˜WF ofF is defined by W˜F(x, t) =tN2

X n=0


2 q1

n+1 en4R2/q,qΓn Fn


∀(x, t)∈Q, (1.16) where Γn =Bdn+1\Bdn. The Besov-parabolic capacitary potential is equivariant with respect to the same scaling transformation which let (1.1) invariant in the sense that, for anyℓ >0,


ℓx, ℓt) = ˜WF/(x, t) ∀(x, t)∈Q. (1.17) and we prove that there exists c=c(N, q)>0 such that

c−1F(x, t)≤WF(x, t)≤cW˜F(x, t) ∀(x, t)∈Q. (1.18) One of the tool for proving Theorem 1.2 is the following bilateral estimate which is only meaningful in the supercritical case, otherwhile it reduces to (1.6);

Theorem 1.4 For any q ≥qc there exist two positive constants C1 ≥C2 > 0, depending only on N andq such that for any closed subsetF of RN, there holds

C2WF(x, t)≤uF(x, t)≤uF(x, t)≤C1WF(x, t) ∀(x, t)∈Q. (1.19) Actually our result is more general since the upper estimate in (1.19) is valid forany positive solution of

tu−∆u+uq≤0 inQT (1.20)


limt0u(x, t) = 0 locally uniformly inFc. (1.21) Extension to positive solutions of

tu−∆u+f(u) = 0 inQT (1.22)

where f is continuous fromR+ to R+ and satisfies

c2rq≤f(r)≤c1rq ∀r ≥0 (1.23)


for some 0< c2 ≤c1 is straightforward.

This quasi representation, up to uniformly upper and lower bounded functions, is also interesting in the sense that it indicates precisely how to characterize the blow-up points of uF =uF := uF. Introducing an integral expression comparable to WF, we show in particular the following results

τlim0τq−12 −NC2/q,q(F∩Bτ(x)) =γ ∈[0,∞) =⇒lim

t0tq−11 uF(x, t) =Cγ (1.24) for someCγ =C(N, q, γ)>0, and

lim sup

τ→0 τq−12 C2/q,q


τ ∩B1(x)

<∞=⇒lim sup

t→0 uF(x, t)<∞. (1.25) Our paper is organized as follows. In Section1 we recall some properties of the Besov spaces with fractional derivatives Bs,p and their links with heat equation. In Section 2 we obtain estimates from above on uF. In Section 3 we give estimates from below on uF. In Section 4 we prove the main theorems and expose various consequences. In Appendix we derive a series of sharp integral inequalities.

Aknowledgements The authors are grateful to the European RTN Contract N HPRN-CT- 2002-00274 for the support provided in the realization of this work. The authors are grateful to Luc Tartar for providing them the proof of the sharp Poincar´e inequality Proposition 2.5 and related references.

2 Estimates from above

Some notations. Let Ω be a domain inRN with a compact C2 boundary andT >0. SetBr(a) the open ball of radius r >0 and center a (andBr(0) :=Br) and

QT := Ω×(0, T), ∂QT =∂Ω×(0, T), QT :=QRTN, Q:=QRN.

LetH[.] (resp. H[.]) denote the heat potential in Ω with zero lateral boundary data (resp. the heat potential in RN) with corresponding kernel

(x, y, t)7→H(x, y, t) (resp.(x, y, t)7→H(x, y, t) = (4πt)N2e|xy|

2 4t ).

We denote by qc := 1 + N2, the Brezis-Friedman critical exponent.

Theorem 2.1 Let q ≥ qc. Then there exists a positive constant C1 = C1(N, q) such that for any closed subset F of RN and any u∈C2(Q)∩C(Q\F) satisfying

tu−∆u+uq = 0 in Q

limt0u(x, t) = 0 locally uniformly in Fc, (2.1) there holds

u(x, t)≤C1WF(x, t) ∀(x, t)∈Q, (2.2) where WF is the (2/q, q)-parabolic capacitary potential of F defined by (1.13).


First we consider the case whereF =K is compact and

K ⊂Br⊂Br, (2.3)

and then we extend to the general case by a covering argument.

2.1 Capacities and Besov spaces 2.1.1 Lp regularity

Throughout this paper C will denote a generic positive constant, depending only on N, q and sometimes T, the value of which may vary from one occurrence to another. We also use sometimes the notation A ≈B for meaning that there exists a constant C >0 independent of the data such that C1A≤B ≤CA.

We recall some classical results dealing with Lp capacities as they are developed in [5]: if 1< p <∞ we denote

Wp2,1(RN+1) :={φ∈Lp(RN+1) :∂tφ,∇φ, D2φ∈Lp(RN+1)}, (2.4) with the associated norm

kφkWp2,1 =kφkLp+k∇φkLp+k∂tφkLp+ D2φ

Lp. (2.5)

We define a corresponding capacity on compact sets, that we extend it classicaly on capacitable sets.

C2,1,p(E) = inf{kφkWp2,1 :φ∈C0(RN+1) :φ≥1 in a neighborhood ofE}, (2.6) We extend the heat kernel H inRN+1 ={(x, t)∈RN ×R} by assigning the value 0 for t <0.

Then, for any η∈C0(RN),

H[η](x, t) =

0 if t <0

H∗(η⊗δ0)(x, t) if t >0, (2.7) where δ0 has to be understood as the Dirac measure on Rat t= 0. For any subset E ∈RN+1

CH,p(E) = inf{kfkLp:f ∈Lp(RN+1), H∗f ≥1 onE}. (2.8) The following result is proved in [5, Prop 2.1].

Proposition 2.2 For any T >0, there existsc=c(T, p, N) such that

c−1CH,p(E)≤C2,1,p(E) ≤cCH,p(E) ∀E ⊂RN×]−T, T[, E Borel. (2.9) We recall the Gagliardo Nirenberg inequality valid for anyφ∈C0(Rd)

k∇φk2pL2p ≤cd,pkφkpL



Lp. (2.10)


Furthermore, the trace at t = 0 of functions in Wp2,1 belongs to the Besov space B22p,p(RN).

However, in our range of exponents B2p2,p(RN) = W2p2,p(RN). The reason for this is that 2−2p is not an integer except if p= 2, in which case equality holds also. If we set


p,p(K) = inf{kφk

W2−2p ,p :φ∈C0(RN), φ≥1 in a neighborhood of K}. (2.11) then [5, Prop 2.3].

Proposition 2.3 There exist c=c(N, p)>0 such that c−1c22

p,p(E)≤C2,1,p(E× {0})≤cc22

p,p(E) ∀E⊂RN, E Borel. (2.12) Thec22

p,p-capacity is equivalent to the Bessel capacity C22

p,p defined by C22

p,p(E) = inf{kfkLp :f ∈Lp(RN), G22

p ∗f ≥1 on E} (2.13) whereG22

p =F[(1+|ξ|2)1p1] denotes the Bessel kernel associated to the operator (−∆+I)11p. 2.1.2 The Aronszajn-Slobodeckij integral

If Ω is a domain in RN and 0< s <1, we denote by k.kB˙s,p(Ω) the Aronszajn-Slobodeckij norm defined onC0(Ω) by

kηkB˙s,p = Z Z



|x−y|N+sp dxdy 1/p

∀η∈C0(Ω). (2.14) In the case 1< s <2, all the results which are presented still holds by replacing the function by its gradient. We also consider the case s= 1, but in our range of exponents the corresponding exponent for p is 2, in which case the space under consideration is just H01(Ω). Since the imbedding of W1,p(Ω) is compact, it follows the imbedding of Bs,p(Ω) into Lp(Ω) is compact too. Therefore the following Poincar´e type inequality holds [39, p. 134]. Actually, the proof, obtained by contradiction, is given with W1,p(Ω) instead ofBs,p(Ω), but it depends only on the compactness of the imbedding.

Proposition 2.4 Let Ω be a bounded domain and,p∈(1,∞) and 0< s≤1 such that sp≤N. Then there exists λ=λ(Ω, N, p)>0 such that




|x−y|N+sp dxdy ≥λ Z

|η(x)|pdx ∀η∈C0(Ω). (2.15) Remark. Ifsp > N, the same proof re holds for allη ∈C0(Ω) (see the proof of [9, Th 8.2])




|x−y|N+sp dxdy 1/p


|z−z|α ∀(z, z)∈Ω×Ω, z6=z, (2.16)


withα =s−N/pand C=C(s, N, p). This estimate implies Z Z



|x−y|N+sp dxdy 1/p

≥CdαkukL, (2.17) where dis the width of Ω, i.e. the smallest of δ >0 such that there exists an isometry Rsuch that R(Ω)⊂Dδ :={x= (x1, x) : 0< x1 < δ}.

The related unpublished result due to L. Tartar [40] will be useful in the sequel. We reproduce its proof for the sake of completeness.

Proposition 2.5 Assume b > a and Ω⊂ Γa,b := {x = (x1, x) : a < x1 < b} is a domain. If sp≤N there existsC =C(s, p, N, b/a)>0 such that that




|x−y|N+sp dxdy ≥λ(b−a)sp Z

|η(x)|pdx ∀η ∈C0(Ω). (2.18) Proof. Using the notation of [24], Ws,p(RN) is the interpolation space [W1,p(RN), Lp(RN)]s,p and subset of Lp(RN1; [W1,p(R), LpR]s,p) = Lp(RN1;Ws,p(R)), with continuous imbedding.

Thus there existC >0 such that kηkpLp+





|η(x1, x)−η(y1, x)|p

|x1−y1|1+sp dx1dy1dx


kηkpLp+ Z Z



|x−y|N+sp dxdy


for all η ∈ C0(RN). This inequality is valid if η is replaced by ητ where ητ(x) = η(τ x) and τ >0. This gives

kηkpLpspN Z




|η(x1, x)−η(y1, x)|p

|x1−y1|1+sp dx1dy1dx


kηkpLpsp−N Z Z



|x−y|N+sp dxdy


Letting τ →0, we obtained Z





|x1−y1|1+sp dx1dy1dx ≤C Z Z



|x−y|N+sp dxdy ∀η∈C0(RN).

(2.20) Using Proposition 2.4 with N = 1 we get

Z 1


Z 1


|η(x1, x)−η(y1, x)|p

|x1−y1|1+sp |dx1dy1≥λ Z 1

0 |η(x1, x)|pdx1 ∀η∈C0 (0,1)×RN1 for all x ∈RN−1. Using a standard change of scale, it transforms into

Z b


Z b


|η(x1, x)−η(y1, x)|p

|x1−y1|1+sp |dx1dy1≥λ(b−a)sp Z b

a |η(x1, x)|pdx1 ∀η∈C0 (a, b)×RN−1 Integrating over RN1 and using (2.20), we derive (2.18).


Definition 2.6 Assume s∈(0,1) and sp <1 or s= 1and p = 2. IfΩ is any domain in RN, the Besov space B0s,p(Ω) is the closure of C0(Ω)with respect to the norm

kηkBs,p =kηkB˙s,p +kηkLp. (2.21) The following result is derived from Proposition 2.5.

Corollary 2.7 Let b > a > 0 and Ω be an open domain of RN such that Ω⊂ Bb\Ba. Then there exists a constant C =C(s, p, N)>0 such that for any η∈C0(Ω)

kηkB˙s,p ≤ kηkBs,p ≤C(b−a)spkηkB˙s,p. (2.22) 2.1.3 Heat potential and Besov space

If η∈C0(Ω), we extend it by 0 outside Ω and set kηkB˜s,p =




pdxdt t


(2.23) It is well known (see e.g. [3]) that the Besov space Bs,p(Ω) can be defined directly as the space of η ∈Lp(Ω) functions such that kηkB˙s,p <∞ or or such that kηkB˜s,p <∞. It coincides with the the interpolation space

W2,p(Ω), Lp(Ω)

s/2,p (see [24]). Furthermore, there exists C =C(s, p, N)>0 such that

C1 kηkLp+kηkB˙s,p

≤ kηkLp+kηkB˜s,p ≤C kηkLp+kηkB˙s,p

∀η∈Bs,p(Ω). (2.24) Lemma 2.8 Assume0< s <1and1< p <∞or s= 1andp= 2. Then there exists a positive constant C, depending only ons, p, N, such that for any domain Ω, there holds

C−1kηkB˙s,p ≤ kηkB˜s,p ≤CkηkB˙s,p ∀η∈C0(Ω). (2.25) Proof. Letη∈C0(RN) andτ >0. Setητ(x) =η(τ x), then (2.25) applied to ητ yields to

C−1 kηkLpskηkB˙s,p

≤ kηkLpskηkB˜s,p

≤C kηkLpskηkB˙s,p


Since it holds for any arbitrary large τ and η∈C0(RN), (2.25) follows.

We denote byT(K) the set of functions η ∈C0(Ω) such that 0≤η ≤1 and η = 1 onK.

If Ω is a bounded subset of RN, we define the Besov capacity of a compact setK⊂Ω⊂RN by Rs,p(K) = inf{kηkpB˙s,p :η∈ T(K)}, (2.26) and the Bessel capacity relative to Ω by

Cs,p (K) = inf{kηkpBs,p :η∈ T(K)}. (2.27) We extend classicaly this capacity to any capacitable setK⊂Ω. This capacity has the following scaling property.


Lemma 2.9 For any τ >0 and any capacitable set K ⊂Ω, there holds

Rs,p(K) =τNspRs,pτ−11K). (2.28) Furthermore, if Ω⊂Bb\Ba, there exists c=c(b−a, b/a, N, s, p)>0 such that

c1Cs,p (K)≤Rs,p(K)≤cCs,p (K). (2.29) Finally, if K ⊂Ω ⊂Ω ⊂Ω, there existsc=c(N, s, p,dist (Ω,Ωc)) such that

Cs,p(K)≤Cs,p (K)≤cCs,p(K). (2.30) Proof. The scaling property (2.28) is clear by change of variable. Estimate (2.29) is a con- sequence of Definition 2.6 and Proposition 2.5. For the last statement, the left-hand side is obvious. For the right-hand side, consider a smooth nonnegative cut-off functionζwhich is 1 on Ω, has value between 0 and 1 and has compact support in Ω. If η∈ TRN(K),ζη∈ T(K) and

kζηkpBs,p =kζηkpLp(Ω)+kζηkpB˙s,p

≤ kηkpLp(Ω)+kηkpB˙s,p+kζkpB˙s,kηkpLp

≤ckηkpBs,p, where

kζkB˙s, = sup




and c≈1 + (dist (Ω,Ωc))−s. The proof follows.

In the sequel we assume thatq≥qc and we takep=qands= 2/q. IfK ⊂Ω, Ω is bounded and η∈ T(K), we set

R[η] =|∇H[η]|2+|∂tH[η]|. (2.31) Lemma 2.10 There existsC =C(N, q)>0 such that for every η∈ T(K)

kηkqB˜2/q,q′ ≤ Z Z


(R[η])qdx dt:=kR[η]kqLq′ ≤CkηkqB˜2/q,q′ (2.32) Proof. Using (2.23) and Lemma 2.8, it follows from Corollary 2.7 that

kηkqB˜2/q,q′ ≈ Z Z


Using the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality in RN, an elementary elliptic estimate and the fact that 0≤H[η]≤1, we see that


RN|∇(H[η](., t))|2qdx≤C

D2H[η](., t)


Lq′kH[η](., t)kqL≤Ck∆H[η](., t)kqLq′ , (2.33) for all t >0. Since∂tH[η] = ∆H[η], it implies (2.32).


The dual spaceB2/q,q(Ω) ofB2/q,q(Ω) is naturally endowed with the norm kµkB2/q,q = supn

µ(η) :η∈B2/q,q(Ω),kηkB2/q,q′ ≤1o .

The following result is may be already known, but we have not found it in the literature.

If µis a bounded measure in RN, we denote byH[µ] the solution of heat equation in Q with initial data µ.

Lemma 2.11 Assume q ≥qc. For any T >0, there exist a constant c >0 such that, for any bounded measure µ belonging toB2/q,q(RN), there holds

c1kµkB2/q,q(RN)≤ kH[µ]kLq(QT)≤ckµkB2/q,q(RN). (2.34) Furthermore, if q > qc there holds

c1kµkB−2/q,q(RN)≤ kH[µ]kLq(Q)≤ckµkB−2/q,q(RN)+ckµkM(RN). (2.35) .

Proof. Ifµ∈B2/q,q(RN), there exists a uniqueω ∈B22/q,q(RN) such thatµ= (I−∆)ω, and kµkB2/q,q ≈ kωkB22/q,q. Applying standard interpolation methods to the analytic semi-group e−t(I−∆)=e−tet∆(see e.g. [3], [41]) we obtain,




qdxeqtdt t


= Z Z



qdxeqtdt t


≈ kωkB2−2/q,q

≈ kµkB2/q,q.



e−qT Z Z



qdxdt t ≤




qdxeqtdt t , and





t =






qdxe−qtdt t










!Z Z



q dt t .

This implies (2.34). Furthermore, k|H[µ](., t)|kqLq ≤ctN(q1)/2kµkqM, thus H[µ] ∈ Lq(Q) if q > qc (but this does not hold if q=qc). Ifq > qc (equivalently N(q−1)/2>1),





qdxdt t =

X n=0




qdxdt t

= Z Z



qdxdt t +






≤ Z Z



qdxdt t +C

X n=1


! kµkqM.

Thus we obtain (2.35).

2.2 Global Lq-estimates

Let ρ > 0, we assume (2.3) holds. With the previous notations, Tr,r+ρ(K) denotes the set of functions η∈C0(Br+ρ), such that 0≤η≤1 and value 1 onK. Ifη ∈ Tr,ρ(K), we set

η= 1−η and ζ =H[η]2q.

Lemma 2.12 Assume u is a positive solution of (2.1) in Q. There exists C =C(N, q) >0 such that for every T >0 and every compact set K⊂Br,



uqζdx dt+ Z


(uζ)(x, T)dx≤CkR[η]kqLq′ ∀η∈ Tr,ρ(K). (2.37) Proof. We recall that there always holds

0≤u(x, t)≤ 1

t(q−1) q1


∀(x, t)∈Q, (2.38)


0≤u(x, t)≤

C t+ (|x| −r)2


∀(x, t)∈Q\Br×R, (2.39) by the Brezis-Friedman estimate [7]. Since η vanishes in an open neighborhood N1, for any open subset N2 such thatK⊂ N2 ⊂ N2⊂ N1 there existc2 =cN2 >0 andC2 =CN2 >0 such that

H[η](x, t)≤C2ect2, ∀(x, t)∈QNT2. Therefore




(uζ)(x, t)dx= 0.

Thus ζ is an admissible test function and one has Z Z


uqζdx dt+ Z


(uζ)(x, T)dx= Z Z


u(∂tζ+ ∆ζ)dx dt. (2.40)


Notice that the two terms on the left-hand side are nonnegative. Put Hη =H[η], then

tζ+ ∆ζ = 2qH2q−1

η (∂tHη+ ∆Hη) + 2q(2q−1)H2q−2

η |∇Hη|2,

= 2qH2q−1

η (∂tHη+ ∆Hη) + 2q(2q−1)H2q2

η |∇Hη|2,

because Hη = 1−Hη, hence u(∂tζ+ ∆ζ) =uH2q/q




η |∇Hη|2−2qH2q12q/q

η (∆Hη +∂tHη)i .

Finally, since 2q−2−2q/q= 0 and 0≤Hη ≤1, there holds



u(∂tζ+ ∆ζ)dx dt

≤C(q) Z Z


uqζdx dt

1/qZ Z


Rq(η)dx dt 1/q



R(η) =|∇Hη|2+|∆Hη+∂tHη|.

Using Lemma 2.10 one obtains (2.37).

Proposition 2.13 Under the assumptions of Lemma 2.12, let r >0, ρ >0, T ≥(r+ρ)2 Er+ρ:={(x, t) :|x|2+t≤(r+ρ)2}

and Qr+ρ,T =QT \ Er+ρ. There exists C =C(N, q, T)>0 such that Z Z


uqdx dt+ Z


u(x, T)dx≤CkR[η]kqLq′ ∀η∈ Tr,ρ(K). (2.41) Proof. In view of Lemma 2.12 we only have to show that there exists a positive constantc(N, q) such that, for η as above and T ≥(r+ρ)2,

ζ =Hη2q > c(N, q).

Since, by assumption K⊂Br≡1 outsideBr+ρ and 0≤η ≤1, H[η](x, t)≥H[1−χBr+ρ](x, t) =

1 4πt

N2 Z



2 4t dy,

= 1− 1

4πt N2 Z



2 4t dy.

For (x, t) ∈Qr+ρ,T, putx = (r+ρ)ξ, y = (r+ρ)υ and t = (r+ρ)2τ. Then (ξ, τ) ∈Q1, T (r+ρ)2


1 4πt

N2 Z




4t dy =

1 4πτ

N2 Z



2 dυ.


We claim that max

( 1 4πτ

N2 Z




dυ : (ξ, τ)∈Q1, T (r+ρ)2


=ℓ, (2.42)

for someℓ=ℓ(N,(r+ρ)T 2)∈(0,1], andℓis actually independent of (r+ρ)T 2if this quantity is larger than 1. We recall that

1 4πτ

N2 Z




dυ <1 ∀τ >0. (2.43) If the maximum is achieved for some (¯ξ,τ¯)∈Q1, T


, it is smaller than 1 and

H[η](x, t) ≥H[1−χBr+ρ](x, t)≥1−ℓ >0, ∀(x, t)∈Qr+ρ,T. (2.44) Let us assume that the maximum is achieved following a sequence {(ξn, τn)} with τn → 0 and

n| →α ≥1. Then 1


N2 Z




4τn dυ =

1 4πτn

N2 Z




4τndυ≤ 1 2. To verify this, note that B1n)∩B1(−ξn) =∅, so that




2 4τndυ+




2 4τndυ <





4τndυ <1

and Z



2 4τndυ =




2 4τndυ.

If the supremum is achieved with a sequence{(ξn, τn)}such that|ξn| → ∞, the same argument applies. Finally if {ξn} is bounded but τn → ∞ then the expression in (2.43) tends to zero.

Therefore (2.43) holds. Put C= (1−ℓ)1, then Z Z


uqdx dt+ Z


u(., T)dx≤CkR[η]kqLq′, (2.45)

and (2.41) follows.

2.3 Pointwise estimates

In this subsection u is a positive solution of (2.1) in Q and the assumptions of Lemma 2.12 hold. We first derive a rough pointwise estimate.

Lemma 2.14 There exists a constant C=C(N, q)>0 such that, for any η ∈ Tr,ρ(K), u(x,(r+ 2ρ)2)≤ CkR[η]kqLq′

(ρ(r+ρ))N2 , ∀x∈RN. (2.46)


Proof. We recall that Z T




uqdx dt+ Z


u(x, T)dx= Z


u(x, s)dx ∀T > s >0, (2.47)

and Z


u(., s)dx≤CkR[η]kqLq′ ∀T > s≥(r+ρ)2, (2.48) by Proposition 2.13. Using the fact that

u(x, τ+s)≤H[u(., s)](x, τ)≤ 1

4πτ N2 Z


u(., s)dx,

(2.46) follows from (2.48) with s= (r+ρ)2 andτ = (r+ 2ρ)2−(r+ρ)2 ≈ρ(r+ρ).

The above estimate does not take into account the fact that u(x,0) = 0 if |x| ≥ r. It is mainly interesting if |x| ≤ r. In order to derive a sharper estimate which takes this fact into account, we need some lateral boundary estimates.

Lemma 2.15 Letγ ≥r+ 2ρ and c >0and either N = 1 or2 and0≤t≤cγ2 for some c >0, or N ≥3 and t >0. Then, for any η∈ Tr,ρ(K), there holds

Z t




udSdτ ≤C5γkR[η]kqLq′ . (2.49) where C >0 depends on N,q and c if N = 1,2 or depends only on N and q if N ≥3.

Proof. First we assume N = 1 or 2. PutGγ :=Bγc ×(−∞,0) and∂Gγ=∂Bγ×(−∞,0). We set

hγ(x) = 1− γ

|x|, and let ψγ be the solution of

τψγ+ ∆ψγ = 0 inGγ, ψγ = 0 on ∂Gγ, ψγ(.,0) =hγ inBγc.


Thus the function

ψ(x, τ) =˜ ψγ(γx, γ2τ) satisfies

tψ˜+ ∆ ˜ψ= 0 inG1 ψ˜= 0 on ∂G1 ψ(.,˜ 0) = ˜h inB1c,


and ˜h(x) = 1− |x|1. By the maximum principle 0≤ψ˜≤1, and by Hopf Lemma


∂n∂B1×[c,0]≥θ >0, (2.52)


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