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Barycenter and maximum likelihood


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Barycenter and maximum likelihood

Ruedi Flüge

, Ernst A. Ruh

Department of Mathematics, University of Fribourg, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland


We refine recent existence and uniqueness results, for the barycenter of points at infinity of Hadamard manifolds, to measures on the sphere at infinity of symmetric spaces of non compact type and, more specifically, to measures concentrated on single orbits.

The barycenter will be interpreted as the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of generalized Cauchy distributions on Furstenberg boundaries. As a spin-off, a new proof of the general Knight–Meyer characterization theorem will be given.

MSC:53C35; 53C30; 14M15; 62H12

Keywords:Barycenter; Furstenberg boundaries; Bruhat Lemma; Cauchy distribution; Maximum likelihood estimate

1. Introduction

Ordinary Cauchy distributions onRn may naturally be seen as the restriction, to an affine part in real projective spacePn, of its standard Riemannian measure. By doing so hidden symmetries become apparent. And consequently a larger group, namely SL(n+1,R), acts on these measures leaving the type, i.e. the images under affine transfor- mations, invariant. Moreover this fact characterizes the Cauchy type. This is the content of the originalKnight–Meyer characterization theorem. In Section4we give a new proof of it in the general setting:

Definition 1.LetGbe a semi simple Lie group of non compact type andQa parabolic subgroup. The (generalized) flag manifoldG/Qis also called aFurstenberg boundary. The family ofK-invariant probability measures onG/Q, KGmaximal compact, is said to be the (generalized)Cauchy type.

LetK be maximal compact and denote byμKM1(G/Q)the K-invariant member in the set of probability measures on G/Q. If a Furstenberg boundary G/Qis faithful, the map φ:G/KM1(G/Q), gKK is injective—see below. This happens for example if G is simple. The family of distributions is then parametrized by the symmetric space (of non compact type)M=G/K. Moreover the stabilizer subgroupsGξ of points at infinity

The authors were supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation Grants 20-67619.02, 200020-10501/1.

* Corresponding author.

E-mail address:ernst.ruh@unifr.ch(E.A. Ruh).

Ruedi Flüge died December 24, 2005.

Published in "Differential Geometry and its Applications 24(6): 660-669, 2006"

which should be cited to refer to this work.



ξM(∞)are parabolic subgroups, thus theG-orbits in the sphere at infinityM(∞)are Furstenberg boundaries.

We therefore are in the following situation:the sample space is part of the boundary of the parameter space. That is the point where Riemannian geometry comes into the picture: The notion of barycenter, whose existence and unique- ness is discussed in Sections2 and 3, coincides with the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of generalized Cauchy distributions, see Section5. This observation yields a very conceptional treatment of MLE by geometric reasoning.

Finally we like to mention two important ideas on which our paper is based: convexity and non-positive curvature, as well as the (generalized) Bruhat double coset lemma which is fundamental to the study of parabolic subgroups.

2. The barycenter

Let M be a Hadamard manifold and denote by M(∞) the sphere at infinity. Any point at infinity ξM(∞) determines a unit vector fieldXξonM:

Xξ=unit vector atppointing toξ.

These vector fields admit potentials, namely minus one times theBusemann functionsbξ(p). These are known to be convex (see[9]).

If a Borel probability measureμis given onM(∞), we form the following integrals:



Xξ(p)μ(dξ ) and bμ(p)=


bξ(p)μ(dξ ).

Note thatbμis convex as well.

Definition 2.A pointpMis called abarycenterofμif it satisfies the following equivalent conditions:

(1) Xμ(p)=0,

(2) pis a minimum ofbμ.

This notion of barycenter of measures at infinity has already been studied and fruitfully used for example in[5,7].

The set of barycenters of a measureμis a convex subset ofM. Recall that onM(∞)a well known metric is given by theangle metric:

(ξ, η)=sup

pM p

Xξ(p), Xη(p)

= lim

t→∞ γ (t)


γ (t) , Xη

γ (t) .

Where γ is a geodesic ray representing ξ, we writeξ =γ (∞). The last equality is Proposition 3.1.3 in[9]. The link to the asymptotic behavior ofbμis this: Letγ be a unit speed geodesic inMand consider the convex function f (t)=bμ(γ (t)). The derivative satisfies

f (t)= −



γ (t) ,γ (t)˙

μ(dξ )= −


cos Xξ

γ (t) , Xη

γ (t) μ(dξ )

by Lebesgue’s dominated convergence, whereη=γ (∞). The limit ast→ ∞is C(μ, η)= (1)


cos (ξ, η)μ(dξ ).

Its sign tells you whetherf converges to a finite value or to±∞ast→ ∞. This was observed in[1]to prove the following

Theorem 3.Letμbe a Borel probability measure onM(∞), whereM is a Hadamard manifold with either strictly negative curvature or with an analytic metric. Then there exists a unique barycenter ofμif and only ifμsatisfies the obtuse angle condition, that is if

C(μ, ξ ) <0 for allξM(∞).



More details as well as the case of general Hadamard manifolds may be found in[1]. In the case of strictly negative curvature, which includes rank one symmetric spaces, the criterion becomes quite simple. Since then any pair of distinct ideal points can be joined by a unique geodesic, one gets

C(μ, ξ )=μ {ξ}


M(∞)\ {ξ}

=2μ {ξ}


and a unique barycenter exists if and only ifμ({ξ}) <12for allξM(∞).

3. Bruhat Lemma

We turn to the case of symmetric Hadamard manifolds. Since the behavior of the barycenter of measures at infinity is rather pathological for euclidean spaces, it is natural to consider in the sequel symmetric spaces ofnon compact type. That isM=G/K whereG is a semi simple (real) Lie group with finite center andK a maximal compact subgroup. We need some facts of their rich structure. First the sphere at infinity partitions into equivalence classes given by

C(ξ )=


. These are partially ordered by

C(ξ )C(η) ⇐⇒GξGη.

The maximal ones are calledWeyl chambersand the others (Weyl)faces. Denote byC(ξ )= {η∈M(∞)|C(η) C(ξ )}, the set of points lying in the faces of the down set of C(ξ ). It is the closure of C(ξ )in the cone topology, and is called the closed chamber or face, see [9]. A fixed closed Weyl chamber, or the set of standard parabolic subgroups, may be identified—as a poset—with not co-empty subsets of {1,2, . . . , r} for some r known as the rank ofM. This allows a consistent labeling of all chambers and faces. A flat at infinity is F (∞)= {γ (∞)|γF for some fixed maximal flatFM} ⊂M(∞). We have the following

Proposition 4.Letξ, ηM(∞),p0Manda, b∈R>0. Letζ=γ (∞), whereγ is determined byγ (0)=p0and


γ (0)=aXξ+1bXη(aXξ+bXη)(p0). Then the following are equivalent:

(1) ξ, ηC(ζ ), i.e.C(ξ )C(ζ )andC(η)C(ζ );

(2) ifξ, ηF (∞)thenζF (∞);

(3) aXξ+bXη= aXξ+bXηXζ; (4) abξ+bbη= aXξ+bXηbζ; (5) p(Xξ, Xη)≡constfor allpM.

Proof. The equivalence(1) ⇐⇒ (2)follows immediately from Proposition 3.6.26 in[9]. Next(1)(3): since (3) holds atp0it holds everywhere inMasGζ is transitive onM.(3) ⇐⇒ (4)is clear. To prove(4) ⇐⇒ (5)we note that a functionf onMis a Busemann function if and only if following properties are satisfied (see[4, p. 24]):

(1) f is a convexC1-function, (2) gradf ≡1 onM.

Hence Busemann functions ‘add’ as stated above if and only if the angle between their gradients remains constant.

Finally to prove (5)(2) note that (5) implies (ξ, η)= p(Xξ, Xη) < π for all pM—since there are no Euclidean factors—and that happens if and only ifXξ(p)andXη(p)span a flat sector (see[9, Proposition 3.1.2]) that containsaX 1

ξ+bXη(aXξ+bXη)(p)and (2) follows. 2

This proposition can be interpreted in the following way: fixξM(∞)maximal (regular) then the pointed Weyl chamber atpMasymptotic toC(ξ )is given by ri=1aiXξi(p)whereai>0 andξiC(ξ )are minimal. Now we can sharpen the criterion inTheorem 3.



Corollary 5.Letμbe a probability measure onM(∞)whereMis a symmetric space of non compact type. Then a unique barycenter exists if and only if

C(μ, ξ ) <0 for all minimalξM(∞).

Proof. LetηM(∞)thenXη can be expressed asXη= ni=1aiXξi withξiC(η)minimal andai 0 by the proposition above. Thus

C(μ, η)= lim




γ (t) , Xη

γ (t)

μ(dξ )= n


aiC(μ, ξi),

whereγ (∞)=η, is negative if theC(μ, ξi)are. Necessity is clear. 2

It follows from basic properties of root systems that p(Xξ(p), Xη(p))π2 ifξ, ηCand equality can occur only ifMis reducible. To study the semi simple case, it is sensible to consider onlyfaithfulFurstenberg boundaries:

Definition 6. Let M=M1×M2× · · · ×Ml be the decomposition of M into its irreducible factors and γ (t)= 1(t), γ2(t), . . . , γl(t))a geodesic, whereγi(t)Mi for allt∈Rand 1il. The Furstenberg boundaryG/Gξ

withξ=γ (∞)is called faithful ifγ˙i(t)=0 for all 1il.

Closed Weyl chambers are fundamental domains for the action ofGonM(∞):

M(∞)= (2)



Furthermore ∼=G/Gξ and the stabilizerGξ is a parabolic subgroup ofG. Let W be theWeyl groupofG. The (generalized)Bruhat LemmaorBruhat decompositionstates that

G= (3)


GηwGξ or G/Gξ=



whereξ, ηC and[.]denotes cosets. This is a cellular decomposition ofGor G/Gξ respectively, if ηis regular that is to say that the stabilizer subgroupWηis trivial. There is exactly one orbit of maximal dimension—called large one—namelyGηwGξ orGη[w]respectively wherewW is the element that sends the Weyl chamberCto its opposite−C, see[17, pp. 49 and 76]. LetμM1(M(∞))be a probability measure that is concentrated on a single G-orbit. The function

G/Gξ−→R (η, gξ )=

g1η, ξ ,

whereξ, ηCas above pushes down toGη\G/GξWη\W/Wξ and hence is a simple function with level sets the Gη-orbits. Plugging that into(1)we get

C(μ, η)=


cos (η, ξ )μ(dξ )=


cos (η, gξ )μ(dgξ )



cos (η, wξ )μ Gη[w]


GivenηM(∞), then for anyξM(∞)there is agGsuch that there is a closed Weyl chamberCwithη, gξC, by the fundamental domain property of closed Weyl chambers, i.e.(2). These remarks yield an other corollary to Theorem 3:



Corollary 7.Letμbe a Borel probability measure onM(∞)that is concentrated on oneG-orbitGξ0. Then a unique barycenter exists if and only if


cos (η, wξ )μ Gη[w]

<0 for all(minimal)ηM(∞),

whereξ=0andηlie in some common closed Weyl chamberC. In particular, ifG/Gξis faithful, a unique barycen- ter exists for probability measures that are absolutely continuous w.r.t. a quasi invariant measure.

Proof. Only the last statement needs further care: theGη-orbitsGη[w]are either submanifolds of positive codimen- sion and consequentlyμ(Gη[w])=0 or the large cell. In the latter case one has (η, wξ ) >π2 sinceηandwξ lie in opposite closed Weyl chambers andG/Gξ is assumed faithful. 2

Recall thatM(∞)may be identified with a sphereSpTpMin some tangent space.

Corollary 8.Letμbe a probability measure onM(∞)that is absolutely continuous w.r.t. the standard measure of a unit sphereSpat somepM. Then it has a unique barycenter.

Proof. ForηM(∞)chooseζ regular such thatηC(ζ )and letC(ξ )C(ζ )be the faces. Then(2) and (3)read as


C(ξ )C(ζ )

GC(ξ )=

C(ξ )C(ζ )


GηC(wξ )

and all subsets in that partition except forGηC(wζ )have positive codimension whence C(μ, η)=


cos (η, ξ )μ(dξ )=

GηC(wζ )

cos (η, ξ )μ(dξ ) <0

as above. 2

4. Knight–Meyer characterization of the generalized Cauchy type

In[15,16]the dynamic characterization of Cauchy distributions was discovered. This was generalized to Fursten- berg boundaries in[8]and the final version was settled in[6]. It says:

Theorem 9.LetGbe a semi simple Lie group of non compact type andμa Borel probability measure on a Furstenberg boundaryG/Q. ThenQμ=Gμif and only ifμisK-invariant for some maximal compact subgroupKG.

It is enough to show the result for faithful boundaries. The proof is easy once one knows that the stabilizer subgroup Gμofμis compact: the hypothesis onμimpliesGμQg= ∅which is the same asGμgQ= ∅for allgG. Thus Gμacts transitively onG/Qandμis the normalized Haar measure of some maximal compactKGμ. Necessity follows from the decomposition ofG=KQ=QK.

We establish compactness ofGμ: consider the largeQ-orbitQ[w] ⊂G/Qand its complement∂Q[w]. Since =it follows thatμ(g(Q[w]))=μ(Q[w])andμ(g(∂Q[w]))=μ(∂Q[w])for allgG. Letλbe a Haar measure onGand denote byφ∂Q[w]the characteristic function of∂Q[w]. Thenλ(∂QwQ)=0 inGsince it is a finite union of submanifolds with positive codimension. Thus for allhG



φ∂Q[w] g[h]



φ∂Q[w] g[h]


μ d[h]



φ∂Q[w] g[h]

μ d[h]

λ(dg) =



g1∂Q[w] λ(dg)



by Fubini’s theorem. Henceμ(g∂Q[w])=0 a.e. and consequently everywhere since it is a constant function ofg.

That implies together withCorollary 7that the measures to be characterized have a unique barycenterp0M∼=G/K.

On the other hand the obvious equivariance of the barycenter, that is pMis a barycenter ofμ ⇐⇒ gpMis a barycenter ofgμ,

impliesGμGp0, which is a maximal compact subgroup ofGas claimed inTheorem 9.

In [2]the results of[3]have been announced and used to prove the original characterization theorem along the lines as above. This completes also the discussion on faithfulness:

Corollary 10.A Furstenberg boundaryG/Qis faithful if and only ifGμK=KwhereμKis theK-invariant proba- bility onG/QforKGmaximal compact. That is if and only if the map

φ:G/KM1(G/Q) gKK

is injective.

Remark 11.(Compare Remark3in[6]) In all papers, we are aware of, on this characterization theorem except for [15]and[6], there is the additional hypothesis onμthat it does not charge thin cells, called ‘Condition C’. Recalling Furstenberg’s original definition ofG-boundaries, that is compact homogeneousG-spacesF with the property that for anyνM1(F )there is a sequence{gn} ⊂Gsuch thatgnνconverges weakly to a point measure, see[10], yields an alternative proof of the fact that=impliesμ(∂Q[w])=0: Take{gn}withgnμδ[e]. Since= we can assumeqn=gnQ. Let 0fC(G/Q)withf ([e])=0 andf ≡1 in a neighborhood of the complement of the large orbit∂Q[w], then







f (qnx)dμ(x)=qnμ(f )n−→→∞f [e]


asQleaves the large orbit invariant.

5. Maximum likelihood estimate of generalized Cauchy distributions

Estimation of course is about finding the suitable parameter in certain statistical model of a given sample: Let (X,B, pθ)θΘ be a (parametric) statistical model,{xi}i=1...Na (random) sample andμ=N1 δxi the corresponding empirical measure. Assume continuous (relative) density functions dpdpθ

θ0. The likelihood functionof that sample is defined by

L(μ, θ )= N





The parameter that maximizes that function for a given observation is called themaximum likelihood estimateand is denoted by MLE(μ), if it exists and is unique. Thelog likelihood functionis given by

(μ, θ )=logL(μ, θ )= N i=1

log dpθ



It has the same maxima asL(μ, θ )and can be defined for an arbitrary probability measureμ:

(μ, θ )=


log dpθ



This expression suggests how to link the barycenter to the MLE of generalized Cauchy laws on Furstenberg bound- aries: Under what conditions is the logarithm of the density function of our Cauchy distributions proportional to the



corresponding Busemann function, that is logdgμK


(hξ )=cb(gp) for allg, hG,

wherepM,K=GpandμKis theK-invariant probability onG/Gξ? Roughly the answer is that one has to choose ξ in the ‘middle’ of the corresponding chamber or face.

Theorem 12.LetG/Qbe a Furstenberg boundary,μa probability measure of Cauchy type,pM,KGandμK

as above. Then there is a point at infinityξM(∞)andc∈Rsuch that (1) G/Q∼=M(∞),

(2) dgμK

K (hξ )=ecb(gp)for allg, hG.

With this choice, the barycenter and MLE of a probability measure onG/Qcoincide if they exist.

Although the result follows from inspection of the relevant formulæ, compare the discussion below, we give an elementary

Proof. (Compare[11]and[18]Section4.2) A (Borel) functionσ:G×S→R, whereGis a (topological) group and SaG-space, is called a (Borel) cocycle if

σ (gh, s)=σ (g, hs)+σ (h, s) for allg, hGandsS.

It follows that the functionφσ,s:Gs→R, defined byφσ,s(g)=σ (g, s), is a homomorphism of the stabilizer subgroup Gs toR. LetKGbe a subgroup. Then a cocycle is calledK-invariant ifσ (k, s)=0 for anykKandsS. If moreoverS is homogeneous andKGis transitive on S=G/Gs0, i.e.G=KGs0 =Gs0K, then a K-invariant cocycleσ is uniquely determined byφσ,s0:

σ (g, ks0)=σ (gk, s0)σ (k, s0)=σ (kq, s0)−0=σ (k, qs0)+σ (q, s0)=φσ,s0(q),

wheregk=kq withqGs0 andk, kK. In particular, ifGis our semi simple Lie group,K=Gp for a fixed pMandξM(∞)then the functions

σ1:G×G/Gξ→R σ2:G×M(∞)→R and

(g, hξ )→logdg1μK

K (hξ ) (g, ξ )bξ


where the Busemann functions are normalized such that bξ(p)=0 for allξM(∞), areK-invariant cocycles.

Indeed, this follows from the chain rule for the Radon–Nikodym derivative forσ1 and from the definition of the Busemann cocycle:

bξ(q)= lim

t→∞d q, γ (t)

d p, γ (t)

, whereγ (∞)=ξ whence



= lim


h1g1p, γ (t)

d p, γ (t)

= lim


g1p, hγ (t)


p, hγ (t) +d

h1p, γ (t)

d p, γ (t)


g1p +bξ


=σ2(g, hξ )+σ2(h, ξ ).

On the other hand any parabolic subgroup can be written asQ=KQAN, where KQ=KQandKAN =Gis a corresponding Iwasawa decomposition ofG. Furthermore one hasN⊂ [Q, Q]—as[AN, AN] =N—whence any real homomorphism is already determined by its restriction toA. The image ofAinM=G/Kis the pointed flatF



that we identify—as an abelian group—with a subspaceFTpMand any real Borel homomorphism is of the form F Y → Y, X = X

Y, X


for someXF.

Which in turn is a multiple of a Busemann function ofF and, sinceF is totally geodesic, it is the restriction ofbξ on Mwithξ=γ (∞)F (∞)whereγ (0)=pandγ (0)˙ =XX(p). Thus


K (hQ)=cb(gp).

It is clear thatQstabilizesξ. 2

To make more precise what is meant by the middle of the chamber or face and to point out the connection to harmonic analysis, we need some notation: LetξG/K(∞)as inTheorem 12, take the Iwasawa decomposition of G=KAN such thatGξ=(GξK)ANand denote byH (g)∈athe logarithm of theA-component ofg=kan, i.e.

H (g)=log(a). Denote furtherρξ= α(Xξ(p))>0mααwheremα=dimgαis the multiplicity of the rootα. Now dgμK


(kξ )=const e−ρξ(H (g−1k)) kKandgG.

In other wordsXξ(p), Y =ξ(Y )for allY ∈a; the ‘middle’ however is intuitive only ifgis a normal real form.

And one recognizes a typical instance of the integrand in Harish-Chandra’s integral formula for elementary spherical functions. It is a well known fact that the relative densities ofK-invariant measure on flag manifolds are of this form, see[12–14]or your favored reference to the subject. Alternatively this formula can be derived along similar lines of reasoning as in the proof ofTheorem 12by observing that(g, k)λ(H (g1k))defines aK-invariant cocycle for anyλ∈a. Analogous remarks apply to Busemann functions.

5.1. MLE for empirical measures

In application empirical measures are of prominent importance.

Proposition 13.LetGξ, whereξM(∞)is chosen according toTheorem12, be a Furstenberg boundary then there is an integerN∈Nsuch that MLE exists for almost all—w.r.t. the a quasi invariant measure—samples of size bigger or equal toN.

Proof. LetCbe an arbitrary closed Weyl chamber andξiCbe minimal fori=1, . . . , r, whereris the rank ofM andg0ξ=ξ0C. Choose a system of representatives{wij}j=0,...,niofWξi\W/Wξ0, withwi0=wfor alli, and denote cij=cos i, wjξ0). Since theGξ-orbitsGξi[wij]are real algebraic varieties, of positive codimension ifj=0, there is anNji∈Nsuch that the set{x=(x1, . . . , xn)(Gξ )n s. t. there is noGη-orbitB withxkB fork=1, . . . , n}is Zariski open dense and hence has full measure ifnNji. Put


n∈N|n >|cijci0|Njini

|ci0| for alli=1, . . . , randj=1, . . . , ni


Letμ=L1 Lk=1δxkbe the empirical measure of a sample(x1, . . . , xL)(G/Gξ )LwithLN. Then almost surely C(μ, ξi)=





=c0i +



cijci0 μ


wji c0i +



cijci0Nji L ci0+nimaxcjic0iNji

L , j=1, . . . ni

<0 sinceci0<0 and by the choice ofN. 2



Let us finally inspect the classical case of ordinary Cauchy laws. The choice of a Weyl chamber in SL(n+ 1)/SO(n+1)(∞) corresponds to that of a full flagU1U2· · ·Un Rn+1 in Rn+1, i.e. a maximal chain of subspaces. The lattice of standard parabolic subgroups of SL(n+1,R)is then given by stabilizers of flags inRn+1 of the form

Ui1Ui2· · ·Uik Rn+1.

In particular the maximal parabolic subgroups (corresponding to minimal faces) are exactly the stabilizer subgroups of the proper subspacesU Rn+1. Hence projective space is indeed a Furstenberg boundary:

Pn=SL(n+1,R)/SL(n+1,R)LwithL⊂Rn+1and dimL=1.

The restriction to an affine part of the SO(n+1)-invariant probability onPnyields, in fact, an ordinary multivariate Cauchy distribution. LetU Rn+1be a proper subspace and denote byP(U )the projective subspace induced byU.

Choosex, y∈Pnwithx∈P(U )andy /∈P(U ). Then the Bruhat decomposition, see(3), reads as Pn=SL(n+1,R)Ux∪SL(n+1,R)Uy=P(U )∪P(U )c,

whereP(U )c=Pn\P(U )is the complement. ByCorollary 7, a probability measureμonPnhas a unique barycenter if and only if

c0kμ P(U )c

+ck1μ P(U )

=ck0 1−μ

P(U ) +ck1μ

P(U )

<0 or

μ P(U )

< −ck0 ck1ck0

for any subspaceU wherek=dimU. Observe that minimal faces are 0-dimensional and the choice of the ‘middle’

becomes vacuous. Leta⊂sl(n+1,R)be the abelian subalgebra consisting of diagonal elements. It is the tangent space of a typical flat. DenoteXk∈athe element with the firstk(diagonal) entries equal ton+1−kand the remaining ones equal to−k. One finds then

c1k= X1, Xk

X1Xk and ck0=X1, wXk X1Xk and

X1, Xk =n(n+1−k)(k−1)(n+1−k)+(n+1−k)k=(n+1)2k(n+1), wX1, Xk = −k(n+1−k)+(nk)kkn= −k(n+1),

sincewacts onaby reversing the order of the diagonal entries. Thus


ck1ck0 = k n+1 and we get:

Proposition 14.A probability measureμM1(Pn)on real projective spacePnhas a unique barycenter if and only if

μ P(U )

<dimU n+1

for all proper subspacesU Rn+1. In particular the MLE of an empirical measure exist almost surely if and only if the sample has size bigger thann+1.

This last proposition follows from Theorem 1 in[3], whose success motivated the investigation of the general pattern behind that result.




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The following result is not new. Rado and has certainly been known to the authors for some time. Theorem 4.1 will be an immediate consequence of the

We study the limit of quasilocal mass defined in [4] and [5] for a family of spacelike 2-surfaces in spacetime.. In particular, we show the limit coincides with the ADM mass at

(see Proposition 5.2) There exists an affine isometric action of Z on a complex Hilbert space, that is neither metrically proper nor bounded, and whose linear part has

Our approach for constructing the maximal entropy measure and the harmonic measure for the geodesic flow on Riemannian negatively curved manifolds can be

Since the Wasserstein space of a locally compact space geodesic space is geodesic but not locally compact (unless (E, d) is compact), the existence of a barycenter is not

Keywords: Wasserstein space; Fr´ echet mean; Barycenter of probability measures; Functional data analysis; Phase and amplitude variability; Smoothing; Minimax optimality..

We discuss examples of Cartan-Hadamard manifolds of unbounded curvature where the limiting angle of Brownian motion degenerates to a single point on the sphere at infinity, but