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On a Projection Estimator of the Regression Function Derivative


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Preprint submitted on 24 Jun 2021


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On a Projection Estimator of the Regression Function Derivative

Fabienne Comte, Nicolas Marie

To cite this version:

Fabienne Comte, Nicolas Marie. On a Projection Estimator of the Regression Function Derivative.

2021. �hal-03270488�




Abstract. In this paper, we study the estimation of the derivative of a regression function in a standard univariate regression model. The estimators are dened either by derivating nonparametric least-squares estimators of the regression function or by estimating the projection of the derivative. We prove two simple risk bounds allowing to compare our estimators. More elaborate bounds under a stability as- sumption are then provided. Bases and spaces on which we can illustrate our assumptions and rst results are both of compact or non compact type, and we discuss the rates reached by our estimators.

They turn out to be optimal in the compact case. Lastly, we propose a model selection procedure and prove the associated risk bound. To consider bases with a non compact support makes the problem dicult.

AMS 2020 classication: 62G07 ; 62G07.

Keywords: Adaptive procedure - Derivative estimation - Non compact support - Nonparametric regression - Optimal rates - Projection method

1. Motivation and bibliographical elements In this paper, we consider the random design regression model

(1) Yi=b(Xi) +εi ;i∈ {1, . . . , n},n>1,

where b(.) is the unknown continuously derivable regression function,X1, . . . , Xn are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables with density f with respect to Lebesgue's measure, and the errorsε1, . . . , εn are i.i.d, unobserved, centered with varianceσ2, and independent of the Xi's. The observations are (Xi, Yi)16i6n, and we assume that b is regular enough to admit a derivative. We are interested in nonparametric estimation of the derivative b0 ofb, on a compact or a non-compact support.

The question of nonparametric estimation of derivatives is not new and is studied in dierent contexts, such as density estimation or white noise model (see Efromovich [18]), and not only in regression. In- deed, there can be a lot of reasons for wishing to estimate not only a function but also its derivative, which may be of intrinsic interest as measure of slope for instance. Recently, Bercu et al. [4] studied this question in the concrete application setting of sea shores water quality. Precisely, they propose an estimator dened as the derivative of the well-known Nadaraya-Watson estimator. Dai et al. [16] also mention applications to the modeling of human growth data (Ramsay and Silverman [28]) or to Raman spectra of bulk materials (Charnigo et al. [6]).

Derivatives of a rate optimal estimate of the regression function are proved to be rate optimal estimates of the corresponding derivatives, see Stone [31, 32], who establishes optimal rates for local polynomial weighted estimators on a compact set. See also a discussion on the topic in Rice and Rosenblatt [29], for a xed design model.

Nonparametric estimation of the regression function derivative has been studied following dierent meth- ods, relying on local polynomial regression, regression by smoothing splines, or dierence quotients. We emphasize that the strategy for xed design context wherexi=i/nrely on dedicated methods. Indeed, dierences Yi−Yi−1 bring information on b0, which is not the case for random design on non compact support. In local polynomial regression, the derivative can be estimated by the coecient of the derivative of the local polynomial regression tted at given point x, as summarized in Tysbakov [34], Chapter 1.

Stone [32] showed that derivative estimation with splines can achieve the optimalL2-rate of convergence



(proved in Stone [31]) under mild assumptions. Further asymptotic properties are obtained by Zhou and Wolfe [36], mainly in the xed design setting on compact support: they rely on splines estimators, arguing that they avoid boundary problems of kernel estimators. Note that extensions to functional regressors have been conducted (see Hall et al. [22]).

The smoothing parameter selection problem remained unanswered in the rst papers. For kernel strate- gies, the bandwidth choice for the derivative estimator (based on a factor rule) is discussed in Fan and Gijbels [20], but not studied from theoretical point of view. Liu and Brabanter [25] propose a methodol- ogy which generalizes the dierence quotient based estimator of the rst order derivative to the random design setting, whenX follows a uniform distribution on[0,1]. They also discuss bandwidth selection in their setting. Lastly, we mention that an adaptive method in wavelet basis is studied in Chesneau [7], but it involves an estimate off. As a consequence, the rate of estimation depends on the regularity of this function, which we want to avoid.

In the present work, we consider a projection method and propose an estimator as a nite develop- ment in an orthonormalL2basis withmcoecients. We start from the least-square estimator studied by Baraud for the xed design model in [2] and the random design model in [3]. These last results have been extended to non compact support by Comte and Genon-Catalot [11]. We show that two strategies can be considered to deduce from this an estimator of b0(.), which do not coincide in general. We prove risk bounds for both strategies, and to our knowledge, these are the rst results allowing for non compactly supported bases and estimators. In the case of a trigonometric basis and compact support estimation, we recover the optimal rates given in Stone [31] under light assumptions. We also obtain specic rates in the non compact Hermite basis setting. Lastly, we propose a model selection strategy relying on a Goldenschluger and Lepski [21] method and prove a risk bound for the nal estimator: this result holds for sub-gaussian (bounded or gaussian) errors and allows to reach automatically the optimal rate on regularity spaces, without requiring the knowledge of the regularity of b. We discuss our assumptions, which remain rather weak.

The plan of the paper is the following. We dene our notation and estimators in Section 2. In Sec- tion 3, we present our assumptions and prove two simple risk bounds allowing to compare our estimators.

More elaborate bounds under a stability assumption (see Cohen et al. [8, 9]) are also provided. Bases and spaces on which we can illustrate our assumptions and rst results are described in Section 4. They are both of compact or non compact type, and we discuss the rates reached by our estimators. They are the optimal ones in the compact case. Section 5 is dedicated to the adaptive procedure: we prove a risk bound and deduce corollaries about adaptive rates. The possibility of non compact support makes the problem dicult, and even if the estimator seems to follow a standard Goldenshluger and Lepski [21]

scheme, the proofs are delicate, due to an additional bias term. A short numerical study shows that the collection of estimators contains relevant proposals and suggests a simpler practical strategy.

2. Estimators and assumptions

2.1. Denition of the estimators. LetB= (ϕj)j∈N\{0} be a Hilbert basis ofL2(I, dx)withI∈ B(R). For the sake of readability, for every j ∈ N\{0}, the functionx ∈R 7→ ϕj(x)1I(x)is also denoted by ϕj. The following mean squares estimator ofbI =b1I, which is studied in Baraud [3] and in Comte and Genon-Catalot [11], is dened by

bbm(x) :=




[bθm1]jϕj(x) ;x∈I,

where m∈N\{0},

θb1m=θbm1(X,Y) := 1



M denotes the transpose ofM, Y := (Y1, . . . , Yn), X:= (X1, . . . , Xn),Φbm := (ϕj(Xi))16i6n,16j6m and

Ψbm:= 1

nΦbmΦbm= (hϕj, ϕkin)16j,k6m


hϕ, ψin:= 1 n





for every ϕ, ψ :R→ R. The map (ϕ, ψ)7→ hϕ, ψin is the empirical scalar product, and the associated norm is denoted by k.kn in the sequel. The theoretical analogous onL2(R, f(x)dx)is

(ϕ, ψ)7−→ hϕ, ψif :=




and the associated norm is denoted by k.kf. The reader can refer to Baraud [2, 3], Cohen et al. [8, 9], and Comte and Genon-Catalot [11] for risk bounds onbbm and an adaptive estimator.

On the one hand, a natural estimator ofb0I is

(2) bb0,1m(x) :=





withm∈N\{0}. Obviously,

(bb0,1m(X1), . . . ,bb0,1m(Xn))=Φb0mθb1m= 1


withΦb0m:= (ϕ0j(Xi))i,j. This requires to choose a regular basis. Note that, contrary to what may occur for the density estimator, this way is simpler than derivating the Nadaraya-Watson kernel based estimator as done in Bercu et al. [4]. Indeed, the latter involves the derivative of a quotient of two functions.

On the other hand, when (bϕj)(inf(I)) = (bϕj)(sup(I)) for every j ∈ {1, . . . , m}, hb0, ϕji = −hb, ϕ0ji and the orthogonal projection(b0)mofb0 onSm:=span{ϕ1, . . . , ϕm} inL2(I, dx)satises

(b0)m(x) =−




hb, ϕ0jj(x).

Several of the basis we have in mind are such that the derivative of ϕj can be expressed as a - nite linear combination of the other ϕk's. Thus, if there exists ∆m,m+p ∈ Mm,m+p(R) such that Φb0m = Φbm+pm,m+p, one can consider a projection estimator of the derivative instead of derivating the projection estimator of b:

(3) bb0,2m(x) :=




[bθ2m]jϕj(x) with




(bb0,2m(X1), . . . ,bb0,2m(Xn))=−1


We shall see in this paper that the two strategies are dierent and we will provide risk bounds that allow to compare the two methods.


2.2. Notations and elementary properties:

• The operator norm of a matrix M is dened by kMk2op := λmax(M M), where we recall that M is the transpose ofM andλmax(M M)is the largest eigenvalue of the square matrixM M, which are nonnegative. Note that for a square, symmetric and nonnegative matrix A, kAkop= λmax(A). Note also that if A and B are two matrices such that AB and BA are well dened, then λmax(AB) = λmax(BA). Finally, note that if A and B are two square, symmetric and nonnegative matrices, then Tr(AB)6kAkopTr(B) =λmax(A)Tr(B).

• The Frobenius norm of a matrixM is dened by

kMk2F :=Tr(M M) =Tr(MM).

• The natural scalar product on L2(I, f(x)dx), also called f-weighted scalar product, is denoted byh., .if, and the associated norm byk.kf.

• For everyψ∈L2(I, dx), its orthogonal projection onSm={ϕ1, . . . , ϕm}inL2(I, dx)is denoted byψm.

3. Risk bounds

3.1. Preliminary rough risk bounds onbb0,1m andbb0,2m. In the sequel, we assume thatb0 exists and is square integrable onI, and that the density function f fullls the following assumption.

Assumption 3.1. The density functionf is bounded onI.

First, we provide the following rough but general risk bound onbb0,1m. Proposition 3.2. Under Assumption 3.1,


hkbb0,1m −b0k2ni

6 3kfk inf


kt−b0k2+ 3E


+ 3kb0m−(b0)mk2f2

n E h


(bΦmΦbm)−1(bΦ0m)Φb0mi ,

where bm is the L2(I, dx)-orthogonal projection of b on Sm, and b0m is its derivative, while (b0)m is the L2(I, dx)-orthogonal projection of b0 onSm.

Let us comment the four terms in the previous bound:

(1) The rst term is the bias term we could expect. It can be evaluated on regularity spaces. Without Assumption 3.1, this terms can be replaced byinft∈Smkt−b0k2f.

(2) The second term involves the bias related tob, which would be negligible compared to the previous one; but it is multiplied by a coecient which has an order depending on m and will at least compensate the improvement.

(3) The third term can be evaluated in the dierent bases: the procedure makes sense if the derivative of the projection and the projection of the derivative are close, for xed m. Under Assumption 3.1, it is less than 3kfkkb0m−(b0)mk2, null in trigonometric spaces with odd dimensions, and of order less or equal than the rst term in Laguerre or Hermite bases (see Proposition 4.1).

(4) The last term is the variance term, and it is established in Proposition 3.3 that it increases with mas expected.

Proposition 3.3. The map m7→E h



is increasing.

To sum up, we will have to make a compromise between decreasing bias term (1) and increasing variance term (4), with the specic diculty related to nuisance terms (2) and (3).

Now, we turn to the estimatorbb0,2m and assume that there existsp∈Nsuch thatϕ1, . . . , ϕmfulll the following assumption:

Assumption 3.4 (m, p). For every j∈ {1, . . . , m},ϕ0j∈ Sj+p.


Note that Assumption 3.4(m, p) implies that there exists∆m,m+p ∈ Mm,m+p(R)such that

(4) Φb0m=Φbm+pm,m+p.

Trigonometric, Laguerre, Hermite and Legendre bases satisfy Assumption 3.4(m, p), see Section 4. More precisely, we have p = 0 for the Laguerre and Legendre bases and ∆m,m is a lower triangular square matrix. We havep= 1for Hermite and trigonometric bases with∆m,m+1(j, k) = 0fork>j+p. For the trigonometric basis with an odd dimension, we can keep a square link∆m,mwith a null rst line followed by diagonal2×2blocks of type

0 −2πj 2πj 0


Assume thatbandϕ1, . . . , ϕmfulll also the following assumption.

Assumption 3.5 (m). For every j∈ {1, . . . , m},

b(a)ϕj(a) =b(a)ϕj(a), where a:= inf(I)anda:= sup(I).

Note that, for instance, Assumption 3.5(m) holds for every m ∈ Nwhen b(a) = b(a) = 0. Under this additional condition, by the integration by parts formula,

(5) hb0, ϕji=−hb, ϕ0ji;∀j∈ {1, . . . , m}.


(6) (b0)m(X) =−




hb, ϕ0jj(X) =−bΦmm,m+p(hb, ϕji)16j6m+p,

which legitimates the denition (3) of the alternative estimatorbb0,2m of b0. Let us establish a risk bound for this estimator.

Proposition 3.6. Under Assumptions 3.1, 3.4(m, p) and 3.5(m), E

hkbb0,2m −b0k2ni

62kfk inf


kt−b0k2+ 2E


2 nE


(bΦm+pΦbm+p)−1m,m+p ΦbmΦbmm,m+pi .

Note that for p= 0, this bound is almost the same as in Proposition 3.2, except that the undesirable termkb0m−(b0)mk2f no longer appears. The counterpart is that the result of Proposition 3.6 requires the additional Assumptions 3.4 and 3.5. Thanks to Proposition 4.1 (see Section 4 for details):

• In the specic case of the trigonometric basis, the additional termkb0m−(b0)mk2f in the bound of Proposition 3.2 is null, and the rst estimator requires less assumptions, so the rst strategy is better.

• In the case of the Hermite basis, Assumption 3.4(m, p), p = 1 and Assumption 3.5(m) are automatically fullled, so the second strategy is probably better.

• In the Laguerre basis, Assumption 3.5(m) is satised for allmifb(0) = 0. If this holds, it follows from Proposition 4.1 (iii) that both strategies give the same rate.

• In the case of the Legendre basis, the additional termkb0m−(b0)mk2f is likely to be large, so the second strategy should be preferred.

3.2. Elaborate risk bounds onbb0,1m andbb0,2m. First of all, under Assumption 3.1, let us consider Ψm:=E(Ψbm) = (hϕj, ϕkif)j,k.

Assume also that it fullls the following assumption called "stability assumption" by Cohen et al. [8].


Assumption 3.7 (m). The matrix Ψmsatises L(m) := sup

x∈I m



ϕj(x)2<∞ and L(m)(kΨ−1mkop∨1)6 c 2· n

log(n), where c= (3 log(3/2)−1)/9.

Since theϕj's doesn't depend onm, theSm's are nested spaces. Thus, sincem7→L(m)andm7→ kΨ−1mkop are increasing, if there exists m0 ∈N\{0} such that Assumption 3.7(m0) is fullled, then Assumption 3.7(m) is fullled for everym6m0.

Now, consider the truncated estimators

eb0,1m :=eb0,1m1Λm+p andeb0,2m :=eb0,2m1Λm+p, where


L(m)(kΨb−1mkop∨1)6c n log(n)

. Then, let us establish elaborate risk bounds oneb0,1m andeb0,2m.

Proposition 3.8. Under Assumptions 3.1, 3.4(m, p) and 3.7(m+p), ifE[b0(X1)4]<∞andE(Y14)<∞, then


hkeb0,1m −b0k2ni

63kfk inf


kt−b0k2+ 9k∆f,1m,m+pk2opkb−bmk2f+ 3kb0m−(b0)mk2f+2σ2

n k∆f,1m,m+pk2F +


log(n)k∆m,m+pk2opE(Y14)1/2+ 3E(b0(X1)4)1/2 c1/28.1

n4 with ∆f,1m,m+p:= Ψ1/2m+pm,m+pΨ−1/2m and∆m,m+p is dened in (4).

Proposition 3.9. Under Assumptions 3.1, 3.4(m, p), 3.5(m) and 3.7(m+p), if E[b0(X1)4] < ∞ and E(Y14)<∞, then


hkeb0,2m −b0k2ni

62kfk inf

t∈Smkt−b0k2+ 6k∆f,2m,m+pk2opkb−bm+pk2f+2σ2

n k∆f,2m,m+pk2F +


log(n)k∆m,m+pkopE(Y14)1/2+ 3E(b0(X1)4)1/2 c1/28.1

n4 with ∆f,2m,m+p:= Ψ−1/2m+pm,m+pΨ1/2m and∆m,m+p is dened in (4).

The coecients involved in the bounds given in Propositions 3.8 and 3.9 are the theoretical ones instead of the empirical in Propositions 3.2 and 3.6. They will allow us to evaluate rates of convergence for the estimator, provided that the basis is specied.

4. Bases examples and explicit risk bounds

4.1. Examples of bases. First of all, let us provide four usual bases which can be considered because theϕj's are derivable:

• The trigonometric basis: Dened on I = [0,1] by t1(x) := 1, t2j(x) := √

2 cos(2πjx) and t2j+1(x) := √

2 sin(2πjx) forj = 1, . . . , pwith m= 2p+ 1. Thus,L(m) =m for (ϕj)16j6m = (tj)16j6m.

• The Laguerre basis: Dened onI=R+, via Laguerre's polynomialsLj,j>0, by

`j(x) :=√

2Lj(2x)e−x with Lj(x) :=




j k

(−1)kxk k!.


It satisesh`j, `ki=δk,j (see Abramowitz and Stegun [1], 22.2.13), whereδk,j is the Kronecker symbol. Then,(`j)j>0 is an orthonormal family ofL2(R+)such that`j(0) =√

2 and k`jk= sup


|`j(x)|=√ 2.

Thus,L(m) = 2mfor(ϕj)16j6m= (`j−1)16j6m. The`0j's satisfy the following recursive formula (see Lemma 8.1 in Comte and Genon-Catalot [12]):

(7) `00=−`0 and `0j=−`j−2




`k forj>1.

• The Hermite basis: Dened onI=R, via Hermite's polynomialsHj,j>0, by hj(x) :=ch(j)Hj(x)e−x2/2


Hj(x) := (−1)jex2 dj

dxj(e−x2) and ch(j) = (2jj!√ π)−1/2. The family (Hj)j>0 is orthogonal for thee−x2-weighted scalar product:



Hj(x)Hk(x)e−x2dx= 2jj!√


(see Abramowitz and Stegun [1], 22.2.14). Moreover, khjk= sup


|hj(x)|6φ0 with φ0−1/4

(see Abramowitz and Stegun [1], 22.14.17 and Indritz [23]). Thus, L(m) 6 π−1/2m, but it is proved in [13] that there existsK >0 such that


x∈R m−1



hj(x)26K√ m.

Therefore, we setL(m) =K√

mfor(ϕj)16j6m= (hj−1)16j6m. The h0j's also satisfy a recursive formula (see Comte and Genon-Catalot [12], Equation (52) in Section 8.2):

(8) h00=− 1

√2h1 and h0j= 1



j+ 1hj+1)forj>1.

• The Legendre basis: Dened onI= [−1,1], via Legendre polynomialsGj,j>0, by gj(x) :=

r2j+ 1

2 Gj(x) with Gj(x) := 1 2jj!· dj



Z 1


Gj(x)Gk(x)dx= 2 2j+ 1δj,k,

the family(gj)j>0 is an orthonormal family ofL2([−1,1]). For example,g0(x) = 1/√

2, g1(x) = p3/2x,g2(x) = 1/2p

5/2(3x2−1), etc. Note that they are easy to compute numerically thanks to the recursive formula

gn(x) = 1


(see Formula 2.6.2 in [19]). Moreover, kgjk6

r2j+ 1

2 , which gives




gj(x)26 1 2




(2j+ 1) = m2 2


andL(m) =m2/2(see also Cohen et al. [8]) for(ϕj)16j6m= (gj−1)16j6m. Thegj0's also satisfy a recursive formula:


dxgn+1=√ 2n+ 3




p2(n−2k) + 1gn−2k(x), which can be written

(9) g2p+10 (x) =p 4p+ 3




√4k+ 1g2k(x), g02p+2(x) =p 4p+ 5




√4k+ 3g2k+1(x).

Under Assumption 3.5(m), thanks to Equality (5) and to the recursive formulas available for each basis described above, we are able to compare the derivativeb0mofbmto the derivative of the projection(b0)m

ofb0 as follow:

Proposition 4.1. Under Assumption 3.5(m):

(i) IfI= [0,1]andϕj=tj (the trigonometric basis with an odd m), thenkb0m−(b0)mk2= 0. (ii) IfI=Randϕj=hj−1 (the Hermite basis), then


2(hb, hm−1i2+hb, hmi2).

(iii) IfI=R+ andϕj =`j−1 (the Laguerre basis), then kb0m−(b0)mk2= 4m




hb, `ki

!2 . If in addition b(0) = 0, then

kb0m−(b0)mk2= 4m

 X


hb, `ki



(iv) If I= [−1,1],ϕj=gj−1 (the Legendre basis) andm= 2p, then kb0m−(b0)mk2 = 3




√4k+ 3hb, g2k+1i


+ (4p−1)




√4k+ 1hb, g2ki






p4j+ 3




√4k+ 3hb, g2k+1i+p 4j+ 1




√4k+ 3hb, g2k+1i






p4j+ 5




√4k+ 1hb, g2ki+p 4j+ 2




√4k+ 1hb, g2ki



This implies that there exists a deterministic constantc4.1>0, not depending onmandn, such that kb0m−(b0)mk26c4.1m4.

The cases are ordered from the simplest (the trigonometric one) to the most complicated (Legendre case for an evenm).

4.2. Explicit risk bound for the trigonometric basis. As the trigonometric basis has compact support, say I, we estimate in fact b := b1I and we can assume that f(x) >f0 > 0 for every x ∈ I. Moreover, we assume thatf is bounded (Assumption 3.1). We setI= [0,1]for simplicity and assume that b(0) =b(1)(which ensures Assumption 3.5(m) for allm). Then, by considering models with an oddm, Assumption 3.4(m, p) is fullled for allmandp= 0. Moreover, we know from [11] thatkΨ−1mkop61/f0. Then, we get

L(m) =m, k∆m,mk2op2m2, k∆m,mf,1 k2op=k∆f,2m,mk2op6 kfk





k∆f,1m,mk2F =k∆f,2m,mk2F 6 1 f0

m3. The last bound comes from the following inequalities

k∆f,2m,mk2F = Tr[Ψ−1mm,mΨmm,m]6kΨ−1mkopTr[∆m,mΨmm,m] =kΨ−1mkopE


= 1

nkΨ−1mkopE h


= 1




i=1 m−1




 (10) 

6 m2

n kΨ−1mkopE



i=1 m−1




=m3−1mkop6 m3 f0


using that forϕj =tjj0 =±2πjϕj±1. So, the risk bound oneb0,2m established at Proposition 3.9 becomes

(11) E

hkeb0,2m −b0k2ni



kt−b0k2+ 6 f0


+2σ2 nf0



with c1>0 and oddm. Sincep= 0and b0m= (b0)m for the trigonometric basis, the risk bound oneb0,1m established at Proposition 3.8 is the same up to a multiplicative constant.

Now, let us evaluate the rate of convergence of the estimator for b in some regularity space and well chosenm. Letβ be a positive integer,L >0and dene

Wper(β, L) := {g∈Cβ([0,1];R) :g(β−1) is absolutely continuous, Z 1


g(β)(x)2dx6L2 andg(j)(0) =g(j)(1),∀j= 0, . . . , β−1}.

We obtain the following result:

Corollary 4.2. Consider the estimatorbb0,2m computed in the trigonometric basis on I = [0,1]with 0 <

f06f(x)6kfk<∞,E[b0(X1)4]<∞andE(Y14)<∞. Ifb∈Wper(β, L)with β >1,b(0) =b(1)and mopt =n1/(2β+1), then

E hkeb0,2m


6c(L, β,kfk, f0, σ2)n−2(β−1)/(2β+1), Proof. By Proposition 1.14 of [34], a functionf ∈Wper(β, L)admits a development

f =



θjϕj such that X



where τj =jβ for even j,τj= (j−1)β for oddj, and C(L) :=L2π−2β. Moreover, ifb belongs to a the Sobolev ellipsoidWper(β, L)withβ >1, thenb0∈Wper(β−1,2πL). So,

kb−bmk26c(L, β)m−2β and kb0−(b0)mk26c(L, β)m−2(β−1).

Therefore, pluggingm=mopt =n1/(2β+1) in (11) gives the result of Corollary 4.2. Indeed, Proposition 3.9 applies because the required conditions are automatically satised by the trigonometric basis.

Note that we obtain the optimal rate for estimating the derivative of a regression function (see Stone [32]). It coincides also with the rate of estimation for the derivative of a density (see Tsybakov [34], Efromovich [18, 19], recently Lepski [24] on general Nikolski's spaces, or Comte et al. [10]).


4.3. Explicit risk bound for Hermite basis. Consider s, D > 0 and the Sobolev-Hermite ball of regularitys

(12) WHs(D) =

θ∈L2(R) :X



 ,

where a2k(θ) =hθ, hki. In the Hermite case, the following bounds hold:

L(m) =K√

m, k∆m,m+1k2op62m, k∆f,1m,m+1k2op=k∆f,2m,m+1k2op62kfk−1m+1kopm and

k∆f,1m,m+1k2F =k∆f,2m,m+1k2F 62KkΨ−1m+1kop(m+ 1)3/2.

The last bound is obtained by following the line of the trigonometric case above, up to (10), using next formula (8) for the derivative of the basis functions.

In this context, it is proved in [11] that kΨ−1m kop is increasing with m. Therefore, we can state the following result.

Corollary 4.3. Consider the estimatorbb0,2m computed in the Hermite basis onI=Runder Assumptions 3.1 and 3.7(m+ 1). Assume also that b0 is square integrable, E[b0(X1)4] < ∞ and E(Y14) < ∞. If kΨm−1kop.mγ for all m, and ifb∈WHs(D)withs >1 +γ, then by choosingmopt=n1/(s+1/2) yields



6c(D, s,kfk, σ2)n−2(s−1−γ)/(2s+1).

The rate is deteriorated compared to n−2(s−1)/(2s+1), which is the optimal rate of estimation for the derivative of a density in a similar non compact setting (see bounds (15) and (16) in [10]). However, we are in the framework of an inverse problem, due both to the derivative aspect and to the non compact support feature of the basis. Moreover, we believe that the deterioration is unavoidable and is due to the termkΨ−1mkop in the variance. Indeed, a simplication occurs when estimatingb, which does not when looking forb0.

Proof. The following Lemma (Lemma 2.2 in Comte et al. [10]) gives a relationship between the regularity ofθ∈WHs(D)and the regularity of its derivative.

Lemma 4.4. Considers>1andD >0. Ifθ∈WHs(D)admits a square integrable derivative, then there exists a constant D0=C(D)> D such thatθ0∈WHs−1(D0).

By Lemma 4.4, ifb∈WHs(D), thenkb−bmk26Dm−s,kb0−(b0)mk26C(D)m−s+1, and the risk bound oneb0,2m established at Proposition 3.9 becomes


hkeb0,2m −b0k2ni

6 2kfk


kt−b0k2+ 6kΨm+1−1 kopmkb−bm+1k2


n kΨ−1m+1kop(m+ 1)3/2+c1 n 6 C(D)kfk[m−(s−1)+kΨm+1−1 kopm(m+ 1)−s] +4Kσ2

n kΨ−1m+1kop(m+ 1)3/2+c1

(13) n

withc1>0. Thus, ifkΨ−1mkop=O(mγ), fors > γ+ 1, the estimator is consistent, and to plug the choice

m=mopt =n1/(s+1/2)in (13) gives the result of Corollary 4.3.

4.4. Explicit risk bound for Legendre basis. By Proposition 2.6.1 in [19] (see also [17], Section 7.6), it is known that if b∈Cr([−1,1];R)(r>1) and if there existsα∈(0,1]such that

|b(r)(t)−b(r)(s)|6Q|t−s|α ;∀s, t∈[−1,1], then there existsc >0 such that

kb−bmk26cm−2(r+α) and kb0−(b0)mk26cm−2(r−1+α).


The space of regularity β=r+αconsidered above will be called Hölder space and denoted byH(β, Q). By Proposition 4.1, we can see that the rst estimator may not be consistent as k(bm)0−(b0)mk2 may not tend to zero. However, Formula (9) shows that the Legendre basis satises Assumption 3.4(m, p) withp= 0and triangular matrix∆m,mwith null diagonal. As the basis is compactly supported, we can proceed as in the case of the trigonometric basis, assuming I= [−1,1],0< f0< f(x)<kfk<∞for every x∈I, and b(−1) =b(1) = 0. Then,

L(m) = m2

2 , k∆m,mk2op6cm4, k∆f,1m,mk2op=k∆f,2m,mk2op6ckfk


m4, and

k∆f,1m,mk2F =k∆f,2m,mk2F 6 c f0


As a consequence, for b ∈ H(β, Q) with β > 2 and b(−1) = b(1) = 0, Proposition 3.9 implies that if mopt =n1/(2β+1), then


hkeb0,2m −b0k2ni

6c(Q, β,kfk, f0, σ2)n−2(β−2)/(2β+1).

We mention this rate, but it is sub-optimal in the compact support case, specically in comparison with the trigonometric basis.

5. A Goldenshluger-Lepski type adaptive estimator

The choice of the adequatem is crucial to reach the best order for the quadratic risk. However, this choice depends on unknown quantities, such as the order of regularity of the unknown function. This is why it is important to propose a way to select this dimension from the data. The problem is dicult, especially if we intend to bound the risk of the associated adaptive estimator. Penalty based model selection often rely on a contrast minimization, which seems not possible here. This is why we propose a Goldenshluger-Lepski type strategy, described in [21] for kernel estimators, and extended to dimension selection in Chagny [5].

More precisely, consider the random collection Mcn:=

m∈ {1, . . . , n}:L(m+p)(kΨbm+p−1 k2op∨1)6d n log(n)

where d>0is a constant depending on kfk (see the proof of Theorem 5.2), and the random penalty Vb(m) := σ2m

n k(bΦmΦbm)−1(bΦ0m)Φb0mkop. This section deals with the adaptive estimatorbb0:=bb0,1

cm, where mb = arg min


nA(m) +κ1Vb(m)o with

A(m) := sup



+ and κ01. Consider


m∈ {1, . . . , n}:L(m+p)(kΨ−1m+pk2op∨1)6 d 4· n



the theoretical counterpart of Mcn, and M+n with the same denition asMn but withd/4 replaced by 4d. The maximal element ofM+n is denoted byMn+. Finally, let

V(m) := σ2m

n k∆f,1m,m+pk2op be the theoretical version ofVb(m).


Lemma 5.1. The map m7→Vb(m)is increasing.

Theorem 5.2. Let Assumption 3.1 be fullled. Let also Assumption 3.7(m+p) be fullled for every m∈ Mn. Moreover, assume that there exists κ >0 such thatE(exp(κε21))<∞, that

(14) sup


 1 log(n)




L(m)[exp(−a1m) + exp(−a2


<∞ ;∀a1,∀a2>0 with

L0(m) := sup

x∈I m−1



ϕ0j(x)2, and that there exists q∈N\{0} such that

(15) sup


 1 nq/2log(n)



L0(m) L(m)


Then, there exists a constant c5.2>0, not depending onn, such that E(kbb0−b0k2n) 6 c5.2 inf



E(kbb0,1m −b0k2n) +κ1V(m) +k∆f,1m,m+pk2opkb−bmk2f

+ sup



n −bm0k2f+kb−bM+ nk2)o +9

2kfk sup


kb0m0−b0mk2 )


n .

Conditions (14) and (15) are fullled by all the bases we mentioned (trigonometric, Laguerre, Hermite, Legendre) because L(m) andL0(m)have the order of powers of m. The condition onε1 is fullled by Gaussian random variables for any κ <1/(2σ2), and by random variables with a compactly supported distribution. The quantity

m∈Minfn n

E(kbb0,1m −b0k2n) +κ1V(m) +k∆f,1m,m+pk2opkb−bmk2fo

has the order of the minimum risk over the estimators of the collection in this problem. The three additional terms are due to the bound on the bias term

E sup



! .

Concretely, Theorem 5.2 can be applied to one of our specic bases. Indeed, for the trigonometric case, we get the following result.

Corollary 5.3. Consider the estimatorbb0 computed in the trigonometric basis on I = [0,1] with 0 <

f06f(x)6kfk <∞under Assumption 3.7(m). Moreover, assume that there exists κ >0 such that E(exp(κε21))<∞and thatb0 is square-integrable on I. Ifb∈Wper(β, L) withβ >1, then

E(kbb0−b0k2n)6c(f0,kfk, L)n−2(β−1)/(2β+1).

Therefore, our adaptive estimator automatically reaches the optimal rate, up to a multiplicative constant, in the compactly supported setting associated to the trigonometric basis. For the Hermite case, we obtain the following bound.

Corollary 5.4. Consider the estimatorbb0 computed in the Hermite basis on I=R under Assumptions 3.1 and 3.7(m+ 1). Assume also that b0 is square integrable on I,E[b0(X1)4]<∞ and that there exists κ >0 such that E(exp(κε21))<∞. If kΨ−1mkop.mγ for every m∈ {1, . . . , n}, and if b∈WHs(D) with s >2γ+ 9/4, then

E(kbb0−b0k2n)6c(D, s,kfk, σ2)n−2(s−1−γ)/(2s+1).

As a consequence, the Hermite estimator also reaches automatically the best rate we could expect, in the dicult context of non compact setting, but under stronger conditions.


6. A numerical exploration

n= 250 n= 1000 n= 4000

Herm Trigo Herm Trigo Herm Trigo

b1 100 MSE 0.91(0.50) 0.82(0.46) 0.23(0.13) 0.23(0.13) 0.06(0.03) 0.07(0.03) dim 10.7(1.30) 4.94(0.93) 13.1(1.46) 6.13(1.30) 15.2(2.05) 7.40(1.45) b01 100 MSE 11.1(6.27) 8.75(5.11) 2.97(1.79) 3.16(1.92) 0.85(0.47) 1.24(0.62) dim 10.8(1.01) 4.76(0.76) 12.9(1.37) 5.99(1.12) 15.2(2.01) 7.30(1.34) b2 100 MSE 0.07(0.10) 0.44(0.34) 0.02(0.03) 0.12(0.07) 0.005(0.006) 0.03(0.02) dim 1.03(0.22) 2.53(0.90) 1.03(0.22) 2.90(0.93) 1.01(0.15) 3.45(0.93)

b02 100 MSE 0.03(0.04) 1.54(1.22) 0.007(0.01) 0.50(0.31) 0.002(0.003) 0.140.10)

dim 112(0.51) 2.38(0.64) 1.08(0.38) 2.75(0.69) 1.08(0.42) 3.16(0.55)

b3 MSE 1.14(0.91) 0.64(0.55) 0.25(0.13) 0.19(0.10) 0.06(0.03) 0.06(0.03) dim 11.3(1.15) 3.69(1.16) 14.1(1.35) 5.12(1.77) 16.7(1.44) 7.18(2.07) b03 100 MSE 18.824.7) 4.96(9.84) 3.89(2.69) 2.31(2.33) 1.08(0.71) 1.21(0.73) dim 11.4(1.15) 3.53(1.01) 14.2(1.30) 4.88(1.43) 16.7(1.42) 6.62(1.66) b4 100 MSE 0.68(0.37) 0.82(0.44) 0.21(0.11) 0.24(0.12) 0.06(0.03) 0.07(0.03) dim 8.71(2.21) 5.20(0.92) 11.6(2.21) 6.30(1.32) 14.9(2.43) 7.42(1.41) b04 100 MSE 7.60(3.48) 10.8(5.48) 2.65(1.18) 3.40(1.57) 0.93(0.43) 1.17(0.55) dim 9.17(2.02) 5.11(0.75) 11.8(1.91) 6.17(1.11) 15.2(1.99) 7.28(0.94) Table 1. "100 MSE": MSE of the oracle (forb and b0, dened by (16)) multiplied by 100 with standard deviations (Std) multiplied by 100 in small parenthesis. "dim": mean of the oracle dimensions with Std in small parenthesis. Columns "Herm" correspond to the Hermite basis, columns "Trigo" to the half trigonometric basis. 400 repetitions

Due to the theoretical diculty of the question, in a model which looked rather simple at rst sight, we wondered if the strategy consisting in derivating the least squares regression estimator was relevant, and if numerical investigations could bring information about a good estimation strategy.

This is why we choose to look at oracles: we compute all estimators of the collection and use the knowledge of the true function to compute the error associated to all of them in order to select the best one in term of itsL2-distance to the true. We also look with careful interest at the associated dimensions.

We considered the four simple functions

(16) b1(x) = 2 sin(πx), b2(x) = exp(−x2/2), b3(x) =x2, b4(x) = 4x/(1 +x2),

and we generated Yi =b(Xi) +εi, i = 1, . . . , n, for i.i.d. Xi ∼ N(0,1), independent of the i.i.d εi ∼ N(0, σ2), withσ= 0.25andb=bj,j= 1, . . . ,4. For each sample, we compute the least squares estimator of b, together with its derivative, in the Hermite and in the trigonometric bases. We use what we call the "half" trigonometric basis, relying on functions x 7→ √

2 sin(πjx) and x 7→ √

2 cos(πjx) on [0,1], rescaled to the interval [a, b]. For each function b, we considered K = 400 repetitions, and samples of sizes n= 250,1000and 4000. We computed theL2-distance between each oracle estimator ofb and the trueb, and each oracle estimator ofb0 and the trueb0, on an interval with bounds corresponding to the 3% and 97% quantiles of the Xi's, and nally take the average on the 400 paths. Moreover, we average the selected dimensions for each sample. In other words, we retain the dimension and error corresponding in each case to the smallest error, and compute means and standard deviations. The results are reported in Table 1.

Table 1 shows that the MSE decreases when n increases, in all cases, and whetherb or b0 is estimated.

The orders associated with the MSE given are more concretely illustrated in Figures 1 and 2, and we can see that the estimations are very satisfactory. We can notice that function b1 is chosen to be easy for the trigonometric basis, but the Hermite basis performs very well in this case too. On the contrary, the functionb2is supposed to be easy for the Hermite basis, and it is, with small selected dimensions, but the


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