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Experience with a pier-supported building over permafrost


Academic year: 2021

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Publisher’s version / Version de l'éditeur:

Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, 86, SM5, pp. 1-14,


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Experience with a pier-supported building over permafrost

Dickens, H. B.; Gray, D. M.


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Narrorual ResEancx

Cour.lcrr-C A N A D A D I V I S I O N O F B U I L D I N G R E S E A R C H




P I E R - S U P P O R T E D






R E P R I N T E O F R O M J O U R N A L O F T H E S O I L M E C H A N I C S A N D F O U N D A T I O N S D I V T S I O N P R O C E E D I N G S O F T H E A M E R I C A N S O C I E T Y O F C I V I L E N G T N E E R S v o L . € 6 . N O . S M 5 . O C T O B E R t 9 6 0 . p . r - t 4 T E C H N I C A L P A F E R N O I I 9 O F ' H E D I V I S I O N O F B U I L D I N G R E S E A R C H OTTAWA F E B R U A R Y I 9 6 1 P R I C E 2 5 C E N T S N R C s 9 4 2


T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s b e i n g d i s t r i b u t e d b y t h e D i v i s i o n o f B u i l d i n g R e s e a r c h o f t h e N a t i o n a l R e s e a r c h C o u n c i l o f C a n a d a . I t s h o u l d n o t b e r e p r o d u c e d i n w h o l e o r i n p a r t w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e o r i g i n a l p u b l i s h e r . T h e D i v i s i o n w o u l d b e g l a d t o b e o f a s s i s t a n c e i n o b t a i n i n g s u c h p e r m i s s i o n . P u b l i c a t i o n s o f t h e D i v i s i o n m a y b e o b t a i n e d b y m a i l -i n g t h e a p p r o p r -i a t e r e m i L t a n c e , ( a B a n k , E x p r e s s , o r P o s t O f f i c e M o n e y O r d e r , o r a c h e q u e m a d e p a y -a b l e -a t p -a r i n O t t -a w -a , t o t h e R e c e i v e r G e n e r a l o f C a n a d a , c r e d i t N R C ) t o t h e N a t i o n a l R e s e a r c h C o u n c i l o f C a n a d a , O t t a w a . S t a m p s a r e n o t a c c e p t a b l e . A l i s t o f a I l p u b l i c a t i o n s o f t h e D i v i s i o n i s a v a i l a b l e a n d m a y b e o b t a i n e d f r o m t h e P u b l i c a t i o n s S e c t i o n , D i v i s i o n o f B u i l d i n g R e s e a r c h , N a t i o n a l R e s e a r c h C o u n c i l o f C a n a d a , O t t a w a ? , C a n a d a .



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2 6 1 8 October, 1960

Journal of the



of the American Society of Civil Engineers



The construction of a two-story steel frame building over permafrost at churchill, Manitoba, during 1948 to 1950 isdescribed and itsperformance

dis-cussed inrelationto theconstructiontechniquesused. Its appa.rentsatisfactory

performance after nine years of occupancy suggests that the concrete pier and spread footing foundation used can be a practicable alternative to embedded foundations for large heated structures in perma-frost regions.


It is only sinceworldwar llthat serious study has been given in the united

states and canada to the problems of construction in perma-frost areas. The

wartimeconstruction of theAlaskaHighwayand theairfieldsservingthe

North-west staging Route as well as the cosily canol oil pipeline all served to focus

attention onthisproblemandits importance in thefuturedevelopmentof Alaska

and northern Canada.

As recently as 1943, S. W. Muller, working for the U.S. Army, coined the word "permafrosto during the preparation of his well-known book.3 since the

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war, planned scientific studies in this field have been carried on in North America by such agencies as the Arctic Construction and Frost Effects Labora: tory and the Snow, Ice and PermaJrost Research Establishment of the Corps of Engineers in the United States, and by the National Research Council in Canada.

The building described herein was built for the Royal Canadian Navy in the permafrostarea of Churchill, Manitoba, during the period 1948 to 1950. At the time of its design and construction little was known in Canada about permafrost and there was no prior Canadian experience of the type that would indicate the suitability of the foundation system proposed for this building at Churchill. Theoretical considerations and an experience reported in the foreign literature were allthatwere available andalthoughthese suggestedthat the system would be practicable, the project was to a very real extent a pioneering effort in this fieId.

For this reason, andbecause thebuilding has nowbeen in use for nearly ten years without any serious performance difficulties, it was thought that this rec-ord of its design and construction should be prepa.red, The authors were not personallyconnectedwith theproject in anyway but theyhave attempted to re-construct the details with the aid of the various agencies involved.


Churchill is located in the north-east corner of theprovince of Manitoba at at the mouth of the Churchill River on Hudson Bay at latitude 58' 47' N and lon-gitude 94" 1lr W. It is approximately 600 air miles north-east of Winnipeg and 510 miles by rail from fire Pas. Harbour facilities operated by the Na-tional Ilarbours Board are used chiefly during the short summer season for shipping grain to Europe.

The climate at Churchill is as severe as many locations further north and the area has been used er<tensively as a cold weather test site by both United $ates and Canadian test teams. The mean annual temperature is 18.8"F and the mean January daily temperature is -19oF. There are on the average only fifty-nine frost-free days per year. The average annual precipitation is 9.5 in.of rain and 55 in. of snow. The feature that distinguishes Churchill from other cold areas in southernCanada and northernUnited States is the duration of the cold weather and the combination of wind with low temperature.

The townsite of Churchill is located on the tip of a peninsula between the Churchill River and Hudson Bay. The Department of National Defence main-tains a military camp known as Fort Churchill appro(imately 4 miles to the south-east of the town. Apart from the area of the miliatry camp which is constructed onbedrocklying near the ground surface the foundation conditions in the area are generalll poor, being eharacterized by inadequately drained shallowmoss coverover a varietyof materials including gravel, silt' and clay interspersed with boulders. Churchill is located at the approximate northern limit of the trees and tree growth in the area is sparse and stunted.

The area is generally considered to lie just inside the zone of continuous permafrost which is defined as that area where permalrost is found every-where under the natural surface and is relatively thick and massive. Borings taken in 1929 beneath a local lake showed permafrost to begin at 42 ft below



the bottom of the lake. The total thickness of perma.frost in the area is not known but earlier records suggest thatperma.frost may o(ist to a depth of 230 ft below the surface.


The site of the building under review is situated approximatelymidwaybe-tween thetown of churchill and the militarycampand islocated on a low undu-Iatingplain characterizedby poor naturaldrainage. It isbounded on the north-east by the road connecting the town with the military camp and on the west by the Hudson Bay Railway. Natural drainage in the area is to the south-west towards the churchill River but is impeded by the railroad embankment

o o 5 o - ' o - \ _ 1 8 \ --20-\_ - 25--\_ - 28 -\-- 3 7 -\-- \ -40 -=__ N I C M A T S A N D , S I L T , G R A V E L A N D P E B B L E S s A N D , S t LT A N D GRAVEL B O U L D E R S U P t o t < " D r l E O U L D E R S U P T O 2 ' O r A B O U L D E R S A N D SAND o :!, o . 5 > :!, -- 5 -- -- \ - t O \ \ - t 5 - \ 1 8 \ --20 -:\-- 25\\ F I N E S A N O A N O G R A V E L B O U L O E R S B O U L D E R S A N D F I N E S A N D I N E S A N D F I N E S A N D

-8 S I L T A N D G R A V E L _ 4 7 _ r FIG. 1

which is raised 2 l/2 ft above grade. The whole area is covered with a thin mantle of moss, which, owing to the drainage problem, is soggy in the early sprlng and during the rainy season. The ground normally thaws to depths oi 2 | /2 tt to 6 ft in summer, depending on the thickness of moss cover and on the ponding of water.

soils.-soilinvestigations were carriedout in the springof 1g4g with a 2 hp diamond drillmachine. Tlpicalborehole results obtained by wash borings are ghown in Fig. 1. Below the thin top covering of organic matter, the soil con-sists of sand and silt interspersed with gravel and large boulders. The soil was completelyfrozen to the maximum depur investigated. All holes had to be stopped at 48 ft because of lack of power in the equipment. The wash borings did not provide details of the ice content of the frozen soil but holes er<cavated in the area adjacent tothe sitefor thefoundations ofsmallancillary structures showed ice lensing in the soil in the upper few feet of the permafrost zone.


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These investigations, combinedwith otherinformation availablefrom tlte area, indicatedthat the subsoils variedin natureacrossthe site, thatthey were high-ly susceptible to frost action, and, that upon thawing, would reduce in bearing value and compress under load. This led to the recommendation that the soil at and below the load-carrying level of the foundation must not be allowed to thaw and that care must be taken to reduce thepotential effects of frost action in the active layer. Because pile placing was considered too difficult ouring to the excessive numberof stones and boulders at shallotrT depths, it was decided to use a foundation design that would eliminate the need for costly subsurface e)(cavation.

A syetem of concretepiers and spreadfootings was proposed, to be Iocated at depths of only a few feet beloqt the e:(isHng grade and slightly above the orig-inal permafrost level. The succegs of thisdesign was dependent entirely upon the abilityto raise thepermafrostlevel above the underside ofthe footings and to keepitat ttrislevelfor thelife of the structure. Thls wasattempted by plac-ing 4 ft to 5 ft ofgravelfillover the oristinggroundsurfacefollowingconstruc-tion of the foundaoristinggroundsurfacefollowingconstruc-tions and by providing an air spa.ce between the heated building and the ground. To provide further insulation' a moss layer l to 2 ft thick was placed over tlre gravel fill. As will be seen subsequently, the construction techniques used and tlle care with which the work was carried out were con-sidered to be critical factors in determinlng the success of this design.


lhe building is a T-shaped, two-story structure consisting of a rear wing ( 48 ft ry 96 ft) and a front wing ( 48 ft by 348 ft) connected by a two-story en-closed pa.ssageway 49 ft long and 11 ftwide (Figs 2 and 9). The design was begun in June 1948following completion of the soits investigations. Construc-tion of the foundaConstruc-tions was begun in JuIy 1948; the building wascompletedin August, 1950.

fire superstructure consists of a steel frame to which are attached Q-type insulated wall panels made up of fluted or flat corrugated 16-gauge sheet alu-minum on the e:rterior, glass fibre insulation and l8-gauge flat sheet steel on the interior. In thie way, the insulation is kept completely on the cold side of the steel frame and condenshtion problems are reduced. The orposed steel is covered on the inside with a wallboard material applied over nailable steel studs. similar studs are uged to form the interior partitions. A typical

sec-loadingconditions, placed over a corrugatedlS-gauge steel deck which is used as a form and is left in place. From a construction viewpoint, the design was considered to offer the advantage of semi-prefabrication, thus assisting tlte contractor to close in the buildingrapidly, an important factor in an area such asChurchill where all labor has to be brought infrom the south and where the construction season is shortened by the severe climate.

To facilitate the distribution of services throughout the building' service tunnels are providedfor thefull lengthof eachsection of thebuilding, centrally located beneath the first floor slab. These tunnels contain piping for forced


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hot water heating, steam supply and condensate return, domestic hot and cold water supply'fire protection, eewage dispoeal and compresaed air ltnes. The tunnels measure appruimately I l/2 ft by B l/4ft rn croes-section and are supported on reinforcedconcrete beams epanntngbetween the two center rowa of concrete piere.

$pecialprecautlong weretaken in the original deelgn to reduce theheat flonr from the building to the ground, and thus protect tlre permafrost, by tneulating tlte undereide of the floor of the btrtlding and all exposed faceg of the eervice tunnel ( Fig. g). ttre floor of the building le lneulated wlth alumlnum foll and 4 in of corkcoveredwlth 3/16-in asbestoeboard. The cork was placed in two 2-in layers, the first layer being backed with 3/4 in. of cement plaeter to in-crease ite weight and was simply laid in sheets between z in-by-z-in. metal tee-bars welded to thebottom flanges of the eteel floorbeams. Alumlnum foll was laid above thls cork layer on top of the tee-bars to act as reflec[ve in-eulation. Ttre second 2-in. layer of cork was cemented to the firstlayer and also anchoredbywoodskewers. The undersides of allorposed cork sheets are covered with 3/16-in. asbegtos cement board fastened by means of epecial elipe through the cork to the steel tee bars. In additlon, all Joints are battened.

The floor of the servlce tunnel consigts of 2 in. of concrete applied over 4 in. of cork lnsulation whlch is zupported on steel pa.nels carried on the con-crete beams. The portion of the tunnel floor between tre beams le finished withaluminumfoil insulation applied overl-in.-by-2-in. furring and protected by comugated aluminum sheete.

Wlth downward heatflonr, euch as occurg througha floor, a large proportion of the heat is transferred by radiation, and thus reflective. lnsuladon ln the form of aluminumfoil ie particularlyeffective in thlslocation. The sidee of thetun-nel are built of insulated Q-pathetun-nels 3 l/4 ln. in orrer-all thickness with 2 tru of cork lnsulation cemented to their interior gurface. Heat loss donrnward through the concrete foundation has been reduced by tnsulating the tops ofall concrete piere with a 16-iru-by-16-by-8 5/8-in. block of glue-laminated wood to breah direct thermal contact between the steel beams and tlte piers.

The building foundation ( ffg. Z) consigts of concrete pters 18 ln. square designed to raiee the structure off tlre ground sufftciently to allow circulaflon of air between the underetde of the firet floor and the ground gurface and thus reduce heat transfer to the eoll. rhe piers are camled on concrete pedestale 2 ft square at the top, 3 ft square at the baee and 6 ft to ? ft 6 in. htgh. The sides of the pedeetals are sloped to reduce the effect of frost-heaving forces. The building load of each pedestal is transferred to the soil through a 4-ft square concrete spreadfooting 18 in" deep. The pedestals are aqchored to the fooHnge by dowel bars hooked at the ends and extending into bottr members.


when construction was begun early in July, 194g, the following detailed schedule was establlshed for the fleld crew:

1. Provide drainage ditchee to remove accumulated surface water. 2. Excavate for epread footings.

3. Place concrete fooflngs and pedestals on tamped gravel fill.

4. stockpite gravel and moes in the spring of 1g4g as fill and insulation for tjte foundation area.


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5. Keep site cleared of snowduring the winter of 1948-1949to allovfotudq-tions to freeze in.

6. Before the ground)thawe in the spring of 1949, place 4 to 5 ft of gravel fill over the building area and cover with an insulating layer of moss.

?. Place concrete piers and beams to complete substructure.

Although drainage of the site was considered by the oeeign engineers to be of prime importance during the constructlon phase, insufficient attention was given to this agpect when work began. The first excavations for footings were dug wiurout drainage facilities being provided and by August 15, 1948, the site had become qulte wet and the working conditions diffictdt. A system of tem-porary drainage ditches 2 ft wide and a minimum of 2 ft 9 in. deep were then dug. These were located between fowrdation bays to avoid underminlng the footings when they were placed. The ditches were excavated to frozen ground and in some cases, to obtaln proper grade' were taken to slightly below the level of permafrost. The temporary ditches were led into a permanent ditch excavated around the perimeter of the btrilding. This ditch drained to the loct area behind the building through culverts constructed under the railway em-bankment. The top 3 ft of soil dried oqt rapidly after this ditch was completed and permitted construction to proceed with much less difficulty. For the re-mainder of the work, care wa6 talen to keep disturbance of the groutd to a mlnimum. Instructions were given to the construction crew to remove moas correr and top soil only where necessary for placing footings.

The elevation of the natural grade varied from 42 ft to 44 ft above mean sea levelacross the site andthat ofpermafrostfrom 35 ft to 40 ft. The rurdersldes of the footings were desigrr.ed to be placed at elevations of 40 ft and 41 ft 6 tn. It was intended to excavate to the seasonal frost level and to backfill to the footing level with tamped gravel. When footing orcavations were carried to this level, however, Eome were not completed quickly enough and tJ1e soil in them became very soft. In such cases it was neceagary to continue the exca-vations to permafrost or deeper to obtain firm bearing and then to backfill to the footing level with mechanicallytamped gravel. This occurred particularly with thefoundation for the rear wingwhere a6-ft-by-6-ingravelfillwae placed under each 4-ft-W-4-ft footing todistribute theheavierfloorloadg intlnt sec-tion of the building. The final depth of gravel under each footing varied from 2 lt to 2 ft I in. in the front wing and from 4 ft to ? ft in the rear wing.

placed, again when cloeing the Job for the winter, and finally when opening it again in the spring, shoured that.no signiftcant movementg had occurred and euch adJustment was not needed. Effective drainage of the site doubtless did much to keep foundation movement to a minimwn.

As soon aa the concrete work permitted, gravel backfill wae placed around the footings and covered with a temporary moBs fill to protect the permafrost duringthe remainder of the warm season. Thts moss fill was removed tate in 1948,whenthe atrtemperatures werebelovfreezing, by which time the natural moss cover over the sitehad alsobeen removed andplled ready for use as fill


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insulation the following year. Eight thowand to ten thousand cu yd of gravel were also stockpiled near the butldlng and all temporary ditches were back-filled with coarae gravel befbre freeze-up.

During the winter of 1948-1949, the forurdation area was kept clear of snow to permlt maximum possible cooltng of the ground over the building site ( Fig. 5) . Note the batteredpedestals {ndreinforcing for concretepiers sho\rtn tn Flg. 5. Some indication of the cooliggachieved during thls period is given by the tem-perature isotherms shown lrlFig.4. Thetemtem-perature is ln F. Althoughsnow-fall in the Churchill area ia not high, snow drifting is a problem owlng to the frequency of wlnter winds. fo asslst in keeping snow off the slte, no obetruc-tions such as worksheds or Ftockpiles ofmaterials whichwouldlead to forma-tion of snoq, drifts, were pQrmltted to windluard of the building area. Snow' which accumulated between the foundations, waa removed during the winter by a combination of mechanicall and had labor methods.

Early in April, 1949 before the groturd began to thaw, gravel stockpiled tlte year before waa uaed to plaee a 4 ft to 5 ft depth of fill over the site to a dis-tance of 20 ft outside the bu{lding area" This fill was placed between the ped-estals to a height just below their tops.

To avoid trapping water in the fill which would increase the possibtlity of frost heaving in future winters, 3-in. diam slotted libre pipes were sw* to 1 ft

finished (fig. 6). Ar Ftg. 6 note the gravel fill and moss layer placed to the top of the pedeetals and the concrete piers constructed. The structural steel frame was erected in June ( Fig. ?) and the bulldtng waa advalrced sr.fficiently during the gummer topermitinside workduring the winter of 1949-1950. Note the gravel fill and mogs under the butldlng in Fig. ?. The gervice tunnel and air space beneath the building can be seen ln Fig. 8. The building was com-pleted in August 1950 (fig. 9).


Although the hdtding was not the subJect of a reaearch study ground tem-perature measuring instruments were installed at several points wtder the structure. Thls wa.s done in the intereste of verifying the design assumption that thepermafrostwould be raisedto the footinglevel and would remaln there during operation of the building.

Thermocouple strings placed in temperature wells drilled by a dtamond drtll machine were installed at twelve diJferent footing locations chosen to reflect the varyinginfluence of suchfactors as heat loss from the building and expos-ure to the sun. Two additionalwells werelocated outside the building area for


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reference purposes. Thermocouple mea.gurements were begun on November 10, 1949 at a time when the foundations, gravel fill, and insulating moss cover were in place and the building had been closed in to permit work to continue inside during the winter months. These measurements were taken at 10-day intervals until November 20, 1950 with occasional interruptions because of in-strument diJficulties.

Prior to these thermocouple obgervations, measurements were made for a 12-month period in three of the temperature wells using mercury thermome-ters. In one of these, well No. 14, temperatures were recorded to depths of 8

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ft below the footing from December, 1948 to February, 1949, and to 2b ft below the footing f rom March to October, 1949, at which time the thermocouples were installed.

Thelocation ofwellNo. 14 is shown on thefoundationplan (fig. Z), together with details of its thermocouple arrangement. This well is under the rear of wing of the building in an area where the water condition during construction in the summer of 1948 was particularly bad.

An isotherm plot of the temperatures recorded in well No. 14 is given in Fig. 4. The observations were not continued for a sufficiently long period to

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14 October, 1960 SM 5 be conclusive and were subject to instrument and observer error. They do provide some information and indicate certain trends as follows:

1. Theintensive coolingof the groundin thewinter of1948-1949as indicated by the close spacing of the 5' isotherms shows the value of keeping the site cleared of snow during that period.

2. The mean ground temperature at a depth of 30 ft is approximately 26"F. 3. The maximum temperature of the ground at the footing level is not reached until sometime in November.

4. Despite the erratic nature of some of theobservations,the temperatures suggest that the soil at the footing level did remain frozen during the summer of 1949 and again in 1950, after the building had been heated for one winter.

Ground temperature measutements unfortunately were discontinued after November, l950 and the thermocouple installations have since been either re-moved or made unserviceable. During the ensuing 9-yr period that the build-ing has been in use, however, there has been no indication of foundation move-ment. Maintenance in this period has been limited to refastening of the cork insulation and asbestos boardattached to the underside of the first floor, some of which became loose.


The apparent satisfactory performance after nine years of occupancy of this pier-supported building atChurchill indicates that the design and construction techniques used have been successful in combatting the problems of perma-frost in that area.

Detailed research studies were not carried out but this review of the con-struction and performance of the building suggests that the foundation system used can be a practicable alternative to foundations embedded in permafrost for large heated structures in northern regions, providing that careful atten-tion is given to field procedures which aid in establishing and maintaining a satisfactory ground thermal regime beneath the building.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Per Hall, Vice-President, and J. N. Galli, Project Englneer, Foundation of Canada Engineer-ing Corporation Limited, in providEngineer-ing information for this paper. Mr. Hall was directly concernedwith thedesign andconstruction of thisbuilding and has supplied valuable information based on his own personal recollection of the work. In addition, he has generously made available all company records on this project. Mr. Galti assisted in selecting appropriate material from the comparry's records and kindly arranged for discussions with Mr. Mathys and Mr. Johnson, soils engineers and driller, respectively, on this project.

Figs. 1 to 4 are based on drawings supplied by the Foundation of Canada Engineering Corporation Limited.

This joint paper by the Division of Building Research, National Research Council and the Depa.rtment of National Defence is presented with the approval Mr. R. F. Legger, Director, Division of Building Research, and Capt. J. B. Roper, Civil Engineer-in-Chief, Naval Technical Services, Royal Canadian Navy.


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