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Other JSR Examples JMX instrumentation Instrumentation definition Plan Stéphane Frenot


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Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 1



Stéphane Frenot



Instrumentation definition

JMX instrumentation


– Dynamic instrumentation of EJB

– Gasp a platform for GRID instrumentation

Other JSR


Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 3

Instrumentation & management Rôles

A model :

– defines data and models for instrumentation

A Management Application : – presents data to end-user

A Management engine :

– collects information and makes them available

Providers :

– low-level of the system that collects data

Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 4


Web Based Enterprise Management

Common Information Model


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Example 1 : WBEM/CIM

DMTF initiative

CIM : Common Information Model

– Object-Oriented Representation of resources

MOF : Managed Object Format

– Formal description of the classes and association (CIM representation) – MOF2XML, MOF2JavaInterfaces

Standardised schemas

– Core CIM classes, network classes, software classes…

CIM object manager (CIMOM)

– Database for CIM classes instances, central point for ressource access

an XML API for CIMOM access (client access)

Example 1 : WEBM / CIMOM

Client WBEM Client Access API XML/http

CIM Object Manager (CIMOM)

Provider Static data

uses uses

DLL / Shared Object Retrievesdata

CIM schema

+ instances MOF spec


Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 7

Example 1 : CIM schema

Class SIMPLE_FileSystem : CIM_LogicalElement {



Description("The inherited Name. The value must be overriden to indicate it is now a key value and will be retrieved dynamically"), Key


string Name;

[Description("The total amount of space available on a filesystem")]

uint32 TotalSpace;

[Description("The total amount that is used in a filesystem")] unint32 UsedSpace;


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Who :

– Snia (storage network industry association) opensource Wbem

– IBM through Sblim : providers for linux system

– Microsoft : WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)

– Sun JSR146 : WBEM Services : JMX provider Protocol Adapater

Other management systems:

– SNMP : ASN.1, standard

– CMIP : Common Management Information Model, TELCO management, OSI

– Legacy product


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Java Management eXtension


JMAPI : Java Management Application Interface


– the architecture, – design patterns, – APIs and

– the services

for applications and network management.


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JMX Architecture is divided into 3 levels:

– Distributed Services Level – Agent Level

– The Instrumentation Level

Plus Java APIs that enable it to inter-operate with other management protocols

Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 12

Management Applications

Managed Resources

JMX Instrumentation JMX Distributed


JMX Agent Services




3 %4#5%'687689:<;

= &2)

Additional APIs

Source: JavaSoft



Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 13

JMX : Technical Overview


Specification for implementing manageable resources (Managed Beans ‘Mbeans‘)

Notification mechanisms to generate and propagate events.

CTS(Compatibility Test Suite) The Mbeans conform to the design patterns and implement the interfaces correctly.


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Specification for implementing agents. (Mbean Server + set of services)

Agent are ‘independent‘ of the managed resources and the Managers that use them.

Currently supports J2SE (tending to PersonalJava and


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Specification management interfaces and components that can operate on agents or hierachies of agents

Connector and Protocol Interfaces

Distribute / Consolidate management Information

Implement Distribution, Scalability, Dynamic functionalities

JSR 160


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Provide a specification for interacting with existing management environments.

Possibility to Instrument the protocols

A Managed Bean (MBean)

A Java Object : Class Instance : Hello

Implements a specific interface : HelloMBean

Conforms to design patterns

Both classe and interface are available through

the same classloader


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A manageable Class

The corresponding Interface

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Interface is represented as :

– Valued attributed that can be accessed – Operation that can be invoked

– Notifications that can be emitted – Constructors for the Mbean's java class

4 types of Mbeans

– Standard MBeans : their management interface is described by their method names

– Dynamic MBeans : they expose their management interface at runtime

– Open MBean : dynamic MBean that rely only on basic types and are self describing

– Model MBean : dynamic Mbean that rely on a generic class with default behavior for ressources


Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 21

Mbean server

Access point for management


– client access (xml, http)

– protocol adaptors for management applications

Registers Managed Beans

Mbean starting & using MBean

MBeanServer server=MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();

//first approach

MyClass m=new MyClass();

ObjectName mON=new ObjectName("Domain:name=mInstance");

server.registerMBean(m,mON); //controls if interfaces ok m.getState();

//second approach

Object [] param={new Integer(2)};

Strings [] signature={"java.lang.Integer"};

ObjectName mON2=new ObjectName("Domain:name=mInstance2");

server.createMBean("test.MyClass",mON2, null);

Object res=server.invoke(mON2, "test", param, signature);


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Agent architecture

Runs in a JVM act as the liaison between MBeans and the management application

A JMX agent is composed of :

– MBean server

– Set of MBeans representing managed resources – Minimum number of agent services (as MBeans) – And one of either protocol adaptor or connector

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Resource 1

Resource 2 Agent side




Management Application with a view of the

JMX Agent

C JMX Management Application


Manager side


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MBeanServer Rôles

Manage existing Mbeans

– Getting their attribute values – Changing their attribute values – Invoking operations

Get notification emitted by any Mbean

Instanciate and register new Mbeans from

– java classes from the server's classloader – new classes downloaded from outside

Use agent services to implement management policies

MBeanServer services

Core services (aka not external)

– Naming service – Notification Service – MBean MetaData – Registration

Agent services

– Dynamic class loading – Monitoring

– Timer

– Relation


Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 27



– [DomainName]:property=value[,property=value]*

ObjectName par=new ObjectName("Server:name=xlstprocessor");



– represents the link between Mbean ObjectName and its java class. But it doesn't give access to the referenced object :

• Java class name of the MBean,

• the ObjectName registered for the MBean,

• a test for equality with another ObjectInstance


– SetObjectInstance queryMBeans(ObjectName name, Query query) – SetObjectName queryNames(ObjectName name, Query query)

Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 28

Notification Model

Based on the Java event model

Emitted by Mbean instances as well as the Mbean Server

Specifies notification objects and the broadcaster and listener interfaces that notification senders and receivers must implement.

Management applications listen to the Mbean and

Mbean server notifications (events) remotely.


Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 29

MBeans MetaData

MBeanInfo - lists attributes, operations, constructors, notifications

MBeanFeatureInfo - Superclass of all features





MBean Registration Control

MBeanRegistration Interface – hooks for :

• preRegister throws MBeanRegistrationException

• postRegister

• preDeregister

• postDeregister


Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 31

Dynamic loading

M-Let service

Enables loading MBean from an URL

ClassLoader repository

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– CounterMonitor : Observes attributes with java integer types (Byte, Integer, Short, Long)

• >0

• ++

• roll over (modulus)

– GaugeMonitor : Observes java Integer or floating point type (Float, Double), increase or decrease arbitrarily

– StringMonitor : Observes a String


– Threshold

– HighThreshold, LowThreshold – Matches, Differs


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Notifications that are triggered only once

Notifications that are repeated with a defined period and/or number of occurrences

– TimerNotification object – addNotification

Relation Service

N-ary relation between MBeans

Managed by the MBeanServer

Relies on Notifications


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– "Only" a hierarchical data repository – Relies on a formal model

– Global management – XML Access

– No providers


– Policy enabled (Execution and Datas) – Standard services

– Java


Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 37

ARES Project 1

Monitoring of a GRID system

GASP project

Definition and Storage Monitoring






ARES 1 : NWS management

JMX Monitoring platform

NWS Daemon NWS Daemon NWS Daemon

NWS NameServerMBean NWS MemoryMBean NWS ForecasterMBean

NWS Daemon

NWS Name Server

Interface NWS Memory Interface

NWS Forecast

NWS Name Server

NWS Sensor (manually launched) NWS Memory MBean Server

Timer Relation

XML Adaptor

HTML viewer

NWS Memory Java object

NWS Name Server

Java object NWS

Forecast Interface

NWS Forecaster Java object

NWS SensorMBean NWS Sensor


NWS Sensor Java object cre

ate HTML



WEBM client

NWS protocol

NWS protocol

NWS protocol

NWS protocol


Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 39 Management


Management client


Dynamic EJB instrumentation


Linking Application Server and management system


Each EJB (Home/Remote) has an MBean counterpart

ARES Project 2

EJB Serveur EJB




Instrumentation service

Instrumentation descriptor

Managed EJB


Management Constraints

Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 40

ARES 2 : Instrumentation service

– Interception during deployement phase

– Instrumentation Descriptor : ID= f (Home interface, Component) – Relies on a neutral langage (xml) – Defines the Managed EJB


Deployement service

Introspection generation


home remote


Managed EJB

Main Points


Fractal Workshop - 29/02/2003 41

Java related JSR & info

JSR 2 - JMX (v1.1, v1.2)

– Eamonn Mc Manus – MX4J, RI sun

– JSR 160 - JMX Remote

JSR146 - WBEM services: JMX Provider protocol adapter

Tools Standardization Initiatives for the J2EE

– JSR77 - J2EE management specification - Hans Hrasna

• CIM model for J2EE management

– JSR88 - J2EE Deployement API - Rebecca Searls

• API for the deployement service


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