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Fourteenth plenary meeting, 20 May 1966 (Committee on Programme and Budget, fourth report)


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


WHA19.39 Effects of Atomic Radiation

The Nineteenth World Health Assembly,

Recognizing the m o u n t i n g concern of world opinion at the h a r m f u l effects to present and f u t u r e gene- rations resulting f r o m the increase in the levels of radiation to which m a n is exposed f r o m nuclear and thermonuclear weapon tests, superimposed on other sources of radiation;

Noting that the United Nations General Assembly has been seized of the question of the urgent need for the suspension and discontinuance of all test explosions of nuclear weapons since 1954;

Noting further that a United N a t i o n s Scientific C o m m i t t e e on the Effects of A t o m i c Radiation was established in 1955 and has since submitted three reports on the effects of atomic radiation and that it will

be submitting another report of its estimates of risk f r o m such explosions to the f o r t h c o m i n g twenty-first session of the General Assembly;

Conscious of the warning given in the second report of the Scientific Committee that " the effects of any increase in radiation exposure m a y not be fully manifested for several decades in the case of somatic disease and for m a n y generations in the case of genetic d a m a g e " ; and

Recalling in particular United N a t i o n s General Assembly resolutions 1762 (XVII), which c o n d e m n s all nuclear weapon tests, and 2032 (XX), which "calls u p o n all countries to respect the spirit and provisions of the Treaty banning nuclear w e a p o n tests in the a t m o s p h e r e , in outer space and under w a t e r " ,

1. COMMENDS the United N a t i o n s Scientific C o m m i t t e e on the Effects of Atomic Radiation for its valuable contribution to wider knowledge and understanding of the deleterious effects and danger levels of atomic radiation, and W H O and other international bodies for the valuable assistance rendered by them to the Scientific C o m m i t t e e ;

2. REITERATES resolution WHA13.56, which emphasizes the need for national health authorities " t o accept their m a j o r role and accelerate their activities in the public health aspects of radiation f r o m all s o u r c e s " , and resolution W H A 1 7 . 4 7 , which reaffirms " t h e responsibility of W H O at the international level for activities in the field of health involving ionizing radiation, including protection f r o m radiation hazards and the medical uses of radiation and radioactive i s o t o p e s " ;

3. CALLS U P O N all countries to co-operate in preventing an increase in the level of background radiation in the interests of the health of the present and f u t u r e generations of m a n k i n d ;

4. REQUESTS the Director-General, in view of the special danger to the health of present and f u t u r e gene- rations, to continue a t h o r o u g h study of the effects of radiation on m a n and report to the World Health Assembly at a p p r o p r i a t e intervals so as to focus attention on necessary action on the part of M e m b e r States;


5. URGES M e m b e r governments to m a k e use of W H O ' s assistance in the development and strengthening of their p r o g r a m m e s in the control of health hazards d u e to radiation.

Handb. Res., 8th ed„ 1.7.7

Fourteenth plenary meeting, 20 May 1966 (Committee

on Programme and Budget, fourth report)


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