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Electron resonance in the insulating spin glass Eu0.4Sr0.6 S


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HAL Id: jpa-00209361


Submitted on 1 Jan 1981

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Electron resonance in the insulating spin glass Eu0.4Sr0.6 S

A. Deville, C. Arzoumanian, B. Gaillard, C. Blanchard, J.P. Jamet, H.


To cite this version:

A. Deville, C. Arzoumanian, B. Gaillard, C. Blanchard, J.P. Jamet, et al.. Electron resonance in the insulating spin glass Eu0.4Sr0.6 S. Journal de Physique, 1981, 42 (12), pp.1641-1646.

�10.1051/jphys:0198100420120164100�. �jpa-00209361�


Electron resonance in the insulating spin glass Eu0.4Sr0.6S

A. Deville, C. Arzoumanian, B. Gaillard, C. Blanchard

Université de Provence, Département d’Electronique (*), Centre de St-Jérôme, 13397 Marseille Cedex 13, France J. P. Jamet

Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (**), Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France and H. Maletta

Institut für Festkörperforschung, Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, 5170 Jülich, F.R.G.

(Reçu le 17 mars 1981, accepté le 11 août 1981)

Résumé. 2014 Nous avons étudié la résonance électronique de Eu2+ dans un échantillon monocristallin du verre

de spin isolant Eu0,4Sr0,6S entre 1,4 et 300 K. A haute température le modèle d’Anderson appliqué à la raie rétrécie

par échange fournit J1/k = 0,1 K entre les plus proches voisins Eu2+. Lorsqu’on abaisse la température, on observe

en dessous de 10 K un élargissement de la raie et un déplacement de son centre vers les champs faibles. Cependant

l’effet d’élargissement est moins prononcé en dessous de T = 2,3 K, valeur voisine de la valeur T g = 2,2 K obtenue

par extrapolation de mesures optiques. La raie reste lorentzienne même en dessous de la température de gel. Le

modèle de Salamon ne peut expliquer nos résultats expérimentaux. A 1,4 K, la dépendance en fréquence du champ

de résonance entre 9 et 9,6 GHz est assez bien décrite en supposant l’existence d’un champ interne Hi ~ 1 kG.

Abstract. 2014 The electron resonance on Eu2+ in a single crystal of the insulating spin glass Eu0.4Sr0.6S has been

studied between 1.4 and 300 K. Anderson’s treatment of the exchange-narrowed high temperature line gives J1/k = 0.1 K between n. n Eu2+. When lowering the temperature, a broadening of the line and a shift of its centre towards low fields are observed below 10 K. The broadening effect becomes less temperature dependent below

T = 2.3 K, which is close to the value Tg = 2.2 K extrapolated from optical measurements. The line remains Lorentzian even below the freezing temperature. Salamon’s model cannot explain our experimental results. At 1.4 K,

the frequency dependence of the resonance field between 9.0 and 9.6 GHz is fairly well described by assuming the

existence of an internal field Hi ~ 1 kG.


Physics Abstracts

75.30 - 76.90

1. Introduction. - The term spin glass first desi-

gnated magnetic alloys (CuMn, AuFe ... ) with a ran-

dom distribution of spins coupled by the long-range oscillating RKKY interaction. As it was known that the frustration effect associated with the existence of competing interactions played an essential role,

it was natural to think that insulating materials could also exhibit spin glass properties. EuxSr 1 - xS was the

first example of such materials and has been extensively

studied. Measurements made on powder samples [1]

indicate that, when x > 0.65 it is ferromagnetic at low

temperature (EuS is ferromagnetic, with Tc = 16.7 K)

(*) E.R.A. 375.

(**) L.A. 2.

[2], while for 0.13 x 0.65 (1) [1] one observes the

so-called spin glass phase. Its spin glass properties are thought to originate from the simultaneous existence of -the short-range ferromagnetic (Jj) and antif érro- magnetic (J2) exchange interactions between nearest and next-nearest neighbour Eu2+ ions respectively.

Although some progress has been made since the

pionering work by Owen et al. [4], the description of

the electron resonance of spin glass systems is still

largely phenomenological. We think that the study

e) Tholence has interpreted experimental results in dilute

EuXSrI _xS single crystals by supposing the existence of the spin glass phase for 0.05 x [3]. One of us (H. M.) has proposed to well distinguish between the spin glass phase and the superparamagnetic phase (0.13 x 0.65 and x 0.13 respectively, measured in

powder samples).

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198100420120164100



of the resonance in EuxSr 1 - xS is promising, since complications associated with the presence of conduc- tion electrons are absent (the resonance line is not

distorted due to a small skin depth, and is not broa-

dened by spin-lattice relaxation even at 300 K since

Eu2+ is in a S state), and because it is possible to vary the europium concentration from the dilute case to the pure ferromagnetic EuS. This paper deals with the electron spin resonance of the rather concentrated

Euo.4Sro.6S spin glass. We describe the system and the

experimental conditions in sections 2 and 3 respec-

tively ; the experimental results are presented in

section 4 and discussed in section 5.

2. The systerm - EuS has the NaCI f.c.c. structure ; each europium is surrounded by 6 sulfur ions, 12 n.n

and 6 n.n.n europium ions, at 2.98, 4.21 and 5.96 À respectively. In EuxSr 1 - xS, Eu and Sr ions occupy

randomly the sites of the same f.c.c. sublattice.

E.P.R. studies of europium diluted in the diama-

gnetic host SrS indicate that in such compounds euro- pium is in the divalent state (4f’ ground configuration, 8S ground term, J = 7/2 ground multiplet). Europium

has two main natural isotopes : 1 s 1 Eu (natural occurrence and 15 3 Eu (natural occurrence

The ferromagnetism of EuS is attributed to the

predominance of the ferromagnetic interactions bet-

ween Eu2+ nearest neighbours. From a recent scatter- ing study in EuS by Bohn et al. [6], one knows that J 1 /k = 0.221 + 0.003 K, J 2/k= -O.lOO:tO.OO4 K.

The freezing-temperature Tg for the same crystalline sample Euo.4Sro.6S is 1.55 K determined from the

magnetization in the presence of a low-frequency vanishing magnetic field in the low-frequency limit [7] (2) ; Tg is frequency-dependent, and its value at 10 GHz extrapolated from optical measurements up to 10 MHz [7, 9] is 2.2 K.

3. Expérimentât conditions. - Measurements were

made on a Euo,4Sro.6S single crystal, at X-band, using

a superheterodyne single klystron spectrometer [10],

between 1.4 and 300 K. The sample was placed in a

small teflon holder inserted in a quartz tube; bet-

ween 1.4 and 4.2 K, the sample was placed in a cylin-

drical brass cavity (Qu ~ 20 000), inserted in a bath

cryostat and filled with liquid hélium ; the temperature

was measured with a GaAs diode and controlled by

pressure measurements. Experiments between 3.7 and 300 K were possible using a gas-flow cryostat (Oxford Instruments E.S.R. 9); the quartz tube and sample were then in a cylindrical cavity (Qu = 13 000) ;

the temperature was known from a thermocouple placed in the vicinity of the sample, and minor correc-

(2) it has been reported that in powder Euo.4Sro,6S, in the low-

frequency limit Tg = 1.92 K [8].

tions were eventually made using a GaAs diode

temporarly placed in the same conditions as the

sample. We recorded the derivative of the absorption y’(H ) ; the field was measured with a precision gauss- meter (Bell 660), and a control was made with DPPH.

Since the observed line had a large width, precise

determination of the linewidth required particular

care in the recording of the extrema of the absorption

derivative. We had first to eliminate two problems originating from the fact that we used a concentrated

sample, with a high angular momentum J value, at low temperature. Our first experiments clearly demonstrat- ed that for samples with an arbitrary shape, the line position and width became strongly anisotropic as the temperature was lowered. For instance, we obtained

for a given sample and two arbitrary orthogonal

directions AHpp = 940 G, Ho = 3 730 G and

respectively, at T = 10 K. We attributed this to the effect of dipolar forces phenomenologically described by the magnetization correction factor [11]. We

realized therefore a spherical sample (§§ - 0.8 mm)

and successfully observed that the line was then iso- tropic within experimental accuracy. In the second

place, at the lowest temperatures we observed that,

even with this small sphere, critical coupling of the cavity could lead to a distortion of the line ; we thus

partially detuned the cavity and controlled that this

detuning was always sufficient to avoid these dis- tortions.

4. Experimental results. - The resonance signal

consists of a single line : at room temperature the maximum of absorption was obtained for a value Ho corresponding to a ratio

Pr Ho

Pe Ho = 2.012 + 0.006, ,

hereafter denoted g. The width between the extrema of the derivative was ~Hpp = 720 + 10 G. Neglecting

a slight asymmetry arQund Ho, the line can be consi-

dered as the derivative of a Lorentzian line, as shown

in figure 1, where we have plotted the reduced ampli-

1 d 1

Fig. 1. - Reduced amplitude

/ É’ versus

(H - HO) for Euo.4Sro.,,S

YM Hpp/

(v = 9 280 MHz) at different températures, after the small correc-

tions described in section 4. Lorentzian (-) and Gaussian ( ----) lineshapes are drawn for comparison.


tude y’/yM versus 2(H - HO)IAHPP’ When the tempe-

rature was lowered, the line was observed to shift

towards low fields and simultaneously to broaden.

The temperature variation of (AHPP - I1Hpp(oo))

and Ho - where I1Hpp(oo) = 720 G is the room-

temperature width - are plotted in figures 2 and 3.

A question arose at the lowest temperatures because the r.f. field is linearly polarized and the line is broad ;

the experimental signal may then contain, in addition

to the main resonance signal induced by the left cir-

Fig. 2. - Temperature dependence of (àhpp - AHPP(oo» in log-

log plot, for Euo,4Sro.6S. AHpp(oo) = 720 G is the room temperature width (v = 9 280 MHz).

Fig. 3. - Temperature dependence of the resonance field Ho for Euo.4Sr,0.6S (v = 9 280 MHz).

cular component of the r.f. field (hereafter called the

true signal for brevity), a small contribution from the

right circular component. If meaningful results are

desired for the line position, width and shape, it is

necessary to determine the effect of this contribution.

We tried to obtain the true line from the experimental

one by subtracting the unwanted circular component.

This undesired contribution was guessed in two steps : the first point was to know the resonance frequency.

We will see later on that measurements of the reso- nance field at different frequencies below 7g are well

described by the relation hw = gPe(HO + Hi), where Ho is the applied field and H; an internal field. If the

magnetic field Ho is reversed, is the resonance field

- (Ho + Hi) or - (Ho - Hi) ? The answer does not

seem a priori obvious in a spin glass. In order to get an

unambiguous answer, we first recorded the resonance

spectrum from low to high fields, brought back the field to a low value, and changed its sign ; a new spectrum

was then made at the same temperature (1.4 K) and the

resonance field was found to be approximately

- (Ho + Hi). We then used the fact that

(d If) = 0, and made the assumption that dH H=o

= 0, and made the assumption that

the true line is symmetrical around Ho. We found

that the correction needed is rather small indeed : at 1.4 K, this correction leads to a 30 G broadening

and to a 20 G shift towards high fields ; for T > 3 K,

dHpp and Ho need no correction. In figure 1 we

have plotted the line obtained after subtraction of the unwanted resonance signal, for T = 1.4, 1.9, 2.2, 3 and 4.2 K : for H > Ho no correction was

needed and the line fits very well a Lorentzian at 1.4 K

as well as at 4.2 K ; for H Ho, figure 1 shows that

there remains a slight departure from the Lorentzian

shape ; it is difficult to say whether this departure is significant because of the way it was obtained ; how-

ever we can assert that for T Tg the line is certainly

far from Gaussian and we feel this is an important


We observed no memory effect in these experiments :

we first obtained the above results for Ho and AH by cooling the sample in zero field down to 4.2 K, record- ing the spectrum a number of times at 4.2 K, then cooling the sample in zero field down to 3.9 K, record- ing the spectrum at this temperature, and finally

reached 1.4 K after a number of such small temperature incréments ; in each cooling process zero-field was

achieved by compensating for the remanent field

of the magnet. In a second experiment the sample was

cooled from high temperature down to 1.4 K in a 6 000 G field, and we obtained strictly the same results

for Ho and AH as obtained in the zero-field cooling


At 1.4 K, we made a determination of the variation of Ho versus the angular frequency w of the r.f. field around = 9.3 GHz, by measurements at about 9,


9.3 and 9.6 GHz. The results for Ho are plotted in



Fig. 4. - Frequency dependence of the resonance field Ho at 1.4 K

for Euo.4Sro.rS in the 9 000-9 600 MHz frequency range.

figure 4, and can be described by the empirical relation

hm = gPe(HO + Hi), where Ho is the applied field,

g = 2.012 is the high temperature value of nw/Pe Ho,

and H; = 998 G. This result differs from that obtained for Cu Mn by Schultz et al. [19] who get

in an experiment where the sample was zero-field

cooled (Z.F.C.) to T Tg; it ressembles that obtained

by Monod and Berthier [20], who get a = 1, in an experiment where the Cu Mn sample was field cooled

(F.C.) to T « Tg. It is possible to understand our

results by noting that, in our experiments, T is never

far less than Tg. One can then think that we are in

a F.C. state even after Z.F.C. if one considers that, just below Tg, the field for resonance is sufficient to

immediately saturate the remanent magnetization (I.R.M. = T.R.M.) by an isothermal process. It would be of course of interest to make similar measurements at lower temperatures in order to test this interpre-


5. Discussion. - The previous experimental results suggest several comments. The first one concerns the

change of slope in the temperature variation of

(AHpp - AHPP(oo» (Fig. 2); the constancy of AHpp

between 200 and 300 K means that in this region we

are in the usual paramagnetic regime, and that we

observe the usual exchange-narrowed lineshape,

without any broadening due to spin-lattice relaxation,

which is not surprising since we deal with an S state ;

this justifies our choice for taking the room-tempe-

rature value of AH as AHPP(oo). The change of slope

of the linewidth at 2.3 K is significant : it cannot be an

artifact caused by a change of lineshape with tempe-

rature since the line remains Lorentzian, or caused by

the contribution of the line centred at - Ho, because

the corresponding shift is very weak even at 1.4 K.

We think that it reflects the freezing of the spins, and

this temperature of 2.3 K agrees well with the 2.2 K

Fig. 5. - Temperature variation of -

(v = 9 280 MHz).

value determined by extrapolation from optical mea-

surements (see section 2).

Although the most interesting region is the low- temperature one, it is useful to hrst discuss the origin

of the width AHpp(oo) at high-temperature. We first

determine what would be the linewidth if no exchange

were present (dipolar broadening) ; we can neglect the hyperfine interaction, which is negligible compared to

the dipolar coupling. The hamiltonian would then consist of the Zeeman and dipolar terms. We note

that since the Eu2+ concentration x is greater than o.l, the dipolar line should be Gaussian with a width

proportional to x1/2 [12] ; the linewidth will then be known if one knows its second moment M2 which

is easily determined using Van Vleck’s method [13].

In angular frequency units :

where 0 ik is the angle between the direction of the

applied field H and the vector rjk joining spin j to spin k. This result is established using the secular part of the dipolar term, which is necessary when the non-

secular part does not contribute to the linewidth

(if the non-secular part contributed, the second moment should be multiplied by the factor 10/3) [13].

Since the terms in (1) are proportional to I/r6, and

because there are twice as many n.n as n.n.n ions for a given Eu2+ ion, we can determine M2 by sum- ming up the contributions of the 12 n. n only. When H

is parallel to a [001] axis, we thus obtain :

where r is the distance between n.n ions. The width


between the extrema of the derivative of the absorp-

tion corresponding to dipolar coupling would then be

and for x = 0.4, (AHpp)diP = 2 660 G. The observed line is Lorentzian, with ANpp(oo) = 720 G, which

suggests a moderate narrowing by exchange.

We now consider the narrowing of the dipolar broadening using Anderson’s model [14]. The width

~03C9 of the exchange-narrowed absorption line, expres- sed in angular frequency units is approximately given by :

In this expression 03C9d = M2 ; We is related to the part M4 of the fourth moment which depends on the exchange coupling ; using the linewidth of the deriva- tive of the absorption line in field units, we obtain :

In our case úJe/Y = 2 840 G. Since we/y ~ Ho, we

consider that the non-secular part of the dipolar coupling contributes to the second moment [14];

its value and that of úJe have to be multiplied by 10/3 : úJe/Y = 9 460 G. We calculated M4 for HIII 001 |, considering the 12 n.n only; writing the exchange hamiltonian between to n.n - 2 JI Si Si

we finally obtain :

We finally find Jl/k = 0.1 K in fairly good agreement with results from Bohn et al. [6].

As the exchange energy is of the order of the Zeeman energy, the line must be isotropic [15] as experimen- tally observed. ,

We now discuss the low-temperature behaviour.

Since the line shifts and broadens while remaining nearly Lorentzian even at T Tg, the simplest phenomenological description for the beha-

viour of the transverse components M ± of the magne- tization uses the following modified Bloch equation :

where the first term describes the evolution in the free

spin case, and where T ± are complex quantities : I- ± = y ± iw ’; y is the half-width and co’ the shift of the resonance. The next step should then be to

change for instance the concentration in order to see

whether (7) is still valid and, if it is true, to see how y and 0)’ vary in order to relate them to microscopic

quantities. Salamon [16] claimed that it is possible

from electron resonance to establish, though indirectly,

the existence of a freezing of all the spins at a given temperature. We think it useful to discuss briefly

Salamon’s treatment : we first notice that, in the problem of ferromagnetism, Mori and Kawasaki [17]

established the following approximate relation for the Fourier components Mk (a = 0, ± ) of the magne- tization :

where w: is a real quantity which goes to zero with the exchange interaction, and rf the Fourier transform of a correlation function expressing the fact that the torque acting on the spins fluctuates around the

precessional motion. Salamon uses the fact that in a

spin glass the exchange interaction still commutes with the total spin, to assume that the treatment of

Mori and Kasawaki still holds, and he writes equa- tion (8) for the total magnetization M, supposing

that mi = 0; this leads therefore to equation (7), Ta having now a precise microscopic content : it is the Fourier transform of a correlation function. Salamon determines T « taking a correlation function of rectan-

gular shape (width = i). Under the condition

yHo i « 1, it can then be easily shown that the ratio of the linewidth over the shift, AHPP HO(oo) - HO(T)’o( T)’ , is proportional to 03C4-1 ; according to Salamon 03C4-1 - 0

when T --> Tg. The variation of this ratio for

Euo.4Sro.6S is given in figure 5. We observe that this

ratio does not go to zero when T --+ Tg ; one could

think that this comes from the fact that when T - Tg,

the condition yHo r « 1 is no longer verified ; this

however must be rejected since the experimental line

remains Lorentzian. We conclude that the disagree-

ment between Salamon’s model and our experimental

results stems from the fact that there really exists no justification for Salamon’s assumptions.

6. Conclusion. - The spin glass Euo,4Sro,6S has

been investigated by electron resonance between 300 and 1.4 K. At room-temperature the line is purely

Lorentzian and a simple calculation following Ander-

son’s model shows that the exchange energy is of the order of the Zeeman energy ; supposing a « 10/3

effect », we get J1/k = 0.1 K, in fairly good agreement with the usual value Jllk = 0.2 K taken for the

exchange integral in EuS.

On lowering the temperature, we observe below 10 K a broadening of the line, and a shift of its centre towards low fields. Moreover the rate of the linewidth variation with temperature decreases for T 2.3 K.

This temperature fairly well agrees with Tg = 2.2 K extrapolated from optical measurements. Such beha- viour has already been reported in manganese alu-

minosilicates [18]. It is noteworthy that the line remains

nearly Lorentzian even below Tg. This means that, the


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