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Eryngiopus coheni Vacante and Gerson to supersede Eryngiopus summersi Vacante and Gerson


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Eryngiopus coheni Vacante and Gerson to supersede Eryngiopus summersi Vacante and Gerson

V. Vacante, U. Gerson

To cite this version:

V. Vacante, U. Gerson. Eryngiopus coheni Vacante and Gerson to supersede Eryngiopus summersi Vacante and Gerson. Acarologia, Acarologia, 2014, 54 (2), pp.135. �10.1051/acarologia/20142121�.



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Acarologia 54(2): 135–135 (2014) DOI: 10.1051/acarologia/20142121


Vincenzo VACANTE1and Uri GERSON2 (Received 24 January 2014; accepted 24 March 2014; published online 30 June 2014)

1Dipartimento Patrimonio Architettonico ed Urbanistico (PAU), Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, Via Melissari, Località Feo di Vito, 89060 Reggio Calabria, Italy. vvacante@unirc.it

2Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, P.O. Box 12, Rehovot, 76-100, Israel

Vacante and Gerson (1988) describedEryngiopus summersin. sp. from Italy, being unaware that the specific namesummersiwas already used by Gomaa and El-Enany (1985). Thus, in accordance with the article 57.2 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN, 2000), we now wish to sug- gest another specific name for this species, and call itEryngiopus coheniVacante and Gersonnom. nov.

The specific name is in honor of our esteemed col- league, Professor E. Cohen, of the Hebrew Univer- sity in Jerusalem, in appreciation for his many con- tributions to insect physiology.

We wish to thank Dr. Qing-Hai Fan, Plant Health and Environmental Laboratory, Ministry for Primary Industries, Auckland, New Zealand, for drawing our attention to this synonymy.


Gomaa E.A., El-Enany, M.A.M. 1985 — Description of the genusEryngiopuswith a description of two new species from Egypt (Acari: Stigmaeidae) — The Zoo- logical Society of Egypt, Bull. 35: 92-97.

ICZN 2000 — International Code of Zoological Nomen- clature (Fourth Edition) — London: The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, pp 306.

Vacante V., Gerson U. 1988 — Three species ofEryngio- pus(Acari: Stigmaeidae) from Italy, with key to species and summary of habitats — Redia, 70: 385-401.


Vacante V. and Gerson U. Acarologia is un- der free license. This open-access article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons-BY-NC-ND which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distri- bution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


ISSN 0044-586-X (print). ISSN 2107-7207 (electronic)



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