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Academic year: 2022



Texte intégral



The following bibliography comprises works in European languages on the Indian Himalayas, Nepal and Bhutan. NepaJi and Ncwari publications arc included in the bibliography compiled by Ram Sharan Darnal . Tibet is nOl included since several bibliographies have been published elsewhere (cf. Helffcr, "An Overview ofWcslcrn Work on Ritual Music of Tibetan Buddhism (1960-1990)", in M.P. Bawnann, A. Simon, U.

Wcgncr (Eds.), European Studies in Elhnomusicology: Historical Developments and Recent Trends., Selected papers presented at the Vllth European Seminar in Ethnomusico!ogy, Berlin, Oct. \·6, pp. 87-

10 1 , Wilhclmshaven : Florian NoclzcI Vcrlag).

Books, contributions appearing in journals or co llective works and leanclS accompanying records were taken into account in the publi cations of songs, musical instrumen ts and organology (cr.

collections in thc MusCc de I'Homme and the filcs establi shed by Agnes Ebcrhard-Heinmann in 1971), musicians, music and musical language, the performing arts (Thcatcr. Dance).

For a brief presentation of the tape recordings kept in the department of ethnomusico!ogy in the MusCe de \' Homme, please sec EBHR No.5, 1993, pp. 24-25.

Wc shal l consider publications from the 1960s on, when portable tape recorders became common-place. This was also the time when researchers supervised by Prof. G. Millot and Or. C . Jest started their work in Nepal . Wc shall mention a few older publ.ished recordings that are of some historical importancc, such as B. Pignooe's recordings among the Gurung.


Fieldwork in Nepal rem ained for a long time confined to thc Kathmandu Valley, as A.A. Duke's and A.W. Macclonald's studies show.

Relationships with the Gaine musicians were not easy given their low status.

A) Works by anthropologists and linguists mention musical performances in the life of the people that they describe, but they rarely publish reco rdings o r offer musical analysis.

For instance the very thor ough studies by


Oppitz or


de Sales on the Kham-Magar accord considerable impor tance to the drum

re used by the shamans. The fabrication of this drum is described in great detail, and songs related to this instrument arc presented.

However, the r ecordings remai n in these researchers' personal archives.

With regards to the Tamang, the s itu ation is approximately the same; since A. W. Maedonald's pioneer publication, A. Hafer and B.

Steinmann have intr oduced many hv5i texts to thcir readers and here too, the omnipresent drum is carcfully studied, but no r ccordi ngs arc available.

Recently G. Krauskopff presented th.e ri ch repcrtory of the Tharu songs of Dang. but it is significant that her contrib ution appears in a collective work devoted to oral traditions in the Indian world and music is not even mentioned.

It is important to cite the numerous so ngs, especially wedding songs, collected in the Humla region by N. levine (unpublished to my knowledge) and by David Friedlander


thesis sub mitted to INALCO in 1991). As for numerous songs collected by C. Ramble in the Mustang area,. thcy still need to be edited and analysed.

Regarding the French researchers whom I know bctter, many reco rdings remain uncxamincd in various collections. For example no onc has pursued the preliminary surveys, accompanied by r ecordings and rich photographi c documentation, collected by C. Jest in Oolpo or among the Thakali .

It should be aknowlcdgcd that many ethnic groups are almost

totally unknown as far as their music is concerned because there is no

qualified ethnomusicologist in a position to study them. Only a

comparison with recordings coll ected in the past would allow

researchers to bring out specific features before it is too late: rad io or

television programmes, as well as the gr owing popularity of

professional folklore groups tend to bring a general uniformity to these

per forming ar ts.


The question of the


and their usc of the


drum are often presented, but it is an exception when it is the ob ject of an et hnomusicological study (cf. Gianallasio).

B) Wor ks by ethnomusicologists or musicians such as BernMe, E lli ngson. Gianattasio, Grandin, Hclffer, Moisala, Ti ngey, Wegner, Wei setaunet, or Wiehler·Schncidcr, eonccrn mainly fou r domains:


Musicians castes and thei r reper toires.

Following A.A. Bake's (cf. Tingey, 1989) and A.W . Macdonald's works on the singer·musicians


in the 1960s, thi s caste attracted the attent ion of r esearchers. The numerous recordings of that time


archives in the Musec dc


Homme: reco rdings by Macdonald.

Gabori eau, Jest and Hclffer) can be compared today wit h moder n Gaine music, recorded by 1. Galode and H. Wcisetaunet.

C. Tingey provides us with some excellent work on the musicians- tailors Damai and their instruments within the tradi ti onnal context of the vi ll age, as well as at contemporary weddings in Kathmandu.

The practice of the


anti of the


in western Nepal, on which M. Gaborieau ami myself worked in 1969, has been part of F.

BernCde's research programme since 1 994. A compact disc on the subject should be publ ished in 1 997 in the CNRS-MusCe de J'Homme collection.

2. Ncwar music.

Ncwar music has bcen studied from various ang les: organology (Wiehler- Schnci dcr), publication of songs (S. L icnhard) and drumming analysis (O.M. Wegncr). I. Grandin examined the musical tastes of the young Newar popUlation; O. T offin analyscd th e way drums arc used in the


initiati on in Kathmandu, while F. I3erncde is working on the rythmic st ructur es of dr um repcrtoir e. In addi ti on. the music god, Nasah Diyo, has not been forgotten (Ellingson,Wegner).

3. Gurung music

See the work of Pirkko Moisala.


The num erou s publications by Fr ancke at the beginning of this century were followed by a long period of silence. Then recordings were published foHowing the Cr ossley-Holland mission in 1961, and th e Hel ffer mission in 1976. Texts of songs are published locally.

Anthropologists, researchers and travellers have published records with little documentation. Since 1986 Mark Trewin has been working on the


repertoir e (cymbals and oboe), and in particular, on the

Jha rnga

or "the drum orlhe gods".


Ve ry little documentat ion is available. Bhutancse musi c has obvious li nks w ith Tibetan music. John Levy published several rceords with a few comment s. Although he was nci ther an ethnolog ist nor an ethnomusicoiogist his publi cations prov ide the best available source of Bhutanese repertoire.

A few cassettes as well as texts of songs are published locally, but th ere is no analysis either of the context nor of the musical language.


Anderso n, R. T. & E. Mitchell

1978, "The politics of music in Nepal",

Anthropological Quatcrly.

51 (4), pp.247-259.

Aubert, L.

1988, "L es m usicicns dans la SOCiete newar: contribut ion a

I' cthnograph ic de la


de Kathmandu", Gcneve, Bulletin du Musec


30, pp.3l-67.

Bech, T _

1975, "Nepal, the Oaine Caste of Beggar -M usici ans" ,; Fr ench Translation "Nepal: la caste des musicicns-mcndiant s Oaine",

The World

of Music, 17 (I ), pp.2 8-35, Gencvc, Bulletin du Musee d' Ethnographic, 30, pp.5 1-54.

Bec nMe , F.

1992. "Hurkiyas et Jagariyas du Kumaon. Rccits chantes et Musique de

Transe dans I'Himalaya central", unpubl ished report.


1 995, "Rappor t prcliminairc d' une miSSion d' cthnomusicologic dans I'ouest du Nepal (janvicr- fcvricr 1 994)", unpublished r eport.

1995 "La m usiquc et la ville, le cas des villes roy alcs ncpalaiscs,

Com~le-rendu de mission (27 j uill et-12 septembrc (995)", unpubli shcd rcporl .

1996, "Musique et r ite chcz les Ncwar du Nepal", Rylhme


rai5()n , 7, pp. 10-14.

BO D zager Flaes, R. M.

1991, "Frozen brass - the Ncpali marriage band", Natural History 9, pp.3S-47.

Bouilli er , V.

1 993, "Une caste de yogi newar : Ics Kusle-Kapali", BEFEO , 80-81, pp.75-106 .

Cha ndol a, A .

1 977 , Folk Drumming


t hc Himalayas.


linguistic Approach to MU5ic, New-Y or k, AMS Press. [Rev iew by S.A. Tyler, Ethnomusic%gy XXII/3 ( 1978), pp.5 1 9-520).

C bauban , I. E.N .

1 973, "Ethnom usicology and Kinnaur. A suggested Methodology" , Sangcer natak [Journal of the Sangect natak AkadcmiJ, New-Delhi 27 , pp .27-4S .

Domi ne-D att a, M.T .

1976, "Himalaya : Thc Ep ics of Kumaon", The World of Music, 18 (I), pp.23-29.

E lIi ngson, T .

1991 , "Nasa:dya:, Newar God of Music. A Ph oto Essay", Selected Reports in Elhnomusicology. 8, pp.22 1 -272.

Fo ur nier , A.

1976, itA Preliminary Report on the Puimbo and the Ngiami : The Sunuwar Shamans of Sabra", in IT. Hitcheock and R.L. Jones eds .•

Spirit P ossession in the Nepal Himalayas, pp.


123, Warminster. Aris and PhilJips. [En gli sh transla tion of "Note prl ! iiminairc sur le puimbo ou la ngiami, Ics ehamancs Sunwar de Sabra", ASBM/IV / I ( 1973), pp. 147- 167J.

1977, "Note pr climinaire sur le pocmbo de Suri", L 'Ethnographic, 74·

75, pp.239-24S .

Fri edlan der , D.

199 1 , Ritucls ct chants de mariage tibctains. Essai d'cxposi tion du matericl recucilli dans la region de Hum/a., unpublished memoi r, INALCO.

Gaborieau, M .

1913, "Classification des recits ehanl Cs. La Iillcrature orale des pOpulations rundoues de I'Himalaya centr al" , Poetiquc, 5 (19), pp .3 l3- 332.

1974, " Les recits chantes de I'Himalaya et le conlexte cthnographiquc", in C. von Haimcndorf cd. , The Anthropology of Nepal, pp.114· 128, Warminster , Aris & Phlllips.

Galode, J.

1989, G§inc et/ou Gandharva. La condition d'une caste de musiciens au Nepal, unpU blished M.A. thesis, Universitc Pari s X, Nanterr e.

1991, " Les grune du Nepal. PoCtes inlouchablcs". L'Univers du Vivant, 36, pp.72-S3.

G iannatt asi o, F.

1988, "I r ap port i Ira musica c transc ncll o sciamanismo nepalcsc", in Mastromallci R., La terra rcalc: Dei, spiriti, uominj in Nepal, pp. 183- 226, Roma, Valcrio Lcvi Editore.



1989, Music and media in local lif e. Music practice in a Ncwar neighbourhood in Nepal, Linkoping University, Linkoping Studies i n Art and Science n.41. {Reviews by T. ElIingson, Ethnom usie%gy , 35(2), (1991), pp.269-272 and


M.Hclffcr, Yearbook for Traditional Music, 23 ( 1991), pp. 145·146.

1 993, "Kathmandu, a Valley FCrlile for Music", Himal, 6 (6), pp.23-27.

1994, "Nepalese Urbanism : a Musical Ex ploration", in


Alien cd., Anthropology of Nepal. Peoples, Problems and Processes, Mandala Book Point, Kathmandu.

1995, "SauhrdyamangaJam", in


Jun runen.


Smit h, C. Suneson eels., SlUdies in honour of Siegfricd Licnhard on his 70th birthday, pp. 1 17-13 9, Stockholm, The Associat ion of Oriental Studies.

1995, "Onc song, five con tinents and thousand years of Musical Migr atio n", Sargam, 1 ( 1 ), pp.56·65.

Gutsehow. N. and BA Sukal a, G .M ,

1987, "The Navadur ga of Bhaktapur . Spati al Impli cation of an Ur ban

Ritual" . In N. GUlschow an d A. Mi chaels eds. , Heritage of the

Kathman du Valley. Pro ceedings of an Intern ational Conference in



(June 1 985), pp. 1J1-166, Sankt Aug ustin, VGH Wissenschaftvcr lag.

Helffer. M.

1 969. "Fanfares villagcoiscs au Nepal", Ob jets el Mondcs, 9 (I), pp.SI-



1975 Review of J. Levy,

Tibetan Buddhist Rites from the Monastcflcs

of Bhutan (discs), Yearbook for Traditional Music. 7, pp. I SO-I8).

1977. "Unc caste de chanteurs musiciens : Ics gainc du Nepal",


73, pp. 45-75.

1979 Review of A. Chandola.

Folkdrumming in the Himalayas.

A Ling~;stjc Approach 10 Music. L


Homme 19 (2), pp. 109-11 1 .

1990 Review of L. Aubcrt,

NEPAL, Musiquc de lete chcz Ics Ncwar

(disc), Yearbook for Traditional Music. 22, pp. 168-169.

1983 "Observations conccrnant le tambour mga et son usage", Selcered Rcpd rrs in Ethnomusicology. 4, Los Angeles, University of California,

pp.62-91 . . . . .

1 99 1 , Review of 1. Grandin,

Music and mcd18 m local ftfe. :v!USIC

practice in a Ncwar neig hbourhood in Nepal, Yearbook for TradIt Ional Music, 23, pp. 145- 1 46.

1992, Review of P. Moisala, Cultural Cognition in Music. Continuity and Change in the Gurung Musie ;n Nepal, Yearbook for Traditional Music, 24, pp. 163- 164.

1 994, "T r aditions tibCtaincs relatives a I'origine du


In P.

Kvacrne cd., Tibetan Studies. Proceedings of the 6th Semmar of the International Association for Tibetan Sludies, I , pp.318-334, Oslo, The Institute for Comparat ive Research in Human CUlture.

1995, Review of C. Tingey, Auspicious Music in a Clumging Society.

The Dam;ii Musicians of Nepal, Cahicrs de Musiqucs traditionncl/es , 8, pp.231-239.

Hclffer , M. and M. Gaborieau

1969, "Pr oblcm es poses par un chant de Tihar", L'Ethnographie, 1969 (9), pp.69-89.

1974, "A propos d' un tambour du Kumaon ct de J' ouest du


remarques sur I' utilisati on des tambours-sablier s dans le monde Ind1en, le Nepal ct le Tibet", in Studia instrumentor um musicac popu''!'is 111, Homage to Er nst Emshcimer on the occasion of his 70th b1rthday, pp.75-80 and pp.268-272, SlOckholm, Nordiska MusikfOrlaget 6523.

Helffer , M . and A.W. Macdonald

1966, "Sur un s.1rangi de gaine", Objets et Mondes. 6 (2), pp. 1 33-142 .

1975 "Remarks on Nepal i Sung Ver se" , in A.W. Macdonald cd., Essays on the Ethnology of Nepal and South Asia, pp. 175-265, Kathmandu, Ratna Pustak Bhandar. [Translatio n of Helffer and Macdonald,

"Remarques sur le vers nepali chantc", L 'Homme, 8 (3), (1968), pp.37- 95; 8 (4), pp.58-91].

Helffer. M . and A. de Sales


"NcoaJese AIchives of the Department of Ethnomu.sioolQgy in the M~;ie de hlornme, Paris (1960-1915)" , EBHR 0.5, pp.24-25.

An Ear for Music,

!limal, 6 (5), (1993).

Hock. B. Van der

1994. "The Death of the Divine Dancers: The Conclusion of the Bhadrakali Pyakham in Kathmandu", in M. Alie n cd .• Anthropology of Nepal. Peoples, Problems and Processes, pp.374-404, Kathmandu, Mandala Book Point.

Hoerburgcr, F .

1970, "Folk Music in the Caste Systcm of Nepal", 1 970 Yearbook for Traditional Music, 2, pp. 1 42-147.

1975, Studien zur Musik ill Nepal, Oustav Dosse Vcrlag, Regcnsburg, Rcgcnsburger Scitrage wr musikalischen Volks-u.-V6Ikcrkunde, Sand 2.

HMer, A.

1974, "Is the bombo an Ecstatic? Some rit ual tcchniques of Tamang Shamanism", in Ch. von FUrer-Haimendorf cd., Contributions to the Anthropology of Nepal, pp. 1 68- 182, Aris and Phillips Ltd., Warminstcr .

1 993, "Some Hyper pragmatic Patterns in Tamang Shamanic Recitations, Nepal", Shaman, 1 (2), pp.21-38.

1 994, A Recitation of the Tamang Shaman in Nepal, Bonn, VOH Wissenschaftvcr J ag.

"Notes on the Nepalese drum dhyangro as used by Tamang shaman Ohakrilbombo), In S.O. Karmay and P. Sagan t eds., Le Toil du Monde:

Tibet et HimaJaya, (in pr int) . Ittis, L. L.

1 987, "The Jala Pyakha : A Classical Newar Dance Drama of Harislddrj", in N. GU!$chow and A. Michac\$ eels., Heritage of the Kathmandu Valley. Proceedings of an International Conference


Lubeck (June 1 985), pp.201-2 13, VGH Wisscnschaftsve rl ag, Sank!



Jac kson, D.P.

1984, The Mol/as of Mustang. Historical, Religious and Oratorical Traditions of the Nepalese- Tibetan Borderland, Dharamsala,. Libray of Tibetan Wor ks and Archives.

Jest. C.

1976, "Encounters with Intercessors in Nepal", in J. Hilchcock and R Jones eds., Spirit Possession in cbe Nepal Himalayas, pp.294·306, Warminstcr, Aris and Prullips Ltd.



'Le tambour a deux voix' ou le monde a I'cnvers. CCremonie de fin de deuil chcz Ics Kuswar du Nepal", Eurasie [Cahiers de la societe des Etudes euro.asiatiques, 2], Le bume dans le labyrinrhe I, Vcctcurs du sacre en Asie du Sud cl du Sud-Est, pp. 16·57.

Korv al d, T ,



Dancing Gods of Bhaktapur and their Audience", in M.

Alien cd., Anthropology of Nepal. Peoples, Problems and Processes, Manda1a


Point, Kathmanrlu.

Kr ausk opff, O.

i996, "Emotions, melodies saisonn icres et rythmes de la nature. La litter aturc orale des Tharu de Oang (Nepal)", in C. Champion cd., Traditions ora/cs diJns le mondc indicn, pp.383·401, Paris, Edi tions de l'Ecole des Haulcs Etudes en Sciences Socialcs, Collection Purus3rtha,


L ah ti ne n, P. and M.

i978, "Gurung village music", Anlrop%giska Studier, Stockholm, pp.33-41.

Levy. R.1.

1987, "How the Navadurga protect Dhaklapur. The Effective Meaning of


Symbolic Enactmcnt". In N. Gutschow and


Michacls eds., Heritage of the Karhmandu Valley, Proceedings of an International Conference in Lubcck Gune 1985), pp.107 ·134, Sankl Augustin, VGH Wisscnschaftver lag.

Lie nhar d , S.

1 984, ..


of NCP.al. An Anthology of Nevar Folksongs and Hymns.

Hawall. ASian Stud ies at Hawaii, n.30 (Revised editi on of Lienhard 1974, Nev5.rigicimaiijari: Religious and Secular Poetry of the Kathm andu Valley, Sloekholm).

Macd onal d, A. W.

19753, "An aspect of the songs of the gaine of Nepal", in A.W.

Macdonald cd., Essays on the Ethnology of Nepal and South Asia,

pp.169-174, Kathmandu, Ratna Pustak Bhandar . (Translation of Macdonald, "Un aspect des chansons des gaine du Nepal", in Essays offered to G.H Lucc by his colleagues and friends in honour of rus scventy·fifth birthday, Arlibus Asiae, I, 1966, pp. 187-1 94].

1975b, "The Tamang as seen by one of themselves", in A.W. Macdonald ed. Essays on the Ethnology of Nepal and South Asia, pp. 129-1 67, Kathmandu, Ralna Pustak Bhandar. (Translation of MacdonaId "Les Tamang vu, par I'un d'eux", I..'Hommc, 6 ( I) (1966), pp.27-58].

MatyoD, T.

1993, "Ancient Rhythms and Modern Messages" [Ladakh], Himal, 6 (6), pp.32-33.

Meissncr, K.

1 985, Malushahi and Rajulii A ballad from Kumaun (India) as sung by Gop; Das. (ParI 1 : Kumauni tcxt, translation and appendices ; Pari If : Commentary ; Part III : Glossary ; I sound Cassette). Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz [Neuindischc Studien ID], Revi ew by


Kimmig in Inlernationales Asienforum ; International Qu aterly for Asian Studies, 18 (3-4), 1 987, pp.367-369.

Michl, W.D .

1976, "Notcson thcjhfui of Ath Hajar ParbatlOhaulag iri Himalaya", in J. T. Hitcheock and R.L. Jones eds., Spirit Possession in the Nepal Himalayas, pp. 1 53-1 64, Ar is and Phillips Ltd, Warminster.

Mi ll er, C.M .

1979, Faith·hcalers in the Himalay .1S, Kathmandu, Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies.

Moi sala, P.

1984, "An ethnographic descr iption of the m.1dal·d rum and its making among Gurungs (Nepai)", Suomcn Antropo/ogi . 4, pp.234-239.

1989, "Gurung music and cultural identity", KaiJas/J" 15 (3·4), pp.207- 223.

1990, Review of O.M. Wegner, The Naylchibaja of the: Ncwari Butchers. Srudies in Newari Drumming 11, Ethnomusicology, 31 (i), pp.159-161.

1991, Cultural Cognition in Music. Con tinuity and C1lange in the

Gurung Musie in Nepal. Helsinki, Oumerus Kirjanpaino Oy, Suomen

elnomusikoJogiscn scuran juikaisuja, 4. Review by P. K. Sorenscn in (he

World of Music , 1 994 ( I), pp . IOS-liO and by M. Hclffcr in Yearbook

for Traditional Music, 1992 (24), pp. 163·164.


1993, "Gurungien musiikki ja idenlilcetti Nepalin kansallisval tion muodostamisen konlckslissa, musiikin suhde kulttuuri-idcntitcettiin", E r nomusik%gian vuosikirja 5 (30)["Cullural identity and music in the context of nation-building", communication at the 29th Conference of the International Musicological Society, Sydney).

1994, "Gurung Music in Terms of Gender", Etnomusik%gian vuosikirja 6 (40).

in print "Music of Ethnic Groups living outside the Kalhmandu Valley", in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians.

in print, "Music in Nepal", in Garland Encyclopedia of World Music voU : South Asia.

Musical In struments of NCPl", An EXhibition of Musical In struments of Ncpal, 1 977, Kathmandu , Royal Nepal Academy .

Oppit z, M .

1 98 1 , ShillTlancn in Dlindcn LaJld, Frankfort, Syndicat.

1 990, "Le tambour re cl son pouv oi r", Cahiers de Musiqucs Traditionnelles 3 (Musique et Pouvoir) , pp.79-95.

199 1, "Die magi sche Tram mel re", in M.Kuper cd., Hungr igc Geistcr und rast/ose Scelen : Texte zur


l3crli n, Dictrich Reimer Vcrlag, pp.77-107.

R oss, A . H.

1975, Catalogue of th e Tcrence R. I3c(;h Nepal Research Collection, Archives of Traditional Music, Folkl ore Institu te, Indiana Univcrsity.


Sales, A. de

1986 a. "The Nachane or the Kham-Magar : Elhnographic notes on a group of rcligious danccrs", in K .Secland cd., Recent Research on

Nepal, pp.97- I II, Munchcn, Wcltforum Yerlag.

1986 b, Actes et paroles dans Ics rituels chamaniqucs des KhillTl-Magar (Nepal), these de I' Un ivcrsit6 de Paris X, 2 vols.

1 99 1, Je suis ne de vos jeu. '( de tambours. La religion chamanique des Magar du nord, Nanterre, Societe d'Ethnologie.

Sbakspo, Nawang Tsering

1985, "Ladakhi Folk Songs", in D.N. Aziz and M.Kapstein cds., Soundings in Tibetan Civilization [Proceedings or the 1 982 Seminar of the Inter national Association ror Tibetan Studies held at Columbia Uni versity], pp.97- 1 06, New Delhi, Manohar Publ ications.

Sbarma, n.R. and Wegner, G .M .

1994, "The baja guthi or Badhikhcl", in M. Alien ed ., Anthropology of Nepal. Peoples, Problems and Processes, ppA34-437, Kathmandu

Mandala Book Point. '

Steinmann, B.

1 988, "Le Tamba. bardc ou lama? Role du Tamba dans I'expansion du bouddhisme chez Ics Tamang", in H Uebach and J.Panglung eds., Tibetan Studies, Proceedings of the 4th Seminar of the lA TS, pp.453 - 464, Munich, Komission fLir Zentralasiatische Studicn, Baycrische Akademie der Wissenschaflen, Studia Tibetica band 11.

1989, "Lcs pouvoirs du Tamba T amang : co mment I'usagc a trouvc son pretre", in V. Oouillicr et G. Tomn eds. , Pouvoir et Autorite en HimaJaya, Editions de I' EHEss. colleclion Purusiirtha No. 12, pp.127- 145.

1 996, "Chases

sccr~lcs Cl

questions sans reponsc. Jou les oratoires cl enigmcs des Tamang du Nepal", in C. Champion ed., Traditions or a lcs dans le Monde Indien, Paris, Edi tions de l'Ecole des HauICS Etudes en Sciences Socialcs. Collcction Pur usartha NO . IS, ppA03-4IS.

Strick tand, S.

1982 , Beliefs, Practices and Legends. A study of the Narrative Poetry of the. Gur,ungs of Nepal. Ph.D. dissertation, Jesus College, Camb ridge UmversLty.

T cmpJem an, D.

1994, "Doha, vajragiti and carya songs", in G.Samuel and coil. eds. , Tanlra and popular religion in Tibet, pp . 15-J8. New Delhl , IliI(.'(tlationai Academy of Indian Culture.

Tingey. C.


"The Nepalese field -work of Dr. Arnold Adtiaan Bake", in M.L.

Phllipp cd., Ethnomusicology and th e J-Uslorical Dimension, pp.83-88, Ludwisburg. Phi lipp Yerlag.

1990 a, "Variation making in the weddi ng band music of Central Nepal", ICTMlUK Bulletin 26, pp.4-16.

1990 b, "Music and dance", in J.Whelpton cd. , Nepal, pp.24 1-243, Oxford: Clio, World Bibli og raphical Serics NO.38.



Heartbeat of Nepal. The Paneai Baja, Kathmandu, Roya l Nepal Academy.

1 990 d, Paiieai Baj5 Music of Nepal,' Auspicious Ensembles in a

Otanging Society, Ph.D. disscrtation, London, S.O.A.S.


1991, "The cthnomusicological research of Dr. A.A. Bake", European Bulletin of HimaJayan Research




1 992 a. "Sacred keHledrums in the temples of Central Nepal", Asian

Music, 23 (2) , pp.90-I 04.

1 992 b, "Digging up data in a Ne palese field". Musical Times. 1 33 ( 1790), pp. 1 70- 173.

1993, "Auspicious woman, auspicious song. The mangalini of Kathmandu", British Jo urnal of Ethnom usicology 2, pp.55-74.

1994 a, Auspicious Music in a Changing Society. The Damai musicians ofNcpal, London, SOAS Musicology Ser ies, 2, Review by M. Helffcr, Cahicrs de Musiqucs Traditionncllcs, 8, 1995, pp.237-239.

1994 b, 'The hill s arc alive", in S. Broughton, M. Ellingham, D.

Muddyman and


Tri ll o oos., World Music. The Rough


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Catalogue of the 'eham of Dhulan



Aubcrl . L .

1 989, NEPAL. Musique de fet e chcz les Ncwar. Recordings made in 1 952 by M. Lobsigcr-Dellenbach (2) and in 1973 by L. Aubcrt (I, 3- 1 7). One CD (68' )0),


A rchives Intcr nalionaJes de Musique popu1aire. AI MP XIII , VDE-GALLOICD-553. Review by M. Helffer in 1990 Yearbook for Traditional MusiC; vol.22 , pp. 1 68- 169.

Cronk, G.

1 964. Songs and Dances of Nepal. Onc LP, Ethnic Folkways Library FE 4101 pndiana Univcrsily : Archives of Folk and Primitive Music.

Ethnomusieologica1 Scries].

Cr ossley-Holland, P.

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Ladakhi Musi e]

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Traditions musica1es


fabri cation d'un sarang; (46' ) ; Partie 2, Un mariage dans la castc des gaine (25'). Not for salc. Please contact UPR 299, CNRS. 1 place Ari slidc Briand, 92 195 Meudon Ccdcx, France.

Helffer. M .

1 969, Castes dc musicicns au Nepal. Enrcgistrements de M. Gaborieau, M. Helfrer, C. Jest, A,W, Macdonald. Onc LP, Mus&: de I'Homme, Edi ti ons du Dcpartcmcnt d'Ethnomusieo logie, LD20. Booklet by M.

Helffer including an introductio n and comments, texts in Nepali and their tran slation in Fr ench, musical nO lations, pholos (Fasc.!: 62p ; Fasc.

11 trans!. in English: 39pp.). Out o f print.

1 989, Ladakh, Musique de m onastere et de vii/age. Onc C D (64'49), Le Chant du Monde LDX 274662, coli . CNR$-Musee de I'Hommc. Reprint edition of LDX 74662 published in 1978, wi th additi onal recordings.

Hocrburgcr. F .

1 971, Nepal-Musik dcr Ncviiri /Vistcn. One LP, Berli n, Klangdokumente zur Musikwissensehaft KM 0003. Review by M.

H el ffcr , in Erhnom u s i cology, 1 9 ( 2),1975, pp.JJ)·ll5.

Jest. C .

1966, Tibet-Nepa l : Musique boud dhiste J amaique ; musique rituelle ct

profane. Onc LP, Paris, BAM LD - I04 .


La15on. E.

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Levy. J.

1996, Tibe tan Buddhisr Rites fr om the Monasteries of Bhutan. 4 CD's set : vol.l, Rituals of the Dr ukpa Order from Thimphu and Punakha ; vol.2, Sacred Dances & Rituals of the Nyingmapa &od Drukpa Orders;

vol.3, Temple Rituals and Public Ceremonies ; vol.4, Tibetan and Bhutanese Instrumental and Folk Music. Lyrichord L YRCD 7255-7258.

Reissue of the recordings made in 1971 and first published as LLSf 7255-7258 . Review by P. Crosslcy-Holland in EthnomusiooJogy vol.l8 (3), 1 974, pp.463-467 and by M. Helrfer in Yearbook for Traditional Music vol.7 (1975), pp. 1 80-183.

LewistoD, D .

1974, Music in the Karakorams of Central Asia, r ecorded in Hunza &

Gilgit, onc LP, Nonesuch Explo rer Series H-72061 (Stereo).

1 974, Kashmir Traditional Songs and Dances, recorded in Srinagar. onc LP, None such Explorer Seri es H·72058 (Stereo).

1 975, Festivals o f the Himalayas. recorded in Chamba & Kulu (HP.), onc LP, No nesuch Explorer Series H-72065 (Stereo).

1976, Kashmir . Traditional Songs and Dances vol.JJ, r ecorded in Srinagar & Sari Dangpura. onc LP, Nonesuch Explorer Series H-72069 (S.croo) .

1971, Ladakh Songs and Dances from the Highlands of Western Tibet, recorded in Leh, one LP , Nonesuch Explor er Seri es H-72075 (Stereo).

Review of the five LP r ecords by M. Helffcr, Yearbook of the JFMC vol.X (1979), pp.133-136

Licbermann F. and M. Moore

1 975, Musie in Sikkim, r eeorded in Dccembcr1969 and January 1970, one LP, ABC Records! Coms-9002. Review by P. Crossley·Holland, Ethnom usicology vol.XXIl3, pp.529-53I.

- - - -, Traditional Music and Dance of Sikkim, Parts I and 1 1. A film, 16mm, color (65'), Archives of Ethnic Musie and Dance, Sehool of Music, University of Washington, Scattle. Review by lM and N.r!.

Bishop, Ethnomusicology vo l. XXI /3 , pp.539-540.

Oppitz. M .

1 980 , Shamanen in Dlindcn Land. One Film 16mm colour, 224', WDR- WSK Produktion.

Pignedc, E .

1958, Au pied de I'Annapurna. Onc LP 25cm, Le Chant du Monde, LDS-8245. [\


published recording of Gurung music].

1958. Chants du Nepal. One LP 17cm, Le Chant du Monde. LDY-4175.

Ratel, J.

Forthcoming, CD Rom Nepal Valentin, S.

N.D., Musiquc lTaditionnellc du Nepal (Gaines from Hyangja. Pokhara

area). One CD, Musique du Monde 82493-2.


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