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Eigenvalues estimate for the Neumann problem on bounded domains


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Preprint submitted on 20 Feb 2008

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Eigenvalues estimate for the Neumann problem on bounded domains

Bruno Colbois, Daniel Maerten

To cite this version:

Bruno Colbois, Daniel Maerten. Eigenvalues estimate for the Neumann problem on bounded domains.

2008. �hal-00257734�


hal-00257734, version 1 - 20 Feb 2008


Abstrat. Inthisnote,weinvestigateupperboundsoftheNeumanneigenvalueprob-

lem for the Laplaian of a domain ina given omplete(not ompat a priori) Rie-

mannian manifold (M, g). For this, we use test funtions for the Rayleigh quotient


itself. Asappliations,weprovethatiftheRiiurvatureof(M, g)isboundedbelow Ricg≥ −(n1)a2,a0,thenthereexistonstantsAn>0, Bn>0onlydependingon




V 2/n


where λk(Ω) (k N) denotes the kth eigenvalue of the Neumann problem on any

bounded domain M of volumeV = Vol(Ω, g). Furthermore, this upper boundis learlyinagreementwiththeWeyllaw. Asaorollary,wegetalsoanestimatewhihis



1. Introdution



bounded below, and, as far as possible, to make these estimates optimal withrespet to

theWeyl law.

For ompat Riemannian manifolds without boundary,the following resultwas proved

byP.Buserin[3 ℄(Satz7),[4℄(Thm. 6.2())(seealsoLi-Yauin[13 ℄(Thm.16)). Ifk}k=1

denotethe spetrumofthe Laplaianating onfuntions, then:

1.1. Theorem. Let(Mn, g) be a ompat n-dimensionalRiemannian manifoldwithRii urvature bounded below Ricg≥ −(n−1)a2, a≥0, andof volume V.

There exists a onstant Cn ≥ 1 only depending on the dimension, suh that for all k∈N, we have

(1.1) λk(M, g) ≤ (n−1)2

4 a2+Cn k

V 2/n


1.2. Remarks. (i) In [13℄, the onstant Cn dependsalso on the diameter.

(ii) Indimensionhigherthan2,anormalizationonthevolumeisnotenoughtoontrol

the spetrum: namely, on any ompat manifold of dimension higher than 2, one

an nda metri of given volume, witharbitrarily large rstnonzero eigenvalue

λ2 of the Laplaian,in vertue of the result of B. Colboisand J. Dodziuk [6℄.


Keywordsandphrases. Neumannspetrum,upperbound,Weyllaw,metrigeometry.

2000 MathematisSubjetClassiation. 35P15,53C99,51F99.


(iii) When Ricg ≥0, we dedue that there exists Cn >1 with λk(M, g) ≤Cn Vk2/n

for all k. However, when Rii is not supposed positive, then the presene of a



4 a2 isneessary: bya result ofR. Brooks [2℄, it ispossibletonda

familyofompathyperboli manifoldswithvolumegoingtoinnityanda positive

uniform lower bound on the rst nonzero eigenvalue.

The idea of the proof of Theorem 1.1 is to onsider k disjoint balls of radius r whih

almostover the manifold (M, g),with r around Vk1/n

,and to apply thenCheng's the-

orem [5 ℄. However, suh a theoremdoes not exist on manifolds with boundary, and with

Neumann boundary ondition. A reason for this is that there is no Bishop-Gromov the-

orem: indeed, even for a Eulidean domain, it is not possible to ontrol the volume of a

ballofradius2r withrespettothevolumeofa ballofradius rand sameenter. See also

Example1.4in[4 ℄.


Namely, P. Kröger [12℄ proved thanks to harmoni analysis, that on bounded Eulidean

domains, the kth eigenvalue of the Neumann problem was bounded by above by some

expressionCn(k/|Ω|)n/2,whereCnonlydependsuponthedimension. Ananalogousresult

an be derived from the muh more general and diult work of N. Korevaar [11℄ ( see

also [10℄), for bounded domains of nonnegative Rii urvature manifolds, and also for

bounded domainsof negative Rii urvature ompat manifolds (in this ase thebound

dependson the diameter).

This naturally leads tothe

Question: What an be said for bounded domains of a omplete Riemannian manifold

withRiiurvaturebounded below ?


domainwithsmooth boundary,inagiven omplete(notompat a priori)Riemannian

manifold (M, g). More preisely, we searh for a ouple (λ, u) ∈ R×C

whih is a

solutionof the following boundary elliptiproblem

∆u=λu on


∂ν = 0 on∂Ω,

whereis the nonnegative Laplaianof the metri g and ν theoutward unit normal of

∂Ω. Sineisboundedwithsmoothboundary,thespetrumofonisan unbounded

sequeneofreal numbersk(Ω))k∈N whihan be inreasinglyordered

0 =λ1(Ω)< λ2(Ω)≤ · · · ≤λk(Ω)≤λk+1(Ω)≤ · · · .


forinstane inthe bookof P.Bérard [1℄ (orin[9℄).

The main resultofthis artile isthe following.

1.3.Theorem. Let(Mn, g) be a omplete n-dimensionalRiemannianmanifoldwithRii urvature bounded below Ricg≥ −(n−1)a2, a≥0.

Thereexist onstantsAn>0, Bn >0onlydepending onthedimension, suhthat forall k∈ N, V > 0 and for eah bounded domain Ω⊂ M, with smooth boundary and volume


V, we have

(1.2) λk(Ω)≤Ana2+Bn

k V



If the manifold M is ompat, an interesting speial ase isto hoose Ω =M, and we

reover Theorem 1.1 , up to the value of the onstant An whih is not equal to (n−1)2

4 in


The proof Theorem 1.3 goes in the same spirit as the proof of Theorem 1.1: in order

to bound λk(Ω), we onsider k disjoint sets A1, ..., Ak inof measure of the order of

V ol(Ω)

k ,and introdue testfuntions f1, ..., fk subordinated to these sets. Weestimate the Rayleighquotientofthese fontionsbyadiretalulation,whih givesthetheorem. The

mainimprovement ofthis paperistheonstrution of anadaptedfamilyofsets A1, .., Ak,

moreonvenient for our purpose asballs. Asthis onstrution isinteresting byitself and

willbeused inother ontexts, we present it inarather abstrat(indeed metri) way.

Thepaperisorganisedasfollows: themetrionstrutionofoursetsisdoneinSetion2,

and in Setion 3 we will use them so as to prove Theorem 1.3 by produing some test

funtionsfor the variational haraterisation ofthespetrum.

2. A metri approah

Inthissetion, weformalize thegeometri situationofTheorem1.3(aboundeddomain


spae). More preisely, let (X, d) be a omplete, loally ompat metri spae, Y ⊂X a

bounded Borelian subset endowed with the indued distane, and µ a Borelian measure

withsupportinY suhthatµ(Y) =ω,0< ω <∞. Wewillneedinaddition thefollowing

tehnial assumptions:

(H1) Foreahr >0,thereexistsaonstantC(r)>0suhthateahballofradius4r in X maybe overedbyC(r)ballsofradius r. Moreover,r 7→C(r)isan inreasing

funtionof the radius.

(H2) We suppose that the volume of the rballs tends to 0 uniformly on X, namely

r→0limsup{µ(B(x, r)) : x ∈ X} = 0. However, taking (H1) into aount, this vol-

umeonditionisequivalent to lim

r→0sup{2C(r)µ(B(x, r)) :x∈X}= 0whihisthe

(more onvenient) onditionthatwill be usedintheremainder of theartile.

It is important to remark that these hypothesis are quite natural sine they make part

of the metri properties of the Riemannian manifolds that are involved in Theorem 1.3 .

Thesespeimetri propertiesareolleted inthefollowing fundamental example.

2.1.Example. Atypial exampleof aouple (X, Y) satisfyingthe hypothesis(H1),(H2) is

tohooseXasaomplete n-dimensionalRiemannianmanifold(M, g)withRiiurvature

bounded below Ricg ≥ −(n−1)a2, a ≥ 0 (whih are the lass of manifolds involved in

Theorem 1.3), and as Y a bounded domain with smooth boundary in M. The distane d

isthe distane assoiated tothe Riemannian metri g, the measure µ is the restrition to Y of the Riemannianmeasure of g. The existene of the onstant C(a, r) is given by the

lassial Bishop-Gromov inequality thanks to the lower bound on the Rii urvature of g


(see [14 ℄ p. 156). Preisely, for 0< r < R, andfor eah point p∈M, we have


Vol(B(p, R), g)

Vol(B(p, r), g) ≤ va(R) va(r) ,

where va(R) denotes the volume of a ball of radius R in Mna, the simply onneted n

dimensionalmanifoldof onstant setional urvature −a2.

Thisgivesaboundon thenumberofballsofradiusr thatareneessarytoover aballof

radius 4r (this property known as the paking lemma is a onsequene of Inequality (2.1)).

In fat, x B4r a 4rball and onsider {B(xi, r/2)}i∈I a maximal family of disjoint balls

whose enter xi live in B4r; then the orresponding family of rballs {B(xi, r)}i∈I over B4r. In onsequene, we an over a ball of radius 4r with ≤1 +h

va(4r+r/2) va(r/2)

irballs. We


C(a, r) = max


1 +

va(4t+t/2) va(t/2)


The inreasingharater of r7→C(a, r) is by denition.

Furthermore, as r−→0, the ratio Vol(B(p,r),g)

va(r) −→1, we obtain Vol((B(p, R), g) ≤va(R) ,

andonsequently µ(B(p, r)) := Vol(B(p, r)∩Y, g) goes uniformly to 0 as r→0.


Aand Dsatisfying ertainvolume onditions.

2.2. Lemma. Let (X, d) be a omplete, loally ompat metri spae, Y ⊂X a bounded

Borelian withthe indued distane, andµ a Borelian measure withsupport inY suh that µ(Y) =ω, 0< ω <∞ and µ(Y \Y) = 0. In addition,we make the hypothesis (H1),(H2).

Let0< α≤ ω2. Thanksto(H2)there existsr >0withsup{2C(r)µ(B(x, r)) :x∈X} ≤α.

Thenthere exist A, D⊂Y suh that A⊂Dand

µ(A)≥α µ(D)≤2C(r)α d(A, Y ∩Dc)≥3r


Proof. We xthepositivenumbers r andα. Letus onsideranypositive integerm∈N

anddeneanonnegative appliationΨm:Xm =X×X× · · · ×X

| {z }



Ψm:x = xjm


 [m


B xj, r

 ,

whih is simplythe restrition of themeasure µ to Um(r) a partiular lass of open sets

whih isdened by

Um(r) :=

 [m


B xj, r

/ xjm


 .


Sine(X, d) isaompleteandloallyompat metrispae,itisalsotheaseofthenite

produtXm when itis endowed withthe produtdistane. Then for eah m ∈N there existssome xmax,m∈Xm (notneessaryunique)suh that

Ψm(xmax,m) = max

Xm Ψm= max


 [m


B xjmax,m, r

 .

We rst prove that there exists a nite integer k ∈ N suh that Ψk(xmax,k) ≥ α and Ψk−1(xmax,k−1) ≤α. Indeed, onsider the funtion ξ :N −→ R dened by the relation

ξ(m) = Ψm(xmax,m). On one hand, the ondition sup{2C(r)µ(B(x, r)) : x ∈ X} ≤ α

obviously implies ξ(1)≤ 2C(r)α ≤α. Onthe otherhand, sine Suppµ ⊂Y, there existsa

radius R >0 large enough suh thatµ(B(z, R))≥3ω/4, for a ertainz ∈X. Butit an

belearlydeduedfromAssumption(H1)thatB(z, R)anbenitelyoveredbym0 ∈N

ballsofradius r (notie thatm0 depends onR). Consequently itturns out

3α 2 ≤ 3ω

4 ≤µ(B(z, R))≤ max

Um0(r)Ψm0 =ξ(m0).

Thereby the funtion ξ : N −→ R satises ξ(1)≤ α and ξ(m0) ≥ 2 , whih entails the

existeneofsome k∈N suhthatΨk(xmax,k)≥α and Ψk−1(xmax,k−1)≤α.

We now setUk := S



xjmax,k, r

and Vk := S




. Thenext stepis to


µ(Vk)≤C(r)µ(Uk) .

Still aording to Assumption (H1), Vk is overed by kC(r) balls of radius r, namely Vk⊂ S


Bj,where the Bj areballs ofradius r. Butit isquitelear that this union

ofrballsan bewritten as S


Bj = S


Wj where eahWj ∈Uk(r). Itfollows


 [



 = µ

 [






≤ C(r) max

Uk(r)µ=C(r)ξ(k) =C(r)µ(Uk) .

We nally dene the sets A := Y ∩Uk and D := Y ∩Vk. We only have to hek that

theysatisfythe propertiesstated inLemma 2.2 . We observe thatµ(A) =µ(Uk) sine the

measureµ issupportedin Y and µ(Y \Y) = 0. Besides, Uk an be written asthe union

ofan element ofUk−1(r)and anelement ofU1(r)sothat µ(A)≤ξ(k−1) +ξ(1)≤α

1 +1



Stillsine Suppµ=Y, we obtain µ(D) =µ(Vk)≤C(r)µ(Uk) =C(r)µ(A)≤2C(r)α. By

thedenition ofUk andVk,westraightforwardlyhave d(A, Y ∩Dc)≥3r.


In setion 3, we will use the following orollary of Lemma 2.2 to make the proof of

Theorem1.3 . Wegivethereinanexpliiteonstrutionofthedomainsthatwerementioned

attheend of the introdution.

2.3. Corollary. Let (X, d) be a omplete, loally ompat metri spae, Y ⊂X a bounded

Borelian withthe indued distane, andµ a Borelian measure withsupport inY suh that µ(Y) =ω,0< ω <∞ andµ(Y \Y) = 0. In addition, we make the hypothesis (H1),(H2)

asin Lemma 2.2,and take N a positive integer.

Letr >0 suh that 4C2(r)µ(B(x, r))≤ Nω holdsfor all x∈X, andlet α= 2C(r)Nω . Then,

there exist N measurable subsetsA1, ..., AN ⊂Y suh that µ(Ai)≥α and,for eah i6=j, d(Ai, Aj)≥3r.

Proof. Weonstrut thefamily (Aj)Nj=1 byniteindution applyingLemma 2.2.

•j= 1. We set (X1, d1, µ1) = (X, d, µ) and Y1 = Y, whih satisfy the assumptions of Lemma 2.2. Therefore there existA1, D1 suh thatA1 ⊂D1 ⊂Y1 =Y and

µ(A1) ≥ α

µ(D1) ≤ 2C(r)α= Nω d(A1, Y1∩Dc1) ≥ 3r


•j= 2. Weset(X2, d2, µ2) = (X, d, µ|Y2)andY2=Dc1∩Y1,whihsatisfytheassumptions of Lemma 2.2 withω22(Y2) ≥ω 1−N1


≥α. Therefore there

existA2, D2 suh thatA2 ⊂D2⊂Y2 =D1c∩Y1 and

µ(A2) ≥ α

µ(D2) ≤ 2C(r)α= Nω d(A2, Y2∩Dc2) ≥ 3r


AsA1 ⊂D1 andA2⊂Y1∩D1c we getd(A1, A2)≥d(A1, Y1∩D1c)≥3r thanksto

the asej= 1.

•j≥3. We suppose that we have already onstruted the families (As)j−1s=1 and (Ds)j−1s=1




As⊂Ds⊂Y ∩(D1∪ · · · ∪Ds−1)c =Ys, s≤j−1 d(As, At)≥3r s6=t,

µ(D1∪ · · · ∪Dj−1)≤ω

j−1 N


We set (Xj, dj, µj) = (X, d, µ|Yj) and Yj =Y ∩(D1∪ · · · ∪Dj−1)c, whih satisfy


1− j−1N

N+1−j N


ifj≤N. Therefore thereexist Aj, Dj suh thatAj ⊂Dj ⊂Yj and

µ(Aj) ≥ α

µ(Dj) ≤ 2C(r)α= Nω d(Aj, Yj ∩Djc) ≥ 3r


As Aj ⊂ Y ∩(D1∪ · · · ∪Dj−1)c ⊂ Y ∩(D1∪ · · · ∪Ds−1)c = Ys, s < j, and As ⊂ Ds, we get d(Aj, As) ≥d(As, Ys∩Dsc) ≥ 3r thanksto the ase j = s. As

already said,we an proeed this onstrution solonger we have enough volume

to doit, thatis N times.


3. Proof of Theorem 1.3.

Let (Mn, g) be a omplete n-dimensional Riemannian manifold with Rii urvature bounded below Ricg ≥ −(n−1)a2, and Ω ⊂ M a bounded domain of volume V, with

smooth boundary.

We observe rst that, by renormalisation, it is enough to prove the theorem for the

ase a = 1: namely, if Theorem 1.3 is true for a= 1, and if g is a Riemannian metri

with Ricg ≥ −(n−1)t2g, then g0 = t2g satises Ricg0 ≥ −(n−1)g0. Sine we have λk(g0)≤An+Bn

k V(g0)


,then, beause λk(g) =t2λk(g0) andV(g) =tnV(g0),we get λk(g)≤Ant2+Bn Vk2/n


So,letuseprove Theorem1.3for a= 1. AsinExample2.1, letusonsidertheBorelian

measureµwhih istherestrition to thedomainof theRiemannian volume of (M, g).

In order to prove Theorem 1.3, we will usethe lassial variational haraterization of

the spetrum: to estimate λk from above, it sues to onstrut an H1(Ω)-orthogonal family of k test funtions (fj)kj=1, suh as eah fj has ontroled Rayleigh quotient. In

thesequel,we onstrut test funtionswithdisjoint supportrelated tothe sets A1, ..., Ak

arisingfromCorollary 2.3 , sothatit immediatelyimpliesorthogonality inH1(Ω).

3.1. Lemma. Let A⊂M a subset as in Corollary 2.3. Let Ar:= {x∈M :d(x, A)≤r}, r > 0. There exists a funtion f supported in Ar whose restrition tois of Rayleigh


R(f)≤ 1 r2

µ(Ar\A) µ(A) .

Proof. Letus dene a plateau funtion

f(p) =

1 if p∈A 1−d(p,A)r if p∈(Ar\A)

0 if p∈(Ar)c .

InCorollary2.3, thedomainA isanite unionofmetri ballsandintersetionwithom- plement ofballs. The boundary is not smooth,but thefuntion d(∂A,·) "distane to the boundary of A" iswell knownto be1Lipshitz on M. Aording to Rademaher's theo- rem(seeSetion 3.1.2, page8184in[8 ℄), d(∂A,·) isdierentiable Ln almosteverywhere (sinedVolg is absolutelyontinuouswith respetto Lebesgue's measureLn),and its g

gradient satises|∇d(∂A,·)|g≤1,Ln almosteverywhere. Itomes out thatthegradient off satisesLnalmost everywhere


r if p∈(Ar\A) 0 if p∈(Ar\A)c .

Weimmediately dedue

R(f) = R

|∇f|2gdVolg R

f2dVolg ≤ 1 r2

µ(Ar\A) µ(A) .


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