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Submitted on 1 Jan 1981

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G. Benedek, G. Brusdeylins, R. Doak, J. Toennies

To cite this version:

G. Benedek, G. Brusdeylins, R. Doak, J. Toennies. THE SPECTROSCOPY OF SURFACE

PHONONS BY INELASTIC ATOM SCATTERING. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1981, 42 (C6),

pp.C6-793-C6-800. �10.1051/jphyscol:19816234�. �jpa-00221319�



G. Benedek, G. ~ r u s d e ~ l i n s * , R.B.


and J.P. Toennies


Gruppo Nazionale di Struttura della Materia del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Pisica delLIUniversitci, 1-20133 MiZano, Italy

* Max-Planck-Institut fiir Str6mungsforschung. Bdttinger Str. 4-8, 0-3400 Gb'ttingen, F.R.G.

Abstract.- The recent great advance in the production of highly inonochromatic atcmic beams is opening new pers2ectives in surface physics, having made way to a full determination of the surface vibrational structure. After a short review of the earlier att- empts to detect surface phonons from the angular distributions of scattered atoms, we re2ort on the direct measurement of surface phonon dispersion curves, first achieved by Brusdeylins, Doak and Toennies in alkali halides, from time-of-flight (TOF) spectra of scattered He atoms. A comparison is made with the existing theo- ries of surface phonons in ionic crystals. The state of the art in the theory of inelastic scattering processes is briefly illu- strated in order to discuss the theoretical inter2retation of TOF spectra. The one-phonon energy-loss spectra of He scattered from LiF(001) calculated for a hard corrugated surface model are found to be in good agreement with TOF spectra at all the incidence angles.

Evidence is given that, in addition t l ayleigh waves, important contributions to the inelastic scatte g come from the surface- projected density of bulk phonons. The possible observation of optical surface modes in KCl(001) is finally discussed.

1. Introduction.- Although surface phonons have since long attracted much attention due to their role in several surface and interface phe- nomena and in various technological applicationsI1 their spectroscopy in the dispersive region has been considered till now much more diffi- cult than that of bulk phonons. Indeed the conventional probes of bulk phonons, such as neutrons2 and light, are only weakly sensitive to the surface owing to their large penetration into the solid. In the plasma spectral region photons become surface sensitive but couple only to ve- ry long-wave surface excitation^.^'^ Also electron energy loss spectro- scopy, which has given us the first evidence of surface electromagnetic modes in monocrystalsI5 and inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy6 are actually restricted to long waves by unfavorable kinematical con- ditions.

The great potentialities of atom scattering in surface phonon spec- troscopy have been apparent since the theoretical work of Cabrera, celii and Manson,7 ~ u t only the recent great advance in the ~roduction and de- tection of highly monochromatic atomic beams, triggered off by the stu- dies in rarified gas dynamic^,^ has made way for a full determination of the surface vibrational structure. Today atoms can do for surface pho- nons the same job that slow neutrons do for bulk phonons.

Alongside, various theoretical problems had to be considered, sin-

ce the assessment of such a powerful technique in surface phonon ana-

lysis required an accurate comparison with the predicted energy-loss

profiles and related surface phonon densities. This in order to answer

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:19816234



two urgent questions: i) Whether and when are single-phonon processes predominant; ii) in how distorted a way do energy-loss spectra reflect the surface projected phonon density.

2. Inelastic processes in angular distributions.- The early experiments carried out by Subbarao and ~ i l l e r ~ with cold He beams on Ag(ll1) pro- vided a first clear separation between elastic and inelastic scatter-

ing, the latter displaying a clear multiphonon nature.

On the contrary, the data obtained by Williams and Mason for He scattering from ~ i F ( 0 0 1 ) ' ~ and ~ a ~ ( 0 0 1 ) l ~ were indicative of one-pho- non processes. The phonon frequencies, derived from a sophisticated

analysis of the out-of-plane angular distributions (AD) around the dif- fraction peaks, are in fair agreement with the calculated Rayleigh wave

(RW) dispersion curves.

In fig. la the data for NaF are compared to the theoretical curve obtained by the Green's function method12, using the breathing shell model (BSM) and room temperature data. Shell model slab calculation^^^

give almost identical results.

The results of Williams and Mason are quite remarkable when consi- dered in light of the recent data obtained by Doak et a t i 4 by the time-of-flight (TOF) technique and a much better resolution (fig. lb).


- NaF (001) /He



- - - TOF 8

Fig. 1


Calculated Rayleigh wave dispersion cur- ve in NaF (001) compared to ~e~ scattering data obtained from angular distributions (a: ref. 11) and time-of-flight spectra (b: ref. 14

) .

According to Avila and ~ a g o s l ~ , the systematic deviation in fig.la from the thoretical curve is removed when the data are analyzed in terms of kinematical focussing.

The kinematical focussing (KF) occurs with any ?articular scatte-

ring geometry for which the paraboloid representing the energy-loss

versus momentum transfer relation


and Ki are energy and parallel momentum of the incident atom ( 5



i and e f the incidence and outgoing angles, respectively. K and Knp P are the components of the transferred parallel momentum 2


(Kp,Knp), respectively parallel and normal to the incidence plane.

KF yields singularities in the angular distribution due to the va- nishing of the Jacobian transforming momentum-space coordinates into angular coordinates.

For planar scattering (Knp=O), W may occur only along symmetry directions. For relatively heavy probes, like Ne, and large 8f and 0i, KF occurs at small phonon group velocities, i.e. for phonons close to the critical points, where the phonon density is large.16 Avila and La- gos have discussed another important enhancement mechanism for non-pla- nar KF which explains Williams and Mason's data.15

Boato and Cantinil7perforrned a careful investigation of the angu- lar distributions of Ne planar scattering from LiF(001), finding a rich fine structure in addition to the elastic diffraction pattern. Although interpreting such inelastic features as due to KF' yielded frequencies of surface modes in reasonable agreement with the theoretical predict- ion for Rayleigh and Lucas modes at and r critical points18, Cantini, Felcher and Tatarek found a more convincing explanation of the fine structure in terms of inelastic resonances with surface bound states19.

In addition, their kinematical analysis led to a rough determination of RW dispersion. Cantini andTatarekhave made a similar analysis for the inelastic resonances of He scattered from graphite (0001)


The high-resolution angular distri- butions recently obtained by Brusdeylins




for He scattering from LiF(001) and



2 1

give only a faint evidence of KF effect, its features being hardly di- stinguishable from the complicatedpattern of inelastic resonances.



could be visible only where the channels to bound states are extreme- ly weak, as in metals, but we do not know


of any example, apart from some2~oorly understood data on He-Au

( 111


However, in view of the recent ad- s~ vance in the theory and design8 of highly

monochromatic nozzle beam sources, the KF way to surface phonons has been abandoned in favour of TOF spectroscopy.

F i g . 2


Surface phonon dispersion curves

In L1F (001) along (100) for sagittal po-

larization. Comparison is made with ~ e 4

scattering data (0) and neutron data

( 0 ) .




3 .

The a n a l y s i s of t i m e - o f - f l i g h t s p e c t r a . - I n t h e l a t e s e v e n t i e s TOE measurements p r o v i d e d a d i r e c t e v i d e n c e o f Rayleigh waves i n t h e THz The h i g h - r e s o l u t i o n s p e c t r a measured by Toennies group i n G a t t i n g e n l e d f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e t o t h e f u l l d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f t h e RW d i s p e r s i o n a s w e l l a s o f t h e e n e r g y l o s s p r o f i l e s i n L ~ F NaF ( f i g . ~ ~ , l b ) and ~ ~ 1 . l ~

These e x p e r i m e n t s have s t i m u l a t e d a new e f f o r t i n t h e t h e o r y of i n e l a s t i c p r o ~ e s s e s ~ ~ - ~ ~ . Most o f t h e f e a t u r e s found i n TOE' s p e c t r a - d o - minance o f RWs and c u t - o f f of o p t i c a l f r e q u e n c i e s - w e r e p r e d i c t e d a l - r e a d y i n t h e framework o f t h e d i s t o r t e d wave Born approximation ( D W B A ) ? ~

The v a l i d i t y o f t h i s t h e o r y f o r i o n i c c r y s t a l s , where t h e s u r f a c e i s q u i t e c o r r u g a t e d , i s i n q u e s t i o n , however, s i n c e t h e non-specular p a r t o f t h e p o t e n t i a l works a s a p e r t u r b a t i o n . P h y s i c a l l y it would mean t h a t unklapp p r o c e s s e s i n v o l v i n g s u r f a c e - r e c i p r o c a l l a t t i c e v e c t o r s G # 0 have t o be l e s s p r o b a b l e , which i s c l e a r l y i n c o n t r a s t w i t h t h e o b s e r v a t i o n o f s t r o n g quantum rainbow e f f e c t s . 1 7

[ R I EXPT' SCRLE '-3 P i g . 3 :

Time-of- f l l g h t s p e c t r a o f H e s c a t t e r e d from LiF

(001) s u r f a c e a l o n g (100) f o r i n c i d e n c e a n g l e

8 . =

49.8O and 7 2 . 2 0 (*ram r e f . 1 4 ) and c a l c u l a t e d one- phonon r e f l e c t i o n c o e f f i c i e n t f o r a


hard c o r r u g a t e d s u r - f a c e model. The c a l - c u l a t i o n o f t h e pho- non d e n s i t i e s is bas- e d on t h e Green's f u n c t i o n method and



[ 10 l o 1/M

1 t h e b r e a t h i n g s h e l l model w i t h room tem-

- p e r a t u r e i n p u t d a t a .



Squared d o t s d e n o t e


Rayleigh wave p e a k s ,

46 K d e n o t e s k i n e m a t i c a l

a< O

f o c u s s i n g and


l a b e l s

w &


Lucas mode.



0 - - 0




I-m Z



(Y w

trs- Eo




k I I


- - 0

-3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 WFlVE VECTOR D E L T R K [






gle 8i




C 10 l o 1/M


Thus in the theoretical interpretation of TOF data our main con- cern is the non-perturbative treatment of the static corrugated poten- tial. We work in a DWBA where only the phonon-induced corrugation acts as a perturbation. The one-phonon reflection coefficient for a process casting an incident atom of momentum gi into a final state Ef oriented within a solid angle da, is expressed by2'

where T is the surface temperature, and o K a I K t 5 ( Z , W ) are the elements of surface-projected phonon density matrix. +

If z


Do ( 8 ) represents the static syrf ace profile, Do (R) being a periodic function of the position vector R


(x,y), the coupling coef- ficients are given by

where a~~ (6) /auK $s the distortion of the s p a c e profile due to a unit displacemenf u of the K-th $on, and W(R) is the Debye-Waller fac- tor. The scattering amplitude g

( R )

is obtained by solving numerically the Lippmann-Schwinger equation in the direct space for the static cor-


rugated surface, using a method developed by Garcia and ~ a b r e r a ? ~ The surface-projected phonon densities $re calculated by the Green's function method,12 for 33 values of K in the irreducible se- gment lying in the scattering plane, and for 100 equally-spaced va- lues of




and the maximum crystal frequency. This calculat- ion is equivalent to a slab calculation with 192 layers.

Fig. 2 shows the dispersion c ~ n - e s along (100) of LiF(001) surfa-

ce modes with sagittal polarization - the one involved in planar scat-

tering.Heavy lines are surface modes. Thin lines are band edges of

bulk modes having non-vanishing sagittal component. When a dispersion

curve enters a band, the surface-localized mode transformsinto a reso-



Fig. 5


Same as fig.3 for incidence angles 0i

= 60.0°



I I L I F [0011 < l o o >

- w Z


3 -




m -

OL a03 RUN 315.RO

0 3.

2 G f R l EXPT: SCRLE =-3











10 l o 1/M


nance. The RW dispersion curve is compared to the atom scattering data (open cir~1e.s)~~. The broken line shows the shell model slab calculat- ion by Chen et

a l l 3 .

The quality of bulk dynamics can be judged by com- paringto neutron data (black points) the band edges which correspond to bulk dispersion curves along symmetry directions.

In this calculation, based on BSM and room temperature data, bulk (a*) and surface (as) ion polarizabilities are equal

( a t =

) : a and taken from the classical compilation of Tessmann, Kahn and Shockley

3 3


If a v s allowed to be larger than


and both are adjustable, the residual discrepancies at the A point can be removed in both bulk and RW dispersion curves.29 Despite the general argument that surface pola- rizabilities should be larger than bulk polarizabilities owing to the smaller co~rdination, wedidnot use this fitting procedure here, since TKS values yield an excellent fit in NaF and KC1 and a reasonable com-

promise in LiF.


In evaluating d2~(l)/dwdR, we use the static surface profile Do (R)


36.0°, 60.0° and 63.2O) correspond to a selected set of TOF spectra measured by Brusdeylins, Doak and Toennies with the apparatus of ref.

25. Experimental and theoretical spectra are shown together in figs 3-5 as functions of K. The phonon energy is readily obtained from eq. 1 with K


K and Knp

= 0.

The vertical lines correspond to K




inte- ger


Tn/a where a is the interionic distance.

Thetheoretical RW peaks are represented by isolated rectangular peaks (marked by

* ) .

At low energy (K close to G ) the RW peak is not resolved from the continuous bulk density. Close to KF condition the RW peak may extend over several bins. This is seen in fig. 3 (8i=49.80), where the KF induced broadening of the RW peak K reflects fairly well the experimental structure. Here the RW peak at K


-0.2 is not resol- ved, but the spectra appear to be in reasonably good agreement.

At 0i


72.2O, the single RW peak is well resolved letting one ap- preciate how important is the bulk phonon contribution forming the long tail above K



A richer structure is found for e i = 36.0° (fig. 4). Here the in- tensities of the three distinct RW peaks are in very good agreement with the predicted intensities. Again the experimental tails aside the RW peaks are seen to correspond to bulk phonon structures. While the band around K

= 0

contains acoustic phonons, the long tail above K


2.8 comes essentially from optical phonons. The small theoretical peak0 is a Lucas optical surface mode

( S 4

in fig. 2); this is also predicted for

B i =

49.8O and 60.0° (fig. 5

) but no

evidence is found in




similar overall agreement is found also in fig.




60.0°, 63.2O). However, once we fit the maximum intensities around K


-3, we note that the RW intensity at larger (smaller) absolute momentum trans- fer is weaker (stronger) than the observed one.

The general good agreement

between theory and experiment


means, for the experimentalist,


that o n e - p h o n o n p r o c e s s e s a r e d o m i n a n t and, for the theore- tician, that the Green's funct- ion method for surface dynamics and the HCS model employed in scattering theory work quite

well. However, the future inte- rest is on the discrepancies. - -


Why does theory predict

m q

too large (small) intensities


at small (large) momentum trans-

L 0




Why are the predicted Lucas mode peaks not (yet) seen in the experiments?

Fig. 6


Surface phonon dis?er- slon curves of KC1 (001) along the symmetry directions for sa- gittal (1) and parallel ( 1 1) po-




An answer to these questions will probably come from a better de- scription of the surface-atom potential, including the attractive part and the effects of bound-state resonances. For example, the weakness Of Lucas modes in scattering could mean that ~ i + - He interaction is even weaker than that schematically described by the choosen surface profile. Actually, the difficulty existing in LiF for the observation of optical modes is that the radius and the polarizability of Li ion

(the ion which moves in optical modes) are too small and consequently so are both repulsive and attractive interactions with He atoms.


better situation occurs in crystals like KC1, where the ions have approximately the same mass and are both polarizable. Moreover in KC1 optical frequencies are smaller than kBT (room temperature) and

w i ,

and can therefore be observed in both energy loss and gain processes.

Indeed in KC1(001), besides sharp RW peaks, additional structures cor- responding to the strong resonance Ss are observed in TOF spectra:14 such experimental points are compared to the calculated dispersion cur- ves in fig. 6. Further weak and barely resolved features can be related to optical modes of higher frequency (S2, S6 and S4), but such inter- pretation is still s u b judice. We hope that future measurements will confirm this stimulating observation.


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