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Academic year: 2021

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Index - Vol. V and VI



Volumes V and VI


Admission of Mature Non-Matricul-ated Students in/o a DegreeProgram Adolescence - A Cuttural Dilemma Albert Schweitzer's Ethic as an

Edu-cationa! 1 dea!. ... . A n E:~periment in Participatory

De-mocracy ... . A Pic/orial H istory . ... . Are We Too Busy To Think? ... . A Storm in a teAQUPE ... ... . The Becoming of Caroline . ... . TheBeginning of Teaching at McGill Business and Education: The

Ever-Growing Chasm . ... . Canadian University Students'

Stere-otypes of Canadians and Americans The Challenge of Rising Educational Costs . ... . The Coming of The Guerrilla Teacher Confluencies and Gaps . ... . The Crisis in the University . ... . Culture and Environment: 1 nter-action in the Ctassroom . ... . Culture, Personatity and Education .. Dimensions Nationale et 1

nterna-tionale de l' Université . ... . The Drop Out . ... . L'Ecole, le Changement, la Diversité . Ecrivain et Professeur . ... . Editoriats . ... . The English-Language C.E.G.E.P ... The First Canadian Journal of

Edu-cation ... ... " " Group Counsclling, Role Perceptions

and Career Plans . ... . History of Education Courses in the Preparation of Canadian Teachers Inflation in Higher Education .... .. . 88 M. Vaselenak Sidney Lecker David Blackwell P. M. George John Andreassen E. George Cochrane C. Hawkins Margaret Gillett Edward H. Bensley M. R. Lupul A. D. Diemer M. L. Dietz D. 1. Joan Glen Fred Staab "M. Josephus Poole" Vrej·Armen Artinian Mark Braham Louis-Albert Vachon Jo Mclntosh Laurier l. LaPierre Jacques Brault Margaret Gillett Donald A. Burgess F. Henry Johnson C. A. Welch E. T. Hallberg Robert M. Stamp David Riesman V.1.86-96 V.1.47 -55 \1.2.139-146 V1.2.187 -194 \11.1.41-52 VI 2.204-6 VI.1.84-9 VI.2.119-124 VI.1.23-4 V.1.38-43 V.1.29-37 VI.2.195-203 V.2.133-8 V.1.65-8 V.2.205-214 V.2.160-5 V.2.147-159 VI. 1.25-8 V.1.69-72 V.1.44-6 V.1.73-7 V.1., V.2., VI.1., V1.2 VI.1.90-101 VI.2.170-6 V.1.78-84 V1.2.160-9 V.1.3-12


Index - Vol. V



nllitation to a Party . ... .

The Liberation of W omen aM the


System . ... .

Th, M cGill Greek Project . ... .

Memoriea in Gra1l aM MÏ88Jeanette

Cann ... .

Montreal Ladies' A88ociation . ... .

The Nature of a Unillersity


... .


Education . ... .

Prelude •...•...

Rapid Socio-CuZturaZ Change aM

Student Mental HeaUh.

-11 ... .

Requiem for the Protestant Central

Board of

E:I:(lminer8 ...•...

Rketoric aM Readi1lf1 Comprehension

Sir William Macdonald . ... .


Conmt&8 About Group E:Jr

perilnceB •.•...

SupertlÏ8Or8 Look at Themsleves . .... .

The Teacker a8 Writer . ... .

Teacher Education at M cGill . ... .

The Teacher Image in Fiction . ... .

Teaching and Learning Group

Stru-tures in the Elementary School . ... .

The Teachi1lf1 of Values . ... .

Teaching tke UnteachabZe . ... .

Too M uch Col/ege? ... .

TreM8 in Higher Education in

Australia ... .

Trends in Teacher Preparation

Cur-ricuta in Canada . ... .

Trillium at the BillÎum . ... .






lecture . ... .

What A ils U nillersities? ... .

Paddy Webb louis Feldhammer A. Schachter Pierre Berton Donna Ronish D.O.Hebb Ben Wicks

Pierre Elliott Trudeau Ronald M. Wintrob J. D. Jefferis Jane Catterson Maurry H. Esptein William M. Talley Patrick Babi n F. R. Scott David Munroe John Farrell William E. lamon Stanley M. Daugert Stephen leacock R. E. Bell R. Selby Smith Geraldine Channon Gerald Kamber Jean Vachon Brian Hendley B-Author Andreassen, John Artinian, Vrej-Armen

A Pictoria, Hiatory . ... .

Babin, Patrick Bell, R. E. Bensley, Edward H. Berton, Pierre Blackwell, David Braham, Mark Brault, Jacques Burgess, Donald A.

CuUure aM EnllÎronment:

Interaction in the Classroom . .... .

SuperllÎ8Or8 Look at Themaellle8 . .... .

Too Much College? ... .

The Beginning of Teachi1lf1 at McGill

Memories in Gray aM Mia8 Jeanette

Cann ... ... .

Albert Schweitzer's Ethic as an Ed ..

~~IIdeal ... ... .

CuUure, Personality aM Education ..

Ecrillain et Profe88eur . ... .

The E1If1liah-Language C.E.G.E.P . . .

VI.1.4 V.1.13-28 V.2.166-172 VI.2.llS-8 VI.l.78-83 VI.1.S-14 VI.l. passim VI.1.2-3 V.1.56-64 Vl.l.lo2-8 VI.2.12S-132 VI.l.S3-62 V.2.189-194 V.2.173-7 V1.1.63-6 VI.1.29-4o V.2.l21-132 V.2.178-188 V.2.22o-Z VI.1.67-77 VI.1.15-ZZ VI.2.177 -186 VI.2.144-159 V.2.215-9 VI.2.133-143 V.2.195-204 VI.l.41-5Z V.2.l60-5 V.2.l73-7 VI.1.15-22 VI.1.23-4 VI.2.115-8 V.2.l39-146 V.2.147-159 V.l.73-7 VI ,1.90-101 89


Catterson, Jane

Channon, Geraldine

Cochrane, E. George

Daugert, Stanley M.

Diemer, A.H./




Epstein, Maurry H.

Farrell, John

Feldhammer, Louis

George, P. M.

Gillett, Margeret

Gillett, Margaret

Glen, D.



Hawkins, C.

Hebb, D. O.

Hendley, Brian




Johnson, F. Henry

Kamber, Gerald

Lamon, William E.

LaPierre, Laurier


Leacock, Stephen

Lecker, Sidney

Lupul, M.


Mclntosh, Jo

Munro, David

"Poole, M. Josephus"

Riesman, David

Ronish, Donna

Schachter, A.

Scott, F. R.

Smith, R. Selby

Stabb, Fred

Stamp, Robert M.

Talley, William, M.

Trudeau, Pierre Elliott

Vachon, Jean

Vachon, Louis-Albert

Index - Vol. V and VI

Rhetoric and Reading Comprehension Trends in Teacher Preparation

Cur-ricula in Canada ... ... . Are We Too Busy To Thirùc? ... . The Teaching of Values . ... . Canadian University Studems' Ste-reotypes of Canadians and Ame-ricans . ... " ... . Sir William Macdonald . ... . The Teacher Image in Fiction . ... . The Liberation of Womm and the Educational System . ... . An Experiment in Participatory De-mocracy ... . The Becoming of Caroline . ... . Editorials . ... . The Challenge of Rising Educational Costs . ... . A StorminateAQUPE ... . The Nature of a University

Edu-cation ... ... . What A ils U niversities? ... . Requiem for the Protestant Central Board of Examiners . ... . The First Canadian Journal of Edu-cation .... ... . Trivium at the Bivium . ... . Teaching and Learning Group Struc-tures in the Elementary School . .... L'Ecole, le Changement la Diversité .. Teaching the Unteachable .... ... . Adolescnece - A Cultural Dilemma .. Business and Education: The

Ever-Growing Chasm . ... . The Drop Out . ... . Teacher Education at M cGill . ... . The Crisis in the University . ... . Inflation in Higher Education ... . Montreal Ladies' Association . ... . The M cGitt Greek Project . ... . The Teacher as W riter ... . Trends in Highel Education in

Australia ... ... " ... . The Coming of the Guerrila Teacher .. History of Education Courses in the Preparation of Canadian Teachers Some Concelns About Group

Ex-periences .. ... . Prelude ... . Trois méthodes d'enseignement de la lecture . ... . Dimensions Nationale et 1 niernatio-naie de l' Université. . . V1.2.125-132 VI.2.144-159 VI.2.204-6 V.2.220-2 V.l.29-37 VI.1.53-62 V.2.l21-132 V.l.l3-28 VI.2.187-194 VI.2.119-124 V.l., V.2., VI.1., V1.2. V1.2.195-203 VI.1.84-9 V 1.1 5-14 V.2.l95-204 VI.1.102-8 V1.2.170·6 V.2.215-9 V.2.l78-188 V.l.44-6 VI.1.67-77 V.l.47-55 V.l.38-43 V.l.69-72 VI.1.29-40 V.2.205-214 V.l.3-12 VI.l.18-83 V.2.l66-172 VI.l.63-6 VI.2.171-186 V.2.l33-8 V1.2.160-9 V.2.l89-194 VU.2-3 V1.2.133-143 VI.l.25-8


Index - Vol. V and VI Vaselenak, M. Webb, Paddy Welch, C.A'; E. T. Hallberg Wicks, Ben Wintrob, Ronald M.

Admission of Mature Non-Matricu-lated Students into a Degree Pro-gram ... . . Invitation to a Party . ... . Group Counselling Role Perceptions and Career Plans . ... . On Education . ... . Rapid Socio-Cultural Change and Student Mental H ealth -11 ... .

C-Reviews V.l.86·96 VI.1.4 V.1.78-84 VU. passim V.1.56-64

Allen, Dwight W. and Eli Seifman. The Teacher's Handbook (by W. Allan Wright) VI.2.211-4

Armour, Richard. A Diabolical Dictionary of Education - An Absolutely Dis-pensable Guide Through the Muddte and Maze of the American Behool System (by Margaret Gillett) V.2.224

Aronoff, Frances Webber. Music and Young Children (by Joan Haines) V.1.100 Beck, Carlton E. Perspectives On World Education (by Margaret Gillett) V.2.


Butcher, H. J. Human Intelligence (by L. B. Birch).V.1.97-8

Coons, John E., William H. Cline, Ill, Stephen D. Sugarman. Private Wealth and Public Education (by John Lipkin) VI.1.112

Corry. J. A. Farewell The Ivory Tower: Universities in Transition (by Roger Magnuson) VI.2.217-8

Cox, C.B. and A. E. Dyson. Fight for Education: A Black Paper and Black Paper Two: The Crisis in Education (by Trevor Burridge) V.1. 101-3

Durkin, Dolores. Teaching Them To Read (by Edna Hineline) VI.2.216 Fox, David J. The Research Proces8 in Education (by Bruce Shore) VI.2.222-3 Goldschmid, Marcel L. Black Americans and White Racism (by George Domino)


Jones, Daisy Marvel. Teaching Children to Read (by Edna Hineline) VI.2.216 Lloyd-Jones, Esther M. and Nora Rosenau. Social and Cultural Foundations of

Guidance: A Sourcebook (by James K. Fraser) V.1.100-1

Logan, Lillian M. and Gerald T. Rimmington. Social Studies - A Creative Direction (by Donald Burgess) V.1.199

Martin. William Oliver. Realism in Education (by William L. Ryan) VI.2.219-220

McAshan. H. H. Writing Behavioral Objectives: A New Approach (by Gerald McKay) VI.2.218-9

Mesthene, Emmanuel. Technological Change: Its Impacy on Man and Society

(by F. Jack Young) VI.2.221-2

Paz, Octavio. Claude Levi-Strauss: An Introduction (by Monika Kehoe) VI. 1.217

Slade, Mark. Language of Change - Moving Images of Man (by J. Martin O'Hara) VI.l.l09-110

Snow, Kathleen M. and Philomena Hauck. Canadian Material fot Schools (by Morton Bain) VI.2.223-4

Theall, Donald F. The Medium is the Rear View MiTfor - Understanding McLuhan (by Paddy Hearsey) VI.2.207-210


Index -

Vol. V ..

d VI

Unruh, Glenys G. and William Alexander. Innovations in Secondary Education (by Douglas Ray) VI.2.221

Venn, Grant. Man. Education and Manpower (by F. Jack Young) VI.2.221-2 Wilson, J. Donald, Robert M. Stamp, Louis-Philippe Audet. Canadian

Educa-tion: A HiBtory (by Douglas Ray) VI.l.l11-2 Winter, Eric. Urban Landscape8 (by GeOl"ge S. Tomkins) V.l.l03-5

Winter. E. A. and D. D. Harris. Tasmania: Regions and Theme8 (by John H. Wise) V.2.222-3


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