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The effect of inorganic salts on the flame-spread and smoke-producing characteristics of wood


Academic year: 2021

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The effect of inorganic salts on the flame-spread and smoke-producing

characteristics of wood





no. 8 1 c * 2 I I 1



















Sumi, Y. Tsuchiya and D. P.






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K. Surni2F, Y. Tsuchiya* and D . P . C. Funge*

The Division of Building Research, National Research Council, in cooperation with the Eastern F o r e s t P r o d u c t s Laboratory, has

undertaken studies an the effect of inorganic s a l t s on the combustion

and decomposition of wood and cellulose. The effect of additives on the pyralysis products a n d flammability of cellulose has been r e p o r t e d in previous papers. (1, 23

The purpose of the study r e p o r t e d in this paper w a s to s t u d y the effect of r e t a r d a n t s on the flame-spread and s m oke-producing

characteristics af Douglas fir ~ l y w o o d and W e s t e r n r e d c e d a r

particleboard. The ASTM E84 t e s t method (31 w a s used to determine the surface s p r e a d of f l a m e and the smoke d e n s i t y classifications.

The effectiveness of flame r e t a r d a n t s w a s evaluated by

conducting flammability t e s t s on cellulose samples t r e a t e d with eleven

different inorganic compounds. The Oxygen Index Test, developed

by Fenimore and Martin (41, w a s used f o r this purpose.


t h i s

test, the flow of oxygen and nitrogen w a s metered, and the mixed gas

was allowed to flow up a chamber in which a thin specimen measuring 2 in. by 6 in. w a s positioned vertically. The top of the specimen w a s

then ignited by a g a s flame. The minimum oxygen concentration in

a slowly r i s i n g gaseous a t m o s p h e r e that w i l l s u s t a i n the downward

burning of the specimen w a s determined. The t e s t results a r e expressed

a s "oxygen indext1, where



oxygen index =


this t e s t , those f l a m e r e t a r d a n t s t h a t a r e effective give high values

of oxygen index.


Division of Building Research, National R e s e a r c h Council of Canada.


E a s t e r n Forest P r o d u c t s Laboratory, Ottawa, Dept. of t h e Environment.


The results of these experiments are given





one per cent concentration l e v e l of additives, the m o s t effective

treatments were phosphoric acid and pot a s s ium carbonate, followed

by monoammonium phosphate, zinc chloride and borax. The relative

effectiveness of the a d d i t i v e s on the flammability of cellulose depends on the concentration level. F o r example, subs equent experiments

showed that monaamrntlniurn phosphate is more effective than potassium carbonate at higher concentration levels.

Flame-Spread Rating

O n e of the main uses of flame retardants in the construction i n d u s t r y is L o d e c r e a s e the surface burning rate of wood p r o d u c t s , The importance of this p r o p e r t y is w i d e l y recognized by building

authorities and restrictions in the- u s e of m a t e r i a l s baaed on t e s t s to evaluate this characteristic a r e included in m o s t building codes. F o r example, the National Building Code of Canada ( 5 ) has require


ments f o r materials based on ASTM Standard E84.


this test, the surface flame-spread characteristic of materials is evaluated in a

25-ft tunnel, using asbestos-ceYnent board and red oak as r e f e r e n c e s t a n d a r d s . The d e n s i t y of smoke developed from the specimen c a n

a l s o be evaluated by this t e s t .

Two of the flame r e t a r d a n t s that. w e r e effective by t h e oxygen i n d e x t e s t w e r e examined on a l a r g e r scale using the E84 t e s t . The effect af monoammonium phosphate and phosphoric acid treatments

on cornrnerciab Western r e d cedar particleboard and Douglas fir plywood w a s investigated


The chemicals w e r e applied to the surfaces of panels which w e r e subsequently pressed at 400 t o 500°F. The results of the


t e s t are given in Table 11.



-in. particleboard tr eated with manoammonium phosphate

at a loading of 20 Ib per 1000 square feet gave a flame-spread r a t i n g

of 7 0 ; untreated particleboard gave a rating of 169. A s i m i l a r particle- board t r e a t e d with equal amounts of monoammonium phosphate and

phosphoric acid at a loading of 40 1b per


square feet, gave a flame-spread index of 66. When the s a m e mixture of monoammonium

phosphate and phosphoric acid w a s applied t o *-in. Douglas f i r

plywood, the flame-spread index w a s r e d u c e d from 102 t s 59. Thus,

t w o of the retardants t h a t w e r e effective in the oxygen index t e s t had

a significant effect on the flame-spread index as obtained by the

large -scale tunnel test. The particleboard results show that the


the flame-spread i n d e x already obtained by the use of monoammonium phosphate, A plausible explanation for this is that the monoammonium phosphate loading was either near the optimum or in excess of t h e

optimum required for lowering the surface flame-spread index of particleboard, and further i n c r e a s e in f l a m e retardants had very l i t t l e


The potential use of surface finish materials can be i n c r e a s e d

by lowering the flame-spread rating. According t o the National Building Code of Canada 1970, the maximum allowable flame-spr ead

rating for w a l l and ceiling finishing for combustible construction is

150. For '%assembly" occupancies ( e . g. theatres, schools, churches) and ''institutionaltT occupancies [ e . g. hospitals, prisons, old peoplet s

homes) the r equirernent i s m o r e stringent, Some ass ernbly buildings reqnire a flame-spread rating of 25 or less, and still others require a rating of 75 or less. Institutional occupancies of combustible

construction a l s o require a flam e-spread r a t i n g of 7 5 or l e s s . For noncombustible construction, surface finish materials with a flame-

s p r e a d rating of 2 5 or less a r e required.

The untreated particleboard that w a s tested would not have been acceptable according to the National Building Code because its flame-spread rating w a s g r e a t e r than 150. The t r e a t e d p a r t i c l e b o a r d would have been acceptable, with c e r t a i n exceptions. The potential u s e of Douglas fir plywood has a l s o been increased by the! use of a

r e t a r d a n t because the flame-spread index of the treated board w a s

d e c r e a s e d to a value below 75.

The presence of flame r e t a r d a n t s on wood products m a y

result in increased smoke production when the t r e a t e d m a t e r i a l s are involved in fire. Since wood produces m o r e smoke under s m o u l d e r i n g condition than under flaming condition, the ts eatrnent with inorganic flame retardants m a y increase smoke f r o m wood p r o d u c t s by altering

t h e mechanism of combustion, especially in the development s t a g e of

a fire, f r o m f l a m i n g to smouldering.


an effort to determine the effect of inorganic t r e a t m e n t s on the smolce-producing property of particleboard and plywood, smoke density classifications obtained

by the ASTM E84 t e s t ( p r e s e n t e d in Table 11) w e r e examined. The smoke density classification of untreated particleboard was 147; for those treated w i t h inorganic flame retardants, it w a s




253. The classification of u n t r e a t e d plywood was 58 and that of the t r e a t e d plywood w a s 290.


these t e s t s the treated boards produced m o r e smoke than the untreated b o a r d s as would be expected from a change from a predominantly flaming mechanism for untreated boards to that with a greater proportion of smouldering combustion: The effect of retardants was m o r e pronounced for the plywood which produced l e s s smoke than the particleboard,

The potential hazard of s m o k e at building fires is receiving increasing attention in building regulations. F o r example, new regulations concerning m a t e r i a l s that are l i k e l y to produce a great

d e a l of smoke in a f i r e have been introduced in the 1970 edition of

t h e National Building Gode of Canada. The n e w requirements on smoke-producing potential apply to materials us ed in tall buildings.

The maximum allowable smoke density rating as obtained by ASTM

E84 t e s t is 25 for ceiling surface and 300 for wall and floor surfaces.

The requirement f o r exit and other c ~ i t i c a l areas i s m o r e restrictive. Although the treatment of Douglas f i r plywood and W e s t e r n r e d cedar p a r t i c l e b o a r d with inorganic flame r e t a r d a n t s i n c r e a s e d

the smoke density classification of these materials, aU the ratings obtained w e r e l e s s than 300. The new smoke density regulations of the National Building Code, therefore, have relatively little

effect in limiting the use of these materials in buildings. Conclusion

Monoammonium phosphate, which w a s found to be effective

in a s c r e e n i n g test f o r flame r e t a r d a n t s , w a s also effective in

lowering the surface flame-spread index of wood pr aducts. Although

flame-retardant treatments for wood can reduce the rate of flame

s p r e a d , they may i n c r e a s e smoke production f r o m the burning of these

materials. U n t i l recently, the re w e r e no limitations on the p e r m i s s i b l e

u s e of materials b a s e d o n s m o k e - ~ r o d u c i n g p r o p e r t y but regulations

b a s e d on this property a r e increasingly used in building codes.

The results of ASTM E84 t e s t s indicate that the presence of inorganic f l a m e retardants increases smoke production f r o m wood

products during the development s t a g e of a f i r e by altering t h e m e c h a n i s m of combustion f r o m that which i s p r e d o m i n a n t l y f l a m i n g to one that is pr edorninantly smouldering.




e s



Tsuchiya and K. Sumi. T h e r m a l Decomposition Products of Cellulose. J. App, Polymer Sc.


14, 2003 [Aug. 1 9 7 0 ) .

2. D, P,


Fung, Y. Tsuchiya a n d K. Surni. Thermal Degrada- tion of Celfulose and LevogLucasan--The Effect of Inorganic Salts,


b e published.

3 , Standard Method of T e s t f o r Surface Burning Characteristics

of Building M a t e r i a l s , ASTM E84-68.



P. F e n i m o r e and F.


Martin. Candle-type Test for Flammability of P o l y m e r s . Modern Plastics


44, 141 (Nov.


5. National Building C o d e of Canada 1970. National Research

Council of Canada, 463 pp.


Table 1

Plarnm ability ( I t Oxygen Index'') of Cellulose

Treated with


by W e i g h t of Inorganic Compounds


Treatment Oxygen Index

Untreated c e l l u l o s e

Calcium c h l o r i d e P o t a s s i u m c h l o r i d e

P a t a s sium phosphate, monobasic

P o t a s s i u m phosphate, dibasic P o t a s s i u m bicarbonate P o t a s s i u m b r o m i d e Borax 8 Zinc chloride Manoammonium phosphate Potassium carbonate Phosphoric acid 0.173 0. 178 0. 782 0 . 1 8 5


0.187 0.190 0 . 1 9 3 0 . 1 9 6 0 . 1 9 6 0.204 0. 205 I


Table 2 R e s u l t s of A.S. T . M . Tunnel T e s t Material P a r t i c l e b o a r d [untreated) P a r t i c l e b o a r d C monoammonium phosphate P a r t i c l e b o a r d



phosphate t phosphoric acid

Plywood [untreated) P l y w o o d -t- monoammonium phosphate


phosphoric a c i d Flame Spread Index Smoke D e n s i t y Classification 169 7 0 1 47 221 6 6 102 5 9 253 58 1 9 0


Table  2  R e s u l t s   of  A.S.  T . M .   Tunnel  T e s t   Material  P a r t i c l e b o a r d   [untreated)  P a r t i c l e b o a r d   C  monoammonium  phosphate  P a r t i c l e b o a r d   +  manoammonium  phosphate  t  phosphoric acid  Plywood


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