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An expression for attenuation in deformed optical waveguides


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1988

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An expression for attenuation in deformed optical waveguides

François Bentosela, Paola Piccoli

To cite this version:

François Bentosela, Paola Piccoli. An expression for attenuation in deformed optical waveguides. Jour-

nal de Physique, 1988, 49 (12), pp.2001-2007. �10.1051/jphys:0198800490120200100�. �jpa-00210880�


An expression for attenuation in deformed optical waveguides

François Bentosela (**) and Paola Piccoli (*)

Centre de Physique Théorique (***), CNRS-Luminy, Case 907 F-13288 Marseille Cedex 09, France

(Requ le 19 juillet 1988, accepté le 24 aotit 1988)



Nous étudions dans cet article les effets de micro-déformations aléatoires sur la propagation des

ondes électromagnétiques dans les fibres optiques. Utilisant les techniques mises en 0153uvre pour l’étude de la localisation en physique du solide, nous donnons, en particulier pour une fibre mono-mode, l’expression de

l’atténuation en fonction de la distribution des micro-courbures aléatoires.



In this paper we study the effect of random microdeformations on the radiation propagation in optical waveguides. We use the localization ideas coming from solid state physics. In particular we deduce a

formula linking the attenuation in a single mode fiber to the autocorrelation function of random bends.


Physics Abstracts 5.40 - 42.81 - 71.55J

1. Introduction.

In the optical waveguides used in long distance

communications one is interested in estimating the

different contributions to the radiation attenuation.

In this paper we want to estimate the part of the attenuation due to geometrical random imperfec-

tions. Two main imperfections are observed: the

variation of the fiber core section and, probably

more important, the microbends dues to the cabling


This problem has been studied in general by writing coupled mode equations [9] and trying to

solve them by perturbation methods, after having performed, at an early stage, averages on the random quantities. Attempts were also done to treat

the problem deterministically as far as possible, considering that experiments are usually done on a single fiber and not on an ensemble [1,11].

Our point of view integrates the localization ideas which come from solid state physics and which have

been applied successfully to other domains, in par-

(***) Laboratoire Propre N° 7061, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.

ticular to wave propagation in acoustics or hydrody-

namics [6]. (See [15] for a review).

As our aim is to provide more a method than

formulas applicable to all possible situations, we will

restrict ourselves to the complete description of a special case : a single-mode fiber whose radius is constant and which presents microbends. We will also give some ideas on the way to treat the case in which the axis is straight and the core radius is slightly varying.

In section 2 we shall derive from Maxwell

equations the coupled mode equations and discuss why it is possible, in some special cases, to simplify drastically the problem reducing it to a single

differential equation with random coefficients.

In section 3 we shall give analytic expressions for

the Lyapunov exponents which give the decrease

rate for the solutions of the decoupled equations.

In section 4 we will use these results in order to

estimate the attenuation in the case of a fiber

presenting microbends.

In section 5 we will compare our results and method with the ones by Marcuse [11] and Arnold- Allen [1].

2. Coupled mode equations.

The components of the electric and magnetic fields satisfy Maxwell’s equations. As the dielectric con- stant and permeability are supposed to be constant

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198800490120200100



in a region, one can convert Maxwell’s equations in

Helmholtz type equations. Calling ip any component of the fields we get

where x = (Xl, X2, z )


(X, z ), z being the propa-

gation direction, w the wave pulsation and n (x ) the

refractive index function.

We don’t make the assumption of an infinite cladding radius and then we will have some boundary

condition at its frontier.

Call Sz the fiber section at z, Hz the restriction of H to Sz, acting on the Hilbert space L 2(Sz ) and let us

denote by cp /z)(Xl’ x2), E/z) respectively its eigenvec-

tors and corresponding eigenvalues.

If the core and cladding sections are circular and concentric the eigenfunctions 0 1( z )(Xl, X2) can be

expressed in terms of Bessel functions. A finite number of E/z) will be negative. Among these some


of them correspond to eigenvectors which are essen- tially located in the core excepted an exponential tail

located in the cladding (when there is only one such

an eigenfunction we are in the single-mode case, if not in the multimode one).

The cp/Z) vectors form a basis for L 2 (Sz ) so we can

express a function f/1 of the domain of operator H on this basis :


(where we write t/J (z)(XI’ X2) for t/J (Xl’ X2)).

Plugging this expression in equation (2.1) and using equation (2.2), we get :

Denoting as

we get an infinite system of coupled equations for

the {aj (Z ) }

whose coefficients K(1) Kmj(2), Em(z) are random vari- ables which can be expressed in terms of the random

imperfections as we shall see below. (In the absence of imperfections Em(z) would be constant and the Kmi (z) equal to zero).

In the perfect case only a finite number of modes

corresponding to negatives Em propagate, the others decrease exponentially as it is easily seen from equation (2.4). In the imperfect case it seems reason---

able to disregard all the modes which do not

propagate in the perfect case, that is all the equations

with E}z) positive, i. e . to reduce the problem to a

finite system of coupled differentiable equations.

Moreover, if (Et) (.> denoting the mean value) is

well separated from the (Ej >, j #: 1, we have

numerically checked that it is enough to consider only one equation in order to get a good approxi-

mation for the attenuation.

This property is supported by the following nu-

merical simulation. We select the first N second order differential coupled equations. After choosing

a mesh At, they can be transformed in a transfer matrix equation 2 Nx2 N :

( (Tj ) ) can be transformed in a 2 N x 2 N matrix,

((Tj)) belonging to the symplectic group (see [13]).

((Tj)) can be written in the form

(J*(jOl)D(j01)J(jOl) 1 -10 0 ),


where D (j Al

is the N x N diagonal matrix, Dmn = [2 + Ol 2 Em ( j Al)] ð mn’ and the matrix elements of

J(j Al) are expressed in terms of the Kmn (j Al (In

the perfect case J is the identity matrix and the

Em ( j Ol ) are constant.)


One calculates the matrix product Mn


Tn . Tn -1 .... T1. It has been proven [12] that, under

some conditions on the random matrix elements that i

are fulfilled here, (M"* Mn)2n has eingenvalues, the

limits of which, as n -+ oo, exist and are independent


of the sample. These limits are generally denoted by

exp y1, exp Y2 ... exp Y2N, yi i being called Lyapunov exponents. They satisfy

General theorems [7] show that yN is strictly positive

and that the decrease of the Green function of the operator H is governed by yN. We recall that the solution of the Helmholtz equation with a light

source is the convolution of the light intensity term by the Green function. As the light source is

localized in front of the fiber, the solution decrease inside the fiber in the same way as the Green function.

Remark 1: As direct computer calculations of the

eigenvalues of M) Mn are impossible due to overflow

statement errors, we use the now classical orthonor- malisation method (see [4], [14]) which deduces the

Lyapunov exponents from the evolution of some

volumes in R2 N-space.

Remark 2 : The Lyapunov exponents calculations

were done imposing unrealistic parameters, as the refractive index difference An, the cladding radius

and the pulsation w, in order to get a reasonable number of propagating modes (N


4), and only

one guided mode.

Remark 3 : We specialize the calculations to the

case of a fiber having constant sections, then

Em ( j Al ) do not depend on the site j (the approxi-

mate values of Ol 2 Em are åZ2 E1 = - 0.8, åZ2 E2 = - 0.7, åZ2 E3 = - 0.5, åZ2 E4 = - 0.2, åZ2 E5


+ 0.02), and the matrices J(j Al) depend only on the center position of the fiber. The random fluctuations of this position are taken much greater than real ones, in order to obtain a more rapid

convergence (after 108 iterations we reach the stabi-

lity for the third digit and YN + 1 yN with a 3 digit precision).

In figure 1 are plotted the first N + 1 Lyapunov exponents obtained for a given fiber increasing the

number N of the coupled equations under consider- ation. One can see that the fact of considering

additional equations do not change significantly the

values of the smallest Lyapunov exponent, which

slightly decreases, passing from value 0.0007176 for

N = 1 to value 0.0006123 for N


3, where it almost stabilizes.

In a second numerical experiment, to observe the effect of couplings, we consider a fixed number of

equations (N


3) and multiply the coupling par-

Fig. 1.


For N


5, yi


0.341549 does not appear in the figure being larger than the others y.

ameters Kmn (z) (m :0 n ) by a constant C (varying in (Fig. 2) from 0 to 8). We notice that Y3 (C )

decreases so slightly that the upper bound Y3 (0) is a quite good approximation for the fiber attenuation.

In the subsequent section we will give an analytic

estimate for the Lyapunov exponents, when one neglects the coupling between modes. We will

rename the Lyapunov exponents, in such a way that

ym denote the positive Lyapunov exponent corre-

sponding to the m-th decoupled equation,

’Ym - yN+1-m(0).


Fig. 2.

3. Lyapunov estimates for decoupled equations.

The decoupled equations are

We can eliminate the first order derivatives, using

the following change of function



The coefficient of bm (z) is a function of the

random variable g (z), which describes the fluctu- ations. Denoting by

we obtain the equation for a random oscillator

This problem has been studied by several authors (see [2], [7]). In Appendix 1 we mainly reproduce

the arguments by Arnold, Papanicolaou and

Wihstutz [3] who give an expression for the series in

e of the positive Lyapunov exponent. The first term of this series is

where Cm(z ) is the correlation function of the random variable Fm (c(z ) ), or

if Cm (z ) denotes the correlation function of Wm (z ).

In the next section we will specialize this formula

to the case in which the fiber has constant sections while its axis is randomly bended.

4. Lyapunov estimates for the bended fiber.

Hypotheses : The coordinates of the center of the circular section Sz are two independent random

variables xoi(z), x02 (z), whose derivatives are

stationnary zero mean Gaussian processes with the

same correlation function.

We impose Dirichlet boundary conditions on the

cladding surface.

Let us calculate now from (3.1) the expression for F. (C (z)). By hypothesis



we get



As Em(z) is constant, it is equal to ( Em ) an then we

get :

Using the independence of

lation function of Wm (z ) is


the corre-


Now, using he fact that

process, we have

is a zero mean Gaussian


Plugging this expression in (3.3)

We recall that our main interest is in the evaluation of the smallest Lyapunov exponent Yi, correspond- ing to the guided mode. In this case I (Xl’ X2) depends only on the radius r


xl + x2 and

Using the fact that a crude

estimate gives for All :


Then finally we get



to be

Supposing now the correlation function of ;;1 to be



a2 exp


we have


5. Discussion.

The method we develop here is, in spirit, different

from those by Arnold-Allen and Marcuse. Once

they get the system of coupled equations, they

suppose that the amplitudes corresponding to the guided modes at the origin are much larger than

those of the radiation modes and that they remain

constant. Then they deduce from the differential

equations the amplitudes of the radiation modes and calculate the energy passing from the guided modes

to the radiation modes. In our method the amplitude

of the guided mode is not supposed a priori to be

constant, and in fact it decreases exponentially, even

without taking into account the coupling with the

other modes.

At the level of the results, the formulas give a

similar behaviour of the attenuation as a function of the correlation function of the bends.

On the other hand their formulas differ in what

concerns the behaviour of the attenuation with respect to the wave length, but more significantly in

the fact that in their formulas enters the statistics of the position of the fiber center, while in our formula

enters the statistics of the derivative of the position

of the fiber center. The difference could be great ;

unfortunately we don’t have precise informations about the statistics of the position of the fiber axis.

Let us simply notice that what we called a in formula (4.1), could be much greater than the r.m.s.

of the position, which is supposed to be of the order of few nanometers. For such amplitudes and defor-

mations correlation length, smaller than the

wavelength, the attenuation could reach 1 db/km.

As measured attenuations are smaller, we can infer that their amplitudes are smaller or their correlation

length greater.

Finally we believe that these methods could also

be used to calculate acoustical or electromagnetic



attenuations in stratified media with guided modes

and irregular boundaries.

Appendix 1.

Derivation of the Lyapunov exponent for the ran- dom oscillator.

Suppose the oscillator pulsation at time z be given by (d2(z) = - ( E ) - cF(c(z)), the oscillator equation is

We introduce the action-angle variables

from which one deduces the equations

Supposing that 6 (z) is described by a diffusion

process on a manifold whose generator is G (we can think, for example, of a Brownian motion on the

circle), the pair ( 0 (z ), 6 (z ) ) is also a diffusion

process, whose generator L is

(For the derivation of (A.3) see the Fokker-Planck

equation related to a multidimensional stochastic

equation, for example in [2] p. 156.)

We define now the Lyapunov exponent

From (A.2) we get

If the process ( B (z), e (z ) ) has an invariant measure p (0, e ) d § d 0, then, by the ergodic theorem

The invariant measure has to satisfy L * p


0. Let

us write

Arnold, Papanicolaou and Wihstutz [3] build up a

formal expression for pE

so that

po is evidently the constant function


Using the fact that formally

and denoting by g (u, e, q ) the transition probability

of the process 6(z), we get

Plugging the expression for po + ep, in the integral,

the Lyapunov exponent up to the second order in s


Calling è (u ) the correlation function



[1] ARNOLD, J. M., ALLEN, R., IEE Proc. 130 (1983)


[2] ARNOLD, L., Stochastic Differential Equations (John Wiley, 1974).

[3] ARNOLD, L., PAPANICOLAOU, G., WIHSTUTZ, V., SIAM J. Appl. Math. 46 (1986) 427-450.

[4] BENETTIN, G., GALGANI, L., GIORGILLI, A., STREL- CYN, J. M., Meccacina : J. of the Italian Associa- tion of Theor. and Appl. Mechanics (March 1980).

[5] BOUGEROL, P., LACROIX, J., Products of random matrices with Applications to Schrödinger Operators (Birkhausser, 1985).


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[7] JOHNSTON, R., KUNZ, M., J. Phys. C 16 (1983) 3895.

[8] KOTANI, S., USHIROYA, N., Comm. in Math. Physics

115 (1988) 247-266.

[9] LACROIX, J., Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré A 40 (1984)


[10] MARCUSE, D., Theory of dielectric optical waveguides (Academic Press, 1974).

[11] MARCUSE, D., Applied Optics 23 (1984) 1082-1091.

[12] OSELEDEC, V., Trans. Moscow Math. Soc. 19 (1968)


[13] PICCOLI, P., Master Thesis, International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste (1985).

[14] PICHARD, J. L., Thesis, University of Paris, Orsay,

No. 2858 (1984).

[15] SOUILLARD, B., Waves and electrons in in-

homogeneous media (Les Houches, 1986).


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