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On false discovery rate thresholding for classification under sparsity


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under sparsity

Pierre Neuvial, Etienne Roquain

To cite this version:

Pierre Neuvial, Etienne Roquain. On false discovery rate thresholding for classification under sparsity.

Annals of Statistics, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2012, 40 (5), pp.Vol. 40, No. 5, 2572-2600.

�10.1214/12-AOS1042�. �hal-00604427v3�


DOI:10.1214/12-AOS1042 c

Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2012


By Pierre Neuvial and Etienne Roquain1

Universit´e d’ ´Evry Val d’Essonne and Universit´e Pierre et Marie Curie

We study the properties of false discovery rate (FDR) thresh- olding, viewed as a classification procedure. The “0”-class (null) is assumed to have a known density while the “1”-class (alternative) is obtained from the “0”-class either by translation or by scaling. Fur- thermore, the “1”-class is assumed to have a small number of elements w.r.t. the “0”-class (sparsity). We focus on densities of the Subbotin family, including Gaussian and Laplace models. Nonasymptotic ora- cle inequalities are derived for the excess risk of FDR thresholding.

These inequalities lead to explicit rates of convergence of the excess risk to zero, as the numbermof items to be classified tends to infinity and in a regime where the power of the Bayes rule is away from 0 and 1. Moreover, these theoretical investigations suggest an explicit choice for the target levelαmof FDR thresholding, as a function of m. Our oracle inequalities show theoretically that the resulting FDR thresholding adapts to the unknown sparsity regime contained in the data. This property is illustrated with numerical experiments.

1. Introduction.

1.1. Background. In many high-dimensional settings, such as microarray or neuro-imaging data analysis, we aim at detecting signal among several thousands of items (e.g., genes or voxels). For such problems, a standard error measure is the false discovery rate (FDR), which is defined as the expected proportion of errors among the items declared as significant.

Albeit motivated by pure testing considerations, the Benjamini–Hochberg FDR controlling procedure [2] has recently been shown to enjoy remarkable

Received June 2011; revised August 2012.

1Supported by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR Grants ANR-09- JCJC-0027-01, ANR-PARCIMONIE, ANR-09-JCJC-0101-01) and by the French ministry of foreign and European affairs (EGIDE—PROCOPE Project 21887 NJ).

AMS 2000 subject classifications.Primary 62H30; secondary 62H15.

Key words and phrases.False discovery rate, sparsity, classification, multiple testing, Bayes’ rule, adaptive procedure, oracle inequality.

This is an electronic reprint of the original article published by theInstitute of Mathematical StatisticsinThe Annals of Statistics,2012, Vol. 40, No. 5, 2572–2600. This reprint differs from the original in pagination and typographic detail.



properties as an estimation procedure [1,10]. More specifically, it turns out to be adaptive to the amount of signal contained in the data, which has been referred to as “adaptation to unknown sparsity.”

In a classification framework, while [18] contains what is to our knowledge the first analysis of FDR thresholding with respect to the mis-classification risk, an important theoretical breakthrough has recently been made by Bog- dan et al. [6]; see also [7]. The major contribution of Bogdan et al. [6] is to create an asymptotic framework in which several multiple testing procedures can be compared in a sparse Gaussian scale mixture model. In particular, they proved that FDR thresholding is asymptotically optimal (as the num- ber m of items goes to infinity) with respect to the mis-classification risk and thus adapts to unknown sparsity in that setting (for a suitable choice of the level parameter αm). Also, they proposed an optimal choice for the rate ofαm asm grows to infinity.

The present paper can be seen as an extension of [6]. First, we prove that the property of adaptation to unknown sparsity also holds nonasymp- totically, by using finite sample oracle inequalities. This leads to a more accurate asymptotic analysis, for which explicit convergence rates can be provided. Second, we show that these theoretical properties are not specific to the Gaussian scale model, but carry over to Subbotin location/scale mod- els. They can also be extended to (fairly general) log-concave densities (as shown in the supplemental article [21]), but we choose to focus on Subbotin densities in the main manuscript for simplicity. Finally, we additionally sup- ply an explicit, finite sample, choice of the levelαmand provide an extensive numerical study that aims at illustrating graphically the property of adap- tation to unknown sparsity.

1.2. Initial setting. Let us consider the following classification setting:

let (Xi, Hi)∈R× {0,1}, 1≤i≤m, be m i.i.d. variables. Assume that the sample X1, . . . , Xm is observed without the labels H1, . . . , Hm and that the distribution ofX1 conditionally onH1= 0 is known a priori. We consider the following general classification problem: build a (measurable) classification rule ˆhm:R→ {0,1}, depending on X1, . . . , Xm, such that the (integrated) misclassification riskRm(ˆhm) is as small as possible. We consider two pos- sible choices for the riskRm(·):

RTm(ˆhm) =E m−1






; (1)

RIm(ˆhm) =P(ˆhm(Xm+1)6=Hm+1), (2)

where the expectation is taken with respect to (Xi, Hi)1≤i≤m in (1) and to (Xi, Hi)1≤i≤m+1 in (2), for a new labeled data point (Xm+1, Hm+1)∼ (X1, H1) independent of (Xi, Hi)1≤i≤m. The risks RTm(ˆhm) andRmI(ˆhm) are


usually referred to astransductive and inductive risks, respectively; see Re- mark 1.1 for a short discussion on the choice of the risk. Note that these two risks can be different in general becauseXi appears “twice” in ˆhm(Xi).

However, they coincide for procedures of the form ˆhm(·) =hm(·), where hm:R→ {0,1} is a deterministic function. The methodology investigated here can also be easily extended to a class of weighted mis-classification risks, as originally proposed by Bogdan et al. [6] (in the case of the trans- ductive risk) and further discussed in Section6.2.

The distribution of (X1, H1) is assumed to belong to a specific parametric subset of distributions onR× {0,1}, which is defined as follows:

(i) the distribution of H1 is such that the (unknown) mixture parameter τm0,m1,m satisfies τm >1, where π0,m=P(H1= 0) and π1,m= P(H1= 1) = 1−π0,m;

(ii) the distribution of X1 conditionally onH1= 0 has a densityd(·) w.r.t.

the Lebesgue measure on R that belongs to the family of so-called ζ- Subbotin densities, parametrized by ζ≥1, and defined by

d(x) = (Lζ)−1e−|x|ζ (3)

with Lζ= Z +∞


e−|x|ζdx= 2Γ(1/ζ)ζ1/ζ−1; (iii) the distribution of X1 conditionally on H1 = 1 has a density d1,m(·) w.r.t. the Lebesgue measure on Rof either of the following two types:

- location: d1,m(x) =d(x−µm), for an (unknown) location parameter µm>0;

- scale:d1,m(x)=d(x/σm)/σm, for an (unknown) scale parameterσm>1.

The density d is hence of the form d(x) =e−φ(|x|) where φ(u) =uζ/ζ+ log(Lζ) is convex on R+ (log-concave density). This property is of primary interest when applying our methodology; see the supplemental article [21].

The particular values ζ= 1,2 give rise to the Laplace and Gaussian case, respectively. The classification problem under investigation is illustrated by Figure 1 (left panel), in the Gaussian location case. Moreover, let us note that we will exclude in our study the Laplace location model (i.e., the lo- cation model using ζ= 1). This particular model is not directly covered by our methodology and needs specific investigations; see Section 10.3 in the supplemental article [21].

Our modeling is motivated by the following application: consider a mi- croarray experiment for which measurementsZ1, . . . , Zm formgenes are ob- served, each corresponding to a difference of expression levels between two experimental conditions (e.g., test versus reference sample). LetH1, . . . , Hm be binary variables coded as 1 if the gene is differentially expressed and 0


Fig. 1. Left: illustration of the considered classification problem for the Gaussian lo- cation model for the inductive risk (2); density of N(0,1) (solid line);Xk, k= 1, . . . , m (crosses); a new data pointXm+1 to be classified (open circle); Bayes’ rule (dotted line);

FDR rulesˆFDRm forαm= 0.3(dashed line). Right: illustration of the FDR algorithm for αm= 0.3;k∈ {1, . . . , m} 7→Φ−1mk/m)(solid line);X(k)’s (crosses);ˆsFDRm (dashed hor- izontal line);kˆ= 5(dashed vertical line). Here,Φ(x) =P(Xx)forX∼ N(0,1).m= 18;

µm= 3;τm= 5. For this realization,5labels “1” and13labels “0.”

if not. Assume that each Zi is N(δi, σ2ε) where δi is the (unknown) effect for gene i while σε2 quantifies the (known) measurement error. Next, as- sume the Bayesian paradigm that sets the following prior distribution forδi: the distribution ofδi is N(0, σ20) conditionally on Hi= 0 andN(δ, σ022) conditionally onHi= 1. Generally,σ02 (≥0), the dispersion of the nondiffer- entially expressed genes, is assumed to be known whileδ (≥0) andτ2 (≥0), the shift and additional dispersion of the nondifferentially expressed genes, are unknown. LetXi=Zi/σfor σ22ε20 and consider the distribution unconditionally on theδi’s. This corresponds to our model (in the Gaussian case) as follows:

- δ >0 and τ2= 0: location model with µm=δ/σ >0;

- δ= 0 and τ2>0: scale model with σm2 = (σ22)/σ2>1.

The above convolution argument was originally proposed in [6] for a Gaus- sian scale model: it explains how we can obtain test statistics that have the same distribution under the alternative even if the effects of the measure- ments are not equal.

Going back to our general setting, an important point is that the parame- ters—(τm, µm) in the location model, or (τm, σm) in the scale model—are assumed to depend on sample size m. The parameter τm, called the spar- sity parameter, is assumed to tend to infinity asm tends to infinity, which means that the unlabeled sample only contains a small, vanishing propor- tion of label 1. This condition is denoted (Sp). As a counterpart, the other parameter—µmin the location model, orσmin the scale model—is assumed to tend to infinity fast enough to balance sparsity. This makes the problem


“just solvable” under the sparsity constraint. More precisely, our setting corresponds to the case where the power of the Bayes procedure is bounded away from 0 and 1, and is denoted (BP). This is motivated by sparse high- dimensional problems for which the signal is strong but only carried by a small part of the data. For instance, in the above-mentioned application to microarray data, the two experimental conditions compared can be so close that only a very small proportion of genes are truly differentially expressed (e.g., two groups of patients having the same type of cancer but a different response to a cancer treatment [27]).

Remark 1.1. Our setting is close to the semi-supervised novelty de- tection (SSND) framework proposed in [4], for which the knowledge of the distribution X1 conditionally on H1= 0 is replaced by the observation of a finite i.i.d. sample with this distribution. In the latter work, the authors use the unlabeled data X1, . . . , Xm to design a procedure ˆhm that aims at classifying a new unlabeled dataXm+1. This approach is in accordance with the inductive risk defined by (2). However, in other situations closer to stan- dard multiple testing situations, one wants to classifyX1, . . . , Xm meanwhile designing ˆhm. This gives rise to the transductive risk defined by (1).

1.3. Thresholding procedures. Classically, the solution that minimizes the misclassification risks (1) and (2) is the so-called Bayes rule hBm that chooses the label 1 whenever d1,m(x)/d(x) is larger than a specific thresh- old. We easily check that the likelihood ratio d1,m(x)/d(x) is nondecreas- ing in x and |x| for the location and the scale model, respectively. As a consequence, we can only focus on classification rules ˆhm(x) of the form 1{x≥sˆm}, ˆsm ∈R for the location model and 1{|x| ≥sˆm}, ˆsm∈R+ for the scale model. Therefore, to minimize the mis-classification risks, thresh- olding procedures are classification rules of primary interest, and the main challenge consists of choosing the threshold ˆsm in function of X1, . . . , Xm.

The FDR controlling method proposed by Benjamini and Hochberg [2]

(also called “Benjamini–Hochberg” thresholding) provides such a threshold- ing ˆsm in a very simple way once we can compute the quantile function D−1(·), where D(u) = (Lζ)−1R+∞

u e−|x|ζdx is the (known) upper-tail cu- mulative distribution function ofX1 conditionally onH1= 0. We recall be- low the algorithm for computing the FDR threshold in the location model (using test statistics rather than p-values).

Algorithm 1.2. (1) choose a nominal level αm∈(0,1);

(2) consider the order statistics of theXk’s:X(1)≥X(2)≥ · · · ≥X(m); (3) take the integer ˆk= max{1≤k≤m:X(k)≥D−1mk/m)}when this set is nonempty and ˆk= 1 otherwise;

(4) use ˆhFDRm (x) =1{x≥sˆFDRm } for ˆsFDRm =D−1mˆk/m).


For the scale model, FDR thresholding has a similar form, ˆhFDRm (x) = 1{|x| ≥sˆFDRm } for ˆsFDRm =D−1mˆk/(2m)), where ˆk = max{1 ≤k≤m:

|X|(k)≥D−1mk/(2m))} (ˆk= 1 if the set is empty) and |X|(1)≥ |X|(2)

· · · ≥ |X|(m). Algorithm 1.2 is illustrated in Figure 1 (right panel), in a Gaussian location setting. Since ˆsFDRm =D−1mˆk/m) takes its values in the range [D−1m), D−1m/m)], it can be seen as an intermediate thresh- olding rule between the Bonferroni thresholding [D−1m/m)] and the un- corrected thresholding [D−1m)]. Finally, an important feature of the FDR procedure is that it depends on a pre-specified levelαm∈(0,1). In this work, the levelαm is simply used as a tuning parameter, chosen to make the cor- responding misclassification risk as small as possible. This contrasts with the standard philosophy of (multiple) testing for which αm is meant to be a bound on the error rate and thus is fixed in the overall setting.

1.4. Aim and scope of the paper. Let Rm(·) be the risk defined either by (1) or (2). In this paper, we aim at studying the performance of FDR thresholding ˆhm= ˆhFDRm as a classification rule in terms of the excess risk Rm(ˆhm)−Rm(hBm) both in location and scale models. We investigate two types of theoretical results:

(i) Nonasymptotic oracle inequalities: prove for each (or some) m≥2, an inequality of the form

Rm(ˆhm)−Rm(hBm)≤bm, (4)

where bm is an upper-bound which we aim to be “as small as possible.”

Typically,bm depends onζ, αm and on the model parameters.

(ii) Convergence rates: find a sequence (αm)mfor which there existsD >0 such that for a largem,



for a given rateρm=o(1).

Inequality (4) is of interest in its own right, but is also used to derive inequalities of type (5), which are of asymptotic nature. Property (5) is called

“asymptotic optimality at rate ρm.” It implies that Rm(ˆhm)∼Rm(hBm);

that is, ˆhm is “asymptotically optimal,” as defined in [6]. However, (5) is substantially more informative because it provides a rate of convergence.

It should be emphasized at this point that the trivial procedure ˆh0m≡0 (which always chooses the label “0”) satisfies (5) withρm=O(1) [under our setting (BP)]. Therefore, proving (5) withρm=O(1) is not sufficient to get an interesting result, and our goal is to obtain a rateρm that tends to zero in (5). The reason for which ˆh0mis already “competitive” is that we consider a sparse model in which the label “0” is generated with high probability.


1.5. Overview of the paper. First, Section2 presents a more general set- ting than the one of Section 1.2. Namely, the location and scale models are particular cases of a general “p-value model” after a standardization of the original Xi’s into p-values pi’s. While the “test statistic” formulation is often considered as more natural than the p-value one for many statisti- cians, the p-value formulation will be very convenient to provide a general answer to our problem. The so-obtained p-values are uniformly distributed on (0,1) under the label 0 while they follow a distribution with decreasing densityfmunder the label 1. Hence, procedures of primary interest (includ- ing the Bayes rule) are p-value thresholding procedures that choose label 1 for p-values smaller than some threshold ˆtm. Throughout the paper, we focus on this type of procedures, and any procedure ˆhm is identified by its corresponding threshold ˆtm in the notation. Translated into this “p-value world,” we describe in Section 2 the Bayes rule, the Bayes risk, condition (BP), BFDR and FDR thresholding.

The fundamental results are stated in Section 3 in the general p-value model. Following [1,6,9,10], as BFDR thresholding is much easier to study than FDR thresholding from a mathematical point of view, the approach advocated here is as follows: first, we state an oracle inequality for BFDR;

see Theorem 3.1. Second, we use a concentration argument of the FDR threshold around the BFDR threshold to obtain an oracle inequality of the form (4); see Theorem 3.2. At this point, the bounds involve quantities that are not written in an explicit form, and that depend on the density fm of thep-values corresponding to the label 1.

The particular case wherefmcomes either from a location or a scale model is investigated in Section4. An important property is that in these models, the upper-tail distribution function D(·) and the quantile function D−1(·) can be suitably bounded; see Section 12 in the supplemental article [21]. By using this property, we derive from Theorems3.1and3.2several inequalities of the form (4) and (5). In particular, in the sparsity regime τm=mβ, 0<

β≤1, we derive that the FDR threshold ˆtFDRm at levelαm is asymptotically optimal [under (BP) and (Sp)] in either of the following two cases:

- for the location model,ζ >1, if αm→0 and logαm=o((logm)1−1/ζ);

- for the scale model,ζ≥1, ifαm→0 and logαm=o(logm).

The latter is in accordance with the condition found in [6] in the Gaussian scale model. Furthermore, choosingαm∝1/(logm)1−1/ζ (location) orαm∝ 1/(logm) (scale) provides a convergence rateρm= 1/(logm)1−1/ζ (location) orρm= 1/(logm) (scale), respectively.

At this point, one can argue that the latter convergence results are not fully satisfactory: first, these results do not provide an explicit choice forαm for a given finite value ofm. Second, the rate of convergenceρmbeing rather slow, we should check numerically that FDR thresholding has reasonably good performance for a moderately largem.


We investigate the choice ofαm by carefully studying Bayes’ thresholding and how it is related to BFDR thresholding; see Sections2.4 and4.4. Next, for this choice of αm, the performance of FDR thresholding is evaluated numerically in terms of (relative) excess risk, for several values of m; see Section5. We show that the excess risk of FDR thresholding is small for a remarkably wide range of values for β, and increasingly so as m grows to infinity. This illustrates the adaptation of FDR thresholding to the unknown sparsity regime. Also, for comparison, we show that choosingαm fixed with m (say, αm≡0.1) can lead to higher FDR thresholding excess risk.

2. General setting.

2.1. p-value model. Let (pi, Hi)∈[0,1]× {0,1}, 1≤i≤m, be m i.i.d.

variables. The distribution of (p1, H1) is assumed to belong to a specific subset of distributions on [0,1]× {0,1}, which is defined as follows:

(i) same as (i) in Section1.2;

(ii) the distribution ofp1 conditionally on H1= 0 is uniform on (0,1);

(iii) the distribution of p1 conditionally on H1= 1 has a c.d.f. Fm satis- fying

Fm is continuously increasing on [0,1] and differentiable on (0,1), fm =Fm0 is continuously decreasing with fm(0+)>

τm> fm(1).

(A(Fm, τm))

This way, we obtain a family of i.i.d. p-values, where each p-value has a marginal distribution following the mixture model

pi∼π0,mU(0,1) +π1,mFm. (6)

Model (6) is classical in the multiple testing literature and is usually called the “two-group mixture model.” It has been widely used since its introduc- tion by Efron et al. (2001) [13]; see, for instance, [6,11,19,32].

The models presented in Section1.2are particular instances of thisp-value model. In the scale model, we apply the standardizationpi= 2D(|Xi|), which yieldsFm(t) = 2D(D−1(t/2)/σm). In the location model, we letpi=D(Xi), which yieldsFm(t) =D(D−1(t)−µm). We can easily check that in both cases (A(Fm, τm)) is satisfied (additionally assumingζ >1 for the location model), with fm(0+) = +∞ and fm(1)<1 (scale) and fm(1) = 0 (location), as proved in Section 9.1 in the supplemental article [21].

2.2. Procedures, risks and the Bayes threshold. A classification proce- dure is identified with a threshold ˆtm∈[0,1], that is, a measurable func- tion of thep-value family (pi, i∈ {1, . . . , m}). The corresponding procedure chooses label 1 whenever the p-value is smaller than ˆtm. In the p-value set- ting, the transductive and inductive misclassification risks of a threshold ˆtm


can be written as follows:

RmT(ˆtm) =m−1




P(pi≤ˆtm, Hi= 0) +m−1




P(pi>ˆtm, Hi= 1), (7)

RmI(ˆtm) =E(π0,mm1,m(1−Fm(ˆtm))).


In the particular case of a deterministic thresholdtm∈[0,1], these two risks coincide and are equal toRm(tm) =π0,mtm1,m(1−Fm(tm)).The follow- ing lemma identifies a solution minimizing both risks (7) and (8).

Lemma 2.1. Let Rm(·) being either RmT(·) or RIm(·). Under assumption (A(Fm, τm)), the threshold

tBm=fm−1m)∈(0,1) (9)

minimizes Rm(·), that is, satisfies Rm(tBm) = mintˆ0

m{Rm(ˆt0m)}, where the minimum is taken over all measurable functions from [0,1]m to [0,1] that take as input thep-value family (pi, i∈ {1, . . . , m}).

The thresholdtBm is called theBayes threshold, and Rm(tBm) is called the Bayes risk. The Bayes threshold is unknown because it depends onτm and on the data distributionfm.

Notation. In this paper, all the statements hold for both risks. Hence, throughout the paper, Rm(·) denotes either RTm(·) defined by (7) or RmI(·) defined by (8).

2.3. Assumptions on the power of the Bayes rule and sparsity. Under assumption (A(Fm, τm)), let us denote the power of the Bayes procedure by



In our setting, we will typically assume that the signal is sparse while the power Cm of the Bayes procedure remains away from 0 or 1:

∃(C, C+) s.t.∀m≥2, 0< C≤Cm≤C+<1;


m)m is such that τm→+∞ asm→+∞.


First note that assumption (Sp) is very weak: it is required as soon as we assume some sparsity in the data. As a typical instance, τm=mβ satisfies (Sp), for any β >0. Next, assumption (BP) means that the best procedure is able to detect a “moderate” amount of signal. In [6], a slightly stronger assumption has been introduced,

∃C∈(0,1) s.t.Cm→C asm tends to infinity, (VD)


Fig. 2. Left: plot of the family of curves {t7→t1/(2+j/2)}j=0,...,56 (thin solid curves).

Right: choice (thick solid curve) within the family of curves{t7→t1/σ}σ>1 that fulfills (9) and (10) for Cm= 1/2 (given by the dashed horizontal line) and τm= 2 (slope of the dashed oblique line). This gives σm'4. The Bayes threshold tBm is given by the dotted vertical line.

which is referred to as “the verge of detectability.” Condition (BP) encom- passes (VD) and is more suitable to state explicit finite sample oracle in- equalities; see, for example, Remark4.6further on.

In the location (resp., scale) model, while the original parameters are (µm, τm) [resp., (σm, τm)], the model can be parametrized in function of (Cm, τm) by using (9) and (10). This way, Fm is uniquely determined from (Cm, τm) as follows: among the family of curves{D(D−1(·)−µ)}µ∈R (resp., {2D(D−1(·/2)/σ)}σ>1),Fm is the unique curve such that the pre-image of Cm has a tangent of slopeτm, that is,fm(Fm−1(Cm)) =τm. This is illustrated in Figure 2 for the Laplace scale model. In this case, D(x) =d(x) =e−x/2 for x≥0 and thus Fm(t) =t1/σm, so that the family of curves is simply {t7→t1/σ}σ>1.

Remark 2.2. Condition (BP) constrains the model parameters to be located in a very specific region. For instance, in the Gaussian location model withτm=mβ, condition (BP) implies thatµm∼√

2βlogm (see Table 3 in the supplemental article [21]), which corresponds to choosing (µm, β) on the

“estimation boundary,” as displayed in Figure 1 of [9].

2.4. BFDR thresholding. Let us consider the following Bayesian quantity:

BFDRm(t) =P(Hi= 0|pi≤t) = π0,mt

Gm(t)= (1 +τm−1Fm(t)/t)−1 (11)

for anyt∈(0,1) and whereGm(t) =π0,mt+π1,mFm(t). As introduced by [12], the quantity defined by (11) is called “Bayesian FDR.” It is not to be con- founded with “Bayes FDR” defined by [26]. Also, under a two-class mix-


ture model, BFDRm(t) coincides with the so-called “positive false discovery rate,” itself connected to the original false discovery rate of [2]; see [32] and Section 4 of [6].

Under assumption (A(Fm, τm)), the function Ψm:t∈(0,1)7→Fm(t)/t is decreasing from fm(0+) to 1, with fm(0+)∈(1,+∞]. Hence, the following result holds.

Lemma 2.3. Assume (A(Fm, τm)) andαm∈((1 +fm(0+)/τm)−1, π0,m).

Then, equation BFDRm(t) =αm has a unique solution t=t?mm)∈(0,1), given by

t?mm) = Ψ−1m (qmτm) (12)

for qm−1m −1>0 and Ψm(t) =Fm(t)/t.

The thresholdt?mm) is called theBFDR threshold at levelαm. Typically, it is well defined for any αm∈(0,1/2), because π0,m>1/2 and fm(0+) = +∞2in the Subbotin location and scale models (additionally assumingζ >1 for the location model). Obviously, the BFDR threshold is unknown because it depends on τm and on the distribution of the data. However, its interest lies in that it is close to the FDR threshold which is observable. When not ambiguous,t?mm) will be denoted byt?m for short.

Next, a quantity of interest in Lemma2.3is qm−1m −1>0, called the recovery parameter (associated toαm). Asαm= (1 +qm)−1, consideringαm or qm is equivalent. Since we would like to have t?m= Ψ−1m (qmτm) close to tBm=fm−1m),the recovery parameter can be interpreted as a correction fac- tor that cancels the difference between Ψm(t) =Fm(t)/t and fm(t) =Fm0 (t).

Clearly, the best choice for the recovery parameter is such that t?m=tBm, that is,

qmoptm−1Ψm(fm−1m)) = Cm

τmtBm, (13)

which is an unknown quantity, called the optimal recovery parameter. Note that from the concavity ofFm, we have Ψm(t)≥fm(t) and thusqmopt≥1. As an illustration, for the Laplace scale model, we have σmfm(t) = Ψm(t) and thus the optimal recovery parameter isqoptmm.

The fact that qmopt≥1 suggests to always chooseqm≥1 (i.e., αm≤1/2) into the BFDR threshold. A related result is that taking any sequence (αm)m such that αm≥α>1/2 for all m≥2 never leads to an asymptotically optimal BFDR procedure; see Section 13 in the supplemental article [21].

2.5. FDR thresholding. The FDR threholding procedure was introduced by Benjamini and Hochberg (1995) by proving that it controls the FDR;

see [2]. From an historical perspective, it is interesting to note that this

2This condition implies that the setting is “noncritical,” as defined in [8].


Fig. 3. Left: illustration of the FDR threshold (15): e.c.d.f. of thep-value (solid line), line of slope1/αm (dotted line), the FDR threshold at levelαm (X-coordinate of the vertical dashed dotted line). Right: illustration of the FDR threshold as an empirical surrogate for the BFDR threshold; compared to the left picture, we added the c.d.f. of thep-values (thick solid line), the BFDR threshold at levelαmπ0,m (dotted vertical line) and the Bayes threshold (dashed vertical line). In both panels, we consider the Laplace scale model with Cm= 0.5; m= 50; β= 0.2;τm=mβ;σm'4.2;αm= 0.4.

procedure has a prior occurrence in a series of papers by Eklund (1961–

1963); see [28]. As noted by many authors (see, e.g., [1,12,18,29,31]), this thresholding rule can be expressed as a function of the empirical c.d.f. Gbm

of the p-values in the following way: for anyαm∈(0,1), ˆtBHmm) = max{t∈[0,1] :Gbm(t)≥t/αm}.


We simply denote ˆtBHmm) by ˆtBHm when not ambiguous. Classically, this implies that t= ˆtBHm solves the equation Gbm(t) =t/αm [this can be easily shown by using (14) together with the fact that Gbm(·) is a nondecreasing function]. Hence, according to Lemma2.3 and as already mentioned in the literature (see [6]), ˆtBHm can be seen as an empirical counterpart of the BFDR threshold at level αmπ0,m, in which the theoretical c.d.f. Gm(t) =π0,mt+ π1,mFm(t) of the p-values has been replaced by the empirical c.d.f. Gbm of thep-values. Next, once αm has been chosen, (14) only involves observable quantities, so that the threshold ˆtBHm only depends on the data. This is further illustrated on the left panel of Figure3. Also, as already observed in Section 5.2 of [6], since the BH procedure is never more conservative than the Bonferroni procedure, the following modification of ˆtBHm can be proposed:

Definition 2.4. The FDR threshold at level αm is defined by ˆtFDRmm) = ˆtBHmm)∨(αm/m),


where ˆtBHmm) is defined by (14).


We simply denote ˆtFDRmm) by ˆtFDRm when not ambiguous. The threshold ˆtFDRm is the one that we use throughout this paper. This modification does not change the riskRTm(·), that is,RmT(ˆtBHm ) =RTm(ˆtFDRm ), but can affect the riskRIm(·), that is,RIm(ˆtBHm )6=RIm(ˆtFDRm ), in general.

Finally, while relation (15) usesp-values whereas the algorithms defined in Section1.3use test statistics, it is easy to check that the resulting procedures are the same.

Remark 2.5(Adaptive FDR procedures under sparsity). To get a bet- ter FDR controlling procedure, one classical approach is to modify (15) by dividing αm by a (more or less explicit) estimator of π0,m and by possibly using a step-up-down algorithm; see, for example, [3,5,15,17, 24, 25,33].

However, this method seems not helpful in our sparse setting becauseπ0,m is very close to 1. As a result, we focus in this paper only on the original (nonadaptive) version of FDR thresholding (15).

3. Results in the general model. This section presents relations of the form (4) and (5) for the BFDR and FDR thresholds. Our first main result deals with the BFDR threshold.

Theorem 3.1. Assume (A(Fm, τm)) and consider the BFDR threshold t?m at a level αm∈((1 +fm(0+)/τm)−1, π0,m) corresponding to a recovery parameter qm−1m −1. Consider qmopt≥1 the optimal recovery parameter given by (13). Then the following holds:

(i) if αm≤1/2, we have for any m≥2,

Rm(t?m)−Rm(tBm)≤π1,m{(Cm/qm−Cm/qmopt)∨γm}, (16)

where we letγm= (Cm−Fm−1m (qmτm)))+.

In particular, under (BP), if αm→0 and γm→0, the BFDR threshold t?m is asymptotically optimal at rateρmmm.

(ii) we have for any m≥2, Rm(t?m)

Rm(tBm)≥ π1,m

Rm(tBm)(1−(1−q−1m )+Fm(qm−1τm−1)).


In particular, under (BP), if Rm(tBm)∼π1,m(1−Cm) and if qm is chosen such that

lim inf


1−(1−q−1m )+Fm(qm−1τm−1) 1−Cm

>1, (18)

t?m is not asymptotically optimal.

Theorem 3.1 is proved in Section 7. Theorem 3.1(i) presents an upper- bound for the excess risk when choosingqm instead ofqmopt in BFDR thresh- olding. First, both sides of (16) are equal to zero when qm=qoptm . Hence, this bound is sharp in that case. Second, assumption “αm≤1/2” in The-


orem 3.1(i) is only a technical detail that allows us to get Cm/qm instead of 1/qm in the right-hand side of (16) (moreover, it is quite natural; see the end of Section 2.4). Third, γm has a simple interpretation as the dif- ference between the power of Bayes’ thresholding and BFDR thresholding.

Fourth, bound (16) induces the following trade-off for choosing αm: on the one hand, αm has to be chosen small enough to make Cm/qm small; on the other hand, γm increases as αm decreases to zero. Finally note that, in Theorem 3.1(i), the second statement is a consequence of the first one becauseRm(tBm)≥π1,m(1−Cm). Theorem3.1(ii) states lower bounds which are useful to identify regimes of αm that do not lead to an asymptotically optimal BFDR thresholding; see Corollary4.4(i) further on.

Our second main result deals with FDR thresholding.

Theorem 3.2. Let ε∈(0,1), assume (A(Fm, τm)) and consider the FDR threshold ˆtFDRm at level αm>(1−ε)−10,m1,mfm(0+))−1. Then the following holds: for any m≥2,

Rm(ˆtFDRm )−Rm(tBm)≤π1,m



+m−1 αm

(1−αm)2 (19)

1,mm0 ∧(γmε +e−mε2m+1)−1(Cm−γmε)/4)}

for γmε = (Cm−Fm−1m (qεmτm)))+ with qmε = (αmπ0,m(1−ε))−1 −1 and γm0 = (Cm−Fmm/m))+. In particular, under (BP) and assuming αm→0:

(i) if m/τm→+∞, γmε →0 and additionally ∀κ >0, e−κm/τm=o(γmε), the FDR threshold ˆtFDRm is asymptotically optimal at rate ρmmmε;

(ii) if m/τm →`∈(0,+∞) with γm0 →0, the FDR threshold ˆtFDRm is asymptotically optimal at rate ρmmm0 .

Theorem3.2is proved in Section7. The proof mainly follows the method- ology of [6], but is more general and concise. It relies on tools developed in [14–16,18,22,23]. The main argument for the proof is that the FDR threshold ˆtFDRmm) is either well concentrated around the BFDR threshold t?mmπ0,m) (as illustrated in the right panel of Figure 3) or close to the Bonferroni thresholdαm/m. This argument was already used in [6].

Let us comment briefly on Theorem3.2: first, as in the BFDR case, choos- ingαm such that the bound in (19) is minimal involves a trade-off because γmε and γm0 are quantities that increase when αm decreases to zero. Sec- ond, let us note that cases (i) and (ii) in Theorem3.2are intended to cover regimes where the FDR is close to BFDR (moderately sparse) and where the FDR threshold is close to the Bonferroni threshold (extremely sparse), respectively. In particular, these two regimes cover the case whereτm=mβ withβ∈(0,1]. Finally, the bounds and convergence rates derived in Theo- rems 3.1 and 3.2 strongly depend on the nature of Fm. We derive a more


explicit expression of the latter in the next section, in the particular cases of location and scale models coming from a Subbotin density.

Remark 3.3 (Conservative upper-bound for γm). By the concavity of Fm, we have qmτm= Ψm(t?m)≥fm(t?m), which yields



When fm−1 is easier to use than Ψ−1m , it is tempting to use (20) to upper bound the excess risk in Theorems3.1and3.2. However, this can inflate the resulting upper-bound too much. This point is discussed in Section 10.4 in the supplemental article [21] for the case of a Gaussian density (for which this results in an additional log logτm factor in the bound).

4. Application to location and scale models.

4.1. The Bayes risk and optimal recovery parameter. A preliminary task is to study the behavior of tBm, Rm(tBm) and qoptm =Cm/(τmtBm) both in lo- cation and scale models. While finite sample inequalities are given in Sec- tion 9.2 in the supplemental article [21], we only report in this subsection some resulting asymptotic relations for short. Let us define the following rates, which will be useful throughout the paper:

rmloc= (ζlogτm+|D−1(Cm)|ζ)1−1/ζ; (21)

rmsc=ζlogτm+ (D−1(Cm/2))ζ. (22)

Under (Sp), note that the rates rlocm (resp., rmsc) tend to infinity. Further- more, by using Section 9.2 in the supplemental article [21], we have µm= (rmloc)1/(ζ−1)−D−1(Cm) in the location model andσm≥(rmsc)1/ζ/(D−1(Cm/2)) in the scale model.

Proposition 4.1. Consider a ζ-Subbotin density (3) with ζ ≥1 for a scale model andζ >1 for a location model. Let (τm, Cm)∈(1,∞)×(0,1)be the parameters of the model. Let rm be equal to rlocm defined by (21) in the location model or torscmdefined by (22) in the scale model. Then, under (BP) and (Sp), we haveµm∼rmloc∼(ζlogτm)1/ζ andσm∼(rscm)1/ζ/(D−1(Cm/2))∼ (ζlogτm)1/ζ/(D−1(Cm/2)) and

Rm(tBm)∼π1,m(1−Cm), (23)

tBm=O(Rm(tBm)/rm), (24)





d(D−1(Cm))(ζlogτm)1−1/ζ (location), Cm/2

D−1(Cm/2)d(D−1(Cm/2))ζlogτm (scale).



From (23) and (24), by assuming (BP) and (Sp), the probability of a type I error (π0,mtBm) is always of smaller order than the probability of a type II error (π1,m(1−Cm)). The latter had already been observed in [6] in the particular case of a Gaussian scale model.

Remark 4.2. From (23) and since the risk of null thresholding isRm(0) = π1,m, a substantial improvement over the null threshold can only be expected in the regime whereCm≥C, whereC is “far” from 0.

4.2. Finite sample oracle inequalities. The following result can be de- rived from Theorem 3.1(i) and Theorem 3.2. It is proved in Section 9.3 in the supplemental article [21].

Corollary 4.3. Consider a ζ-Subbotin density (3) with ζ >1 for a location model and ζ ≥1 for a scale model, and let (τm, Cm)∈(1,∞)× (0,1) be the parameters of the model. Let rm=rlocm [defined by (21)] and Km=d(0) in the location model or rm =rscm [defined by (22)] and Km= 2D−1(Cm/2)d(D−1(Cm/2))in the scale model. Letαm∈(0,1/2)and denote the corresponding recovery parameter byqm−1m −1. Considerqmopt≥1the optimal recovery parameter given by (13). Let ν∈(0,1). Then:

(i) The BFDR threshold t?m at level αm defined by (12) satisfies that for anym≥2 such that rmC Km

m(1−ν)(log(qm/qmopt)−logν), Rm(t?m)−Rm(tBm)


≤π1,m Cm

qm − Cm


Kmlog(qm/qoptm )−logν rm


(ii) Letting ε∈(0,1), D1,m=−log(νπ0,m(1−ε)) and D2,m= log(ν−1× Cmτm−1m), the FDR thresholdtˆFDRm at levelαm defined by (15) satisfies that, for any a∈ {1,2}, for any m≥2 such that rmC Km

m(1−ν)(log(α−1m /qmopt) + Da,m),

Rm(ˆtFDRm )−Rm(tBm)≤π1,m


1−αm +Km

(log(α−1m /qmopt) +Da,m)+



+ αm/m

(1−αm)21,m1{a= 1}e−m(τm+1)−1νε2Cm/4. Corollary4.3(ii) contains two distinct cases. The casea= 1 should be used whenm/τm is large, because the remainder term containing the exponential becomes small (whereasD1,m is approximately constant). The case a= 2 is intended to deal with the regime wherem/τm is not large, because D2,m is of the order of a constant in that case. The finite sample oracle inequalities (26) and (27) are useful to derive explicit rates of convergence, as we will


see in the next section. Let us also mention that an exact computation of the excess risk of BFDR thresholding can be derived in the Laplace case;

see Section 10.2 in the supplemental article [21].

4.3. Asymptotic optimality with rates. In this section, we provide a suffi- cient condition onαm such that, under (BP) and (Sp), BFDR/FDR thresh- olding is asymptotically optimal [according to (5)], and we provide an ex- plicit rateρm. Furthermore, we establish that this condition is necessary for the optimality of BFDR thresholding.

Corollary 4.4. Takeζ >1,γ= 1−ζ−1 for the location case andζ≥1, γ= 1 for the scale case. Consider a ζ-Subbotin density (3) in the sparsity regime τm=mβ, 0< β≤1 and under (BP). Then the following holds:

(i) The BFDR threshold t?m is asymptotically optimal if and only if αm→0 and logαm=o((logm)γ),


in which case it is asymptotically optimal at rateρmm+(log(α



(logm)γ . (ii) The FDR threshold ˆtFDRm at a levelαm satisfying (28) is asymptoti- cally optimal at rate ρmm+(log(α



(logm)γ .

(iii) Choosing αm∝1/(logm)γ, BFDR and FDR thresholding are both asymptotically optimal at rate ρm= 1/(logm)γ.

In the particular case of a Gaussian scale model (ζ = 2), Corollary 4.4 recovers Corollaries 4.2 and 5.1 of [6]. Corollary4.4additionally provides a rate, and encompasses the location case and other values of ζ.

Remark 4.5(Lower bound for the Laplace scale model). We can legiti- mately ask whether the rateρm= (logm)−γ can be improved. We show that this rate is the smallest that one can obtain over a sparsity classβ∈[β,1]

for some β∈(0,1), in the particular case of BFDR thresholding and in the Laplace scale model; see Corollary 10.2 in the supplemental article [21].

While the calculations become significantly more difficult in the other mod- els, we believe that the minimal rate for the relative excess risk of the BFDR is still (logm)−γ in a Subbotin location and scale models. Also, since the FDR can be seen as a stochastic variation around the BFDR, we may con- jecture that this rate is also minimal for FDR thresholding.

4.4. Choosing αm. Let us consider the sparsity regime τm =mβ, β ∈ (0,1). Corollary 4.4 suggests to choose αm such that αm∝(logm)−γ. This is in accordance with the recommendation of [6] in the Gaussian scale model;

see Remark 5.3 therein. In this section, we propose an explicit choice ofαm

from an priori value (β0, C0) of the unknown parameter (β, Cm).


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