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Degenerate complex Monge-Ampère equations over compact Kahler manifolds


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Preprint submitted on 19 Dec 2007

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Degenerate complex Monge-Ampère equations over compact Kahler manifolds

Jean-Pierre Demailly, Nefton Pali

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Jean-Pierre Demailly, Nefton Pali. Degenerate complex Monge-Ampère equations over compact Kahler manifolds. 2007. �hal-00199790�


hal-00199790, version 1 - 19 Dec 2007

Degenerate complex Monge-Amp` ere equations over compact K¨ ahler manifolds.

Jean-Pierre Demailly and Nefton Pali


We prove the existence and uniqueness of the solutions of some very general type of degenerate complex Monge-Amp`ere equations, and investigate their regularity. This type of equations is precisely what is needed in order to construct K¨ahler-Einstein metrics over irreducible singular K¨ahler spaces with ample or trivial canonical sheaf.


1 Introduction 1

2 General C0-estimates for the solutions. 3 3 The domain of definition of the complex Monge-Amp`ere op-

erator. 20

4 Uniqueness of the solutions. 31

5 Generalized Kodaira lemma. 34

6 Existence and higher order regularity of the solutions. 37

7 Appendix 46

1 Introduction

In a celebrated paper [Yau] published in 1978, Yau settled all cases of the Calabi conjecture. As is well known, the problem of prescribing the Ricci curvature can be formulated in terms of non degenerate complex Monge- Amp`ere equations.

Theorem 1.1 (Yau). Let X be a compact K¨ahler manifold of complex dimensionnand letχbe a K¨ahler class. Then for any smooth densityv >0 on X such that R


Xχn, there exists a unique(smooth) K¨ahler metric ω∈χ (i.e.ω =ω0+i∂∂ϕ¯ withω0 ∈χ ) such that ωn= (ω0+i∂∂ϕ)¯ n=v.

Key words: Complex Monge-Amp`ere equations, K¨ahler-Einstein metrics, Closed posi- tive currents, Plurisubharmonic functions, Capacities, Orlicz spaces.

AMS Classification: 53C25, 53C55, 32J15.


Another breakthrough concerning the study of complex Monge-Amp`ere equa- tions was achieved by Bedford-Taylor [Be-Te]. Their work opened the way to the study of very degenerate complex Monge-Amp`ere equations. In fact, by combining these results, Ko lodziej [Kol1] proved the existence of solu- tions for equations of type (ω+i∂∂ϕ)¯ n =v, where ω a K¨ahler metric and v ≥ 0 a density in Lp or in some complicated Orlicz spaces. However, in various geometric applications, it is necessary to consider the case whereω is merely semipositive. This more difficult situation has been examined first by Tsuji [Ts], and his technique has been reconsidered in the recent works [Ca-La], [Ti-Zha], [E-G-Z] and [Pau].

In this paper we push further the techniques developed so far and we obtain some very general and sharp results on the existence, uniqueness and regularity of the solutions of degenerate complex Monge-Amp`ere equations.

In order to define the relevant concept of uniqueness of the solutions, we introduce a suitable subset of the space of closed (1,1)-currents, namely the domain of definition BT of the complex Monge-Amp`ere operator “in the sense of Bedford-Taylor”: a current Θ is in BT if the the successive exterior powers can be computed as Θk+1 =i∂∂(ϕΘ¯ k) where ϕ is a potential of Θ and ϕΘk is locally of finite mass. Then for every pseudoeffective (1,1)- cohomology class χ, we prove a monotone convergence result for exterior powers of currents in the subset BTχ:= BT∩χ.

The uniqueness of the solutions of the degenerate complex Monge-Amp`ere equations in a reasonable class of unbounded potentials has been a big issue and the object of intensive studies, see e.g. [Ts], [Ti-Zha], [Blo1], [E-G-Z].

In this direction, we introduce the subset BTlogχ of (closed positive) currents T ∈BTχ which have a Monge-Amp`ere productTn possessing a L1-density such that R

X−log(Tn/Ω) Ω < +∞ for some smooth volume form Ω > 0.

For example this is the case when the current Tn possesses a L1-density with complex analytic singularities (see theorem 6.1). We observe that the Ricci operator is well defined in the class BTlogχ .

In the last section we prove existence and fine regularity properties of the solutions of complex Monge-Amp`ere equations with respect to a given degenerate metric ω ≥0, when the right hand side possesses a Llogn+εL- density or a density carrying complex analytic singularities (see theorems 6.2 and 6.1). As a consequence of this results, we derive the following gen- eralization of Yau’s theorem.

Theorem 1.2 LetX be a compact K¨ahler manifold of complex dimensionn and let χ be (1,1)-cohomology class admitting a smooth closed semipositive (1,1)-form ω such that {ωn= 0} is a set of measure zero.

A). For any Llogn+εL-density v ≥0, ε >0 such that R

Xv =R

Xχn, there exists a unique closed positive currentT ∈BTχsuch thatTn=v. Moreover, this current possesses bounded local potentials over X and continuous local potentials outside a complex analytic set Σχ ⊂X. This set depend only on


the classχ and is empty if and only if the class χ is K¨ahler.

B). In the particular case of a density v ≥ 0 possessing complex analytic singularities the currentT is also smooth outside the complex analytic subset Σχ∪Z(v)⊂X, where Z(v) is the set of zeros and poles of v.

We wish to point out that the main examples of Orlicz spaces considered by Ko lodziej are contained in some space Llogn+εL. The type of complex Monge-Amp`ere equation solved in theorem 6.1 is precisely what is needed in order to construct K¨ahler-Einstein metrics over irreducible singular K¨ahler spaces with ample or trivial canonical sheaf. This allows us also to solve generalized equations of the form Ric(ω) =−λω+ρ,λ≥0. The proof of our Laplacian estimate in theorem 6.1, which is obtained as a combination of the ideas of in [Yau], [Ts], [Blo2], provides in particular a drastic simplification of Yau’s most general argument for complex Monge-Amp`ere equations with degenerate right hand side. Moreover, it can be applied immediately to certain singular situations considered in [Pau] and it reduces the Laplacian estimate in [Pau] to a simple consequence (however, one should point out that the argument in [Pau] contains a gap due to the fact that theLp-norm of the exponential exp(ψ1,ε−ψ2,ε) of ε-regularized quasi-plurisubharmonic functions need not be uniformly bounded in ε under the assumption that exp(ψ1 −ψ2) is Lp, as our lemma 5.4 clearly shows if we do not choose carefully the constantAthere). Theorem 6.1 gives also some metric results for the geometry of varieties of general type. In this direction, we obtain the following result.

Theorem 1.3 LetX be a smooth complex projective variety of general type.

If the canonical bundle is nef, then there exists a unique closed positive currentωE ∈BTlog2πc

1(KX) solution of the Einstein equation Ric(ωE) =−ωE. This current possesses bounded local potentials and defines a smooth K¨ahler metric outside a complex analytic subset, which is empty if and only if the canonical bundle is ample.

The existence part has been studied in [Ts], [Ca-La] and [Ti-Zha] by a K¨ahler-Ricci flow method. Quite recently Tian and Ko lodziej [Ti-Ko] proved a very particular case of our C0-estimate. Their method, which is com- pletely different, is based on an idea developed in [De-Pa]. OurC0-estimate allows us to completely solve a conjecture of Tian stated in [Ti-Ko] (see Appendix D).

2 General C


-estimates for the solutions.

Let X be a compact connected complex manifold of complex dimension n and let γ be a closed real (1,1)-current with continuous local potentials or a closed positive (1,1)-current with bounded local potentials. Then to any


distribution Ψ on X such that γ +i∂∂Ψ¯ ≥ 0 we can associate a unique locally integrable and bounded from above function ψ : X → [−∞,+∞) such that the corresponding distribution coincides with Ψ and such that for any continuous or plurisubharmonic local potential h of γ the function h+ψ is plurisubharmonic. The set of functionsψ obtained in this way will be denoted by Pγ. We set Pγ0 :={ψ∈ Pγ | supXψ= 0}. A closed positive (1,1)-current with bounded local potentials such that {γ}n := R

Xγn > 0, will be called big. IfX is compact K¨ahler, one knows by [De-Pa] that the class{γ}is big if and only if it contains a K¨ahler currentT =γ+i∂∂ψ¯ ≥εω, for some K¨ahler metric ω on X and ε > 0. We refer to the Appendix A and to [Ra-Re], [Iw-Ma] for the basic definitions of Orlicz norms and Orlicz spaces.

Theorem 2.1 LetXbe a compact K¨ahler manifold of complex dimensionn, letΩ>0be a smooth volume form, letγ be a big closed positive(1,1)-current with continuous local potentials. Let also ψ∈ Pγ∩L(X) be a solution of the degenerate complex Monge-Amp`ere equation

(γ+i∂∂ψ)¯ n=fΩ,

with f ∈ Llogn+ε0L(X) for some ε0 > 0. Then the following conclusions hold.

(A) There exist a uniform constant C1 =C10, γ,Ω)>0 such that for all ε∈(0, ε0]we have an estimate

Osc(ψ)≤(C1/ε)n2Iγ,ε(f)nε + 1, where

Iγ,ε(f) :={γ}−n Z


flogn+ε e+{γ}−nf Ω.

(B) Assume that the solution ψ is normalized by the condition supXψ= 0 and consider also a solution ϕ∈ Pγ∩L(X),supXϕ= 0 of the degenerate complex Monge-Amp`ere equation

(γ+i∂∂ϕ)¯ n=gΩ,

with g∈ Llogn+ε0L(X). Assume also Iγ,ε0(f), Iγ,ε0(g) ≤K for some con- stant K > 0. Then there exists a constant C2 = C20, γ,Ω, K) > 0 such that

kϕ−ψkC0 (X) ≤ 2C2α0



−α0 ,

α0 := 1

(n+ 1 +n20),


provided that the inequality kϕ−ψkL1 (X,Ω) ≤min{1/2, e−C2} holds.

(C) Let (γt)t>0 be a family of currents satisfying the same properties as γ, fix a finite covering (Uα)α of coordinate starshaped open sets, and let us write γt = i∂∂h¯ t,α with supUαht,α = 0 over Uα and C1,t := C10, γt,Ω), C2,t=C20, γt,Ω, K). Assume

(C1)supt>0maxαkht,αkL(Uα)<+∞ and

(C2a)there exist a decomposition of the typeγtt+i∂∂u¯ t, withθtsmooth, minXut = 0, supt>0maxXut<+∞ and θt≤({γt}n)1/nω for some K¨ahler metricω >0 on X,


(C2b) the distributions γnt/Ω are represented byL1-functions and sup

t>0t}−n Z


log e+{γt}−nγtn/Ω

γtn<+∞. Thensupt>0Cj,t <+∞ for j= 1,2.

Statement (C) will follow from the arguments of the proof of theorem 2.1.

Remark 1. As an application of his estimates, Ko lodziej considers in Ex- ample 1, page 91 of [Kol1] Monge-Amp`ere equations with non degenerate left hand side and with right hand side taking values in the Orlicz space LΨ(X), with Ψ(t) := tlogn(e+t) logn+δ(e+ log(1 +t)), δ > 0. If we take ε0 = 1/k with an integer k >1 we obtain


logn+δ(e+ log(1 +t))

logε0(e+t) = +∞. This implies LΨ(X)⊂Llogn+ε0L(X).

LetXbe a compact complex manifold of complex dimensionn, letγ be a big closed positive (1,1)-current with bounded local potentials. SetPγ[0,1] :=

{ϕ∈ Pγ | 0≤ϕ≤1},γϕ :=γ+i∂∂ϕ¯ and Capγ(E) := sup


{γ}−n Z



for all Borel sets E ⊂ X. We remark that if (Ej)j, Ej ⊂ Ej+1 ⊂ X is a family of Borel sets and E=S

jEj then clearly, we have Capγ(E) = lim

j→+∞Capγ(Ej). (2.1)

Lemma 2.2 Let X be a compact connected complex manifold of complex dimensionn, letγ be a closed real(1,1)-current with continuous local poten- tials or a closed positive (1,1)-current with bounded local potentials and let Ω>0be a smooth volume form. Then there exist constantsα=α(γ,Ω)>0, C=C(γ,Ω)>0such that R

X−ψΩ≤C andR

Xe−αψΩ≤Cfor all ψ∈ Pγ0.


The first two integral estimates of lemma 2.2 are quite standard in the ele- mentary theory of plurisubharmonic functions and the dependence of the constants α and C on γ is only on the L bound of its local potentials.

To be more precise concerning the uniform estimate R

Xe−αψΩ ≤ C one can make the constant α depending only on the cohomology class of γ as in [Ti1], but in this case the constant C will depend on the L bound of the local potentials of γ and on the volume form Ω. One can also make C depending only on the volume form Ω, but in this caseαwill depend on the L bound of the local potentials ofγ and on the volume form Ω.

Lemma 2.3 Let X be a compact connected K¨ahler manifold of complex di- mension n, letγ be a big closed positive (1,1)-current with continuous local potentials.

(A)There exists a constantC =C(γ)>0such thatCapγ({ψ <−t})≤C/t for all ψ ∈ Pγ0 and t > 0. Moreover the constant C stay bounded for per- turbations of γ satisfying the hypothesis (C1)and (C2a)of statement (C)in theorem 2.1.

(B) If γn/Ω∈ LlogL(X), for a smooth volume form Ω> 0 then the con- clusion of statement (A) hold with a constant C =C(γ,Ω)>0 which stays bounded for perturbations of γ satisfying the hypothesis (C1) and (C2b) of statement (C)in theorem 2.1.

Proof. We first notice the obvious inequality Z


γϕn ≤ 1 t



−ψ γϕn

which implies

Capγ({ψ <−t})≤ 1 t sup


{γ}−n Z


−ψ γϕn, (2.2) and we prove the following elementary claim.

Claim 2.4 Let γ be a closed positive (1,1)-current with bounded local po- tentials over a compact complex manifoldX of complex dimensionn and let ϕ, ψ∈ Pγ such that 0≤ϕ≤1 and ψ≤0. Then



−ψ γϕn ≤ Z


−ψ γn+n Z


γn. (2.3)

Proof. The fact that the currentγ is positive impliesψc := max{ψ, c} ∈ Pγ, c ∈R<0, so by the monotone convergence theorem it is sufficient to prove inequality (2.3) for ψ ∈ Pγ ∩L(X). So assume this and let ω > 0 be a hermitian metric over X. By a result of Greene-Wu [Gr-Wu] there exist a


family of functions (ψε)ε>0ε∈ Pγ+εω∩C(X) such thatψε↓ψasε→0+. Consider now the integralsIj :=R

X−ψ γj∧γϕn−j for all j= 0, ..., n. Then Ij ≤Ij+1+R

Xγn. In fact by Stokes formula Ij = Ij+1− lim




ψεγj∧i∂∂ϕ¯ ∧γn−j−1ϕ

= Ij+1− lim




i∂∂ψ¯ ε∧ϕ γj ∧γn−j−1ϕ

≤ Ij+1+ Z


ϕ γj+1∧γϕn−j−1 ≤Ij+1+ Z



In this way we deduce the required inequalityI0 ≤In+nR


The following claim will be very useful for the rest of the paper.

Claim 2.5 Let (X, ω) be a polarized compact connected K¨ahler manifold of complex dimension n and let γ, T be closed positive (1,1)-currents with respectively continuous, bounded local potentials. Then for alll= 0, ..., n

Cl:= sup




−ψ Tl∧ωn−l<+∞

andγψ∧Tl=Tl∧γψ for all ψ∈ Pγ.

Proof. The proof of the convergence of the constantsCl goes by induction onl= 0, ..., n. The statement is true for l= 0 by the first integral estimate of lemma 2.2. So we assume it is true for l and we prove it for l+ 1. Let ψc := max{ψ, c} ∈ Pγ, c ∈ R<0. By the result of Greene-Wu [Gr-Wu] let (ψc,ε)ε>0c,ε ∈ Pγ+εω∩C(X) such that ψc,ε ↓ ψc as ε → 0+ and write T =θ+i∂∂u, with¯ θ smooth,θ≤Kω andu bounded with infXu= 0. By using the monotone convergence theorem and Stokes formula, we expand


the integral Z


−ψ Tl+1∧ωn−l−1 = lim

c→−∞ lim





= lim

c→−∞ lim


 Z


−ψc,εθ∧Tl∧ωn−l−1− Z


ψc,εi∂∂u¯ ∧Tl∧ωn−l−1

≤ lim

c→−∞ lim


 Z


−ψc,εTl∧Kωn−l− Z


u i∂∂ψ¯ c,ε∧Tl∧ωn−l−1

= Z


−ψ Tl∧Kωn−l+ lim

c→−∞ lim






+ Z



≤ KCl+ sup


u Z


γ∧Tl∧ωn−l−1 <+∞,

by the inductive hypothesis. Concerning the symmetry of the exterior prod- uct we remark that the decreasing monotone convergence theorem implies

c→−∞lim Z


c−ψ)Tl∧ωn−l= 0,

which means the convergence of the massk(ψc−ψ)Tlkω(X)→0 asc→ −∞, in particular ψcTl →ψT weakly asc→ −∞. So by the weak continuity of thei∂∂¯operator we deduce

γψc∧Tl−→γψ∧Tl, (2.4) weakly as c → −∞. Moreover the weak continuity of the i∂∂¯ operator implies by induction onl

Tl∧γψc −→Tl∧γψ,

weakly asc→ −∞. This combined with (2.4) implies γψ∧Tl =Tl∧γψ . In the particular case T =γ big, the constant

0< C(γ) :=n+ sup


{γ}−n Z


−ψ γn<+∞


satisfies the capacity estimate of statement (A) in lemma 2.3, by inequality (2.2) and claim 2.4. Thus if (γt)t>0 is a family satisfying the hypothesis (C1) and (C2a) of statement (C) in theorem 2.1 andKt= ({γt}n)1/n, then the constant C(γ) satisfies the stability properties of statement (A) of the lemma 2.3, and we can use the induction in the proof of claim 2.5 with T =γt,θ=θt,u=ut andK =Kt to get

C1≤Kt Z


−ψ ωn+ sup


ut Z


γt∧ωn−1≤Kt Z


−ψ ωn+RKt Z



whereR≥supXut and in general Cl+1≤KtCl+R



γtl+1∧ωn−l−1 ≤KtCl+RKtl+1 Z



We deduceCn≤KtnR

X−ψ ωn+nRKtnR

Xωn. We now prove statement (B) of lemma 2.3. In fact letf :={γ}−nγn/Ω≥0. Then the uniform estimate for the integral

{γ}−n Z


−ψ γn= 1 α




follows from the elementary inequality −αψf ≤ e−αψ −1 +flog(1 + f) combined with the uniform estimate R

Xe−αψΩ≤ C of lemma 2.2. In this case the required stability properties of the constant C(γ,Ω) > 0 in the

capacity estimate are obvious.

Lemma 2.6 (Degenerate Comparison Principle). Let X be a com- pact K¨ahler manifold of complex dimension n, let γ be a closed real (1,1)- current with continuous local potentials or a closed positive (1,1)-current with bounded local potentials, and considerϕ, ψ ∈ Pγ∩L(X). Then



γnψ ≤ Z




Step I. We assume first ϕ, ψ ∈ Pγ ∩C0(X). We will denote by ∂S the boundary in X of a set S⊂X. By the continuity of the functionsϕ, ψ we deduce:

1) the set{ϕ < ψ} is open and ∂{ϕ < ψ} ⊂ {ϕ=ψ},

2) for allε >0 there exists an open neighborhoodV ⊂X of the set{ϕ≥ψ}

such that max{ϕ+ε, ψ}=ϕ+εover V.

So∂{ϕ < ψ} ⊂ V and the Stokes formula implies the equality Z


γϕn = Z


(γ+i∂∂¯max{ϕ+ε, ψ})n,


for allε >0. Moreover by the monotone convergence theorem in pluripoten- tial theory we deduce that the current (γ+i∂∂¯max{ϕ+ε, ψ})n converges weakly to the currentγψn over the open set {ϕ < ψ} asε→0+. Thus



γϕn = lim inf




(γ+i∂∂¯max{ϕ+ε, ψ})n ≥ Z



Step II.Let now (Uα)Nα=1be a finite open covering ofXsuch thatγ =i∂∂h¯ α over Uα with infUαhα = 0. By the quasicontinuity of plurisubharmonic functions, for every δ > 0 there exists an open set Gδ,α ⊂ Uα such that uα := hα+ϕ, hα ∈ C0(Uα rGδ,α) and Cap(Gδ,α, Uα) < δ. In particular ϕ∈C0(UαrGδ,α), and thereforeϕ∈C0(XrGδ) whereGδ :=S


We can also assumeψ∈C0(XrGδ). Set vα :=hα+ψ. Letω be a K¨ahler metric over X and gα smooth functions over Uα such that ω = i∂∂g¯ α, infUαgα = 0. By the result of Greene-Wu [Gr-Wu] there exists a sequence (εj)j ⊂(0, ε),εj ↓0 andψj, ϕj ∈ Pγ+εjω∩C(X), withψj ↓ψandϕj ↓ϕ.

We can assume 0 ≤ infXϕ, 0 ≤ infXψ and we set uj,α := hα+gαj, vj,α := hα +gαj, M := maxα{ku1,αkL(Uα),kv1,αkL(Uα)}. Then by step I



(γ +εω+i∂∂ψ¯ j)n≤ Z


(γ+εω+i∂∂ϕ¯ k)n. (2.5)

Let f ∈ C0(X) such that f = ψ over XrGδ. Then the set {ϕk < f} is open and{ϕk< f} ∪Gδ ={ϕk< ψ} ∪Gδ. Thus



γψn ≤ Z


γψn+ Z


γψn ≤ Z


(γ+εω+i∂∂ψ)¯ n+X




(i∂∂v¯ α)n

≤ lim inf




(γ+εω+i∂∂ψ¯ j)n+MnX




(i∂∂M¯ −1vα)n

≤ lim inf


 Z


(γ+εω+i∂∂ψ¯ j)n+ Z


(γ+εω+i∂∂ψ¯ j)n

+MnN δ


≤ lim inf


 Z


(γ+εω+i∂∂ϕ¯ k)n+MnX




(i∂∂M¯ −1vj,α)n


+ MnN δ (by (2.5))

≤ lim




(γ+εω+i∂∂ϕ¯ k)n+ 2MnN δ

= Z


(γ+εω+i∂∂ϕ¯ k)n+ 2MnN δ . Then by lettingk→+∞ we get



γψn ≤ lim sup




(γ+εω+i∂∂ϕ¯ k)n+ 2MnN δ . (2.6) Now the set{ϕ≤ψ}rGδis closed by the continuity ofϕandψoverXrGδ. Thus



(γ+εω+i∂∂ϕ)¯ n≥ Z


(γ+εω+i∂∂ϕ)¯ n

≥ lim sup




(γ+εω+i∂∂ϕ¯ k)n

≥ lim sup


 Z


(γ +εω+i∂∂ϕ¯ k)n− Z


(γ+εω+i∂∂ϕ¯ k)n


≥ lim sup


 Z


(γ +εω+i∂∂ϕ¯ k)n−MnX




(i∂∂M¯ −1uk,α)n


≥ lim sup




(γ+εω+i∂∂ϕ¯ k)n−MnN δ . So by (2.6) we derive



γψn ≤ Z


(γ+εω+i∂∂ϕ)¯ n+ 3MnN δ

≤ Z


γϕn + Xn


n l



εlωl∧γn−l+ 3MnN δ . Then lettingε→0 and δ→0 we get



γnψ ≤ Z




Now the conclusion follows by replacing ϕby ϕ+t, t > 0 in the previous

formula and lettingt→0.

We recall now the following lemma due to Ko lodziej [Kol1], (see also [Ti-Zhu1], [Ti-Zhu2]).

Lemma 2.7 Let a: (−∞,0]→ [0,1], be a monotone non decreasing func- tion such that for some B >0, δ >0 the inequality

t a(s)≤B a(s+t)1+δ

holds for all s ≤ 0, t ∈ [0,1], s+t ≤ 0. Then for all S < 0 such that a(S)>0 and all D∈[0,1], S +D≤0 we have the estimate

D≤e(3 + 2/δ)B a(S+D)δ.

The following lemma is a simple application of the main result in Bedford- Taylor [Be-Te] and of the monotone increasing convergence theorem in pluripo- tential theory.

Lemma 2.8 Let X be a compact connected complex manifold of complex dimension n, let γ be a big closed positive (1,1)-current with continuous local potentials and let Ω > 0 be a smooth volume form. Then there exist constants α = α(γ,Ω) > 0, C = C(γ,Ω) > 0 such that for all Borel sets E⊂X we have



Ω≤eαCe−α/Capγ(E)1/n. (2.7)

In particular Capγ(E) = 0 implies R

EΩ = 0.

Proof. It is sufficient to prove this estimate for an arbitrary compact set. In fact assume (2.7) for compact sets and let (Kj)j,Kj ⊂Kj+1⊂Ebe a family of compact sets such that R

KjΩ →R

EΩ as j →+∞. SetU :=∪jKj ⊂E and take the limit in (2.7) withE replaced byKj. By (2.1) we deduce



Ω≤eαCe−α/Capγ(U)1/n ≤eαCe−α/Capγ(E)1/n.

We prove now (2.7) for compact setsK ⊂X. For this purpose, consider the function

ΨK(x) := sup{ϕ(x) | ϕ∈ Pγ, ϕ|K ≤0} ≥0.

Remark that (ΨK)|K = 0 since 0 ∈ Pγ by the positivity assumption on γ.

Assume R

KΩ 6= 0, otherwise there is nothing to prove. In this case there exists a constantCK >0 such that supX ϕ≤CK for all ϕ∈ Pγ, ϕ|K ≤0.


In fact letSK:= {ϕ∈ Pγ | ϕ|K ≤0} and set ˜ϕ:=ϕ−supXϕ. By contra- diction we would get a sequence ϕj ∈SK such that supXϕj → +∞. This implies supKϕ˜j → −∞and soR

K−ϕ˜jΩ≥ −(R

KΩ) supKϕ˜j →+∞, which contradicts the first integral estimate of lemma 2.2.

Then it follows from quite standard local arguments that the upper regular- ization ΨK ∈ Pγ. (Here we use the assumption that the local potentials of γ are continuous.) Moreover ΨK ∈ L(X), ΨK ≥0 and ΨK = 0 over the interior K0 of K. We recall now the following well known consequence of a result of Bedford and Taylor [Be-Te].

Theorem 2.9 Let ϕ∈ Pγ∩L(X) and let B be an open coordinate ball.

Then there existsϕˆ∈ Pγ∩L(X),ϕˆ≥ϕsuch thatγϕnˆ = 0 onB andϕˆ=ϕ on XrB. Moreover if ϕ1 ≤ϕ2, then ϕˆ1 ≤ϕˆ2.

This implies the following quite standard fact in pluripotential theory.

Corollary 2.10 The extremal functionΨK ∈ Pγ∩L(X)satisfies ΨK ≥0 over X, ΨK = 0 over the interiorK0 of K and γnΨ

K = 0 over XrK.

Proof. By the classical Choquet lemma there exists a sequence (ϕj)j ⊂SK, ϕj ≥ 0 such that ΨK = (supjϕj). We can assume that this sequence is increasing. Otherwise, set ˜ϕ1 := ϕ1 and ˜ϕj := max{ϕj,ϕ˜j−1} ∈ SK. Let B be an open coordinate ball in XrK and let ˆϕj ∈ SK be a solution of the Dirichlet problemγϕnˆj = 0 overB as in theorem 2.9. Thus the sequence ( ˆϕj)j ⊂SK is still increasing and ΨK = (supjϕˆj). Remember also that the plurisubharmonicity implies that ΨK = limjϕˆj almost everywhere. By the monotone increasing theorem from classical pluripotential theory, we infer γΨn

K = 0 onB, and the conclusion follows from the fact that B is arbitrary.

By using a basic fact about measure theory and the second integral esti- mate of lemma 2.2 we get



Ω = Z


Ω = Z


e−αΨKΩ ≤ Z


e−αΨKΩ ≤ Ce−αsupXΨK.

SetAK := supXΨK. If AK >1 set ϕ:=A−1K ΨK. Then 0 ≤γΨK ≤AKγϕ and soϕ∈ Pγ[0,1]. By corollary 2.10 we deduce

{γ}nA−nK =A−nK Z






γϕn ≤ {γ}nCapγ(K),


thus−αAK ≤ −α/Capγ(K)1/n by the bigness assumption on the current γ. IfAK≤1 then ΨK ∈ Pγ[0,1] and so

1 ={γ}−n Z



K ≤ Capγ(K)≤Capγ(X) = 1.

In both cases we reach the required conclusion.

Proof of theorem 2.1, part A.

We can assume supXψ= 0. LetUs :={ψ < s},s≤0,t∈[0,1], s+t≤0, ϕ ∈ Pγ[−1,0] and set V := {ψ−s−t < tϕ}. Then we have inclusions Us⊂V ⊂Us+t. By using the Degenerate Comparison Principle we infer

tn Z


γϕn ≤ Z


γn ≤ Z


γn ≤ Z


γψn ≤ Z



thus combining this with H¨older inequality in Orlicz spaces (7.3), formula (7.2) in Appendix A and lemma 2.8 we obtain

tnCapγ(Us) ≤ {γ}−n Z


γψn = {γ}−n Z



≤ {γ}−nCε0kfkLlogn+εL(X)· k1k

Expn+ε1 L(Us+t)

= {γ}−nCε0kfkLlogn+εL(X) logn+ε(1 + 1/Vol(Us+t))

≤ {γ}−nCε0kfkLlogn+εL(X) logn+ε

1 +e−αC−1eα/Capγ(Us+t)1/n

≤ Cε0(k/α)n+ε{γ}−nkfkLlogn+εL(X)Capγ(Us+t)(n+ε)/n. (Here k > 0 is a constant such that k−1α/x≤log(1 +e−αC−1eα/x) for all x∈(0,1]). So if we setδ :=ε/nand

B :=Cε1/n0 (k/α)1+ε/nIγ,ε(f)1/n,

we deduce that the function a(s) := Capγ(Us)1/n, s ≤ 0, satisfies the hy- pothesis of lemma 2.7. (We use here the inequality (7.1) in appendix A.) Consider now the function κ(t) := KδB tδ, with constant Kδ:=e(3 + 2/δ).

Remember also the uniform capacity estimate a(s)≤C(−s)−1/n of lemma 2.3. Let nowη >1 be arbitrary. We claim that a(Sη) = 0 for

−Sη =Cn(KδB η)n/δ+ 1.


The fact that the functionais left continuous (by formula (2.1)) will imply thata(S1) = 0 also. Remark thatSη is a solution of the equation


whereκ−1 is the inverse of the functionκ. So if we assume by contradiction thata(Sη)>0 we deduce by lemmas 2.7 and 2.3

1≤κ(a(Sη+ 1))≤κ(C(−Sη−1)−1/n) =η−1 <1,

which is a contradiction. Thus if we set −I := max{s ≤ 0 | a(s) = 0}

we obtainI ≤ −S1 ≤Cn(KδB)n/δ+ 1, which by arranging the coefficients yields the right hand side of the estimate in statement A of theorem 2.1.

Moreover by definition Capγ(U−I) = 0, thus Vol(U−I) = 0 by lemma 2.8.

The fact that the currentγ has continuous local potentials implies that the function ψ is upper semicontinuous, so the set U−I is open, thus empty.

This implies the required conclusion.

Proof of part B.

Seta:= max{kϕkL(X),kψkL(X)}, considerθ∈ Pγ[0,1],s≥0,t∈[0,1]

and set

V :=

ϕ < t 1 +aθ+

1− t 1 +a



Then the obvious inequality 0≤ −1+at ψ≤ 1+aat implies the inclusions {ϕ−ψ <−s−t} ⊂V ⊂ {ϕ−ψ <−s}. Thus by applying the Degenerate Comparison Principle as in [Kol2] we obtain

tn (1 +a)n



γθn ≤ Z



1 +aγθ+

1− t 1 +a



≤ Z


γϕn ≤ Z



By inverting the roles ofϕandψin the previous inequality and by summing up we get

tn (1 +a)n



γθn ≤ Z


(f +g) Ω. By taking the supremum over θwe obtain the capacity estimate

tnCapγ(|ϕ−ψ|> s+t)≤(1 +a)n{γ}−n Z


(f+g) Ω, (2.8)


for all s≥0,t∈[0,1]. SetUs :={|ϕ−ψ|> s} ⊂X. By combining lemma 2.8 with a computation similar to the one in the proof of part A we obtain tnCapγ(Us+t) ≤ (1 +a)n{γ}−nCε0kf+gkLlogn+ε0L(X)Capγ(Us)(n+ε0)/n

≤ BnCapγ(Us)(n+ε0)/n,

where the constant B > 0 depends on the same quantities as the constant C2 in statement (B) of theorem 2.1. We deduce that the function a(s) :=

Capγ(U−s)1/n, s ≤0, satisfies the hypothesis of lemma 2.7 withδ = ε0/n.

On the other hand, the capacity estimate (2.8) combined with H¨older’s inequality in Orlicz spaces implies for allt∈[0,1] the inequalities

tnCapγ(|ϕ−ψ|>2t) ≤ (1 +a)n{γ}−n Z


(f+g) Ω

≤ (1 +a)n{γ}−n t



|ϕ−ψ|(f+g) Ω

≤ 2(1 +a)n{γ}−n

t kϕ−ψkExpL(X)kf+gkLlogL(X)

≤ 4K(1 +a)n

t kϕ−ψkExpL(X). (2.9)

Claim 2.11 If kϕ−ψkL1(X) ≤ 1/2, then there exists a constant Ca > 0 such that


Proof. We assume kϕ−ψkL1(X) > 0, otherwise there is nothing to prove.

SetCk,a :=k(e2a/k−1)/(2a),k >0. Then for allk >0 and all x∈[0,2a/k]

the inequality ex−1≤Ck,ax holds. Thus the inequality|ϕ−ψ|/k≤2a/k implies




Ω≤Ck,a Z



k Ω. We get from there the implication

kϕ−ψkL1(X) =k/Ck,a =⇒ kϕ−ψkExpL(X)≤k , (2.10) since by definition

kϕ−ψkExpL(X):= inf

 k >0 |



e|ϕ−ψ|/k−1 Ω≤1

 .


So if we setµ(k) :=k/Ck,a >0 we deduce by the implication (2.10) kϕ−ψkExpL(X)≤µ−1 kϕ−ψkL1(X)

, (2.11)

where µ−1 : R>0 → R>0 is the inverse function of µ. Explicitly µ−1(y) = 2a/log(1 + 2a/y), for all y > 0. Now there exists a constant Ca > 0 such that µ−1(y)≤ Ca/log(1/y) for all y ∈(0,1/2]. This combined with (2.11)

implies the conclusion.

Combining claim 2.11 with the estimate (2.9) we infer the capacity esti- mate

a(−t)≤ C t1+1/n



, (2.12)

where the constant C > 0 depends on the same quantities as the constant C2 in statement B. Set nowC2 :=Cn(2KδB)n/δ>0 (with Kδ>0 as in the proof of part (A) and define





The hypothesist∈(0,1] combined with the hypothesis of claim 2.11 forces the conditionkϕ−ψkL1(X)≤min{1/2, e−C2}. Moreover tis solution of the equation

C t1+1/n



−1 t



whereκ−1 is the inverse of the functionκintroduced in the proof of part A.

We claim that a(−2t) = 0. Otherwise, by lemma 2.7 and inequality (2.12), we infer

0< t≤κ(a(−t))≤κ(κ−1(t/2)) =t/2,

which is absurd. We deduce Vol(|ϕ−ψ| > 2t) = 0 by lemma 2.8. We prove now that the setU2t={|ϕ−ψ|>2t} ⊂X is empty, which will imply the desired C0-stability estimate. The fact that |ϕ−ψ| ≤ 2t a.e over X, implies |R

B(x,r)(ϕ−ψ)dλ| ≤ 2t for all coordinate open balls B(x, r) ⊂ X.

(The symbolR

B means mean value operator.) By elementary properties of plurisubharmonic functions follows

ϕ(x)−ψ(x) = lim

r→0+ − Z


(ϕ−ψ)dλ ,

for allx ∈X. We infer |ϕ−ψ| ≤2t over X.

Corollary 2.12 Let (X, ω) be a polarized compact connected K¨ahler mani- fold of complex dimension n, let Ω>0 be a smooth volume form, let γ ≥0 be a big closed smooth (1,1)-form. Let also f ∈Llogn+δL(X), δ >0, such


that R

Xγn = R

XfΩ and (fε)ε>0 ⊂C(X) be a family converging to f in the Llogn+δL(X)-norm asε→0+ and satisfying the integral condition



(γ +εω)n = Z


fεΩ, (2.13)

Let λ≥0 be a real number. Then the unique solution of the non degenerate complex Monge-Amp`ere equation

(γ+εω+i∂∂ψ¯ ε)n=fεeλ ψεΩ, (2.14) given by the Aubin-Yau solution of the Calabi conjecture (which in the case λ = 0 is normalized by maxXψε = 0) satisfies the uniform C0-estimate kψεkC0(X)≤C(δ, γ,Ω)Iγ,δ(f)nδ + 1.

Proof. The existence of a regularizing familyfεoff inLlogn+δL(X) follows from [Ra-Re] page 364 or [Iw-Ma], theorem 4.12.2, page 79. We can always assume the integral condition (2.13) otherwise we multiplyfε by a constant cε >0 which converges to 1 by the normalizing condition R

Xγn =R


We distinguish two cases.

Case λ = 0. The hypothesis (C1) and (C2a) of statement (C) of theo- rem 2.1 are obviously satisfied for the family (γ+εω)ε. We deduce that the constant C1 = C1(δ , γ +εω , Ω) > 0 in the statement of theorem 2.1, A does not blow up asε→0+. Moreover the uniform estimate

kfεkLlogn+δL(X) ≤CkfkLlogn+δL(X)=:K (2.15) holds for all ε ∈ (0,1). Thus by theorem 2.1, A we obtain the required uniform estimate kψεkC0(X)≤C :=C(δ, γ,Ω)Iγ,δ(f)nδ + 1.

Caseλ >0. We start by proving the following lemma, which is a particular case of a more general result due to Yau (see [Yau], sect. 6, page 376).

Lemma 2.13 Let(X, ω)be a polarized compact K¨ahler manifold of complex dimensionn, let h be a smooth function such that R


Xehωn and let ϕ∈ Pω be the unique solution of the complex Monge-Amp`ere equation

(ω+i∂∂ϕ)¯ n=eh+λϕωn, (2.16) λ > 0. Consider also two solutions ϕ, ϕ′′ ∈ Pω of the complex Monge- Amp`ere equation (ω+i∂∂ψ)¯ n = ehωn such that minXϕ = 0 = maxXϕ′′. Thenϕ′′≤ϕ≤ϕ.

Proof. The argument is a simplification, in our particular case, of Yau’s origi- nal argument for the proof of Theorem 4, sect. 6 in [Yau]. Setϕ0 :=ϕ, ϕ′′0 :=


ϕ′′ and consider the solutions ϕj, ϕ′′j of the complex Monge-Amp`ere equa- tions given by the iteration

(ω+i∂∂ϕ¯ j)n = eh+(λ+1)ϕj−ϕj−1ωn, (2.17) (ω+i∂∂ϕ¯ ′′j)n = eh+(λ+1)ϕ′′j−ϕ′′j−1ωn. (2.18) Notice that we can solve these equations even if the termseh−ϕj−1,eh−ϕ′′j−1 are not normalized, see Lemma 2 page 378 in [Yau]. Set L := λ+ 1 and consider

(ω+i∂∂ϕ¯ 1)n=eh+L(ϕ1−ϕ0)+λϕ0ωn≥eL(ϕ1−ϕ0)ehωn=eL(ϕ1−ϕ0)(ω+i∂∂ϕ¯ 0)n. At a maximum point ofϕ1−ϕ0 we have the inequality

(ω+i∂∂ϕ¯ 0)n≥(ω+i∂∂ϕ¯ 1)n.

By plugging this into the previous one, we deduce ϕ1 ≤ϕ0. We now prove by induction the inequality ϕj ≤ ϕj−1. In fact by dividing (2.17)j with (2.17)j−1 we get

(ω+i∂∂ϕ¯ j)n

(ω+i∂∂ϕ¯ j−1)n =eL(ϕj−ϕj−1)−(ϕj−1−ϕj−2) ≥eL(ϕj−ϕj−1). At a maximum point ofϕj −ϕj−1 we find again the inequality

(ω+i∂∂ϕ¯ j)n≤(ω+i∂∂ϕ¯ j−1)n.

Combining this with the previous one we deduceϕj ≤ϕj−1. By applying a quite similar argument to (2.18) we obtain also ϕ′′j−1 ≤ϕ′′j. We also prove by induction the inequality ϕ′′j ≤ϕj, which is true by definition in the case j= 0. By dividing (2.17)j with (2.18)j we get

(ω+i∂∂ϕ¯ j)n

(ω+i∂∂ϕ¯ ′′j)n =eL(ϕj−ϕ′′j)−(ϕj−1−ϕ′′j−1)≤eL(ϕj−ϕ′′j),

by the induction hypothesisϕ′′j−1 ≤ϕj−1. At a minimum point of ϕj −ϕ′′j we get

(ω+i∂∂ϕ¯ j)n≥(ω+i∂∂ϕ¯ ′′j)n,

henceϕ′′j ≤ϕj. As a conclusion, we have proved the sequence of inequalities ϕ′′0 ≤ϕ′′j−1≤ϕ′′j ≤ϕj ≤ϕj−1 ≤ϕ0. (2.19) We now prove a uniform estimate for the Laplacian of the potentials ϕj. The inequalities 2.19 imply 0<2n+ ∆ωϕj ≤C Bj, where Bj >0 satisfies the uniform estimate


1 n−1


2n+ max


Bj−1−C0, (2.20)


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