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CHAPITRE ) Période ancienne 3 2) Période moderne 3 3) Période contemporaine 3 4) Mémoires; Témoignage 5


Academic year: 2022

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1) Période ancienne 3

2) Période moderne 3

3) Période contemporaine 3

4) Mémoires; Témoignage 5


1) Enfants; Jeunes 6

2) Femmes 7

3) Réfugiés; Migration; Diaspora 10

4) Ethnicité 14


1) Agriculture; Agronomie 15

2) Caféiculture 18

3) Sylviculture 19

4) Foncier 19

5) Environnement: Ressources, Sciences naturelles 20

6) Faune; Flore 23


1) Développement; Économie 26

2) Finance; Banque; Taxation 30

3) Urbanisation 32

4) Pauvreté 32

5) Santé Publique 33


1) Politique; Conflit; Sécurité 44

2) Power-Sharing; Consociationalisme 52

3) Term Limits 52

4) Élections 52

5) Armée 54

6) Peacebuilding 56

7) Bulletins



1) Aide 59

2) Grands Lacs; Afrique de l’Est 59

3) Union Africaine (AU) 62

4) East African Community (EAC) 64

5) Relations internationales 65

6) United Nations 66

7) ONG 67


1) Droit national et international 68

2) Justice transitionnelle 70

3) International Criminal Court (ICC/TPI) 71

4) Droits de l’Homme; ONG; Organisations internationales 72 8 SOCIÉTÉ

1) Education 78

2) Médias; Social media 80

3) Religions 82


1) Linguistique 84

2) Littérature; Art

Critique littéraire 85

Poésie, Proverbe, Théâtre 86

Roman 86

Art; Bande dessinée 86

3) Varia 88

Remerciements 89




1) Période ancienne

Sabukwishimira, Pierre-Claver, De la dynamique sociale du Burundi précolonial, Saint- Denis: Édilivre, 2018, 69 p.

2) Période moderne

Carbone, Carlo; préface de Nicolao Merker; postface de Bogumil Jewsiewicki, Ethnies et guerre froide: pour une histoire de la région des Grands Lacs d’Afrique, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2016, 288 p.

Chrétien Jean-Pierre, “La guerre de 1914-1918 au Burundi: le vécu local d’un conflit mondial”, Outre-Mers: Revue d’histoire, 390-391, 2016, pp. 127-151.

Palmer, Jack, Entanglements of modernity, colonialism and genocide: Burundi and Rwanda in historical-sociological perspective, London: Routledge, 2018, 224 p.

Scott, Catherine, “Burundi: The freezing of a failed kingdom”, in Idem, State failure in sub- Saharan Africa: The crisis of post-colonial order, London: I.B. Tauris, 2017, ch. 3

3) Période contemporaine

Anderson, Kjell Follingstad, Perpetrating genocide: a criminological account, Abingdon, UK; New York: Routledge, 2018, 275 p. [Bangladesh, Bosnia, Burundi, Cambodia, Iraq, Rwanda, Uganda]

Karambizi-Ndayahoze, Rose, Le Cdt Martin Ndayahoze: un visionnaire, s. l.: Éditions Iwacu, 2016, 212 p.

Mitchell, Stacey, Institutional legacies, decision frames and political violence in Rwanda and Burundi, London/New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2018, 234 p.

Mukuri, Melchior; Nduwayo, Jean-Marie; Bugwabari, Nicodème (eds), Un demi-siècle d'histoire du Burundi: à Émile Mworoha, un pionnier de l’histoire africaine, Paris: Karthala, 2017, 420 p. Table:

Chrétien, Jean-Pierre, “L’histoire nationale au Burundi au lendemain de l’Indépendance: un combat intellectuel et politique”, pp. 11-35;


Ngorwanubusa, Juvénal, “Les avatars littéraires du mythe de mwezi Gisabo: Les tourments d’un roi d’Anselme Nindorera”, pp. 47-60;

Nduwayo, Jean-Marie, “A la découverte du patrimoine historique du Burundi: carnet de voyage sous la houlette d’Émile Mworoha”, pp. 61-76;

Ndayirukiye, Sylvestre, “L’architecture au Burundi, une histoire à découvrir”, pp. 77-86 Kazoviyo, Gertrude, “Le discours de levée de deuil définitif au Burundi: la transmission

intergénérationnelle des valeurs culturelles”, pp. 87-98;

Nizigiyimana, Domitien, “Le patrimoine culturel immatériel: entre le ‘home-learning’ et le ‘school- learning’”, pp. 99-117;

Rwantabagu, Hermenégilde, “Problématique de la langue d’enseignement au Burundi: héritage colonial et tendances après l’indépendance”, pp. 119-129;

Nduwayo, Jean-Marie, “Histoire du conflit ‘politico-ethnique’ burundais: état de la recherche”, pp.


Barumwete, Siméon, “La démocratie au Burundi: entre illusions et désillusions”, pp. 151-173;

Nimubona, Julien, “Au détour de la sociologie historique: la corruption et les conflits politico- ethniques”, pp. 175-190;

Hajayandi, Nicilas, “Mobilisation partisane des jeunes au Burundi: contexte et formes de la socialisation politique”, pp. 191-207;

Bigirimana, Concilie, “L’engagement politique à travers la chanson: les campagnes électorales de 1993, 2005 et 2010”, pp. 209-219;

Thibon, Christian, “Butinage, mobilité religieuse et mobilité sociale: anthropologie de la sortie de crise au Burundi”, pp. 221-231;

Mukuri, Melchior, “Contribution de l’Église catholique dans la résolution des crises socio-politiques au Burundi”, pp. 233-249;

Cazenave-Piarrot, Alain, “Pratiques sorcellaires et crises politiques au Burundi”, pp. 251-265;

Hatungimana, Alexandre, “Le café dans le Burundi indépendant: entre espoirs et illusions économiques”, pp. 267-282;

Ndayisenga, Aloys, “Les questions démographiques et politiques de population au Burundi: à quand le dividende démographique?”, pp. 283-300;

Carbone, Carlo, “Indépendances et Guerre froide en Afrique centrale: le Burundi sur la scène internationale”, pp. 337-356;

Niyonizigiye, Pascal, “La culture politique des anciens royaumes des Grands Lacs: un socle de l’intégration sous-régionale?”, pp. 383-395;

Chrétien, Jean-Pierre, “Les années de formation d’Émile Mworoha: être jeune au Burundi au tournant de l’Indépendance”, pp. 399-405;

“En guise de curriculum vitæ”, pp. 407-412;

“Bibliographie d’Émile Mworoha”, pp. 413-416.

Ndayisaba, Éric, La Région théicole d’Ijenda (Burundi): économie et société, 1965-2011, Mémoire de Master 2, Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour, 2016, 204 p.

Ollari, Maria, Burundi, la terra del dolore e del silenzio, Formigine: Infinito, 2016, 176 p.

Russell, Aidan, “Burundi, 1960-67: Loyal subjects and obedient citizens”, in Hunter, Emma (ed.), Citizenship, belonging, and political community in Africa: Dialogues between past and present, Athens: Ohio University Press, 2016, pp. 101-124.


Twagiramungu, Noel, “Burundi: the Anatomy of Mass Violence Endgames”, in Conley- Zilkic, Bridget (ed), How mass atrocities end: Studies from Guatemala, Burundi, Indonesia, The Sudans, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Iraq, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016, pp.


Van Acker, Tomas, “From rural rebellion to urban uprising? A socio-spatial perspective on Bujumbura’s conflict history”, Journal of Eastern African Studies, 12-2, 2018, pp. 310-328.

4) Mémoires; Témoignage

Brown, David, “Rwanda and Burundi”, in Idem, Hellholes of the world: A love story, Auckland, New Zealand: Archetype, 2018.

Chapman, Chrissie, The night the angels came: Miracles of protection and provision in Burundi, Grand Rapids, MI: Monarch Books, 2016, 181 p.

Mbonimpa, Cyprien, Mémoires d’un diplomate (1973-2006): Entre tourmentes et espoir, Bujumbura: Editions Iwacu, 2016, 223 p.

Miganda, Perpétue, Trésors du Burundi ancestral, Internet: CreateSpace, 2018, 182 p.

Nahayo, Jackson; Unrau, Dustin, Nahayo: They left me for dead, Winnipeg, MB: Defehr Foundation Inc., 2018, 144 p.

Nijimbere, Berchmans, L’école anormale de Kiremba, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2017.

Paris, Christian, “De Gaulle m’a donné des ailes”: la vie extraordinaire de Jean Billaud, Paris: 7 Écrit Éditions, 2018, 419 p. 1

Staub, Ervin, “Preventing violence and promoting active bystandership and peace: My life in research and applications”, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 24-1, 2018, pp.


Uwiringiyimana, Sandra; Pesta, Abigail, How dare the sun rise: Memoirs of a war child, Ashland, OR: Blackstone Publishing, 2017, 304 p.

Vincent, Fernand; préface de Déo Niyonkuru, Histoire de vie: ce monde plus juste et solidaire que nous construisons ensemble, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2018, 226 p.




1) Enfants; Jeunes

Ahishakiye, Jean, Processus de résilience chez les jeunes burundais à double appartenance ethnique ayant été victimes des violences interethniques et des conflits de mémoires, Thèse de doctorat, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2016.

Berckmoes, Lidewyde; White, Ben, “Youth, Farming, and Precarity in Rural Burundi”, in Huijsmans, Roy (ed), Generationing Development: A Relational Approach to Children, Youth and Development, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp. 291-312. (Cf. Idem, The European Journal of Development Research, 26-2, 2014, pp 190-203.)

Berckmoes, L.; de Jong, J; Reis, R, “Intergenerational transmission of violence and resilience in conflict-affected Burundi: A qualitative study of why some children thrive despite duress”, Global Mental Health, 4, 2017, e26.

Charak, R.; de Jong, J.; Berckmoes, L.; Ndayisaba, H.; Reis, R., “Assessing the factor structure of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, and cumulative effect of abuse and neglect on mental health among adolescents in conflict-affected Burundi”, Child Abuse & Neglect, 72, 2017, pp. 383-392.

Cook, Philip; et al., Community engagement to strengthen social cohesion and child protection in Chad and Burundi: ‘Bottom Up’ participatory monitoring, planning and action, Victoria: International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD), 2016, 35 p.

de Neubourg, Chris; Ramful, Nesha; Boon, Liên, La pauvreté des enfants au Burundi, Bujumbura: UNICEF-Burundi, 2017, 98 p.

Haegert, C.; Rachid, M.; Moxley-Haegert, L., “Narrative community work in Burundi, Africa: Working with orphaned children and teaching narrative practices to their caregivers”, International Journal of Narrative Therapy & Community Work, 4, 2018 pp. 40-52.

Haroz, Emily; et al., “Measuring hope among children affected by armed conflict: Cross- cultural construct validity of the children’s hope scale”, Assessment, 24-4, 2017, pp. 528-539.

[Burundi; Indonesia; Nepal]

Jeusette, Lionel; Verwimp, Philip, Childhood aspirations, occupational outcomes and exposure to violence: Evidence from Burundi, Working Paper ECARES 2017-26, Bruxelles:


European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2017, 53 p.

Moise, Imelda; Verity, Jaclyn; Kangmennaang, Joseph, “Identifying youth-friendly service practices associated with adolescents’ use of reproductive healthcare services in post-conflict Burundi: A cross-sectional study”, International Journal of Health Geographics, 16, 2017, 15 p.

Moise, Imelda, “Causes of Morbidity and Mortality among Neonates and Children in Post- Conflict Burundi: A Cross-Sectional Retrospective Study”, Children, 5-9, 2018. doi: 10.3390/


Ninahazimana, Adrien, “Ce que vivent les enfants des rues au Burundi”, L’Autre: Cliniques, cultures et sociétés, 17-3, 2016, pp. 275-282.

Nininahazwe, Cédric; et al., “Leadership and Innovation: Listening to and Learning From Young People in Burundi”, Journal of adolescent health, 60-2, 2017, pp. 7-9.

Yiga, Peter, Child Growth and Determinant Factors: A Case Study of Burundi, Master’s Thesis, Universiteit Gent, 2016, 69 p.

2) Femmes

Anderson, Miriam, “Burundi”, in Idem, Windows of opportunity: How women seize peace negotiations for political change, Oxford, UK/New York: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp.


Anderson, Miriam, “Women’s Advocacy Groups in Peace Negotiations”, in Malet, David;

Anderson, Miriam (eds), Transnational Actors in War and Peace: Militants, Activists, and Corporations in World Politics, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2017, pp.


Cheldelin, Sandra; Mutisi, Martha (eds), Deconstructing women, peace and security: A critical review of approaches to gender and empowerment, Cape Town: HSRC Press, 2016, 276 p. Includes:

Natukunda-Togboa, Edith, “Analysing the regional, national and NGO discourse in bringing women into peace processes: Lessons from Burundi, South Sudan and Uganda”, chapter 3.

Maina, Grace, “The ‘peace dividend’: The experiences of peace for women in post-conflict Burundi, Uganda and South Sudan”, chapter 11.

Sellstrom, Angela Muvumba, “Impunity for conflict-related sexual violence: Insights from Burundi's former fighters”, chapter 13.

Cools, Laura, En quête de justice: violences contre les femmes et les filles au Burundi: courts métrages, histoires de vie, guide pédagogique d’animation et de sensibilisation, Impunity Watch;

Cordaid, January 27, 2016, 56 p.

Guariso, Andrea; Ingelaere, Bert; Verpoorten, Marijke, Female political representation in the


Paper n° 074-2017, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER), 2017, 34 p.

Impunity Watch, Masculinities, violence against women in leadership and participation in transitional societies: Burundi & Guatemala: Enhancing UNSCR1325 Implementation, Utrecht:

IW, 2017, 9 p.

Martin de Almagro, Maria, “Negotiating gender security: The transnationalisation of local activist discourses in post-conflict Burundi and Liberia”, in Takhar, Shaminder (ed), Gender and Race Matter: Global Perspectives on Being a Woman, Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 2016, pp. 107-125.

Martin de Almagro, Maria, “Parcours croisés d’une internationalisation du militantisme féminin au Burundi et au Libéria”, Recherches féministes, 29-2, 2016, pp. 153-176.

Martin de Almagro, Maria, “La professionnalisation des associations locales des femmes dans la reconstruction post-conflit au Burundi: une stratégie de survie?”, in Paternotte, David;

Petra, Meier (eds), La professionnalisation des luttes pour l'égalité: genre et féminisme, Paris:

L’Harmattan, 2017, pp. 129-152.

Martin de Almagro, Maria, “International donors, the state and women civil society organisations in Burundi and Liberia”, in Marchetti, Raffaele (ed), Government-NGO

relationships in Africa, Asia, Europe, and MENA [Middle East and North Africa], Boca Raton, FL: Taylor and Francis, 2018, ch. 3.

Martin de Almagro, Maria, “Lost boomerangs, the rebound effect and transnational advocacy networks: a discursive approach to norm diffusion”, Review of International Studies, 44-4, 2018, pp. 672-693.

Martin de Almagro, Maria, “Producing Participants: Gender, Race, Class, and Women, Peace and Security”, Global Society, 32-4, 2018, pp. 395-414. [Burundi, DRC, Liberia]

Meyer-Parlapanis, D.; Bambonye, M.; et al., “Appetitive Aggression in Women: Comparing Male and Female War Combatants”, Frontiers in Psychology, 5 January 2016, doi: 10.3389/


Ndabarushimana, Alexis; Dushime, Francine, “Improving living conditions of widows: The role of sister connection organization in Burundi”, European Scientific Journal, 14-29, 2018, pp.


Ngayimbesha, Adrien; Berchmans, Bizimana; Stella, Gakima; et al., “Active lifestyle among pregnant women in Burundi”, American Journal of Sports Science, 6-3, 2018, pp. 74-77.

Saiget, Marie, “(De-)Politicising women’s collective action: International actors and land inheritance in post-war Burundi”, Review of African Political Economy, 43-149, 2016, pp.



Saiget, Marie, “Women’s participation in African peace negotiations: Cooperating with the UN agencies in Burundi and Liberia”, Peacebuilding, 4-1, 2016, pp. 28-40.

Saiget, Marie, Programmes internationaux et politisation de l’action collective des femmes dans l’entre-guerres: une sociologie des interventions sur le genre et les femmes au Burundi (1993-2015), Thèse de doctorat, Sciences Po/Institut d’études politiques (Paris), 2017, 578 p.

Shapiro, David; Tenikue, Michel, “Women’s education, infant and child mortality, and fertility decline in urban and rural sub-Saharan Africa”, Demographic Research, 37, 2017, pp.


Tripp, Aili Mari, “Reasons for Success: Bridging Difference”, in Ní Aoláin, Fionnuala; et al.

(eds), The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Conflict, Oxford University Press, 2017, pp. 437-442.

Varela, Natalia, et al., “Is microcredit changing women’s role? An exploratory study from rural Burundi”, International Journal of Gender & Women’s Studies, 4-2, 2016, pp. 63-77.

Vodickova, Anna, Transforming conflict at the local level: Women peace mediators in Burundi, Master’s Thesis, Charles University (Prague), 2018. 52 p.

Université du Burundi, Bujumbura, Mémoires de Licence (2016-2018)2

Problématique de l’exercice des droits politiques pour les femmes au Burundi (2016, 61 p.) Approche psychosociale de la vie d’une femme réfugiée victime du viol (2016, 85 p.) Reconstruction de la paix et des droits de la femme au Burundi (2016, 40 p.)

Pour la réussite de la Murundikazi dans sa carrière sportive (2016, 42 p.)

Impact du chômage sur le vécu psychosocial d’une femme sans emploi diplômée de l’école secondaire pédagogique (2016, 89 p.)

Le vécu psychosocial d’une femme allaitante séropositive étant sous le protocole de la prévention de la transmission du VIH/SIDA de la mère à l’enfant (2016, 100 p.)

Etude du vécu psychosocial d’une femme musulmane face à l’infidélité de son mari (2016, 82 p.) Etude des difficultés rencontrées par les femmes veuves du milieu rural dans l’éducation de leurs

enfants (2016, 86 p.)

Opinions des femmes déplacées de guerre sur l’utilisation des méthodes contraceptives (2016, 89 p.) Analyse des défis des femmes entrepreneures au Burundi (2016 , 64 p.)

La place de la femme dans les élections de 2005 et 2010 en mairie de Bujumbura (2016, 80 p.) Football et émancipation de la femme burundaise (2016, 77 p.)

Image de la femme à travers les chansons burundaises traditionnelles (2016, 58 p.)

Attitude de la femme musulmane burundaise face à la pratique des activités physiques et sportives (2016, 65 p.)

Problématique de l'intégration de la femme paysanne burundaise dans le développement socio- économique (2016, 63 p.)

A sociolinguistic analysis of some Kirundi proverbs used as a justification for women’s problems in the household (2016, 107 p.)

Search by title: “Femme”, “Femme burundaise”, “Femmes”, “Woman” (0 result), “Women” (1 result). Les notices


complètes, comprenant les noms et les affiliation des auteurs, sont disponibles sur le catologue de l’Université du


La part de la dot dans la définition du rôle et du statut de la femme burundaise (2017, 114 p.) La maternité vue par une femme séropositive enceinte (2017, 83 p.)

Difficultés de réintégration socio-familiale d’une femme remise de la fistule obstétricale (2017, 101 p.) Le vécu psychosocial d'une femme ex-détenue réintégrée dans son ménage (2017, 102 p.)

Etude de l’opinion au sujet de l’incidence de l’infidélité conjugale d’une femme sur l’éducation de ses enfants (2017, 92 p.)

Le vécu psychosocial d’une femme dont le mari vit avec un handicap physique de guerre (2017, 99 p.) L’impact de la fonction de leader d’une femme engagée dans la défense des droits de la femme sur sa

vie de couple (2017, 107 p.)

Vécu psychoaffectif de la femme dont le mari souffre d’un cancer (2017, 118 p.) Attitude d’une femme dont le mari est coupable du viol de la “Bonne” (2017, 100 p.)

Approche psychosociologique du métier de commerce ambulant chez une femme (2017, 99 p.)

Etude des facteurs qui sont à la base du désintéressement des femmes fonctionnaires du milieu rural à la pratique du sport (2017, 70 p.)

Les difficultés rencontrées par les intervenants psychosociaux auprès des femmes victimes de viol (2017, 64 p.)

La problématique de la succession foncière des femmes et filles au Burundi (2017, 64 p.) Le vécu quotidien de la femme dans les camps des déplacés (2017, 76 p.)

Considérations de la femme à travers quelques contes burundais et français (2017, 77 p.) La vie conjugale de la femme victime du viol (2018, 85 p.)

Le vécu psychosocial de la mère d'une femme divorcée (2018, 71 p.) Image de soi d’une femme professionnelle de sexe (2018, 87 p.)

3) Réfugiés; Migration; Diaspora

Anders, Allison, “‘It’s Almost Like We Were Sold’: Burundians with Refugee Status and Educational and Economic Inequity in the U.S.”, in Noblit, George; Pink, William (eds), Education, Equity, Economy: Crafting a New Intersection, Cham: Springer International, 2016, pp. 97-116.

Fletcher, Erin; Gitter, Seth; Wilhelm, Savannah, “Reporting Violence against Children: Social Norms in Nyarugusu Refugees Camp”, Migration Letters, 15-3, 2018, pp. 377-388.

Fransen, Sonja; Siegel, Melissa, “Reintegration of First- and Second-Generation Children Returned to Burundi: A Multidimensional Approach”, in Ensor, Marisa; Goździak, Elżbieta (eds), Children and Forced Migration: Durable Solutions During Transient Years, Cham:

Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp. 127-151.

Fransen, Sonja; Siegel, Melissa, “Diaspora Engagement Policies after Conflict: Burundi and Rwanda”, in Besharov, Douglas; Lopez, Mark (eds), Adjusting to a World in Motion: Trends in Global Migration and Migration Policy, New York: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 373-389.

Fransen, Sonja; Ruiz, Isabel; Vargas-Silva, Carlos, “Return Migration and Economic Outcomes in the Conflict Context”, World Development, 95, 2017, pp. 196-210.


Fransen, Sonja, “The Socio-Economic Sustainability of Refugee Return: Insights from Burundi”, Population, Space and Place, 23-1, 2017, Art. e1976.

Fransen, Sonja; Vargas-Silva, Carlos; Siegel, Melissa, “The impact of refugee experiences on education: Evidence from Burundi”, Journal of Development and Migration, 8-6, 2018, doi:


Fransen S.; Bilgili O., “Who reintegrates? The constituents of reintegration of displaced populations”, Population, Space and Place, 24-6, 2018, Art. e2140.

Havyarimana, F.; et al., “La contribution des camps de déplacés à la dynamique paysagère au sud et au sud-est du Burundi”, Tropicultura, 36-2, 2018, pp. 243-257.

Hülür, Himmet; Ayaz, Bahar, “Burundi’s refugee problem and Refugees International in the press”, in Baybars-Hawks, Banu (ed), Non-state actors in conflicts: Conspiracies, myths, and practices, Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, pp. 186-198.

International Crisis Group (ICG), Réfugiés burundais: l’avenir insaisissable, 10 November 2016, 5 p.

International Organization for Migration, Comparative study on the free movement of workers in select East African community countries Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and the United Republic of Tanzania, Geneva: IOM, 2018, 164 p.

Irakiza, Alain-Gibril, L’identité à l’épreuve du camp et de l’exil: la mémoire des réfugiés burundais au Canada, Master’s Thesis, University of Ottawa, 2018, 136 p.

Kuch, Amelia, “Naturalization of Burundian refugees in Tanzania: The debates on local integration and the meaning of citizenship revisited”, Journal of Refugee Studies, 30-3, 2017, pp.


Kuch, Amelia, “Land and exile: Revisiting the case of Burundian refugees in Tanzania”, Critical African Studies, 10-1, 2018, pp. 108-125.

Lukunka, Barbra, “‘They call us witches’: Exclusion and invisibility in the Burundian returnee reintegration process”, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 24-3, 2018, pp. 315-319.

Mitschke, Diane; et al., “Listening to refugees: How traditional mental health interventions may miss the mark”, International Social Work, 60-3, 2017, pp. 588-600. [Bhutan, Burma, Burundi, Congo (Brazzaville), Rwanda]

Munenge, Florent; Lebon, Mangaiko, “La problématique d’intégration des migrants ressortissants du Rwanda et du Burundi en République Démocratique du Congo”, European Scientific Journal, 14-5, 2018, pp. 299-327.

Mudage, Florent Munenge, Les immigrés congolais au Burundi: problèmes d’intégration, Riga: Éditions universitaires européennes, 2016, 160 p.


Njororai, Fletcher; Lee, Sungkyu, “Social capital and health among Burundian refugees in the United States”, International Social Work, 61-6, 2017, pp. 1116-1125.

Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides (OFPRA), Tanzanie: Discriminations et violences à l’égard de la communauté burundaise à partir de 2013, Paris: OFPRA, 8 février 2017, 10 p.

Purdeková, Andrea, “‘Barahunga Amahoro-They Are Fleeing Peace!’ The Politics of Re- Displacement and Entrenchment in Post-War Burundi”, Journal of Refugee Studies, 30-1, 2017, pp. 1-26.

Ramsay, Georgina, “Central African Refugee Women Resettled in Australia: Colonial Legacies and the Civilising Process”, Journal of Intercultural Studies, 38-2, 2017, pp.170-188.

[Burundi, DRC, Rwanda]

Refugees International, No Respite: Burundian refugees in the DR Congo, 26 May 2016, 11 p.

République du Burundi, Ministère de la Solidarité nationale, des Droits de la personne humaine et du Genre, Burundi: Stratégie nationale de réintégration socio-economique des personnes sinistrées: document de la stratégie révisée sur la base des solutions durables, Bujumbura: le Ministère, 2017, 88 p.

Schwartz, Stephanie, Homeward Bound: Return Migration and Local Conflict After Civil War, Doctoral Dissertation, Columbia University, 2018, 271 p. [Burundi, Tanzania]

Trauth, Jonathan, An Evaluation of the St. Leo Burundi Refugee Ministry Program, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Cincinnati, 2016, 155 p.

Tsai, Lily; Barr, Jennieffer; Welch, Anthony, “Single mothering as experienced by Burundian refugees in Australia: a qualitative inquiry”, BMC Nursing,16, 2017, 7 p.

Turner, Simon, “Staying out of Place: The Being and Becoming of Burundian Refugees in the Camp and the City”, Conflict & Society, 2-2, 2016, pp. 37-51.

Turner, Simon, “Cyberwars of words: Expressing the unsepakable in Burundi’s dispora”, Journal of ethnic and migration studies, 34-7, 2018, pp. 1161-1180.

Turner, Simon, “Responding to Purdeková”, Genocide Studies and Prevention,11-3, 2018, pp. 139-140.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Genève, 2016:

Democratic Republic of Congo: Refugees, Returnees and IDPs (as of December 31, 2016), 31 December 2016

Burundi Regional Refugee Response Plan, January-December 2017, December 2016 UNHCR Regional Update 32: Burundi Situation, December 2016.

UNHCR Regional Update 31: Burundi Situation, November 2016.

UNHCR, African host countries agree on final steps to resolve Rwandan refugee situation, 3 October 2016.

UNHCR Regional Update 30: Burundi Situation, October 2016.


UNHCR Regional Update 29: Burundi Situation, September 2016.

Over 300,000 Burundians have fled to stretched neighbouring countries, 23 Sept. 2016.

Update on UNHCR’s operations in Africa, 23 September 2016.

Uganda: Refugees and Asylum-Seekers in Country as of 31 August 2016.

UNHCR Regional Update 28: Burundi Situation, July/August 2016, 10 August 2016.

Burundian Refugees in Rwanda: Registration Statistics, 10 July 2016.

UNHCR Regional Update 27: Burundi Situation, 30 June 2016.

Rwanda: Population of Concern to UNHCR, 30 June 2016.

Burundian Refugees in Rwanda: Registration Statistics, 29 June 2016.

Uganda: Registered refugees and asylum-seekers, 1 June 2016.

UNHCR Regional Update 26: Burundi Situation, 31 May 2016.

UNHCR Regional Update 25: Burundi Situation, 30 April 2016.

Burundians continuing to flee the country one year after crisis began, 22 April 2016.

Uganda: Registered refugees and asylum-seekers, 1 April 2016.

UNHCR Regional Update 24: Burundi Situation, 31 March 2016.

UNHCR Regional Update 23: Burundi Situation, 15 March 2016.

UNHCR Regional Update 22: Burundi Situation, 15 February 2016.

Displacement of Burundians into Neighbouring Countries since April 2015, 15 Feb. 2016.

Uganda: Update on the Burundi Refugee Response, 9 February 2016.

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Kenya: Registered refugees and asylum-seekers (as of 31 December 2015), 13 January 2016.

Uwizeyimana, Emeline, “La transition humanitaire dans le camp des réfugiés burundais de Mahama: réalité et nécessité”, Les Papiers du Fonds [Fonds Croix-Rouge française], 11, 2017, 28 p.

Verwimp, Philip; Osti, Davide; Ostby, Gudrun, Migration, Forced Displacement and Fertility during Civil War: A Survival Analysis, Working Paper CEB:17-016, Bruxelles: Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2017, 38 p.

Weima, Yolande, “Gendered limits to the returnee village programme in Burundi”, Forced Migration Review, 52, 2016, pp. 61-62.

Yacob-Haliso, Olajumoke, “Identities, Conflicts, and Africa’s Refugee Crises”, in Oloruntoba, Samuel; Falola, Toyin (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of African Politics,

Governance and Development, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 353-366. [Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zaire]

Zamore, Leah, “Refugees, Development, Debt, Austerity: A Selected History”, Journal on Migration and Human Security, 6-1, 2018, pp. 26-60.

4) Ethnicité

Acedo-Carmona, C.; Munar, E.; Gomila, A., “Trust-based altruism facing new contexts: The


Alfieri, Valeria, “Le Palipehutu/FNL au Burundi: Dynamiques d’ethnicisation et de

‘désethnicisation’”, Politique Africaine, 141, 2016, pp. 169-190.

Gnudi, Beatrice, “Forgiveness: Love relationship”, Journal for Perspectives of Economic, Political, and Social Integration, 24-1, 2018, pp. 93-102.

Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Burundi: The situation of the Tutsi, including the Tutsi elite; their treatment by the authorities and by society; and protection provided to them (December 2015-February 2017), Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, 6 March 2017, 5 p.

Lange, Matthew, “The origins of ethnic pluralism”, in Idem, Killing Others: A Natural History of Ethnic Violence, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2017, pp. 101-121.

Mpawenimana, Abdallah Saidi; Mohammed, Adam Andani; Bougangue, Bassoumah,

“Exhumed conflict in East Africa: causes and implications of ethnic conflict in Burundi”, International Journal of Advanced Research, 5-10, 2017, pp. 980-990.

Ndizeye, Alfred, De l’instauration des villages de paix comme mécanisme de canalisation des tension ethniques au Burundi, Mémoire de Licence, Bujumbura: Université du Burundi, 2016, 61 p.

Nimuraba, Sixte, Ethnic Identity Shift in Burundi, Doctoral Dissertation, George Mason University, 2018, 316 p.

Niyorugira, Olivier, Impact des stéréotypes et préjugés ethniques sur le choix des représentants des étudiants à l’Université du Burundi à l’échelon supérieur, Mémoire de Licence, Bujumbura: Université du Burundi, 2017, 93 p.

Toyi, Marie-Thérèse, “Ethnic conflict in Burundi: Implications for education and culture”, Matatu, 48-2, 2017, pp. 403-417.




1) Agriculture; Agronomie

Abingoye Mayug, Immaculée, Factors influencing smallholder farmers’ participation in timber production and marketing in Burundi: The case of Muruta, commune of Kayanza

province, Master’s Thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, 2016, 72 p.

Ainembabazi, John; et al., “Improving the speed of adoption of agricultural technologies and farm performance through farmer groups: Evidence from the Great Lakes region of Africa”, Agricultural Economics, 48-2, 2017, pp. 241-259.

Ajambo, S., et al., “Recovering banana production in bunchy top-affected areas in Sub- Saharan Africa: developing gender-responsive approaches”, Acta horticulturae, 1196, 2018, pp.

219-228. [Burundi; DRC; Gabon; Nigeria]

Bararyenya, Astère; et al., “Assessment of Opportunities for Burundian Small-Scale Potato Farmers to Increase Productivity and Income”, Potato Research, 61, 2018, pp. 73-88.

Blomme, Guy, “A control package revolving around the removal of single diseased banana stems is effective for the restoration of Xanthomonas wilt infected fields”, European journal of plant pathology, 149-2, 2017, pp. 385-400.

Demanet, Caroline; Ghins, Léopold; Kabura, Gaspar; Kabura, Junie, Analyse des dépenses publiques en soutien à l’agriculture et à l’alimentation au Burundi, 2006-2014, Rome:

Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture, 2016, 27 p.

Duchaufour, Hervé, “La jachère bananière en milieu agroforestier montagnard tropical densément peuplé du Burundi (Mumirwa central)”, in Roose, É. (ed), Restauration de la

productivité des sols tropicaux et méditerranéens: contribution à l’agroécologie, Marseille: IRD Éditions, 2018, pp. 103-116.

Ekesa, B.; Nabuuma, D.; Kennedy, G.; Van den Bergh, I., “Sensory evaluation of provitamin A carotenoid-rich banana cultivars on trial for potential adoption in Burundi and Eastern

Democratic Republic of Congo”, Fruits, 72-5, 2017, pp. 261-272.

Emera, W.; Ntwengeyabandi, A.; Ghins, L., Analyse des incitations par les prix pour le thé au Burundi pour la période 2005-2014, Rome: Organisation des Nations Unies pour

l’alimentation et l’agriculture, 2016, 53 p.


Fleisher, David; et al., “A potato model intercomparison across varying climates and productivity levels”, Global Change Biology, 23-3, 2017, pp. 1258-1281. [Bolivia; Burundi;

Denmark; United States]

Franzel, Steven, “Use of an indigenous board game “Bao” for assessing farmers' preferences among alternative agricultural technologies”, in Peters, G.; Pingali, P. (eds), Tomorrow’s

Agriculture: Incentives, Institutions, Infrastructure and Innovations: Proceedings of the Twenty- fourth International Conference of Agricultural Economists, New York: Routledge, 2017, pp.

416-425. [Burundi, Kenya]

Hakizimana, C.; May, J., “Can smallholder avocado production reduce poverty and improve food security through internal markets? The case of Giheta, Burundi”, Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 27-4, 2018, pp. 203-216.

Hermans, Frans; Sartas, Murat; van Schagen, Boudy; van Asten, Piet; Schut, Marc, “Social network analysis of multi-stakeholder platforms in agricultural research for development:

Opportunities and constraints for innovation and scaling”, PLoS ONE, 12-2, 2017, 21 p.

Kakuru M.; Rietveld A.; Mbabazi G.; Ajambo S., “Banana-based beverages in East and Central Africa: A money-maker for rural male and female value-chain actors?”, Acta Horticulturae, 1196, 2018, pp. 229-236.

Karangwa, Patrick, “Genetic Diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense in East and Central Africa”, Plant Disease, 102-3, 2018, pp. 552-560. [Burundi; CAR; Rwanda; Tanzania;


Kessler, C.; van Duivenbooden, N.; Nsabimana, F., “Bringing ISFM [Integrated Soil Fertility Management] to scale through an integrated farm planning approach: A case study from

Burundi”, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 105-3, 2016, pp. 249-261.

Manirakiza, Dismas; Ndimanya, Patrice; Lebailly, Philippe, “Les effets du warrantage sur la croissance des organisations paysannes au Burundi: cas des coopératives agricoles de la

Confédération des Associations de Producteurs Agricoles pour le Développement (CAPAD)”, Les Cahiers de l’Association Tiers-Monde. 33, 2018, pp. 105-116.

Manirakiza, J.; et al., “Effect of genetic European taurine ancestry on milk yield of Ankole- Holstein crossbred dairy cattle in mixed smallholders system of Burundi highlands”, Animal Genetics, 48-5, 2017, pp. 544-550.

Mupfasoni,B.; Kessler, A.; Lans, T., “Sustainable agricultural entrepreneurship in Burundi:

drivers and outcomes”, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 25-1, 2018, pp.


Murorunkwere, Honorine, Factors influencing implementation of rice farming intensification project in Karusi province, Burundi, Master’s Thesis, Moi University, Nairobi, 2017, 128 p.


Nakato, Valentine, “Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum: A major constraint to banana, plantain and enset (sic) production in central and east Africa over the past decade”, Molecular Plant Pathology, 19-3, 2018, pp. 525-536.

Ndagijimana, Marcien; Kessler, Aad; Van Asseldonk, Marcel, “Understanding farmers’

investments in sustainable land management in Burundi: A case-study in the provinces of Gitega and Muyinga”, Land Degradation and Development, 2018, 9 p. doi.org/10.1002/ldr.3231

Ndayihanzamaso, P.; et al., “Distribution, incidence and farmers knowledge of banana xanthomonas wilt in Burundi”, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 11-38, 2016, pp.


Ndayizeye, Liévin; Nzigidahera, Benoît; Theron, Charmaine, “Effect of Parapheromones on the Capture of Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Burundi”, Journal of agricultural science &

technology, 7-6, 2017. doi: 10.17265/2161-6256/2017.06.007

Ndayizeye, Loïc, Capacity building and project sustainability in Ngozi province, Burundi: a case study of Agri-business project (PRODEFI), Master’s Thesis, Kampala International

University, 2018, 70 p.

Ndedi, Alain; Nisabwe, Florence, “Roadmap of Enabling Agricultural Policies to Deal with Poverty in Burundi”, Social Science Research Network, 2017, 6 p.

Niragira, Sanctus, Understanding Smallholder Farming Systems for Food Security in Burundi, Doctoral Dissertation, Ghent University, 2016.

Niyonkuru, Deogratias, Pour la dignité paysanne: expériences et témoignages d’Afrique:

réflexions, pistes méthodologiques, Bruxelles: GRIP, 2018, 515 p.

Niyuhire, Marie-Chantal; et al., “Profitability of diammonium phosphate use in bush and climbing bean-maize rotations in smallholder farms of Central Burundi”, Field Crops Research, 212, 2017, pp. 52-60.

Nshimirimana, Florence, Quelle stratégie pour l'argiculture durable au Burundi?, Riga:

Éditions universitaires européennes, 2017, 52 p.

Nzeyimana, Mamerthe, Rice Market Integration and Price Transmission in Burundi, Master’s Thesis, Moi University (Nairobi), 2016, 78 p.

Nyamweru, Jean-Claude, Economic efficiency of smallholder rice producers in Maramvya Irrigated Scheme, Burundi, Master’s Thesis, Sokoine University of Agriculture (Morogoro), 2017, 74 p.

Okito, Gabriel Mukabo; et al., “Socio-économie de la pêche artisanale dans les eaux

burundaises du lac Tanganyika à Mvugo et Muguruka”, International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 11-1, 2017, pp. 247-265.

Okonya, J.; et al., “Pesticide use practices in root, tuber and banana crops by smallholder


Sartas, Murat; Schut, Marc; Hermans, Frans; van Asten, Piet; Leeuwis, Cees, “Effects of multi-stakeholder platforms on multi-stakeholder innovation networks: Implications for research for development interventions targeting innovations at scale”, PLoS One, 13-6, 2018. doi.org/

10.1371/journal.pone.0197993 [Burundi, DRC, Rwanda]

Van Soesbergen, Arnout; Arnell, Andrew; Sassen, Marieke; et al., “Exploring future

agricultural development and biodiversity in Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi: a spatially explicit scenario-based assessment”, Regional Environmental Change, 17-5, 2017, pp. 1409-1420.

2) Caféiculture

—, “Brewing success in Burundi’s coffee industry”, Strategic Direction, 34-2, 2018, pp.


Bro, Aniseh; Clay, Daniel, “Transforming Burundi’s coffee sector through strategic value chain investments”, Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 7-3, 2017, pp. 218-230.

Kamwenubusa, Emile; et al., Guide sur la gestion durable d'une exploitation caféicole au Burundi: Outil de formation des caféiculteurs, Bujumbura: CNAC, 2017, 101 p.

Kuhanen, Jan, “Contraband Coffee: Illegal Economy and Coffee Smuggling in East and Central Africa, ca. 1950-1980”, International Journal of African Historical Studies, 50-2, 2017, pp. 327-347.

Ndabarushimana, Alexis; Toh, Alain; Kouadio Amani Augustin, “Innovations techniques caféicoles au Burundi: étude des contraintes socio-économiques et des conditions d’adoption et de diffusion des innovations techniques dans la province Kayanza”, European Scientific Journal, 12-17, 2016, pp. 383-396.

Ndabarushimana, Alexis, “Caféiculture et accès aux soins de santé au Burundi: analyse de la dynamique des mutuelles de santé des caféiculteurs de la province Kayanza au nord du

Burundi”, European Scientific Journal, 14-3, 2018, pp. 427-451.

Nillesen, Eleonora, “Empty Cups? Assessing the Impact of Civil War Violence on Coffee Farming in Burundi”, African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 11-1, 2016, pp.


Rosenberg, Lauren, ‘Turi kumwe’ (we are together): A transdisciplinary exploration of the Burundian specialty coffee sector and its sustainability challenges, Doctoral Dissertation, Stellenbosch University, 2017.

Rosenberg, Lauren; et al., “Practices of Third Wave Coffee: A Burundian Producer’s Perspective”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 27-2, 2018, pp. 199-214.


Thiruchelvam, V.; et al., “Blockchain-based technology in the coffee supply chain trade:

Case of Burundi coffee”, Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 10-3/2, 2018, pp. 121-125.

3) Sylviculture

Bangirinama, F.; Nzitwanayo, B.; Hakizimana, P., “Utilisation du charbon de bois comme principale source d’énergie de la population urbaine: un sérieux problème pour la conservation du couvert forestier au Burundi”, Bois et forêts des tropiques, 328, 2017, pp. 45-53.

Habonimana, Bernadette; Megerle, Heidi; Hein, Sebastian, “Wald und Waldbewirtschaftung in Burundi”, Holz-Zentralblatt, 19, 2018, pp. 456-458. [Forest and forest management in


Havyarimana, Déo; Muthuri, Catherine; Muriuki, Jonathan; Mburu, David, “Constraints encountered by nursery operators in establishing agroforestry tree nurseries in Burundi”, Agroforestry Systems, 2018. doi.org/10.1007/s10457-018-0246-2

Havyarimana, F.; Masharabu, T.; Kouao, J.; et al., “La dynamique spatiale de la forêt située dans la réserve naturelle forestière de Bururi au Burundi”, Tropicultura, 35-3, 2017, pp. 158-172.

Kinuthia, Ruth, Kiptot, Evelyne; Nkurunzinza, Claudette, The Extension System In Burundi:

Kayanza Province, Muruta Commune, ACIAR ‘Trees For Food Security’ Project, 2016, 30 p.

[Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research]

Nkengurutse, J.; et al., “Germination Optimization Study of Five Indigenous Fabaceae Tree Species from Burundi Miombo Woodlands”, Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 7-12, 2016, pp. 4391-4402.

4) Foncier

Bisoka, A.; Ansoms, A.; Mudinga, E., “Transgression de règles dans la gestion foncière au Burundi: la catégorie locale en question”, in Leclerc-Olive, Michèle, (ed), Anthropologie des prédations foncières: Entreprises minières et pouvoirs locaux, Paris: Editions des archives contemporaines, 2017, pp. 85-98.

de Juan, Alexander, “‘Traditional’ resolution of land conflicts: The survival of precolonial dispute settlement in Burundi”, Comparative Political Studies, 50-13, 2017, pp. 1835-1868.

Lukunka, Barbra, “The Romance of Return: Post-exile Lives and Interpersonal Violence Over Land in Burundi”, in Buckley-Zistel, Susanne; Krause, Ulrike (eds), Gender, violence, refugees, New York: Berghahn Books, 2017, chap. 12.

Ndabibona, Anaclet, Analyse des conflits consécutifs à la vente des propriétés foncières et expropriation, Mémoire de Licence, Université du Burundi, 2017, 53 p.


Nindorera, Louis-Marie (ed), La gouvernance foncière au Burundi: Evaluation avec le Cadre d’Analyse de la Gouvernance Foncière (CAGF), Bujumbura: The World Bank; ZOA; Kingdom of Netherlands, 2017, 192 p.

Sindayihebura, Anicet, Upgrading of land resources datasets to support rural land use planning in Burundi, Doctoral Dissertation, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2017.

Tchatchoua-Djomo, Rosine; van der Haar, Gemma; van Dijk, Han; van Leeuwen, Mathijs,

“Intricate links: Displacement, ethno-political conflict, and claim-making to land in Burundi”, Geoforum, 2018. doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.03.023

Tchatchoua-Djomo, Rosine, “Improving local land governance: Exploring the linkages between land governance reforms, institutional pluralism and tenure security in Burundi”, Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 50-1, 2018, pp. 31-55.

Van Leeuwen, Mathijs; Van der Haar, Gemma, “Theorizing the Land-Violent Conflict Nexus”, World Development, 78, 2016, pp. 94-104.

Van Leeuwen, Mathijs, “Crisis or continuity? Framing land disputes and local conflict resolution in Burundi”, in Idem, Partners in peace: Discourses and practices of civil-society peacebuilding, London/New York: Routledge, 2016, pp. 123-144.

Van Leeuwen, M.; Kobusingye, D.; Justin, P.; Djomo, R.; van Dijk, J., Post-conflict land governance reform in the African Great Lakes region. Part III: Securing tenure of smallholder peasants, ASC Infosheet 32/2016, Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2016, 6 p.

Wittig, Katrin, “‘C’est comme ça que cela pourrait recommencer’: l’épineuse question foncière au Burundi”, Canadian Journal of African Studies, 51-1, 2017, pp. 1-22.

5) Environnement: Ressources, Sciences naturelles

Akresh, Richard, “Climate change, conflict, and children”, The Future of Children 26-1, 2016, pp. 51-71.

Asefi-Najafabady, S.; Vandecar, K.; Seimon, A.; Lawrence, P.; Lawrence, D., “Climate change, population, and poverty: Vulnerability and exposure to heat stress in countries bordering the Great Lakes of Africa”, Climatic Change, 148-4, 2018, pp. 561-573.

Bakundukize, Charles; et al., “Poor understanding of the hydrogeological structure is a main cause of hand-dug wells failure in developing countries: A case study of a Precambrian basement aquifer in Bugesera region (Burundi)”, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 121, 2016, pp.


Bakundukize, Charles; et al., “Occurrences of evaporitic salts in Bugesera region (Burundi) and relation to hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater”, Environmental Earth Sciences, 77-6, 2018.


Buhungu, Simon; et al., “Etablissement du pollutogramme et de l’hydrogramme de la rivière Kinyankonge, Burundi”, International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 11-3, 2017, pp. 1386-1399.

Buhungu, S.; Montchowui, E.; Barankanira, E.; et al., “Caractérisation spatio-temporelle de la qualité de l’eau de la rivière Kinyankonge, affluent du Lac Tanganyika, Burundi”,

International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 12-1, 2018, pp. 576-595.

Decrée, Sophie; et al. “Fluorapatite in Carbonatite-Related Phosphate Deposits: The Case of the Matongo Carbonatite (Burundi)”, Mineralium Deposita, 51-4, 2016, pp. 453-466.

Degefu, D.; He, W.; Yuan, L., “Monotonic bargaining solution for allocating critically scarce transboundary water”, Water Resources Management, 31-9, 2017, pp. 2627-2644.

Gielen, Clio; et al., “Characterisation of Central-African aerosol and trace-gas emissions based on MAX-DOAS measurements and model simulations over Bujumbura, Burundi”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 41 p. doi.org/10.5194/acp-2016-1104

Gutierrez, Alexis; Barrat, Jean-Marie, “Groundwater Resources of Burundi: New Elements and Decision Making Tools”, 35th International Geological Congress: IGC 2016, Cape Town, 2016.

Hakizimana, Dismas; Huynen, Marie-Claude; Hambuckers, Alain, “Structure and floristic composition of Kibira rainforest, Burundi”, Tropical Ecology, 57-4, 2016, pp. 739-749.

Kheria, Mfuranzima; Kang, Daeseok; Sung, Kijune, “Rainwater Harvesting Potential in a New Residential Area in North Bujumbura, Burundi”, 한국환경과학회지 [Journal of

Environmental Sciences], 25-3, 2016, pp. 447-456.

Lavreau, Johan, “Geodetic Datum Transformation Parameters towards WGS84 Applicable to the 1/50k Topographical Map (1981) of Burundi”, International Journal of Geosciences, 7-5, 2016, pp. 631-636.

Lawin, Agnidé; Manirakiza, Célestin; Lamboni, Batablinle, “Trends and changes detection in rainfall, temperature and wind speed in Burundi”, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2018, jwc2018155.

Melis, Samantha, “The Fragile State of Disaster Response: Understanding Aid-State Relations in Post-conflict Settings”, in Brauch, Hans; et al. (eds), Climate Change, Disasters, Sustainability Transition and Peace in the Anthropocene, Cham: Springer, 2018, pp. 67-94.

Mills, S.; Christy, A.; Kampf, A.; Birch, W.; Kasatkin, A., “Hydroxykenoelsmoreite, the first new mineral from the Republic of Burundi”, European Journal of Mineralogy, 29-3, 2017, pp.


Mukhala, E.; Maingi, N.; Ngaina, J., A synthesis of the impact of climate change on

agricultural production systems in the East African Community Region, KIPPRA Working Paper n° 26, Nairobi: Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2017, 38 p.


Mukhala, Elijah; Ngaina, J.; Maingi, N., Downscaled climate analysis on historical, current and future trends in the East African community region, Nairobi: Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2017, 57 p.

Mulwa, Richard, Impact of climate change and agricultural policy on household welfare and trade in East Africa Community, KIPPRA Working Paper No. 27, Nairobi: Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2017, 83 p.

Ndayizeye, Tharcisse, Etudes sur les ressources naturelles au Burundi, Riga: Éditions universitaires européennes, 2017, 72 p.

Ndagijimana, M.; et al., “Facing climate change in Burundi with an integrated agricultural and health insurance approach”, The State of Microinsurance, 3, 2017, pp. 32-37.

Nibigira, Léonidas; Havenith, Hans-Balder; Archambeau, Pierre; et al., “Formation, breaching and flood consequences of a landslide dam near Bujumbura, Burundi”, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18-7, 2018, pp. 1867-1890.

Niyongabire, Emmanuel; et al., “Use of Digital Elevation Model in a GIS For Flood

Susceptibility Mapping: Case of Bujumbura City”, Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 13-17 June 2016, Albena, Bulgaria, pp. 241-248.

Nsabimana, Abel, Orpaillage et érosion des sols: cas de Mabayi au Burundi, Riga: Éditions universitaires européennes, 2017, 52 p.

Ntiharirizwa, Seconde, Le potentiel en ressources minérales du Burundi: ceinture orogénique kibarienne, Afrique centre-orientale, Riga: Éditions universitaires européennes, 2017, 128 p.

Ntiharirizwa, Seconde; et al., “Geology and U-Th-Pb Dating of the Gakara REE Deposit, Burundi”, Minerals, 8-9, 2018, 22 p.

Ntiharirizwa, S.; Boulvais, P.; Poujol, M.; et al., “Le gisement des terres rares de classe mondiale de la région de Gakara au Burundi, Afrique centre-orientale”, Lille: 26ème réunion des Sciences de la terre-RST, 2018, p. 464.

Ntiranyibagira, Elysée; et al., “Analysis of Landscape Dynamics, Trend Indicators and Evolutionary Trends in the Rusizi National Park (Burundi) from 1980 to 2015 by Remote

Sensing and Field Investigations”, American Journal of Environmental Protection, 6-2, 2017, pp.


Ntiranyibagira, Elysée; et al., “Influence of Peripheral Socio-economic Interactions and Participatory Management on the Exploitation and Evolution of the Rusizi National Park (Burundi) from 1984 to 2015”, Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 9-3, 2017, pp. 1-16.

Ntiranyibagira, Elysée; et al.., “Water Resources Dynamics and Vulnerability in Rusizi National Park (Burundi) from 1984 to 2015, in the Context of Climate Change and Global Warming”, International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 8-4, 2018, pp. 308-331.


Paredis, Bram; Muchez, Philippe; Dewaele, Stijn, “Platinum group element mineralization at Musongati (Burundi): Concentration and Pd-Rh distribution in pentlandite”, Geologica Belgica, 20-1/2, 2017, 18 p.

Plisnier, Pierre-Denis; Nshombo, Muderhwa; Mgana, Huruma; Ntakimazi, Gaspard,

“Monitoring climate change and anthropogenic pressure at Lake Tanganyika”, Journal of Great Lakes Research, 44-6, 2018, pp. 1194-1208.

Polisi, Alphonse; et al., Burundi: Country Environmental Analysis: Understanding the Environment within the Dynamics of a Complex World: Linkages to Fragility, Conflict, and Climate Change, Washington, DC: World Bank Group, 2017, 170 p.

Post, V.; Vassolo, S.; Tiberghien, C.; Baranyikwa, D.; Miburo, D., “Weathering and evaporation controls on dissolved uranium concentrations in groundwater: A case study from northern Burundi”, Science of the Total Environment, 609, 2017, pp. 281-293.

Post, V.; Vassolo, S.; Tiberghien, C.; et al., “High uranium concentrations in groundwater in Burundi”, 15TH Water-Rock Interaction International Symposium, WRI-15, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 17, 2017, pp. 524-527.

Sindayihebura, Anicet; Ottoy, Sam; Dondeyne, Stefaan; Van Meirvenne, Marc; Van

Orshoven, Jos, “Comparing digital soil mapping techniques for organic carbon and clay content:

Case study in Burundi's central plateaus”, CATENA, 156, 2017, pp. 161-175.

Vassolo, Sara; Neukum, Christoph; Tiberghien, Christian; et al., “Hydrogeology of a weathered fractured aquifer system near Gitega, Burundi” Hydrogeology Journal, 2018, 13 p.

doi: 10.1007/s10040-018-1877-0

Walraevens, Kristine; Bakundukize, Charles; Mtoni, Yohana; Van Camp, Marc,

“Understanding the hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in Precambrian basement aquifers: A case study of Bugesera region in Burundi”, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 188, 2018, pp. 24-42.

World Bank Group, Burundi Country Environmental Analysis: Understanding the Environment within the Dynamics of a Complex World: Linkages to Fragility, Conflict, and Climate Change, Washington, DC: World Bank, 2017, 148 p.

Yu, C.; Chen, S.; Zhang, L.; et al., “Changes in water quality of the rivers discharging into Lake Tanganyika in Bujumbura, Burundi”, Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 21-2, 2018, pp. 201-212.

6) Faune; Flore

Fischer, Eberhard, “A new species of Mimulopsis (Acanthaceae) from Rwanda and Burundi”, Phytotaxa, 299-1, 2017, pp. 87-95.


Kahindo, Charles; Bates, John; Bowie, Rauri, “Population genetic structure of Grauer's Swamp Warbler Bradypterus graueri, an Albertine Rift endemic”, Ibis, 159-2, 2017, pp. 415-429.

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Kmentová, Nikol; et al., “First insights into the diversity of gill monogeneans of

'Gnathochromis' and Limnochromis (Teleostei, Cichlidae) in Burundi: Do the parasites mirror host ecology and phylogenetic history?”, PeerJ: The Journal of Life and Environmental Sciences, 4, 2016. doi: 10.7717/peerj.1629

Koffi, Kouao; et al., “Phenomenon of vicariance in the acanthaceae family in Central Africa (DR Congo, Rwanda and Burundi)”, International Journal of Current Research, 9-8, 2017, pp.


Lawton, Scott, “DNA barcoding of the medically important freshwater snail Physa acuta reveals multiple invasion events into Africa”, Acta Tropica, 188, 208, pp. 86-92. [Angola;

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Mélis, Blandine, “Surprise hippo invades bird walk in Burundi”, Suiform Soundings, 17-1, 2018, pp. 95-96.

Nasasagare, Régine-Pacis; Ndayisaba, Ernest; Libois, Roland, “La déprédation non aléatoire chez les oiseaux granivores du marais de Kagogo-Gisumo au Burundi”, Bulletin scientifique sur l’environnement et la biodiversité, 2, 2017, pp. 1-8.

Ndayikeza, Longin, Abeilles pollinisatrices et anthropisation au Burundi, Riga: Éditions universitaires européennes, 2017, 96 p.

Ndayikeza, L.; Nzigidahera, B.; Mpawenimana, A.; Pauly, A., “Phénologie des abeilles sauvages dans le Parc National de la Kibira au Burundi (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)”, Belgian Journal of Entomology, 69, 2018, pp. 1-19.

Ndayizeye, Lievin, Fruit Flies in the Western Region of Burundi, Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016, 72 p.

Nduwarugira, Deogratias; et al., “Role of termite mounds on the distribution of spiders in miombo woodland of South-Western Burundi”, Arachnology, 17-1, 2016, pp. 28-38.

Nduwarugira, Deogratias, Ecologie des termites (“Umuswa”) et rôle des termitières dans la biodiversité de la forêt claire miombo au Burundi: impact pour la conservation, Thèse de Doctorat, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2016, 95 p.

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Ngezahayo, Frédéric; Manirakiza, Laurent; Manirakiza, Eliane, “Impact of altitude on morphological traits-based phenotypic variability in Bidens pilosa L. from three natural regions of Burundi”, Annual Research & Review in Biology, 28-3, 2018, Article n° ARRB.43078, 11 p.

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Van Cakenberghe, Victor; et al., “The bats of the Congo and of Rwanda and Burundi revisited (Mammalia: Chiroptera)”, European Journal of Taxonomy, 382, 2017, pp. 1-327.

Verlynde, Simon; et al., “Taxonomic revision of the genus Bolusiella (Orchidaceae, Angraecinae) with a new species from Cameroon, Burundi and Rwanda”, Phytotaxa, 114-1, 2018, pp. 1-22.

Zhang, Mingli; Zhuc, Gelin, “Resurrection of the genus Botrydium Spach (Chenopodiaceae), with a description of four new species from China, Peru and Burundi”, Plant Diversity, 38-6, 2016, pp. 322-329.

Zonstein, Sergei, “Notes on the spider genus Acontius, with a description of two new species from Guinea and Burundi (Aranei: Cyrtaucheniidae)”, Arthropoda Selecta, 27-3, 2018, pp.





1) Développement; Économie

Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series (2016-2018) Coffee: Burundi, 53-1, January 2016.

Power: Burundi-DR Congo-Rwanda, 52-12, January 2016.

Burundi-EU: Aid Suspended, 53-3, April 2016.

Political Crisis Cripples Economy, 53-2, April 2016.

Economy on the Ropes, 53-4, June 2016.

Forex Bureau Arrests, 53-8, October 2016.

Burundi: Tea, 53-12, February 2017.

Burundi: Power: 54-1, March 2017.

Authorities Accused of Extortion, 54-3, May 2017.

Petrol Shortages Expose Economic Woes, 54-4, June 2017.

Burundi: Rural Finance Inclusion, 54-10, December 2017.

General: Burundi, 54-11, January 2018.

Burundi: Ineffective State, 55-4, June 2018.

Economy Suffers from Years of Political Crisis, 55-8, October 2018.

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perspectives de la vie économique, 55-1, 2016, pp. 29-46. [Burundi, DRC, Rwanda, Uganda]

Cahier du CURDES, 15, mai 2016, Gouvernance financière, institutions et développement au Burundi, Sommaire:

Nimubona, F., “Le caractère socialement injuste de la taxation des produits de première nécessité au Burundi”, pp. 1-34;

Nizigiyimana, R., “Analyse de la fonction de réaction de la Banque de la République du Burundi face aux chocs macroéconomiques”, pp. 35-70;

Nzirorera, C., “Effets de l’inflation sur les dépenses publiques au Burundi (1975-2012)”, pp. 71-92;

Ndayizeye, L., “Qualité institutionnelle et échanges intra-EAC”, pp. 93-133;

Bizimungu, A., “Impact des avantages du code des investissements accordés ces cinq dernières années sur l’économie nationale”, pp. 134-172;


Kabwigiri, C., “Les dispositifs d’accompagnement des jeunes entrepreneurs au Burundi: bilan et perspectives”, pp. 174-221;

Ndereyahaga, R., “Long Term Development Policies and Visions in EAC Countries: A Comparative Study”, pp. 222-309;

Ntawiratsa, R., “Contenu informationnel du Plan Comptable National Révisé du Burundi, édition 2012”, pp. 310-349;

Niyongabo, G., “Infrastructure et développement économique au Burundi”, pp. 350-377.

Cahier du CURDES, 16, décembre 2016, Privatisation, gouvernance, microfinance et performance financière des entreprises au Burundi, Sommaire:

Gahungu, D.; Nsabimana, S., “Analyse des créances en souffrance du secteur privé et du secteur public détenues par l’Etat au Burundi: Structure et portée sur la période 2005-2012”, pp. 9-42;

Kabwigiri, C., “Les pratiques d’intermédiation financière de proximité et inclusion financière au Burundi”, pp. 43-80;

Ntawiratsa, R.; Nzirorera, C. “Are female borrowers less risky than men? Empirical evidence from Burundian microfinance institutions”, pp. 81-102;

Bizimungu, A., “La privatisation initiée au Burundi depuis 1991: Bilan et perspectives”, pp. 103-142;

Nzirorera, C.; Ntawiratsa. R., “Privatisation et performances des entreprises privatisées: cas du Burundi”, pp. 143-198;

Ndayitwayeko, W., “A tale of fiscal decentralization and governance of Burundi”, pp. 171-198;

Ndayizeye, L., “Classes moyennes et perspectives de croissance et de développement économique en Afrique”, pp. 199-226;

Nimubona, F., “Production et possibilité d’intégration monétaire: cas des pays de la Communauté d’Afrique de l’Est”, pp. 227-252;

Manirakiza, D., “Performance de transfert des paquets technologiques en milieu rural: cas des ONGs locales”, pp. 253-282;

Mupfasoni, B., “The relationship between cooperative societies’ intervention and entrepreneurial capacities: a case of some small businesses in northern Burundi”, pp. 285-306.

Cahier du CURDES, 17, avril 2018, Finances, agriculture et assainissement. Sommaire:

Nsengiyumva, T.; Manirakiza, D.; Nimubona, F., “Déterminants de l’offre de crédits agricoles: cas des micro-finances au Burundi”, pp. 10-42;

Ndayizeye, L.; Niyuhire, P., “Importance du risque systémique au Burundi et sa prévention”, pp.


Nimubona, F., “Coûts d’inefficience de l’impôt foncier en Mairie de Bujumbura”, pp. 88-122;

Niyuhire, P., “Analyse de l’approche d’égalité des genres en matière d’inclusion financière au Burundi”, pp. 123-167;

Mbonabuca, D.; Niyuhire, P.; Gahungu, D., “Géographie du capital et performance financière des entreprises burundaises”, pp. 168-205;

Kwizera, E.; Kassai, Z.; Ndayitwayeko, W., “Analysis of technical Agricultural Efficiency in Burundi: Case study of staple crop”, pp. 206-250;

Manirakiza, D.; Munezero, P., “Préfinancement d’enlèvement des ordures ménagères comme solution à l’assainissement urbain: une évaluation du consentement à payer dans la ville de Gitega”, pp. 251-300.

Cieslik, Katarzyna, “Moral economy meets social enterprise community-based green energy project in rural Burundi”, World Development, 83, 2016, pp. 12-26.


Cieslik, Katarzyna, Micro-entrepreneurs in Rural Burundi: Innovation and Contestation at the Bottom of the Pyramid, Doctoral Dissertation, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2016, 173 p.

Cieslik, Katarzyna; D’Aoust, Olivia, “Risky Business? Rural Entrepreneurship in

Subsistence Markets : Evidence from Burundi”, European Journal of Development Research, 30-4, 2018, pp. 693-717.

Ciza, M.; Szpytko, J., “Transport system telematics: Burundi case study”, Archives of Transport System Telematics, 11-3, 2018, pp. 3-10.

Country Watch, Burundi 2018: Country Review, Houston, TX: Country Watch, 2018, 342 p.

Eijdenberg, Emiel; Paas, Leonard; Masurel, Enno, “Decision-making and small business growth in Burundi”, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 9-1, 2017, pp. 35-64.

Eijdenberg, Emiel; Van Montfort, Kees, “Explaining Firm Performance in African Least Developed Countries: Evidence from Burundi and Tanzania”, International Review of Entrepreneurship, 15-3, 2017, pp. 375-394.

Eijdenberg, E.; Masurel, E.; Paas, L., “The consequences of effectuation and causation orientation for the growth of small businesses in an uncertain environment: The case of Burundi”, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 9-1, 2017, pp. 35-64.

Filliger, Rafael, Développement communautaire au Burundi: quel impact sur Gashikanwa?

Etude sur l'impact socioéconomique du Plan Communal de Développement Communautaire (PCDC) dans une commune burundaise, Riga: Éditions universitaires européennes 2016, 180 p.

Girukwishaka, Gilbert, “Constraints analysis of start-up business in Burundi”, in Bode, J.;

Freitag, C. (eds), Universities, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in Africa:

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Görg, Holger; Seric, Adnan, “Linkages with Multinationals and Domestic Firm Performance:

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Gwatidzo, Tendai, “Capital flight and political cycles: The effect of elections on capital flight in the SADC region”, Africa Growth Agenda, 2, 2017, pp. 4-10.

International Crisis Group, Soutenir la population burundaise face à la crise économique, Report 264/Africa, 31 August 2018, 12 p.

International Labour Office, Case No. 3183: Interim report: Complaint against the

Government of Burundi presented by the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Burundi (CSB), in 386th Report of the Committee on Freedom of Association, Geneva: Governing Body, 333rd Session, 9 June 2018, pp. 42-44.


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